Geospatial Science Outline Ny

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Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


Acknowledgements This lesson plan was developed by Jim Hooper, Camp Educator for 4-H Camp Bristol Hills, with the support of Cornell Cooperative Extension, the New York State 4-H Geospatial Taskforce, and Cornell University’s Institute for Resource Information Sciences. February, 2008.

Goals and Objectives According to the United States Geological Survey, in a publication titled Science for a st Changing World, “The problems we face in the 21 Century – natural hazards, crime, terrorism, water availability, biodiversity loss, climate change, urban sprawl, energy needs and many more – are becoming more serious and are growing in geographic extent, affecting individuals everyday lives. Each of these problems has a graphic component. Education in spatial analysis using GIS as the tool is an important skill that must be promoted if we hope to grapple with these issues.” Today it is more important than ever that youth have an understanding of place. The youth of today will be making the decisions that shape our world tomorrow. The New York State 4-H program, working under the 4-H Science, Engineering and Technology (4-H SET) initiative is striving to provide opportunities for children to experience cutting edge technology to better prepare them for their futures. In a recent 4-H SET and New York State Resource Directory Survey, results showed that geospatial science was believed to be the most affective subject matter to introduce non-4-H youth to 4-H programming. Further, curriculum tools and easy, tested lesson plans were shown to be the most important factor for leaders interested in providing at least 20 hours of SET programming each year. This lesson plan is designed to address those needs. This outline features introductory study of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. It is not intended to be a compendium of geospatial activities, but rather, a specific outline allowing youth to experience first hand the use of these technologies to complete a specific mapping project. The outline works through a series of experiences that allow youth to learn basic land navigation skills using the GPS units to identify and record their current location (waypoint), create waypoints, and navigate to waypoints. Armed with this knowledge, youth will then perform a scientific study of soil composition, using GPS units to record location data, and generating a spatially accurate map of their results. From start to finish, the outline provides six hours of instruction, allowing youth to learn the skills and complete a simple mapping project illustrating real-world use of the technologies. For more exhaustive studies into GPS and GIS projects, the National 4-H Program has published additional resources. Please check the Additional Resources section on page 14.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


Contents General Information................................................................3 Procedures Session I: Using a GPS......................................................4 Session I Outcomes...............................................5 Session II: Data Collection .....................................6 Session II Outcomes.............................................8 Session II: Generating a GIS Map...........................9 Session III Outcomes ...........................................11 Sample Soil Survey Map ..............................................................12 Adaptations .......................................................................................13 Discussion Questions ...............................................................13 Vocabulary..........................................................................................13 Additional resources...............................................................14 New York State Learning Standards ...........................16 4-H Science, engineering and technology...........18 works cited........................................................................................19

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


General Information GRADE LEVEL: • Intermediate (6-8) SUBJECT AREAS: • Math, Science and Technology • Career Development and Occupational Studies • Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences LENGTH OF LESSON: • Three 2-Hour Sessions. • Sessions I & II outdoors. Session III suited for the classroom. • Can be done in one, two, or three separate visits. A recreation-based program could take part in Session I (Geocaching) only, at a reduced investment of cost and time. MAIN OBJECTIVE: • Students will understand how geospatial science can provide a strong mechanism for studying our human and natural communities. GOALS: • Students will become familiar with using basic functions of a Global Positioning Systems (GPS) receiver, including marking and navigating to waypoints. • Students will learn basic mapping skills including map elements (North Arrow, Scale, Legend, neat line, grid lines) and map interpretation (making inferences based on spatial data contained within the map). • Students will build a complete map combining existing data and collected waypoints using a GIS map. MATERIALS: • GPS Units • Geocaches • Handheld Radios (Walkie-Talkies) • Charged Batteries • Computers with GIS software, Digital Projector and Printer • Samples of topographic map. • Soil samples (adjusted for pH, Phosphorous, Nitrogen, Potassium) • RapiTest Soil Testing Kit • Poster of Aerial View of Camp, laminated • Dry Erase Board and Markers • Paper Cups and a Pitcher of Water

