Employee Manual

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  • Words: 2,765
  • Pages: 11
                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

WELCOME! On behalf of the company, we would like to welcome you. This manual is designed to make you familiar with our company's benefits and policies. We ask that you read it carefully and you may ask to review it at any time in the future. The information in this booklet applies to everyone working at our store. If you have any questions about this information, please contact your supervisor. All of us at the store look forward to working with you. We want this store to be a good place to work, and we believe in treating each employee honestly and fairly. We hope that you will enjoy working with us. For Legal, tax and insurance purposes, you are an employee of Paychex Business Solutions (PBS). PBS will disburse paychecks and withhold required payroll taxes, and will handle Worker Compensation and unemployment claims. The purpose of the employee manual is to establish nonbinding guidelines for the administration of personnel matters. The manual therefore is not intended to, and does not; create an express or implied contract of employment. The Employer reserves the right to modify the provisions of the manual from time to time. It is understood that the Employer has high standards applicable to work performance and employee capability due to the nature of its business and its competitive position. The Employer expects all employees to show initiative and diligence in performing their work and protecting the Employer's interest, both on and off the job. We expect you to take your job very seriously. We want you to enjoy your job and do it well. You will be given specific duties that you will be expected to perform. We may add new duties or change your duties from time to time.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

It is important that you are friendly and helpful to the customer because the customer is paying your wage. They don't have to shop here and they will not shop here if we are not friendly to them. We expect you to go the extra mile. When you see something that needs to be done, do it without being asked. If you walk through the store and see something out of place, pick it up. Keep your work area; break room and bathrooms CLEAN and UNCLUTTERED. Help us maintain a clean and pleasant environment so that it is enjoyable to work here, and customers enjoy shopping here. We will be constantly monitoring and evaluating your performance.  It is very  important that you do your best at all times and under all circumstances.  This is  production work where speed is critical.  Please realize this!  You must work  quickly!

While the company reserves its right to dismiss any employee at will, disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal may result from the commission of any of the various acts listed below. In some cases, the action may result in either verbal or written warnings, or even in suspension or discharge. In serious cases or cases where the employee has previously committed the same or other misconduct or is not performing at an acceptable level, the employee may be subject to immediate discharge. It is necessary to point out that the types of misconduct identified below are merely examples of acts that may lead to disciplinary action. Following is a partial list of types of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge: | | | | | |

Gross misconduct or insubordination Vandalism Gross dishonesty Theft Falsification of information in or making material    omissions from job application or references. Working under the influence of intoxicants or non­prescribed Drugs.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007 | | | |

Violation of any of the policies on purchasing merchandise. Inability to work cooperatively with supervisors or peers. Unreasonable or excessive tardiness or absence from work Or from employees work area. Violation of any of the company's rules.

VACATION POLICY Full-time employees who have worked for the Employer for two years are entitled to five working days paid vacation as of the anniversary date of their employment. Annual vacation leave may be taken after each succeeding anniversary date. Full-time employees who have worked for the Employer for three years or more are entitled to ten working days paid vacation during the fourth year of employment and in each succeeding year. After five years of employment, full-time employees are entitled to fifteen working days paid vacation. Although employees earn vacation from the first day of employment, vacation time is available for taking time off only after an employee's anniversary date each year.

Vacation Periods are not cumulative The purpose of vacation is rest, recreation and change of scene. Therefore, vacation must be taken in the year of entitlement. If agreed upon by management and employee, cash payment may be paid in exchange for vacation time. Intended vacation dates should be approved by filling out a vacation request form, the management will then need to approve the dates requested. Employees are requested to indicate their vacation plans well in advance so that arrangements can be made for a substitute. If an employee resigns or is terminated, no payment is made for earned vacation time. Unused vacation time is forfeited.

Sick Leave

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

Second Image does not reward absences. If an employee is too ill to work, the employee (not friend, boyfriend etc.) Must notify Second Image or may be discharged. Second Image will honor the employee's judgment on employee's fitness to work; however the Employer reserves the right to request a doctor's excuse or other reasonable proof if it is deemed appropriate. Do not call in "sick" to get a day off. If time off is needed for a special event, please pre-arrange this with your supervisor.

Holidays After one year of continuous full-time employment, the employee will receive pay for the following holidays: Thanksgiving Christmas 1.   In order to be eligible for holiday benefits, an employee Must work the last scheduled workday before and the first Scheduled workday after the holiday. 2.   If the holiday falls during an employee's approved vacation, The employee will be paid for the holiday and will not be  Charged for vacation for the day the holiday is observed. 3   If a holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled day Off, the employee will be paid for the holiday or he may take another day off. 4.  Employees on leave of absence for any reason are not eligible for holidays that are       observed during the period that they are on leave.

Other Policies Medical Insurance Medical insurance is available to all employees after 1 Year of employment. After the first year of employment Second Image will pay a partial of your personal insurance

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

premiums. Check with management for enrollment procedures.

