English Vocabulary

  • May 2020
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1. We ----------------------------- waiting here for two hours. a) have been b) has been c) are d) were 2. We ------------------------- them yesterday. a) visited b) have visited c) had visited d) was visiting 3. He ----------------------- from London last week. a) has returned b) have returned c) had returned d) returned 4. See that you ----------------------- for the meeting in time. a) will come b) come c) would come d) came 5. They will come if we ------------------------ them. a) invite b) will invite c) invited d) would invite 6. I --------------------- to Tokyo recently. a) had been b) went c) have been d) was 7. The doctor concluded that the man ------------------------ killed ten hours ago. a) had been b) was c) has been d) is 8. I ----------------------- waiting for his reply for two weeks now. a) have been b) has been

c) had been d) was 9. The train ------------------------- by the time we reach the station. a) will leave b) will have c) left d) would 10. Every morning, I -------------------------- the paper. a) will read b) am reading c) read d) was reading 11. When I visited him he --------------------- bed-ridden for two months. a) was b) has been c) had been d) were 12. I -------------------- school last year. a) left b) had left c) leaved d) was leaving 13. There --------------------- a famine in Bengal in 1982. a) was b) has been c) were d) had been 14. Akbar -------------------------- the Moghul power paramount in India. a) had made b) has made c) made d) would make 15. John has ---------------------- home. a) went b) go c) gone d) going

Answers 1. have been 2. visited 3. returned 4. come 5. invite 6. went 7. had been 8. have been 9. will leave 10. read 11. had been 12. left 13. was 14. made 15. gone

GRE Test Preparation Practice Tests GRE Verbal Antonyms Test 1 Against each keyword are given five suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase opposite in meaning to the keyword. 1. Maudlin a) Unemotional b) Sentimental c) Affectionate d) Foolish e) Tearful 2. Mawkish a) maudlin b) showing no emotion c) self-pitying d) pessimistic e) optimistic 3. Mellifluous a) Smooth b) Harsh c) sweet d) fluent e) ordinary

4. Mendacious a) betraying b) honest c) generous d) kind e) miserly 5. Mendicant a) affluent b) aristocratic c) despotic d) beggar e) none of these 6. Meretricious a) genuine b) valuable c) sophisticated d) captivating e) superficially attractive 7. Mesmerize a) Captivate b) tantalize c) infatuate d) bore e) mystify 8. Meticulous a) Thorough b) careless c) scrupulous d) pedantic e) fastidious 9. Mettle a) courage b) nerve c) pluck d) cowardly e) vigor 10. Mettlesome a) audacious b) cowardly

c) gutsy d) strong e) meddlesome 11. Microcosm a) universe b) atomic c) celestial d) macrocosm e) none of these 12. Mischievous a) naughty b) impish c) rogue d) wicked e) well-behaved 13. Miscreant a) hero b) protagonist c) villain d) offender e) none of these 14. Moderation a) indulgence b) excess c) abstinence d) temperance e) none of these 15. Modicum a) great amount b) big c) small amount d) structure e) none of these 16. Mollify a) enrage b) pacify c) soothe d) modify e) manage

Answers 1. unemotional 2. showing no emotion 3. harsh 4. honest 5. affluent 6. genuine 7. bore 8. careless 9. cowardly 10. cowardly 11. macrocosm 12. well-behaved 13. hero 14. excess 15. great amount 16. enrage GRE Test Preparation Practice Tests GRE Verbal Ability Antonyms 2 Against each keyword are given five suggested meanings. Choose the word or phrase opposite in meaning to the keyword. 1. Monomania a) obsessive preoccupation b) fear of height c) compulsion d) diabolic e) having many different interests 2. Morbid a) Morose b) sinister c) perverse d) cheerful e) dark 3. Mordant a) acerbic b) sarcastic c) gentle

d) acrid e) corrosive 4. Moribund a) declining b) flourishing c) dilapidated d) corrosive e) frightening 5. Morose a) miserable b) cheery c) anxious d) eligible e) blue 6. Multifarious a) miscellaneous b) assorted c) homogeneous d) versatile e) vigilant 7. Mundane a) celestial b) worldly c) ordinary d) exotic e) monotonous 8. Munificent a) miserly b) liberal c) generous d) unstinting e) bountiful 9. Myriad a) multitude b) host c) heap d) few e) load

