1x17 Numbers

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 18
1x17 - Numbers (Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes Centric) Previously on LOST: Rousseau saying that the Others are coming. 2) Michael taking Nadia into the jungle where she is knocked out. 3) Sayid asking how they are going to open the hatch. 4) Rousseau saying there is dynamite at the Black Rock. 5) Jack, Kate, Hurley, Luke, Locke, Artz and Rousseau walking into the jungle. 1)

Exterior. Jungle. (Nightfall). We see Jack, Kate, Luke, Hurley, Locke, Rousseau and Artz walking through the jungle. Rousseau and Locke are in the lead, followed by Jack, Kate and Luke. Hurley and Artz are at the back of the queue. They haven’t been walking for long – about 20 minutes. Hurley: So tell me, Leslie. What’s your story? Artz: (Embarrassed) Call me Artz. Hurley: Why? I think Leslie’s a bitchin’ name! Artz: Artz it is. Hurley: Alright then, Leslie. So what’s your story? Why were you in Australia? Artz: (Growing more embarrassed) I was... on a trip... with my school. I’m a high school teacher, see. They all left like 3 days earlier. But I stayed behind.

Hurley: Oh? Why? Artz: I was meeting someone. Hurley: Who? Artz: Does it matter? Hurley: C’mon, dude. Artz: It doesn’t matter, Hurley. Artz rushes ahead leaving Hurley at the back by himself. The camera moves to the front of the line where Locke and Rousseau are. Locke: So how did you come to be here, on the island? Rousseau: I was on a ship. Part of a science team. We hear this transmission... a series of numbers. (Laughing to herself) 4... The camera cuts to show Hurley’s face, pure terror, as he looks up at Rousseau. Rousseau: 8... The camera cuts back to Hurley as he begins to shake his head madly. Rousseau:

15... Again, the camera cuts back to Hurley as he begins to walk faster towards the front. Rousseau: 16... The camera cuts to Hurley again as he pushes his way past Jack, Kate and Luke. Rousseau: 23... The camera cuts back to Hurley as he is right behind Rousseau and Locke. Rousseau: 42. Hurley walks in front of Rousseau and Locke, making them stop walking. Hurley grabs a hold of Rousseau’s shoulders. Hurley: Not the numbers! The camera focuses on Hurley’s face which is still pure terror as the camera fades to black. -LOSTCommercial Break. Flashback. Interior. Hurley’s Home – LA. (Night). We see Hurley sat down on a chair in front of the TV wearing a name tag (obviously he just came in from work). He has a bucket of chicken pieces in one hand, eating with the other. The camera remains on Hurley, eating as we hear a voice from the TV screen. Woman (O.S.):

Now it’s time for the mega jackpot. And it sure is a jackpot this week. Man (O.S.): That’s right, Mary Jo. Because this week is the 10th week without a winner. Mary Jo: The first number is... 4. Hurley pulls out a lottery ticket from his pocket and glances at it. The camera pans over to the TV as the second number is called. Mary Jo: And the second number is 8. And then 15. 16. 23. And finally... 42! The numbers flash up on the screen as the camera pans back round to Hurley who has now stood up. He is stood staring at his lottery ticket. The camera cuts to show the lottery ticket with the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 on it. The camera then cuts back to Hurley staring at the ticket as Mary Jo speaks again. Mary Jo: If anyone out there has a winning ticket... you will be the owner of $112, 000, 000. Hurley looks up at the TV as his eyes roll into the back of his head. Hurley passes out and drops to the floor as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Beach. (Night). We see the remaining survivors making their way slowly down the beach with Charlie and Claire in the lead. Sayid and Boone are at the back – Sayid is supporting Boone as he walks. The camera remains on Sayid and boone. Boone: Are you sure she’s going to be ok?

Sayid: Jack will get Libby back. I’m sure of it. Boone: How’s Hurley coping with it? Sayid: I’m not too sure. I didn’t speak to him. He went off into the jungle with Jack and them to the Black Rock. Boone: Oh. Sayid: Yeah. I’m sure she’ll be ok. The camera focuses on Sayid’s face which is obvious that he feels uncomfortable. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Night). The group haven’t moved at all since Hurley stopped them. Jack: Come on, Hurley. We have to go. Hurley: (Ignoring Jack) The numbers... are here? Rousseau: At the radio tower. After we crashed, some of my group continued to search for the numbers whilst we awaited rescue. They found them at the radio tower. We switched them off and made a distress call. But that was cut of eventually. The Others... Hurley: The numbers... they’re cursed!

The camera focuses on Hurley’s face as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. TV Studio – LA. (Day). We see Hurley stood in front of a reporter who is holding a microphone. Libby is stood beside him and an unknown woman is stood behind them. Libby and Hurley are holding hands. Reporter: We’re going live to air in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... I’m here with Hugo Reyes, the winner of the jackpot $112, 000, 000. We’re also joined by his mother, Carmen Reyes and his girlfriend, Libby Carlyle. How are you going to be spending your money, Mr. Reyes? Hurley: I’m going to be buying my mother a new house. God knows she could do with one. I’ll be investing most of it. Reporter: How did you react when you heard your son had won the money? Carmen: I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t. Reporter: (To Libby) What about you? How did you react? Libby: He rang me straight up and told me. It still hasn’t sunk in. Libby laughs and kisses Hurley as a phone rings in the background. Reporter: And how did you guys celebrate: Libby: We’re going to be going to Australia. For a holiday.

