Enter Prize Magazine

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 26,093
  • Pages: 44

TEN STEPS TO SUCCESS Top network leaders show us how they got there

RICHARD BERRY The Head of the UK DSA speaks to Enterprize


CONTENTS PAGE 4 From beating the bailiffs to filling up the pension pot Distributors from across the Network tell their incredible stories PAGE 6 £14 million up for grabs! Enterprize relives the Kleeneze Christmas Conference 007 PAGE 7 Catalogue of Success Three new catalogues are launched that are destined to boost your business PAGE 8 Life at the top! Craig and Magdalena White achieved Premier back in August. They now tell Enterprize what life’s like at the top PAGE 10 Been around the world Kleeneze Distributors from Holland and Ireland tell their stories PAGE 12 An Interview With… Executive Director of the UK DSA and Director and Chairman of the Federation of European Direct Selling Associations (FEDSA) talks to Enterprize PAGE 14 In the Spotlight Gold SEDs John and Wendy English take to the spotlight to answer all your questions PAGE 16 Where on earth? On Saturday 5 January, the Spring Destination 2009 will be officially announced. But where could it be? PAGE 17 Marrakech photo album The stars of the Kleeneze European Conference make a pretty picture for our five-page feature PAGE 22 Have you got the message yet? Enterprize uncovers a fantastic communication tool to grow your business PAGE 23 Your New Year starts here! The Kleeneze New Year Conference is the biggest event of the year. Find out why you need to be there PAGE 26 Ten Steps to success Newly qualified Premier Distributors, Claire and Peter Rea give us their steps to success PAGE 28 Let’s get this party started Everything you ever wanted to know about starting a Cabouchon Party Plan business PAGE 30 Win, win, win! Your chance to win a copy of the amazing Bill Cullen’s success manual, Golden Apples PAGE 31 Bulk Sales It’s time to see who has come out on top over the last few Periods PAGE 44 Discover a new way of Life Not joined Kleeneze yet? Well what are you waiting for?


WELCOME It’s been an amazing year for Kleeneze, so much so we’ve had to double the amount of pages of Enterprize magazine! As you’ve probably already realised, this quarter’s edition of our magazine has had a makeover, moving to a smaller A5 format. We believe that, as well as having a fresh new look, Enterprize will now be easier to read and distribute and is, of course, much more environmentally-friendly, saving on paper. However, our new size doesn’t mean there’s any less news – quite the contrary! Over the past couple of months, we have had two Distributorships hit Premier. Craig and Magdalena White tell us all about how their lives have changed since they reached the lofty heights of Premier, while Claire and Peter Rea give us their steps to success. Our new feature, An Interview With…, takes place with Richard Berry, Head of the UK Direct Selling Industry and is a fascinating look into how our business is moving within the European economy. Naturally, with a new year, comes a new retail period and we have another set of new catalogues ready to kick 2008 off with a bang!

CONTACT ENQUIRIES Service Centre +44 (0) 8703 33 66 88, [email protected] Training & Distributor Meetings [email protected] Registration [email protected] Stock Hotline +44 (0) 8703 33 66 88 (Option 3) EDITORIAL Design Xenia Poole, Nigel Rice Contact [email protected]

And then there’s our competition to win signed copies of Bill Cullen’s book. One of Ireland’s top entrepreneurs, Bill will be our guest speaker at the New Year Conference – an unmissable experience. There are interviews with top Network Stars, Senior Gold Executives, John and Wendy English and testimonials from across the Network. Finally, we’ve included highlights from the magical conference in Marrakech, as well as some tips and teasers to whet your appetite for the Spring Destination 2009! I will see you at the New Year Conference on Saturday 5 January!

Enterprize Magazine is published by Kleeneze Ltd, Express House, Clayton Business Park, Clayton le Moors, Accrington, BB5 5JY. Website www.kleeneze.co.uk REGISTERED OFFICES UK Kleeneze Ltd., Burley House, Bradford Road, Burley-in-Wharfedale, West Yorkshire, LS29 7DZ Ireland Kleeneze Ireland Ltd., Fitzwilton House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. Republic of Ireland.


WE BEAT THE BAILIFFS! “After going from sales job to sales job – always being promised the ‘high earnings’ that were never actually achievable, it seemed that Sam and I would have to go back to our regular jobs and simply scrape by somehow. As our previous jobs were commission only, though, we were quickly losing money and not making it. Things became pretty bad for us financially. So bad, that at the time I only had £29 in my bank account. I was getting bailiff visits regularly, as well as receiving bills I couldn’t pay and telephone calls demanding payment that I had to ignore – it’s definitely not a good place to be. We were getting desperate to make money fast and, after searching for jobs on the Internet, we responded to an online ad for Kleeneze. In all honesty, I was set to join a different network marketing company that I had been shown previously – but compared to Kleeneze, it didn’t have the fantastic appeal that this opportunity has. In fact, it seemed like it was trying to copy Kleeneze in some way, but didn’t quite make the grade. What attracted us more to Kleeneze is the fact that there is no selling involved, something which all other network marketing companies seem to require. Kleeneze seemed so much easier to do, far easier to make money from, and is something we could definitely show anyone else how to do. We signed up using our £150 wedding savings (not much of a wedding!) as we were 200% confident we could make this back within our first couple of weeks. Then we promptly got started.


We earned £251.55 in our first Period hitting 10% and doubled it in our second, hitting 13%. This proved to us that Kleeneze was the vehicle to give us the lifestyle and income we both seriously desired. It wasn’t long before we were financially stable again and making good money. Those dreaded bailiff visits stopped, the calls stopped, and I felt happy opening my mail again. Now we have been in Kleeneze for a few years, we have a great customer base which provides an immediate income, and a growing team who have also become good friends. We are both excited at what the future holds for us and simply can’t wait to qualify for every conference Kleeneze announce in the future. We have set ourselves big goals to achieve what we want from this business and we will definitely hit them with our drive and consistency.” Phil Owen and Sam Latif Silver Distributors

THE BEST WAY TO BOOST YOUR PENSION POT We did £830 in orders in the first two weeks and qualified for the first bonus level earning ourselves £225.17. We worked the business very part-time around our full-time jobs - I was a Computer Programmer working some silly hours, sometime very late into the evenings and Jennifer was a Classroom Assistant at the local school. We were building our Kleeneze business in the spare time that we could find. We hit the second bonus level in the third month and the third bonus level in the sixth month. So we were making progress. “I was fast approaching 50 and knew that my pension was not going to be large enough to give us the income that we needed to enjoy life in our retirement. We are married with four grown-up children and have adopted four more children with special needs. When I first joined Kleeneze, I was in training for the London Marathon raising funds for Barnardos the Children’s Charity. I came across Kleeneze from a flyer that came through the door. I called the number, attended the local meeting and started the very same week. My wife, Jennifer, was very sceptical as we have had many bad experiences in the past with other ventures. Nevertheless, I put out the catalogues and picked up £204 in the very first weekend, without even speaking to anyone! The orders were on the doorsteps ready to collect when I went back for the catalogues.

I spoke to everyone that I could, most just laughed at me or wanted to see what we did but I knew that it would work. We were already customers and I could see the potential of what was available. We sponsored our first team member from flyers that I gave out at the railway station while travelling to London for the Marathon, (which I completed in 6 hours and 45 minutes, and a load of pain, raising £2,000 for Barnardos). We are continuing to build our team and last year we turned over more than £50,000 in orders, which we will surpass this year. Our future is looking much brighter, as we now have two grandchildren and are building a fantastic pension.” Malcolm and Jennifer Warden Silver Distributors



Five-and-a-half thousand Distributors turned up at the NIA on Saturday 1 September to welcome in Christmas with Kleeneze. And they were not disappointed. The Bond-themed Christmas Conference opened with a spectacular stunt show and a Sean Connery look-a-like taking to the stage to reveal £14 million in a locked vault. Your mission, this Christmas, was to empty our Kleeneze warehouse and take that £14 million off us! The new Christmas and Cabouchon catalogues were then introduced as your tools to complete your mission. An entirely new concept for Kleeneze was also introduced on the day – Greeneze, a catalogue that is packed full of our existing environmentally-friendly products. Top Network stars, Ram Laing, Debra Nell, Fiona Webb, and Tony Judson were on hand to give invaluable advice and training; and Julie Webb and Douggie Clark told their Kleeneze stories to a full house. One of the highlights of the day had to be guest speaker, Geoff Burch, who had the crowd rapt with his refreshingly humorous brand of motivational business training.


But the day didn’t stop there. We headed off to the Gala Dinner with its Casino Royale theme to network long into the night. Roulette wheels adorned the tables while £50 notes floated down from above. There was even an incredibly realistic Shirley Bassey impersonator. It was undoubtedly one of our most spectacular conferences, but we’re determined to out-do it at the Kleeneze New Year Conference 2008! Make sure you join us!

CATALOGUE OF SUCCESS Make it one of your New Year’s Resolutions to order in our new catalogues and really get your business off to a fantastic start in 2008. It’s Kleeneze’s 85th Anniversary this year and our new books celebrate how far we’ve come since the beginning.

With 48 pages of essentials including 75 brand new products, Health & Beauty 2008 has a fresh new modern look to it that is incredibly eyecatching and will have those products selling themselves.

Our Main Book and Health & Beauty Catalogue for Spring 2008 are brimming with new products and are the most essential tools to build your business. Your customers will find them perfect for banishing the postChristmas gloom that is bound to set in and you will find them perfect for making your business a complete success.

And don’t forget to help your customers out with their New Year’s Resolutions by directing them to our proven weightloss system, exclusive to Kleeneze, Enlite.


Order packs of 50 on UK code 06173/ROI code 06220 for £6/€9.

Our stylish new 140-page catalogue is packed full of innovative products for your home and lifestyle. There are 150 brand new products to choose from and as usual, we’ve placed them all in handy-to-find sections, so you can get what you need with the flick of a page. There are plenty of promotional offers to keep your customers smiling and don’t forget our video demos online where you can see the products at work. Available in Retail Kits on UK code 02623/ROI code 02747 for £30/€45.

HEALTH & BEAUTY This new catalogue is bursting with brilliant ideas and fantastic products to improve health and wellbeing – just what the doctor ordered after the season of excess!

SALE CATALOGUE Bad weather, credit card bills and broken New Year Resolutions – sound familiarly depressing? Never mind, Kleeneze is here to brighten the start of your year with our fantastic 32page Sale Catalogue. With over 180 products and major price reductions, you will not want to miss out on any of these fantastic offers. This is the best time of year to pick up a classic bargain and store it away for a relative’s birthday or as a thank you gift. Don’t miss out! The Sale Catalogue can be purchased in packs of 50 on UK code 06360/ROI code 06467 for £5/€7.50.


Life at the top! other Distributorships, the status meant the couple received immediate qualification for the next International Conference and next two European Conferences, £3000 worth of travel incentives and an increased income due to Premier Bonuses.

Tracking Premier Distributor Craig White down is not the easiest thing to do. The first time we try, he’s about to attend a meeting, the second time he’s out retailing and the third, he’s retailing in a part of the country with an incredibly bad phone reception. So, it goes without saying that since obtaining his status, he hasn’t been putting his feet up! “I still feel the same, as I did when I went Gold really,” Craig explains of his Premier status. “At the end of the day, I’m still a Distributor. This business is really something I’m very passionate about. I feel just the same as the next person.” When Craig and Magdalena hit Premier in August 2007, they became the first Distributorship to do so in over three years. Joining the exclusive list of only twelve


“A lot of the team are proud to be part of a Premier team now,” says Craig. “I think it inspires belief in others that it really is achievable. The buzz that surrounds reaching Premier has fuelled people’s passions and now that they can see Premier, it’s more attainable to them. I’ve always said it, but it really was a team effort. The focus may have been Premier, but it was more about getting other members of the team to the levels that they wanted to achieve.” So what advice would Craig give to Bronze Executives who have the Premier status within their sights?

“When you get to Bronze, I think the incentive to keep on moving is already there,” he explains. “You get to experience trips, you’re eligible to win more trips, and the incentive to win the Mini Cooper is there. Moving up the scale is really dependent upon your own passions. I just happen to be incredibly passionate about the business.” Craig and Magdalena’s Premier status was officially announced at this year’s Christmas Conference, something that

for everyone. Everyone is just as successful as the next person and definitely as valuable as the next person.”

Craig admits was his best moment, due to the recognition for the whole team. However, on Saturday 5 January, Craig himself will be taking to the podium to speak to over 5,000 members of the Network at the Kleeneze New Year Conference! “It’s my third time up on that stage now and I’m getting nervous just thinking about it!” he laughs. “If you’ve never been to a Conference, you really have to go. Just to be part of something so big and yet so small and to see for yourself the power of the Opportunity. It doesn’t matter at what level your business is at – Conferences are

It is this sort of attitude that explains why Craig will be back out in this horrible weather once our interview has finished, helping other members of his team retail. “I think it’s inspiring to a lot of people that I’ve been out in the pouring rain with members of my team, delivering leaflets,” he says. “Especially for new Distributors. I am, after all, just a Distributor. I initially joined the business for the money, but now it’s more about the people. If we keep on doing the things that we know we should be doing, it’s only a matter of time before we all reach our goals. I really believe that 2008 and the next 18 months are going to be huge for this business.”


KLEENEZE STRIKES GOLD IN HOLLAND “Frank and I started with Kleeneze in 2004. We had been active in another network marketing company, but had heard so much about this ‘new company’ in Holland that we were curious to find out more about it. We did a search on the Internet and stumbled across Marcell Treanor’s website. He sent us some information and after a few months we met in Holland and started with Kleeneze. Marcell and Joanne are great sponsors. During our first two years, Marcell came over to Holland every month, teaching us everything – from how to retail and sponsor to

Left to right: Marcell, Joanne, Rita and Frank




how to coach. We’ve built a great team up in Holland and on 13 December 2006 we went Gold! It was a very special day. Our cheque for that four-week period was €1,872! Now we teach our team members how to reach Gold. Our Dutch monthly meetings are a great help with this and for us to achieve our goals. Holland is now more than ready for Kleeneze. 2008 will be our year!” Rita Weyn and Frank Kamsteeg Gold Distributor

Being my own boss has brought me a better lifestyle “After John and I moved in to our new home in 2005, we started to struggle with our financial situation. John was working in a hotel as a porter and I was getting disability allowance from Switzerland where I originally come from. I used to work as a manager in a record and video shop, but because of my depression I had to stop working. I decided to move to Ireland to start a completely new life and I swore to myself that I would never work in a shop or office again - I just couldn't cope with the pressure of managers and bosses. But in our new home, John’s income and my allowance wasn't enough anymore. I wanted to help John with paying the mortgage and other bills, but I just couldn't go back to work. The thought of working for somebody else in a shop or office gave me panic attacks. The only thing I thought I could do is work from home, in my own time and own way. I started to check the Internet for home jobs and came across the Kleeneze site. So I filled out a form and received an info pack.


After I spoke to my sponsor, I was 100% sure I would like to give it a go. Everything sounded just perfect for me - nobody to tell me when and how I had to work. I could do everything without any pressure. I could be my own boss! I convinced John and we both signed up. On the same day that we signed up, we prepared our new books and the following day we made our first catalogue delivery. It felt so great. We couldn't believe all the orders we got. After a few weeks we started to sign some new people up. Even John is amazed about the turnout of Kleeneze. We're not struggling anymore to pay the mortgage and bills. We can even afford to go to our favourite destination, Spain, have meals out and enjoy our new life. Kleeneze has brought us good friends and a better lifestyle.” Natasha and John Egli Silver Distributors


AN INTERVIEW WITH “By the end of this year over 250,000 men and women will have taken the very sensible decision to start a small business of their own with one of the 55 UK direct selling companies represented by the DSA – of which Kleeneze, founded in 1923, can be justly proud of being the longest established DSA member company. Direct selling is now this country’s largest provider of independent earnings opportunities. The same is true in Europe where direct selling is now a €20 billion pa channel of retail distribution giving nine million direct sellers an affordable opportunity to start their own business. This is one reason why the European Commission is becoming very supportive of direct selling. What particularly interests the politicians in Whitehall and Brussels is that we make a massive contribution towards solving the problem of worsening job security in Europe and providing opportunities for women and for those over the age of 50. As chairman of FEDSA my main task, today, is ensuring that European legislation is changed to enable the further growth of direct selling – both in the UK and in all 25 EU Member States. Richard Berry is the Executive Director of the UK DSA and Director and Chairman of the Federation of European Direct Selling Associations (FEDSA), and is also a key player in Kleeneze’s successful history. FEDSA represents the direct selling industry in Europe, promotes its benefits, working at stretching its recognition as a significant, reliable and dynamic channel of distribution and Richard now circles the globe as an advocate for direct sellers. Happily, the Director took a few moments out of his hectic schedule to speak to Enterprize.


Another reason why you should all value your DSA membership, is the opportunity to promote the DSA’s OFT Approved Code – whose logo appears on your Kleeneze sales literature. The DSA was one of the first trade associations to earn this Government recognition, which offers your customers a level of protection that exceeds their legal rights. It is a powerful sales aid, which you should use at every opportunity. In Kleeneze, you all have the opportunity to make profits, not just from your personal retail sales, but from your leadership skills in recruiting, training and motivating groups of other distributors. This way of organising a direct selling business is commonly known

H…RICHARD BERRY as multilevel or network marketing – and is fast being adopted by direct selling businesses around the world. However, if I may give you a piece of advice, it is to promote your business as ‘direct selling’. Public opinion will change in time but, right now, we all still face the challenge of convincing the public that network marketing is not an easy business opportunity based on exaggerated earnings claims. As you will all know, the business is simple - but it is not easy. High incomes are possible but they require hard work and commitment. However, what you have in Kleeneze is a proven method of making retail sales and profits. That is the basis of the success of any group leader and all direct selling companies. This is also the advice that the DSA gives to the general public in selecting a direct selling opportunity. Very simply, the best advice to a potential recruit is to ignore the high earnings claims and select a business where you consider the products to be reasonably priced and which you would be happy to purchase yourself and recommend to others. This is the basis of the success of every one of today’s direct selling companies. Today, as DSA Director and spokesman for direct selling in Europe, I promote the merits of every business that adopts these principles. Remember that not every new recruit is looking for a substantial full time income. The majority are looking for a useful supplementary income – for a wide variety of reasons. With your help and encouragement, they can all enlarge upon their initial aims. In sending you all my good wishes for Christmas and New Year, I do so with an affection for Kleeneze – which gave me my first experience of direct selling. Way back in 1969, I was a management consultant, called in to restore the fortunes of Kleeneze

plc – which, at that time, was still operating in much the same way as it was in the 1920s. After spending a few weeks ‘on the road’ knocking on doors, talking to customers and selling brushes and polishes, I was sufficiently convinced that this was a great way of doing business and decided to join the Kleeneze board – a short while later becoming its managing director. Within a year, I decided to introduce catalogues and change the business to a multilevel organisation - and so Kleeneze became the DSA’s first MLM member. This is not the only way of organising a modern direct selling business, but it is a good one, so make the most of it.”

FEDSA – THE FACTS • The Federation of European Direct Selling Associations (FEDSA) was formed in 1968 and represents the Direct Selling industry in Europe. • It is an international not-for profit trade association which was founded in 1968 by five national direct selling associations. It is based in Brussels, Belgium. • FEDSA Represents 29 national Direct Selling Associations (DSAs). • FEDSA promotes direct selling at European level as a dynamic and reliable face-to-face channel of distribution aiming at the satisfaction of the consumers and of the direct sellers in a trustworthy and secured environment for both parties. • On 11 April 2007 Richard Berry, Executive Director of the UK DSA, was elected FEDSA Chairman for a two year term.


IN THE SPOTLIGHT…JOH opportunity is baffling to me! Right from day one in our Kleeneze career we have been excited. For once the future was in our hands. No longer did our future rely on others such as a boss/ supervisor/ accountants/ government. This excited and motivated us! We could see that people were making huge sums of money from their Kleeneze businesses. We could see the bulk sales figures that the company publishes every four weeks. We could go along to meetings and actually meet the people earning the money! Everything was there to build a residual income that could change our lives forever. All we had to do was follow the system and put some hard work in to make it happen. And it did!

