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  • November 2019
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Nissan 5768 Our slave mentality is the only thing holding back the redemption, rebuilding of the Temple, neutralizing of our enemies and unlimited settlement throughout Eretz Yisrael


Nahman of Breslov said: "You are where your thoughts are, make sure your thoughts are where you wish to be." We must never underestimate the power of thought that every Jew is gifted with. For example, a Jew who does not take himself seriously in his own mind, will not be taken seriously by the gentiles, as we can learn from the Jewish spies who were sent by Moses on a mission of reconnaissance to tour the land and who reported back on the giants seen in the land of Canaan, and added, "We were in our own eyes as grasshoppers – and this is how we were perceived by them." (Deuteronomy 13, 33)

of Exile. There is much truth in the old Jewish adage about how relatively easy it is to physically extricate the Jew from the geographic Exile, yet how difficult a task it is to take the Exile (complexes) out of the Jew.

Anyone who still has doubts about the severity of the age-old chronic Jewish ghetto complex, that controls the thoughts and the deeds of modern day Israeli leaders, need only look at the pathetic prostration of Jewish leaders at the heels of Condoleeza Rice or the next US envoy to visit Israel, as our leaders concede more land and make greater suicidal concessions in their futile attempt to buy the love of the visiting Gentile/ master. The recent removal of the roadblock checkpoints to ease living conditions for the enemy This is not only the case with regard population, and to bring a smile to how we are perceived by our to Condeleeza's face, like all of the enemies but also how we perceive other Israeli concessions will once the strength of our enemies. again translate into facilitating the Sometimes we create in our own murder of more innocent Jews, God minds a legendary enemy and forbid. generate a false image of an enemy that represents an all-powerful The average Israeli knows very well invincible force, despite the opposite that we will not buy the love of the reality on the ground. The strength gentiles by removing checkpoints of our enemies is primarily a result and that we will only endanger of the image attached to them in the ourselves with such suicidal gestures. Jewish national collective brain and This can be seen in the results of mindset. Unfortunately, the Jewish the general opinion surveys taken "national brain" is governed by to measure Israeli public opinion. A leaders who are still hostages to an poll commissioned by the Knesset obsessive ghetto complex and slave TV channel 23 Adar B, showed that mentality, born of thousands of years 75 percent of the population believe

Editor's Note:


would like to thank, from the depth of my heart, those subscribers to "Kach Hee Darka Shel Torah" who came to my trial (18th of Adar B) to show support and solidarity in the courtroom and in the protest outside at my sentencing for the crime of holding our referendum for Israel. It certainly was encouraging to hear the protest melodies of Ari Ben Yam, Ben Levine, Yerachmiel "Rocky" and Yakov Yavneh as well as the protest chanting that pierced the halls of the courthouse and that made it difficult indeed to hear the Judge, Rivkah Freedman-Feldman. The judge was forced to leave the window open due to a problem with her air-conditioner. I was sentenced to 6 months suspended sentence and 200 hours of community service. Before the judge read her decision she offered me my right to argue for sentencing. While I had no shortage of technical legal arguments and sentencing precedence in my bag I could not lower myself to enter into this corrupt game. I simply offered the judge an opportunity to repent if she could reverse her guilty verdict. When she explained that she could not do this, I then stood up and said: "I would like to utter a prayer, may God uproot the evil government from the land and may He restore the former glory of the courts." I then sat down to enjoy the music until she read her decision. I hope to find


>>> Editor's Note: the resources to appeal the verdict and the sentencing. Anyone wishing to contribute towards the legal defense fund can do so by sending a generous contribution to Mishalot Yisrael – Legual, POBox 6592 Jerusalem, Israel. In recent days we have stood before new challenges and tests with the new administrative order calling for the renewed closure of the kennels and the renewed confiscation of all of our dogs and equipment after we have again been classified as terrorists. The new order authorizes the closure of the kennels and the hilltop yeshiva. The order was due to be executed on the same day that Arabs beat them to the punch and torched the hilltop. We had already removed most valuable equipment, holy books and the dozens of dogs that trained there, weeks ago, upon receiving early notice of the impending new administrative order. The Arabs obviously were well aware of the fact that there were no longer dogs on the hill and seized the opportunity to torch the Torah studyhall. The forces of evil are still preparing to confiscate the remains of the hill. Perhaps they will prepare jars with ashes to give as a souvenir to Condoleeza. Those wishing to contribute towards our efforts to rebuild as well as to relocate additional branches of our unique Yeshiva canine academy can send contributions to Klavim LHganat Yisrael POBox 6592 Jerusalem Israel. To help us continue to disseminate the "Jewish Idea" please send a generous contribution to the same address but earmarked for Mishalot Yisrael. May you and yours have a wonderful Pesach and may we merit to usher in the final redemption. With Love of Israel, Yekutiel Guzofsky

