English Curriculum

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Degree in Medicine 20/11/78

State exam for M.D. in 1978

Subscription to the Medical Society 27/2/1979

Hospital training in Pediatrics from 5/3/1979 to 4/9/1979 with the final mark of: OPTIMAL

Hospital Training in Respiratory Pathophysiology from 1/9/1980 to 28/2/1981 with the final mark of: OPTIMAL

Ph.D. in Pediatrics on 14/7/1983 with the final mark of 70/70 with compliments.

Ph.D. in Pulmonology on 9/7/1990 with the final mark of 50/50.

Medical Assistant of Pediatrics in the Pinerolo Hospital - Piedmont Region from 1/3/1983 to 7/7/1985

Medical Assistant of Pediatrics in the Martini Hospital in Turin - Piedmont Region from 8/7/1985 to 24/5/1987

Medical Assistant of Pulmonology in the Queen Margaret Children Hospital in Turin Piedmont Region from 25/5/1987 to 31/3/1992

Junior Consultant of Pulmonology in the Queen Margaret Children Hospital in Turin Piedmont Region from 1/4/1992 to 28/2/2000

Full-time job from 1/4/1989 to28/2/2000

Director of the Cystic Fibrosis Center in the Queen Margaret Children Hospital from 1997 to 2000.

From 1989 to 2000 dr. Visca performed around 400 bronchoscopies; 10% of them were rigid










bronchoscopies. He was part of the Emergency Bronchoscopy Team in Turin for Pediatric Bronchoscopies. He performed 11 medical echoguided and/or CTguided

pulmonary biopsies. •

Private Pediatrician since August 2002 until today.

Free Choice Pediatrician in ASL 17 – Piedmont Region since August 2002 until today

Teacher of Health Education in the schoolyears 1987-88; 1988-89; 1989-90; 1990-91

Professor of Pediatric Bronchoscopy at the University of Parma (Emilia-Romagna Region) from 1995 to 1998.

Teacher of Respiratory Physiotherapy in the Postgraduate School of Physiotherapy of the Veneto Region.

Teacher of Pulmonology in the School for Nurses in Turin - Piedmont Region in 1991 and 1992

Paper Presenter at the First National Congress of Pediatric Pulmonology - Rome 1113/3/1982

Teacher at the Master in BRONCHIAL ASTHMA IN CHILDREN - S. Margherita Ligure (GE) 9-11/4/1987

Paper Presenter at the CONGRESS: Cystic Fibrosis News - Macello (TO) 16/4/1988

Paper Presenter at the CONGRESS: Pediatric Immunoallergology - Vieste (FG) 20/6/1992

Teacher at the Master in PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS IN CHILDREN - Bari (Puglia Region) 9-10/5/1996

Paper Presenter at the First EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE WORKSHOP - Trieste (FriuliVenezia Giulia Region) 19-20/3/1998


Master in PRACTICAL THORACOSCOPY FOR PULMONOLOGISTS - Marseilles, France - 15-19/11/1993

Stage at THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL - Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - 26/10-8/11/1997

Stage at THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL - Baltimore, Maryland, USA - 5/10-

14/10/1998 •

Master in PEDIATRIC BRONCHOSCOPY at THE BROMPTON HOSPITAL - London, UK - 12/11-14/11/1998

Participation in the 16th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN WORKING GROUP FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS - Prague, Czechoslovakia - 6-9/6/1989







RESPIRATORY FAILURE - Venezia - 4-7/11/1992 •

Participation in the “18th EUROPEAN CYSTIC FIBROSIS CONFERENCE” - Madrid, Spain - 21-26/5/1993

Participation in the 1er Congrès International de Pneumologie Pédiatrique - Nice, France 2-5/6/1994

Participation in the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress - Barcelona, Spain 16-20/9/1995

Participation in the “Tenth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference” Orlando, Florida, USA - 24-27/10/1996

Participation in the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress - Stockholm, Sweden 7-11/9/1996

Participation in the 21st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference - Davos, Switzerland - 17/6/1997

Participation in the Eleventh Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference Nashville, Tennessee, USA - 23-26/10/1997

Participation in the Twelveth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference Montréal, Québec, CDN - 15-18/10/1998

Participation in the Thirteenth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference Seattle, Washington, USA - 7-10/10/1999

Participation in the Fourteenth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference -

Baltimore, Maryland, USA - 27-31/10/2000 •

Participation in the Fifteenth Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference Orlando, Florida, USA - 25-28/10/2001