A man walks up to the reporter and whispers something in her ear. She looks a little pissed. Reporter: I’m afraid that’s all we have time for now. Thank you again, Mr. Reyes. The camera cuts off as Hurley looks a little confused. The man comes over to Hurley. Man: That was the hospital on the phone. Your grandfather... he’s had a heart attack. The camera focuses on Hurley’s face as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Night). The group have started walking again. Hurley is now at the front with Rousseau and Locke is at the back with Artz. Rousseau: How exactly are the numbers cursed? Hurley: I played them. On the lottery. And I won like... $112, 000, 000. Rousseau: That’s good, isn’t it? Hurley: It was. But then bad things began to happen. My granddad, Tito, died of a heart attack. Rousseau: That could just be a coincidence. Hurley: You crashed here! Because of the numbers!

Rousseau: Yeah... you know... I suppose you’re right. The numbers must be cursed. Luke: What was your science team investigating anyway? Rousseau: We had found an anomaly. But that’s not what... we were going to this island. I forget its name. But we were going to investigate something. I forget what... one moment we were fine at sea. And the next moment we had crashed on some rocks. The ship was completely destroyed. So we took what we could... and set up camp. Luke: And where’s the rest of your team? Rousseau: They died. They fell ill... sickness... rashes... vomiting... and then they died. The camera pans over to Jack as he stares ahead, realising something. Jack: The sickness... Several images flash onto the screen now. 1) Jin scratching. 2) Claire falling to the floor. 3) Jin falling to the floor. Jack looks over at Kate as the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Flashback. Exterior. LA. (Day). We see Hurley pull over his car beside a large house. He climbs out of the car and runs round to the other side. He then opens

the other door and helps his mother get out who is wearing a blindfold. Carmen: Why must I wear this? Hurley: It’s a surprise, mom. Hurley helps her up the curb as she slips and falls to the floor. Carmen: Ahhh! Carmen rips the blindfold of her face and grips onto her ankle. Carmen: Now look what you did! Hurley: I just wanted to surprise you, mom. Carmen: With what? Hurley points to the large house. Hurley: Surprise. Carmen: Wha--? That... for me? Hurley: Hey... can you smell burning? Hurley looks up at the house and the camera follows him. We see a fire through one of the top windows. Hurley: Oh god!

Hurley pulls out his cell phone and dials 911. Hurley: Fire brigade please... A siren begins and Hurley turns to see a police car speeding up the rood. Hurley: That was fast! The car pulls up and two police offices jump out holding their guns pointed at Hurley. One of them pushes Hurley against his car and pulls out some handcuffs. Police Officer: I’m arresting you on suspicion of dealing drugs. The camera pans from Hurley, to his mother and then to the burning house as the flashback sound begins... Exterior. Jungle. (Night). The camera is a point of view (POV) of an unknown person. The screen is black. Light suddenly appears from the bottom of the screen and stretches to cover the whole screen as a hood is pulled of the person. The camera switches to show who the POV was of. It was Nadia! She blinks several times as we see Sawyer, Howard and Carnes stood in front of her. Michael is stood behind her. Sawyer: She’s not who we thought she was. Michael: How do you mean? Sawyer: We don’t need her. Howard pulls out a gun and points it at Nadia.

Michael: No... don’t! He moves the gun over to point at Michael as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Hatch. (Night). We see the group of survivors gathered around the hatch top, waiting. Sun and Jin are sat beside it as Boone waddles over to them. Boone: Hey, guys. Sun: Hey, Boone. How are you feeling? Boone sits down beside them. Boone: I’m ok thanks. Jin: Sun... what’s that? Jin points at the side of the hatch and Sun moves forward for a better look. Sun: Just a few numbers. She shrugs and sits back beside Jin. The camera zooms into the numbers and we see that they are the numbers – 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Dawn). Hurley and Rousseau are still in the lead with Jack, Kate and Luke behind them. They walk up to a small tree with a piece of dark cloth wrapped around it. Rousseau stops walking.

