English Project Of Mice And Men

  • December 2019
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The Soledad Daily S









A Daily Newspaper Car for sale

A pristine condition 1930 Chevrolet pickup for $5000.

Job Wanted Able to work long hours for little money also able to drive car and buck barley .

Needed Someone able to buck barley and work hard. must be able to drive car will get 50 cents an hour and will one hour. work hours are from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut

Job wanted Able to work hard and long but need at least one dollar every week to save money to buy a car .

let go. Mrs. Thatcher neck was snapped because of being shaken very violently.

A woman named Margerat Thatcher had her neck snapped by a 25 year Mr. Small about to feel Mrs. Thatchers hair old named Lennie small. Lennie small minutes before her death. was then killed by the man he had apparently travelled with his whole police, Mr. Small was apparently life, George Milton. According to the feeling the women’s hair when she forensics department of the Soledad struggled but Mr. Small would not

My view on the murder committed by George Milton of Lennie Small is that george did not do it out of revenge, he did it out of love and for the greater good. I do not think George Milton should go to jail because I believe that George Milton killed Lennie Small for several reasons including: George Milton did not want the both of them to


Tuesday 24th february of 1935

Double Murder

Opinionated Column


lose anymore, he didn’t want Lennie get into any other fights at other places, and

Mr. Small and Mr. Milton were always good friends.

Mr. Small was examining a puppy that he had accidently killed when Mrs. Thatcher came in and asked him about the puppy. 10 Minutes later she was found dead by the local ranch workers including her husband.

George did not want Lennie but couldn’t bear leaving him because he feared for Lennie’s health. Also George did not kill Lennie in a brutal way at all, there was a story that Lennie loved to george to tell to him about what would happen when they got a farm, so George told this story and got Lennie to look out over the mountain tops so he would die as peacefully as is possible when being shot. In conclusion i believe that this was a case euthanasia. 1









John Anderson Mr. Anderson led a well-paid and healthy life. He was the owner of the ranch but he also helped all of it’s staff as well as giving several charity’s throughout his life Mr. Anderson will be remembered as a kind and loving man. He has a wife and to children, one boy and one girl. He had lots of friends and was popular among many people. Strong man able to CC CCCCcolumndfdkjshfjnvkjndswoot

Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut


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