Roberto Patrizi
October 13, 2009
Born in Italy, August 09, 1982 Private data removed from online version
[email protected] à http://www.pdfcoke. com/robertopatrizi Education
B ACHELOR ’ S DEGREE IN E LECTRONICS E NGINEERING , ISCED 5A Sapienza, University of Rome Area of expertise: Circuits and algorithms for signal processing THESIS (Experimental): Study of fractional linear circuits in discrete-time domain Final grade: 108/110. Rome, July 23, 2009
U NDERGRADUATE D EGREE IN E LECTRONICS E NGINEERING Sapienza, University of Rome Final grade: 105/110. Rome, December 20, 2005
P IPE ORGAN AND O RGAN COMPOSITION Intermediate degree (Eight year) Licinio Refice, Music Conservatory, Frosinone Final grade: 8.5/10
H IGH SCHOOL Liceo scientifico F. Severi, Frosinone Final grade: 94/100
Work experience
Teacher at Einaudi school, Frosinone Short-term contract Information technology (Database),Electronics, 8 hours per week
Computer skills Advanced knowledge: Windows, Office, Autocad, Photoshop, Latex, Dos Good knowledge: Linux, Access, Flash, Illustrator, Premiere, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Audition, 3DStudioMax… Programming languages: C++, Pascal, Matlab, Html (with Css), SQL, PHP, Latex
Languages Italian: Mother tongue English: Fluent Interests and other information I’ve attended for about 10 years the conservatory choir, during which I have sung in a lot of symphony, opera, and sacred music concerts; I’m the organist in S. Antonio’s church in Frosinone. I’m very keen on photography (digital and analog), and digital image processing techniques. I am skilled in sports like skiing, snowboarding, swimming (CONI FIN license, level 2), windsurfing, sailing (Lega Navale Italiana license, Sabaudia (LT) 1995), skating on ice and on wheels. Bachelor thesis (Title: Study of fractional linear circuits in discrete-time domain) and its video presentation is available at the site . You can find my curriculum vitae on the site Alma Laurea, while an updated curriculum vitae, some works and other information is available at the site http://www.pdfcoke. com/robertopatrizi
Italian privacy law: Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel presente curriculum vita ai sensi della legge 196/2003 "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali".