En 122 Worksheets U4

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,285
  • Pages: 8
Unit 4

1. Use the adjectives to fill the gaps in the conversation. expensive









1. Do you like New York?

Yes, it’s a really _______ place.

2. How ________ is your boss?

He’s about thirty-five.

3. There’s a lot of money in Atlanta.

Yes, it’s a _______rich city.

4. How ________ is your car?

Its top speed’s about 200km/hour.

5. This place isn’t very ________.

No, there’s rubbish everywhere.

6. The weather’s good today, isn’t it?

Yes, it’s very _______ and _____.

7. Can I speak to you for a moment?

No, I’m sorry, I’m very _______

8. Is this ____________?

No, it’s only $5.

2. Listen to the story and use the adjectives to fill the gaps. cold








clean quiet

The Loyola Law School? I love it. I think it’s a really (1) ___________ building. I mean, it’s (2)_________ and it’s beautiful. The street? It’s nothing special. It’s a (3)_________ street, it’s usually (4)__________ . You now, it’s a good area. It’s not a (5)________ area, but it’s (6)_______. And the car? Actually, that’s my car. I always park there on Tuesday. OK, it’s not an (7)_____________ car, but it’s very, very (8)________. So, today’s weather? Well, it’s (9)________ and it’s (10) _________ .

3. Complete this table Adjective



1. good



2. …………..



3. …………..



4. tall



5. important



6. …………



7. big



8. …………



9. beautiful




more difficult


11. badly



12. handsome



13. many



14. thin



15. funny



4. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the words 1. This chair is (comfortable)

more comfortable than

that chair.

2. Your apartment is (large) _________________ mine. 3. It’s (warm) ______________ today _____________ yesterday. 4. Tom’s mustache is ____________________ Don’s. 5. Love is (important) _________________ money. 6. I’m (lazy) ______________________ my roommate. 7. My brother is (tall) __________________ I am. 8. Iron is (heavy) ______________________ wood. 9. My physics course is (difficult) ____________my math course. 10. Nadia’s English is (good) ________________her husband’s.

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with the superlative form of these adjectives long





1. People in Santiago, Chile work the __________________ hours in the world: more than 2,000 hours a year 2. Oymyakon in Siberia is the ___________________ town in the world. Temperatures can go down to around - 65 C. 3. Vatican City is the world’s ________________ country. Around 1,000

people live there. 4. France is the world’s ___________________ country for a holiday. It

gets about 70 million tourists a year. 5. Statistics say that your home is the _________________ place in the world. That’s where most accident happen! 6. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of adjective. 1. This is …………………….. canal in this town. (narrow) 2. Dum was ……………………….. man at the party last night.

(attractive) 3. Sopa is …………………………girl in our school. (popular) 4. It’s ……………………………. winter we’re ever had. (bad) 5. Sri is …………………………. child of the family. (young) 6. This book is ……………………. … of all. (bad) 7. Of the four girls, Jan is …………………….. (short) 8. Ken is ………………………….. person in this company. (friendly) 9. Jinny is ………………………..person in our family. (ambitious) 10. Film is ……………………………… of all the workers. (confident)

7. Use these prompts to write questions using comparatives. Then take turns to ask and answer them. 1. Siberia / cold / Norway?

_________________________________ 2. Spain / popular with tourists / France?

__________________________________ 3. working hours in Chile / long / in German?

___________________________________ 4. Madagascar / small / Vatican City?

___________________________________ 5. your home / dangerous / the city streets?

____________________________________ 8. Choose the best answer. 1. Your English is ………….. than me. a) best

b) better

c) more better

d) the better

2. The Nile is …………….. river in the world. a) longer

b) the longer

c) longest

d) the longest

3. The weather today is ……………. a) fast


c) cheap

d) fine

4. Horse is …………….. than a person. a) clever

b) larger

c) stronger


5. The road is very ………………… a) expensive

b) sunny

c) quiet

d) fat

9. Choose the best answer 1.

I got up (at, on, in) six o’clock this morning.


I study English (in, on, at) Fridays.


I live (in, on, at) Tak Sin Street.


I live (in, on, at) Bangkok.


I live (in, with, on) my family.


I work (in, with, on) the office.


I wait (for, with, on) him every day.


I look (up, with, on) the word in the dictionary every day.


I ‘m looking (for, with, in) your office now.

10. I’m listening (to, on, in) the radio.

10. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time 1.

We have class _________________ ten o’clock.


We have class _____________ ten _________ eleven.

3. I have class __________ the morning. 4. I work ___________ the afternoon. 5. I study ___________ the evening. 6. I sleep __________ night. 7.

I was born ___________ May.

8. I was born ___________ 1979. 9. I was born __________ May 25. 10. I was born __________ May 25, 1979

11. Look at the map and write (T) if it is true and write (F) if it is false.


…… 1. The airport is on Main Street. …… 2. The book store is on Field Street. …… 3. The police station is opposite the parking lot. …… 4. The parking lot is behind the police station. …… 5. The National Parking is opposite the railway station. …… 6. The restaurant is on Main Avenue. …… 7. The stadium is on Park Street. …… 8. The hospital is between the bank and the supermarket. …… 9. The post office is on State Street. …… 10. The railway station is near the National Park. …… 11. The bank is near the railway station. …… 12. The hotel is on Main Avenue. …… 13. The police station is in Front of the parking lot. …… 14. The book store is opposite the police station. …… 15. The museum is near the bank. …… 16. The National Park is near the stadium. …… 17. The supermarket is on State Street. …… 18. Mary’s Bakery is on Main Avenue. …… 19. The theatre is near Mary’s Bakery. …… 20. There are six places on State Street. 12. Read the text and answer the questions. Frere Robert is a French company that makes olive oil. It’s a family business. The company’s boss is Emily Robert. His son, Anton, is the marketing manager and his daughter, Alice, is the production manager. Emily’s father, Christophe Robert, started the company in 1964. The company has only 25 employees but it makes a profit of around 20% on its total sales. The company’s main markets are in Spain and the UK and its main competitors are in Italy. It sells its products in small specialist shops and it never sells to large supermarkets.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? …… 1. Frere Robert is a small family business. …… 2. The company’s main markets are in the UK and Italy. …… 3. It sells it products in supermarkets. …… 4. It has twenty- five employees. …… 5. The boss’s daughter is the marketing manager. Write the answers. 6. What country is the company in? ………………………………………………… 7.

How much profit does the company make? …………………………………………………


Who is Christophe Robert’s son? …………………………………………………


Who is Anton Robert’s sister? …………………………………………………

10. What’s her job?


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