Englishstd 10th Gseb

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yk„úuS Ätuhýý-10 SECTION - A: READING COMPREHENSION (TEXT -INTENSIVE STUDY) → Read the following extract and answer the questions given below them. (1) The lord was extremely busy those days. He was into his sixth day of overtime. When he was working with full concentration, an angle appeared and commented, “you are taking too much care for creating this creature.” Questions : (1) How long has the Lord been working on the model ? (2) What did the angle remark ? Why ? (2) This is our flag chakradhvaja or Tricolour. It has three colours. The saffron, white and green. The saffron suggests courage and sacrifice, the white truth and peace, the green stands for prosperity. The wheel placed in the centre of flag suggests progress. Questions : (3) What do the three colours suggest ? (4) The Indian flag is called ....... or ............. (3) It was the most, beautiful bike and it belonged to Bunty’s uncle. A magic , kingfisher blue - with matching pair of baskets and two smart rear - view mirrors . A real beauty, and the first at its kind in the neighbourhood. Over night , Bunty had become a prince among us. Questions : (5) Why did Bunty become a prince overnight ? (6) Why was the bike a real beauty ? (4) The good news is that we can set our biological clock by practising the same action at the same time for a longer period. Thus we can programme our body to get maximum comfort and high efficiency. It is not difficult to set our own biorhythm. Let’s do that and create a perfect harmony for our living body. Questions : (7) How can we set our biological clock ? (8) What happens when we set our biological clock ? (5) His mind went back to the book he had read in the traing camp of Human Bandage was the title of the novel and throughout its pages were notes in a woman’s hand-writing . He had never believed that a woman could understand a man’s thoughts so well . Questions : (9) What did Blandford remember ? (10) What was his belief ? (6) When the rain woke me up, there was still some light. I was lying under a seat turned upside down. There was no sign of my mother or any other passenger or even of the plane. All I could hear were frogs croaking and the rain pouring. Questions : (11) In waht condition did Juliane find herself when she woke up ? (12) When she woke up, she heard ....... Std –10 / English

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(7) Its legs were thicker than five trunks of big trees. Its supersized belly would take in thirty elephants at a time. A foul smell spread in the square. without any reason it suddenlly gave a might roar. It legs were thicker than five trunks of big trees. It terribly frightened Digvijay. His legs became weak. He would have fallen down if he had not been supported by someone. Just then the animal let out another roar-louder this time. → Answer the questions based on the text in two to three sentences each (13) Describe the dinosaur 1 (14) Why did digvijay get terrbly frightned ? 1 (15) Why does God create three pairs of eyes ? 1 OR What are tears for ? 1 (16) What was Helen's first exciting experience ? 1 OR Why should a person learn to be flexible in his life ? (17) Which do you think, is the most insulting letter ? Why ? 1 OR How is a person responsible for making his day good or bed ? 1 SECTION - B → READING COMPREHENSION (POEMS, SUPPLEMENTARY READING AND UNSEEN TEXT) POEMS Read the following stanza of the poem and answer the questions given below it A fairy went to market one She bought a coloured bird. It sang the sweetest, shrillest song That ever she had heard. She sat beside its painted cage And listened half the day, And then she opened wide the door And let if fly away. Questions : (18) Where did the fairy go ? 1 (19) What did the bird do for the fairy ? 1 (20) What did the fairy do with the bird ? 1 → Complete the following lines using the appropriate words. Select the words from the brackets given below them. 2 He gives his ....... (21A) bells shake to ask if there is some .........(21B) The only other sound’s the ........(22 A) of easy wind and ...... flake.(22 B) (sweep, harness, downy, mistake) Supplementary Reading → Read the following text and answer the questions given below it : In 1936 Olympics at Berlin, everyone was expecting the previous year winner Stella walls of poland to retain the gold medal in 100 metre race. Much to their disappointment, at the last moment, Helen Stefens of America won the race. The angry polish accused Helen of being a fraud. They accused her of being a man disguised as woman. To resolve the controversy, the judges decided to have her physically examined by lady offices. Only after passing this test, she was declared the winner. Questions : (23) Who was expected to win the 100 metre race ? 1 Std –10 / English