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


PROCEDURES: SESSION 1 (120 Minutes) A. Anticipatory Set (45 Minutes) • Discuss with the students what they have read, heard or experienced about the Global Positioning System. Ask them what it is, and what they have seen it used for already. • Introduce the idea of using a GPS to mark and find places (known as “waypoints). • GPS receivers use signals from satellites positioned around the globe, about 12,000 miles above the surface. There are 24 of these satellites in use at any one time. • Satellites send information about how far the receiver is from the satellite, and this allows the receiver to “triangulate” its own location, within about 3 meters of accuracy. • Pass out GPS Units, and ask students to turn them on. • Show students how to turn off the GPS function, so it isn’t trying to lock on to satellites while you are still indoors. • Use the Powerpoint titled “Using the Garmin Legend GPS Receiver” to walk through the most commonly used features of the GPS unit. • When students are on the “Map” page, ask them what information they see that might be important. (Scale, current location, nearby landmarks, roads, etc) • Ask students to advance to the “Navigation” page. Ask them why there is no arrow in the compass. [Hint: There is no magnetic compass in the GPS, so it can’t determine which direction you are facing until you start moving]. • Let the participants navigate to the “Trip Computer” page. Show them how they can edit each field on the receiver. • Have students advance to the “Main Menu” page. • Show them how to “MARK” a waypoint, explaining that if you don’t edit the coordinates, the GPS will mark their current location. Name the first waypoint “classroom” • Mark a second waypoint, but this time, they will edit the name to that of the first cache hidden outside. Enter the coordinates to that waypoint. • Once students have successfully entered the coordinates, show them how to “find” a waypoint from the main menu. Have them search for waypoints/nearest and they will see the two waypoints that they just entered. • Have the students set a “GOTO” and ask them what happens when you click on the “GOTO”. • These three features are the most commonly used and most important for our lesson: Marking current location, marking remote location, and finding a waypoint. B. Using the GPS Receiver (75 minutes) • Take the group outside. • Ask them to turn on the GPS function of the receiver. Wait for satellites to lock on. • If they haven’t already done so, have them use the FIND function to set a GOTO for the first waypoint. • Ask students to use one finger to point in the direction that their GPS tells them to go. Ask them why all of the units tell them different directions. These GPS receivers have no magnetic compass, and use the direction of travel to determine which direction the gps is facing.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


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Ask them what they should do if/when there is an obstacle in the way of their intended travel. [Hint: Walk around any obstacles, since the GPS will be able to guide them toward their final destination, unlike a compass.] Let them walk to the first location, and tell them what they are looking for when they get there. The first cache should be a large container in the open. Ask students to stand at the cache and look at their GPS receivers. How far away does it say the cache should be? Why would the GPS not show zero? [There are many factors that affect the accuracy of a GPS receiver. The GPS must have a clear view of the sky, so being indoors, or even outdoors under a tree canopy will block signals. Water, even in very small quantities, will block the signals from the satellite, so GPS cannot be used underwater. Tall buildings or steep natural walls (ie. the ravine at camp) will often make it difficult to obtain accurate signals.] Open the container to reveal the coordinates to the next waypoints. Split the group into small groups of roughly 3 people/group to navigate to the next caches. Tell them what the container is. Let them navigate to the next waypoint. Continue this process 3-4 times, depending on time allotted. Instruct them to return at a given time. Be sure that each group has a handheld radio. Periodically, use the radio to let the groups know how much longer they have.

OUTCOMES Upon completion of this session, students are expected to be able to: • • •

demonstrate basic operation of a GPS receiver, including marking and navigating to waypoints. describe the factors that affect the accuracy of a GPS receiver. identify the various parts of the Global Positioning System.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

