Environmental Science Study Outline

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AP Environmental Science Study Outline Kui Tang August 2008

ence: Earth as a Living Planet

This guide follows the College Board's Topic Outline.

Environmental Sci-

by Botkin and Keller, 6th edition, was the main

source for these notes.

Contents 1 Earth Systems and Resources



Earth Science Concepts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Atmosphere


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Global Water Resources and Use

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Soil and Soil Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 The Living World



Ecosystem Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Energy Flow


Ecosystem Diversity


Natural Ecosystem Change


Natural Biogeochemical Cycles

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Populations

8 11 11 12 13



Population Biology Concepts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Human Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Human Population Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Population Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Impacts of Population Growth


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Land and Water Use 4.1



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Feeding a Growing Population


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 16

Controlling Pests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Other Land Uses

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Urban Land Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Transportation Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Public and Federal Lands

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Land Conservation Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Sustainable Land-Use Strategies


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Global Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5 Energy Resources and Consumption



Energy Concepts

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Energy Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Present Global Energy Use

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Future Energy Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Fossil Fuel Resources and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Nuclear Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Hydroelectric Power

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Energy Conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Renewable Energy


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 Pollution 6.1




Pollution Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Air Pollution



Noise Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Water Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Solid Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Impacts on the Environment and Human Health


. . . . . . . . .



Hazards to Human Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Hazardous Chemicals in the Environment

Economic Impacts

. . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7 Global Change



Stratospheric Ozone

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Global Warming


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Loss of Biodiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; en-


Maintenance Through Conservation


Laws and Treaties

dangered and extinct species



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Earth Systems and Resources 1. Average Residence Time (ART): ratio of size of reservoir to rate of transfer through reservoir:

ART = S/F Where


is size of reservoir and



is rate of transfer.

1.1 1.

Earth Science Concepts

Lithosphere is crust.

2. Geological cycles include (a) Tectonic: can create ecological islands. i. Divergent plates boundaries occur at a spreading ocean ridge (seaoor spreading). ii. Convergent plate boundaries occur when plates collide. A.


is the heavy ocean rock diving beneath the light

continental rock. May produce coastal mountain ranges (Andes). B. Continental collisions may produce continental mountains. iii. Transform fault boundaries occur when one plate slides past another. (b) Hydrologic (c) Rock (d) Biogeochemical 3.

Earthquake occurs when tectonic plates under pressure rupture, releasing huge amounts of energy (more than a large nuclear explosion), usually at 1015 km along faults. (a) Fault planes bar groundwater. Rocks crushed, then altered into clay. Water forced to surface, creating vital habitats, especially where arid.


Volcanic eruption

occurs when magma rises to the surface.



released varies broadly. Volcanoes occur along tectonic plate boundaries, where active melting of rocks favors extrusion of magma, parts of plates where local hot spots heat and melt rock. 5.

along central

Tsunami is a series of large waves produced after the vertical disturbance of ocean. 80% are produced by earthquakes. They travel at jet aircraft speeds but slow and get taller as they approach the surface.


The Atmosphere

1. Composition is 78% N2 , 21% O2 , 0.9% Ar, 0.03% CO2 . 2. Structure in order is: troposphere, tropopause (condensation traps water vapor), stratosphere (O3 ), stratopause, mesosphere, mesopause, thermosphere. 3. 25% of incoming solar radiation reected straight into space, 25% absorbed by atmosphere.


4. Atmospheric circulation: (1) rotation and (2) dierential heating.

(a) Low pressure at equator, 5060 .

(b) High pressure from descending air 2530

arid. Sandwiched be-

tween two zones of high precipitation (low pressure).

(c) (d)

Easterlies Trade winds

at poles and


from 3060

meet at 60 .

blow to west; meet at equator, where

(regions with little air movement). 5.



El Niño events (also ENSO) occur every 27 years, lasting for 11 12 years. East-west trade winds weaken and eastern Pacic waters warm

→ tropical

rainfall shifts from Indonesia to South America. Floods in Peru; droughts


and res in Indonesia and Australia. Upwelling at South American coastline is suppressed. (a) 6.

La Niña opposite; exaggerate normal patterns.

Tornadoes are funnel-shaped clouds of rapidly rotating wind.

They form

out of severe thunderstorms that occur when a cold air mass collides with a warm one. Water vapor in the warm part is forced upwards, cools, then precipitates. 7.

Hurricanes are tropical storm with circulating winds of at least 120 km/h that moves across tropical ocean.

tropical depression

(a) An organized mass of thunderstorms with low pressure begin to circulate, forming a


(b) Huge amounts of energy are stored as

latent heat

Condensation releases this energy, warming air.


As this air rises,

more water is drawn, increasing the size of the hurricane. (c) Rain bands form as the warm air rises.

warm water increases intensity.

(d) Nearing landfall, hurricanes may slow down in shallower water, but


Storm surges

occur when the hurricane winds push water towards

the coast, which may rise to be over 10 m and may be exacerbated by high tide. 8.

Heat waves

most deadly

are extended periods of unusually hot weather caused by

heating of atmosphere and moving of air masses. of all weather-related hazards.

They are considered

Global warming may have

increased their severity and incidence.


Droughts are long-term (months to years) periods of usually dry weather that are related to natural cycles of wet and dry years, which in turn are not well understood.


10. Coriolis eect is apparent deection of moving objects when viewed from a rotating frame of reference. (a) Free objects on surface appear to go right in Northern hemisphere and left in southern. (b) Air and water ows


in north,


in south.

(c) Responsible for cyclones.

1.3 1.

Global Water Resources and Use

Groundwater is water below the water table, which is saturated. (a) Surface water enters at (b) (c)

Vadose zone Aquifer Cone of depression


and exit at




is unsaturated area above water table where water moves.

is underground zone where water can be extracted at a useful

rate. Gravel or sand. (d) (e)

occurs where well is: water level is locally lower.

Euent streams maintain ow during dry weather by groundwater seepage (they are below water table).

Most perennial streams are

euent. (f )




ephemeral stream.

streams are entirely above water table; ows only in re-

sponse to precipitation. Called

are sections of a stream that may be euent, inuent, or

intermediate. (h) Though reserves are huge (conservatively 200 years of Mississippi ow), pumping costs limit amount that can be economically recovered. i.

Overdraft occurs when withdrawal rate > natural inow.

ii. Essentially nonrenewable because it can

damage ecosystems,

land subsidence. iii. TexasOklahomaHigh Plains area (Ogallala aquifer): prime example. Used 20 times faster than being renewed. 2. Surface and ground-water related: (a) Use groundwater


(b) Divert surface water

decrease surface levels

decrease ground levels and quality OR

pollutants if divert to recharge zone.


3. Ocean circulation



Pollution interrelated

(a) Oceanic conveyor belt:

(Gulf Stream) water 1213 C arrives at

Greenland. Cooled and becomes more saline in North America (2

4 C), sinks to bottom.

Flows south, east, north into Pacic.


welling starts warm shallow current. Keeps N. Europe 510 C cooler. (b) Forces include: rotation, gravity of moon.


, temperature and salinity dierences,

4. Only 50% of precipitation is considered available 95% of the time. 5.

Desalination will remain expensive because it has place value:

it is very

expensive to transport water.

(a) Discharge of brine waste may damage ecosystems. 6. Stream usage (a) (b) (c)

O-stream use is removal and return (power plant). Consumptive use is not returned (drinking, irrigation). In-stream use uses the stream itself or modies it. Each use requires dierent rates of discharge that cannot be met simultaneously. i. Hydroelectric power prefers large uctuations. ii. Fish and wildlife prefer larger ows in spring and summer, as does recreation. iii. Navigation prefers constant ow.

(d) Aral Sea demonstrates that removing too much water is deleterious to ecosystems. The sea area has been reduced by 40%, volume by 50%. Economically important sh are dying, and shing towns bordering the sea are now inland. Restoration just beginning. 7. Industrial and domestic use (U.S.) (a) Agriculture, industry began leveling o around 1980. Suggests conservation working. (b) Water for public supply continue to increase. 8. Conservation expects to to increase.

reduce total withdrawals

yet allow consumption

(a) Agriculture can reduce 2030%: i. Don't subsidize water. ii. Integrate surface and groundwater use: use store surface water (inltration pool or injection well) when abundant, groundwater when not. iii. Use high-tech to maximize delivery eciency.

Irrigate when

evaporation is minimal. Use improved irrigation (drip).


iv. Improve soil:



v. Use crops that require less water or are more salt-tolerant. (b) Domestic use is only 10%, but

concentrated in urban.

i. Don't do lawns in semi-arid regions! ii. Use ecient bathroom xtures1.6 gpf instead of 5.0. iii. Utilities should price water based on non-linear curve to encourage consumption. (c) Industry can reduce electricity generating water 2530% by using low water/no water evaporation tower, in-plant water reuse. (d)


impacts people's attitudes toward water conservation.

i. Tucson: people think it's desert; conserve. Water expensive. For example, price per unit increases if usage increases past baseline. ii. Phoenix: water cheap; people don't bother conserving.

need emergency plans to minimize hardship:

9. In wet years, plenty of surface water, and groundwater is recharged. Dry years,

(a) Plan to drill and connect wells for deep groundwater, even though too expensive to normally use. (b) Prepare to treat waste water for reuse when needed.


Soil and Soil Dynamics

1. Rock Cycle (a) (b)

Igneous rock forms from lava. Cracking, weathering split. Sedimentary rock forms from pressure of lots of sediment: sition + lithication.


i. Weathered rock. ii. Carbon sediments by life. (c)

Metamorphic rock forms from sedimentary rocks transformed through heat, pressure, or chemicals. May be uplifted into open.




earth materials horizons:

modied by physical, geological, and biological

processes into

(a) O: black organic layer. Decomposing stu. (b) White powderbleached of organic compounds. (c) A: mineral and organic. Brown/light-black. Minerals leach here. (d) E: lighter-colored because clay, minerals leached. (e) B: zone of accumulation (of leached stu above).


(f ) C: parent materialpartially weathered bedrock. 3. Rainwater (pH

= 5.5)

leaches minerals.

4. Soil fertility (a) Young rocks fertile: corn belt (recent glacier). (b) Semiarid regions fertile; need water. (c) Humid areas/tropics infertile: leaching due to rainfall. Most nutrients in vegetation. Succession dicult if forest cleared. 5. Semiarid soils expand and contract with water. Damage buildings. 6.


hold water.


allows water to drain. Combination retains water

enough for growth but still drains. Coarser soils more easily eroded.

7. 8.


are best soils; have all particle sizes.


occur when driving forces (gravity) that tend to move soil

and things in the soil down a slope overcome resisting forces that hold the ground in place (interlocking grains, natural cementing, plant roots,


strength of materials on slope). Addition of water or removal of vegetation resisting forces.

Some landslides are reactivations of prehistoric

slides; these areas repeatedly experience landslides (see La Conchita). (a) In mountains, create lakes by damming valleys. 9.

Floodplain is river and atland draining into it.

Naturally, oods annu-

ally. (a) Deposit nutrients on oodplain. (b) Wetlands provide habitat. (c) Floodplain is distinct from adjacent environments



The Living World

2.1 1.

Ecosystem Structure

Ecosystem is the simplest entity that can sustain life.

Support chemical

cycling and energy ow. 2.