Jack: What’s wrong? What’s that? Rousseau: We’re nearly there. We’ve arrived at the dark territory... Luke: And what’s the dark territory? Rousseau: It’s where my team contracted the sickness... where Montand lost his arm. Locke: Who’s Montand? Rousseau: We’d better go... Rousseau walks past the tree and the rest of them look a little uneasy. After a moment’s pause, Locke walks past the tree and the rest of them follow him. As Hurley walks past the tree the flashback sound begins... Flashback. Interior. Hurley and Libby’s Mansion – LA. (Day). We see Hurley and Libby sat down at a table in the middle of eating dinner. Hurley: Y’know the numbers... and the curse... Libby: There is no curse, Hurley. Hurley: There is! Libby: Well if you say so. What about it? Hurley:

I’m going to see Leonard... Libby: What?! Leonard... why? Hurley: That’s where I first heard the numbers. He might have some answers. Libby: If you say so. Libby sighs and pours herself some more wine as the camera cuts to: Interior. Santa Rosa Mental Health Institution - LA. (Day). We see Hurley sat in front of a man wearing glasses. The man is playing connect-four by himself and muttering the numbers. Leonard keeps grunting. Hurley is sat watching him, looking slightly bored. Hurley: Leonard... I need you to answer me. Leonard: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. Hurley: Where did you hear the numbers?! Please, man. Tell me! Leonard: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. Hurley: I know they’re cursed... I played them. On the lottery. And I won like 112 million. And then bad things began to happen... Leonard finally looks up – scared. Leonard: You... you played the numbers?!

Hurley looks shocked that Leonard actually said something other than the numbers. Hurley: Uhh... yeah. Leonard: You shouldn’t have! The numbers are cursed! Hurley: I know! Where did you hear them? Leonard: You shouldn’t have played them! They’re cursed! Leonard jumps to his feet, knocking the connect-four game to the floor. Leonard: You have to get away from them!... they’ll always be there! You can’t ever get away! Several doctors come up to Leonard and begin to pull him away. Leonard: In Australia... Sam Toomey! He heard the numbers... Leonard is pulled out of the room as the camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Exterior. Jungle – Dark Territory. (Day). We see Rousseau, Locke, Hurley, Luke, Jack, Kate and Artz walking through the jungle when we hear a large roaring sound. Rain begins to fall heavily as the group looks around as a large tree beside them is ripped from the ground. The group splits up running into the jungle but Locke remains stood there. He grips onto Hurley.

Locke: Don’t run... it’ll be ok. The roaring and clicking gets louder but Locke and Hurley remain ok. Eventually the roaring subsides. Hurley: Dude! The camera focuses on Hurley’s face as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Day). We see Howard still holding the gun up at Michael as he moves it back to Nadia. Howard: Who to kill, who to kill, who to kill... Sawyer: Just do it! We have to get back. The camera cuts back to: Exterior. Jungle – Dark Territory. (Day). The group has came back together now and they are making their way through the jungle. The raining has now stopped. Hurley: What was that? Rousseau: It’s a security system. For the island. Locke: Where’d it come from? Rousseau: I don’t know. Jack:

How much longer? Rousseau: We’re here... The group walks through some trees and stop, staring at the Black Rock. The camera remains on them for a moment before it pans round to show what it is they are looking at. The Black Rock is a MASSIVE ship in the middle of the jungle, covered in vines. The camera pans back round to their faces as it cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Day). Howard moves the gun back to Michael. The camera pans round to show Howard’s face as his arm moves back and forth. Eventually he fires the gun and we hear someone drop to the floor! Carnes: Finally! Sawyer: Come on, we have to go. Bag ‘em. Howard pulls out a black bag and walks past the camera to bag whoever is still alive. The group then moves away into the jungle, the alive person hidden in front of the group. The Others disappear into the jungle as the music reaches its peak and the camera fades to black.

LOST Next time: VO: What are the secrets of the Black Rock? 1) Clip of Jack and Locke carrying a crate. 2) A skeleton chained up inside of the Black Rock. 3) Libby and Paulo chained up, unconscious. VO: Who died?

1) Clip of Michael and Nadia stood in front of Howard. VO: What happens to the survivors? 1) Clip of rustling coming from the jungle. 2) Jack and Kate stood in front of the hatch with Kate saying – “Where are they?!” VO: What is the monster? 1) Clip of a tree being pulled up and the roaring sound. VO: And what is in the hatch? 1) Clip of the hatch top blowing up. Main Cast (Order of appearance): Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes – Jorge Garcia John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Nadia Abed Jazeem – Andrea Gabriel Michael Dawson – Harold Perreaneau Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Danielle Rousseau – Mira Furlan Leslie Artz – Daniel Roebuck Mary Jo – Brittany Perrineau Carmen Reyes – Lillian Hurst James ‘Sawyer’ Ford – Josh Holloway Howard Tolland – David Boreanaz Jim Carnes – Christopher Eccleston Leonard Simms – Ron Bottitta

Questions Raised: What is Artz hiding about why he was in Australia? 2) What is the radio tower? 3) Why and how did the Others cut Rousseau’s distress call off? 4) What are the ‘numbers’? 5) What is the ‘sickness’? 6) What is the ‘dark territory’? 7) Who is Montand and how did he lost his arm? 8) How did Leonard hear the numbers? 9) Is Leonard in Santa Rosa because of the numbers? 10)Who is Sam Toomey and how did he hear the numbers? 11) Who’s dead? Michael or Nadia? 12) What was wrong with Nadia to make the Others not want her anymore? 13) How did the Black Rock get into the centre of the island? 14) What is its history? 1)

Questions Answered: 1) What was wrong with Claire and Jin – they had a sickness. 2) The Black Rock is a massive ship.

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