6 SESSION 2 (120 Minutes) A. Anticipatory Set (30 Minutes) • Ask students if any of them have ever heard of Precision Farming, and what it might mean. [using GPS and GIS technologies to apply the appropriate amount of pesticides and fertilizers to maximize yield and minimize environmental impact] • Lay a poster of a farmers field (laminated) • Describe how soil is like a sponge, in that it can hold a certain amount of nutrients. • Different plants (crops) need certain levels of different nutrients, but each crop has different needs. Corn, for example, uses a lot of Nitrogen, while soybeans don’t require as much. • The nutrients in the soil can be one of the factors that a farmer considers when he chooses what to grow. Additional nutrients can be added to soil, in the form of fertilizers, but that adds to the cost of the crop. • Ask what might happen if a soil has too little of a specific nutrient? [low yields, weak plants, prone to disease, low profit margins] What if a farmer adds too much fertilizer? [expensive, excess fertilizers drain into water supply causing pollution, plants can be “burned” if they get too much fertilizer]. • Place 15 paper cups evenly around the poster. Each cup should be marked with a black ring indicating the halfway point. The line would represent the optimum amount of fertilizer that a crop needs in order to be successful. Use a pitcher to add varying amounts of water to each cup. Some should be at the black line, some should be below or empty, while others should be above, or nearly overflowing. Explain that these cups represent the amount of nutrients that the soil in that location can hold, and that the soil varies across the size of the field. • Give one of the students a pitcher of water. Instruct them to “drive their tractor” through the field. Most farm equipment is calibrated to dispense the same amount of fertilizer to the entire surface of the field. For our example, give the “farmer” another paper cup with a lower black line and ask them to fill the cup to the line and add that same amount to each cup. • Ask the rest of the group to make observations about the farmers fertilizing practices. [only a very small percentage of the cups are now at the black line] What would this mean in the real world? [only a small percentage of the field would be optimally fertilized. Some areas would get “burned”, and still others would spill excess fertilizers into streambeds or other water sources]. • Does it make sense that an area that is high in Nitrogen would necessarily be high in pH or Potassium, or Phosphorous? Depending on your fields needs, manufacturers produce fertilizers with different ratios of Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Potassium (P/N/K). • In precision farming, soils are tested to determine composition at different areas of the field. Once the test results are entered into a map, the farmers equipment will get location data from GPS signals, and know exactly how much fertilizer to apply at each location within the field to maximize yield and profit. • Today, we will be testing soil samples throughout our “field”, and entering that data on a map. B. Preparing for Data Collection (15 Minutes) • To begin, show students how to clear all waypoints and track data, so that when they download their data, they won’t be downloading old information. o Use GPS and scroll through the pages until you find the Trip Computer page. o Use the Click Stick to scroll over one space to the left and press it in. Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

7 o Select Reset o Choose Select All, then scroll down to Apply. Then hit Yes when it asks if you want to permanently delete this information. • Divide the class into 15 equal groups (at least 2 students per group). • Before class, the facilitator must prepare 15 tubs of soil and lay them out throughout the property to represent the farmer’s field. Place cones at each station to make them visible from a central point, wherever your group is meeting. Tubs should contain soils, prepared in advance to adjust Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and pH levels. B. Data Collection and Reporting (45 Minutes) • Using the test kits at each group will visit one of the testing sites, and perform each of the four tests AND mark their waypoint data for their test site. • Once the groups have completed the soil testing, it is time to record their data. All groups will meet together in the classroom. Each group should elect a spokesperson. • The facilitator will ask each group what they recorded for each of the tests. Ask the adult leader to keep track on a large grid: pH

Phosphorous Nitrogen



Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9 Site 10 Site 11 Site 12 Site 13 Site 14 Site 15 This grid should be prepared on a dry erase board with lines marked in permanent marker.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

8 Have each group enter the Coordinates of each site in their handheld GPS. Ask them what conclusions they can draw from the tabular data. Would it be easier to draw conclusions if you could see the data on the map? In other words, would it be easier to draw conclusions from space-based information when viewed in a spatially referenced context? C. Basic Visual Representation of the Data. (30 Minutes) • Use a dry erase/chalk board to draw a quick map by hand. • Invite one of the students to transpose data from the chart for Nitrogen • Ask the group if they can see trends now, that they couldn’t see before? • Repeat the process for Potassium. Ask the group if they would rather see it overlaid as another layer on the same map, or shown on a different map. Why? [This would be a good opportunity to stimulate discussion about the layering aspect of GIS maps.] • Invite students to share their ideas as to why it would be important to have this data in a digital format, via a GIS Map. [accuracy, ability to communicate with others electronically, ability to transmit data to computerized farm equipment] • Show pictures and share information about GIS enabled tractors and other equipment. Stimulate discussion about economics of high-tech equipment vs. traditional. Why would a farmer choose to spend extra money for GPS enabled equipment? [higher profit margins, reduced environmental pollution, more sustainable agriculture (ie. healthy environment will allow more farming in the future).] What type of farmer would be more likely to upgrade? [Large scale production farmers are more likely to see a profit from the upgrade, small scale local farmers wouldn’t see enough return to justify the expenses] • •