Habitat is where a species lives; niche is what it does. (a) Conservation requires paying attention to both, as well as



(b) Predation can increase diversity by mitigating competitive exclusion.



Watershed denition of ecosystem:

delineated by land that drains into

same stream. 4.

Community-level interactions occur when a species indirectly


another by aecting intermediary species or the environment. (a) Sea otters (b) 5.

eat key urchins →

allow kelp to grow.

Keystone species are necessary for the basic nature of a community.

Biotic provinces are geographic regions (including ocean) inhabited by characteristic set of taxa sharing

common evolutionary history

and repro-

ductively isolated from other provinces. (a) Formed by continental drift.

(b) Safer to introduce species within its biotic province. 6.

Biomes are dened by climate, which selects for common traits (convergent evolution).


Island biogeography:

smaller and more distant islands have fewer species.

Migration and evolution supply new species. (a)

Ecological island is a separated small habitat:

park, oceanic island

(overshing), patches of uncut forest. 8. Major biomes

(a) Tundragrasses, mosses, lichens; dwarf shrubs. i. Arctic tundra has large animals; (b) Taiga/Boreal Forestconifers.

alpine tundra

does not.

Low biodiversity; commercially im-

portant. i.

Northern America and Eurasia.

ii. Moose, deer, wolves, bears, foxes, squirrels, rabbits. iii. Water foul, owls, eagles. iv. Disturbances, esp. re, frequent. (c) Temperate Deciduoushardwood trees. i.

China, Japan, W. Europe, U.S., urbanized Canada.

ii. Most changed by humans. iii. Small mammals, birds, insects. (d) Temperate Rain Forestsconifers. i.

North America, New Zealand.

ii. Rare. Conifers because they photosynthesize during non-freezing winter.


(e) Temperate Woodlandssmall trees, open. i.

Drier than deciduous forest, same temperature.

ii. Fire regular. iii. Forest plantations in this biome.

chaparral)  shrubs.

(f ) Temperate Shrublands ( i.

Mediterranean, SoCal, Chile, S. Africa. Sage

ii. Most attractive to people; little native left. iii.

plant. Aromatic.

iv. Reptiles, small mammals. v. Fire regular. (g) Temperate Grasslandsmidpoint between forest and desert. i.

N. American prairie, steppes of Eurasia, plains of Africa, pampas of South America.

ii. Rich organic soil. iii. Most important agriculturally. iv. Largest abundance and diversity of large mammals. v. Fire and grazing maintain identity as grassland. (h) Tropical Rain Forests i. Soil low in nutrients; plants adapted to rapidly uptake. ii. Found in very remote regions. (i) Tropical Seasonal Forests and Savannas i.

India, Southeast Asia, Africa, South/Central America.

ii. High temperature, variable rainfall. iii. Fire and grazing maintain identity. (j) Desertsrainfall < 50 cm/year. (k) Wetlandssoil has little oxygen; slow decay. Flooded and saturated at least several days a year. i. Bogs have water entry but no outlet. ii. Swamps and marshes have entry and exit. iii. Produce fossil fuels. iv. Bacteria produce CH4 , H2 S. v. Saltwater marsh: breeding ground for oceanic animals. vi. Services: A. Reservoir. Hold high ow; release to augment low ow. B. Important areas of groundwater recharge or discharge. C. 45% endangered animals, 26% endangered birds depends on wetlands. D. Natural lters: plants trap sediment and toxin.


E. Important production and storage of biomass, rich soil. vii. Perhaps 90% of freshwater wetlands lost. viii. Urbanization usually on coast, riverbank, or other place favorable to wetlands. ix. Most wetlands now privately owned. (l) Freshwaters i.


mouth of riversrich in nutrients.

ii. Important source of water for animals, civilization. (m) Intertidalmajor economic resource, algae (including kelp). i. Easily polluted; manipulated by people, recreation, urbanization. ii. Extreme changes are part of life. (n) Open Ocean

pelagic region.

Low in N, P.

(o) Benthosdeeps. Food is dead stu that falls from above. Too dark. (p) Upwellingsdeep ocean water rich in nutrients. Flows bring nutrients to surface. West coast of America, Africa, ice caps. Sometimes wind pushes coastal waters away, pulling deep water up. (q) Hydrothermal Ventschemosynthesis. Unusual life-forms. High pressure, extremely variable temperature.


Energy Flow

1. Photosynthesis and cell respiration 2.

Biological production is capture of energy into organic molecules; net production is the biomass/energy


, not used.

3. Food webs and trophic levels (a) Species that feed on multiple levels classied by the highest. (b) Naturally

1% energy transferred between trophic levels.

(c) Many freshwater ecosystems depend on detritus, as benthic. 4. Herbivores can eat stu humans can't eat (algae)


graze without damag-

ing land. Vegetarianism for everybody does not maximize food resources.

2.3 1.

Ecosystem Diversity

Biodiversity is expressed as number of species in an area, but popular usage varies. (a) About 1.4M named species, mostly insects and plants and mostly in tropics.



Genetic diversity is total number of genetic characteristics of group (species, subspecies, arbitrary, etc.)

(c) (d)



Habitat diversity is dierent kinds of habitats in given area. Species diversity i. Species richness is total number, ii. Species evenness is relative abundance, iii. Species dominance is the most abundant species.

Ecosystem services Natural Ecosystem Change


1. Ecological Succession: early-succession species are adapted to harsh en-


vironment with plentiful resources ( -selected); later species are more resource-ecient but cannot withstand harsh environment (


(a) Dune Successionconstantly formed and destroyed along sandy shores. i. Dune grass forms runners underground. Stabilize other seeds. ii. Small, hardy plants grow. iii. Eventually, trees. (b) Bog Successionsedge (grass-like herbs) put oating runners. i. Wind blows stu onto sedge mat; soil forms. ii. Plants grow on sedge; sedge thickens. Really oating mat. iii. Sediments deposit. iv. Eventually, wetland forest. (c) Old-Field Successionsmall, hardy plants, eventually trees. (d) Biodiversity, biomass increase (e) Gross production


peaks during middle succession.

net production


(f ) Vegetation retards erosion. (g) Ecosystem eventually runs out of biomass. (h) Species-interaction i. ii.

Facilitationone species prepares way for another (bog). Interferenceearly plants prevent entrance of later (dense grasses prevent other seeds from reaching ground).


Life history dierenceslowly-propagating

species reaches

succession site later than do quickly-propagating species. iv.

Chronic patchinessenvironment

dominates and succession

never occurs. 2.

Wildres occur when vegetation cannot be decomposed quickly enough to balance the carbon cycle, resulting in an accumulation of fuel.



Natural Biogeochemical Cycles

Chemicals with a gas phase use atmosphere as reservoir and cycle quickly; chemicals lacking gas phase often exist in unusable forms and are often insoluble in water and cycle slowly. 1. Carbon (a) (b) (c) (d)

Reservoirs: Assimilation: Cycling: Loss

atmosphere, ocean, rocks, soil, fossil fuels. photosynthesis.

predation, weathering and erosion.

: respiration, decomposition (release CO2 ), forest res, burning

fossil fuels, volcanic eruption. Fossil fuel formation where too cold or not enough to decompose. (e)

Missing carbon sinkabout 3 GtC (billion metric tons of C) unaccounted for. i. Sink changes size. ii. Believe sink is terrestrial.

(f ) Carbon-silicate cycle: H2 CO3

+ XSiOn + CaCO3 → Ca2+ + HCO− 3 + SiO2

These minerals precipitate and are extracted by marine organisms and form sediment in the ocean. Metamorphosis in subduction zones releases CO2 and reforms silica products. 2. Nitrogen (a) (b) (c)

Reservoirs: Assimilation: Cycling:

air, soil, ocean. nitrogen xation, lightning, industry (50%).

internal, erosion and runo, sea spray. Usually plants rst.

Ruminants have nitrogen-xing bacteria in their stomachs that prove 50% of N. (d)


de-nitrication, marine sedimentation.

3. Phosphorus (a) (b) (c)

Reservoir: Assimilation: Cycling:

phosphates of Ca, K, Mg, Fe. uptake by plants, algae, some bacteria.

to ocean (in soluble form or suspension), ocean-feeding birds

(guano deposits), upwellings (winds push surface water away from land, exposing deeper, nutrient-rich water), uplifting of sedimentary rock. (d)


ocean sedimentation.


4. Sulfur (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Reservoirs Available reservoirs: Assimilation: Cycling: Loss

: rock, soil. air, below ground.

root uptake, gaseous uptake.

litter fall (to ground), root leakage.

: to streams, to atmosphere.

5. Water (a) Local land-use changes can change precipitation. (b)

Drainage basin is land that drains into a particular stream/river.

6. Conservation of matter




Population Biology Concepts

1. Logistic growth


: relies on

(a) Constant environment (b) Constant


(c) Homogeneous population (each has same impact) 2.

K can only be estimated if logistic curve has reached growth rate slows).

inection point


(a) Estimates before inection point undershoot. (b)

Maximum sustainable yield 1 2 K , but unrealistic.

20th century.

occurs at

Mis-estimates led to over-harvest in

is the highest rate of growth and

3. Doubling time (reverse of half-life):

Td = where


is the constant in

ln 2 0.7 ≈ k k

N = N0 ekt .



Human Population

3.2.1 Human Population Dynamics 1. History (a) Hunter-gatherer; few million. 0.00011%. (b) Agriculture; 0.03% i. A.D. 1: 5M ii. 1600 500M (c) Industrial; 0.1% i. 1800: 900M ii. Doubled twice (3B) by 1960 (d) Modern; 1.2% (Total Fertility Rate = 2.5) 2. 95% of current growth from developing countries. 3. Demographic transition: (a) Lower death rate (medicine against acute illnesses) (b) Then, lower birth rate (education, wealth, social change) (c) Possibly repeat (medicine against chronic illnesses) 4. Age-structure diagrams show past, present, and future.

3.2.2 Population Size 1. Sustainability = zero population growth. 2.

Age of rst childbearing.

(a) 4050% of needed fertility reduction. (b) Sri Lanka. 3. Birth control. (a) Breastfeeding. (b) 46M abortions yearly. 4. National policies: information and access to birth control, explain problems of overpopulation, explain benets of fewer children, instituted rewards and punishments. (a) India (1952). (b) Ghana, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Philippines use tax disincentives.


(c) Tanzania restrict maternity leave. (d) Singapore: bigger families more crowded, admission priority for small family. (e) Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India: government pays you for sterilization. (f ) China i. 1978: goal ZPG by 2000. ii. Achieved 1.0%.

3.2.3 Impacts of Population Growth 1. Ultimate cause of current unsustainability and current environmental problems. 2. Resources and food

per capita peaked in 1960s1970s.

3. Economics (a) Positive feedback in poor countries: low income

more children

keeps per-capita income low.


Land and Water Use



4.1.1 Feeding a Growing Population 1. Undernourishment: insucient calories. (a) Marasmuslack of protein and calories. i. Kwashiorkorlack of protein

failed neural development.

ii. Chronic hungerunproductive. (b) Malnourishment:

lack of specic component.

people unproductive.


i. Macronutrients: C, H, N, O, P, S; Ca, Na, K. 2. Types of agriculture (a) (b) (c)

Rangelandfood for grazers/browsers. No plowing. Pastureplanted to provide animal feed. Organic farming i. More like natural ecosystemnot monoculture. ii. Minimize negative impacts. iii. Food does not contain articial chemicals.