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(24) Who won the race ? 1 (25) What did the polish accuse Helen of ? 1 (26) To resolve the .......... the judges decided to have physically examined. 1 (27) Find out the words which meam : (1) keep (2) cheat 1 → Read the following unseen text and answer the questions given below it : Once in the court of a wise and just king, soldiers brought two women, kamala and vimala, with a baby. The two women had a quarrel over the baby. Each of them claimed that she was the mother of the baby. No one knew them. It was very diffcult to judge who the real mother was. The king thought for some time and ordered his soldiers, “cut the baby into two parts and give one part to each one of them.” All were stunned. Kanala at once ran to the king, fell at his feet and said, “O Lord ! please have mercy. Don’t kill the baby. I withdraw my claim. Let vimala have the baby .”The king immediately realized that kamala was the real mother and gave the baby to her. Questions : (28) What did each of the women claim ? 1 (29) Vimala withdrew her claim to the baby. True or Flase ? 1 (30) What was king's order ? Was his order cruel or wise ? 1 (31) Why did kamala run to the king ? 1 (32) The king was ......... (i) popular and wise (ii) wise and just 1 → Read the following dialogue and answer the questions given below it : Kinjal : I have become a member of a big library. Rupa : That’s great . I also want to become a member of it.what do I have to do ? Kinjal : Simple. you fill up the form, get the form, get your principal’s sign on to and give it to the library clerk. Rupa : Have you visited the library ? Kinjal : Yes, I went to the children’s section of the library. Rupa : What did you see there ? Kinjal : I saw cupboards full of books. There were comics, novels and magazines for children. Rupa : Did you bring any book home ? Kinjal : Yes, I brought two books. One book is about science facts and the other is a story book. Questions : (33) What did Kinjal do to become the member of a library ? 1 (34) Who also wanted to become the member of a library ? 1 (35) Which two books did kinjal bring from the library ? 1 (36) Which section of the library did kinjal visit ? 1 (37) Which types of book were there in the children’s section ? 1 SECTION - C SHORT WRITING 38. Read the telephonic talk and on behalf of Sunder, you prepare Mr. Kapoor’s message for Mr. Kapadia in about 30 words. 4 Mr. Kapoor : Namaste. Can I talk to Mr. Kapadia ? Sunder : Sorry, he is not at home. Mr. Kapoor : I am Mr. Kapoor, the president of the Lion’s Club. Sunder : Hello I’m his son. Any message for Mr. Kapadia ? Mr. Kapoor : Yes, please tell him that the committee meeting is going to be held Std –10 / English

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tomorrow in the morning at 9.00 a.m. He should remain present there. The decision about donating books and uniforms to the poor children will also be taken in tomorrow’s meeting. O.K. I ‘ll tell him .

Sunder : MESSAGE : Start this way : papa, Mr. Kapoor from .......... → Write the following short notes using the clues given below in about 5-6 sentences : 6 (39) Japan clues : rising sun - nihon - red sun in national flag - anthem - origami and bosai - kimonos - Sayonara OR (39) Moving paper fish Clues : materials needed - making a fish - putting dish washing liquid in the hole of the fish - disturbance in surface tension - scientific principal (40) India’s place in the diamond market Clues : globalization - import of rough diamond duty free - export of polished dia monds encouraged - trade fairs - training institutes - modern technology - fotrign exchange. OR (40) Dr. Franz Halberg’s views on Chronobiology Clues : a new science - chronobiology - Dr. Franz Halberg’s introduction - his views on new science. (41) A quiz-competition of the state-level was held in your school. Prepare a report on it in about 80 words. 5 SECTION - D LONG WRITING TASK (42) Write a paragraph in about 100 words on ‘My Ambition in life’ using the points given below : 8 (your aim-noble profession - spirit of social service - not to be greedy - honesty - duties towards the society) OR (42) Write a paragraph in about 100 words on ‘The world Environment Day’ using the points given below : (When is it celebrated ? - Why is it celebrated ? - Where and How is it celebrated ? - What is the message ?) (43) Points : (remembrance,surprising gift,brilliant,hostel friends,proud of,hearty,imagine.) 7 Room No. P/12, A.G. Hostel, University Road, Ahmedabad. Date : 17-11-2007 My little sister Juhi, My ________ congratulations on your _________ success in the N.T.S. exam.I am _________ you.Here all my ___________ are taking a note of it.I am to come home after a week.A ___________ is ready for you.__________,what it would be. My _________ to all. Your Elder, Tanaya. SECTION - E : LANGUAGE IN USE / GRAMMAR → Rewrite the following paragraph selecting the correct word from the bracket. (Ques. nos. 44 to 51) 4 Std –10 / English

