Entrepreneurship Newsletter

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 668
  • Pages: 2
Entrepreneur corner


For the first time, the Enterprise Planning course organized a seminar/workshop last June 29 that gathered the academe, parents, present and past enterprise planning students held at LMC 1 & 2.

Helping you achieve your goals The goal is to unite these forces to work together and support each other in creating a meaningful learning as the sophomores start their very first entrepreneurial journey in Enterprise Planning course from idea generation to its operation and management including the capacities and capabilities they need to acquire or work on. The activity, for the first time, highlighted the importance of the role and support of parents and family members as their daughters embark on projects that will come to life during their stay in Miriam. The expectations and real challenges in the coursse, survival tips , and testiomonials on the triumphs, failures, and difficulties were candidly presented by the Society of Junior Entrepreneurs (or SJE) who has taken the role of “Ate” or elder sister to

the sophomores. The SJE was led by Claire Santos, Jackie Bautista, Shandra Tecson, Tin Quinto, and a host of other junior and senior officers. Noteworthy is the testimonial of Rina Laxa, who inspite of her hearing impairment, successfully made it through the rigors of her venture operations. This can be attributed largely to her very compasionate and well meaning team members who helped her way through. On the other hand, the seminar guest from the Technology and Resource Center (TRC), Mr. Likha de los Reyes presented some business and skills training as part of the students capacity building.

SPEAKERWATCH Among other things, according to the “Ates” and Ms. Gatchalian, it is the mind set, the Miriam (or Knoller) disciplined and refined character, their feminine role in human and economic development , and the opportunity to study entrepreneurship in Miriam, should be the driving force why an entrep student should work and aspire to reach higher levels of academic and personal achievement. Not only create wealth in its truest sense of the word – that is beyond material gain, but also to acknowlege to have been given the opportnity to create ventures for a higher purpose , for the next generation.

Opportunity to study entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship students should work and aspire to reach higher levels of academic and personal achievement.

The students, echoed by Jackie Bautista during the open forum on “what parental support means” bravely defined, that aside from the financial support they sincerely and honestly asked from their parents , it is the parental confidence and space to let them work on their own are the things that matters to them. Even while they maybe asking sometimes for their technical help on their projects. Even while the parents see them as their young protected daughters .

The part she said , “even while we spend your (parents) money unendingly” created a good laugh to the audience. The parents on the other hand, said that they too were hopeful that with their defined parental support as presented by their young daughters and their clamor for some form of “independence to let them work by themselves”, the school will produce schooled , responsible persons and good citizens out of their daughters. They were happy to note that the school invited them and appreciated the work of the

students and teachers as they listen to the presentations and accomplishments. Clearly, the parents, school and the “Ate support system” can have a tremendous impact in the overall learning as they undergo the journey to become women entrepreneurs who can responsibly operate and manage their own ventures.

After a post course evaluation conducted by Ms. Gatchalian, the faculty-in-charge of Enterprise Planning 1 & 2 last March 2009. MARILOU B. GATCHALIAN


Start-up vs Family

At the end of the day, I want to feel like I’ve accomplished something. I want my work to directly influence the products and the services that the company I work for provides.

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