(d) In

monoculture organic farming

, seed companies predict growing season climates and

likely strains of pests and diseases. If they're wrong, you're screwed. In contrast,


plants a mixture of crops or a broad

range of genotypes, resulting in lower risk of very-low-production.

yield but mitigates


3. Plowing damages soil: succession to dierent climax or much more slowly.

(a) Natural vegetation maintains structure and enriches soil. (b) Plowed land destroys structure and exposes soil; crops remove nutrients; heat decomposes nutrients. (c) Erosion damages water productivity. (d) 1mm soil produced 10 to 40 years. (e) (f ) 4.

Contour plowing is the s0ingle most eective way to reduce erosion. No-till agriculture allow some weeds, leave decaying plants.

Green Revolution is the post-war program that led to crops with higher yields, better disease resistance, or better ability to grow in marginal conditions. (a) Rice hybridization at the International Rice Institute in the Philippines. (b)

Drip irrigation

ecient, but expensive, so not likely used in hungry


5. Genetic engineering and crop production (a) U.S.: 1/3 corn, > 1/2 canola oil, 3/4 soybeans. (b) Hybridization risks: superhybrid can grow where unwanted; superweed had genes transferred to it. (c)

Terminator gene sterilizes seeds.

(d) BT corn produces pesticide in

Prevents GMO spread.



Unknown eect on con-

sumers; toxic pollen can kill monarch butteries. 6. Key to future food production appears to be increased production per unit area, on increasingly worse land. 7. Global warming


yield because best soils have best suited climates.


4.1.2 Controlling Pests 1.

2 1 3 harvest lost; 10 post-harvest lost. (a) 1050 species of weeds infest each farm.

Devastating: Narrow-spectrum pesticide (b)


cocklebur reduces soybean yield up 60%. targets one organism.

Elusive magic bullet.

(a) Unexpected eects continue to appear. 3. Natural pesticides safe, but not as eective 4.

Biological control uses predators and parasites to control pests. (a)

Bacillus thuringiensis

(BT) infects caterpillars and others.

(b) Parasite wasps (of caterpillars): eective narrow-spectrum. (c) Ladybugs. (d) Sex pheromones to trap or confuse insects. 5.

Integrated pest management uses many techniques to control


than eliminate. (a)

Diminishing returns

as pest removal approaches 100%.

(b) Retaining pest population reduces ecosystem damage.

Physical complexity of habitat reduces pests because it is harder for them to nd food.

(c) Move beyond monoculture.

(d) No/low-till: natural predators of pests accumulate in soil. (e)



application of chemical pesticide.


Reduce pressure on other forests.

1. Tree plantations can potentially supply world's timber in 10% of forestland.

2. Forest res (a) Past suppression

accumulation of fuel. Now, res are more dam-

aging, and may even burn away organic matter and old trees that normally survive res. 3. Forest management (silviculture) is complex and dicult, but easy to get data (tree rings). (a) Remove poor trees (b) Breed new strains (like crops)


(c) Control diseases (usually fungal) and pests.

Little success.

i. Gypsy moth (introduced for silk) defoliate trees. ii. Insects eat leaves, buds, fruits, carry disease. (d) Cutting techniques i.



Always young trees left.

cuts less desirable and dead trees rst.

Seed-tree cutting removes all but a few good, mature ones to promote regeneration.


Thinning cuts only poor, small trees.

4. National forests compose 11.2% of U.S. area; 12% Costa Rica; depend on amount of forest in country. 5. Clear-cutting is not absolutely bad or good; need to evaluate case-by-case. (a) Level ground, moderate rainfall, clear-cut can regenerate species. 6.

Ecosystem services include retarding erosion, moderating water availability, habitats for endangered species/other wildlife, impacting climate.

4.3 1.


Arid rangeland is easily damaged by grazing; 30% is done there.

2. Cattle trample and erode stream banks and pollute streams. 3.

Overgrazing slows growth, reduces diversity, leads to dominance of un-

desirable plants for grazing. decreases

4. Carrying capacity 5.

with aridity.

Desertication is deterioration of dryish land due to climate change and human activity. (a)

Marginal lands

cannot tolerate much human activity. Overstressed.

(b) Poisoned soil (persistent pesticide, . . . ) forces abandonment. (c) Irrigation in arid areas: salt residue accumulates to toxicity.


Other Land Uses

4.4.1 Urban Land Development 1. 45% live in cities today; 62% by 2025. (a) 75% in developed. (b) 38% is poorer developing.


(c) Most estimated to live in country's largest city. 2. Cities, countryside mutually dependent. Many serious environmental problems occur at the interface. 3.

Site is the environmental features of location. (a) Sometimes change: silting harbors destroys economic value.


Situation is placement of city relative to other areas (e.g.


hub). (a)

Fall line

cities here.

is location of waterfall or rapids on major rivers.


(b) Usually where people would naturally meet: conuence of rivers, river enter lake, next to mineral or spring. 5. Developments that make city seem more independent of nature actually increase dependence. 6. Buildings deect and channel wind, altering weather patterns. Generally, makes it more dicult to remove pollutants. 7.

Planned development: (a)

Design with nature

fortress city and park city.

attempts to take advantage of features that na-

ture provides instead of destroying nature. (b)

Garden cities are surrounded by greenbelts.

(c) Urban trees face special stress:


i. Compacted soil. Suer from water extremes.

ii. Air pollution, dust, physical impact

→ ↑

Specially prepare

susceptible to fungal

infection. iii. Must not produce messy leaf, fruit, or owers. iv. Usually, few species used

fragile ecosystem.

v. Early succession plants do best. vi. Endangered plants can be planted. Sometimes do well. (d) Habitats for wildlife. Can contribute to conservation. 8. Pests usually are generalists (share people's diet), r-selected. (a) Key to

eliminate habitats.

Don't leave garbage open!

(b) Identify natural t and naturally controlling factors. 9. Adversely aect water cycle.


(a) Pavement prevents inltration. (b) Most cities have one sewer. During storms, runo may exceed treatment capacity, ejecting raw sewage. (c) Evaporation reduced (runo )

higher temperature.

(d) Increased particulates


often succeed in controlling runo, recharge

Constructed wetlands

increased rain, clouds, fog.

aquifer, and are cheaper than conventional drainage. 10. Soils lose vegetation 11.

lose organic matter, organisms die, compacted.

Urban sprawl is uncontrolled growth, usually of suburbs. (a) Presently, Maryland could urbanize as much land in 25 years as it has in history. (b) Boulder established blue line in 1959no water or sewer beyond. Limited residential and job growth. Economy grew. (c)


neighboring cities grew, and commuting is damaging envi-

ronment. 12.

Made lands are articial.



loose ller with-

out rock support. Vulnerable to earthquake.

4.4.2 Transportation Infrastructure 1. Canal have smooth, steep banks, VERY fast water. Drown! (a) Much unforeseen environmental problems: Aswan High Dam + canals

snails with schistosomiasis. Nile oodwaters used to ush them.

(b) In some parts, almost everybody is aected by schistosomiasis. 2.

Channelization is modication of existing streams (straightening, widening, lining, deepening) to control oods, improve drainage, control erosion, improve navigation. (a) Fast ow lose sh habitats.

Increased temperature, since trees on

banks cut. (b) Downstream ooding worse, since channelized section carries more water than supposed to. (c) Damage wetlands; depresses water table. (d)

Not always bad for environmentdrainage projects benecial.

3. Roadless areas, when traversed by o-road vehicles, are very sensitive to erosion.


4.4.3 Public and Federal Lands 1. Wilderness is area undisturbed by people; the only people are visitors. (a) U.S. Wilderness Act of 1964 dene wilderness to be preserved. (b)

Limited visitorship and human uses.

(c) Act recognizes ecological value. 2.

Parks are open to public for recreation.

3. Parks/preserves are

ecological islands;

if one is too small, it will be inef-

fective for conservation.

4. Management should involve minimal human activity and: (a) Preserve undisturbed nature of wilderness, (b) Provide people with wilderness experience.

4.4.4 Land Conservation Options 1. Restoration: controversial goals.


restore ecosystem to historical

range of variation and ability to sustain self. (a) Kissimmee River, FL: undo channelization, restore soil layers in correct order. (b) Prairie restorationvery popular recently. Much original prairie remains along railroad; they were not plowed. (c) Early-succession grasses to restore damaged land (mining, urban). 2. Wetland restoration (a) Saltwater marsh restoration dicult because much more complex. (b)

1969 National Environmental Policy Act

mitigation require-

ment: if developer destroys wetland, must obtain or create to compensate. (c) Trying to construct wetlands to clean up runowetlands have some natural buering capacity. (d) Restored wetlands have been fertilized with treated waste water.

4.4.5 Sustainable Land-Use Strategies 4.5


1. Minerals are essential for our high standard of living. Almost everything uses them. 2. Mineral formation



Ore deposits

are formed when metals are concentrated in abnor-

mally high amounts by geologic processes. (b) As gravity condensed matter dispersed around into Earth, matter was heated. Iron and heavy metals sank toward molten center.

Not uniformly distributed because of selective dissolution, transport, and deposition. light rocks.

(c) Crust formed of lighter materials.

(d) Plate boundaries: crust is

i. Divergent: cold water gets heated by molten rock and leaches metals. Dissolved and deposited as suldes. ii. Convergent: rocks saturated with seawater are forced together, heated, and subject to intense pressure.

They partially melt.

Metals in magma mobilize. A. Hg distilled out of plate as plate moves downward. (e) Igneous processes i. Magma cools

minerals crystallize at dierent depths.

ii. Groundwater is heated and carries minerals.

Moves to cooler

rocks and deposits. (f ) Sedimentary processes concentrate materials for extraction. i. Water and wind segregate sediments. ii.

Placer deposits

are found in crevices or ssures. They are con-

California gold.

centrated mineral deposits formed by deposition of stream water that leaches metals from river basin.

iii. A shallow marine basin may be isolated by uplifting at its bound-


aries. The water eventually dries up, precipitating dissolved minerals called

(g) Biological processes: i. Phosphates: guano. ii. Iron ore: gray belts are unoxidized, red belts are oxidized. Apparently major iron deposition stopped when [O2 ] reached current level. iii. Organisms form many minerals, such as Ca in shells and bones. 31 identied as biologically produced. (h) Weathering processes concentrates some minerals in soil. More soluble minerals are selectively removed by biological processes. i. Al, Ni, Co are important soil minerals. ii.

Secondary enrichment

produces S


from lower grades.

A. Near surface, primary ores and slightly acidic soil water, with oxygen, form H2 SO4 and sulfates of Ag and Cu. B. Migrate downward, leaching minerals.


enriching metal content of ores.

C. Below water table, where no more oxygen, deposit as


3. Extraction (a)


usually minimal impact, except for sensitive areas such

as wetlands, permafrost, arid lands. (b) As ores of lower grades are used, impact on resources increases. (c) Subsurface mines are much smaller, less visible, less waste rock. (d)

Surface mining

is cheaper, but has more direct environmental eects.

i. Large-scale environmental damage (beyond mine).