They’re one of the most motivated distributorships in the Network travelling hundred of miles to attend Opportunity and Training meetings, and it was that attitude that led to the couple being the first ever to win a Mini Cooper. So sit back and prepared to be inspired as we let Gold SEDs John and Wendy English answer all your questions. Please can you tell us how you came to be introduced to Kleeneze? Wendy was a full-time carer for our youngest daughter who suffers from a rare neurological regressive condition and I was an Archaeologist (working 60 hours per week) when we stumbled across Kleeneze through an advert in our local paper. Both Wendy and I were in very poorly paid occupations and we needed to find an extra £80 per week just to cover credit card bills. What was the incentive that made you decide to go with Kleeneze full-time? We worked our business part-time at first. We worked it every spare minute, but in four Periods we achieved Gold Distributor and ten Periods later we were Bronze Executives earning over £400 per week. I was earning three times more money in my part-time business than I was in my full-time job! That's when we decided to go full-time with Kleeneze. You come across as an incredibly motivated Distributorship. How do you keep that motivation up? This is a comment that is often said to us, but how people cannot be motivated by such a wonderful company and


We stay motivated, because we truly believe that Kleeneze has not scratched the surface of the opportunity. Kleeneze is going to be huge. There are tens of thousands of people who have yet to join this wonderful opportunity - the future will be fantastic for those people who take this opportunity seriously! Can you explain how you’ve built your business up to Gold SED? It took us a total of eight years to build our business to Gold SED. Our main aim was to reach SED (five Gold distributors wide) and this took us five years. We knew that once we had a stable SED business (that was a very important aspect to our business plan), we would be financially secure for the rest of our lives! That was a goal well worth working hard for – financial security forever! To do this we consistently generated a minimum of fifty leads per week and concentrated on having ten active Distributors to our width. Out of that ten, we knew that at least one would be an aspiring Gold Distributor and we worked with them to achieve their targets and just duplicated that process. We then helped Gold distributors who wished to become Bronze Executives. Do retailing and sponsorship have equal importance in your business? It depends what the individual wants out of the business. If someone just wants to earn £50- £200 per week then this can be achieved by retailing alone. If someone wants to earn the 'bigger money' then retailing and sponsoring are of equal importance. For example, when we first started, we went out and created our own retailing story. This showed prospects that money could be earned from day one of the business and covers the question that always seems to be asked: ’How much are

HN AND WENDY ENGLISH you earning?’ We used other people’s larger cheques to show the potential of the business (until we created our own bigger cheques). You were the first-ever winners of a Mini Cooper, how did that feel? When the company announced the Mini Cooper incentive, we were determined to win one. We set down on paper a plan on how to achieve our goal and then we worked hard to achieve the targets that we set ourselves. It was a tremendous feeling to win that Mini Cooper. However, we did not do it for ourselves. Wendy and I had made a pact that we were going to win the car for our eldest daughter, Charlotte. We had been working the Kleeneze business hard for a few years and we had sacrificed such things as family holidays whilst we were building our future. To give our 19-year-old daughter a brand new Mini Cooper made up for some of the sacrifices she had made. Just to see her face when I handed her the keys of a brand new car was 'priceless'!

remain focussed throughout 2008 on the goal. Taste, smell and see yourself in the dream destination. Never give up on qualifying! Remember you don't just qualify for a superb trip; you also earn more money on the way! Wendy and I have been all around the world with Kleeneze and the above works, but only if you do. All the hard work is worth it when you receive your invitation from Kleeneze to join them in a dream location! You spoke on the NIA stage before. How important are conferences to you? Conferences are fantastic! It has been a tremendous honour for both of us to speak in front of thousands of people at the NIA. In the early days of our business it was fantastic to see the people who had made a success of Kleeneze. Within the Kleeneze Network there are some wonderful speakers and their performances are superb. In the early part of my Kleeneze career, the Conferences cemented the belief that I already had in the business. To see the vision that the company had (and still has) excites me, to expose as many team members as possible to the vision, atmosphere and excitement at the NIA should be everyone’s goal. Do you have any other tips or advice you can give us? If you want to be successful then you need to show people you are serious. Retail regularly, never miss a meeting your Upline puts on, get on the ITS (Interactive Training System) participate in it with messages and listen to it daily. Plan your business, have goals and targets. Communicate regularly with your Upline and please remember that communication is a two-way thing. And please remember – have fun whilst building your Kleeneze business! ‘If your pulse is pulsing, you should be laughing!’ Enjoy life!

What tips can you give Distributors who are looking toward qualifying for the Spring Destination 2009? Firstly, attend the Conference at the NIA on 5 January 2008 to find out where the superb destination will be! Then study the qualification criteria (if in doubt about any aspect of it then ask your Upline to explain it to you). Find a distributor who has already qualified for an International conference and ask them how they did it. PLAN PLAN PLAN! What you need to do to qualify and then work your plan backwards to highlight what you have to achieve on a daily/weekly/monthly target basis. Always remain excited about going on the International Conference have pictures of the destination all around your house and

Next issue In the Spotlight: John and Karina Beesley! Our newest SEDs take to the spotlight to answer everything from the secret to sticking to your five year plan to how you can reach the lofty heights of SED! Email your questions to [email protected] and we will select ten of the most challenging, interesting and popular questions for John and Karina to answer.


YOU TAKE THE THAI ROAD More and more of you have been hard at work qualifying for our Spring Destination 2008 on the paradise island of Phuket over the past few months. And you will not be disappointed, because Phuket is without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Miles upon miles of white sandy beaches, clear azure water sparkling in the sunlight, serenity, solitude and, above it all, a crown of coconut palms blowing in the breeze are waiting to greet you on this once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Congratulations to the following Distributors, who will be joining us in March 2008 for Kleeneze’s Spring Destination! Bob Webb

Rob Forster and Ray Aziz

Cindy and David Brown

Craig and Magdalena White

Sharon and Craig Davis

Cath and Steve Lord

Claire and Peter Rea

Kevin Ryder and Wendy Preston

Tracy and David Sheehan

Karen and Neil Young Phil and Jean Warrington Peter and Jackie White Mike and Amanda Bibby

Craig and Linda Lomas Stephen Johnson and Rosemary Rowntree

John and Karina Beesley Doug and Sandra Roper Ram and Joginder Singh

Where in the World? If you didn’t manage to qualify for Phuket, don’t worry! The announcement of our Spring Destination 2009 is just around the corner and it’s going to take your breath away!

We’ve already taken Distributors to some of the most stunning places on the planet – from Sydney and Mauritius to South Africa and Rio de Janiero, but the Spring Destination 2009 is being dubbed the most spectacular of them all. The Ultimate Destination! The Destination will be revealed at 4.30pm at the Kleeneze New Year Conference, so make sure you’re there to, not only learn where it is, but to find out how to get there!


The Magic of


A whopping eighty-seven Distributors qualified for this year’s Autumn Destination and were rewarded for all their hard work with a trip to the sun-soaked city of Marrakech for a lovely long weekend.

Then, by night, the successful Distributors were treated to a carnival of activity with spectacular horse shows, fearless acrobats and a sumptuous Gala Dinner.

Their days were packed, browsing the bustling souks, relaxing in the sumptuous grounds of their Meridien Hotel and taking part in the (now infamous!) Kleeneze games, which included camel racing, donkey polo and quad biking!

And all this under clear blue skies! If you made it to Marrakech, then we hope this photo album will serve as a memento to your great weekend. And, if you didn’t, sit back and get inspired to qualify for our next incredible Kleeneze Conference!






A MESSAGE YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS Communication is often the key to a successful business, but with a growing team it’s not always easy to put into practice. Luckily, the MLM interactive voice messaging system is a brilliant and proven way to stay connected and help you build your business. MLM was specifically designed for the Direct Selling industry and therefore is the perfect channel for your team to communicate with each other, share the latest news, recruit, train and motivate your team. “When I joined Kleeneze one of the things my sponsor told me to do if I wanted to build a big business and big income was, ‘join the MLM Messaging System’. I took his advice, even though at the time I did not fully understand how it all worked. Am I glad I did? I certainly am! Here are some reasons why you should join the MLM: 1. It keeps you in touch with your Upline, Crossline, your team and the bigger overall picture of the Kleeneze operation. 2. There are tips, advice and inspirational messages every day of the year. 3. It is a ‘Help Line’ where you can get all your questions about your business answered. 4. It provides a 24-hour telephone number to use for advertising. This eliminates your home phone being busy all the time and you being disturbed in the middle of the night when someone working a night shift decides to enquire about our opportunity.

Mel Wilson

5. You can access the system wherever you are in the world. That means you can communicate with your team. 6. It is a small invaluable investment in your business.” Mel Wilson, Gold Senior Executive Distributor “MLM is an absolutely vital tool to help your business. Communication, inspiration and motivation is the key to a winning group.” Ram Laing Silver Senior Executive Distributor

Ram Laing

Visit www.mlmmessaging.com to get a month’s free trial and see how it can boost your business.



It’s the most exciting event of the year and one that can give you all you need to make your business soar in 2008. It is, of course, Kleeneze’s New Year Conference! If you’ve attended a Kleeneze Conference in the past, you’ll know it’s all about bringing everyone in the Network together to share the enthusiasm and gain vital knowledge in order to make your business a success. It’s the place to hear testimonials and advice from others from all levels from the Network and, of course, the New Year Conference is the place to reward all your hard work. It’s time to bring out the trophies!


WHAT WE’RE LOOK FREE training from the best in the business: Craig White, Premier Executive Distributor Our newly appointed Premier takes to the stage to speak about how he rose so rapidly to become one of Kleeneze’s top leaders.

Adele de Caso, Gold Senior Executive Distributor So many of you have seen or read Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, but now Adele is on hand to help you put it into everyday practice.

Karina Beesley, Senior Executive Distributor It took Karina and John exactly five years in the business to make it to Senior Executive Distributor, so Karina is in a perfect position to help you stick to your five year plan and support your team members in reaching theirs.

Rob Forster, Platinum Premier Executive Distributor Rob Forster has an amazing story to tell. Kleeneze literally propelled him from rags to riches and he has a wealth of wisdom from the experience to share with you. From how to sponsor to how to get exactly what you want from this business. Unmissable.

Our Special Guest Speaker Irish Entrepreneur Bill Cullen will be joining us on the day to tell us how he went from street vendor to holding a place on the Sunday Times Rich List in a matter of years! See page 30 for more.

LOADS of bargain offers on the day, exclusive to Conference-goers Voucher One: BRAND NEW Opportunity DVD! So hot off the press, our best sponsoring tool will be smouldering, and you will be the FIRST to own a copy. In fact, it’s not just one copy – you can own 50 of them for the fantastic price of £25/€37.50. Reason in itself to get yourself to the Conference really. Voucher Two: The Cabouchon Offer. It’s proved so popular at the last few Conferences, we’ve decided to do it all again. One pack absolutely filled to the brim with designer dress jewellery. It’s worth £150/€225, but we’re giving it to you for £20/€30!! Vouchers Three and Four: Ah, what would a Kleeneze Conference be without a few surprises? Vouchers Three and Four are our special mystery vouchers. We’re saying nothing, but bring an extra bag to take home all your goodies.

Three of a Kind Gold SED Mike Gough and Silver SEDs Marcell Treanor and Sylvia Laing will be taking to the stage for another popular panel session. Listen very carefully, because the Network stars have only a few minutes to impart all their knowledge and advice on how to qualify for the International Conference 2009. And, trust us, you’ll want to be there!

Awards and Recognition This is possibly one of the most motivational events of the Kleeneze calendar. Whether you’re taking part in the recognition parade or cheering on your fellow team mates, there’s plenty of reason to get excited. It’s also our annual award ceremony where we recognise those hard-workers in the Network:


KING FORWARD TO: The Harry Crook Trophy

Prolonging the Party

The celebrations don’t just take place during the day. We’ll be partying throughout the evening too! The Gala Dinner is the ideal time to mingle with your team, talk to the high achievers in the Network and meet the staff from HQ.

Awarded for outstanding Business Development, this Trophy entitles the winners to immediate qualification for the next available Autumn Destination.

The VIP Trophy •

Does what it says on the tin (or the trophy in this case). This award is given to the Distributorship that has shown consistency of effort and outstanding personal retail sales and with it comes immediate qualification for the next available Autumn Destination.

Executive Distributor Trophy •

Awarded for outstanding Executive Group Sales, this Trophy also entitles the winners to join Kleeneze on the next Autumn Destination.

Have you booked your ticket yet? Kleeneze HQ is literally flooded after every conference with hundreds of stories from Distributors from all levels of the Network who swear that these amazing events changed their attitude and therefore changed their businesses. But the only way to understand it is to be there – you will not be disappointed!

Get a FREE ticket! Did you know that new Distributors can attend their first conference for free? If you joined Kleeneze since 1 September 2007, then your first conference is FREE! This is Kleeneze’s showcase and, particularly if you are new to the business, will give you invaluable advice on how to kick-start your business and build it up to where you need it to be.

How to book: Conference tickets cost £10 (€15). Gala Dinner tickets are £50 (€75) and you can pay by credit card, debit card or using your Kleeneze account. It’s really easy to book your ticket:

Distributor Challenge Trophy •

Awarded for outstanding Business Development, the winners of this Trophy will be joining us at the Autumn Destination 2009.

Distributor of the Year Award •

The Distributor of the Year Award is, without a doubt, Kleeneze’s most coveted trophy and the only one that is awarded at the company’s discretion. The Trophy reflects the achievements of our more ambitious and dynamic Network members. Claire and Peter Rea have held the title for the past year, but who will walk home with the trophy on 5 January 2008?

Phone (Conference tickets and Gala Dinner tickets) Call the NIA Box Office on +44 (0) 870 730 0145 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Standard National call rates apply. Alternatively, you can call the Service Centre on 0870 3336688. Online (Conference tickets only) Visit www.necgroup.co.uk (24 hours). Go to ‘Buy a Ticket’ and scroll down to ‘Tickets Available at the NIA’. Once you have selected the Kleeneze Christmas Conference use promotional code KLEEN9186. Fax Fax the booking form enclosed with your printed versions of Enterprize Bulletin to +44 (0)121 767 3850. Post Post the booking form to NIA Box Office, PO Box 3348, Birmingham, B40 1NS



TEN SECR into clear, time specific goals and write them down! One of the greatest discoveries in human history is that ‘you become what you think about most of the time’. If you have not watched it yet, that’s where you are going wrong, Visit www.thesecret.tv. It will be the start of an amazing journey of self-discovery that will change your life for ever!

The time may have come for Claire and Peter Rea to hand back their Distributor of the Year crown, but the couple are still moving onwards and upwards! They recently bought their dream house, have been splashed across the national press and now have hit Premier! So how did they do it? Obviously, with a lot of hard work, but they also applied some basic, universal principals to their lives – ones that they now share with us. Dream big dreams Only big dreams have the power to move your soul! You have to allow yourself to imagine and fantasize about the kind of life you would like to live – how much money are you earning? What does your house look like? What type of car do you drive? How do you look and feel? Create that vision and the clearer it is, the faster you move towards it. All great men and women begin with a dream of something wonderful and very different from what they have in the present. You have to have a dream, if you want to make a dream come true. Develop a clear sense of direction A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smoothest road! Take your dreams out of the air and crystallise them


See yourself as self-employed From now on, accept 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything you will ever become. Refuse to make excuses or to blame other people for your problems or shortcomings. Stop complaining about things in your life that you are not happy about. Refuse to criticise other people especially those who have achieved greater success than you. If there is something you don’t like, it’s up to you to change it! When you see yourself as selfemployed, you develop an entrepreneurial mentality and instead of waiting for things to happen, you go out there and make them happen. Use your initiative, volunteer for things, and ask for more responsibility. Commit to being the best Resolve today to become the best at what you do. Set a goal to join the top 5% in our business. The decision to become very good at what you do can be the real turning point in your life. Virtually all successful people are recognised at being extremely competent in their chosen field. Remember, no one is any better than you, and everyone in the top 5% today started off in the bottom 5%. How powerful is that? Everyone who is doing well was once doing poorly! Here is a great rule to live by: your life only gets better when you get better. And, since there is no limit to how much better you can get, there is no limit to how much better you can make your life! Work longer and harder The harder I work, the luckier I get! All very successful people have started their journey by starting earlier, working harder, and staying later! They develop a

RETS TO SUCCESS reputation for being amongst the hardest working people in the business and everyone knows it! Practice what is known as the 40 Plus Principle; this formula says that you work 40-hours per week for survival and everything over 40 hours is for success.

Practice self-discipline in all things Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. Have that long-term perspective, but combine it with the ability to delay gratification in the short-term - don’t spend it before you make it, don’t over extend yourself, as soon as you taste a little success.

In fact, you can tell with tremendous accuracy where you are going to be in five years by looking at how many hours over the 40 you put in every week. There is just no substitute for long days and hard work if you want Premiership success.

Know that the difference between successful people and failures is that successful people make a habit of doing the things that failures don’t like doing. And guess what? These things are: the same things successful people don’t like, but we do them anyway because we realise that this is the price we pay for the success we desire! Short-term pain for long-term gain.

Dedicate yourself to serving others You can get everything you want in life, if you just help enough people get what they want (as Zig Ziglar stated).Your rewards in life will always be in direct proportion to the service you provide to your team. Your success will also be in proportion to what you do after you do what is expected for you to do - bit of a mouthful that one, but so true! Determine your highest priorities and concentrate on them single-mindedly Your ability to determine your highest priority and then work on it until it is completed, is the primary test and measure of your willpower, self-discipline and personal character. It is the hardest habit to develop but also the most important if you want to be a big success. Be prepared to climb from peak to peak Winning is not a sometimes thing, it's an all the time thing. Don’t just get onto one conference, get on them all. Don’t just move up the pay plan once, do it every year. And just as a mountain climber who has reached one peak, he often needs to go down into the valley before climbing another peak! Your life and business will be no different, i.e. a series of ups and downs! It can often be a process of two steps forward and one step back, but press on anyway. Develop a long term perspective and don’t allow yourself to get onto the emotional rollercoaster with the short term ups and downs that can so easily affect your attitude which affects what you do which affects what you get!!

Pass the persistence test Nothing can take the place of persistence - not talent, not genius, not education. Persistence is the iron quality of character; it is an indispensable quality that goes hand-in-hand with all great success in life. Have the courage to persist even sometimes in the face of adversity and disappointment. Your persistence is the true measure of your belief in yourself and your ability to succeed. Remember this as well: courage does not always roar! Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says I will try again tomorrow! We know that inside of each and every one of you is a giant just waiting to step out. Onward and most definitely upward! We hope you have enjoyed a glimpse into the qualities and philosophies we try so hard to live our life by and build our business by. They definitely seem to be working! Borrow them as we have and make them your own. We wish you all the success in the world that you are prepared to work for. Make 2008 your biggest and best year ever. It’s your life and you’re worth it.

Peter and Claire Rea, Premier Executive Distributors






LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED! Step 1 Set up a list of prospects to host a party and start contacting them. Once a prospect has agreed to hold a party then the planning begins. Step 2 Plan the event with the hostess – from the venue to the guests to invite. Then set a date and organise any refreshments required. Know numbers attending and provide the hostess with plenty of catalogues to give out to the invited guest. Send out the invites. Step 3 Before the party, ensure that you have plenty of catalogues, order forms and display jewellery. Step 4 Arrive at the venue/party early, allowing plenty of time to set-up and coach the hostess. Set up the display and remember it needs to be eye-catching to encourage sales. Step 5 Before the other guests arrive prime the hostess to get up after your presentation to view the product. This will encourage other guests to get up and view the product.

Step 6 Once all the guests have arrived, ask the Hostess to introduce you. Then make your presentation. Introduce yourself, thank the hostess for having you and thank the guests for coming. Explain about how and why you got involved with Cabouchon – tell your story. Hand out catalogues and explain the order form and delivery process. Then demonstrate the product – be natural and enthusiastic. Invite the guests to come and have a look. Step 7 Take the orders. Step 8 Try to book more parties through the guests. Step 9 At the very end you might want to use the opportunity to recruit some of the guests to become Party Planners. Step 10 Thank everyone again; reiterate delivery and your contact details and leave.

CONTENTS PARTY PLAN KIT Cabouchon Bag 2 Jewellery Rolls 100 Invites Pack of Cabouchon Catalogues 10 Guest List Envelopes Ring Sizers Earring Displays 1 Cabouchon Badge Pack of Order Forms 5 Hostess Gifts


“I held my Cabouchon party in the common room of a local block of flats near where I live. The meeting was arranged through the block of flats’ Association Leader, and about 15-20 people came along. I sold £238 worth of jewellery, from which I will earn just over £50 Retail Profit, and approx £36 of Volume Profit. The meeting lasted less than two hours, start to finish, and took the minimum of time to set up. This earned me just over £40 an hour! Not a bad hourly rate is it? Distributors can boost their income greatly by arranging these parties, especially during this time of the year. Make sure you take along a supply of all of our other catalogues as well. I see Cabouchon being a great asset to us in the business, over the coming months and years.” Andy Ridley, Senior Distributor


GET ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS WITH GOLDEN APPLES It’s fairly clear to see why Bill Cullen comes in at the top of the list of Ireland’s Most Successful. He is a witty, energetic speaker which is why we are delighted he will be our guest speaker at Kleeneze’s New Year Conference 2008. It’s also easy to see why fellow entrepreneurs admire him (he owns Renault Ireland which enjoys an annual turnover of €350m) as he came from nothing but quickly ascended the Sunday Times Rich List. He earned his spurs in the slums of Dublin, selling penny apples on the street. It set him up for a life in business though. Having learnt the value of money at an early age he was able to develop his incredible entrepreneurial skills, and now he is set to share his motivational journey with you! His new book Golden Apples shows how his habits that led to financial success are weaved into everyday living. Bill explains, in his own easy style, how anyone can adopt his philosophy and see immediate results in their career, business, and their personal life. As one of Ireland’s top achievers, he will inspire and challenge you to focus on your goals. He clearly defines the work ethic you need and illustrates a road map to success. He clarifies the key essentials that can change your life instantly.

