English Course

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ENGLISH COURSE IN JAKARTA ISLAMIC CENTRE PROJECT FIRST MEETING ( Thursday, Pebruary 22, 2007) I.GREETING & INTRODUCTION 1. THE FIRST MEETING Digunakan untuk menyapa atau berkenalan saat ketemu yang pertama kali. A = Hello, B = Hello, A = My name is Alung B = My name is Widoyo A = How do you do ?

B = How do you do ?

Atau boleh juga dengan alternative lain sbb: A = Nice to meet you A = Good to see you A = Glad to see you A = Happy to see you A = Plesure to meet you A = Pleased to meet you 2.

B = Nice to meet you, too B = Good to see you, too B = Glad to see you, too B = Happy to see you, too B = Plesure to meet you, too B = Pleased to meet you, too


Digunakan untuk menyapa pada saat ketemu yang kedua kali dan seterusnya. A = Hello, B = Hello, A = How are you today ? A = I am fine too, tanks.

B = I am fine tanks, and you ?

Atau boleh juga dengan alternative lain sbb: A = How are you doing ? How are you getting on ? How are thing with you ? How have you been ?

B = I am great tanks, and you ? I am OK tanks, and you ? I am allright tanks, and you ? I am Well tanks, and you ? 1

How is life ?

I am So so tanks, and you ? I am So far so good tanks , ..? I am Wonderful tanks , ..? I am Fantastic tanks , ..? I am Good tanks , ..? I am Amazing tanks , ..? I am Prety well tanks , ..? B = I am sorry, I am not OK today ? I am terrific today ? I am warvellows today ?

SECOND MEETING ( Tuesday, Pebruary 27, 2007) Contoh percakapan: A = How are you doing today ? B = I am sorry, I am not Ok today A = What is wrong with you ? B = I have the flu A = I think you had better take a Panadol ! B = OK, I will take it, tanks I have the flu (pilek) / khusus flu memakai the I have a cough (batuk) I have a head ache (sakit kepala) I have a stomash ache (sakit perut) I am sick (sakit) I have a fever (demam) I have a dengue fever(demam berdarah) I have a tooth ache (sakit gigi) I have a sprue (sariawan) I have a throat ache (sakit tenggorokan) I have a heart burn (panas dalam) I have a cold (masuk angin) I have a callic (mules) I have a menstrual problem (lagi menstruasi) I have a financial problem(lagi bokek) I have a back ache(sakit pinggang) I have a gastritis (mag) Ababila rasa sakitnya terlalu maka bias di tambah bad / very bad didepan rasa sakit tsb


I have a bad cough (sangat batuk) I have a very bad fever ( sangat sekali demam) Ungkapan sehari hari: I broke my leg ( kaki saya patah) I broke my arm ( tangan saya patah) I broke my neck ( leher saya patah) I twisted my ankle ( keseleo) I sprained my ankle ( keseleo) I slipped my tongue ( salah omong) Jhon Fran Kennedy = Jhon Fran Kennedy Bertanya tentang pekerjaan: What do you do ? What are you ? What is your job ? What is your accupation ? What is your position ?

First Name Middle Name Last Name

I am a drafter I am a site manager I am an administrative staff

Bagaimana kalau pulang bareng ? How about going home together ? What about going home together ? Bolehkah saya numpang ? May I get aride with you ?

THIRD MEETING ( Thursday, March 1, 2007) SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE ROUTINE ACTIVITIES Well, I want to tell you about my routine activities at home in the morning: First, I get up at 4.30 everyday (bangun) 3

Next, I brush my teeth ( gosok gigi) Then, I take a Subuh prayer ( Sholat Subuh) Next, I take a bath (Mandi) After that, I read a newspaper (baca Koran) Next, I have breakfast (sarapan) Finally, I go to my office at 7 o’clock That is all, tank you Get Brush

-got -brushed

-got -brushed

FIKTO’S ROUTINE ACTIVITIES Well, I want to tell you about Fikto’s routine activities at home in the morning: First, He gets up at 5 o’clock everyday Next, He brushes his teeth ( gosok gigi) Then, He takes a Subuh prayer Next, He takes a bath After that, He has breakfast Next, He reads a newspaper Finally, He goes to his office at 7 o’clock That is all, tank you Disasters : musibah Natural disasters : bencana alam Earth quake Flood Land slide Typhoon Volcano eruption : gunung meletus Volcano explotion : gunung meletus Human Error

Care less


: gempa bumi : banjir : longsor : angin topan

: Bus accident Train accident Ship accident Plane accident : Ceroboh Care lessness: Kecerobohan Side walk : Pedagang kaki lima Vendor(s) : Pedagang keliling


: Orang beradab

FOURTH MEETING ( Thursday, March 8, 2007) II.2(TWO) TYPES QUESTION 1. YES / NO QUESTION Do You work everyday ? Do They work everyday ? Do We work everyday ? Do I work everyday ?

Yes, I do Yes, They do Yes, You do Yes, You do

No, I don’t No, They don’t No, You don’t No, You don’t

Does Does Does

Yes, He does Yes, She does Yes, It does

No, He doesn’t No, She doesn’t No, It doesn’t

He work everyday ? She work everyday ? It work everyday ?