>> Our slave mentality.... continuation >>>> that there can be no peaceful resolution reached with the Arabs and that regardless of any peace deal, Israel would need to transfer the Arabs out.

National cycle of madness and loop of insanity Many ask, "If it is so obvious that it is self destructive to cave into international pressure and if this policy of appeasement stands in such stark contrast to the will of the majority of Israelis, then why do Israeli leaders continue down the road paved with suicidal concessions to the Arabs?" In order to answer this question we need to offer a psychological analysis of Israeli leaders. In order to cure the illness we must first identify and quarantine it. There is no other way to free ourselves of this national cycle of madness and "loop of insanity."

The age old ghetto complex We can find a root to the common Jewish ghetto complex and to the lowly slave mentality that often causes the slave to work against his own survival interests in the biblical commentary of the Ibn Ezra (Shemot 14:13). There the Ibn Ezra attempts to explain why the massive Jewish encampment near the sea did not attempt to preempt or to defend themselves against the relatively smaller group of Egyptian forces that effectively sealed the Jews off by the sea. This is an Ibn Ezra that Rabbi Meir Kahane often quoted, "One need be astonished by the fact that such a huge camp

numbering more than 600,000 people would be so frightened of those who were pursuing them, and why they did not fight for their lives and the lives of their children? The answer lies in the fact that the Egyptians were the masters of the Jews, and this generation of Jews leaving Egypt internalized from a young age to suffer under the yoke of the Egyptians and their souls were low and downtrodden, so how could they now fight against their masters…for this reason they had to die out in the wilderness….until another generation would arise (to enter the land and fight the necessary battles), a generation born in the wilderness that never witnessed servitude of the Exile and that possessed a higher soul." Rabbi Meir Kahane in his book "Or Harayon" (Hebrew, page 220) adds: The Ibn Ezra has given us a great new insight, by establishing that back then, already, by the Sea, at the beginning of the Exodus from Egypt, G-d already decided that this generation would not enter the land of Eretz Yisrael, for only a nation with a higher soul would be capable to have the necessary faith in G-d to stand up against the goyimnations…and thus, G-d prevents them from entering the land, something which tragically was not the case in our generation. For today, the generation of the wilderness and of the Erevrav – mixed multitudes - are both governing the land, and where is their faith? Voy for us, that the soul yearning is a lowly soul (play on words of the "soul


>> Our slave mentality.... continuation >>>| yearning" depicted in the Hatikva – national Israeli anthem), and the voice heard in the land is that of the slave's soul and of the soul of the Exile. Only a Jew who can free himself of the Exile and of the Torah of the Exile – that has been inevitably influenced by the degradation and fear of the gentile – is capable of standing proud and with courage against the Goy."

Moshiach comes there will be no dangerous beasts. The neutralizing or disappearance of such animals appears to be a clear change in the course of nature.

This is perhaps what the Rambam means when he rules like Shmuel in Hilchot Milachim Chapter 12, "There is no difference between our days and the days of Messiah other than our enslavement to gentile powers." Rabbi Professor Daniel Hershkowitz wrote a fascinating article to explain the Rambam's position (Shabbaton Newsletter, Pesach 5766). There he outlines that the Rambam maintains that the prophesy that states that in the times of Messiah dangerous beasts will no longer pose a threat to mankind is something that is controlled by our mindset and state of mind. The Rambam holds that in the time of Messiah there will be no great miracles or change of nature – what will happen is a change of our perception of these "threats" and a new frame of mind that no longer is frightened of these "dangers". Rabbi Hershkowitz expands this concept and establishes that fear (and our ghetto complexes) is what is holding us back from entering into the Messianic era.