10. palatable a) edible b) potable c) tasteless d) pleasant e) appealing 11. Palatial a) extravagant b) splendid c) impressive d) miserable e) regal 12. Palliate a) aggravate b) aggregate c) alleviate d) synthesize e) synchronize 13. Palpable a) perceptible by feeling or touch b) conspicuous c) overt d) physical e) intangible

14. Panacea a) supposed cure-all b) ineffective solution c) solution d) cure e) magic potion 15. Panegyric a) eulogy b) praise c) allegory d) censure e) allusion 16. Pariah a) a social outcast

b) orthodox c) aristocrat d) outsider e) none of these Answers 1. having many different interests 2. cheerful 3. gentle 4. flourishing 5. cheery 6. homogeneous 7. exotic 8. miserly 9. few 10. tasteless 11. miserable 12. aggravate 13. intangible 14. ineffective solution 15. censure 16. aristocrat

1. Paroxysm a) sudden outburst b) suppressed emotions c) spasm d) paradoxical e) none of these 2. Parsimonious a) spendthrift b) modest c) miserly d) nonchalant e) sparing 3. Partisan a) opponent b) member c) sponsor d) adherent e) fan 4. Pathos

a) bathos b) tragedy c) grief d) joy e) satire 5. Paucity a) dearth b) scantiness c) rareness d) plethora e) possibility 6. Peccadillo a) offense b) virtue c) transgression d) indulgence e) stain 7. Pedestrian a) prosaic b) walker c) exciting d) dull e) strider 8. Pellucid a) opaque b) transparent c) clear d) clean e) visible 9. Penchant a) proclivity b) desire c) horror d) predilection e) proclivity 10. Penurious a) Impecunious b) indigent c) needy d) well-off e) niggardly

11. Penury a) Indigence b) affluence c) poverty d) destitution e) neediness 12. Peremptory a) authoritative b) dictatorial c) polite d) dogmatic e) decisive 13. Perfidy a) treachery b) lying c) honesty d) duplicity e) deceit 14. Perfunctory a) hasty b) unthinking c) obligatory d) token e) thoughtful 15. Perjury a) truthfulness b) swear c) persuasion d) falsity e) none of these 16. Permeate a) impregnable b) pervade c) infuse d) saturate e) flood

Answer 1. suppressed emotions 2. spendthrift 3. opponent

4. joy 5. plethora 6. virtue 7. exciting 8. opaque 9. horror 10. well-off 11. affluence 12. polite 13. honesty 14. thoughtful 15. truthfulness 16. impregnable 1. Distend a) expand b) shrink c) develop d) adjust e) create 2. Distinguish a) suppress b) surrogate c) segregate d) confuse e) recognize differences 3. Distrait a) careless b) indifferent c) apathetic d) attentive e) absent-minded 4. Divergence a) convergence b) unification c) appropriation d) refraction e) none of these 5. Divine a) heavenly b) godly c) mundane d) mortal e) celestial

6. Docile a) Dormant b) negative c) unmanageable d) submissive e) pious 7. Dormant a) latent b) innate c) inherent d) awake e) confuse 8. Dowdy a) unsophisticated b) ugly c) not stylish d) fashionable e) arrogant 9. Dread a) pleasing b) frightening c) worrying d) welcome e) horrible 10. Dreary a) dull b) moody c) cloudy d) cheerful e) monotonous 11. Droll a) insignificant b) trivial c) serious d) deadly e) witty 12. Drowsy a) sleepy b) lethargic c) active

d) famous e) supreme 13. Duplicity a) disgusting b) awkward c) dreadful d) straightforwardness e) deceit 14. Dusky a) dark b) fair c) cloudy d) shadowy e) beautiful 15. Dwarf a) rustic b) giant c) ugly d) rogue e) pygmy

Answers 1. shrink 2. confuse 3. attentive 4. convergence 5. mundane 6. unmanageable 7. awake 8. fashionable 9. welcome 10. cheerful 11. serious 12. active 13. straightforward 14. fair 15. giant . Dwindle a) wane b) fall c) drop d) increase e) profane

2. Earthly a) mundane b) sordid c) spiritual d) celestial e) unrefined 3. Ebb a) wane b) drop c) increase d) decline e) improvement 4. Eccentric a) sane b) insane c) abnormal d) intelligent e) clever 5. Ecstasy a) agony b) exaltation c) pleasure d) bliss e) beatitude 6. Eerie a) weird b) frightened c) canny d) cheerful e) timidity 7. Egotism a) arrogance b) sycophancy c) humility d) sadism e) narcissism 8. Elevation a) exaltation b) loftiness c) depression

d) nadir e) hell 9. Elongate a) lengthen b) shorten c) squeeze d) strike e) depress 10. Elude a) mock b) disguised c) quicken d) give up e) pursue

Answers 1. increase 2. spiritual 3. increase 4. normal 5. agony 6. canny 7. humility 8. depression 9. shorten 10. pursue 1. Gainsay a) refute b) agree c) earn d) profit e) naysay 2. Gamut a) extent b) the whole range c) partial d) array e) breadth 3. Garrulous a) taciturn b) voluble c) talkative

d) incredible e) despicable 4. Germane a) of interest b) to the point c) irrelevant d) relevant e) German 5. glimmer a) glisten b) flicker c) pale d) shimmer e) none of these 6. Gossamer a) sheer b) diaphanous c) ethereal d) robust e) delicate 7. Grandiloquent a) pompous b) verbose c) straightforward d) grand e) splendid 8. Gregarious a) sociable b) convivial c) shy d) outgoing e) expressive 9. Guile a) astuteness b) frankness c) wiliness d) deviousness e) deceit 10. Gullible

a) credulous b) naïve c) susceptible d) smart e) intelligent 11. Halcyon a) heavenly b) turbulent c) still d) gay e) hearty 12. Harangue a) berate b) tirade c) praise d) remove e) regret 13. Heinous a) appalling b) outrageous c) admirable d) odious e) vulnerable 14. Heresy a) consent b) profanation c) sacrilege d) ceremonial e) none of these 15. Heterogeneous a) assorted b) diverse c) similar d) different e) distinctive 16. Hirsute a) bushy b) hairy c) bald d) skinny e) shaggy

17. Hospitable a) genial b) frosty c) jovial d) pleasant e) orderly 18. Hypocrisy a) duplicity b) pretense c) sincerity d) malignance e) significance 19. Idiosyncrasy a) eccentricity b) quirk c) habit d) foible e) unconventional behaviour 20. Ignoble a) dastardly b) reprehensible c) honorable d) stimulating e) mannerly 21. Ignominious a) disgraceful b) despicable c) ridiculous d) honorable e) reprehensible 22. Illicit a) illegitimate b) legal c) prohibited d) illogical e) none of these 23. Immaculate a) spick and span b) messy c) pristine

d) spotless e) none of these 24. Imminent a) looming b) just around the corner c) on the cards d) distant e) in the offing 25. Immutable a) changeable b) incontrovertible c) indisputable d) absolute e) invariable

Answers 1. agree 2. partial 3. talkative 4. irrelevant 5. pale 6. robust 7. straightforward 8. shy 9. frankness 10. smart 11. turbulent 12. praise 13. admirable 14. consent 15. similar 16. bald 17. frosty 18. sincerity 19. unconventional behaviour 20. honorable 21. honorable 22. legal 23. messy 24. distant 25. changeable 1. Inclination a) aversion b) reflection c) disgust d) decline

2. Inculpate a) accuse b) exonerate c) barbaric d) sensitive 3. Indifferent a) kind b) apathetic c) responsible d) compassionate 4. Inference a) conclusion b) foreknowledge c) kindness d) caution 5. Infinite a) limited b) boundless c) endless d) overdone 6. Ingenuity a) stupidity b) cleverness c) skillful d) certain 7. Insolent a) magnificent b) brazen c) innocent d) courteous 8. Install a) add b) enter c) dethrone d) claim 9. Intellect a) reason b) rational

c) inanity d) sane 10. Intentional a) premeditated b) cautious c) accidental d) designed 11. Intrinsic a) innate b) extrinsic c) congenital d) none of these 12. Invincible a) omnipotent b) beatable c) unbeatable d) vulnerable Isolation a) separation b) segregation c) loneliness d) association 14. Jade a) dull b) tired c) lackluster d) fresh 15. Jaunt a) leave b) stay c) return d) remain 16. Jealousy a) ill will b) unhappiness c) happiness d) kindness 17. Jeer