Change to-

pography. Dust pollutes air, even though attempts to control. ii. Leaching of trace chemicalsCd, Co, Cu, Pd, Mo can nd their ways into soil and groundwater. Runo ponds help, but do not eliminate. iii. Indirect: change nutrient cycling, biomass, species diversity, ecosystem stability. iv. Accidental discharges of stored waste. (e)

Strip mining removes surface layer of soil to expose coal (or other resource). Half of coal mined this way. i.

Acid mine drainage occurs when H2 O + FeS2 → H2 SO4 .


bris left over from mining. (f ) Social impacts of mining: rapid urbanization, then rapid closing. (g) Minimizing impacts: i. ii. iii. iv.

Reclaim Stabilize contaminated soils Control air emissions. Prevent contaminated water from leaving. Treat waste. land.

often remove and dispose.

Neutralize acid with



Perhaps with GM bacteria.

vi. Recycling: A. $50 B worth of metals are recycled. B. Iron/steel 90% by mass, 40% by value. C. Each ton saves: 1,136 kg iron ore, 455 kg coal, 18kg lime-

1 3 energy. D. Al recycling uses stone.


5% energy.

Reserve is the portion of resource that is identied and can be extracted legally and economically at the time of evaluation. Resource is anything that can be extracted to obtain something useful.

(a) Concentration is everythingit determines usefulness.


(b) Except for Fe, nonmetals are used far more quickly than metals. (c) U.S. must import many strategic minerals (those necessary for military industrial complex) such as bauxite, Mn, graphite, Co, Sr, asbestos. i. Resulted in unlikely alliances between suppliers and consumers. Concessions on issues that would otherwise not happen. 5. Sustainability (a) Find ways to not use the mineral. Fiber optic obviates Cu; digital camera obviates Ag. (b) Eciency. (c)

R-to-C ratio:


R = known reserves; C = rate of consumption.


6. Relevant laws and treaties (a) 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act required restoration. Success is dicult and often dubious.



1. Fishing techniques (a)

Bottom trawling

rolls a 60m trawl net on ocean oor, catching and

destroying everything in its path. 2. 44% of marine shing in upwelling zones. 3. Ironically, shing was one of the rst human activities to be scientically managed. (a) Wrong assumptions of logistic curve. (b) Tragedy of the Commons: little incentive to limit harvest.

eort. Predator sh

4. Currently not sustainable: increase in harvest Total population dropping.


accompanied by increase in

at 10% of preindustrial levels.

(b) Harvest levels peaked from 19701990. (c) 5.


not likely to be sustainable: bison, whales.


important protein source, growing.

Ancient practice in

China. (a)


(intertidal) much more productive than hunting for

oyster, mussel.


(b) Currently produce > 20%. 6. Laws and Treaties (a) 1972

Marine Mammal Protection Act sought to bring optimum



rather than


International Whaling Commission's moratorium on commercial whaling protect 12 out of 80 species of whales.

(b) 1982


Global Economics

1. Tragedy of the Commons: individuals' personal share of


from ex-

ploitation usually outweighs share of loss. Everybody wins in short term but loses in long term. (a) Forests (38% publicly owned), international water, Antarctica, air.

tion maximizes prot.

2. Low growth rate means

not exploiting yields low prot,



Instead of slowly making money on the natural

growth rate, better to exploit all of the resources now and invest money. 3. Relative scarcity of resource aects value and price. Can you prot from the resources harvested after your death? them extinct.

Then no interest in making

Do prots end when you die?

before you die.

Then harvest all you can

Can you earn your desired income from the resources

indenitely? Then sustain. 4. Ralph d'Arge: developing countries did not share benets of Industrial Revolution, but now are sharing harms. They think that industrial nations, who have beneted, should bear most future costs.


Energy Resources and Consumption

5.1 1.

Energy Concepts

Energy is the ability to accomplish work , which is force × distance.

2. A distinguishing feature of life is that it increases



3. Units (a) Energy is measured in i. ii.

joule, 1 newton-meter.

Exajoule = 10 joules ≈ 1015 Btu (quad ). Newton is force necessary produce force of acceleration of 1 m/s2 18

to a mass of 1 kg. (b) Power is the rate of energy use ( second.


energy ) time

measured in

watt, 1 joule-

i. Multiplying watt by time (kWh) returns a unit of




4. Amount of energy per unit times radiated from a body varies as the


of the absolute temperature of the body.


Energy Consumption

5.2.1 History 1. Greeks, Romans depleted wood

used solar power widely.

2. U.S.: wood peaked in 1880, coal peaked in 1920. 3. Exponential growth (consumption) from 19501980: 30 Since 1980,

80 exajoules.

100 exajoules, showing that new policies partially worked.

Production leveled o around 1970s. 4. Industrial energy consumption has leveled o since 1970s due to increased eciency, cogeneration. 5. Car eciency (avg.) rose from 14 mpg in 1970s to 28 mpg in 1996. Improvements slowed since then, largely because regulation loophole permits less fuel-ecient SUVs and light trucks.

5.2.2 Present Global Energy Use 1.

Cogeneration natural gas combined cycle power plant

can double eciency by using waste heat. For example, generates electricity from both gas

turbine and steam turbine. 2.

Energy Policy Act of 2005 was rst national energy policy in over a decade: (a) Promote conventional energy to reduce reliance on foreign energy. (b) Promote nuclear power; build new ones by 2010. (c) Subsidies for alternative energy, make geothermal competitive, increases amount of ethanol in fuels. (d) Promote conservation: in federal buildings, for cars, credits for homeowners to install energy eciency measures or automobiles. (e) Research to improve coal plants, goal for zero emissions, hydrogen cars, research shale and tar pits. (f ) Incentives to expand energy infrastructure and improve reliability.


Hard path favors increased energy production while decreasing environmental impact.

Supporters argue that much environmental damage is

from developing countries using local energy, such as wood. 4.

Soft path

favors renewable resources, exibility, and match to uses to

increase second-law eciency. Amory Lovins, champion, argues that most energy needs are of low quality, so expensive electricity is often wasted.


5.2.3 Future Energy Needs 1. Oil production expected to peak in 202050. Auence will be determined as much by energy conservation and eciency as by production. 2. If

hard path

, then 120 exajoules by 2030. Else if

soft path

, 60 exajoules

(1991 prediction; overly optimistic, closer to 110 exajoules now). 3. To stabilize global warming, cut fossil fuels 50%.

5.3 1.

Fossil Fuel Resources and Use

Source rock

depositional basins

is nely grained organic matter (mostly plant) are buried in


at least 500 m deep.

Carbon must not

be completely oxidized.

(a) Pressure and temperature compresses sediment into oil and gas. (b) Light fuels migrate up to

reservoir rock

with lower pressure.

i. Porous; usually sandstone or limestone. ii. A


A. B. C.

blocks upward ow.

Cap rock is ne-grained sedimentary rock. Anticline is an arch-fold that favors retention of fuel. A fault also traps the reservoir.

(c) Usually at young rock at plate boundaries. Exceptions: i. Texas ii. Gulf of Mexico iii. North Sea 2. 3.

Primary production pumps oil from well; only recover 25%. Enhanced recovery pumps stu (steam, water, gas) injected to push oil toward well.

4. Oil is 2nd most crust liquid, but 62% of proven reserves occupy 1% of oil eld. (a) Proven reserves = 1 trillion barrels; estimated 3 trillion barrels recoverable from remaining resources. (b) World consumption = 30 billion barrels/year.

consumption = 3 × discovery. Oil shale is ne-grained sedimentary rock with organic matter (kero-

(c) Today, (d)


Destructive distillation:

when heated to


500◦ C,

yields 60 L

oil/1 ton shale. U.S. has 2/3 of world supply. Produces more volume waste than mined because shale


crushed and heated.


Tar sands

are rocks or sands covered with tar oil, asphalt, or bi-

tumen. 75% in Alberta, Canada. Mine sands (dicult), then wash oil with hot water. Supplies 15% of North American oil production today. 5. Natural gas has only recently been seriously used for energy; used to be burned as waste, some places still do. 70120 year supply. Main transition fuel, since clean and releases less CO2 . (a) Coal-bed methane is methane stored in coal mines. (b)

more can be stored in coal mine because of internal surfaces.

(c) 5 year supply at present rate can be recovered economically now;


estimated 20 trillion m . (d) Cheap to extract. Reduces methane emissions when mining. Disposal of saltwater waste is a problem. (e)

Methane hydrates exist 1000 m beneath seaoor: methane trapped in ice.

On land, known as

marsh gas.

Spontaneously erupt from

ocean oor. May have twice as much energy as all known fossil fuel reserves today, but mining will be dicult. 6. Coal swamps form from partially decomposed vegetation ( sea levels add sediment, compression peat into coal.


). Rise in

(a) Most abundant fossil fuel; 250 years at current rate. (b) Rank: anthracite, bituminous (high sulfur), sub-bituminous, lignite. (c) Most polluting of fuels, in all stages. 7. Environmental disadvantages (a) Toxic brine is pumped with water; oil leaks. (b) Pollutants, including hydrocarbons and H2 S can be released into air. (c) Drilling muds (liquids injected into bore hole during drilling to keep it open) contain heavy metals. (d)


Reneries leak

(or spill).

Nuclear Energy

1. A neutron strikes


slowedto improve ssion. 2. Nuclear fuel (a) 1 kg UOx

≈ 16


U, producing ssion fragments and 3 free neutrons

and lots of energy. Chain reaction. Fast neutrons must be

MT coal.


(b) Only


U is ssile. Enrichment increases

[235 U]

to 3%.

3. Types of reactors (a)

Light water reactor

(U.S.) uses water as moderator.

i. Reactor core (fuel and moderator) encased in steel reactor vessel, then contained in reinforced concrete. ii. Fuel pins (enriched uranium pellets in tubes) packaged into fuel subassemblies.

critical Coolant must remove heat at the same rate it is produced. meltdown Pebble-bed reactors iii. A minimum amount of fuel keeps reactor




core gets so hot it melts and breaches containment.


are gas-cooled and have billiard-sized pebbles as

fuel. Graphite shell with sand-grain particles of UO.

i. Mixed with unfueled graphite spheres to control heat. ii. Continuously refueled.

Always at optimal productionsafety



Passive stability Modular

means a reactor does not fail/meltdown due to

pump failure. iv. (c) (d)

each core 120 MW. 25% more ecient.

Burner reactors consume more ssile material than they produce. Breeder reactors make low-grade or waste U ssile. Can last 2,000 years.

4. Nuclear fusion:



+3 H →10


+42 He.

(a) Need very high temperature and density to form plasma.

energy released by fusion must exceed energy required to maintain plasma.

(b) Plasma must be conned and

(c) Nearly innite fuel reserves; cheap to produce. 5. Environmental impacts (a) Uranium mines produce radioactive waste. Mine tailing have been used for structures. (b) Enrichment produces waste. (c) Concern that waste cannot be isolated for required period of time. (d) Nuclear plants must be decommissioned. May be the highest cost. (e)

Radioisotopes can nd their way into food chain; circulate like their normal isotopes.

6. Radioactive Wastes and Human Healthcauses cancer.


(a) Units of radioactivity i. ii.

Curie Becquerel

(Ci) =

37 × 109

nuclear transformations/sec.