Do you like fried noodle ? Fried Fried Noodle Fried Cassava Fried Tofu Fried Soybean Cake Fried Egg Fried Fish Fried Shrimp Fried Meat Ball Chip Shrimp chip

Yes, I do

No, I don’t

: Goreng : Mie goreng : Singkong goreng : Tahu goreng : Tempe goreng : Telur goreng : Ikan goreng : Udang goreng : Bakso goreng : Kerupuk : Kerupuk udang

Do you have any questions ?

Yes, I do

No, I don’t

Morning : 00.00 AM until 12.00 AM Afternoon : 12.00 AM until 06.00 PM Evening : 06.00 PM until 24.00 PM ROUTINE ACTIVITIES Well, I want to tell you about my routine activities at home in the morning: First, I get up at 4 o’clock everyday Then, I take a Subuh prayer Next, I take a bath After that, I get dressed 5

Next, I drink a cup of coffee Finally, I go to my office at 5 o’clock That is all, tank you Next, Then, After that dll adalah Penyambung kalimat dan disebut Centence Connectors I take an English course twice a week I take a Computer course twice a week FIFTH MEETING ( Tuesday, March 13, 2007) FIKTO’S ROUTINE ACTIVITIES Well, I want to tell you about Fikto’s routine activities at home in the morning: First, He gets up at 5 o’clock everyday Then, He takes a Subuh prayer Next, He takes a bath After that, He has breakfast Next, He reads a newspaper Finally, He goes to his office at 7 o’clock That is all, tank you ADVERB OF FREQUENCY ( Sisipan kebiasaan) Always Selalu :100% Usually Biasanya : 90% Often Sering : 60% Sometimes Kadang2 : 30% Seldom Never

Jarang : 10% Tidak pernah : 0%

Sisipan tersebut bias disisipkan di jawaban untuk menekankan frequencynya Do you usually get up at 5 o’clock in the morning? Yes, I usually do Khusus untuk Seldom dan Never kata bantunya negatifnya tidak pakai not Do you go to your office at 3 o’clock ? No, I never do 2.




: Siapa Who calls you everynight? Miss Ana calls me everynight What : Apa What do you like to drink? I like some tea to drink Where : Dimana/kemana Where do you live? I live on Jl.Gajahmada, Jakarta When : Kapan When do you take an English course? I take an English course twice a week Why : Kenapa Why do you like coffee? Becouse It is great taste Which : Yang mana Which spidol do you want? I want the green one Which spidols do you want? I want the green ones Which spidols do you want? I want both of them Whose : Punya siapa Whose handphone is that? That is Alung’s handphone Whom : Kepada siapa Whom do you call everynight? I call Miss Ana everynight How : Bagaimana How do you come here ? I come here by motorcycle Possessive adjective My Your His Her Our Their Its

Possessive Pronouns Mine Yours His Hers Ours Theirs Its

Possessive ‘s’ Mr.Alung’s HP Mr.Fikto’s HP

He is a bully (preman) Jamak jadi: They are bullies That one Those ones

: itu : itu

This one These ones

: ini : ini


(dis) (diz)

SIXTH MEETING ( Thursday, March 15, 2007) Self : Sendiri Self Assurance

Assurance : Sugesti

:Keyakinan 7

Perbedaan Who dan Whom Who = menanyakan Subject Who do you love ? Susan loves me = S + V + O Buat kalimat tanya! + Mr.Alung helps me work in the office ? Who helps you work in the office ? + My wife makes my breakfast every morning ? Who makes your breakfast every morning ? Whom = menanyakan Object Whom do you love ? I love Susan


Buat kalimat tanya! + I live with my wife ? With whom do you live ? + I buy a pack of cigarettes for Mr.Alung ? For whom do you buy a pack cigarettes ? + I make a cup of coffee for Mr.Ramli ? For whom do you make a cup of coffee ? + I send a letter to my father every month ? To whom do you send a letter every month ? Ket : Kata kerja Intransitif yaitu kata kerja yang tidak bias langsung diikuti Object ( harus ada Preposition) Contoh: I live my wife salah I live with my wife benar Supper : Makan malam setelah waktu dinner Brunch : Makan pagi setelah waktu breakfast To make a date with : kencan Whom do you make a date with every Saturday night ? Siapa yang anda kencani setiap sabtu malam ? Whom does she love now ? Siapa yang dia cintai sekarang ? Diam Ojeg Bajaj


: Quiet : Motorcycle taxi : Threecycle taxi

Ojeg sepeda : Bycycle taxi Becak : Pedicap Angkot : A small public van

SEVENTH MEETING ( Tuesday, March 20, 2007) What What is your addres ? Dimana alamatmu ? What is your problem ? Apa masalahmu ? What do you eat for breakfast ? Apa yang kamu makan untuk sarapan ? What do you think about everynight ? Apa yang kamu pikirkan setiap malam ? What is your handphone number ? Berapa nomor handphonemu ? Where Where do you work ? Dimana kamu kerja ? Where do you usually buy a telephone voucher ? Dimana kamu biasa beli vocer ? Where do you usually eat for lunch ? Dimana kamu biasa makan siang ? When When do you start work everyday? In the morning Kapan kamu mulai kerja ? Pagi hari When do you break for drinking coffee ? In the afternoon Kapan kamu istirahat minum kopi ? Siang hari What time ( untuk Tanya waktu lebih spesifik) Until what time does she work in the office ? She works until 4 o’clock Sampai jam berapa dia bekerja di kantor? Sampai jam 4 Why Why do you keep quiet everyday ? Why do you keep sealent everyday ? Kenapa diam saja setiap hari ? Which Which one is yours ? This one is mine 9

Which ones are yours ?