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Suleman Patel ________(who/whom/whose) We know as a lion of camera was from Saurashtra.He became the most famous photographer __________ (with/of/by) his own efforts. ________ (So/Since/When) he was poor ________ (himself/hisself/itself),he had a lot of sympathy _________ (of/on/for) the poor.Once he was paid six rupees for a photograph _________ (and/or/but) when he met beggar ________ (in/on/near) the way,he willingly gave him all he had.________ (How/Who/What) a kind hearted man ! → Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (Ques. nos. 52 to 56) 5 Rohan,a young boy,_______ (hit)by a bus on the Nehru Bridge.He ________ (ride) his scooter.Eye-witnesses say that the vehical was in poor condition and _________ just ________ (repair) at a workshop on the Nehru Bridge Road. According to the report, the boy ____________(want) to turn to left into a side lane. He overtook the bus without _________(show) any signal and he was knocked down. → Arrange the jumbled parts and make meaningful sentences. 2 (57) prove your efficience - whose painting are well-know (58) The girl is niece - or you will be dismissed (59) Kala is an artist - who is dancing on the stage - whom is dancing on the stage → Use ‘otherwise’, neither ____ nor and ‘that’ properly. 4 pupils should understand the fact ________ (60) English has become an international language. Therefore they should learn English _________ (61) they will ________ (62) be able to get admission in reputed instutes _______ will they get a good job. (63) Turn this conversation into reported speech : 4 ‘What a nice camera it is !’ said Ashish to Gira ‘Thank you.’ From where have you bought it, Gira ?” ‘It is a gift from my uncle ’ said Gira. ‘But can you tell me the price ? ’ ‘Sixteen hindred rupees.’ ‘Wow! Is not it a big amount ?’ said Ashish → Rewrite the following paragraph filling in the gaps using the proper forms of words given in the brackets. (Ques. nos. 64 to 67) 4 (association, authority, more and more, some, collapsed, run away, growth, drop of ) The medical ______ is deeply worried that ________ doctors are dying young. Doctors are under _________ pressure and stress while treating their patients. A well-known gynecologist of Unjha ______ in his consulting room because of cardiac problem. There has been a ______- at least 10 years in the doctor’s life span. → Use the word/words given below in place of the underlined words and rewrite the whole paragraph : (Ques. nos. 68 to 70) 3 (applied, decided, persevered) Mayur made up his mind to reach the top in life. For this he made great efforts in his life. He read and put into practice great thoughts of great paople. → Convert the verbs of the following text into the Passive voice and rewrite it. (Ques. nos. 71 to 74) 4 The kings enjoyed tasty food. They gave a lot of food to the poor. Many cooks made mouth watering dishes for the kings. The kings als rewarded the cooks generously. ■■■■■ Std –10 / English