a) applaud b) mock c) laugh rudely d) express displeasure 18. Jeopardize a) protect b) perilous c) endanger d) serve 19. Jocular a) humorous b) dull c) playful d) funny 20. Jittery a) shaky b) stable c) strong d) careless 21. Jocund a) blithesome b) indecisive c) depressed d) pleasant 22. Judicious a) imprudent b) sophisticated c) alert d) sober 23. Cessation a) stoppage b) composition c) beginning d) continuity 24. Chaotic a) orderly b) formless c) intriguing d) mysterious

25. Chaste a) virtuous b) pious c) immoral d) elegant

Answers 1. aversion 2. exonerate 3. responsible 4. foreknowledge 5. limited 6. stupidity 7. courteous 8. dethrone 9. inanity 10. accidental 11. extrinsic 12. beatable 13. association 14. fresh 15. stay 16. happiness 17. applaud 18. protect 19. dull 20. stable 21. depressed 22. imprudent 23. continuity 24. orderly 25. immoral palatable a) edible b) potable c) tasteless d) pleasant e) appealing 2. Palatial a) extravagant b) splendid c) impressive d) miserable e) regal 3. Palliate

a) aggravate b) aggregate c) alleviate d) synthesize e) synchronize 4. Palpable a) perceptible by feeling or touch b) conspicuous c) overt d) physical e) intangible 5. Panacea a) supposed cure-all b) ineffective solution c) solution d) cure e) magic potion 6. Panegyric a) eulogy b) praise c) allegory d) censure e) allusion 7. Pariah a) a social outcast b) orthodox c) aristocrat d) outsider e) none of these 8. Paroxysm a) sudden outburst b) suppressed emotions c) spasm d) paradoxical e) none of these 9. Parsimonious a) spendthrift b) modest c) miserly d) nonchalant e) sparing

10. Partisan a) opponent b) member c) sponsor d) adherent e) fan 11. Pathos a) bathos b) tragedy c) grief d) joy e) satire 12. Paucity a) dearth b) scantiness c) rareness d) plethora e) possibility 13. Peccadillo a) offense b) virtue c) transgression d) indulgence e) stain 14. Pedestrian a) prosaic b) walker c) exciting d) dull e) strider 15. Pellucid a) opaque b) transparent c) clear d) clean e) visible 16. Penchant a) proclivity b) desire c) horror

d) predilection e) proclivity 17. Penurious a) impecunious b) indigent c) needy d) well-off e) niggardly 18. Penury a) indigence b) affluence c) poverty d) destitution e) neediness 19. Peremptory a) authoritative b) dictatorial c) polite d) dogmatic e) decisive 20. Perfidy a) treachery b) lying c) honesty d) duplicity e) deceit 21. Perfunctory a) hasty b) unthinking c) obligatory d) token e) thoughtful 22. Perjury a) truthfulness b) swear c) persuasion d) falsity e) none of these 23. Permeate

a) fail to enter b) pervade c) infuse d) saturate e) flood 24. Pernicious a) benign b) harmful c) spiteful d) insidious e) pervasive 25. Perspicacity a) acuity b) discernment c) wisdom d) stupidity e) ill will

Answers 1. tasteless 2. miserable 3. aggravate 4. intangible 5. ineffective solution 6. censure 7. aristocrat 8. suppressed emotions 9. spendthrift 10. opponent 11. joy 12. plethora 13. virtue 14. exciting 15. opaque 16. horror 17. well-off 18. affluence 19. polite 20. honesty 21. thoughtful 22. truthfulness 23. fail to enter 24. benign 25. stupidity Derogatory a) disgusting b) distressing

c) praising d) intruding e) conferred 2. Descent a) appropriate b) ascent c) demote d) regulate e) sink 3. Desecrate a) consecrate b) intense c) desist d) integrate e) assimilate 4. Desolate a) abandon b) inhabited c) impoverished d) malnourished e) ill will 5. Desperate a) hopeful b) forsake c) forlorn d) diabolic e) disinterested 6. Despicable a) adorable b) disgusting c) diametric d) captivated e) connive 7. Destitute a) affluent b) worthless c) famished d) impoverished e) sufficient 8. Desultory

a) pertinent b) impertinent c) persevering d) persistent e) frequent 9. Devious a) circuitous b) indirect c) direct d) subtle e) abnormal 10. Devout a) agnostic b) irreverent c) blasphemous d) saintly e) holy 11. Diabolical a) mischievous b) lavish c) seraphic d) azure e) red 12. Diffident a) assured b) confident c) lacking self esteem d) prudent e) impertinent 13. Dilate a) expand b) constrict c) discourse d) swell e) sparkle 14. Diligent a) alert b) drowsy c) attentive d) sedulous e) narrow

