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  • Words: 886
  • Pages: 2
The Western media and the Western governments are like the forked ends of a serpent's tongue. And the tongue of course leads to the head. And the head is fully capable of killing and swallowing its victim. Along the course of modern history that has always been proven true. First the forked ends of the tongue would seek out the victim. Then the serpent would corner the intended victim and kill and swallow it. The latest victim nowadays seems to be the Islamic Republic of Iran. First the Western governments falsely and repeatedly accused Iran of developing atomic weapons. And now the western media have started to instigate and spread havoc in Iran itself. The opportunity came after the recent presidential elections. Mousavi lost, but because he was the appointed darling of the West, the Western media started to whip up lies and untruths even before the election ended with the aim of making the election a foregone conclusion: A victory for Mousavi. But Mousavi lost and the lies and untruths made it possible for havoc to take place. He and his supporters took to the streets cheered on by the Western media and proceeded to damage, vandalise, destroy and burn property that belonged to innocent people. Mousavi is a traitor nothing less. He is no different from the type of politicians like Goebbels. When Hitler died and Goebbels became the temporary Reich Chancellor, a German military commander pleaded with him to avoid further fighting in Berlin, allow the civilians to leave and end the war. But his reply was: The German people voted for us (in 1933) & they have to put up with the consequences. Mousavi & Goebbels are the kind of politicians who would sacrifice their own people and country at the drop of a hat for their own selfish ends. The government of Iran should now decide if there are enough grounds to prosecute Mousavi for the damage and destruction that was done by Mousavi and his group over the recent days. Mousavi and his minions have so shamelessly accepted the embrace of the West. So disgusting, so very evil and totally unforgivable. The western media and governments have gone way over the top in their meddling in the internal affairs of Iran. By their ceaseless meddling, the internal situation in Iran became very extraordinary and people were fully prepared to use violence when the predictions of the West did not materialise. The West should remember that in 2000 Gore won the vote but lost the presidency. Foreign nations and foreign media did not interfere in the US presidential elections despite the unexpected victory by Bush. Gore was expected to win but in the end he lost. Gore did not sell out his country to others unlike Mousavi. Otherwise the US could have witnessed mass rioting then. over the recent years the Western governments have been very carefully orchestrating a vicious propaganda campaign against Iran. People like Merkel, Sarkozy, Brown, the US intelligence agencies and others kept on insisting that |Iran was about to get hold of the bomb. The IAEA has so far found no clear evidence of such accusations. Yet the West continued to picture Iran as a nuclear threat and Bush proceeded to

sell his missile defence shield idea to his unwitting partners. Merkel, Sarkozy, Brown and the rest are usurpers. The IAEA is the one authority to decide if Iran was indeed walking the nuclear path. So far there has been no evidence of it but the usurpers have ignored the facts and instead continued to press ahead with the falsehoods & lies. The Western usurpers and their intelligence agencies have always been ready to employ such lies and falsehoods to achieve certain desired ends. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident in 1964 was just one such falsehood perpetuated by one western government to achieve a certain goal. Via the highly secret Operation Plan 34-Alpha, the US misled the world into believing that North Vietnam had attacked American forces. It allowed then President Johnson to order 'retaliatory' action against Hanoi and paved the way for direct American intervention in Vietnam. The result was more than a decade of slaughter in Vietnam as well as in the surrounding countries. Tons and tons of innocent blood flowed but the West had absolutely no remorse about it. The same thing is again happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places. And now Iran could be the next 'candidate'. The West are a bunch of devil kings which exist in human form on our planet. They are out to corrupt, immoralise and wreak havoc on the rest of humankind. They have decided to choose Hell as their final destination and at the same time they are determined to force the rest of mankind to provide them company. We must be aware of their evil intentions and not fall for their trap. Otherwise we will end up in the same place as them. Their only place is Hell itself. Hell is their right destination as their father is none other than Lucifer himself. But others still have a choice of their own to make as to what their final destination is going to be. Hell need not be the final destination if we decide to reject the embrace of the West. Be forewarned !

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