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SECTION - AREADING COMPREHENSION (TEXT-INTENSIVE STUDY) (1) The Lord has been working for six days. (2) The angle remark that the lord was taking too much care for creating the creature because the Lord had been working with concentration for six days. (3) The saffron suggests courage and sacrifice, the white truth and peace and the green stands for prosperty. (4) The Indian flag is called the ‘chakradhaja’ or ‘Tricolour’ (5) Bunty became a prince overnight because the beautiful bike was the first of its kind in the neighbourhood. (6) The bike was a magic, kingfisher - blue with a matching pair of baskets and two smart rear view mirrors. (7) We can set our biological clock by practising the same action at the same time for langer period. (8) When we set our biological clock, we can programme our body to get maximum comfort and high efficiency. (9) He rembered the notes that the woman had written throughout the pages of the novel he was reading in the training camp. (10) His belief was that a woman could understand a man’s thought so well . (11) When she woke up, she found herself lying under a seat turned upside down. she could not see her mother or any other passenger or even the plane. (12) When she woke up, she heard frogs croaking and the rain pouring. (13) Its legs were thicker than five trunks of big trees. Its supersized belly would take in thirty elephants at a time. (14) The dinosaur let out another loud roar. This frightened Digvijay terribly. → Answer the questions based on the text in two to three sentences each. (15) God creates three pairs of eyes so that one pair sees the children through closed doors, another pair looks at the children and says : ‘I understand and I love you’ without uttering a word, And the third pair to see all secret things without opening them. OR Tears are very unique. Tears are to express pain, joy, pride, disappointment, and loneliness. (16) Miss Sullivan gave Helen a doll and made some finger movements on her palm. Helen started immitating the movements with her finger. When she succeeded in doing that, she realized that she had learnt to speel d-o-l-l. This was her first exciting experience. OR A person should learn to be flexible to understand other people's point of view. If new things and ideas are worthwhile, he should be ready to accept them and change himself. (17) The letter written on 10 July 2006 by Rajiv Rathod is the most insulting letter. In that Rajiv Rathod had written that he would prefer a dog as a neighbour rather than a man like Col. Sinha. This is too much because he is insulting his neighbour Col. Sinha on a very small matter. Rajiv Rathod had also said that he found the company of a dog superior to that of a man like Col. Sinha. OR (17) A person himself is responsible for how he feels and what he does on a particular day. Nobody can make him feel sad against his will. If he has a bad day, only he is responsible for that. He can’t expect other people to change to make him feel better. He is the one who is in charge of his moods. Things are mostly fine, and if not, he should know how to handle them.

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SECTION - B → Read the following stanza of the poem and answer the questions given below it (18) The fairy went to the market. (19) The bird sang the sweetest and shrillest songs for the fairy. (20) The fairy opened the door of the cage and let the bird fly away. → Complete the following lines using the appropriate words. He gives his harness (21A) bells shake to ask it there is some mistake (21B) The only other sound’s the sweep (22 A) of easy wind and downy flake.(22 B) → Read the following text and answer the questions given below it : (23) Stella walls of poland was expected to win the 100 metre race. (24) Helen Stefens won the race. (25) The polish accused Helen of being a fraud. (26) To resolve the controversy, the judge decided to have Helen physically examined. (27) (i) retain (ii) fraud → Read the following unseen text and answer the questions given below it : (28) Each of the woman claimed that she was the mother of the baby. (29) Flase (30) The king’s order was to cut the baby into two parts and give one part to each of the woman. His order was wise. (31) Kamala ran to the king to request him not to kill the baby and to withdraw her claim. (32) The king was wise and just. → Read the following dialogue and answer the questions given below it : (33) Kinjal filled up a from, got her principal’s sign on it and gave it to the library clerk. This is how she became a member of the library. (34) Rupa also wanted to become the member of the library. (35) Kinjal brought a book about science fact and a story book. (36) Kinjal visited the children’s section of the library. (37) There were comics, novels and mazines for children in the children’s section. SECTION - C SHORT WRITING (38) Mr. Kapoor from Lion’s Club called to inform you that the committee meeting will be held tomorrow at 9.00 a.m. The decision regardig donation of books and uniforms to the poor children will be taken so you should remain present. → Write the following short notes using the clues given below in about 5-6 sentences : (39) Japan : Japan is also known as the country of this Rising Sun. It is also known as Nippon or Nihon. There is red Sun in its National flag. Its national anthem is ‘Kimigayo’(The Reign of our Emperor) Japan is famous for ‘lkebana’, ‘Origami’ and ‘Bondai’. It reflectscastern and western culture . On festival and special occasions the japanese wear Kimonos. The Japanese love to watch ‘Kabuki’ dramas and latest western plays and movies.Japanese say ‘Sayonara’ when they want to say ‘Good-bye’. OR (39) Moving paper Fish : The participant girl takes the piece of thick paper and cuts in the shape of a fish.She makes a hole in the centre.She places the fish in a bowl filled with water.The fish floats but does not move.Then the girl puts a drop of dishwashing liquid in the hole of the fish.The dishwashing liquid spreads on the rear part and it disturbs the surface tension there and so the fish moves forward.This is based on the principal of force and motion. (40) India’s place in the diamond market : India has a major share in the worlddiamond and jewellery business.9 out of 10 diamonds set in jewellery are polished in India.India Std –10 / English

