
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 242
  • Pages: 4
Environment is the set of forces and conditions that surround and affect living beings and things in general. The constituents of the environment include abiotic factors such as climate, lighting, pressure, oxygen content, and biotic, such as conditions of food, way of life in society and to humans, education, company, health and other .

All living beings and ecosystems are vulnerable to climate change, and when exposed to changes so profound and radical, even run the risk of extinction.

Thus, to talk about impacts of climate change, we must take into account the aspects of climate vulnerability. As an example, we have the Brazilian semi-arid, which is highly vulnerable to increases in temperature. So in one of the scenarios raised by climate researchers, must less rain, and droughts may be more intense. There may also be reduction in the level of water in underground reservoirs, making the region a place unfit for human life and also for vegetation. The vulnerability climate is inclusive, not only relates to people, but the planet as a whole.

"When a person in an American city, connecting the air-conditioning or other person in Europe driving is car, your actions have consequences in rural communities in Bangladesh, for the farmers in Ethiopia and to the inhabitants of slums in Haiti . With these human connections, there is a moral responsibility, including responsibility for reflection on how to change energy policies that harm other people or future generations, ".

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