OUTCOMES Upon completion of this session, students are expected to be able to: • • •

define precision agriculture/farming. compare and contrast traditional farming practices with precision agriculture. demonstrate appropriate technique for data collection.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

9 SESSION III (120 Minutes) A. Map Reading/Interpretation (30 Minutes) • Project a sample of a topographic map. Ask them what the map can “tell” them. • Discuss with the students what elements they see that help them to understand the map. Are there some elements that all maps should have? [Scale, legend/key, North Arrow, and title. What are some other features that can be useful in reading a map for specific purposes? [grid lines, contour lines, etc] B. Building a GIS Map using waypoints from GPS units. (60 Minutes) • Ask for a volunteer who would like to have their GPS data used for a map. Have the first student sit at the computer and plug his/her gps into the data transfer cable. • Start the ESRI ArcMap program. • Connect the GPS to the computer with the data transfer cable. Turn on the unit. • Open the DNR Garmin application. • Choose Waypoints/Download. The computer will now open each of the waypoints in the connected GPS unit. Click on OK. • Go to File then Save To and then To File. Navigate to GIS Data Sets folder and give it an appropriate name. Set Filetype to “ArcView Shapefile Projected”. Click on OK. • When the on-screen prompt says “File was written successfully”, click on OK. • Close the Garmin DNR application. Maximize the ArcMap application now. • In ArcMap, choose “A New, Empty Map” • Once the new map has opened, click on the yellow diamond shaped button with a heavy black “+” sign on the center of it. This is the Add Data button. • Navigate to the folder where you stored the data (most likely “GIS Data Sets”) and select the file that you just created in DNR Garmin. • This will add all the waypoints from the GPS to the map. • Add a variety of additional data layer using the same Add Data feature, selecting layers that would be appropriate for the map. Ask the students which layers would be helpful, and why. Which layers would not be helpful, Why not? • Once you have a variety of data, invite another student to sit at the computer, computer and begin entering the data from our research. • Right Click on the Layer containing the GPS Coordinates and select Open Attribute Table. • At the bottom of the Attribute Table, click on Options then on Add Field • In the Name field, enter “pH” and under Type, select Float, then hit OK. • Repeat three more times, adding fields for Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium, except instead of using Float, use Short Integer. • Look on the main window (while keeping the Attribute Table on the screen) for ArcGIC and click on Editor, scroll down to Start Editing. • In the Attribute Table, add the data in the appropriate fields in the table. • When you are all done, click on Editor in the main window, and select Sop Editing, and then again on Save Edits. Then close the Attribute Table • Data entry is done! Have another camper sit at the computer. computer • All the data entry we have done will NOT show yet. • Double click on the layer with the GPS Data. • Click on the Symbology tab Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