The book covers everything from networking to persuasive communication, developing a positive attitude to get results and how to jump from being good to being GREAT! We’ve got five signed copies of this motivational book to give away. In order to be in with a chance of winning, simply email your name and address into [email protected] and the first five Distributors picked out at random will get a copy of Golden Apples. Closing date: 7 January 2008



PERIOD 7 100,000 And Above Nasko Ratchev Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Gillian & Jim Nicholson Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz Freda Fenn & Heather Summers John & Jeanette Hawkes Margaret & Graham Moore Muriel & Tony Judson Peter & Jackie White Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks Mike & Amanda Bibby Margaret & Roy Japp Terrence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson John & Margery Sharp Hazel & John Stephen Phil & Jean Warrington Robert Gibbons Curtis Tulloch Derek & Eileen Wagstaff David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Sarah & John Mckie Gordon & Judy Seldon Keith & Vie Robertson Claire & Peter Rea Tony & Katharine Briffa Judy Jodrell Melvyn Mortimer Craig & Magdalena White Michael & Jean Day Victor & Una Brown Robert & Mary Higgins Mark & Delfina Prosser Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Jill Corlett John & Anne Donaldson Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Trevor Mitchell Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Michael & Susan Pirie John & Christine Prosser Colin & Lucinda Hart Mel & Irene Wilson Julie Collier & Peter Richards

2,517,562.49 2,517,385.57 2,475,263.36 1,349,185.47 1,113,133.78 1,059,053.65 927,819.16 927,094.70 907,038.41 882,474.85 882,408.44 673,219.86 666,482.03 657,072.10 616,867.16 457,883.23 426,882.86 399,757.54 387,612.47 363,697.28 331,073.84 326,746.93 303,832.02 292,289.36 273,748.36 210,679.34 204,773.31 203,248.50 190,896.22 184,727.55 183,048.39 171,106.93 171,098.01 169,318.06 159,062.71 153,541.70 153,037.49 150,395.71 148,822.40 139,695.30 138,813.72 135,820.61 132,409.15 118,899.01 117,956.26 114,382.60 112,491.30 112,047.67 106,589.59 106,446.49 101,152.46 100,927.84 100,034.19

Malcolm Ashmore Sue & Geoffrey Burras David & Samantha Branch Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Gene De Donatis Eamonn & Anne Roe Ramon & Sylvia Laing Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Gill & Donato Sepe Alan Meldrum Karen & Neil Young Stephen & Debra Nell Susan & David Darton Peter & Myrna Wellock Craig & Mary Hawkes David Lucas & Robert Murphy James Curtis Deborah & Allan Dewar Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Gill & Tim Evans Helen Brooks Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Glenn & Caroline Royston Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow Andrew & Ann Meldrum Stephen Cripps & Smith Keith & Pauline Blythe Christopher & Louise Brown Stanley & Roy Stewart Ron & Judy Speirs Rosina & Frank Pocock Eve & Norman Branch Graham & Georgina Long Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Jay Singh Sheila & Gordon Davidson Michelle Kennedy Chris & Julia Norton John & Karina Beesley Michael Banks Roger & Barbara Green Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Carol & Bruce Manktelow Brian Harwood Nichola & David Walmsley Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Stephen Clark Caroline & Philip Thompson Gavin Heaton & Fiona Keane David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Julie & Anthony Cornick Joseph O'Donnell Daniel & Ann Keeble Graham & Catherine Hyde Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson Debbie & Trevor Collins Ram & Joginder Singh

69,435.91 68,159.13 68,128.75 68,122.15 65,512.15 63,234.31 62,726.69 61,788.93 61,597.30 61,322.70 61,177.91 59,026.53 58,000.38 57,938.85 57,103.95 55,881.01 55,167.72 54,396.87 54,001.20 51,321.44 51,267.47 50,541.15 50,252.90 49,845.00 49,548.93 49,115.41 47,480.51 47,146.43 46,658.67 46,416.67 46,369.50 45,811.04 45,810.70 44,894.51 44,204.62 44,163.54 42,144.61 41,501.02 40,013.03 39,962.20 39,855.51 39,667.44 39,667.44 39,277.74 39,170.42 38,358.42 37,937.27 37,904.60 37,688.42 37,194.05 36,236.13 36,236.13 35,995.22 35,888.22 35,832.43 35,790.07 35,751.95 35,580.38 35,321.03

15,000 And Above 35,000 And Above Nuala & Martin Mcdonald Sue & Claire Ferguson Sylvia & Jack Hood Andy & Carolyn Cooper Mary Eakin Anthony & Rachel Greeves Carole & Benny Morris Gaynor Morgan Martin & Yvonne Boyce Lauren & Peter Jackson William & Kevin Phillips Dave & Susie Horton Stephani & Bill Neville Geoff & Fiona Webb Declan O'Neill Justin & Olivera Toner John & Wendy English Mike & Dawn Gough David & Rosie Bibby John & Jenny Holden Heather & James O'Neil Angela & Norman Campbell Marcell Treanor & Joanne Spraggon Andrew & Sue Boswell Steve & Debbie Roper Adele & Jaime De Caso

98,729.91 98,383.39 96,694.16 94,600.31 93,811.60 93,798.81 92,747.99 92,112.19 91,543.17 91,128.63 91,128.63 84,344.36 82,385.78 81,858.98 80,697.32 80,624.94 79,783.79 77,846.50 76,103.56 75,996.45 75,894.17 74,849.68 74,638.80 72,029.02 69,475.78 69,435.91

Su & Jas Bains Jane & John Dunkerley Debbie Gee Helen & Paul Allgood John Webb & Kathryn Price Melanie & Andrew Wilson Rhian & E Anthony Jones Chantele & Barry Travis Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris Belinda Clarke Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Lesley Burroughs Stuart & Gail McKibbin Alison & Michael Ogden Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Robert Wellock Caroline & Simon Harvey Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Pamela Jarvis Cindy & David Brown Michael & Jennifer Allsop Stephen Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Gareth & Gil Duffy Michael & Sandra Laydon Jane Thompson & Ken Mckenzie

34,829.39 34,583.38 34,474.05 34,260.80 33,998.10 33,600.91 33,444.55 33,243.62 32,817.79 32,535.59 32,276.13 32,276.13 31,896.59 31,792.50 31,516.03 31,290.80 30,735.38 30,638.64 30,634.23 30,596.46 30,541.79 30,465.84 29,780.68 29,121.95 29,045.11 28,858.23 28,447.94

Tracy & David Sheehan Vanadis Fox & Richard Houseago Derrick & Maria Longwright Paul Flintoft Keith & Patricia Phillips John & Janice Halsall Clare & Martin Whitelock Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Toby Acton & Donna Gold Raymond & Barbara Mann Amy Warrington John & Sophia Clements Amanda & Andrew Holland Brian & Gay Redstone Cheryl & David Amison Sunil Popat Rosemary & Christopher Day Steven Clements Mira & Natalie Herman Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Andrew & Cheryl Williams Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson Terry & Jane Hodge Sean & Alexandra Tuesley Charlie & Gillian Whitton Angela & Stephen Burchell Alison & Kevin Thomas Peter & Sheryl Dutton Paul & John Meikle Doug & Sandra Roper Tony & Wendy Vallerine Tom & Bernadette Hingley Linda & Tony Gower Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Barbara Margaret Webb Harry Hancock Warren & Pamela Sewell Norah Bohan Sharon & Andrew Bird Peter Bristow Carole & Peter Bristow Samantha & Andrew Moore Mick & Kate Glover Terry & Sid Drew Wendy Fielding Colin & Charlene Sadler Diane & Geoff Owen Nicola & Jerome Neville Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Dawn & Bruce Marsden Gloria & Clive Davies Abigail Colclough Michelle & Andrew Hurter Allan Ledwidge Olivia & Matthew Conway Denise & Stephen Neal Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Claire & Paul Howells David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Elaine Fenwick Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Brian Manchester Patricia Fisher Debra & Jonathan Donno Harold & Minnie Fulton Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Catherine & Stephen Lord Christine Lappin & Simon Place Keith Sandland Julie & Jon Windress Karim Karmali Andrew Medlam & Rachel Wainwright Kevin Howe & Leah Harper Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes Shirley Pere & John Barnes Alf & Carol Bell Timothy Murphy Angela & James Macleod Christopher & Lynne Marshall William & Sharon Stevenson Stephen & Joyce Milne Ann & John Coe Narendra & Kashmir Kalon

28,375.84 28,039.47 27,986.25 27,962.72 27,884.79 26,573.85 26,434.86 26,389.23 26,378.88 26,170.98 26,091.07 25,929.60 25,781.38 25,551.30 25,497.39 25,476.11 25,369.54 24,546.64 24,493.62 23,996.88 23,996.88 23,943.72 23,864.35 23,806.72 23,734.52 23,693.30 23,584.81 23,581.35 23,493.22 23,482.65 23,442.03 23,232.45 23,068.16 23,046.47 23,021.13 22,579.95 22,524.74 22,522.60 22,226.55 21,946.10 21,766.54 21,736.35 21,736.35 21,359.41 21,157.68 20,859.37 20,795.56 20,744.03 20,670.39 20,606.84 20,515.76 20,313.39 20,208.69 19,788.60 19,785.84 19,753.67 19,715.51 19,676.36 19,650.35 19,610.29 19,586.05 19,586.05 19,569.98 19,464.82 19,436.42 19,434.86 19,408.48 19,390.46 19,389.32 19,388.06 19,375.35 19,095.87 18,955.08 18,924.31 18,830.28 18,742.05 18,648.73 18,635.82 18,606.84 18,601.92 18,514.07 18,424.80 18,386.10 18,364.24 18,352.38 18,304.36 18,285.57 18,213.75 18,160.33


BULK SALES Bill Caddy Amelia & Hannah Mchard Michael & Janet Wallace Denys & Laura Harris Richard & Clare Chantler Karen & Steven Glew Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Roger & Simon Mantle Richard & Judy Taylor Christine & Ian Brennan Donna & Charles Warr Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Gareth & Jeanette Jones John Smith Laurence Wiseman Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Jane & Howard Philpott Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Elaine & Martin Spafford Heidi & Ron Body Keith & Teresa Faulkner Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Ron & Sue Keeler Darren & Christina Simmons Phil Curtis Raymond & Lorraine Satchell

17,918.50 17,860.79 17,640.48 17,422.77 17,291.38 17,175.71 17,171.67 17,102.19 17,007.08 17,005.09 16,967.25 16,794.57 16,654.63 16,620.07 16,566.17 16,481.80 16,303.58 16,297.87 16,297.87 16,049.92 16,005.49 15,920.80 15,875.30 15,761.81 15,408.35 15,405.72 15,228.73 15,212.76

10,000 And Above Tavis Taylor Steve & Cathy Chambers Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Neil & Susan Maclean Lynda & David Buchan Linda & Graeme Kirkwood Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Mary Hession Sylvia Mckay & William Snoddy Barrie Hill Leslie & Moira Harris Mike & Anne Airey Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Colin & Sarby Turnbull Carol & Ian Parker Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham David Belcher Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths Angel & Stuart Hill Tineke Lootsma-Wiegman & Uilke Lootsma Roselyn & Gavin Thomson Kerry & Paul Stonall David Byatt & Janet Smith Kevin Sands Heather Brown Nick Newham Suzanne & Richard Woolven Sharon & Steve Agnew Elaine Smith Robert Clifton Maria & Lee Kowalkowski Geoff & Berenice Davey Emma Colley Clive & Pamela Lennard Julie Beamish Trish Falconer & Lee Fisher Jürgen Peter Clouth & Julia Koeper Scott & Gwen Thomson Susan Hook John & Kath Clease Brian & Diane Holmwood Gary & Iris Dixon Richard & Helen Peuleve Andrew Ridley Michael & Julia Tolton Barry & Kay Mather Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Claire Mires Sharon & Craig Davis Tracey & Roger Payne Bev & Dave Townsend Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Jeffrey & Frances Topple Michael Godwin Sarah Sancho


14,995.93 14,945.50 14,904.25 14,895.86 14,823.01 14,810.34 14,787.73 14,757.40 14,757.40 14,748.12 14,642.71 14,620.50 14,528.42 14,528.42 14,509.40 14,483.25 14,456.81 14,348.03 14,345.42 14,303.57 14,184.99 14,153.19 14,069.91 13,990.55 13,977.21 13,939.04 13,882.44 13,822.43 13,798.94 13,706.17 13,680.27 13,634.69 13,602.94 13,601.68 13,582.45 13,572.59 13,460.75 13,386.78 13,300.00 13,300.00 13,169.70 13,119.02 13,088.18 13,031.42 12,998.58 12,958.76 12,897.27 12,833.94 12,818.83 12,818.83 12,810.98 12,804.29 12,639.01 12,632.98 12,627.30 12,554.53 12,528.14 12,527.26

Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore Sadie O’Boyle Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Lesley & Gordon Whittington Darryl Allen Lynne & Neil Smith Scott & Kim Meldrum Sandra Brown Ben Warrington Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Isobel & James Orr Sheila & Christopher Haddow Robert & Rosemary Annan Antony & Aileen Gunn Louise Puttick Martyn Cunningham Mark & Alison Irons Catherine & Andrew Barraclough Mark James Neil & Caroline Jeffrey Bob & Diane Goulding June & David Love Philip & Alison Wimbles Brian & Grainne Quigley John & Jenny Caton James & Janice Walkinshaw Michael Amor-Wilkes Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Alison & Carlston Medford Nigel Brown Paul & Julie Keene David Blanshard & Jan Mills Stuart Walden & Sally Hughes Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Stuart & Clare Gibson Peter & David Legg Raymond & Susan Kirkland Susan Richards & Sarah Deakin Andrew & Vicky De Caso Tom & Kathryn Forbes Mary O'Beirne Georgina & Phil Gale David Potter Martina & James Mcgrath Linda & Ian Stanley Paul & Julie Jones Victoria & Matthew Lawrence Andrew Power Kathleen & Dominic Carolan David & Heather Herring Tim Sandom Warwick & Christine Blakemore Norman & Joanne Grundy Amraj Khan Chaitali & Ajit Nath Jim & Vicky Smith Michael Prior James Dale & Claire Daniels Melissa Egermann & Frederic Bruyer Frank Johnson Markus Klötzer & Petra Romoser Margaret & Michael Drayton Terry Hayden & Charles Napier Allan & Eileen Gonsalves Declan & Monica Manning Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Sarah Trim Peter & Jean Monroe Rebecca Nisbet-Forster & Matthew Forster Bernie & Barbara Klinger Kevin Rider & Wendy Preston James & Jane White Danny & Josephine Parr Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler Mark & Diane Thornton Henry & Diana Crosby Ann Tawn Ian & Lorraine Barnfield Keith & Shelly Cohen Chris Newson & Sarah Davis Negin & Michael Backhouse Richard Roberts David & Diane Wraight Jon Turner Edward & Susan Booth Karen & Lee Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec

12,477.38 12,476.82 12,475.34 12,438.92 12,426.82 12,423.27 12,325.93 12,294.05 12,286.78 12,237.28 12,233.93 12,212.32 12,148.50 12,131.85 12,047.25 12,039.55 12,030.61 12,010.53 11,946.71 11,941.26 11,910.17 11,902.75 11,824.42 11,818.31 11,813.59 11,789.30 11,777.28 11,715.24 11,709.77 11,640.34 11,640.34 11,639.62 11,526.36 11,523.08 11,523.08 11,443.83 11,435.28 11,320.52 11,300.44 11,298.87 11,231.35 11,219.81 11,216.19 11,213.29 11,210.35 11,210.35 11,203.60 11,118.33 11,044.80 11,004.25 10,982.80 10,960.09 10,825.78 10,816.48 10,808.70 10,750.26 10,737.16 10,714.12 10,701.63 10,660.62 10,612.94 10,603.04 10,577.87 10,577.87 10,573.71 10,531.79 10,523.93 10,440.55 10,389.89 10,356.81 10,351.25 10,308.52 10,291.82 10,271.25 10,265.35 10,239.32 10,227.04 10,215.40 10,206.24 10,185.45 10,154.58 10,154.58 10,123.36 10,086.77 10,083.47 10,032.32 10,024.27 10,010.69

7,500 And Above Marie Tyrrell & John Dennis Kitching Karen Lucas Angela & Robert Clark Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Kelly & Steve Elliott Deborah Morgan Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan John & Denise Dawkes Allen & Rosemary Wooding Nick Oakley Janet & Andrew Mitchell Adam O'Reilly & Clare Patterson Lynne Flaxman Douglas & Theresa Hack Patrick & Helen Loftus Christine & Con Browning Robert & Jennifer Radbourne Emma & Chris Shafe Janet Roscoe & Ria Middleditch Janet & William Oldfield Jeanette & David Ward Michael Wallace Kerryanne & John Watkins Brian & Grace Cunningham Vicki & Ian Chatham Anita Morris Jo Pickles Sarah & Ivan Darch Peter Mccormac Deryck & Jane Easton Jane Waddell Bernadette Murray Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Rhys & Susan Williams Trevor & Janet Rawding Peter Gallant & Claire Mckay Minesh Padhiar Janet & Roger Bowen Maryan & Don Nicolson David & Judith Mccreath Paul Draycott Ross & Kerry Guy Craig & Linda Lomas John & Barbara Oakes Michael & Marilyn Stansell Mark & Sue O'reilly Neil & Sue Mawston Caroline & Mark Sellars Peter Savidge Barbara & Mark Atkins Chris & Wan Deacon Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Andrew & Denise Hunt Grant & Denise Rossouw Claire Mcgregor & Mac Mcgregor William & Jane Warrington John Cann & Angela Keogh Anne Taylor Elizabeth Kerr Jacqueline & Thomas Middlemass Kenneth & Patricia Hughes David & Heather Flannagan Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Leeanne Henderson & Michael Tosney Evelyn & Michael Vernon Paul Bray Katie Broughton Gwynfor Hughes Mandy & Ken Clarke Robert & Jacqueline Dolan Christine Ockleford Terry Card Jeanette & Roy Bonella Chris & Nicky Evans Julie Hambleton David & Julie Raven David & Deborah Lord Tim & Freda Drinkwater David Norton & Ingrid Whorton Ged & Judith Leah Debra & Andrew Cowton Namatsai Mukeredzi Michael Radbourne & Mercy Nakambale David & Gail Slee Marsha Barras & Nigel Nattress Peter French & Louise Egan Paula & Kevin Beckitt

9,982.37 9,867.15 9,752.65 9,689.96 9,664.73 9,655.82 9,654.98 9,644.51 9,600.98 9,568.00 9,564.04 9,529.54 9,506.46 9,488.02 9,449.39 9,424.36 9,417.47 9,415.69 9,390.38 9,388.90 9,388.90 9,377.80 9,363.04 9,357.48 9,356.12 9,343.73 9,343.13 9,338.67 9,294.99 9,268.84 9,260.62 9,195.41 9,139.28 9,136.63 9,129.78 9,108.22 9,059.21 9,025.95 9,016.50 8,950.69 8,940.60 8,940.60 8,917.29 8,895.55 8,878.09 8,869.29 8,841.37 8,831.15 8,804.04 8,802.72 8,742.25 8,729.82 8,723.04 8,717.14 8,703.09 8,692.44 8,690.00 8,682.84 8,647.23 8,638.36 8,634.14 8,631.46 8,604.69 8,596.99 8,557.20 8,556.69 8,556.47 8,489.82 8,485.37 8,482.04 8,480.45 8,480.45 8,430.54 8,394.36 8,393.19 8,383.07 8,359.52 8,359.52 8,351.43 8,340.93 8,298.66 8,296.34 8,293.25 8,288.04 8,261.45 8,241.84 8,241.22

BULK SALES Angela Power & Andrew Fountaine Paul & Andrea Towler Thomas & Christina Derrick June Lilwall Michelle Crabb & Mark Berry Hannah & Sean Moran Alan & Jocelyn Nicholson Isobelle & Terence Harris Anna & Nigel Lacey Arthur & Susan Cuthbert Sian Ambler & Patricia Jenkins Angie Bainbridge Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn George & Carol Murray Karen Batchelor Susan & Tony Cater Jasbir Kaur Frederick & Karen Mason Joy Dwyer & Verena Clarke Elizabeth Wickens Jackie & Paul West-Hook Martin Douglass & Jane Rollings Susan Walton Jennifer & Paul Jacobs Jane Stannard & Samantha Forsyth Patricia Laing Helen & Paul Hallatt Sandra & Chris Nelms Kirsty & Robert Kitching Cath & John Wilkinson Michael & Nancy Parnis Angela Wallace Valerie & Tony Montero William Thomas Michael & Gail Johns Michelle & Stuart Milne Mark Keye & Louise Senior Nicola Buckley & Mark Roberts Mary Mullins Jayne & Keith Towers Kulwant & Mandeep Kalon Phil & Jane Hughes Terry & Margaret Farrell Sandra Ellis Linda Charles Claire & Gilles Pelenc Helen & Andrew Walsh Sharon Bullock & David Taylor Victoria & Paul Brown Patricia & Dennis Corser Rachael Ferguson & Chris Wild Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Nicholas & Linda Redman Lyn & Tony Davies Yvonne & Ronald Eveleigh Paul & Anna Scott Edward Antrobus Kira McKibbin & Andrew Thomas Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan William & Agnes Burgess Theresa Stafford & Maureen Hurley David Nicholson Julie & Colin Bullivant Don & Linda Bell Patricia & Leonard Wheeler Garrett & Nicola Oshea Adrian Fisher David Nutley & Marie Andrews Ray Caffrey Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Sammy & Kenza Linton Jennifer Amos & Martin Smith Brenda & Walter Tostevin Ann & George Blackman Lynwen & Gethin Thomas Jason Faughnan