(Bq) = 1 radioactive decay/sec.


iii. For isotopes, pC/L (picocurie per liter), or Bq/m .

rads rems. gray Energy retained by tissue after radiation exposure. sievert absorbed dose × relative biological eectiveness.

iv. Actual dose of radiation:



(Gy) = 100 rads = absorbed dose.


(Sv) = 100 rems = eective equivalent dose =

v. Gamma rays: roentgen (R) or SI coulombs per kilo (C/kg). (b) American average 24 mSv/yr. i. 66% natural (0.35 mSv/yr is human;


K and



ii. 33% is other, mostly medical. (c)


must be very close to cell. Blocked by paper. Dangerous if inhaled

or ingested; radiation absorbed by tissue. (d)


particles are electrons.

Block by thin metal or block of wood.

Moderately toxic; mostly absorbed when ingested. (e)


rays require a meter of concrete or centimeters of lead.


ingested, some radiation exits body. (f )


radiation health problems are not well known or understood.

7. Accidents: acceptable risk of 0.01%/yr is unacceptable if there are 1,000 plants. Also, often not planned to respond in accidents. (a) Three Mile Island: valve malfunction + human error. i. Containment structure functioned as designed. ii. 1 mSv released into atmosphere; surrounding 0.012 mSv. iii.


, on site, very high radiation: 12 mSv/hr.

(b) Chernobyl:

human error caused meltdown; explosion blew top of

building o, graphite burned. Radioactive particles rise into air. i. 237 conrmed radiation sickness; 31 deaths. ii. Did not tell world until 2 days later when confronted by Sweden's measurements of increased radiation. iii. 24,000 estimated to have received 430 mSv. A. Expected (based on Japan) 122 spontaneous leukemias. B. No signicant increase yet, but possibly future. iv. Childhood thyroid cancer increase. v. Outside 30 km, probably negligible eect. A. Vegetation with 7 km dead or severely damaged.


(c) In last 34 years, about 10 accidents released radiation. 8. Radioactive wastes (a)

Low-level wastes in not hazardous is properly disposed.

closed because they have polluted groundwater.

solutions, sludges, acids, slightly contaminated equipment.


3/6 sites


Transuranic waste is human-made materials heavier than U. Mostly from weapons.


High-level wastes is spent fuel, military reprocessing waste, weapons materials. i. Currently stored, mostly at commercial reactors. ii. Geological disposal controversialsome don't think it should be buried. iii.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 initiate disposal program. A. 1987 amendment and Energy Power Act of 1992 specify deep underground repository: Yucca Mountain. B. Could receive waste starting 2010.

impact of heat generated by

C. Need to evaluate earthquake, volcano, groundwater, escape


from deteriorating containers,

, geological processes that control transfer of radioac-

tive material. (d) Waste isolation pilot plant in Carlsbad, New Mexico: i. Rooms excavated in rock salt (easy to mine) store wastes. ii. Slow-owing salt naturally seal in 75200 years. (e) Sites that have been stable in past may not be stable in future. 9.


Energy Policy Act of 2005 advocates increase of nuclear power. Hydroelectric Power

1. Dams are multifunctional, but functions may not be harmonious (draining for agriculture conicts with high levels for high power and recreation) and dams have many environmental impacts: (a) Lose land and resources to make lake. (b) Trapped sediment ( where needed.


) limits life of reservoir and prevents deposit

(c) Change entire river downstream. (d) Fragment ecosystems. (e) Increases evaporation

change local climate.


(f ) High pressure nitrogen can kill sh when swimming under waterfall as gas expands (bends). 2. Most good sites already dammed; not expected to grow in U.S. 3. Dams also give false sense of security: oods can occur from tributaries, dams may fail, and higher-than-designed-for-oods may occur. 4. Good dam sites are often good scenic nature sites. 5. Dams are 6.


Their cheap water is

Water power is ultimately solar power.


7. 10% of U.S. power. Majority in Norway, Canada. 20% worldwide. 8.

Pump storage:

pump water into reservoir during low demand; ow out

during high demand. 9. Several dams have been removed or have been planned for removal. Many old ones are not useful at all.

If lots of sediment, most remove slowly

to minimize impact. May be many times more expensive to remove dam than to build it. 10. Colorado river is most heavily managed river; 80% of water in reservoirs behind Glen Canyon Dam and Hoover Dam. (a) River


been tamed: average ow increase, high ow decreased.

(b) Natural oods helped restore ecosystem, as did experimental oods.


(c) Treaty supplies 1.845 km

of water to Mexico. Very salty.

i. Desalinization plant built in Yuma on standby after its canals were ooded. ii. Coachella Canal can provide Mexico with water. iii. All American Canal delivers water to San Diego. Leaks billions of gallons that recharge groundwater used by Mexican farmers. Proposed concrete lining has been heavily impugned.


Energy Conservation


1. Eciency: food measured in


First-law eciency = (a)

energy stored

energy delivered . energy supplied

Second-law eciency =

; consumption measured in


Average 50% in U.S.

minimum energy necessary . energy used

Average 1015%

in U.S. i. Lighting candle with match is more ecient than with acetylene torch.


ii. Water can be heated better by sun, not humongous furnace ames.


Thermal eciency

is the maximum eciency of a heat engine (such

as power plant, internal combustion); discovered by Sadi Carnot. Modern power plants, about


1 3.

Renewable Energy

1. Solar energy arrives at 7,000 times current demand. 2.

Passive solar energy uses architecture to adjust to seasonal changes. (a) South-facing building and windows and overhangs shade summer sun but allow winter sun to penetrate. (b) Walls can absorb energy then radiate into rooms. (c) Deciduous trees block sun during summer but allow sun during winter.


Active solar energy requires mechanical power to circulate a uid from solar collection site to usage site. (a)

Solar collectors have a glass plate and black background with tubes ◦

in between. Water heated to 3898 C. (b)

Evacuated tube collector

has each tube pass through a larger tube to

reduce heat loss.


Photovoltaics are the fastest-growing source of energy at 35% annually. (a) Standardized modules; build the system you need. (b) Dierent electronic properties of semiconductor layers cause electrons to ow into wires when hit by photons. (c) Developing countries: cheap, simple, o-grid rural electricity. (d) Springerville Generating Station in Tucson produce 24 MW.

5. Power tower concentrates sunlight to a central collector to boil water. (a) Can store heat with liquid salt. (b) By 2030, estimated by be economically competitive. 6. Luz International Solar Farm: synthetic oil pumped through solar collectors; boil water; steam superheated by natural gas. Combination allows uninterrupted power. 7. Environmental disadvantages of solar: (a) Dispersedproblem for centralized power. Need lots of land.


(b) Metals, plastics, and uids for equipment (esp. photovoltaics) may be toxic; production releases greenhouse gases. 8. Hydrogen is clean and can be burned like fossil fuels. (a)

Fuel cell works like battery to generate electricity by oxidizing H2


and capturing e

in external circuit (redox).

Increase second-law

i. Electrolyte solution; electrodes separated by Pt membrane. (b) Most economical way to produce hydrogen: H2 O + CH4

→ C + CO2 +

H2 . (c) Can be used to buer electrical generation. 9.

Tidal power

dam opening, then release water on turbines when tidal

movement increases/decreases ocean height suciently. (a) Few locations have suciently strong tides. (b) Can damage ecosystems of estuaries/bays. (c) Rapid lling and emptying of the bay damages intertidal habitats. 10. Wind power (a)


are produced by dierential heating of Earth's surface, result-

ing in air masses with dierent heat and density. i. Wind concentrated on mountain top or mountain pass. (b) Small mills (for farm) produce 1 kW. Modern windmills 6075 kW. i. High-tech ones 100 m, 30 stories, 35 MW. One is in Germany. (c) Wind power currently cheaper than natural gas, approaching coal. (d) World total 48,000 MW (34,000 MW in E.U.). i. 1 large fossil or nuclear = 1,000 MW. ii. 1% of total electricity. (e) High potentialmany countries have more potential than current use.



is best in mountains. Evaluate case-by-case.

(a) Prone to being lled by sediment. (b) In large scale, can have signicant environmental detriment. 12.


are organic matter, burned or converted (gasify, distill), then

burned. (a) 35% of developing countriesusually rewood.




bacteria digest matter to produce methane.

(c) Landlls, wastewater treatment plant can produce biogas (mainly methane). i. China, produced in sewage treatment. ii. India, produced locally from cow manure. (d) Waste incineration releases pollutants, as not all hazardous trash can always be removed. (e) Land unsuited for food crop can grow biomass crop (like trees). (f ) By 2030, biomass can produce 100,000 MW (12%), using 2/5 of banked farmland. 13.

Geothermal energy harnesses natural heat from earth's interior. (a) 9,000 MW0.15%. (b) Competitive with other sources. (c) At plate boundaries, heat ow is unusually high. (d) Hot geothermal system (>

80◦ C)

resource base > fossil + nuclear.

i. Hydrothermal convection: steam and/or hot water pumped to depths to transfer heat to surface. ii. Geysers Geothermal Field produce 1,000; near San Francisco. (e) Lower temperature systems can be used for heating. i. Groundwater is geothermal: at 100 m, groundwater is

13◦ C


can heat/cool homes. (f ) Environmental impact i. Releases some CO2 , SO2 . ii. Thermal pollution. Hot wastewater can be corrosive and saline. (g) Future i. Known reserves 20,000 MW, 10% for West. ii. Undiscovered potentially



Pollution 1.


Heavy metals include Hg, Pb, Cd, Ni, Au, Pt, Ag, Bi, As, Se, V, Cr, Tl. Pollution Types

6.1.1 Air Pollution 1. Particulates are

small dust particles (including asbestos).

heavy metal.



(a) Coal power plants. (b) Industrial boilers. (c) Cars. 2.

Stationary pollution includes point sources (single sites), fugitive sources (open areas

exposed to wind

), area sources (well-dened area that has sev-

eral sources).

3. Eects include damage to vegetation, increased susceptibility to diseases and pests, disruption of reproduction. In humans, poisoning, cancer, birth defects, irritation, susceptibility to viral infections, heart disease, aggravation of respiratory diseases. 4.

Criteria pollutants are 6 most common ones. (a) Sulfur dioxide is oxidized into sulfate, forming sulfuric acid. coal, oil rening, industrial processes.

Bleaches leaves.



chronic respiratory disease, shortening of breath. Reduced 50% since 1970s. (b) Nitrogen oxides (most commonly NO, NO2 ) contribute to smog and


ion NO3 , reducing visibility. Emitted from stationary and mobile sources. Acid rain. May suppress plant growth; may be benecial at low concentrations. (c) Carbon monoxide bonds


more easily to hemoglobin than does

oxygen. i. Worst for heart or respiratory disease or at high altitudes. ii. 10% man-made. Most emissions from tailpipes. (d) Ozone/photochemical oxidants result from interactions between NO2 and sunlight. i. Unstable, so oxidizes better than does oxygen. ii. Retards plant growth at low concentrations; kills leaves and plants at high concentrations.

Lungs decrease elasticity, scars

in airways. iii.

Peak ozone level

is one of the best indicators of air pollution.

(e) Particulate matter (PM 10) is composed of particles (<


< 10µm.

PM 2.5

is of special concern because they are absorbed through

lungs into bloodstream. i.