Director of the Pediatric Project in Fogo Isle - Capoverde in 2003

Pediatrician of The Mopset Project – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – 1/9/200530/6/2006

Printed Articles:

1) Barbera C, Visca A, Ansaldi N: Serum antigluten antibodies in grain showed through techniques of indirect immunofluorescence in coeliac disease. Riv Ital Ped 1979; 5: 197 2) Barbera C, Visca A, Garrone G, Ansaldi N: Prevalence and type of AGA in coeliac disease and other illnesses. The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology 1979; 11: 164 3) Barbera C, Vaglienti D, Garrone G, Visca A, Santini B, Ansaldi N: Endomisial antibodies in duodenal juice and saliva in coeliac children. Riv Ital Ped 1980; 6: 181 4) De Candussio G, Castello D, Sacchetti L, Visca A, Ferraris S: Flow Fall Index in pediatric asthma. Min Ped 1980; 32: 503-10 5) De Candussio G, Ferraris S, Sacchetti L, Visca A, Castello D: Flow/Volume curves in pediatric asthma. Min Ped 1980; 32: 599-606 6) De Candussio G, Franchi D, Sacchetti L, Ferraris S, Visca A, Castello D: Lung aplasia. Min Pneum 1981; 20: 125-32 7) De Candussio G, Visca A, Barocelli F, Castello D: Isoflow/Volume curves in Pediatrics: descriptions of different methods. Riv Ital Ped 1981; 7: 427 8) Visca A, Robusto C: A Sanitary Education experience in Turin schools. Proccedings of the Congress ‘Tobacco smoking in teenagers’ - Torino, 15/12/1981 9) Franchi D, Barocelli PC, Visca A, Ferraris S, Cocuzza S: Follow-up and re-evaluation of Pulmonary Function Tests in Very Low BirthWeight Infants. Min Ped 1982; 34: 169-72 10) Eandi M, Viano I, Buraglio M, Franchi D, Visca A, Brero P, Poncini L: Pharmacokinetic study in

Pediatrics of oral Ampicillin combined to Sobrerol. Biol Med 1982; 4: 349-61 11) Castello D, Franchi D, Ferraris S, Visca A, Vair R: Follow-up and re-evaluation of Pulmonary Function Tests in children with Bronchiolitis. Min Ped 1982; 34: 403-8 12) Visca A: The role of Isoflow/Volume curves in Pediatric Pulmonology. From: Pediatric Pulmonology - Verduci Editor - Roma 1982: pagg. 115-9 13) Castello D, de Candussio G, Franchi D, Ferraris S, Visca A, Leone L: Pharmacokinetic differences between anhydrous theofilline and theofilline-carbocystein combination.. GIMT 1982; 3: 169-73 14) Visca A, de Candussio G, Castello D: Evaluation of oral clenbuterol in preventing Methacholininduced bronchospasm in children with asthma. Ped oggi 1983; 3: 1-7 15) Rustichelli S, Crocco R, Rosa MO, De Cori M, Guarello R, Castello D, Visca A: Bronchopulmonary diseases and male infertility. Investigation on a possible relationship. Proceedings of the 7th Updating Meeting ‘Fertility and Infertility’ - Firenze, 19-21/5/1983 16) Ferraris S, Visca A, Vair R, Frascarolo L, Grossetti R, Flores y Torres Torija MI: Oloprosencephaly. Min Ped 1984; 36: 475-80 17) Ardissone P, Bacolla D, Castello D, Cocuzza S, Visca A, Zaffaroni M: Follow-up and re-evaluation of children with Surfactant Deficit Syndrome. Min Ped 1984; 36: 589-96 18) Baldini G, Barbato A, Bernardi F, Bolgiani MP, Caramia G, Castello D, Ceccaroni Cambi Voglia GC, Cotti G, Forenza N, Ferraris S, Frick R, Gamalero PC, Ghizzoni M, Grzincic GL, Guariso G, Marianelli L, Peirone AP, Uasone R, Visca A: Pneumonia in children. Min Ped 1984; 36: 153-62 19) Castello D, Robusto C, Visca A, Boscarato S, Gaggero L: Side-effects of Bronchography seen with Pulmonary Function Tests. Riv Ital Ped 1987; 13: 20 20) Castello D, Visca A, Franchi D: Respiratory Phisiotherapy in children with bronchial obstruction. Proceedings of the 4th National Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology. - Napoli, 3-5/11/1988 21) Castello D, Grassi E, Visca A, Gaggero L: Bronchography in children. Min Ped 1989; 41: 405-12 22) Castello D, de Candussio G, Visca A, Franchi D, Arossa W, Battistini A: Respiratory Physiotherapy. From: Guide to Cystic Fibrosis Treatment. - Milano 1990: pagg. 25-31 23) Visca A, Caramello P, Franchi D, Gaggero L, de Candussio G: Nematodes’ asthma. A case. Riv Broncopneum Ped 1990; 2: 52-3 24) Arossa W, Visca A: Tuberculosis today. Proceedings of the Congress ALBA PEDIATRIA “Chronic diseases and Antibiotic teatment in childhood” - Alba, 1991