15. Disconsolate a) depressed b) distressed c) delighted d) dabble e) dashing 16. Discrepancy a) inconsistency b) consistency c) inappropriate d) variance e) vagary 17. Disdain a) attitude b) honesty c) admiration d) zeal e) disgust 18. Disheveled a) tidy b) clumsy c) unkempt d) long e) exasperated 19. Disingenuous a) sincere b) sophisticated c) trained d) experienced e) uncomfortable 20. Dismal a) remarkable b) trivial c) reserved d) puzzled e) dislocated 21. Dismay a) intimidate b) mitigate c) soothe

d) hearten e) mystify 22. Dispel a) scatter b) gather c) dissipate d) refract e) agonize 23. Disposition a) sparking b) watchfulness c) inclination d) unwillingness e) temperament 24. Dissipate a) vanish b) unite c) dispel d) disappear e) contemplate 25. Disburse a) collect b) gather c) pay out d) discard e) distinguish

Answers 1. praising 2. ascent 3. consecrate 4. inhabited 5. hopeful 6. adorable 7. affluent 8. pertinent 9. direct 10. irreverent 11. seraphic 12. confident 13. constrict 14. drowsy 15. delighted 16. consistency

17. admiration 18. tidy 19. sincere 20. remarkable 21. hearten 22. gather 23. unwillingness 24. unite 25. pay out . Keen a) dull b) sharp c) brilliant d) focused e) unnecessary 2. Keep a) protect b) discard c) convert d) celebrate e) avert 3. Kemp a) professional b) successor c) brave d) loser e) atheist 4. Kill a) murder b) execute c) animate d) slay e) throw 5. Kindle a) invoke b) infuriate c) put off d) awaken e) lavish 6. Kindred

a) humdrum b) hazard c) family d) objective e) stranger 7. Kinky a) lowly b) magnificent c) royal d) absurd e) strange 8. Kingly a) twisted b) straight c) vigorous d) weak e) robust 9. Knack a) skilful b) dexterous c) dullness d) balanced e) fortunate 10. Knave a) villain b) hero c) dishonest d) deadly e) orthodox 11. Knotty a) intricate b) complex c) vigorous d) easy e) included 12. Knowledge a) erudition b) scholarly c) ignorance d) petty e) absurd

13. Kook a) particular b) illiterate c) fascinating d) sane e) arrogance 14. Jaded a) energetic b) tired out c) frustrated d) happy e) normal 15. Jeer a) applaud b) laugh rudely c) mock d) warm e) vanish 16. Jeopardize a) empower b) put in danger c) upset d) thwart e) diagnose 17. Jovial a) moody b) full of fun c) happy d) delighted e) none of these 18. Judicious a) prudent b) imprudent c) wise d) scholarly e) erudite 19. Lacerate a) Hurt the feelings b) heal c) tear the flesh

d) wounded e) symptomatic 20. Lackadaisical a) tired b) uninterested c) enthusiastic d) pressurize e) disallow 21. Languish a) suffer b) have a good time c) perish d) ill e) distressed 22. Languor a) strength b) weakness c) stillness d) illness e) pleasant 23. Laud a) condemn b) praise c) please d) upset e) wonderful 24. Lean a) slothful b) straighten c) tide d) incline e) pacify 25. Liberate a) clean b) enclose c) emancipate d) imprison e) conceal


1. dull 2. discard 3. loser 4. animate 5. put off 6. stranger 7. lowly 8. straight 9. dullness 10. hero 11. easy 12. ignorance 13. sane 14. energetic 15. applaud 16. empower 17. moody 18. imprudent 19. heal 20. enthusiastic 21. have a good time 22. strength 23. condemn 24. straighten 25. imprison

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