These ones are mine

Whose Whose he is this ? Whose pen are these ?

This is mine / It is mine Those are mine

How How do you speak English so fluently ? Bagaimana kamu berbicara bahasa Inggris begitu lancar ? How do you come here ? I come here on foot(jalan kaki) Tempat parkir Bismillah Alhamdulillah Insya Allah

: Parking lot : in the name of God : Tanks god : God willing

EIGHT MEETING ( Thursday, March 22, 2007) TELLING THE TIME What time is it ? It is 12 o,clock ( twelve eklok) It is 12 o,clock sharp( twelve eklok sap)/untuk tepat It is 12.05 ( it is twelve oh faif ) It is 12.42 ( it is twelve forty two) Before she goes to bed, she writes aletter (penyambung kalimat dg koma) She writes aletter before she goes to bed (penyambung kalimat tanpa koma) Before going to bed, she writes aletter (kalau dg going to, subject hilang) She writes aletter before going to bed (kalau dg going to, subject hilang) Susan writes something at her diary before she goes to bed Wife to be

: calon istri

How old are you ? I am thirty five years old now How old is your wife ? She is twenty seven years old now Sampai jam berapa susan bekerja ? Untill what time does Susan work ? By rail = by train By air = by plane


: naik kereta : naik pesawat

By land = by bus On foot Steam boat Bird Paradise Popular (papyule) Guava A house wife GOR Belt Hold Buxom (baksem) Slim Straight(streij) Fairskin

: naik bus : jalan kaki : Kapal api : Burung merak : popular : Jambu : Ibu rumah tangga : Youth center (yuth sente) : Sabuk : Memegang : Montok : Ramping : lurus : Kulit kuning langsat

NINTH MEETING ( Tuesday, March 27, 2007) ROUTINE ACTIVITIES IN THE EVENING Well, I want to tell you about my routine activities at home in the evening: First, I take a bath (Mandi) Next, I take a evening prayer at 6.15 Then, I have dinner Next, I take a second evening prayer After that, I read a book Next, I watch television Finally, I go to bed at 11 o’clock That is all, tank you Buku apa yang dia baca sebelum tidur ? What book does he read before he goes to bed ? He reads a novel before he goes to bed Wage : gaji harian Selery : gaji bulanan Forestry staff : Staf kehutanan Ministry Forestry : Kementrian kehutanan Minister Forestry : Mentri Kehutanan FAMILY AND RELATIVE(S)


Dalam bahasa Inggris yang disebut keluarga adalah Suami, Istri dan Anak Suami Istri Anak-anak Anak laki-laki Anak perempuan

: Husband : Wife : Children : Son : Doughter Saudara laki laki : Brother Sdr perempuan : Sister

Sedangkan untuk yang disebut kerabat yaitu : Orang tua : Parents Bapak : Father Ibu : Mother Paman : Uncle Bibi : Aunt / Antie Kakek : Grand fatrher Nenek : Grand mother Cucu : Grand son / doughter Cicit : Great grand son / doughter Keponakan : Cousin Laki-laki : Nephew Perempuan : Niese Saudara tiri : Brother/sister in law Ayah/Ibu tiri : Father/ mother in law Do you have any brothers or sisters ? Ihave four sisters and I am in the middle My eldest sister is about 40 years old now My elder sister is about 38 years old now I am 35 years old now My younger sister is about 30 years old now My youngest sister is about 27 years old now Wassalam Kota kelahiran Wife Kinfe

: Goodbye! / Peace be with you (perdamaian bersamamu) : Home town : istri jamaknya : Wives : pisau jamaknya : Knives

Pemakaian SIR dan MR Sir : tidak diikuti nama orang


Mr. : diikuti nama umumnya last name John Kennedy Bush

: Mr.Bush

TENTH MEETING ( Thursday, March 29, 2007) COUNTRIES NATIONALITY Indonesia Indonesian Singapore Singaporean Malaysia Malaysian The Philippines Filipino Thailand Thai Korea Korean Brunei Bruneian Vietnam Vietnamese Japan Japanese China Chinese America/USA American England/UK British/English Canada Canadian Australia Australian Germany German France French Spain Spainish Portugal Portuguese Switzerland Swiss The Netherland/ Holland Dutch Saudi Arabia Arab

LANGUAGE Indonesian Malay Tagalog Thai Korean Malay Vietnamese Japanese Chinese/Mandarin English English English English German French Spainish Portuguese French Dutch Arabic


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