8,231.41 8,212.28 8,205.17 8,185.52 8,161.96 8,145.25 8,128.39 8,127.64 8,124.44 8,120.57 8,118.78 8,109.30 8,077.01 8,076.87 8,041.49 8,040.14 8,003.32 7,995.74 7,975.62 7,969.53 7,953.90 7,948.97 7,942.32 7,936.74 7,891.85 7,891.16 7,885.89 7,881.48 7,877.63 7,867.62 7,863.47 7,856.29 7,848.29 7,837.00 7,834.15 7,834.15 7,823.47 7,822.23 7,817.26 7,814.86 7,805.40 7,788.00 7,782.30 7,778.47 7,775.25 7,759.81 7,734.78 7,730.89 7,728.73 7,724.43 7,719.08 7,717.62 7,713.27 7,711.31 7,709.56 7,707.42 7,682.90 7,680.21 7,680.19 7,661.53 7,659.96 7,634.02 7,630.14 7,617.54 7,607.76 7,602.82 7,600.08 7,599.88 7,599.88 7,574.24 7,568.76 7,566.97 7,549.69 7,548.68 7,545.55 7,527.23 7,517.84


PERIOD 8 100,000 And Above Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Nasko Ratchev Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb

2,616,749.63 2,616,749.63 2,575,486.55 1,354,957.35

Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat Gillian & Jim Nicholson Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull John & Jeanette Hawkes Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Margaret & Graham Moore Muriel & Tony Judson Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Peter & Jackie White Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks Mike & Amanda Bibby Margaret & Roy Japp Terrence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson John & Margery Sharp Hazel & John Stephen Phil & Jean Warrington David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Sarah & John Mckie Robert Gibbons Curtis Tulloch Derek & Eileen Wagstaff Keith & Vie Robertson Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Robert & Mary Higgins Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer Claire & Peter Rea Tony & Katharine Briffa Gordon & Judy Seldon Craig & Magdalena White Judy Jodrell Trevor Mitchell Michael & Jean Day Victor & Una Brown Jill Corlett Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Mark & Delfina Prosser Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Mary Eakin Anthony & Rachel Greeves Carole & Benny Morris Michael & Susan Pirie Martin & Yvonne Boyce John & Anne Donaldson Sue & Claire Ferguson Mel & Irene Wilson John & Christine Prosser

1,156,298.32 1,085,333.47 952,955.31 952,955.31 898,192.95 897,758.92 872,831.39 700,813.50 649,917.23 639,860.40 592,802.28 466,691.62 439,822.30 429,529.88 425,218.37 382,092.52 356,514.13 352,254.28 316,852.02 302,508.11 235,047.27 209,985.48 202,909.34 200,336.03 194,101.81 192,556.25 173,925.81 173,245.78 172,116.39 167,100.43 165,726.57 160,554.56 157,108.06 149,473.95 142,906.45 141,183.47 139,940.46 137,023.57 133,680.30 128,490.09 128,294.93 127,626.67 123,451.75 118,312.14 116,382.23 114,640.83 111,159.17 108,768.89 108,183.75 107,496.08 105,643.74 100,515.42

35,000 And Above Nuala & Martin Mcdonald Declan O'neill Justin & Olivera Toner John & Wendy English Sylvia & Jack Hood Andy & Carolyn Cooper Julie Collier & Peter Richards Lauren & Peter Jackson William & Kevin Phillips Gaynor Morgan Angela & Norman Campbell Dave & Susie Horton Marcell Treanor & Joanne Spraggon David & Rosie Bibby Heather & James O’Neil Geoff & Fiona Webb John & Jenny Holden Karen & Neil Young Mike & Dawn Gough Stephani & Bill Neville Sue & Geoffrey Burras Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Andrew & Sue Boswell Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso Stephen & Debra Nell Ramon & Sylvia Laing Gene De Donatis Alan Meldrum Eamonn & Anne Roe Steve & Debbie Roper Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw David Lucas & Robert Murphy James Curtis

97,022.59 95,083.05 94,786.87 94,343.47 93,886.50 93,469.00 91,322.05 90,092.70 90,092.70 89,863.94 88,429.31 88,374.91 86,834.76 86,440.87 81,720.20 79,833.84 74,045.77 73,896.06 73,212.99 72,191.24 71,391.61 69,371.30 68,731.44 68,170.31 68,170.31 66,806.54 66,514.31 64,802.87 64,372.41 64,121.08 63,998.45 62,468.52 61,627.87 60,776.38

Susan & David Darton David & Samantha Branch Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Peter & Myrna Wellock Craig & Mary Hawkes Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Helen Brooks Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow Jay Singh Keith & Pauline Blythe Glenn & Caroline Royston Andrew & Ann Meldrum Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Deborah & Allan Dewar Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Stanley & Roy Stewart Stephen Cripps & Smith Ron & Judy Speirs Gill & Donato Sepe Ram & Joginder Singh Christopher & Louise Brown Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Graham & Georgina Long Rosina & Frank Pocock Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Gill & Tim Evans Michael Banks Roger & Barbara Green Gavin Heaton & Fiona Keane David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Brian Harwood Michelle Kennedy Sheila & Gordon Davidson Chris & Julia Norton Melanie & Andrew Wilson Belinda Clarke Caroline & Philip Thompson Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson Michael & Sandra Laydon Alison & Michael Ogden Julie & Anthony Cornick Helen & Paul Allgood John & Karina Beesley Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Eve & Norman Branch Stephen Clark Jane & John Dunkerley Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy

59,782.00 58,808.81 57,538.47 57,500.40 57,313.42 56,000.44 55,427.16 54,656.58 54,249.03 52,910.96 52,538.11 51,390.44 50,396.74 49,285.78 48,416.44 48,034.35 47,217.40 46,715.93 45,984.20 45,530.54 45,524.36 45,183.32 44,851.49 44,242.57 44,215.66 44,077.74 43,866.59 43,866.59 42,862.07 42,862.07 42,118.54 41,687.48 40,037.18 39,059.91 38,996.67 38,949.87 38,639.08 38,093.87 37,174.38 37,087.82 37,083.54 36,823.47 36,775.40 36,510.92 36,510.92 36,442.78 36,149.98 35,749.97

15,000 And Above Nichola & David Walmsley Rhian & E Anthony Jones Carol & Bruce Manktelow Joseph O’Donnell Graham & Catherine Hyde Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor Lesley Burroughs Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Debbie Gee Michael & Jennifer Allsop Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris Gareth & Gil Duffy Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Daniel & Ann Keeble Pamela Jarvis Derrick & Maria Longwright Cindy & David Brown Debbie & Trevor Collins Su & Jas Bains Robert Wellock Toby Acton & Donna Gold Alison & Kevin Thomas Chantele & Barry Travis Tom & Bernadette Hingley John Webb & Kathryn Price Amanda & Andrew Holland Colin & Charlene Sadler Tracy & David Sheehan Keith & Patricia Phillips Abigail Colclough Charlie & Gillian Whitton Stuart & Gail McKibbin Sunil Popat Cheryl & David Amison John & Janice Halsall

33,944.38 33,845.72 33,820.92 33,356.45 33,356.34 33,316.48 33,091.29 32,913.53 32,513.43 31,919.31 31,846.59 31,747.48 31,432.73 31,298.83 31,027.15 31,027.15 30,847.88 30,525.65 29,999.40 29,899.95 29,862.70 29,840.56 29,838.24 29,197.51 29,191.68 29,032.48 28,969.64 28,861.60 28,855.22 28,819.47 28,787.16 28,467.25 28,448.08 28,420.69 28,332.18 27,900.79 27,900.79 27,774.56


BULK SALES Brian & Gay Redstone Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Paul Flintoft Peter Bristow Carole & Peter Bristow Terry & Jane Hodge Stephen Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Christopher & Lynne Marshall Linda & Tony Gower Andrew & Cheryl Williams Caroline & Simon Harvey Michelle & Andrew Hurter Nicola & Jerome Neville Shirley Pere & John Barnes Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Peter & Sheryl Dutton Brian Manchester Sean & Alexandra Tuesley Harold & Minnie Fulton Gloria & Clive Davies Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Laurence Wiseman Karim Karmali Wendy Fielding Sharon & Andrew Bird Angela & James Macleod Warren & Pamela Sewell Terry & Sid Drew Mick & Kate Glover John & Sophia Clements Vanadis Fox & Richard Houseago Clare & Martin Whitelock Steven Clements Steve & Cathy Chambers John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Angela & Stephen Burchell Harry Hancock Rosemary & Christopher Day Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Claire & Paul Howells Raymond & Barbara Mann Norah Bohan Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Kevin Howe & Leah Harper Roselyn & Gavin Thomson Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Olivia & Matthew Conway William & Sharon Stevenson Allan Ledwidge Christine Lappin & Simon Place Doug & Sandra Roper Ann & John Coe Mira & Natalie Herman Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Dawn & Bruce Marsden Denise & Stephen Neal Elaine Fenwick Richard & Judy Taylor David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Jim & Vicky Smith Tony & Wendy Vallerine Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Kevin Rider & Wendy Preston Christine & Ian Brennan Amelia & Hannah Mchard Michael & Janet Wallace Andrew Medlam & Rachel Wainwright Catherine & Stephen Lord Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes Stephen & Joyce Milne Alf & Carol Bell Roger & Simon Mantle Diane & Geoff Owen Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Karen & Steven Glew Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe Martyn Cunningham John Smith Kerry & Paul Stonall Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Keith & Teresa Faulkner Amy Warrington Elaine & Martin Spafford Robert & Rosemary Annan Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Bill Caddy Christopher Conroy


27,224.36 26,808.04 26,235.38 25,986.48 25,986.48 25,948.34 25,940.67 25,865.74 25,211.50 25,152.67 24,791.57 24,655.64 24,546.85 24,480.36 24,342.14 24,342.14 23,907.80 23,899.42 23,795.48 23,748.22 23,539.51 23,253.61 23,129.62 23,082.01 23,003.87 22,894.08 22,770.25 22,752.63 22,744.78 22,450.84 22,359.29 22,354.07 22,333.44 22,220.98 22,165.52 22,131.41 21,997.16 21,934.15 21,933.31 21,931.16 21,574.92 21,556.20 21,437.79 21,415.51 21,369.26 21,301.05 21,240.49 21,224.32 20,769.33 20,547.85 20,405.68 20,285.67 20,129.05 20,095.34 19,982.81 19,977.06 19,927.01 19,669.90 19,662.56 19,567.40 19,475.23 19,387.10 19,215.70 19,085.83 19,071.47 18,929.56 18,929.56 18,804.71 18,705.99 18,677.98 18,654.59 18,508.67 18,378.03 18,111.34 18,020.92 17,987.38 17,590.80 17,590.80 17,392.67 17,289.77 17,212.14 17,183.76 17,177.99 17,081.32 17,045.77 17,025.40 16,988.90 16,972.93 16,963.81

Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Bev & Dave Townsend Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Julie & Jon Windress Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Heather Brown Jon Turner Gareth & Jeanette Jones Mary Hession Phil Curtis David Belcher David Byatt & Janet Smith Heidi & Ron Body Debra & Jonathan Donno Keith Sandland Tavis Taylor Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Denys & Laura Harris Neil & Susan Maclean Michael Godwin Colin & Sarby Turnbull Richard & Helen Peuleve Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Jeffrey & Frances Topple Paul & John Meikle Lynda & David Buchan

16,963.81 16,941.28 16,876.65 16,670.77 16,658.62 16,658.62 16,576.89 16,558.36 16,461.86 16,373.54 16,327.51 16,316.71 16,287.59 16,200.55 16,021.33 15,977.63 15,968.50 15,822.44 15,819.90 15,812.95 15,684.34 15,661.59 15,572.89 15,409.24 15,309.82 15,264.49 15,216.88 15,206.25 15,174.08

10,000 And Above Barbara Margaret Webb Carol & Ian Parker Barry & Kay Mather Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Ron & Sue Keeler Mark & Diane Thornton Donna & Charles Warr Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Andrew Ridley Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Markus Klötzer & Petra Romoser Elaine Smith Tracey & Roger Payne Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Nick Newham Paul Smith & Angela Solomon John & Jenny Caton Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Robert Clifton John & Kath Clease Darren & Christina Simmons Robert Young & Clare Mears Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths Brian & Grace Cunningham Raymond & Susan Kirkland Scott & Gwen Thomson Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Claire Mires Michael Amor-Wilkes Leslie & Moira Harris Barrie Hill Veronica Nixon Karen Lucas Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Stuart & Clare Gibson William & Jane Warrington Mike & Anne Airey Leeanne Henderson & Michael Tosney Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Darryl Allen Angel & Stuart Hill Patricia Fisher Clive & Pamela Lennard Sharon & Steve Agnew Bernadette Murray Lynne & Neil Smith Tom & Kathryn Forbes Sheila & Christopher Haddow Ian & Lorraine Barnfield Philip & Alison Wimbles Maria & Lee Kowalkowski Sandra Brown Angela Power & Andrew Fountaine Timothy Murphy David & Judith Mccreath Sammy & Kenza Linton

14,738.62 14,687.59 14,631.65 14,631.65 14,575.70 14,469.59 14,349.38 14,322.68 14,243.80 14,232.36 14,183.09 14,173.05 14,040.43 13,994.58 13,986.79 13,826.01 13,787.10 13,671.18 13,660.35 13,624.73 13,533.11 13,495.81 13,391.01 13,231.67 13,200.20 13,192.24 13,171.93 13,142.12 13,121.01 13,103.17 13,031.34 13,031.34 12,978.85 12,922.45 12,921.26 12,921.26 12,850.89 12,788.23 12,765.11 12,719.25 12,719.25 12,714.27 12,699.43 12,641.21 12,581.22 12,536.46 12,523.11 12,510.71 12,485.20 12,420.50 12,407.37 12,385.88 12,377.54 12,369.98 12,352.03 12,300.82 12,268.80

Mark James Linda Charles Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Danny & Josephine Parr Lesley & Gordon Whittington Tim Sandom David & Jenny Gerry Emma Colley Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Gary & Iris Dixon Alison & Carlston Medford Amraj Khan Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Julie Beamish Susan Richards & Sarah Deakin Bob & Diane Goulding Nigel Brown Paul & Julie Keene Kelly & Steve Elliott Sarah Trim Arthur & Susan Cuthbert Evan & Sally Tidman Scott & Kim Meldrum June & David Love Paul & Julie Jones Linda & Ian Stanley Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore Susan Hook Jeanette & David Ward Georgina & Phil Gale Henry & Diana Crosby Louise Puttick Mark & Alison Irons Sharon & Craig Davis Brian & Grainne Quigley Jasbir Kaur Nigel & Anne Moffett Michael & Julia Tolton Neil & Caroline Jeffrey Richard & Clare Chantler Catherine & Andrew Barraclough Douglas & Theresa Hack David & Heather Herring Seamus & Clare Houghton Robert & Jennifer Radbourne Angela & Robert Clark Declan & Monica Manning Marie Tyrrell & John Dennis Kitching Brian & Diane Holmwood Antony & Aileen Gunn Andrew & Vicky De Caso Janet & Andrew Mitchell Lynne Flaxman Linda & Graeme Kirkwood David & Gail Slee Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan Bernie & Barbara Klinger Michael Wallace Karen & Lee Craig & Linda Lomas Jane & Howard Philpott Martina & James Mcgrath Minesh Padhiar John Cann & Angela Keogh Michael Radbourne & Mercy Nakambale Tineke Lootsma-Wiegman & Uilke Lootsma Deborah Morgan June Lilwall Victoria & Matthew Lawrence

12,247.25 12,194.64 12,182.18 12,172.58 12,159.02 12,137.25 12,136.31 12,055.27 11,995.11 11,909.25 11,855.91 11,789.34 11,780.47 11,735.13 11,687.68 11,675.97 11,617.91 11,617.91 11,569.40 11,543.79 11,468.06 11,465.99 11,310.80 11,300.36 11,276.51 11,276.51 11,267.78 11,190.28 11,188.04 11,187.22 11,180.30 11,169.87 11,163.21 11,133.19 11,128.48 11,126.17 11,070.01 10,991.94 10,926.13 10,824.14 10,820.88 10,811.78 10,792.33 10,771.33 10,751.16 10,737.26 10,727.54 10,701.53 10,693.52 10,628.36 10,572.12 10,530.51 10,513.76 10,445.06 10,442.33 10,438.57 10,424.43 10,401.88 10,393.31 10,383.89 10,370.70 10,369.09 10,331.18 10,294.90 10,220.55 10,129.26 10,041.07 10,036.01 10,017.08

7,500 and Above Melissa Egermann & Frederic Bruyer Rebecca Nisbet-Forster & Matthew Forster Sarah Sancho Trish Falconer & Lee Fisher Jürgen Peter Clouth & Julia Koeper Warwick & Christine Blakemore Andrew & Denise Hunt Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Martin Douglass & Jane Rollings Margaret & Michael Drayton Christine Ockleford Terry Card Jacqueline & Thomas Middlemass Isobel & James Orr Suzanne & Richard Woolven Peter & Jean Monroe Sadie O’Boyle

9,924.32 9,887.19 9,866.61 9,856.47 9,856.47 9,847.34 9,792.45 9,790.86 9,728.65 9,674.77 9,664.17 9,664.17 9,652.10 9,599.63 9,574.92 9,565.45 9,559.99

BULK SALES Paul Holroyd Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Jayne Clarkson & Philippa Menzer Chaitali & Ajit Nath David Lewis Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Michele & Henry Moss Simon & Nicola Houston Christine & Con Browning John & Denise Dawkes Nicholas & Linda Redman David Potter Paul Draycott Ross & Kerry Guy Neil & Sue Mawston Steve & Sarah Cadey Trevor & Suzie Knight Peter French & Louise Egan Nick Oakley David & Lynn Bole Richard & Greta Brownridge Anne Taylor Kevin Sands Brian & Caroline Tetmajeris Martin Stoves & Deborah Kershaw Allen & Rosemary Wooding Andrew & Helen Fenwick Patrick & Helen Loftus Michael & Lianne Rust Paul Bray Anna & Nigel Lacey Claire Mcgregor & Mac Mcgregor Adison Bridet & Sheryl Andrews Eric & Sylvia Joseph Kerryanne & John Watkins Stuart Walden & Sally Hughes Iain & Jackie Swanston Peter & David Legg James Dale & Claire Daniels Vicki & Ian Chatham Jane Waddell David & Diane Wraight Sylvia Mckay & William Snoddy Maryan & Don Nicolson Mark & Adele Gallacher Jean & Ian Hay Janet & Terry Mulley Michael Prior Scott Coe & Mainda Kiwelu Mary O’Beirne Chris & Nicky Evans Richard & Julie Henderson Paul & Anna Scott Christopher & Helen Goode Don & Morna Campbell Mark Keye & Louise Senior Stephen & Elaine Blay Julian & Karen Pike Phil & Jane Hughes Ray & Cathy Powell Valerie & Tony Montero Richard Roberts Norman & Joanne Grundy Keith & Shelly Cohen Terry & Margaret Farrell Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins Thomas & Christina Derrick Brian & Jean Carroll Janet & Roger Bowen Gavin & Trish Conway David Gilroy & Melanie Price Mandy & Ken Clarke David Blanshard & Jan Mills Stephanie & Keith Barsby Peter Gallant & Claire Mckay Jane Avery Kathleen & Dominic Carolan Stefan & Samantha Frienling Lorraine & Mark Collins Adam & Charlotte Wilford James & Jane White Emma & Chris Shafe Jo Pickles Mike Victoros Thomas & Pauline Mcmichael Jayne & Keith Towers Terry Baines & Julie Hutton Kate Lee Garrett & Nicola Oshea

9,526.94 9,504.24 9,476.83 9,462.27 9,446.05 9,424.05 9,411.32 9,399.31 9,388.11 9,377.51 9,359.05 9,357.37 9,353.36 9,353.36 9,346.52 9,274.97 9,267.52 9,262.72 9,221.54 9,213.00 9,187.13 9,167.75 9,163.08 9,154.40 9,144.83 9,069.55 9,050.24 9,047.93 9,032.75 9,020.15 9,014.48 9,001.18 8,999.94 8,999.94 8,960.40 8,932.00 8,918.82 8,866.31 8,860.44 8,859.87 8,848.72 8,831.48 8,830.98 8,821.11 8,807.37 8,805.12 8,802.49 8,782.81 8,770.17 8,767.17 8,750.76 8,750.22 8,745.74 8,739.10 8,732.96 8,716.71 8,707.46 8,684.42 8,643.19 8,625.19 8,615.28 8,603.94 8,568.65 8,555.28 8,554.85 8,548.04 8,539.44 8,472.73 8,399.61 8,396.14 8,381.65 8,361.94 8,349.12 8,344.36 8,313.11 8,301.50 8,296.30 8,296.23 8,271.60 8,228.38 8,218.33 8,190.83 8,190.18 8,169.67 8,158.04 8,148.60 8,145.97 8,145.97 8,134.63