He brings down two laws concerning "chametz that is no longer chametz" which could still again turn into chametz such as in the case of "chametz that is not fit to be eaten by a dog." The law is that if a person nonetheless decides to eat such a disgusting or spoiled piece of food, the food again turns into chametz due to the fact that the person now considers it to be worthy. This is also the law when a person nullifies their chametz, and later wishes to acquire it. In both of these cases, the food turns back into chametz merely because the person now considers it in his mind to be a worthy piece of food. (The Kehilat Yaakov's explanation of the Ramban).

Rabbi Hershkowitz develops his conclusion in explaining the Rambam as an answer to the question that the Raavad asks on the general position of the Rambam from a verse in Vayikra 26, 6 where it states that when

Rabbi Hershkowitz answers this question of the Raavad in a unique and interesting way, comparing the concept of the messianic era with the halachic concept of chametz.

The answer to the Raavad's question on the Rambam is now clear, the threat of the beasts will no longer be a concern because we will no longer be controlled by that fear and we will not be in that mindset. Similarly, our place among the nations and our subjugation to the nations will be nullified because we will free our minds of fear. In reality that slave mentality and fear is the only thing stopping us from realizing a complete redemption. It is all in our mind. From the moment we free ourselves of that fear of the

nations that grips our heart and soul and that prevents us from following G-d's wishes, we will experience the messianic era. This is why the Jews were not redeemed from Egypt until they killed the Paschal lamb, which was the Egyptian god. The moment they were able to overcome the fear of their Egyptian masters they could be redeemed. The bondage was all in their brain. What is preventing us from building the temple, renewing the sacrifices and driving our enemies out of the land? What is preventing us from attacking Iran before Iran becomes a strategic threat to our very existence? It is a slave mentality and a fear that remains in our brains only. The moment we decide to place our faith in G-d and to do that, which we are obligated to do, we will usher in the messianic era in all of its glory. Until then we will remain slaves to our self induced slavery and Exile. The only thing that changes in Messianic times is our enslavement to the Gentiles, according to the Rambam. The only thing that is holding back these Messianic times is our fear of the nations. It is not Moshiach who performs miracles according to the Rambam, it is Jews who do all of the things that they are waiting for the Messiah to do, who bring the Messiah.

Happy Passover!


The new administrative orders (from www.voiceofjudea.com)

Tapuach Hill Elnakam-4 torched, cops aim to complete the pogrom Sunday night the Tapuach Response Team and volunteer fire dept woke up to a horrible fire on the Tapuach hilltop known as El Nakam-4. The last remaining tent that housed a Torah study-hall, dormitory and dining hall for the small unique canine yeshiva was torched at approximately 3:00 AM. Miraculously, no holy books were damaged and nobody was harmed in the fierce fire, which is believed to have been started by gas firebombs tossed lit into the tent by Arabs. Firefighters controlled the blaze by 4:00 AM and military trackers were unable to find conclusive evidence or direction of the fleeing arsonists. The entire hill has been slated for destruction by the IDF Central Commander Gad Shamni like most other "illegal" hills in

Judea and Samaria. The police were scheduled to tear down the remaining tent at 6:00 AM and to seal the area off. The forty specially trained canines that were kept and/or trained on the hill were removed several weeks ago, after the Administrative Closure Order was leaked out early to the directors of the Canine Yeshiva program. Clearly, the earlier evacuation of the dogs by order of the central Military Command was a breach in security that enabled the terrorists to sneak on to the hill and carry out their attack. Yekutiel Ben Yaakov, Director of the program said "I wonder if Shamni will still send his troops to confiscate the ashes he has brought about of our once thriving hilltop. If it was not sad it would be comical. Our dogs and students have saved countless lives in Israel. We will continue to do so. How many Jews will Israeli leaders continue to sacrifice to appease the international community? How far will Shamni and Olmert go to strip Jews in Israel of any basic right or tool of self defense against pogroms like the ones we are seeing here in Israel these days?"

For more info call 0544876709 email [email protected] donate online www.defendisrael.net or send a generous check now to help rebuild: "Canine Yeshiva Academy" POBox 6592 Jerusalem Israel


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