25) Valetto MR, Ghigo E, Gaggero L, Visca A, Valente F, Bellone J, Mazza E, Castello D, Camanni F: Salbutamol/GH interference in children with asthma. Riv Ital Ped 1991; 17: 42-3 26) Orlandi O, Castello D, Notario AM, Gaggero L, Visca A, Castello M: Cigarettes’ smokers’ behaviour. Min Pneum 1991; 30: 125-31 27) Valetto MR, Ghigo E, Gaggero L, Visca A, Valente F, Bellone J, Mazza E, Castello D, Camanni F: Therapeutical doses of salbutamol inhibit the GHRH-induced GH rise in children. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Auxology - Madrid, 15-19/9/1991 28) Valente F, Ghigo E, Gaggero L, Visca A, Valetto MR, Bellone J, Castello D, Camanni F: Therapeutical doses of salbutamol inhibit the GHRH-induced GH rise in children. Proceedings of the Meeting ‘Cellular Biology and Endocrine Pathology’ - Milano, 19-21/12/1991 29) Franchi D, Visca A, Grosso B, Gamna F: Antibiotic allergy and desensitization in a patient with Cystic Fibrosis infected by multiresistant strain of Psedomonas Aeruginosa. Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Congress of Allergology - Belgirate (NO), 13-15/6/1991 30) Visca A, Castello D: Exercise test in Cystic Fibrosis: usefulness and methods. Min Ped 1992; 44: 325-7 31) Castello D, Visca A, Castello M: Modern approach to the natural history of asthma in children. Min Ped 1992; 44: 331-5 32) Visca A, Castello D: Exercise Test. Proceedings of the Days of Allergology and Clinical Immunology “Terrae Maioris” - Pizzomunno (FG), 18-20/6/1992 33) Visca A, Castello M: Preparation of Pediatric patients for Flexible Bronchoscopy: Evaluation of two methods. Proceedings of the Congress ‘Asthma in children’ - Orbassano (TO), 1992 34) Bolgiani MP, Castello D, Bignamini E, Boscarato S, Visca A, Gaggero L, Castello M: Mycobacteriosis in Piedmont: revisiting an Epidemiological study. Riv Broncopneum Ped 1992; 4: 22-31 35) Visca A, Frigerio M: Unusual presentation of a Bronchogenic Cyst. Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of Pediatrics and Neonatology - Savigliano (CN), 11/6/1993 36) Ghigo E, Valetto MR, Gaggero L, Visca A, Valente F, Bellone J, Castello D, Camanni F: Therapeutical doses of salbutamol inhibit the somatotropic responsiveness to growth hormonereleasing hormone in asthmatic children. J Endocrinol Invest 1993; 16: 271-5 37) Santini B, Visca A: Diet regimens and exercise test in Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings of the 18th

European Cystic Fibrosis Conference - Madrid, 21-26/5/1993 38) Visca A, Castello M: News about the relationship between nutrition and respiratory diseases. Min Pneum 1994; 33: 1-6 39) Visca A, Castello D: Preparation of Pediatric Patients for Flexible Bronchoscopy: Evaluation of Two Methods. Journal of Bronchology 1994; 1: 130-2 40) Visca A, Castello M, Castello D: IgG Subclasses in Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings of the 1er Congrès International de Pneumologie Pédiatrique - Nice, 2-5/6/1994 41) Randaccio S, Gandione M, Massaglia P, Castello D, Santini B, Castello M, Visca A: Rorschachtest in CF young patients: first experiences. Proceedings of the 19th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference - Paris, 29/5-3/6/1994 42) Castello M, Visca A, Castello D: Statistical data about a teaching experience on tobacco smoking in teenagers and underteen. Proceedings of the Congress “Pediatric Pulmonology facing 2000” - Pisa, 23-25/6/1994 43) Visca A, Castello M: Diagnosis of sinusitis in children. Proceedings of the Congress “Pediatric Pulmonology facing 2000” - Pisa, 23-25/6/1994 44) Visca A, Castello M, Castello D: IgG subclasses in Cystic Fibrosis. Min Ped 1994; 46: 245-9 45) Castello D, Castello M, Gaggero L, Visca A, Orlandi O: Investigation on tobacco addiction in schoolchildren. Min Ped 1994; 46: 389-94 46) Visca A: Treatment of chronic pulmonary infections in Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings of the 3rd National Congress ‘Pulmonary Infections in Cystic Fibrosis’ - Firenze, 17-18/2/1995 47) Visca A: Flexible Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy in children. Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of Pediatrics and Neonatology - Savigliano (CN), 9/6/1995 48) Castello D, Visca A, Castello M: Tuberculosis. Min Pneum 1995; 34: 1-6 49) Visca A, Castello M, De Filippi C: Sinusitis in children. Min Ped 1995; 47: 171-4 50) Castello D, Visca A, Castello M: Tuberculosis: an ancient ghost reappearing. Riv Broncopneum Ped 1995; 7: 13-20 51) Visca A, Bignamini E: Concentration of inhaled amiloride in Cystic Fibrosis. Lancet 1996; 347: 1126 52) Visca A, Bignamini E: Added benefit from inhaled 7.5 mM amiloride in children with Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings of the 12nd International Cystic Fibrosis Congress - Jerusalem, 6/1996