Michelle Crabb & Mark Berry John & Barbara Oakes Debra & Andrew Cowton Robert & Jacqueline Dolan Ann Tawn Kirsty & Robert Kitching Adrian Fisher David Nutley & Marie Andrews Dario & Joan Michelini Edward Antrobus Angela Wallace Theresa & Dean Collins Jason Faughnan Michael & Nancy Parnis Julie & Peter Bellotti Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec Negin & Michael Backhouse Patricia Laing Trevor & Janet Rawding David Herridge Elizabeth & Grant Gilmour Terry & Christine Charlesworth Maria Schafer Jackie & Paul West-Hook Lyn & Tony Davies Rhys & Susan Williams Janet Roscoe & Ria Middleditch Joseph & Dawn Steel Helen & Andrew Walsh Julie & Colin Bullivant David & Heather Flannagan Christina & Rob Cann Jennifer & Paul Jacobs Abigail & Trevor Marshall Peter Savidge Grant & Denise Rossouw Lynwen & Gethin Thomas Andrew Wightman Robert & Pauline Cook Richard Lingham Jennifer Amos & Martin Smith Seyed Ali Sajjadi Rosemary Collins & Christopher Riley Kira McKibbin & Andrew Thomas Samantha Adams & Deborah Gardener Michael & Anne Barnaville Elizabeth Wickens Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Peter & Karen Bertie Helen Gould & Steven Hewitt Johanna & Stuart Peuleve Michael & Marilyn Stansell Susan Walton Elizabeth Kerr Clodagh Mc Donald & Patrice Mcdonald William & Agnes Burgess Paul & Andrea Towler Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn Marcus & Joyce Emerson Ray Caffrey Margaret & Ian Foster Kay Thomas & Darren Virgo Chris & Wan Deacon Jeanette & Roy Bonella Sandra Ellis Karen Batchelor Ann & George Blackman Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Theresa Stafford & Maureen Hurley Tsahai & Jake Ellington Fay & Andrew Roe Frederick & Karen Mason David & Elaine Luke Gillian Arnott Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford Bevin Bhoyrul Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Sharon Bullock & David Taylor Susan & Gerald Osborne George & Carol Murray Rita & Peter Noble Michael & Gail Johns Michelle & Stuart Milne Kenneth & Patricia Hughes Lee & Caroline Gillis Patricia & Dennis Corser Sue & Tony Shepherd Sarah Hatfield & Jack Walters

8,126.28 8,106.66 8,100.75 8,092.35 8,088.31 8,077.04 8,065.14 8,065.14 8,065.08 8,038.07 8,030.58 7,995.54 7,984.17 7,964.95 7,964.45 7,953.22 7,943.39 7,942.98 7,926.37 7,916.26 7,914.74 7,914.74 7,900.73 7,892.45 7,886.10 7,880.66 7,847.36 7,846.33 7,839.76 7,839.02 7,835.42 7,831.14 7,830.35 7,824.18 7,810.62 7,796.12 7,791.89 7,787.91 7,770.87 7,770.21 7,769.00 7,744.98 7,744.26 7,740.88 7,739.09 7,731.06 7,731.06 7,723.16 7,722.72 7,721.05 7,721.05 7,718.39 7,712.93 7,711.90 7,685.18 7,681.43 7,681.18 7,676.33 7,669.92 7,669.37 7,661.32 7,660.49 7,659.53 7,658.14 7,645.92 7,628.30 7,625.36 7,624.65 7,624.39 7,623.09 7,620.76 7,619.33 7,609.87 7,609.71 7,603.08 7,598.83 7,598.36 7,592.58 7,589.01 7,585.10 7,581.52 7,579.39 7,555.74 7,555.74 7,554.33 7,545.01 7,539.20 7,536.61 7,527.39

Richard & Patricia Rogers



PERIOD 9 100,000 And Above Nasko Ratchev Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Gillian & Jim Nicholson Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Margaret & Graham Moore Muriel & Tony Judson John & Jeanette Hawkes Peter & Jackie White Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Margaret & Roy Japp Mike & Amanda Bibby Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks John & Margery Sharp Hazel & John Stephen Terrence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson Phil & Jean Warrington David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Sarah & John Mckie Robert Gibbons Gordon & Judy Seldon Curtis Tulloch Derek & Eileen Wagstaff Claire & Peter Rea Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Judy Jodrell Michael & Jean Day Keith & Vie Robertson Craig & Magdalena White Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Tony & Katharine Briffa Mark & Delfina Prosser Jill Corlett Trevor Mitchell Robert & Mary Higgins Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Michael & Susan Pirie Victor & Una Brown John & Anne Donaldson Mary Eakin Anthony & Rachel Greeves Nuala & Martin Mcdonald Carole & Benny Morris Martin & Yvonne Boyce Mel & Irene Wilson

2,273,722.85 2,272,939.28 2,232,224.33 1,195,892.49 1,069,217.60 979,931.01 900,166.61 899,438.61 878,888.66 803,494.60 803,494.60 657,474.87 642,967.76 601,591.72 601,152.13 444,707.69 405,332.48 387,698.15 362,694.45 359,865.86 322,169.20 308,953.27 293,131.84 290,139.89 235,178.52 178,201.87 177,076.47 168,962.51 166,062.15 163,064.12 161,250.54 155,129.58 149,858.95 148,177.49 145,923.74 144,374.43 142,541.57 136,144.98 135,691.36 134,915.42 130,021.76 127,570.15 125,147.77 120,857.84 115,164.91 114,035.92 113,409.51 107,424.99 104,256.19 103,756.62 102,383.56 102,259.53 101,445.96 101,380.20

35,000 And Above Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Sue & Claire Ferguson John & Christine Prosser Julie Collier & Peter Richards Sylvia & Jack Hood Declan O'neill Andy & Carolyn Cooper Justin & Olivera Toner Lauren & Peter Jackson Angela & Norman Campbell Gaynor Morgan Geoff & Fiona Webb Marcell Treanor & Joanne Spraggon David & Rosie Bibby John & Wendy English Dave & Susie Horton Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark John & Jenny Holden Alan Meldrum Mike & Dawn Gough Stephani & Bill Neville Andrew & Sue Boswell Gene De Donatis

99,577.15 99,144.34 99,095.62 97,348.40 94,702.69 89,870.07 89,137.67 87,661.50 83,089.51 81,547.66 81,523.96 81,242.48 80,579.13 75,210.80 75,004.67 74,866.98 72,256.40 70,418.48 69,880.70 67,587.05 67,181.94 66,521.09 66,317.46


BULK SALES Eamonn & Anne Roe Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso Sue & Geoffrey Burras Heather & James O’Neil Ramon & Sylvia Laing Stephen & Debra Nell Andrew & Ann Meldrum Susan & David Darton Steve & Debbie Roper Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Peter & Myrna Wellock David & Samantha Branch Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw James Curtis Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Stanley & Roy Stewart Gill & Donato Sepe Craig & Mary Hawkes Deborah & Allan Dewar Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Ron & Judy Speirs Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow Rosina & Frank Pocock Gill & Tim Evans Glenn & Caroline Royston Karen & Neil Young Chris & Julia Norton Michael Banks Roger & Barbara Green Keith & Pauline Blythe John & Karina Beesley Jay Singh Helen Brooks Stephen Clark Michelle Kennedy Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Sheila & Gordon Davidson Ram & Joginder Singh Helen & Paul Allgood Lesley Burroughs Graham & Georgina Long Christopher & Louise Brown Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson

65,857.54 65,042.34 65,042.34 64,389.20 63,386.05 60,435.38 59,271.82 57,491.39 55,933.75 55,599.28 52,714.77 52,095.71 51,977.12 51,776.25 51,502.57 51,095.00 49,953.37 48,810.03 48,346.87 48,119.49 47,684.34 47,247.45 46,576.59 46,461.95 46,323.77 46,159.22 46,017.31 45,856.57 45,291.20 44,843.01 44,843.01 43,882.62 43,145.35 42,168.29 40,263.17 39,254.08 39,073.23 37,724.09 36,223.00 35,952.40 35,628.74 35,431.65 35,291.16 35,256.64 35,023.78

15,000 And Above Caroline & Philip Thompson Julie & Anthony Cornick Carol & Bruce Manktelow Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Jane & John Dunkerley Melanie & Andrew Wilson Nichola & David Walmsley Joseph O’Donnell Gavin Heaton & Fiona Keane David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Paul Flintoft Alison & Michael Ogden Michael & Sandra Laydon Toby Acton & Donna Gold Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Eve & Norman Branch Rhian & E Anthony Jones Brian Harwood Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Robert Wellock Cindy & David Brown Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Chantele & Barry Travis Michael & Jennifer Allsop Derrick & Maria Longwright Pamela Jarvis Belinda Clarke Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Stuart & Gail McKibbin Tracy & David Sheehan Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Stephen Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson Amanda & Andrew Holland Graham & Catherine Hyde Gareth & Gil Duffy John & Janice Halsall Sunil Popat Cheryl & David Amison


34,625.23 34,468.20 33,885.11 33,646.06 33,287.15 33,265.71 32,847.10 32,838.85 32,588.72 32,574.49 32,574.49 32,571.00 31,766.53 31,732.54 31,361.27 31,185.34 31,185.34 31,059.21 30,937.63 30,379.58 30,215.80 30,215.80 29,676.93 29,506.16 29,347.26 29,104.25 29,048.53 28,932.80 28,773.95 28,089.97 27,981.76 27,443.18 27,269.99 26,754.88 26,218.40 26,105.17 25,942.74 25,897.04 25,562.89 25,200.34 25,200.34

Daniel & Ann Keeble Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Debbie Gee Keith & Patricia Phillips Su & Jas Bains Debbie & Trevor Collins John & Sophia Clements Colin & Charlene Sadler Linda & Tony Gower William & Sharon Stevenson Peter & Sheryl Dutton Sharon & Andrew Bird Wendy Fielding Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Paul Tawn & Clare Bason John Webb & Kathryn Price Steven Clements Rosemary & Christopher Day Amy Warrington Harry Hancock Caroline & Simon Harvey Doug & Sandra Roper Denise & Stephen Neal Terry & Sid Drew Alison & Kevin Thomas Peter Bristow Carole & Peter Bristow Roselyn & Gavin Thomson Angela & Stephen Burchell Christopher & Lynne Marshall Mira & Natalie Herman Nicola & Jerome Neville Terry & Jane Hodge Sean & Alexandra Tuesley John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Tom & Bernadette Hingley Mick & Kate Glover Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Clare & Martin Whitelock Vanadis Fox & Richard Houseago Charlie & Gillian Whitton Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe Claire & Paul Howells Harold & Minnie Fulton Paul & John Meikle Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes Olivia & Matthew Conway Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Brian Manchester Allan Ledwidge Christine Lappin & Simon Place Kevin Howe & Leah Harper Gloria & Clive Davies Catherine & Stephen Lord Alf & Carol Bell Ann & John Coe Abigail Colclough Brian & Gay Redstone Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Karim Karmali Robert & Rosemary Annan Laurence Wiseman Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Christine & Ian Brennan Shirley Pere & John Barnes Raymond & Barbara Mann Jim & Vicky Smith Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Elaine Fenwick Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Steve & Cathy Chambers Norah Bohan John Smith Andrew Medlam & Rachel Wainwright Mary Hession Michelle & Andrew Hurter Andrew & Cheryl Williams Diane & Geoff Owen Angela & James Macleod Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Phil Curtis Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Tony & Wendy Vallerine Isobel & James Orr

25,139.78 25,071.41 24,944.15 24,812.01 24,630.28 24,630.28 24,430.73 24,339.09 24,290.28 24,192.79 24,163.81 24,026.37 23,995.71 23,909.55 23,909.55 23,758.66 23,278.43 23,186.43 23,064.99 22,856.10 22,759.76 22,744.11 22,681.98 22,671.05 22,606.80 22,453.36 22,442.27 22,442.27 22,353.36 22,271.55 22,079.93 21,971.60 21,761.03 21,653.33 21,439.83 21,079.86 20,846.75 20,485.72 20,473.15 20,473.15 20,358.12 20,347.81 20,179.00 20,150.60 20,136.96 20,136.96 19,914.87 19,843.10 19,746.51 19,607.34 19,575.28 19,559.11 19,535.77 19,420.93 19,340.91 19,098.06 19,041.83 19,021.67 18,977.86 18,895.67 18,769.48 18,718.19 18,691.57 18,689.81 18,486.39 18,310.11 18,217.56 17,853.32 17,836.87 17,722.85 17,634.67 17,618.06 17,580.60 17,506.38 17,289.69 16,928.61 16,615.41 16,574.58 16,557.58 16,455.97 16,400.21 16,342.90 16,306.66 16,286.43 16,212.37 16,044.81 15,936.13 15,906.06 15,805.95

Keith & Teresa Faulkner Gareth & Jeanette Jones Karen & Steven Glew Robert Clifton Keith Sandland Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Roger & Simon Mantle Warren & Pamela Sewell

15,804.96 15,789.37 15,638.99 15,535.55 15,440.59 15,357.86 15,357.86 15,349.22 15,244.40

10,000 And Above Bev & Dave Townsend Donna & Charles Warr David Byatt & Janet Smith Colin & Sarby Turnbull Debra & Jonathan Donno Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Richard & Clare Chantler Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Dawn & Bruce Marsden Stephen & Joyce Milne Neil & Susan Maclean John & Kath Clease Amelia & Hannah Mchard Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Andrew Ridley Maria & Lee Kowalkowski Denys & Laura Harris Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Heather Brown Michael & Janet Wallace Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Bob & Diane Goulding Nick Newham Richard & Judy Taylor Barry & Kay Mather Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Sarah Sancho Andrew & Vicky De Caso Heidi & Ron Body Timothy Murphy Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Claire Mires Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Carol & Ian Parker Susan Richards & Sarah Deakin Michael Prior Mark James Ron & Sue Keeler John & Jenny Caton Michael & Julia Tolton Louise Puttick David Belcher Kerry & Paul Stonall Scott & Gwen Thomson June & David Love Scott & Kim Meldrum Julie & Jon Windress Elaine Smith Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Mark & Alison Irons Elaine & Martin Spafford Andrew & Denise Hunt Anita Morris Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Clive & Pamela Lennard Sheila & Christopher Haddow Raymond & Susan Kirkland Tracey & Roger Payne Georgina & Phil Gale Edward & Susan Booth Leslie & Moira Harris Barrie Hill Barbara Margaret Webb Anne Taylor Bernie & Barbara Klinger Bill Caddy Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Sarah Trim Paul & Julie Jones Linda & Ian Stanley Bernadette Murray Tom & Kathryn Forbes Lynne & Neil Smith Neil & Caroline Jeffrey

14,978.50 14,968.20 14,947.52 14,786.45 14,769.30 14,733.77 14,698.85 14,693.15 14,599.95 14,594.91 14,490.21 14,387.78 14,233.90 14,151.86 14,074.18 14,058.93 13,955.89 13,895.43 13,853.70 13,847.95 13,830.13 13,809.48 13,802.19 13,541.08 13,420.13 13,420.13 13,168.01 13,087.58 13,064.54 13,050.37 13,045.31 12,978.70 12,883.69 12,867.90 12,829.85 12,827.13 12,688.82 12,673.86 12,476.44 12,264.21 12,249.88 12,244.93 12,239.92 12,186.03 12,135.43 12,075.62 12,016.95 11,990.37 11,905.43 11,804.01 11,784.76 11,784.76 11,736.35 11,727.78 11,696.12 11,666.21 11,636.88 11,606.43 11,592.32 11,588.24 11,583.74 11,496.68 11,484.14 11,472.94 11,472.94 11,472.55 11,452.37 11,436.97 11,433.96 11,400.85 11,360.41 11,325.38 11,325.38 11,307.09 11,304.08 11,296.12 11,288.04

BULK SALES Richard & Helen Peuleve Nick Oakley Lynda & David Buchan Angel & Stuart Hill David Norton & Ingrid Whorton Nigel Brown Paul & Julie Keene Kevin Rider & Wendy Preston Lesley & Gordon Whittington Martina & James Mcgrath Brian & Grace Cunningham Henry & Diana Crosby Mark & Adele Gallacher Mary O’Beirne Iain & Jackie Swanston Julie Beamish Jane Avery Martyn Cunningham Kathleen & Dominic Carolan Suzanne & Richard Woolven Mike & Anne Airey Tavis Taylor Sadie O’Boyle David & Heather Herring Alan & Jocelyn Nicholson Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Colin & Gillian Campbell Helen & Andrew Walsh Michael Amor-Wilkes David & Judith Mccreath Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Darryl Allen Michael & Marilyn Stansell Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Stuart & Clare Gibson Patrick & Helen Loftus Sharon & Steve Agnew Craig & Linda Lomas Jasbir Kaur

11,263.91 11,242.15 11,211.07 11,198.95 11,184.36 11,072.17 11,072.17 11,031.04 11,029.45 10,992.18 10,986.54 10,976.84 10,947.89 10,818.96 10,813.89 10,799.21 10,690.92 10,684.12 10,572.57 10,529.48 10,506.63 10,461.05 10,447.06 10,441.55 10,414.94 10,404.06 10,388.79 10,298.42 10,253.49 10,249.14 10,242.99 10,242.99 10,156.51 10,126.07 10,126.07 10,126.06 10,095.11 10,016.29 10,010.20

7,500 And Above Danny & Josephine Parr David Herridge Elizabeth & Grant Gilmour Kevin Sands Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Markus Klötzer & Petra Romoser Sarah & Ivan Darch Robert & Jennifer Radbourne Robert Young & Clare Mears Anna & Nigel Lacey Michael Godwin Patricia Fisher Chris & Nicky Evans Linda & Graeme Kirkwood Paul Bray Peter French & Louise Egan Julie & Peter Bellotti Sandra Brown Emma Colley Patricia & Dennis Corser Arthur & Susan Cuthbert Claire Mcgregor & Mac Mcgregor Michael Wallace Philip & Alison Wimbles Tineke Lootsma-Wiegman & Uilke Lootsma Kelly & Steve Elliott George & Carol Murray Thomas & Christina Derrick Angela & Robert Clark Marie Tyrrell & John Dennis Kitching Cormie Marshall & Gwen Drysdale Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Paul & Avril Coleman Veronica Nixon Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Jacqueline & Thomas Middlemass Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Seamus & Clare Houghton Martin Douglass & Jane Rollings Stephen & Elaine Blay Sammy & Kenza Linton Sylvia Mckay & William Snoddy Trish Falconer & Lee Fisher Jürgen Peter Clouth & Julia Koeper Darren & Christina Simmons Susan Hook Janet Roscoe & Ria Middleditch

9,997.84 9,985.79 9,985.79 9,983.25 9,950.60 9,938.31 9,938.19 9,916.51 9,891.06 9,872.85 9,869.70 9,853.67 9,847.09 9,816.94 9,804.71 9,793.63 9,784.12 9,751.07 9,750.36 9,743.63 9,739.87 9,693.17 9,666.10 9,646.89 9,627.90 9,593.50 9,520.15 9,517.18 9,471.07 9,447.84 9,447.58 9,443.38 9,428.83 9,397.91 9,386.78 9,386.72 9,369.90 9,354.34 9,316.64 9,315.66 9,297.95 9,260.36 9,247.45 9,247.45 9,246.73 9,246.61 9,244.01

Douglas & Theresa Hack Rebecca Nisbet-Forster & Matthew Forster Nigel & Anne Moffett Warwick & Christine Blakemore Peter & David Legg Victoria & Matthew Lawrence Tim Sandom Trevor & Janet Rawding William & Jane Warrington Jen & Garry Luke Janet & Andrew Mitchell Ben Warrington Valerie & Tony Montero Michael Radbourne & Mercy Nakambale David Gilroy & Melanie Price Karen Lucas Catherine & Andrew Barraclough Frank Johnson Jeffrey & Frances Topple Declan & Monica Manning Jon Turner Christine & Con Browning Terry Hayden & Charles Napier Allan & Eileen Gonsalves Elizabeth Kerr Jayne & Keith Towers Debra & Andrew Cowton Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Carol & Lewis Freeman Martin Stoves & Deborah Kershaw Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore Sharon Bullock & David Taylor Kulwant & Mandeep Kalon Julie & Colin Bullivant Shorne & Judith Hodds Jo Pickles Deborah Morgan James & Jane White Lyn & Tony Davies Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Mark Keye & Louise Senior Paula & Kevin Beckitt Rod & Mairi Marshall Tsahai & Jake Ellington Gary & Iris Dixon Kira McKibbin & Andrew Thomas Brian & Jean Carroll Alison & Carlston Medford Andrew Wightman David & Diane Wraight John & Denise Dawkes Amraj Khan Don & Morna Campbell Yvonne & Ronald Eveleigh Lorraine & Mark Collins Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn Lynne Flaxman Maryan & Don Nicolson Adam O'reilly & Clare Patterson Dario & Joan Michelini Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Melissa Egermann & Frederic Bruyer Evan & Sally Tidman Mandy & Ken Clarke Susan Walton Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Neil & Sue Mawston Peter & Karen Bertie Helen Gould & Steven Hewitt Chaitali & Ajit Nath David Lewis Frederick & Karen Mason Kerryanne & John Watkins David & Gail Slee Janice & Colin Keogh Karen & Lee Keith & Shelly Cohen Scott Coe & Mainda Kiwelu Linda Charles Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford Emma & Chris Shafe Ian & Lorraine Barnfield Peter Mccormac Brian & Diane Holmwood Rhys & Susan Williams David Blanshard & Jan Mills Jennifer Amos & Martin Smith Norman & Joanne Grundy

9,240.52 9,239.82 9,198.78 9,159.45 9,134.21 9,121.37 9,119.94 9,118.91 9,057.42 9,026.48 9,020.06 9,000.94 9,000.20 8,989.28 8,979.55 8,979.53 8,966.19 8,938.10 8,936.94 8,912.15 8,900.85 8,900.66 8,888.38 8,888.38 8,880.96 8,859.54 8,749.87 8,705.19 8,690.96 8,626.85 8,605.92 8,576.77 8,564.19 8,558.96 8,535.11 8,525.73 8,499.52 8,487.62 8,475.07 8,459.76 8,418.37 8,410.82 8,368.31 8,366.02 8,364.84 8,353.89 8,351.03 8,348.72 8,341.97 8,337.38 8,335.75 8,310.81 8,307.47 8,307.33 8,304.93 8,297.31 8,295.31 8,281.67 8,264.36 8,262.59 8,240.70 8,231.05 8,213.57 8,169.08 8,167.15 8,139.32 8,102.21 8,099.15 8,096.70 8,096.70 8,088.37 8,083.39 8,071.33 8,047.98 8,047.86 8,044.55 8,041.47 8,037.41 7,997.26 7,984.84 7,975.73 7,958.50 7,955.31 7,946.18 7,930.75 7,921.07 7,909.32 7,902.37 7,901.35