Total suspended particulates

measures this pollution. Much higher

in cities of developing countries. ii. 29% of human mortality in cities. iii. Dust can suocate plants. Large particulate pollution (e.g., from construction) can damage entire ecosystems.



Global dimming cools atmosphere.

Jet travel is a signicant


(f )




is emitted through leaded gasoline, which protects engines.

Transported as particulate

uptaken by organisms.

Primary pollutants are emitted directly into air. (a) CO (58%), VOC (11%), NOx (15%), SOx (13%), particulates (3%). (b)



Exceed human pollution.

emissions: SO2 from volcano, H2 S, wildres, hydrocarbon

seeps: La Brea Tar Pits.

Secondary pollutants result from reaction between primary pollutants and normal atmospheric compounds.

7. Acid rain can precipitate or be deposited as sulfate and nitrate, acid anhydrides. (a) Can travel



1 3

> 500


1 3 [200, 500] mi.

(b) CaCO3 (limestone) can buer acids; granitic rocks cannot. (c) Forests: trees weaken, die

less habitat; leaves fall o


surface microclimate. (d) Lakes: interferes biologically, dissolves nutrients

ow out and are

lost. Algae die. i. Acid leaches metals from soils. Al hazardous to shclog gills. Heavy metals!


Acid fog

occurs when water vapor, mixed with pollutants, condense

near ground around smog particulates. Drops of acid may be left as fog dissipates and can be inhaled deeply within lungs. 8. Air toxics are hazardous at low concentrations; many carcinogenic. Classied into gas, metal, organic, then whether carcinogenic. (a) H2 S from reneries and smelters, or geysers, swamps, bogs. (b) HF from Al production, coal gasication, burning coal. toxic. Can damage grazers because plants are exposed. (c) Methyl isocyanate burns on contact (irritation). violent coughing, swelling of lungs,death.


Few ppm causes

Used in pesticides.


Bhopal, India leaked from tank. Catastrophic. (d) Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are used as solvents. Hydrocarbons react to produce smog. Cars. Lowered 50% since 1970s. (e) Benzene is solvent and gasoline additive. (f ) Arcolein produced in industrial combustion of petroleum. Extremely irritating.



Heat island occurs due to burning fuels and solar collection of buildings and pavement.


Temperature inversions

Caps on pollution altitude. (a) Coast:

occur when warmer air is above cooler air.

descending warm air forms semi-permanent inversion.


breeze pushes pollution towards canyons. (b) Valley: cloud cover decreases temperature at surface and increases temperature in clouds, forming warm air.

At surface, dew point

(temperature where vapor condenses) may be reached (c) 11.

Chimney eect:


polluted air may spill over mountains.

Smog (a)


(L.A., brown air): NOx emitted by cars accumu-

late; sun breaks down to NO + O; O + O2

→ O3 .

Organic compounds

react with NO to increase NO2 . Ozone maximum at noon. (b)

Sulfurous (London, gray air, industrial).

From burning fossil fuels.

12. Indoor air pollutants (a)

Legionella pneumophila

, pond-water bacteria can spread to air con-

ditioners. Cause Legionnaire's disease. (b) Molds may release toxic spores. Chronic inammation and scarring of lungs.

1 2 of all health complaints.

(c) Pesticides. (d) Formaldehyde used in insulation, manufactured wood.

Emit gas.

(e) Dust mites, pollen. (f ) Environmental tobacco smoke exposed to workers may be equivalent to 10 cigarettes per day. (g)

Radon is natural: lead-206.





i. Estimated 10% of lung cancers.



Very large threat if true.

ii. Synergistic with smoking. iii.


particles break DNA strands.

iv. Radon enters through rock and soil into basement, dissolved in groundwater, or contaminated construction materials. v. Techniques to remove: A. B.

Gas permeable layer (often gravel) beneath oor. Plastic sheeting on top of gas permeable layer prevents radon from entering.


Sealing and caulking in foundation oor. 39


Vent pipe from gas permeable layer to roof.

(h) Often more highly concentrated. i. Many potential indoor sources. ii. Energy eciency = sealing building.

Cannot dilute pollutants.

(i) Control: i. ii.

Ventilation: use more fresh air; open windows. Source removal: restrict or prohibit use of certain


ban smoking indoors. iii.

Source modications:

change designs (more energy ecient,

use non-polluting materials); apply barriers (coat lead paint). iv.

Air cleaning:


v. 13.

Chimney eect occurs due to temperature gradient between indoor and outdoor. (a) If inside is warmer, warm air rises and

draws in

air from lower. En-

vironmental tobacco smoke can be drawn in from outside. 14. Sick building have two types: (a)

Building-related illness (BRI) has identiable problems, such as pathogenic molds or bacteria.


Sick building syndrome (SBS) cannot be traced.


factors (environmental stress, labor-management relations) may contribute. 15. Remediation and reduction strategies (a) (b)

Conservation eciency. Capture particulates Cover Recirculate exhaust Dilute air-fuel mixture Catalytic converter: and

from point sources in settling chambers or col-


(c) (d) (e) (f )

waste or dirt piles to reduce dust. to reduce NOx . less NOx , more hydrocarbons.

decompose hydrocarbons and oxidizes CO.

i. Old cars pollute more because people don't take care of pollution devices.

Charge fees Washing ii.

(g) (h)

for pollutionrequire annual testing.

coal removes pyrite, but organic carbon remains.

Coal gasication produces expensive synthetic gas. 40



Scrubbing: 1 2 H2 O

+ CO2

calcium removes sulfur:






(or CaO).

16. 4 processes remove particles and chemicals for air: (a) Sedimentation: heavier-than-air particles eventually settle out. (b) Rain out: precipitation physically or chemically removes substances. (c) Oxidation. (d) Photodissociation: energy from solar radiation breaks bonds. 17. Coal-burning power plants produce 70% of SO2 , 30% of NOx , 35% of CO2 . 18.

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 are comprehensive regulations. (a) 50% cut in SO2 achieved. (b) 2 Mton reduction in NOx more dicult because cars emit most. (c)


comprise total amount of allowed pollution. Environmental-

Makes pollution expensive.

ists can also buy permits to prevent them from being used, but not a major factor. (d) Goal: end


CFC and chlorine chemicals by 2030.

(e) National Ambient Air Quality Standards as

minimum acceptable level

set to reduce health hazards in old and youngmost susceptible. Supreme Court unanimously upheld standards. 19. Economic impacts: incremental cost diers. Much more expensive for Al plant to reduce emissions than for utilities. Some argue stricter standards for utilities and fewer for Al. Others prefer taxes or pollution vouchers same environmental eect but more cost eective because driven by market pressure.

6.1.2 Noise Pollution 1. Eects (a) Up to 60 dB is safe. (b) > 80 dB is potentially dangerous. (c) 140 dB is threshold of pain; 180 dB is injurious.


(d) Lawn mower, motorcycle damages after after

1 2

8 hours.

110 dB loud music

(e) 5060 dB noise interferes with sleep; fatigued awakening.


6.1.3 Water Pollution 1. Thermal:

→↓ [O2 ]. ∆1.5◦ C.


only tolerate

Warmer water decreases sh tness; some may

2. Types include heavy metals, sediment, radioisotopes, heat, fecal coliform bacteria, P, N, Na, pathogens. (a) Surface water is not immune to outbreaks. tated Milwaukee: it is resistant to chlorine.

Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium potential.


be ltered, but it doesn't usually enter water supply. (b)

Fecal coliform bacteria is a measure of disease


harmless bacteria in animal intestines. Pathogens are more likely to be present where more feces is deposited. i.

E. coli

E. coli

can be deadly. Walkerton, Ontario: 5 died, 500 ill because

storm waters contaminated wells with report.

and utilities did not

(c) N, P: from fertilizer, detergent, wastewater treatment.

eutrophication (human caused).


i. Promotes plant, cyanobacteria, and algae growth. ii. Algae form surface mats

kills stu below.

iii. Decomposing bacteria grow, remove oxygen, eventually lots of stu dies. iv. v.

Eutrophic lakes Oligotrophic lakes

have naturally high levels of nutrients. have naturally low levels, pleasant water.

vi. Coasts, reefs may also suer from eutrophication: Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii. (d) Oilnormal shipping probably releases most pollution.


eects unknown. (e) Sediment (small rock and mineral fragments) is by volume highest level of pollutant. i. Agriculture increases erosion.

Conservation cannot eliminate



ii. Urbanization even greater: struction,

large amounts erosion during con-

on-site control measures can be eective (35% re-

duction in a Maryland sediment control program). (f )

Acid mine drainage

is water with lots of H2 SO4 formed from

weathering of pyrite. i. Abandoned mines are problematic because groundwater is non longer pumped out, so it can ood and overow. 3. Sources include all sectors of society:


(a) Surface water occurs when inow of pollutant exceeds natural capacity to remove, convert, or dilute it. i. Runo: urban (oil, chemicals), agricultural. ii. Accidental spills, release of radioactive stu (from accidents). iii. Leakage from storage sites. iv. Air fallout. v. Sediment from agriculture and construction sites.

1 2 of domestic water supply. It is actually easy to pollute. Channels for groundwater are small, so dilution

(b) Groundwater is the source of opportunity is limited. i.


waste disposal, buried pipes. Estimated that 75% of haz-

ardous waste disposal sites are polluting groundwater. Landlls over porous soils pollute water quickly. ii.


: acid water and waste from mines, cesspools/septic sys-

tems, spills, radioactive materials. iii. Saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers: when water is pumped, it no longer ows out into saltwater aquifer, allowing salty groundwater to inltrate. 4.

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) for organic



is amount of oxygen required

Amount of oxygen consumed by decompser


(a) Inversely related to dissolved oxygen. (b) 5 mg/L is threshold for water pollution of DO. 5.

Wastewater treatment deals with addition of suspended solids,


nutrients, bacteria in water due to human use. (a) Septic-tank separates solid and liquids and digests (biochemically change) organic matter. i. Water then moves into absorption eld/drainage eld and seeps into soil.

land. Failures

ii. Further treated by oxidation and ltering.


Not suitable for all

occur when tank is not pumped, for poor drainage allows

wastewater to rise to surface. (b) Wastewater treatment plants remove BOD and chlorinate bacteria. i.

Primary treatment involves screens

grit chamber tank Digester material,

primary sedimentation

to remove large oating

to remove rocks,

where particulates settle to form sludge.


processes sludge. Relatively new.


B. Removes 3040% of BOD.


Secondary treatmentactivated

sludge method (most com-

mon). A.

Aeration tank nal sedimentation tank. Activated sludge Final sedimentation tank

mixes wastewater with air and some sludge



is rich in aerobic bacteria, which consume



settles sludge out (again).


sludge goes to digester.

D. Removes 90% of BOD.


Advanced wastewater treatment use sand lters, carbon lters, chemicals to remove specic pollutants such as N, P, heavy metals.


Chlorine produces toxic by-products.

v. Methane is released by digestion; used as fuel or burned as waste. vi. If sludge isn't polluted, used to improve soil, else landlled. 6.

Wastewater renovation and conservation cycle involves using treated wastewater to irrigate, then allowing water to


(natural purica-

tion through slow percolation in soil), recharging groundwater, and reuse of groundwater. 7.

