Enp 301 : Environmental Impact Assessment

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ENP 301 : ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Lecture - 2 Part - I: Introduction, Concepts and Procedures Session 1 : Concept of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

Session Outline Session 1: Concepts of EIA – Concepts of EIA – EIA: Origin and Development – Evolution of EIA in India

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA: Definition ■

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool that

seeks to ensure sustainable development

through the evaluation of those impacts

arising from a major activity (policy, plan, program or project)

that are likely to have significant environmental effects. It is anticipatory, participatory, and systematic in nature and relies on multidisciplinary input.

■ ■

(Source: Glasson et al. 1994).

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Origin and Progress Origin ■ 1910 (Napoleon Decree): Issued decree categorising the noxious occupation as • Those must be removed from habitation • Those may be permitted at outskirts of the towns • Can be tolerated close to habitations

– Considering the workplaces and dwelling

EIA Origin and Progress ■

1969: Term EIA has put forward in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), USA – It set the requirements for statement from project proponent on: • Environmental Impacts of proposal • Adverse Environmental Effects, which can not be avoided should the proposal be implemented • Alternatives of proposed actions • The relationship between local short term uses of man’s environment and maintenance & enhancement of long term productivity and • Any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action (be implemented) – For the follow-up action a Agency Council for Environmental Quality (CEA) was created by NEPA

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Origin and Progress ■

1969: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), USA (contd..) – Key Words used • Major Federal actions • Significant impacts on Environment • Context or Scale • Intensity or Severity of the Impacts

1987: World commission on Environment promulgated it into various European countries

By 1996: EIA has become requirement in 100 countries

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA In International Perspective ■

1972 (Stockholm): – The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment

1974 (OECD) : – Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development recommend the member countries to adopt the EIA procedure and methods

1987 (UNEP): – Followed the suit to adopt EIA process

1989 (WB): – World Bank ruled that EIA for major projects should normally be undertaken by the borrower country under World Bank Supervision. Also issued the broad guidelines

1992 (UNCED): – United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

1992 (OECD): – Recommended to member government to adopt the EIA procedures in grants to developing countries

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA In International Perspective ■

1999 (WB): – World Bank Updated guidelines

2002 (WSSD): – World Summit on Sustainable Development set the stage • Laid foundation and commitment at the highest level, to integrating environment and development issues • Institutionalization of Environmental Assessment (EA) as an instrument for integrating environment and development issues at all levels • Sustainable development is an integral part of agreements and commitments at these global conferences

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Process: Origin and Development in India ■

1973: Administrative Instruction established

1977: Constitutional Provisions U/Art 48 (A) and 51(g)

1978-79: EIA concept came into records

1994: Mandatory requirement under EPA (1986) for certain projects • IAA has to consult the Expert committee in all clearances

1997 (April 10): Notification for decentralization of clearance steps

1997: introduction of Public Hearing within as part of the assessment

2000 (December): Exemption to some Defense related roads construction projects Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Process: Origin and Development in India ■

2001 (November): Exemption to Bulk Drugs (Genetically Engineered organism based) as already covered under Genetically modified Organism rules (1989)

2001-2002: Those activities taken out from EIA , which covered under the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ)

2002 (June): Exemption to pipeline projects – IAA may consult the Expert Committee if deemed necessary

2003: Several Sectors included such as Construction, Town ships

2005: Draft Amendment proposed – Townships requiring EIA was debated

2006 (September): New Notification applicable as on date

2009 : Proposed Amendments Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Process: Origin and Development in India ■

In India, EIA was made mandatory in 1994 under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) of 1986 with the following four objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Predict environmental impact of projects; Find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts; Shape the projects to suit local environment; and Present the predictions and options to the decisionmakers.

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

EIA Process: Levels of Interventions

Course Instructor: Er. Ashwani Kumar, Asstt. Prof. Faculty of Planning, CEPT, Ahmedabad - 9

Readings for next session Chapter 2 of Canter



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