Jeanette & Roy Bonella Ged & Judith Leah Peter & Angela Abrahams Richard Roberts Ian & Elizabeth Campbell Jim & Maureen Powell Garrett & Nicola Oshea Simon Hilton Sandra Ellis Terry & Margaret Farrell Antony & Aileen Gunn Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Michael & Gail Johns Elizabeth Wickens Michelle & Stuart Milne Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec Brian & Caroline Tetmajeris Andrew & Helen Fenwick William & Agnes Burgess Grant & Denise Rossouw Mike Victoros Seyed Ali Sajjadi John Dowding & Susan Clements Jean & Ian Hay Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Patricia & Leonard Wheeler Kirsty & Robert Kitching Michele & Henry Moss Jason Faughnan Roy & Beryl Perrin David & Jenny Gerry John & Sarah Burn Janet & Roger Bowen Frances Corcoran & Gary Hinchliffe David Nicholson Karen Batchelor Theresa Stafford & Maureen Hurley Bevin Bhoyrul Lynwen & Gethin Thomas Brian & Grainne Quigley James & Janice Walkinshaw Terry & Christine Charlesworth Barbara Geraghty & John Russell David & Heather Flannagan Sharon & Craig Davis Ann & George Blackman Edward Antrobus Michelle Crabb & Mark Berry Mark & Sue O'reilly Robert & Pauline Cook Brian & Jean Kirkpatrick Ian & Anita Saville Philip Palmer Michael & Nancy Parnis Adrian Fisher David Nutley & Marie Andrews Ian & Deborah Wightmore Jeanette & David Ward Sheelagh & Brian Carter Christine Ockleford Terry Card Bena & Mahesh Chauhan John & Barbara Oakes

7,900.18 7,899.67 7,898.70 7,896.14 7,893.20 7,888.33 7,880.38 7,869.52 7,866.06 7,865.85 7,857.75 7,834.99 7,826.85 7,817.74 7,806.43 7,792.73 7,788.71 7,780.82 7,767.60 7,760.18 7,737.79 7,734.70 7,723.46 7,722.30 7,719.30 7,714.75 7,708.91 7,708.83 7,702.21 7,696.22 7,681.60 7,675.96 7,675.09 7,672.78 7,672.01 7,657.81 7,649.55 7,649.28 7,633.22 7,608.77 7,608.51 7,607.67 7,605.89 7,593.11 7,587.73 7,584.89 7,579.06 7,572.18 7,570.75 7,568.35 7,564.77 7,560.21 7,559.09 7,555.18 7,551.44 7,551.44 7,550.28 7,529.98 7,528.64 7,528.39 7,528.39 7,527.49 7,512.40


PERIOD 10 100,000 And Above Nasko Ratchev Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Gillian & Jim Nicholson Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Margaret Moore John & Jeanette Hawkes Muriel & Tony Judson Peter & Jackie White Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Mike & Amanda Bibby

2,995,349.63 2,994,691.00 2,952,280.26 1,571,952.85 1,406,593.52 1,298,192.89 1,181,212.01 1,179,863.05 1,153,400.62 1,074,365.09 1,073,718.66 844,573.37 830,980.73 784,368.91 773,430.67 579,123.96 520,926.61 477,766.03


BULK SALES Margaret & Roy Japp Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks John & Margery Sharp Terrence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson Hazel & John Stephen Phil & Jean Warrington Sarah & John Mckie Robert Gibbons David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Curtis Tulloch Derek & Eileen Wagstaff Judy Jodrell Gordon & Judy Seldon Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Keith & Vie Robertson Claire & Peter Rea Trevor Mitchell Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer Craig & Magdalena White Tony & Katharine Briffa Mark & Delfina Prosser Michael & Jean Day Robert & Mary Higgins Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Jill Corlett Victor & Una Brown Michael & Susan Pirie John & Anne Donaldson Mary Eakin Anthony & Rachel Greeves Carole & Benny Morris Raymond & Miriam Turnbull John & Christine Prosser Martin & Yvonne Boyce Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Declan O'neill Mel & Irene Wilson Justin & Olivera Toner Sue & Claire Ferguson Julie Collier & Peter Richards Nuala & Martin Mcdonald Andy & Carolyn Cooper Angela & Norman Campbell Sylvia & Jack Hood Marcell & Joanne Treanor Gaynor Morgan Geoff & Fiona Webb Lauren & Peter Jackson

477,686.27 467,678.77 398,876.13 395,687.95 390,332.69 382,215.26 319,890.80 240,997.15 238,746.15 236,396.72 231,768.44 230,688.11 210,769.54 208,996.39 207,990.60 197,238.16 197,147.81 195,113.98 189,332.77 189,253.88 186,483.88 185,895.39 181,210.65 178,043.41 167,444.57 163,006.48 162,396.22 160,616.41 159,937.67 158,893.08 157,570.67 154,972.24 149,880.42 147,358.70 146,561.22 140,831.54 131,046.80 130,693.33 129,637.03 126,229.45 123,366.28 120,847.28 120,727.64 120,329.19 119,381.50 119,013.52 107,236.99 103,818.44 103,100.75

35,000 and Above Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso Dave & Susie Horton Heather & James O’Neil John & Wendy English David & Rosie Bibby Sue & Geoffrey Burras John & Jenny Holden Mike & Dawn Gough Stephani & Bill Neville Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Andrew & Sue Boswell Alan Meldrum Karen & Neil Young David & Samantha Branch Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw Gene De Donatis & Janet Tynan Stanley & Roy Stewart Eamonn & Anne Roe Deborah & Allan Dewar Susan & David Darton Stephen & Debra Nell Steve & Debbie Roper Ramon & Sylvia Laing Gill & Donato Sepe Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Andrew & Ann Meldrum Helen Brooks Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock James Curtis Glenn & Caroline Royston Rosina & Frank Pocock Gill & Tim Evans Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Chris & Julia Norton Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow


99,650.90 99,640.26 99,074.33 96,265.20 96,025.46 92,505.18 90,170.95 90,040.14 88,194.24 87,621.80 85,577.45 85,499.67 82,404.49 82,017.95 78,382.93 76,106.84 76,016.85 75,858.39 74,949.52 74,608.05 74,134.33 74,032.23 72,668.14 72,652.77 70,921.28 69,312.92 69,020.90 67,114.34 64,428.48 64,227.23 63,716.57 63,144.10 63,134.98 62,858.80 62,524.02 62,451.44 60,606.45

Craig & Mary Hawkes Jay Singh Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson Peter & Myrna Wellock Christopher & Louise Brown Ron & Judy Speirs Michelle Kennedy Eve & Norman Branch Keith & Pauline Blythe Graham & Georgina Long Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Gavin Heaton & Fiona Keane David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor Ram & Joginder Singh Stephen Clark Michael Banks Roger & Barbara Green Julie & Anthony Cornick Belinda Clarke Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Alison & Michael Ogden Jane & John Dunkerley Nichola & David Walmsley Brian Harwood Caroline & Philip Thompson Graham & Catherine Hyde Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris Daniel & Ann Keeble Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Debbie & Trevor Collins Helen & Paul Allgood Su & Jas Bains Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Debbie Gee Keith & Patricia Phillips Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Sunil Popat Cheryl & David Amison Carol & Bruce Manktelow Rhian & E Anthony Jones John Webb & Kathryn Price Melanie & Andrew Wilson Joseph O’Donnell Lesley Burroughs Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Pamela Jarvis Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Paul Flintoft Michael & Sandra Laydon Tom & Bernadette Hingley Stuart & Gail McKibbin Michael & Jennifer Allsop Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Charlie & Gillian Whitton Sheila & Gordon Davidson Alison & Kevin Thomas

58,036.35 56,833.99 56,814.60 56,151.20 55,494.76 54,361.96 53,874.54 53,013.56 52,374.63 52,277.21 51,881.33 51,805.72 51,805.72 51,779.10 49,596.35 49,450.28 49,000.35 49,000.35 48,246.07 47,829.57 47,513.88 46,860.37 46,682.54 46,682.09 46,647.87 44,245.21 43,776.31 43,507.13 43,183.43 43,152.91 42,931.99 42,878.65 42,653.25 42,350.88 41,993.82 41,935.28 40,337.41 40,149.91 40,149.91 39,884.94 39,882.24 39,434.54 39,188.15 38,596.15 38,588.08 38,459.85 38,435.84 37,719.87 36,439.74 36,327.67 36,306.74 36,275.22 36,021.18 35,544.29 35,544.29 35,237.29 35,204.31 35,029.54

15,000 and Above Sharon & Andrew Bird Abigail Colclough Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Chantele & Barry Travis Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Derrick & Maria Longwright Caroline & Simon Harvey Peter & Sheryl Dutton John & Janice Halsall Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Toby Acton & Donna Gold Amanda & Andrew Holland Olivia & Matthew Conway Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Raymond & Barbara Mann Terry & Jane Hodge Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Harry Hancock Gareth & Gil Duffy Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse Colin & Charlene Sadler Clare & Martin Whitelock Linda & Tony Gower John & Sophia Clements Brian & Gay Redstone William & Sharon Stevenson John & Karina Beesley

34,952.46 34,913.38 34,629.99 34,548.02 34,373.14 34,143.22 33,902.78 33,599.83 33,329.66 32,546.80 32,546.80 32,537.94 32,522.80 32,328.09 32,328.09 32,195.96 31,895.71 31,737.22 31,482.80 31,337.67 31,220.45 31,044.95 30,766.34 30,486.48 30,316.63 30,259.66 29,912.36 29,832.51

Harold & Minnie Fulton Steven Clements Peter Bristow Carole & Peter Bristow Terry & Sid Drew Denise & Stephen Neal Laurence Wiseman Tracy & David Sheehan Angela & Stephen Burchell Vanadis Fox & Richard Houseago Nicola & Jerome Neville Amy Warrington Norah Bohan Christopher & Lynne Marshall Steve & Cathy Chambers Diane & Geoff Owen Tony & Wendy Vallerine David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Stephen Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Wendy Fielding Andrew & Cheryl Williams Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Brian Manchester Rosemary & Christopher Day Michelle & Andrew Hurter Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson Roselyn & Gavin Thomson Karim Karmali Gloria & Clive Davies Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan Allan Ledwidge Mick & Kate Glover Kevin Howe & Leah Harper Warren & Pamela Sewell Dawn & Bruce Marsden Christine & Ian Brennan Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Christine Lappin & Simon Place Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan John & Kath Clease Alf & Carol Bell Doug & Sandra Roper Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Sean & Alexandra Tuesley Jim & Vicky Smith Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes Ann & John Coe Karen & Steven Glew Gareth & Jeanette Jones Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Heidi & Ron Body Claire & Paul Howells Lesley & Gordon Whittington Keith & Teresa Faulkner Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Shirley Pere & John Barnes Debra & Jonathan Donno Angela & James Macleod Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Darryl Allen Martyn Cunningham Denys & Laura Harris Sandra Brown Elaine & Martin Spafford John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Richard & Clare Chantler Tineke Lootsma-Wiegman & Uilke Lootsma Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Keith Sandland Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe David Byatt & Janet Smith Trish Falconer & Lee Fisher Jürgen Peter Clouth & Julia Koeper Ron & Sue Keeler Bill Caddy Heather Brown Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Linda & Graeme Kirkwood Christine & Con Browning Robert & Rosemary Annan Mary Hession Mark & Diane Thornton Kevin Rider & Wendy Preston Kerry & Paul Stonall

29,446.12 29,220.91 29,187.43 29,187.43 29,124.47 28,812.91 28,777.50 28,663.03 28,625.56 27,802.88 27,680.79 27,514.49 27,375.60 27,317.04 26,943.20 26,833.51 26,805.81 26,591.20 26,579.13 26,561.81 26,332.67 26,102.66 26,010.23 26,007.66 25,535.62 25,457.45 25,447.81 25,411.62 24,974.03 24,932.68 24,847.88 24,719.87 24,705.21 24,664.57 24,412.35 24,222.67 24,085.73 23,992.66 23,868.82 23,764.47 23,480.37 23,414.04 23,399.18 23,377.07 23,272.68 22,964.65 22,848.23 22,801.90 22,778.30 22,675.96 22,209.29 22,114.13 21,812.59 21,656.35 21,451.61 21,397.98 21,327.16 21,071.50 20,940.24 20,933.15 20,933.15 20,760.67 20,649.23 20,628.48 20,611.01 20,605.02 20,471.25 20,310.59 20,299.82 20,212.54 20,208.06 20,208.06 20,159.37 20,159.37 19,977.30 19,955.80 19,955.80 19,868.52 19,815.81 19,644.20 19,579.98 19,528.28 19,510.94 19,401.94 19,262.08 19,236.67 19,047.74 19,032.57 19,013.79

BULK SALES Tavis Taylor Iain & Jackie Swanston Barbara Margaret Webb Robert Clifton Clive & Pamela Lennard Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Roger & Simon Mantle Maria & Lee Kowalkowski Leslie & Moira Harris Barrie Hill Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Brian & Grainne Quigley Angel & Stuart Hill Bev & Dave Townsend Amelia & Hannah Mchard Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Richard & Judy Taylor Michael & Julia Tolton Martina & James Mcgrath Donna & Charles Warr Michael & Janet Wallace Leeanne Henderson & Michael Tosney Darren & Christina Simmons Neil & Susan Maclean Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Sharon & Steve Agnew Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Alison & Carlston Medford Sammy & Kenza Linton David Belcher Paul & John Meikle Marie Tyrrell & John Dennis Kitching John Smith Raymond & Susan Kirkland Andrew Ridley Patricia Fisher Philip & Alison Wimbles Emma Colley Phil Curtis Mike & Anne Airey Julie & Jon Windress David & Deborah Lord Tim & Freda Drinkwater Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Robert Wellock Cindy & David Brown Bob & Diane Goulding Richard & Helen Peuleve Trevor & Janet Rawding Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Stuart & Clare Gibson Seamus & Clare Houghton Nick Newham Isobel & James Orr Julie Beamish Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Catherine & Andrew Barraclough Allan Collins & Myra Evans Nigel & Anne Moffett Timothy Murphy

18,994.83 18,974.10 18,943.65 18,846.67 18,816.62 18,525.96 18,525.13 18,439.06 18,362.19 18,347.12 18,347.12 18,191.97 18,191.97 18,164.73 18,005.03 17,989.56 17,721.54 17,567.56 17,498.37 17,214.46 17,175.72 17,057.13 17,044.15 17,011.04 16,985.91 16,763.91 16,714.54 16,559.31 16,450.12 16,445.04 16,291.78 16,256.25 16,254.23 16,200.62 16,114.05 16,089.29 16,049.85 16,027.24 15,903.95 15,886.65 15,810.67 15,807.63 15,797.94 15,775.38 15,775.38 15,773.93 15,768.94 15,768.94 15,696.32 15,666.91 15,639.83 15,593.25 15,593.25 15,372.35 15,303.19 15,300.00 15,262.36 15,222.67 15,138.55 15,107.32 15,080.64 15,035.64

10,000 and Above Mark James Scott & Kim Meldrum Colin & Sarby Turnbull Mark & Alison Irons Margaret & Michael Drayton Sarah Sancho Jon Turner Brian & Grace Cunningham Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Suzanne & Richard Woolven Lesley & Steven Tombs Neil & Caroline Jeffrey Craig & Linda Lomas John & Jenny Caton Sheila & Christopher Haddow Andrew & Vicky De Caso Karen Lucas Bernadette Murray Stephen & Joyce Milne Sadie O’Boyle Emma & Chris Shafe Antony & Aileen Gunn Angela & Robert Clark Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths

14,995.13 14,991.04 14,988.97 14,796.18 14,773.12 14,728.47 14,686.66 14,603.47 14,573.51 14,571.17 14,503.48 14,456.52 14,411.80 14,385.42 14,284.70 14,282.00 14,206.39 14,196.61 14,189.89 14,117.70 14,091.96 14,063.93 14,014.47 13,861.48

Danny & Josephine Parr Jasbir Kaur Elaine Fenwick Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore David & Judith Mccreath Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Markus Klötzer & Petra Romoser Patrick & Helen Loftus Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec Michael Amor-Wilkes Kelly & Steve Elliott Tom & Kathryn Forbes Mary O’Beirne William & Jane Warrington Melissa Egermann & Frederic Bruyer Arthur & Susan Cuthbert Anna & Nigel Lacey Kira McKibbin & Andrew Thomas Amraj Khan Peter French & Louise Egan Ann Tawn Mark Keye & Louise Senior Caroline & Mark Sellars Kathleen & Dominic Carolan Paul Draycott Ross & Kerry Guy Louise Puttick Julie Hambleton Andrew Medlam & Rachel Wainwright Michael Godwin Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Terry & Margaret Farrell Tim Sandom Victoria & Paul Brown Anne Taylor David & Heather Herring Gary & Iris Dixon Paul & Julie Jones Linda & Ian Stanley Michael Prior Jeffrey & Frances Topple Neil & Sue Mawston Angela Power Susan Richards & Sarah Deakin Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn Tracey & Roger Payne Paul Holroyd Elaine Smith Sarah Trim Jayne Clarkson & Philippa Menzer Jayne & Keith Towers Janet & Andrew Mitchell James & Janice Walkinshaw Maryan & Don Nicolson Ben Warrington Brian & Jean Carroll Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Jane Waddell Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Sarah & Ivan Darch Jane & Howard Philpott Jen & Garry Luke James Dale & Claire Daniels Gwynfor Hughes Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Frances Corcoran & Gary Hinchliffe Claire Mires Andrew & Denise Hunt Jo Pickles Paul Bray Edward & Susan Booth Alison & Paul Stewart-Reed Robert & Olwyn O'Riordan Bernie & Barbara Klinger Susan Hook Peter & David Legg Paul & Andrea Towler Lynne Flaxman Minesh Padhiar Negin & Michael Backhouse Brian & Caroline Tetmajeris Michael & Marilyn Stansell Declan & Monica Manning Brenda & Walter Tostevin Peter & Jean Monroe Sylvia Mckay & William Snoddy Mark & Adele Gallacher Jeanette & David Ward

13,836.67 13,775.88 13,754.02 13,743.94 13,721.46 13,584.25 13,527.95 13,506.21 13,471.06 13,466.75 13,450.53 13,377.95 13,292.32 13,213.85 13,094.25 13,086.71 13,047.45 12,958.63 12,955.98 12,951.71 12,940.49 12,924.30 12,800.39 12,772.63 12,766.62 12,766.20 12,766.20 12,762.40 12,756.35 12,724.23 12,681.44 12,590.63 12,587.33 12,549.20 12,478.46 12,475.94 12,473.65 12,428.52 12,406.53 12,406.53 12,402.74 12,367.82 12,359.57 12,325.55 12,325.39 12,323.40 12,307.28 12,293.98 12,276.40 12,238.62 12,192.01 12,146.05 12,087.41 12,082.10 12,048.91 12,045.11 12,040.72 12,001.52 11,942.02 11,918.67 11,912.19 11,905.82 11,863.48 11,828.22 11,813.54 11,740.31 11,721.93 11,619.13 11,566.88 11,549.91 11,474.93 11,457.25 11,455.68 11,455.68 11,446.72 11,420.35 11,391.32 11,383.92 11,374.14 11,345.22 11,329.51 11,328.58 11,314.26 11,262.22 11,226.56 11,216.75 11,205.16 11,201.71 11,179.18

Thomas & Christina Derrick Kevin Sands John & Mary Marsh David & Jenny Gerry Deborah Morgan David Potter Karen & Lee Shorne & Judith Hodds Ian & Lorraine Barnfield Christine Ockleford Terry Card Paul & Anna Scott Nick Oakley Jane Avery Kate Lee Anita Morris Debra & Andrew Cowton Martin Stoves & Deborah Kershaw Kulwant & Mandeep Kalon Richard Lingham Grant & Denise Rossouw Mark & Sarah Wildman Lynne & Neil Smith Heather & David Rowe Mark Cornthwaite Lynda & David Buchan Michael Wallace Garrett & Nicola Oshea Robert & Jennifer Radbourne David & Julie Raven David Herridge Elizabeth & Grant Gilmour Sheila & Nigel Fowler Diana Schuch Scott Coe & Mainda Kiwelu Evan & Sally Tidman Brian & Diane Holmwood David & Gail Slee Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan Lyn & Tony Davies Warwick & Christine Blakemore Linda Charles Terry Hayden & Charles Napier Allan & Eileen Gonsalves Stephen & Elaine Blay Sharon Ellis Don & Linda Bell Graham & Jennifer Shaw Dario & Joan Michelini Richard & Raquel Brennan Trevor & Suzie Knight Claire Mcgregor & Mac Mcgregor

11,128.98 11,105.91 11,091.75 11,081.38 11,068.86 11,055.57 11,021.84 11,000.84 10,993.85 10,972.70 10,972.70 10,953.28 10,901.35 10,853.95 10,827.95 10,806.43 10,773.27 10,755.19 10,735.24 10,731.06 10,728.68 10,715.10 10,651.92 10,645.29 10,645.29 10,574.17 10,551.76 10,457.76 10,418.35 10,413.69 10,412.83 10,412.83 10,408.87 10,402.17 10,398.44 10,385.95 10,380.94 10,367.78 10,340.75 10,324.91 10,301.23 10,268.24 10,268.21 10,268.21 10,234.87 10,220.20 10,210.74 10,200.61 10,086.33 10,055.69 10,026.80 10,006.43