Resource recovery

wastewater plants capture methane and use plants grown

in controlled environment (sell owers to nance operation) in lieu of secondary treatment. More greenery can purify water even more. 8. Wastewater can be applied to isolated wetlands.

Promote growth and

reduce downstream BOD. 9. 1792/1977 Amended Clean Water Act (Federal Water Pollution Control Act) provides billions in grants for sewage treatment plants, encourages innovation, including alternative wastewater treatment and aquifer recharge. 10. Other relevant laws: (a) 1956

Federal Water and Pollution Control Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

enhances water quality

and controls pollution. (b) 1958

mandates conservation mea-

sures with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for dams, power plants, and ood control. (c) 1969

National Environmental Policy Act


impact statements

prior to federal actions that signicantly aect environment: dams, channelization, power plants, bridges. (d) 1970

Water Quality Improvement Act

expands 1956: control oil and

hazardous waste; research for Great Lakes and mine drainage.


Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Water Quality Act

(e) 1974

sets containment levels for

pollutants and pathogens. (f ) 1980

establishes revolving fund (Superfund) to clean up haz-

ardous waste sites to reduce pollution. (g) 1984

regulates underground gasoline storage

tanks. (h) 1987

establish policy to control non-point pollu-

tion. Led to development of state management plans to control.

6.1.4 Solid Waste 1. Types. (a) 35% paper (b) 12% yard trimmings (c) 12% food scraps (d) 11% plastics (e) 8% metals (f ) 7.4% rubber, leather, textiles (g) 5.3% glass (h) 5.8% wood (i) 3.4% other


i. Infectious wastes should be sterilized and are


not considered

Hazardous waste is produced 700 Mton/year in U.S. A. 50% chemical industry. B. Electronic, petroleum, coal each 10%. C. Destroyed buildings. D. Tons of abandoned waste sites.

1,000 may threaten public

health and environment. E. Management of hazards may be most serious environmental problem. 2. Hazardous waste legislation (a)

1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) identied hazardous wastes and life cyclescradle to grave management.



1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) dened policies and procedures for release of hazardous substances into environment. i. List of sites where hazardous substances likely or already impacted environment. ii.


to clean up worst cases.

iii. 1984 and 1986 amendments: A. Improve standards for disposal and cleanup. B. Ban disposal of certain chemicals: dioxin, PCB, solvent. C. Timetable for

phasing out

disposal of all untreated liquid

hazardous waste in landll or surface impoundment. D. Increase Superfund. E.

Environmental audits permit defense against liability.


old maps, photographs, reports, drilling, sampling.

Now rou-


F. Toxic 500 become public. Pressure industries. 3. Disposal: (a)


is rapid partial decomposition of organic matter by

aerobic organisms. Popular in Europe and Asia due to intense farming. Large-scale in mechanical composters. (b)


burns at temperatures high enough to consume all

combustible material (900 C1,000 C). i. Ideally 7595% reduction. ii. Practically 50% due to maintenance and waste supply problems. iii. Can supplement other fuels. iv. Pollute air. Trapping pollutants expensive. Need subsidies. Not optimal investment. (c)

Open dumps have waste piled and unprotected.

Closed and banned

in U.S. and many other places. i. Sometimes ignited. ii. Other places periodically compacted. (d)

Sanitary landll

waste with soil every day or more often. i.

is designed to concentrate and contain.


Leachate is water percolating into refuse that carries pollutants and bacteria.

ii. Siting is everything.

Arid, impermeable places with low water

table. iii. Often located in poor and minority places. iv.

Monitoring involves continual sampling (even if landll abandoned) of water and gas at special monitoring wells.


v. Entry of pollutants into environment: A. Gas release. B. Heavy metals retained in soil and uptaken by plants. C. Soluble materials move to groundwater. D. Polluted groundwater can seep into surface water. E. Wind blows toxins away.


Multiple barriers Vital to prevent leachate from reaching groundwater, where cleanup will be very expensive. include clay and plastic liners to limit leachate,

drainers to collect leachate, gas collection, groundwater monitoring.


Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1980 strengthen

and standardize design, operation, and monitoring of sanitary landlls. Fail


4. All methods of hazardous waste disposal causes some environmental disruption. (a)

Secure landll connes waste, controls, collects, and treats leachate, and detects leaks. i. Drains concentrate leachate to collection basin. ii. Animals can chew or burrow through impervious liners. iii. Some argued no such thing as secure landll.


Land application is intentional spreading of waste on land. able stu, like oil waste.


i. Microora (microorganisms in soil) attack material in



ii. Restricted to top 1520 cm. (c)

Surface impoundment uses depressions or excavations.


pits and lagoons. Seepage. Controversial; many closed. (d)

Deep-well disposal injects waste to place isolated from aquifers porous rock sealed by impervious rock. i. Oil-eld brine. ii. Not quick and easy solutionfew sites, must monitor.

5. Alternative methods for toxic waste (a) Recover valuable materials for future use in waste. (b) Neutralization, oxidation, and separation of heavy metals. (c) Incineration can destroy hazards, but some may escape as pollution. 6. Ocean dumping and pollution along shipping lanes


(a) Most pollution in the most productive parts of ocean. (b) Threaten sheriesshellsh contain polio- and hepatitis-causing organisms. (c) Algal blooms kill almost all marine life in area. (d)


, top 3 mm, extremely fragile. Phytoplankton, sh larva


i. Heavy metals 101,000 more concentrated here. (e) Plastics oat and accumulate in convergent currents.


i. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, very remote, is one

zone of con-

ii. 80 tons of marine debris collected there. iii. Birds eat plastics. Rings seal mouths. 7.

Industrial ecology is the study of relationships among industrial systems

of place.

and linkages to natural ecosystems.

Essentially, waste is a resource out

As extraction costs increase, nancial feasibility of reusing and

recycling increases. (a) For example, coal power plant heats homes, scrubs SO2 to make gypsum, CO2 sequestered and pumped to greenhouses, ash used to surface roads. (b) Canberra, Australia hopes to achieve zero-waste by 2010. 8.

Integrated waste management

composting, landlling, incinerating.


reuse, reduction, recycling,

(a) At least 50% waste stream can be reduced: i. Better packaging (10%) ii. Large-scale composting (10%) iii. Recycling (30%). A. U.S. recycles 30% of waste stream. B. 50% reached in some parts of U.S. C.

Intensive recycling Must develop market for recycled products.

can reduce 8090%; pilot program 84%.

D. 50% of U.S. steel from scrap. E.

(b) Using sewer sludge is widespread, but getting rid of toxins is dicult. i. Separate urban and industrial wastes. ii. Require factories to pretreat their waste. (c)

Materials management is resource conservation. i. Eliminate subsidies for virgin material and incentivize use of recycled.


ii. Fine poor material management processes. 9.

Pollution prevention (P-2):

Wisconsin cheese factory deposited 2,000

gal of salt water into landscommon for corporations that cannot discharge into municipal treatment plantsand damaged crops. DNR limited salt discharge. Factory developed evaporator, which reduced waste by

We are moving away from regulating disposal to eliminating as much of it as possible.

75% and decreased salt purchases by 50%. Recovered costs in 2 months.


Impacts on the Environment and Human Health

6.2.1 Hazards to Human Health 1. Synergism: toxins acting simultaneously

often unknown.


may be





Environmental risk analysis (risk assessment) is the determination of health hazards to people exposed to pollutants and possible toxins. (a)

Identify hazard Dose-response assessment Exposure assessment

(whether exposure is detrimental).

Observe other

humans, animal testing, cellular/molecular research. (b)

. Administer varying doses to humans or

animals. Dicult. Doesn't prove causality. (c)

. How many exposed, how much area contam-

inated, ecological gradients, length of exposure? Dicult like doseresponse. (d) 3.

Risk characterization

. Conclude health risks based on exposure.

Asbestos are ber-shaped minerals. (a) Fibers embed in lung tissue (b)

White asbestos


is related lung condition.


(chrysolite) is not particularly harmful. 95% of U.S.

i. No recorded nonoccupational disease. ii. Belief that much removal was unnecessary.

(c) 4.

Blue asbestos


(crocidolite) very harmful.

is apparently biologically useless but impacts every system, espe-

cially nervous system and in small children. (a) Poisoning of patricians may have contributed to Roman fall. (b) In children, may promote antisocial/criminal behavior. 5.

Electromagnetic elds have been suspected of increasing cancers, but question not yet answered.



Voluntary exposure is commonly smoking, drinking, and drugging.

7. Acute eect occurs soon, usually large exposure. Chronic opposite. 8.

Dose response

means the eect of a chemical depends on the dosage


harmful. harmful

(a) (Very) low concentrations (b) High concentrations i. ii. iii.

, eventually



LD-50 is dosage where 50% of population dies. Crude. ED-50 is dosage that causes desired eect in 50% of population. TD-50 is dosage that is toxic to 50%. Often reduced enzyme activity, decreased reproduction, other specic symptoms.


Therapeutic index =

LD-50 ED-50




(c) Curve crests where maximum benet occurs (plateau). (d) Threshold values unknown for most substances, especially transition from benet to harm.

6.2.2 Hazardous Chemicals in the Environment 1. Biomagnication. (a) Cd: coal (b) Hg: Hg 2.






−−−−−→ [CH3 Hg+ ]

carnivore (5060×)

accumulates more, stronger eect.

Persistent organic pollutants are now banned. (a) Example i. PCBs (heat-stable oils). ii. Dioxin, perhaps most toxic man-made chemical. Byproduct of chlorine combustion in herbicide synthesis. A. Damages wildlife in


small amounts.

B. Human impact controversial. (b) Often contain Cl. (c) Do not biodegrade. (d) Fat soluble; likely to accumulate. (e) Able to be transported long distances in wind, water, sediment. (f )

Hormonally active agents i.


(herbicide) feminizes frogs.

ii. Detriment reproductive viability. 3. Ecological gradients can be dened by distance to pollution source.



Tolerance is ability to resist or sustain stress due to toxin or environment. (a) Behavioral. (b) Physiological: body adjusts.

Does not mean damages ceases.

i. Detoxication. ii. Transport of toxin to non-harmful place (fat). (c) Genetic tolerance: selection.

6.3 1.

Economic Impacts

Cost-benet analysis.

of life, not length.

(a) Risk of death from pollutants is low.


Lowering air pollution increases

(b) Risks that aect a small proportion of people are more acceptable. (c) Novel risks are less acceptable. (d) More desirable activities carry greater acceptable risk. Sports, recreation vs. working.

But do we value length

(e) RAND study nds that direct measures (i.e., not bettering the envi-

of or quality of life more?

ronment) to increase longevity are cheaper.

(f ) Cost of pollution = costs to control pollution + loss from damages. i. May have have opposite trends. Minimum at intersection. A. If minimum cost results in too much pollution, then reducing pollution beyond this point may be considerably more expensive. ii. Total cost may stabilize or decline as pollution control becomes more ecient and external costs decline. iii. Estimated cost of pollution control per family is $3060. 2.

Externalities, or indirect costs are eects not normally accounted for in cost-benet analyses and are often not recognized as a cost or a benet. (a) Knowing

true cost

is necessary for rational consumer choice.

(b) Clean air and water and traded largely as if they cost nothing. (c) Dollar value can sometimes be determined: water by ow and storage

Now standard procedure.

in rivers and lakes; forest by inventory of trees and yield; mineral by estimated reserves.