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imports rough diamonds,cuts and polishes them and exports them to other countries.With globalization the world market was opened to exporters.The Indian government made the import of rough diamonds duty free and encouraged the export of polished diamonds.Moreover,Indian business persons took part in International Trade Fairs and improved the quality.Even some training institutes of international standards have been set up in India.These institutes have prepared skilled persons.Secondly,the diamond industry is using modern machinery and technology,too.India is earning a good amount of foreign exchange.Thus,India will be the gems and jewellery capital of the world within some years. OR (40) Dr. Franz Halberg’s views on Chronobiology : Dr. Franz Halberg is the founder of Chronobiology-biology of time. According to Dr. franz our bodies have an internal music that we can and we should turn into.Our interntion is to live in harmony with nature.Biorhythms provide us the basic for choosing the best time for our actions.To be successful and to remain healthy it is necessary that we think,feel and move in balanced cycles. (41)

Ahmedabad: February 26, 2008. A state level quiz-competition was held in the assembly hall of my school on 26th of February. It was the final round. Four teams were in the final round. Well-known quiz master Mr. Rohan Das conducted the quiz. It was a tough competition. The first round was on G.K. l;our questions were asked. The second round was a buzzer round. Our team gained upper hand in this round. The third round was a visual round. The other teams failed to identify two visuals. We could identify all the four visuals and earned five bonus points. The fourth one was a rapid fire round. It was a very exciting and interesting round. There were cheers and clapping from the audience. After the fourth round our team scored 75 points. The team from Jamnagar scored 70 points. We became the State-champions. The chief-guest gave us the trophy and cash prize of Rs. 1,000/-. It was a happy moment for us. The media highlighted the quiz programme. SECTION - D LONG WRITING TASK (42) My Ambition in Life Different people have different ambitions. Some want to be rich. Some wish to become leaders. Some desire to be scientist. My amhition in life is not wealth, power or high social status. I am too humble to aim at any of these things. My ambition is modest. It is to serve the weak and the sick. Thus I want to become a doctor. With this object in view I have taken. up science subjects. After passing my H.S.C., I shall appear in the test for Medical Colleges and I am sure I shall succeed and join a Medical College. I know that I must obtain a good First Division in the examination or else it will not be possible for me to join any medical college. That is why I am working very hard. After I have passed the M.B.B.S. examination I shall set up my own practice. I shall be a good doctor. Not like those who take high fees from their patients and do very little to help them. It will be my mission to serve the poor and the needy. I shall also treat the poor free. I shall charge fces from thc rich so that I might not find myself in difficulty. Thi3 is the goal I have set for myself. I know it is not something easy. I shall have to give up many of the luxuries for which man works in life. I canr.ot hope to live in fine hungalows or enjoy the comforts of ,11odem life. I am too simple a man to aim at any of these things. Service of the poor is my aim and I am sure God will help me achieve this.