7,500 and Above Sharon & Craig Davis Julie & Colin Bullivant Patricia Spraggon Ian & Anita Saville Patricia & Dennis Corser James & Jane White Julie & Peter Bellotti Henry & Diana Crosby Georgina & Phil Gale Christine & Keith Brown Carol & Ian Parker Paul & Gill Wilkinson Robert & Joy Ruth Goldsmith Elizabeth Kerr Jennifer & Geoffrey Bell Adrian & Tracy Smith Ray & Cathy Powell Michael & Lianne Rust Barbara Geraghty & John Russell Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Robert Young & Clare Mears Philip & Ann Mcghee Stuart & Maureen Orr Paula & Kevin Beckitt Jacqueline & Thomas Middlemass Jean & Ian Hay Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Margaret & Ian Foster Norman & Joanne Grundy Vicki & Ian Chatham Thomas & Pauline Mcmichael Scott & Gwen Thomson Michael Radbourne & Mercy Nakambale Valerie & Tony Montero

9,994.49 9,991.70 9,958.53 9,942.50 9,895.98 9,889.11 9,880.84 9,879.18 9,875.64 9,859.11 9,855.69 9,827.60 9,819.54 9,810.33 9,778.71 9,750.03 9,746.99 9,729.33 9,663.90 9,651.15 9,649.77 9,608.63 9,597.43 9,595.22 9,558.99 9,554.77 9,529.11 9,523.90 9,505.98 9,503.03 9,495.89 9,491.03 9,467.29 9,463.73


BULK SALES Richard Roberts Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Christopher & Helen Goode John & Denise Dawkes Kenny Liggett Stuart Walden & Sally Hughes David Norton & Ingrid Whorton Mary Mullins Michelle Crabb & Mark Berry Bena & Mahesh Chauhan Janet & Terry Mulley Victoria & Matthew Lawrence David & Diane Wraight Julian & Karen Pike Adrian Fisher David Nutley & Marie Andrews Ellen & Sean Friedberg Patricia Laing Alex & Kathleen Langler Iain & Sue Cormack Adam O'reilly & Clare Patterson Peter Mccormac Jackie & Paul West-Hook Phil & Jane Hughes Chris & Nicky Evans Peter Savidge Lorraine & Mark Collins Simon & Nicola Houston Abigail & Trevor Marshall Rachael Ferguson & Chris Wild Colin & Gillian Campbell Stephanie & Keith Barsby Tsahai & Jake Ellington Janet Roscoe & Ria Middleditch Pierce & Janet Hartley Marion & Anthony Homer Terry & Christine Charlesworth Kim Atherton Veronica Nixon Stacy & Jonathan Beck Chaitali & Ajit Nath Alan & Jocelyn Nicholson Brian & Bridget Quigley Karen & Declan Larkin Kenneth & Patricia Hughes Douglas & Theresa Hack Yvonne & Ronald Eveleigh David & Elaine Luke Gerald Young & Valerie Coomber Richard & Greta Brownridge Hilary Maynard Katie Broughton Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford Peter & Joyce Rowe Linda Mcgowan & Alan Powell Susan & Graham Green Catherine & Stephen Lord Rhys & Susan Williams Mark & Sue O'reilly Ian Clarke Debbie Segar John Cann & Angela Keogh Rita & Peter Noble Adam & Helen Wright Noel & Eileen Carson Don & Morna Campbell Robert & Jacqueline Dolan Stuart & Susan Taitt Peter & Karen Bertie Helen Gould & Steven Hewitt John Dowding & Susan Clements Selina & Seamus Import Barbara & Mark Atkins Keith & Shelly Cohen Kelly Burns Lena & Stephen Parsons Nigel & Wipharat West Stefan & Samantha Frienling David Gilroy & Melanie Price Ged & Judith Leah Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler Richard Howe Kerryanne & John Watkins Steven & Denise Butler David Russell Sue & Tony Shepherd Paul & Carolyn Blaxall Isobelle & Terence Harris Nigel Brown


9,447.59 9,403.02 9,398.68 9,362.18 9,358.96 9,343.35 9,338.76 9,325.36 9,320.59 9,296.23 9,290.64 9,276.42 9,276.42 9,271.79 9,270.79 9,270.79 9,230.76 9,209.47 9,196.69 9,164.24 9,153.30 9,140.10 9,129.48 9,128.12 9,106.26 9,096.84 9,093.69 9,036.46 9,021.30 9,009.01 8,985.44 8,983.71 8,958.26 8,957.93 8,944.88 8,936.58 8,928.35 8,920.00 8,862.94 8,855.94 8,824.77 8,809.83 8,795.52 8,795.52 8,791.31 8,770.71 8,758.00 8,751.06 8,737.52 8,736.97 8,733.67 8,730.68 8,713.63 8,713.56 8,712.30 8,704.41 8,703.07 8,649.00 8,648.57 8,630.56 8,630.51 8,620.39 8,604.84 8,565.45 8,556.05 8,550.78 8,540.12 8,532.24 8,499.60 8,499.60 8,499.35 8,488.83 8,486.18 8,476.10 8,456.30 8,435.10 8,426.46 8,408.65 8,367.69 8,354.61 8,351.66 8,350.75 8,316.08 8,312.20 8,301.78 8,258.41 8,253.34 8,241.34 8,238.71

Paul & Julie Keene Jeanette & Roy Bonella David Lewis William & Agnes Burgess William Thomas Helen & Andrew Walsh Carollyn & Dennis Magic Peter Stanley Seyed Ali Sajjadi Frank Kamsteeg & Rita Weijn Alex Dewar Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault Matilda Latronico Emma & Richard O'Toole Barry & Nina Mitchell Richard Tibbetts & Suzanne Pilcher Vicky Fisher Daniel Avrill Ray Caffrey Simon & Tracy Skeet Frank Johnson Gavin & Trish Conway Stephen Booth & Susan Ross Ian & Heather Durrell Chris & Wan Deacon Niall & Eileen Mckenna Theresa & Dean Collins Paul & Avril Coleman Liz & Andy Gowland Mavis & Alan Lawson John & Anita Orr Susan & Tony Cater Jennifer & Paul Jacobs Gareth Daw David & Lynn Bole Sheila & Angus Hull Helen & Paul Hallatt Richard & Patricia Rogers Janice & Colin Keogh Janet & Roger Bowen Patricia & Leonard Wheeler Laura Tait Nick & Christine Tait David Nicholson George & Carol Murray Peter Gallant & Claire Mckay Allen & Rosemary Wooding Mary & Peter Whinfrey Andrew & Lucinda Bates Mark Jones James Whittington Carol & Lewis Freeman Johanna & Stuart Peuleve Terence & Pearl Livingstone Samantha Adams & Deborah Gardener Michael & Anne Barnaville June & David Love Kirsty & Robert Kitching Heather & Nick Redgell Audrey Kane & Richard Begley Ian & Karen Page Ian & Deborah Wightmore Marsha Barras & Nigel Nattress David & Heather Flannagan Cormie Marshall & Gwen Drysdale John & Barbara Oakes Angela Wallace Gary & Sandra Dodd David Blanshard & Jan Mills Gregg Swanston Michele & Henry Moss Paul & Gosia Hammond Donald & Ann Morton Lee & Caroline Gillis Patrick & Tracy Mckenna Patrick & Deirdre Teggart Elizabeth Wickens Christine & Jim Foster Mark & Sandra Hindmarsh Ann Payne & Shaun Sullivan Mary & Harry Fullerton Kathryn & Robin Thornett Chris & Tracy Southern Janice & Jonathan Marshall Norman & Jean Spurrell Linda Wood Roger Martin Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Sharon Bullock & David Taylor

8,238.71 8,231.15 8,213.31 8,177.48 8,165.81 8,158.59 8,156.63 8,156.36 8,152.54 8,146.43 8,137.37 8,129.86 8,125.07 8,119.73 8,117.37 8,095.20 8,090.38 8,090.38 8,090.20 8,075.49 8,071.86 8,056.71 8,056.47 8,056.30 8,051.43 8,027.66 8,013.56 8,011.72 7,990.91 7,984.46 7,970.01 7,954.46 7,942.19 7,935.10 7,928.37 7,918.64 7,914.11 7,908.41 7,900.44 7,892.63 7,892.18 7,890.27 7,890.27 7,886.63 7,885.62 7,877.25 7,867.63 7,840.19 7,829.51 7,827.79 7,811.03 7,810.21 7,806.82 7,806.08 7,804.65 7,804.65 7,803.88 7,803.72 7,792.55 7,790.38 7,786.99 7,772.47 7,753.96 7,753.53 7,748.17 7,738.25 7,734.93 7,733.95 7,733.85 7,732.66 7,724.27 7,721.76 7,719.38 7,714.39 7,713.11 7,713.11 7,704.11 7,701.57 7,698.48 7,688.48 7,682.12 7,681.74 7,675.43 7,670.90 7,665.49 7,665.49 7,661.46 7,659.43 7,658.71

Jason Faughnan Yvonne Coffey Jayne & Gary Burcombe Katie & Mark Johnson Robert & Pauline Cook Michael & Nancy Parnis Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton Guy & Gillian Rickson Edward Antrobus Christopher & Linda Chappell Asha & Dipam Joshi Jennifer Amos & Martin Smith Simon & Kerri Matthews Kerry Edees Sandra & James Ward Mark & Sharon Earle Kamaljit & Jyoti Uppal Michael & Ann Jones Donna Clease Sandra Ellis Ann & Robert Campbell Martin & Catherine Saunders Andrew Wightman Linda & Steve Tinkler Hugh Smith

7,657.70 7,650.88 7,644.04 7,642.86 7,642.42 7,638.53 7,620.76 7,619.32 7,614.31 7,614.00 7,613.97 7,613.79 7,591.73 7,586.03 7,585.73 7,585.73 7,585.39 7,585.31 7,577.24 7,576.51 7,575.88 7,571.94 7,568.01 7,567.62 7,545.13


PERIOD 11 100,000 And Above Nasko Ratchev Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat Gillian & Jim Nicholson John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz John & Jeanette Hawkes Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Margaret Moore Muriel & Tony Judson Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Peter & Jackie White Mike & Amanda Bibby Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks Margaret & Roy Japp Terrence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson John & Margery Sharp Hazel & John Stephen Phil & Jean Warrington Robert Gibbons Sarah & John Mckie Curtis Tulloch Derek & Eileen Wagstaff David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Keith & Vie Robertson Claire & Peter Rea Gordon & Judy Seldon Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Tony & Katharine Briffa Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer Judy Jodrell Robert & Mary Higgins Michael & Jean Day Trevor Mitchell Mark & Delfina Prosser Victor & Una Brown Michael & Susan Pirie Jill Corlett Craig & Magdalena White Raymond & Miriam Turnbull John & Anne Donaldson Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Nuala & Martin Mcdonald Mary Eakin Anthony & Rachel Greeves Carole & Benny Morris John & Christine Prosser Sue & Claire Ferguson Martin & Yvonne Boyce

3,413,489.11 3,412,712.45 3,362,533.70 1,820,580.14 1,457,992.32 1,444,476.43 1,232,194.09 1,230,740.12 1,210,048.56 1,201,838.47 1,201,737.64 898,972.75 846,642.38 825,978.66 766,982.87 609,003.92 572,950.12 543,990.73 536,008.74 523,339.17 450,886.86 445,697.12 428,424.46 410,744.97 318,196.80 260,637.39 258,243.15 252,852.07 250,634.17 249,880.74 230,540.49 230,081.27 225,381.99 222,776.04 222,096.10 213,038.72 212,957.56 210,158.44 200,491.79 190,233.64 183,583.68 182,904.07 174,581.45 174,085.15 173,680.38 172,277.52 169,057.65 159,409.52 158,686.91 158,076.79 149,781.68 149,265.22 147,666.65 145,972.80 145,763.45 143,812.38

BULK SALES Mel & Irene Wilson Andy & Carolyn Cooper Declan O'neill Justin & Olivera Toner Julie Collier & Peter Richards David & Rosie Bibby Angela & Norman Campbell Sylvia & Jack Hood Marcell & Joanne Treanor John & Wendy English Dave & Susie Horton Lauren & Peter Jackson Heather & James O'neil Gaynor Morgan Geoff & Fiona Webb Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso

138,411.88 130,362.31 129,537.29 126,279.60 119,691.97 119,662.50 119,009.12 118,847.24 117,768.35 114,989.82 114,271.46 107,455.94 106,298.56 103,754.28 100,758.41 100,158.30 100,045.16

35,000 And Above Sue & Geoffrey Burras Stephani & Bill Neville Alan Meldrum Gene De Donatis & Janet Tynan Eamonn & Anne Roe Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Stephen & Debra Nell John & Jenny Holden James Curtis David & Samantha Branch Mike & Dawn Gough Andrew & Sue Boswell Stanley & Roy Stewart Karen & Neil Young Ramon & Sylvia Laing Steve & Debbie Roper Susan & David Darton Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Deborah & Allan Dewar Andrew & Ann Meldrum Glenn & Caroline Royston Helen Brooks Jay Singh Rosina & Frank Pocock Gill & Donato Sepe Peter & Myrna Wellock Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Ron & Judy Speirs Craig & Mary Hawkes Keith & Pauline Blythe Michelle Kennedy Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Alison & Michael Ogden Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson Christopher & Louise Brown Roger & Barbara Green Gill & Tim Evans Chris & Julia Norton Ram & Joginder Singh Graham & Georgina Long Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Eve & Norman Branch Joseph O'donnell Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Julie & Anthony Cornick Gavin Heaton & Fiona Keane David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Belinda Clarke Brian Harwood Carol & Bruce Manktelow Jane & John Dunkerley Helen & Paul Allgood Stephen Clark Rhian & E Anthony Jones Graham & Catherine Hyde Keith & Patricia Phillips Melanie & Andrew Wilson Chantele & Barry Travis Daniel & Ann Keeble Debbie Gee John & Janice Halsall Michael & Sandra Laydon Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Debbie & Trevor Collins

99,004.83 95,775.73 94,475.43 92,871.91 89,142.74 88,208.13 88,099.90 87,937.36 84,074.95 83,856.69 82,758.47 82,333.28 81,920.01 81,918.91 81,190.12 81,125.73 81,062.40 78,354.09 77,345.38 76,474.44 76,098.80 75,876.43 72,645.28 69,403.13 67,161.69 67,155.35 67,102.36 66,998.49 66,863.45 64,846.42 60,985.07 60,787.14 60,519.87 59,990.71 58,403.37 57,858.78 57,777.10 57,708.92 56,652.04 56,185.86 55,998.00 55,976.27 54,201.75 53,532.18 53,072.15 53,072.15 52,036.15 52,009.49 51,580.88 51,086.66 50,943.27 50,943.27 50,888.81 50,827.59 50,104.82 49,583.01 48,686.92 47,704.36 46,405.79 45,993.53 45,767.15 45,436.76 45,073.79 43,868.63 43,746.10 43,464.19 42,836.83 42,708.40 42,523.25

Michael & Jennifer Allsop Lesley Burroughs Caroline & Philip Thompson Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Su & Jas Bains Olivia & Matthew Conway Nichola & David Walmsley Gareth & Gil Duffy Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Stuart & Gail Mckibbin Amanda & Andrew Holland Paul Flintoft Colin & Charlene Sadler John Webb & Kathryn Price Toby Acton & Donna Gold Cheryl & David Amison Sunil Popat Derrick & Maria Longwright Sheila & Gordon Davidson Caroline & Simon Harvey Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Tom & Bernadette Hingley Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris John & Karina Beesley Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Pamela Jarvis Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Brian & Gay Redstone Terry & Sid Drew Terry & Jane Hodge

42,077.33 41,491.37 41,443.17 41,335.04 41,097.82 40,718.57 39,962.22 39,716.73 39,659.50 39,163.99 38,345.05 38,339.32 38,128.46 38,100.17 37,818.15 37,489.74 37,486.76 37,443.69 37,182.40 36,950.85 36,939.03 36,939.03 36,397.78 36,297.70 36,076.84 35,646.77 35,515.71 35,476.78 35,401.53 35,305.74 35,182.09 35,148.68

15,000 And Above Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Christopher & Lynne Marshall Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Peter & Sheryl Dutton Denise & Stephen Neal Tracy & David Sheehan John & Sophia Clements Abigail Colclough Sean & Alexandra Tuesley Alison & Kevin Thomas Stephen Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Steven Clements Angela & Stephen Burchell Seph O'connell & Sarah Watson Harold & Minnie Fulton Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Linda & Tony Gower Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse Rosemary & Christopher Day Harry Hancock Gloria & Clive Davies Sharon & Andrew Bird Raymond & Barbara Mann Christine & Ian Brennan William & Sharon Stevenson John Smith Peter Bristow Carole & Peter Bristow Tony & Wendy Vallerine Phil Curtis Brian Manchester Amy Warrington Charlie & Gillian Whitton Clare & Martin Whitelock Colin & Sarby Turnbull Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Nicola & Jerome Neville Dawn & Bruce Marsden Roselyn & Gavin Thomson Claire & Paul Howells Jim & Vicky Smith Shirley Pere & John Barnes Diane & Geoff Owen Barry & Cecilia Bradbury David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Karim Karmali Vanadis Fox & Richard Houseago Andrew & Cheryl Williams Gareth & Jeanette Jones Allan Ledwidge Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Laurence Wiseman Christine Lappin & Simon Place

34,749.23 34,749.23 34,710.55 34,408.01 33,700.46 33,307.29 33,301.85 32,695.33 32,550.12 32,501.00 32,116.75 32,077.90 31,933.72 31,933.72 31,712.94 31,598.94 31,271.16 30,503.88 30,149.63 30,069.40 30,005.35 30,001.64 29,788.46 29,651.09 29,363.14 29,201.24 28,964.08 28,858.13 28,858.13 28,575.28 28,274.27 28,006.88 27,723.38 27,710.91 27,351.01 27,283.84 27,238.72 27,201.15 27,191.24 27,043.13 26,949.42 26,947.84 26,904.40 26,837.64 26,816.65 26,752.46 26,659.04 26,565.65 26,132.38 25,965.98 25,630.28 25,542.53 25,491.50 25,446.02

Karen & Steven Glew Robert Wellock Cindy & David Brown Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Richard & Clare Chantler Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe Alf & Carol Bell Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Warren & Pamela Sewell Wendy Fielding Steve & Cathy Chambers Paul & John Meikle Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Angela & James Macleod Andrew Platten & Tracie Lowndes Bill Caddy Mick & Kate Glover Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Norah Bohan Heidi & Ron Body Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Denys & Laura Harris Barbara Margaret Webb Keith & Teresa Faulkner Bev & Dave Townsend Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Kevin Howe & Leah Harper Robert Clifton Ann & John Coe Amelia & Hannah Mchard Michelle & Andrew Hurter Neil & Susan Maclean Michael & Janet Wallace Trish Falconer & Lee Fisher Jürgen Peter Clouth & Julia Koeper Tineke Lootsma-Wiegman & Uilke Lootsma Roger & Simon Mantle Maria & Lee Kowalkowski John & Kath Clease Richard & Judy Taylor Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Elaine & Martin Spafford Kerry & Paul Stonall Donna & Charles Warr Suzanne & Richard Woolven Robert & Rosemary Annan David Byatt & Janet Smith Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Gary & Iris Dixon Elaine Fenwick David Belcher Bernadette Murray Alison & Carlston Medford Doug & Sandra Roper Richard & Helen Peuleve Elaine Smith Brian & Diane Holmwood Christine & Con Browning Keith Sandland Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Patricia Fisher Ron & Sue Keeler Lesley & Gordon Whittington Iain & Jackie Swanston Heather Brown John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Andrew Medlam & Rachel Wainwright Martina & James Mcgrath Sarah Trim Martyn Cunningham Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan Tracey & Roger Payne Brian & Grace Cunningham Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Jon Turner Stephen & Joyce Milne Darren & Christina Simmons Tavis Taylor David & Judith Mccreath Andrew & Vicky De Caso Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Nick Newham Andrew Ridley Lynne & Neil Smith

25,168.07 25,150.48 25,150.48 25,006.43 24,947.26 24,521.69 24,521.69 24,228.38 24,191.16 23,932.57 23,809.78 23,781.58 23,757.98 23,655.10 23,601.72 23,222.90 23,216.10 23,029.46 22,884.37 22,884.37 22,779.44 22,759.48 22,691.97 22,614.72 22,413.63 22,312.91 22,293.14 22,275.66 22,184.06 22,126.13 21,982.07 21,847.47 21,692.50 21,683.69 21,625.36 21,523.40 21,523.40 21,493.61 21,397.36 21,271.60 21,130.66 21,007.28 20,808.77 20,731.38 20,637.41 20,429.89 20,422.32 20,259.48 20,204.06 20,145.03 19,930.92 19,844.54 19,698.64 19,642.70 19,548.63 19,258.94 19,220.67 19,208.71 19,132.82 19,112.17 19,086.25 19,071.25 19,046.55 18,979.70 18,905.64 18,835.61 18,748.32 18,713.78 18,644.28 18,600.24 18,448.50 18,429.35 18,388.76 18,282.22 18,265.30 18,193.43 18,104.61 18,101.61 18,085.73 18,029.71 17,949.74 17,947.18 17,866.00 17,818.31 17,721.68 17,710.01 17,644.84 17,614.73