10 Select Quantities and then Graduated Symbols. In the body of that window, under Fields, where it says “Value”, click the dropdown menu and select pH. Under Normalization, leave it at “None”, then hit OK. • If you look at the map now, you should see each waypoint noted with the same symbol but in different sizes, based on your data. • Now click, two slow left clicks, on the layer containing your data. Rename the layer to “pH” and hit enter. [Clicking too fast will bring up the Layer Properties window. Exit this and click twice on the data layer, pausing between clicks] • Now, right click on the pH layer and select Copy. • Right click on Layers, and select Paste Layers. This duplicates the pH Layer. • Rename this layer to “Nitrogen”. • Double (left) click on the new Nitrogen Layer [It will still show pH numbers on the map] • Open the Symbology Tab, and again, select Quantities/Graduated Symbols. • In the body of that window, under Fields, where it says “Value”, click the dropdown menu and select Nitrogen. Under Normalization, leave it at “None”, then hit OK. • Under Template, click the Symbol and choose a new symbol, so that it is NOT the same symbol as the pH Layer. Hit Ok. • Repeat these steps for Phosphorous and Potassium. • Each of these layers is now stacked one on top of the other. You won’t be able to see all of the data at once, so essentially, you will need to show one layer at a time. To do so, uncheck the boxes next to each layer EXCEPT the one you want to show. • You now have one map that shows all 4 tests, although you can only see one data set at a time. C. Map Presentation and Production (30 Minutes) • With all the data entered, it is time to get the map ready for presentation. • What elements should all maps contain? [Legend, Title, Neatline, Scale, Date, Author] • On the top menu bar, select View, then scroll to Layout View • The map will look like a page of paper with a map now, with a dotted line and drag boxes on each corner and mid line. • Now, adding the elements. Click on Insert on the top menu bar. Scroll to Title. A text box appears at the top of the map. Enter a title. The title should clearly explain what the map is trying to relay to the reader. • Once you have entered a title, hit the Enter button. If you decide to edit the title, simply double click the text box. You can change the font, color, size, etc. You can also move the location of the title. • A Neatline is the thin, solid line that creates the border on a map. To add a neatline (which also allows you to set a background color to the map), select Insert/Neatline, then hit OK. • A Legend or Key is how a reader will understand what the symbols of your map mean. It is a dictionary of symbols for your map. Although some symbols are standardized (blue usually means water, hatched lines typically represent railroads etc.), it is always a good idea to include a legend. • To add the Legend, select Insert/Legend. • In the table that pops up, there are two boxes. In the left box is a list of all the layers represented on your map. The box on the right lists all of the layers that will be represented • •

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


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in the Legend. If there are any elements that you don’t want to list in the legend (for whatever reason), highlight the unwanted layer and then select the back arrow in the Legend Wizard. Once you are satisfied with the layers selected, click Next Now you can edit the fonts, colors and titles of the legend. Then click Next. Now you can edit the background, border and drop shadow if you wish. Then click Next. Click Next through the last pages of the Legend Wizard. Once the legend shows on your map, you will need to move the legend to a space on the map where it will be clearly visible, but not intrusive to the data on the map. Next, you will want to add a North Arrow. Select Insert/North Arrow. Select one of the stock images for a North Arrow, and select OK. Again, you will need to reposition the North Arrow so that it is visible, but not intrusive. You will want to add a sense of scale. You can choose to use a scale bar or scale text. Select Insert/Scale Bar or Insert/Scale Text. Complete the wizard, then reposition the scale within the neatline. To finish your map, you will want to date the map, and identify who created the map. Select Insert/Text. A small box will appear in the center of your map. Enter the date the map was created, and then your group name. For example: “Map generated May 21, 2008 by Mrs. Johnson’s 6th grade class at Canandaigua Middle School”. Voila, your map is finished! Be sure that the printer is hooked up. Select File/Print. Complete the Print Wizard and print your very first map!

OUTCOMES • Students will be able to name the basic components of maps. • Students will be able to describe how maps use layers or data sets to relay spatial information graphically. • Students will enter data for scientific study. • Students will communicate scientific results by generating a geospatially referenced map of their findings.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


Sample Soil Map Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

13 ADAPTATIONS: • This program could easily be adapted to accommodate the school classroom environment. • Please discuss with the facilitator, any students with special needs, prior to the program. • Some groups may find it helpful to provide additional support staff for students who may need more individualized attention with the technology. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: A. Who do you think created the GPS system, and how long ago was it started? [US Military. The project began back in the 1970s] B. Do you think that the people who originally created the idea had farmers or geocachers in mind when they created it? If not, who did they possibly have in mind? [Soldiers, aircraft, space exploration] C. Who do you think was the first industry in the civilian market to utilize GPS? [Pizza Companies!] D. How might this information be helpful to a farmer trying to determine the best use of his/her fields? [help to analyze how the soils vary throughout the field, make decisions about which crops to grow and where. ] E. If a farmer felt it was necessary to apply pesticides/fertilizers to the fields, would this information be helpful? [Could help to avoid applying too many chemicals, which would be costly, and could cause environmental contamination. Could also identify where the soil needs more nutrients(fertilizers) added, due to a natural deficiency] F. How else might this type of mapping technology be helpful in your community? G. If you were a farmer 50 years ago, how would you have made similar decisions without the help of GPS and GIS mapping technology? [You wouldn’t have. Farmers in the early 1900’s treated their entire field as one, applying the same chemicals to the entire field, whether they needed it or not. They may have based decisions on last years yields, and/or account for weather and other conditions, but they had no concrete way to analyze their soils.] H. Looking 50 years ahead, how do you think this technology will help farmers? [Precision farming, tractors that drive themselves, tracking collars on livestock] VOCABULARY: •