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OR The “world Environment Day We celebrate three types of festivals. They are national, religious and social. The World Environment Day is our national fcstival. It is celebrated on 5 June all over the world. The nature has given us air, water and forests. But we have created many problems of environment. We cut thc trees, we pollute the water. We disturb the environment for our selfish purposes. So our social leaders,scientists and environmentalists have thought that we must save the envirorunent. Tiley have decided to celebrate this festival to save the nature. We celebrate this festival in schools. colleges & villages and cities with great enthusiasm. Students and people grow trees in schools and other places. The schools organize rallies to make people aware about protecting environment. Even exhibitions showing the importance of environment are held. People are explained the importance of environment. This day also teaches us that we should not waste natural resources. The motto of the World Environment Day is: SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT. This message should be spread allover the world. (43) Room No. P/12, A.G. Hostel, University Road, Ahmedabad. Date : 17-11-2007 My little sister Juhi, My hearty congratulations on your brilliant success in the N.T.S. exam.I am proud of you. Here all my hostel are taking a note of it.I am to come home after a week. A suprising gift is ready for you. imagine, what it would be. My remembers to all. Your Elder, Tanaya. SECTION - E : LANGUAGE IN USE / GRAMMAR → Rewrite the following paragraph selecting the correct word from the bracket. (Ques. nos. 44 to 51) Suleman Patel whom (44) We known as a lion of camera was from Saurashtra.He became the most famous photographer with (45) his own efforts. Since (46) he was poor himself (47), he had a lot of sympathy for (48) the poor.Once he was paid six rupees for a photograph but (49) when he met beggar on (50) the way,he willingly gave him all he had. What (51) a kind hearted man ! → Fill in the gaps with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (Ques. nos. 52 to 56) Rohan,a young boy, was hit (52) by a bu s on the Nehru Bridge. He was riding (53) his scooter. Eye-witnesses say that the vehical was in poor condition and had been just repaired (54) at a workshop on the Nehru Bridge Road. According to the report, the boy wanted (55) to turn to left into a side lane. He overtook the bus without showing(56) any signal and he was knocked down. → Arrange the jumbled parts and make meaningful sentences. (57) Prove your efficiency or you will be dismissed. (58) The girl is niece who is dancing on the stage. (59) kala is an artist whose painting are well - knoen. → Use ‘otherwise’, neither ____ nor and ‘that’ properly. pupils should understand the fact that (60) English has become an international language. Therefore they should learn English otherwise (61) they will neither (62) be able to get admission in reputed institutions nor will they get a good job. (63) Turn this conversation into reported speech : Std –10 / English

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Ashish exclaimed with praise to Gira that it was a very nice camera. Gira thanked Ashish for that. He ask Gira from where she had bought it. Gira informed him that it was a gift from her uncle. Ashish asked her if she could tell him the price. She told him that it was sixteen hundred rupees. Hearing that Ashish exclaimed with surprise and said it was a big amount. → Rewrite the following paragraph filling in the gaps using the proper forms of words given in the brackets. (Ques. nos. 64 to 67) The medical (64) authority is deeply worried that (65) more and more doctors are dying young. Doctors are under (66) some pressure and stress while treating their patients. A wellknow gy necologist of Unjha (67) collapsed - is his consulating room because of cardiac problem. There has been a drop of - at least 10 years in the doctor’s life span. → Use the word/words given below in place of the underlined words and rewrite the whole paragraph : (Ques. nos. 68 to 70) (applied, decided, persevered) Mayur decided to reach the top in life. For this he persevered in his life. He read and applied great thoughts of great paople. → Convert the verbs of the following text into the Passive voice and rewrite it. (Ques. nos. 71 to 74) Tasty food was enjoyed by the kings. A lot of food was given by them to the poor. Mouth watering dishes were made by many cooks for the kings. The cooks were also rewarded by the kings generously. ■■■■■

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