(d) Who should pay? Polluters (then pass costs to consumers) or tax? Consensus that polluter pays approach oers stronger incentives.



Public service functions

have tremendous economic eects. We only

recognize them when we begin to lose one.

What may previously

have been an externality may now become a direct cost.

Natural capital Landscape aesthetics i.

(f )

estimated $3$33


is dicult to quantize because of dierent pref-


i. Some say, coherence, complexity, mystery. ii. Others, unity, vividness, variety.


(g) Value of the future: prot in future,

economically, prot now is worth more than

humans tend to think about the future.

i. Many believe we have obligation to future generations to not damage environment. ii. Spending on environment can be viewed as diverting funds from other productive investments (which may benet future generations).

Implication: protecting environment is taking from today's poor to give to tomorrow's future. How do you know which sacrices are important for future?

iii. As wealth increases, so does value placed on environment.

iv. Future value depends of future consumers' view of consumption.

v. If future value is greater than present value, eventually future value will be innite. That's not possible.

Rule of thumb: do not throw away something that cannot be replaced if you are unsure of future value Marginal costs Often increases exponentially. vi.

(precautionary principle).


is the cost for one additional unit.

4. Empirically, individual transferable quotas have been most eective.


5. New York Catskill Mountains case shows that it doesn't take much capital to get people to act because they


a clean environment.

Global Change


Stratospheric Ozone

1. 90% in stratosphere1540km. 2.

Blocks 99% of UV. (a)


is shortest


Decomposes O → 2O, then not aected by ozone layer. 2




O3 .

Negligible amounts reach surface (b)

UVA is longest λ and is


Some damage.

(c) 3.

UVB is energetic; O3 is only gas known to absorb it.

Dobson unit (DU) = 1 ppb O3 .

4. Hypothesis:

CFCs emitted in lower atmosphere are extremely stable

unreactive, 100 year residence time. (Soils remove an unknown amount,

catalytic chain reaction:

though). Eventually disperse to upper atmosphere. UV decomposes CFC, releasing Cl, which reacts with O3 in a (a) Cl

+ O3 → ClO + O2

(b) ClO

+ O → Cl + O2

(c) Estimated each Cl destroy 100,000 O3 . (d) May be interrupted removed up to 200 times, but UV may decompose Cl compound again at any time:

+ NO2 → ClONO2 Cl + CH4 → HCl (end for

i. ClO ii.

most Cl).

5. CFCs used in aerosol (not problem anymore), coolant (growing problem in developing countries), Styrofoam production. 6. Many solvent contain Cl and react similarly, as does halon (Br).

at equator, but circulates to poles.

7. Naturally, ozone highest at poles and lowest at equator.


Polar stratospheric clouds are observed at 20km. (a) Form during polar winter:

polar vortex.

Mainly produced


Antarctic air mass isolated and circles

about pole

(b) Vortex cools, condenses, descends (no sun to warm up). (c) Type I (190195 K): H2 SO4 particles freeze; seed for HNO3 . (d) Type II (< 190 K): water vapor condenses around Type I particles. Mother-of-pearl color.

70% O in weeks.

(e) HNO3 settle out.


Cl sink ClONO cannot be formed. Can destroy can dissipate southwards. 2

(f ) Arctic clouds are not as severe, but ClO

9. Tropical, mid-latitude depletion also hypothesized.

Polar stratospheric

clouds migrate; volcanic explosions (SO2 may gentrify). 10. Eects (a)

Reduce ocean productivity:

Antarctic waters decreased primary pro-

ductivity 612% associated with ozone depletion. i. Plankton are CO2 sink

→ 53

exacerbate global warming.

(b) (c)

Disrupt food production Cancer increase Reduce immune function. .

predicted to

until 2060 when ozone layer begins to

recover. (d)

(e) Cataracts. 11. Strategies for reducing ozone depletion (a) Estimated to return to pre-1980 by 2050. Already growth reduced. (b)


discarded CFCs. 1.2 kg CFC per refrigerator (50 M world-

wide). (c)


F reacts similarly to Cl, but 1,000 less e-

cient. Possible to make it not deplete. (d)

Hydrochlorourocarbons can be broken down in lower atmosphere. But if it gets into upper atmosphere, still deplete. Transition; phase out 2030.

12. Relevant laws and treaties (a)

1987 Montreal Protocol27 original, 119 later. i. Reduce CFCs to 50% of 1986 levels. Eliminate by 1999. ii. Developed stopped by 1995; deadline for developing, 2005. iii.

China, India

are not parties.

iv. Requires technology and money for developing countries. v. Black market for CFCs. (b) 1990 London (c) 1992 Copenhagen

7.2 1.

Global Warming

Climate change earth by several

refers to uctuation of annual mean temperature of

C over the past million years.

(a) Temperatures dropped in 1940 but began dramatically increasing starting in 1970s. (b) Milankovitch cycles:

earth's unstable orbit produces 100,000 year


cycles, which correlates with major (inter)glacial periods. 40,000 and

as one mechanism among many.

20,000 year changes are result of earth's wobble.

2. Mean surface temperature expected to increase by 1.5 C to 4.5 C by 2100. 3. Surface temperature determine by:


(a) Sunlight received and reected. (b) Heat reected by atmosphere. (c) Evaporation and condensation of water vapor. 4.

Greenhouse gases re-emits radiation to earth's surface, warming earth. (a) Water vapor responsible for 85% and water aerosol 12%. (b)

Atmospheric window

is the 812

house gases do not absorb well.

But CFCs do!

µm wavelength where natural green-

(c) Lower atmosphere kept 33 C warmer than otherwise and moderate day/night temperature


(d) CO2 : 5060% of anthropogenic greenhouse eect. i. Exponential growth for 150 years; r = 0.5% per year. ii. By 2050,


pre-industrial level.

(e) CH4 1220%; more than doubled in past 200 years. Human sources: landlls, burning biomass, coal and natural gas, agriculture:


(anaerobes release CH4 ,), raising cattle. i.


methane releases may have ended glacial periods and

quickly increased temperatures. As ocean levels dropped, so did pressure on methane hydrates, causing them to be released into the atmosphere. Waters also warmed at the beginning of interglacial periods, further favoring release of methane. (f ) CFCs: inert compounds used at aerosol propellants up to 1978 in U.S. Tremendously more potent than CO2 . (g) N2 O 5%. Fertilizer application and fossil fuels. Long residence time in atmosphere. 5.

Forcing is any process that changes global temperatures.

6. Hypothesized negative feedback: (a) Global warming increases algae, which consume CO2 . (b) Greater [CO2 ] stimulates forest growth, removing CO2 . (c) Polar regions receive more precipitation from warmer air carrying more moisture; deposited snow reects heat. (d) Warmer temperature evaporates more water from oceans, forming more clouds, which reect heat. 7. Hypothesized positive feedback:


(a) Increase oceanic evaporation increases water vapor


increase warm-

(b) Melting of permafrost releases methane. (c) Reducing

summer snowpack

reduces reection.

(d) People use additional air conditioning, burning more fossil fuels. 8. Both negative and positive occur spontaneously, but evidence points to positive being favored. Role of water vapor is critical and not well understood. 9.

Global dimming is the reduction of solar radiation by reection o par-

seeds for clouds

ticles and their interaction with water vapor. SO2 and volcanic aerosols oset some global greenhouse eect because they at as

. In

some areas pollutants oset 50% of expected warming due to greenhouse gases. 10. Potential consequences: (a)

Polar amplication is positive feedback of ice melting, thus reecting less heat.

(b) Climate change could damage agricultural productivity because optimal climate is not longer paired with optimal soil.


i. Runo may be much faster because snow pack is reduced, leading to

runo for more downstream regions.

ii. Could increase occurrence or magnitude of violent storms be-


cause warmer ocean water puts more energy into storms. Past hurricanes show average magnitude rence has not).

increased (but occur-

thermal expansion of water, melting of glacial ice.

(c) Rising sea levelshalf the people on earth live near the coast! Caused by (1)


i. Already 12mm/yr. Estimated 4555

cm by 2100.

ii. Increase coastal erosion, loss of wetlands, saltwater intrusion. (d) Glaciers melt, but Antarctic ice cap grows.

Consistent with models.

(e) Changes in biosphere: evidence of many animals adapting. i. Some species cannot adapt quickly enough, particular plants, ii. Wild relatives of crops used for hybridization may die. iii.

range of mosquitoes carrying

malaria, dengue fever.

iv. Possibly responsible for spread of West Nile Virus to New York City. 11. Simply learning to live with global warming may not be the best idea because the rapid rise may bring many nasty surprises.

If reduced to

below 2.0 C over the next century, then very likely to be able to adapt. 12. Reducing climate change:


(a) California (itself 12th largest greenhouse gasser) passed legislation to reduce emissions by 25% by 2020. (b) Conserve; use nuclear and renewables; use natural gas instead of other fuels. (c) Minimize burning of forests;


(d) Geologic sequestration: capture CO2 and inject into reservoirs. Depleted oil elds or saltwater aquifer. Need to sequester 2 GtC/yr to be eective. i. Norway sequester CO2 from natural gas production facility under natural gas eld in North Sea. Expensive, but so is paying carbon tax. 13. Laws and Treaties (a) 1987

Montreal Protocol signed by 24 states to reduce and eliminate

CFC use and develop alternatives. Nearly phased out by 2000.


Loss of Biodiversity

7.3.1 Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered and extinct species

introduced to dierent biotic provinces (regardless of biome) likely to cause trouble

1. Species

because the introduced and local species have not evolved

with each other. (a) (b)

Ubiquitous species can be found anywhere. Cosmopolitan species can be found almost anywhere within suitable conditions.

(c) (d)

Endemic species can be found naturally in only one place. Exotic species are species introduced into an area where it has not evolved.

ened Species

2. International Union for the Conservation of Nature's

Red List of Threat-

(a) 20% known species of mammals, 12% birds, 4% reptiles, 31% amphibian, 3% sh, 3% vascular plants. 3.

Endangered species means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a signicant portion of its range [except insect pests].


Threatened species

means any species which is likely to become an

endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a signicant portion of its range.


5. Causes of Extinction (a) Population risk: random variations in birth and death rates result in many individuals unable to nd mates. (b) Environmental risk:

non-catastrophic changes kill species.


times can be very isolated, for example, specic pollinator/ower relationship: if plants die, so do pollinators. (c) Natural catastrophe. (d) Genetic risk:



including environmental damage) genetic drift,

widespread mutation.

7.3.2 Maintenance Through Conservation 1. Goals: two approaches: (a) To some pretechnological number. Complex, inaccurate. (b) Seek some determinable number: minimum viable, optimal population, etc. i.

Minimal viable population is smallest

estimated population

to maintain itself and its genetic variability indenitely. ii.

Optimum sustainable population

is the



population to sustain itself without detriment to ecosystem. 2. Sometimes protection works too well:

sea lions, mountain lions

have be-

come problems for human life and property.

3. Spatial relationshipslooking at each specie's habitatcan allow for preservation of certain species without compromising other species.

7.3.3 Laws and Treaties 1. Endangered Species (a) 1973

U.S. Endangered Species Act listed endangered, threatened

species and was the most wide-ranging piece of environmental legislation in the 1970s. As of 2007, 41 species have been de-listed


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