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Coordinates: A set of numbers that designate location in a given reference system, such as x,y in a planar coordinate system or an x,y,z in a three-dimensional coordinate system. Coordinates represent locations on the Earth's surface relative to other locations. ( Data Set: A logically meaningful grouping or collection of similar or related data. Data having mostly similar characteristics (source or class of source, processing level and algorithms, etc.) GPS: A constellation of satellites originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense as a navigation aid. It is now used by the civilian community for navigation and horizontal/vertical positioning of features. ( ) GPS/r: Global Positioning System Receiver. This is the handheld device that allows a user to determine their exact location in space. Latitude: Latitude: The angular distance of a location north or south of the equator. Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


( Longitude: The angle between the plane of a meridian and the plane of an initial meridian arbitrarily chosen (the Greenwich Prime Meridian). ( Precision Farming: This practice allows the farmer to vary the rate of fertilizer across the field according to the need identified by GPS guided Grid Sampling. Fertilizer that would have been spread in areas that don't need it can be placed in areas that do, thereby optimizing its use. ( ) Triangulation: A trigonometric operation for finding a position or location by means of bearings from two fixed points a known distance apart ( ) Waypoint: an intermediate point on a route or line of travel ( )

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: To explore a more thorough course of study, the following resources may be helpful. Brewer, Cynthia. Designing Better Maps, a Guide for GIS Users. Redlands, CA: ESRI P, 2005. Cook, Donald. Fun with GPS. First ed. Redlands, California: ESRI P, 2005. English, Kim Z., and Laura S. Feaster. Community Geography, GIS in Action. Redlands, CA: ESRI P, 2003. "Exploring Spaces, Going Places." National Directory of 4-H Materials. 2006. 15 Feb. 2008 . "Geocaching Home Page." 15 Feb. 2008. Groundspeak, Inc. 15 Feb. 2008 <>. Knapp, Connie L., and The Orton Family Foundation. Making Community Connections. 1st ed. Redlands, CA: ESRI P, 2003. Malone, Lyn, Anita M. Palmer, Christine L. Voigt, Eileen Napolean, and Laura Feaster. Mapping Our World, GIS Lessons for Educators. 2nd ed. Redlands, CA: ESRI P, 2005.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills


Mitchell, Andy. Zeroing in. Geographic Information Systems At Work in the Community. Redlands, CA: ESRI P, 1998.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

16 NEW YORK STATE LEARNING STANDARDS Grade Level: Intermediate Subject Area: Math, Science and Technology Standard 2: Information Systems Key Idea 1:Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning. • 1.1: use a range of equipment and software to integrate several forms of information in order to create good quality audio, video, graphic, and text-based presentations. • 1.2: use spreadsheets and data-base software to collect, process, display, and analyze information. Students access needed information from electronic data bases and on-line telecommunication services. • 1.5: collect data from probes to measure events and phenomena. Key Idea 2: Knowledge of the impacts and limitations of information systems is essential to its effective and ethical use. • 2.1: understand the need to question the accuracy of information displayed on a computer because the results produced by a computer may be affected by incorrect data entry. • 2.2: identify advantages and limitations of data-handling programs and graphics programs. Key Idea 3:Information technology can have positive and negative impacts on society, depending upon how it is used. • 3.2: describe applications of information technology in mathematics, science, and other technologies that address needs and solve problems in the community. • 3.3: explain the impact of the use and abuse of electronically generated information on individuals and families. Standard 6: Interconnectedness, Common Themes and Systems Thinking Key Idea 2: Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design. • 2.1: select an appropriate model to begin the search for answers or solutions to a question or problem. • 2.2: use models to study processes that cannot be studied directly (e.g., when the real process is too slow, too fast, or too dangerous for direct observation). • 2.3: demonstrate the effectiveness of different models to represent the same thing and the same model to represent different things.