53) Visca A, Castello D: Lung Transplantation in Pulmonary Hemangiomatosis. Eur Respir J 1996; 9: 321s-2s 54) Castello D, Visca A, Castello M, Ivaldi P, Bugiani M: The Sweat Test. Min Ped 1996; 48: 267-70 55) Bignamini E, Visca A, Defilippi C, Castello D: Bronchial Carcinoid. Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of Pediatrics and Neonatology. Savigliano (CN), 24/5/1996 56) Visca A, Bignamini E, Mari C: Alcaligenes Xylosoxidans chronic infection in cystic fibrosis patients: an emerging problem. Proceedings of the 21st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference Davos, 6/1997 57) Visca A, Bignamini E, Castello M: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa chronic infection in Cystic Fibrosis: the Danish approach revisited. Proceedings of the 21st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference - Davos, 6/1997 58) Visca A, La Grutta S: Hypoxic and Hypoxic/Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure. Riv Ital Ped 1997; 23 Suppl: 7 59) Visca A: Pathogenesis of Hypoxia and Hypercapnia. Riv Ital Pediatr 1997; 23 Suppl: 5-6 60) Visca A: Respiratory Diseases in Newborns. From: Mussa G: Manual of Pediatrics - Libreria Cortina Editor - Torino 1997 61) Castello D, Visca A: Pulmonary Physiotherapy. From: Mussa G: Manual of Pediatrics - Libreria Cortina Editor - Torino 1997 62) Visca A, de Candussio G: Instrumental Diagnosis of Pulmonary Diseases in Children. From: Mussa G: Manual of Pediatrics - Libreria Cortina Editor - Torino 1997 63) Castello D, Castello M, Visca A: News on Cystic Fibrosis: Treatment. Riv Ital Broncopneumol Pediatr 1997; 1: 119-23 64) Romano L, Visca A, Galietta LJV: Pharmacological Correction of the basic defect in Cystic Fibrosis. Riv Ital Pediatr 1998; 24 Suppl: 105-10 65) Visca A: Cystic Fibrosis: News and progress in research and treatment. Torino Medica 1998; 7/8: 19-20 66) Visca A, Castello D, Bignamini E, Castello M: Spontaneous regression in a case of Pulmonary Haemangiomatosis. Riv Ital Broncopneumol Pediatr 1998;3:218-220 67) Castello D, Mari C, Visca A: Anti-Pseudomonas precipitating Antibodies as markers of chronic infection in Cystic Fibrosis. Minerva Pediatr 1999;51;47-51

68) Visca A, Bignamini E, Goia M, Nebiolo F, Castello M, Castello D: Nasal Potential Difference: a modern diagnostic approach to Cystic Fibrosis. Proceedings of the Regional Meeting of Pediatrics and Neonatology - Savigliano 4 giugno 1999 69) Visca A, Castello D: Sedacijos budai vaikui tirti lansciuoju bronchoskopu. Rivista Lituana di Pediatria . 1999 70) Visca A: News on tricking CFTR. Fibrosi Cistica-Aggiornamento Bibliografico-Centro Regionale Veneto Fibrosi Cistica 1999 71) Visca A: 15th North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Torino Medica 2001;11:47-48 72) Visca A: Adherence to treatment and self-prescription of new drugs-An emerging problem. Ped Pulmonol 2002;10:270

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