ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION: _______(initials) I have received the Parent Handbook updated January 2006. I know that it is my responsibility to read and adhere to the guidelines in that handbook.
_______(initials) I understand that I am responsible for keeping immunizations current according to the attached immunization list. I know that I have 30 days from the first day of school to report current and complete records to the school office.
_______(initials) I have received the Health Information Form and the Authorization for Emergency Medical Attention Form. I understand that these forms are due by the start of the school year.
_______(initials) I agree that my child may participate in any school-sponsored field trip unless the school receives written notice to the contrary. I will be notified of field trips prior to the event.
PARENT: _______________________________________________________ DATE: _______________
PARENT: _______________________________________________________ DATE: _______________
Enrollment Agreement
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