English Newspaper Of Mice And Men

  • December 2019
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The Soledad Weekly ★

Wednesday, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 ★



Wife of Curley Johnson, Stella Johnson (pictured above) was found brutally murdered, in barn of nearby ranch owned by her farther in law. Police believe that Stella was murdered last Friday, they believe that a brawl could be the cause of this murder, Stella’s body had been attempted to be hidden,it was found carelessly covered in hay. Stella age 18, originally from the nearby town of Salinas, had recently married Curley Johnson age 21, son of ranch owner Benjamin Johnson, Her bodywas found by ranch worker, Simon Canady, otherwise known as Candy. When interviewed,he told us “At first, I thought she was sleepin’ I tol’ her, she oughten’ to sleep out here, an’ then I moved closer, an’ she wasn’t movin’ an’ I realised she weren’t sleepin’, she was dead. As soon as my old legs could carry me, I went to call the guys.”

Ranch worker Lennie Small, is the police’s prime suspect, however his whereabouts are unknown, he was last seen on Friday morning by his co-workers. Many were shocked to hear that a young and cheerful girl was murdered. However, local shopkeeper, Maryl Smith thinks differently, “That girl was bound to killed, always messing about an’ causing trouble.” Stella’s mother, was devastated to hear the murder of her daughter, her mother said that she believed that her daughter shouldn’t have moved to a new town, and marry a guy she barely knew on a crazy impulse. Her memorial will be held next Tuesday, her farther in law

Work Wanted Lennie Small (28) and George Milton (29) seeks employment on ranch, both have previous experience. Lennie, Hard working, strong and capable of working for the amount of two workers. George, has a lot of skill, is diligent and works hard. Available immediately. Please contact, 634-1809.

WORK WANTED Lucy Smith, young, happy and cheerful, looking for work. She can sing, and has had previous experience as a waitress. Will start work next week. Call 632-3093

CHEF WANTED 5 dollars an hour at Betsy’s Diners, must have previous experience. For further information please call 645-1908 WAITRESS WANTED 3 dollars an hour, at Betsy’s Diners, no need for previous experience, For further information please call 645-1908


CATASTROPHE ACROSS THE COUNTRY AS A RESULT OF THE WALL STREET CRASH. A month has past since the wall street crash, yet unemployment rates are still rising, 12,000 people are being made unemployed each day. In the towns and cities, jobless men and women are seen desperately searching for work. On the news, suicide rates are climbing, and during this crisis are the government doing anything to help us? No, they should be doing something but so far they have done nothing. While the people of America are in desperate need of aid Our President says "It is not the function of the government to relieve individuals of their responsibilities to their neighbours, or to relieve private institutions of their responsibilities to the public."

We did not choose Hoover to give us a speech on what he will not do, we chose him because we believed that in a crisis like this, he will give us aid, he should be helping his country, and its public. Along with the government not doing much to help, many say that the government had detected signs of an economy downfall, yet they failed to inform us, or give us advice and as a consequence the people of America are living close to famine, many have lost their homes and are living on the streets, in little shelters, made of metal and any other available scraps, areas with these make shift houses are commonly known as Hoovervilles, and there are growing areas. Another rising issue that goes along with poverty is crime, some people turn to crime for money. Already there have been a rising rate of theft in this town, some may say that the rise has no connection with the crash but it is not just coincidence that there have been more burglaries, targeted at the rich. One man who was caught stealing bread at the bakery, when interviewed told us that he had resorted to stealing because his family was in desperate need of food he said it was shameful what he had to do, but it was the means of survival. Immediate action must be taken to help not only the people of this country, but the economy as well. Perhaps the government, in the near future will recognise our urgent need for aid.


Due to the wall street crash, Fred Bell who was once a wealthy business man has been forced to sell apples on the street of New York.

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TO THE EDITOR: To the editor of the Soledad Weekly, I would like to express my concern for the recent wall street crash, many have lost their jobs, and some of these men have nothing to do all day, so they just hang around the town, most of these men drink until the late of night and cause a racket in this town, that is not where my worries end, I am also worried about the fights between the men of the ranch and these jobless men, they drink themselves silly and I hear them arguing over the most stupid things and eventually they get into a quarrel. My elderly mother and her friends are very worried, too scared to go into town or even our neighborhood to shop for necessities, What has this town come to? And should the authorities of the town do something to stop these loud drunk men, who are disturbing our once peaceful local community? I believe that they should take immediate action and I am confident that I am not the only individual that thinks this. Yours sincerely, Janet Joyson.

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Lennie Small dies at the age of 28. Lennie had lived a short but happy life, he was a kind young man, originally from Napa. As a child, Lennie had lived with his aunt Clara, upon her death, He had travelled across the country for work with George Milton, They came to Soledad to look for work. Lennie, loved animals, he enjoyed petting animals, especially rabbits and dogs. He will be missed.

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