BULK SALES Kevin Rider & Wendy Preston Sheila & Christopher Haddow Arthur & Susan Cuthbert Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Antony & Aileen Gunn Linda & Graeme Kirkwood Sadie O’boyle Peter French & Louise Egan Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Leslie & Moira Harris Barrie Hill Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Darryl Allen Sandra Brown Michael & Julia Tolton Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Jasbir Kaur Angel & Stuart Hill Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Philip & Alison Wimbles David & Jenny Gerry Catherine & Stephen Lord Sharon & Steve Agnew Clive & Pamela Lennard Jayne & Keith Towers Michael Godwin Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Stuart & Clare Gibson Raymond & Susan Kirkland Mary O’beirne Scott & Kim Meldrum Sammy & Kenza Linton Emma Colley Mark & Alison Irons Mike & Anne Airey Sarah & Ivan Darch David & Deborah Lord Tim & Freda Drinkwater Jonathan Donno Debra & Andrew Cowton Jeffrey & Frances Topple Kathleen & Dominic Carolan Amraj Khan Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Brian & Grainne Quigley Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Vicki & Ian Chatham Susan Hook Markus Klötzer & Petra Romoser Timothy Murphy David & Heather Herring

17,521.30 17,499.20 17,298.43 17,205.47 17,205.47 17,131.30 17,081.19 17,035.25 16,919.10 16,858.33 16,835.71 16,794.11 16,689.13 16,689.13 16,670.44 16,670.44 16,670.44 16,517.29 16,496.98 16,337.24 16,278.64 16,156.05 16,126.27 16,098.24 16,095.13 16,026.77 16,020.43 15,968.26 15,925.98 15,918.09 15,918.09 15,898.64 15,897.36 15,868.22 15,753.74 15,645.95 15,631.67 15,601.70 15,545.03 15,519.46 15,519.46 15,486.04 15,402.72 15,378.69 15,365.87 15,288.83 15,157.35 15,141.94 15,127.84 15,122.40 15,102.62 15,082.90 15,044.84 15,014.36

10,000 And Above Catherine & Andrew Barraclough Karen Lucas Warwick & Christine Blakemore Michael Prior Patrick & Helen Loftus Isobel & James Orr Ann Tawn Kelly & Steve Elliott Bob & Diane Goulding Paul Bray Bernie & Barbara Klinger Sarah Sancho Mary Hession Nigel & Anne Moffett Carol & Ian Parker Kevin Sands Marion & Anthony Homer Michael Wallace Jen & Garry Luke Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Angela & Robert Clark Lynda & David Buchan Allan Collins & Myra Evans Caroline & Mark Sellars Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore Minesh Padhiar Mark & Diane Thornton Margaret & Michael Drayton Robert & Jennifer Radbourne James Dale & Claire Daniels James & Jane White Paul & Anna Scott


14,988.39 14,907.44 14,887.00 14,846.51 14,838.26 14,829.62 14,770.47 14,745.01 14,580.74 14,450.74 14,431.03 14,416.79 14,387.24 14,289.59 14,266.72 14,266.57 14,071.91 14,071.67 14,012.07 13,967.83 13,936.51 13,928.72 13,771.35 13,674.51 13,674.25 13,630.35 13,617.86 13,590.22 13,566.52 13,409.15 13,398.92 13,364.98

Jeanette & Roy Bonella Michael Amor-Wilkes Melissa Egermann & Frederic Bruyer Declan & Monica Manning David Lewis Michael & Mercy Radbourne Mark & Sarah Wildman Anita Morris Andrew & Denise Hunt Nick Oakley David & Elaine Luke Peter & David Legg Brian & Jean Carroll Douglas & Theresa Hack Lyn & Tony Davies Anna & Nigel Lacey Edward & Susan Booth Tim Sandom Julie Beamish Lynne Flaxman Noel & Eileen Carson Robert & Jacqueline Dolan Andrew & Helen Fenwick Ian & Lorraine Barnfield John & Jenny Caton Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz David & Julie Raven Trevor & Janet Rawding Garrett & Nicola Oshea Susan Richards & Sarah Deakin Lesley & Steven Tombs Mark James Evan & Sally Tidman Marie Tyrrell & John Dennis Kitching Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Peter & Jean Monroe Martin Stoves & Deborah Kershaw Frances Corcoran & Gary Hinchliffe Patricia & Dennis Corser Janet & Andrew Mitchell Brian & Caroline Tetmajeris David Potter Edward & Benedetta Graham Valerie & Tony Montero Karen & Lee Tom & Kathryn Forbes Neil & Caroline Jeffrey Iain & Sue Cormack Don & Linda Bell Frank & Lee Johnson Thomas & Christina Derrick Jane Waddell Julie & Jon Windress June Lilwall Robert Young & Clare Mears Janice & Colin Keogh Paul & Avril Coleman Richard Roberts Angela Power Neil & Sue Mawston Patricia & Leonard Wheeler Seamus & Clare Houghton Craig & Linda Lomas Chris & Nicky Evans Mark & Adele Gallacher Louise Puttick June & David Love Claire Mcgregor & Mac Mcgregor Michael & Marilyn Stansell Emma & Chris Shafe Dario & Joan Michelini Jane Avery David Herridge Elizabeth & Grant Gilmour Jacqueline & Thomas Middlemass Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Peter Gallant & Claire Mckay Veronica Nixon Leeanne Henderson & Michael Tosney Jayne Clarkson & Philippa Menzer Patricia Spraggon Terry & Christine Charlesworth Terry & Margaret Farrell Tsahai & Jake Ellington David & Gail Slee Stuart Walden & Sally Hughes Simon & Nicola Houston David Russell Stephen & Elaine Blay

13,360.71 13,285.43 13,210.22 13,205.36 13,158.25 13,151.62 13,139.81 13,114.58 13,077.44 13,058.49 13,050.63 13,022.20 13,006.16 12,974.57 12,960.06 12,948.66 12,916.16 12,872.69 12,857.35 12,844.81 12,833.95 12,782.63 12,664.31 12,644.54 12,641.46 12,610.03 12,553.90 12,527.02 12,504.13 12,475.72 12,414.58 12,399.77 12,359.43 12,290.93 12,288.65 12,234.24 12,194.96 12,178.45 12,147.65 12,091.38 12,081.97 12,072.69 12,066.94 12,053.25 12,045.19 12,036.29 11,989.65 11,975.97 11,957.35 11,943.47 11,922.86 11,882.09 11,878.06 11,876.84 11,876.44 11,868.66 11,856.95 11,851.86 11,849.20 11,832.80 11,825.47 11,763.83 11,726.96 11,706.85 11,623.46 11,607.41 11,539.78 11,510.48 11,466.85 11,462.18 11,412.63 11,385.60 11,385.60 11,385.60 11,321.53 11,321.19 11,312.42 11,272.61 11,262.43 11,246.51 11,241.77 11,236.48 11,227.63 11,113.46 11,108.65 11,100.67 11,092.65 11,059.88 11,045.54

Sharon & Craig Davis Adam & Helen Wright Linda Charles Christine Ockleford Terry Card Paula & Kevin Beckitt Ray & Cathy Powell Philip Hands Richard & Patricia Rogers Paul & Julie Jones Linda & Ian Stanley Jackie & Paul West-Hook Henry & Diana Crosby John Dowding & Susan Clements Mark Keye & Louise Senior Adrian & Tracy Smith Terry Hayden & Charles Napier Allan & Eileen Gonsalves Diana Schuch Kenneth & Patricia Hughes Chaitali & Ajit Nath James & Janice Walkinshaw Mary Mullins Jeanette & David Ward Robert & Olwyn O'riordan John & Mary Marsh William & Agnes Burgess Christopher & Helen Goode Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec Jean & Ian Hay Gwynfor Hughes Peter Mccormac Niall & Eileen Mckenna Kulwant & Mandeep Kalon David & Diane Wraight Bena & Mahesh Chauhan Claire & Gilles Pelenc Danny & Josephine Parr Michael & Nancy Parnis Janet Roscoe & Ria Middleditch Marsha Barras & Nigel Nattress Deborah Morgan Adison Bridet & Sheryl Andrews Eric & Sylvia Joseph Adrian Fisher David Nutley & Marie Andrews Trevor & Suzie Knight Peter Savidge Paul Holroyd

11,045.18 11,040.39 10,982.15 10,970.38 10,970.38 10,946.83 10,929.89 10,924.98 10,919.21 10,908.24 10,908.24 10,891.67 10,864.16 10,809.02 10,794.83 10,792.17 10,782.04 10,782.04 10,775.73 10,731.22 10,700.20 10,693.17 10,669.59 10,652.18 10,643.99 10,629.13 10,623.30 10,610.95 10,548.06 10,467.60 10,451.74 10,438.70 10,387.43 10,382.44 10,374.90 10,290.53 10,290.27 10,278.87 10,265.60 10,189.57 10,133.65 10,079.39 10,034.63 10,034.63 10,033.07 10,033.07 10,018.50 10,003.16 10,002.69

7,500 And Above Mary O'brien Lorraine & Mark Collins Kerryanne & John Watkins Maryan & Don Nicolson Norman & Joanne Grundy Sylvia Mckay & William Snoddy Paul & Andrea Towler Jennifer & Paul Jacobs Bernard & Cath Mcmylor John Cann & Angela Keogh Ged & Judith Leah Paul & Gosia Hammond Cath & John Wilkinson Michele & Henry Moss William & Jane Warrington Philip & Ann Mcghee Phil & Jane Hughes Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn Laura & Pauline Cleland Mavis & Alan Lawson Alex Dewar Ian & Deborah Wightmore Brenda & Walter Tostevin Yvonne & Ronald Eveleigh Carrie Muir Clodagh Mc Donald & Patrice Mcdonald Steve & Sarah Cadey Stephanie & Keith Barsby Peter & Angela Abrahams Scott Coe & Mainda Kiwelu Julie & Andrew Hambleton Arthur & Irene Bennett Brian & Jenny Fisher Chris & Wan Deacon Micky Maccormick Pierce & Janet Hartley Bryan & Janet Thompson

9,976.84 9,939.16 9,923.75 9,916.55 9,884.86 9,883.04 9,865.66 9,848.16 9,815.83 9,798.30 9,757.56 9,751.87 9,740.96 9,738.15 9,663.23 9,660.81 9,611.93 9,575.98 9,565.61 9,562.55 9,558.42 9,542.21 9,520.67 9,509.05 9,506.86 9,495.53 9,449.07 9,441.05 9,436.51 9,434.23 9,405.03 9,369.17 9,360.38 9,342.68 9,336.78 9,327.92 9,284.82

BULK SALES John & Denise Dawkes Richard & Greta Brownridge Mark & Sandra Hindmarsh Heather & David Rowe Mark Cornthwaite William Thomas Elizabeth Kerr Thomas & Pauline Mcmichael George & Carol Murray Sheila & Nigel Fowler Kim Atherton Richard & Raquel Brennan Rebecca Nisbet-Forster & Matthew Forster Ellen & Sean Friedberg Jayne & Gary Burcombe Helen & Andrew Walsh Andrew & Lucinda Bates Rhys & Susan Williams Julie & Colin Bullivant Martin Douglass & Jane Rollings Joanne & Tim Powell Allen & Rosemary Wooding Paul Draycott Ross & Kerry Guy Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk Ben Warrington Janet & Roger Bowen Ian & Anita Saville Claire Mires Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Jo Pickles Barbara Geraghty & John Russell Kirsty & Robert Kitching Nicola Barraclough & Ray Philip Marion Wilkinson Rosemary Collins & Christopher Riley Julian & Karen Pike Adrian & Margaret Lynch Sarah Hatfield & Jack Walters Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Graham & Jennifer Shaw David Gilroy & Melanie Price Gary Ford Susan & Graham Green Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas Richard Lingham Helen & Paul Hallatt Jane & Howard Philpott Carol & Lewis Freeman Susan & Gerald Osborne Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins David Blanshard & Jan Mills Don & Morna Campbell Johanna & Stuart Peuleve Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan Richard Howe Grant & Denise Rossouw Adam O'reilly & Clare Patterson Okedghene Ibagere Graeme & Helen Rogerson Lindsey & Stephen Bradbury Mickey Diamond & Alison Lumley Frederick & Karen Mason Angie Bainbridge David & Lynn Bole Paul & Denise Ward Keith & Shelly Cohen Patricia Laing Ann Nickless Ian & Elizabeth Lennon Shorne & Judith Hodds Lesley Whiteman & Ian Deavin David Norton & Ingrid Whorton Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Daphne Scott & Paul Youngson Omran Zaman David Wells Simon & Tracy Skeet Marcus & Joyce Emerson Julie & Peter Bellotti Agnes Melanephy Michael Havelock & Permjit Tanda Gail Canale Andrew & Elaine Wilson Alex & Kathleen Langler Paul & Gill Wilkinson Mary & Harry Fullerton Kate Lee

9,284.02 9,276.48 9,274.74 9,268.60 9,268.60 9,265.43 9,216.76 9,204.59 9,202.68 9,194.70 9,188.43 9,179.53 9,170.47 9,154.20 9,144.97 9,139.78 9,129.58 9,112.62 9,105.74 9,100.75 9,085.53 9,063.08 9,051.06 9,051.06 9,042.65 9,034.40 9,011.96 8,977.48 8,968.04 8,964.26 8,959.97 8,937.88 8,932.07 8,922.67 8,922.67 8,903.40 8,898.39 8,872.97 8,859.64 8,856.73 8,855.22 8,842.45 8,836.28 8,834.11 8,817.32 8,817.13 8,792.25 8,782.33 8,720.49 8,719.92 8,710.28 8,699.75 8,699.24 8,681.53 8,627.80 8,600.90 8,588.50 8,568.56 8,563.22 8,551.93 8,551.93 8,551.93 8,551.93 8,528.02 8,509.82 8,493.81 8,483.85 8,479.97 8,477.91 8,472.46 8,429.75 8,428.60 8,410.00 8,379.63 8,375.87 8,361.80 8,337.43 8,335.29 8,331.58 8,304.04 8,303.46 8,303.33 8,286.86 8,273.22 8,252.56 8,252.30 8,238.07 8,237.68 8,228.03

George Charman Alison & Tony Devoy Gary & Sandra Dodd Andrew Wightman Peter Stanley Ann & Robert Campbell Sue & Tony Shepherd John & Vera Bowden Jason Faughnan Graham & Marion Whitaker Vivienne & Richard Washington Jennifer & Geoffrey Bell Guy & Gillian Rickson Anne Taylor Liz & Andy Gowland Nigel & Wipharat West Abigail & Trevor Marshall Ann Payne & Shaun Sullivan Stephen & Judith Mills Seyed Ali Sajjadi Matilda Latronico Timothy & Tina Pace Dolores & David Brown Fay & Andrew Roe David & Heather Flannagan Peter & Diane Parkinson Susan Gammage Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning Audrey Kane & Richard Begley Stacy & Jonathan Beck Mark Jones David Mousley Seamus & Karen Mccrystal Patrick Quinn & Jayne Wilkinson David Goacher Jun Li David Nicholson Philip Palmer Samantha Adams & Deborah Gardener Michael & Anne Barnaville Robert & Pauline Cook Edward Antrobus Barry & Nina Mitchell Jonathan Darton Paul & Ruth Murray Lesley Taylor Mary & Peter Whinfrey Emma & Richard O'toole Sara & Steven Smith Linda & Steve Tinkler Sharon Bullock & David Taylor Simon Hilton Nicholas & Linda Redman Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg Ian Clarke Michael & Mary Clarke Angela Wallace William Kydd Sam & Patricia Thomas Kerry Edees Roy & Beryl Perrin Peter & Karen Bertie Helen Gould & Steven Hewitt Susan & Tony Cater Rachel & Robert Brown Kelly Burns Jennifer & Andrew Henderson Alan & Jocelyn Nicholson Rita & Peter Noble Veronica & Steven Martinucci Harvey & Amanda Kent Margaret & Ian Foster Andy Goddard & Linda Moore Richard Tibbetts & Suzanne Pilcher Chris & Jacqui Hill Stephen & Laine Shepherd Yvonne Coffey Gregg Swanston James Whittington Rachael Ferguson & Chris Wild Clare Heine Janice & Jonathan Marshall Kamaljit & Jyoti Uppal Sheelagh & Brian Carter Mark & Sue O'reilly Joseph & Dawn Steel Gavin & Trish Conway Denise & Nigel Rayner

8,219.67 8,216.98 8,179.26 8,175.09 8,173.30 8,166.11 8,165.80 8,143.46 8,136.58 8,134.65 8,126.47 8,122.31 8,110.06 8,099.43 8,090.72 8,078.94 8,066.59 8,055.57 8,051.77 8,051.58 8,048.47 8,046.27 8,041.60 8,033.90 8,025.56 8,022.86 8,004.59 7,990.37 7,989.27 7,983.30 7,981.86 7,963.53 7,947.88 7,930.40 7,928.02 7,923.10 7,920.14 7,919.93 7,911.07 7,911.07 7,906.93 7,898.94 7,897.58 7,896.05 7,895.51 7,889.29 7,884.81 7,879.11 7,874.50 7,871.31 7,859.92 7,857.95 7,852.84 7,843.33 7,843.31 7,843.02 7,838.39 7,824.29 7,821.50 7,818.80 7,813.78 7,812.95 7,804.71 7,804.71 7,795.68 7,789.40 7,782.74 7,780.45 7,778.68 7,776.63 7,776.02 7,773.49 7,761.33 7,741.90 7,736.31 7,728.70 7,722.98 7,720.26 7,720.06 7,719.81 7,716.42 7,682.08 7,678.26 7,675.46 7,669.98 7,668.02 7,666.28 7,662.98 7,657.01

Simon & Kerri Matthews Lee & Caroline Gillis Jim Ridgway Ray Caffrey Suzanne Jane & Robin Colbourne Richard & Julie Abery Michael & Lianne Rust Paul & Carolyn Blaxall Sarah De Costobadie Tracey & Craig Holmes Joy Dwyer & Verena Clarke Asha & Dipam Joshi Sharon Ellis Martin & Catherine Saunders Deryck & Jane Easton Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton Penelope Weaver Shane & Emma Sullivan Stephen Hoyland Mikaela Luke & Andrew Brown Steve & Sandra Mansley John & Sarah Burn Patrick & Tracy Mckenna Patrick & Deirdre Teggart Vicky Fisher Daniel Avrill John & Lesley Mcnally Barbara & Mark Atkins Alexander & Valerie Mciver Una & Michael Dillon Paul & Nicola Garwood Sandra & Jeff Seymour

7,656.66 7,650.30 7,648.93 7,645.73 7,644.13 7,626.44 7,619.53 7,617.04 7,607.66 7,607.66 7,607.63 7,606.48 7,605.28 7,595.70 7,592.04 7,588.11 7,583.60 7,573.52 7,571.80 7,568.22 7,566.77 7,557.05 7,556.97 7,556.97 7,552.20 7,552.20 7,548.11 7,540.37 7,539.27 7,534.48 7,517.52 7,510.14


DISCOVER A NEW WAY OF LIFE All our lives, our parents, teachers, friends and even the media have been guilty of setting up expectations for us – go to school and get good grades, so you can then go on to get a good job and make good money. Not true. Many people now are looking to start their own business, so they can have more time to be with their family, give up the grind of a 9-5 job, have financial security, more choices and a lot more freedom. In fact, right now millions of people in the UK are disillusioned with their choice of career and the direction life is taking.

There are three ways to make money with Kleeneze: 1. Retailing. Distributors initially earn more money via retailing products from the Kleeneze catalogues. When a catalogue has been delivered to an individual’s customer base, the distributor earns money on all the products sold, including those that they buy for themselves. 2. Sponsoring. The second way to earn money is to sponsor others into the Kleeneze Opportunity – just like in the aforementioned network marketing model. Individuals earn from the people they have sponsored into their business. The money earned through this activity is known as Volume Profit. 3. Royalty Bonus. These are also paid when individuals have built a network or team of their own, as they are able to earn from the activity of other members. How much does it cost to join? For a small investment from £125 (€187.50) you will receive everything you need to get started. Your Business Kit includes: • Business Manual • Retailing and Sponsoring DVDs • Catalogues • Extras (including all you need to get going) You can get your initial investment back within the first four weeks simply by retailing! One company that is dramatically changing the way people traditionally work is Kleeneze – a network marketing opportunity that has the potential to change lives. It gives individuals the chance to be their own boss, work full or part-time and have more family time, escape the rat race, get out of debt fast or simply do something different by taking control of their life and becoming a Kleeneze distributor. How it works • You’re an independent distributor – no boss! • Work at your own pace – part-time, spare-time, full-time • Simple and straightforward – no special skills required • Unlimited earning potential • Incentives and rewards include cash bonuses, cars and foreign travel • Kleeneze does not involve selling. Recipients are simply left to browse the catalogues and order at their leisure – a high percentage of customers are familiar with this easy-tofollow process and repeat custom is strong.


Statutory wealth warning It is illegal for any promoter or participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join in a scheme. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved. Kleeneze offers stability and gives people the chance to get their lives back on track through hard work. Working at their own pace, full-time, part-time or even in their spare time, amazing, yet realistic incomes are available for those looking for a new challenge. Distributors can earn anything upwards of £50 (€75) a week, and an annual income of £40,000 (€60,000) is easily achievable. The most successful network heads can earn in excess of £400,000 (€600,000) per annum, so the sky really is the limit!


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