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

17 Key Idea 6: In order to arrive at the best solution that meets criteria within constraints, it is often necessary to make trade-offs. •6.2: use graphs of information for a decision making problem to determine the optimum solution. Subject Area: Career Development and Occupational Studies Standard 2:Integrated Learning Key Idea 1. Integrated learning encourages students to use essential academic concepts, facts, and procedures in applications related to life skills and the world of work. This approach allows students to see the usefulness of the concepts that they are being asked to learn and to understand their potential application in the world of work. • 1.3: use academic knowledge and skills in an occupational context, and demonstrate the application of these skills by using a variety of communication techniques (e.g., sign language, pictures, videos, reports, and technology). Standard Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills Key Idea 1. Basic skills include the ability to read, write, listen, and speak as well as perform arithmetical and mathematical functions. •1.1: listen to and read the ideas of others and analyze what they hear and read; acquire and use information from a variety of sources; and apply a combination of mathematical operations to solve problems in oral or written form. Key Idea 2. Thinking skills lead to problem solving, experimenting, and focused observation and allow the application of knowledge to new and unfamiliar situations. • 2.1: evaluate facts, solve advanced problems, and make decisions by applying logic and reasoning skills. Key Idea 5. Technology is the process and product of human skill and ingenuity in designing and creating things from available resources to satisfy personal and societal needs and wants. • 5.1: select and use appropriate technology to complete a task. Key Idea 6. Information management focuses on the ability to access and use information obtained from other people, community resources, and computer networks. • 6.1: select and communicate information in an appropriate format (e.g., oral, written, graphic, pictorial, multimedia). Subject Area: Health, Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Consumer Sciences Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment Physical Education Key Idea 1: Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication. Students will be able to identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for all participants. Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

18 •1.1: understand the risks of injury if physical activity is performed incorrectly or performed in extreme environmental conditions, and recognize the importance of safe physical conditions (equipment, facilities) as well as the emotional conditions essential for safety • 1.2: develop skills of cooperation and collaboration, as well as fairness, sportsmanship, and respect for others • 1.3:work constructively with others to accomplish a goal in a group activity, demonstrating consideration for others involved • 1.4: understand the physical and environmental dangers associated with particular activities and demonstrate proper procedures for safe participation in games, sports, and recreational pursuits. NATIONAL 44-H SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (4(4 - H SET) With 4-H and the Cooperative Extension System’s (CES) direct connection to the cutting-edge research and resources of the nation’s 106 land-grant universities and colleges, we are strategically positioned to strengthen the U.S. global competitiveness and leadership in science, engineering and technology. 4-H SET activities reach over 5 million youth with hands-on learning experiences that foster exploration, discovery and passion for the sciences. The combination of content and context inherent in 4-H club and camp programs is proven to have a positive effect on youth, resulting in young adults who are prepared to contribute, excel, and lead in their communities and workplaces.

4-H SET has identified 30 abilities that exemplify SET learning standards. Observe Categorize/Order/Classify Organize Infer Question Predict Hypothesize Evaluate State a Problem Plan an investigation Use Tools Develop Solutions Design Solutions Problem Solve Measure




Draw/Design Build/Construct Collect Data Invent/Implement Solutions Test Research a Problem Interpret/Analyze/Reason Troubleshoot Redesign Optimize Collaborate Compare Model/Graph/Use Numbers Summarize/Relate Demonstrate/Communicate to Others

Draft February 27, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills



19 WORKS CITED “Math, Science and Technology.” New York State Learning Standards. 25 Feb. 2008 . "ScienceEngineeringTechnology." National 4-H Council, 4-H SET. 25 Feb. 2008 . "4-H SET and New York State Resource Directory Survey." NYS 4-H Moodle. Cornell University Cooperative Extension. 25 Feb. 2008 .

Draft February 15, 2008 By Jim Hooper, Educator, 4-H Camp Bristol Hills

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