Payroll The Payroll period is two weeks, ending on Sunday. Checks will be issued on the following Friday. If payday falls on a holiday, you will be notified when to pick up your check.

Overtime The manager must approve all overtime before being worked. Overtime pay, in accordance with Florida State laws, occurs after 40 hours have been worked during a seven-day period. More than eight hours of work during a single day does not qualify as overtime unless over 40 hours have been accumulated during the preceding work week. Due to our two-week pay period, overtime will automatically occur after 40 hours worked during each 7-day Monday to Sunday period per paycheck.


No money will be advanced or loaned.

Termination When management for any reason terminates you, your paycheck will be issued at the end of the pay period. If you resign after giving adequate notice, you are eligible for rehire at the discretion of management. If there is no notice given, you will not be considered for re-hire. You will not receive your last paycheck until payday.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

Late /Absences You must be prepared to start work on time. Eating, putting away coats, purses, going to the restroom, are done before clocking in. For the store to run smoothly, all employees must show up for work on time, as scheduled. It is unfair to other employees if you do not come to work. You yourself must call as soon as possible if you are going to be late or absent for any reason. An employee who is late three (3) times in a month will be subject to termination. Exceptions will be made in emergency situations only.

Breaks and Lunch You will receive two 15-minute break periods (you must work for 2 hours before taking a break) during an 8-hour shift. You will punch out for a one-half hour lunch break. If you are part-time, check with your supervisor for a break and lunch schedule.

Timecards You must be sure to clock in and out. You are paid from a time card. Don't forget to use it. Once you are on the computerized time clock, make sure you see “Clockin (or) Clock-out Successful”

Dress Code Good taste and common sense shall prevail in appearance, clothing and behavior. All employees are expected to dress in a manner that is appropriate to your department. Excessively short shorts, halter-tops or low-cut tops are considered inappropriate in any department. Check with your supervisor. Long earrings, open toed shoes, thongs, and high heels are a hazard in the work area and are not to be worn. Rubber sole shoes are recommended for comfort.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

Parking Employees should park in back parking lot unless told otherwise. Please ask the manager or secretary to show the employee parking area.

Entering and Leaving the Store Purse checks may be made of all employees leaving the store. Employees must enter & exit through the employee door except on weekends use the front door, ask your supervisors for directions.

Telephone The office phone will only be used for emergency phone calls. Please do not have friends or family call you at the store. A pay phone is provided for employee and customer use.

Purses and Carry Bags No employee will be allowed to bring large purses or carry bags into the store. If you are a student coming from school and have a book bag, it must be left in the office and may be checked before you leave the store. Management reserves the right to search all packages before leaving the store, including purses.

Lockers You will be issued a locker for your personal belongings. Employees may use their lockers only before and after shifts and during breaks. This means before you clock in. At the end of your shift, go to your locker only after you have clocked out.

Eating, Drinking and Smoking

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

There is no eating, drinking or smoking in the sales area of the store. Eating should be confined to the break room, or outside. Smoking is not allowed inside of the building. All food garbage must be placed in a trash container.

Complaints If you are having a problem in your department, we would appreciate it if you would take it up with your immediate supervisor. If the supervisor cannot resolve the problem, then go to the assistant manager. If it still cannot be resolved, then bring it to the attention of the owner.

Back Room No employee is allowed in the back room or break room during off hours. If you allow someone in there on your shift, you are responsible and it is grounds for termination.

Family/Friends Family members and friends are encouraged to shop in the store, but are not allowed in the break room or back room area. Please do not visit with friends or family on the sales floor.


for back room

There is a cleaning schedule in the break room for backroom employees. When the time comes, please observe your duties. When it is not your scheduled cleaning week, please be considerate and do not leave a mess for others. CASHIERS: Cashiers must clean up on weekends and keep the break room clean after 4:30.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

No Refunds/Exchanges In general, we do not refund, take deposits or lay away merchandise.  We also do not  barter or bargain on our prices.  Exceptions might be made on refunds or exchanges but  only by the management.  Do not encourage customers to seek special treatment from a  manager.  One exception is not a "blanket" okay for further exceptions.

Shoplifting Shoplifting is the concern of all employees. If you see someone shoplifting, you are to alert the appropriate person and let him or her know what is going on. This is not just the job of floor persons. It really affects us all. If the store is losing money, we will all suffer. If you turn in a shoplifter, you will receive a $10 cash reward.

Policy on Employee Purchases Remember, our job is to process merchandise for our customers -- not ourselves. Only our customers can pay our wages. Let's keep them coming back. Please observe these guidelines in purchasing items from the store: 1.

No shopping during lunches or breaks.


Employee Discounts:  A discount of 20% is available to employees who 

have completed three months of full­time employment.  Discount is limited to  items over .99 and under $100. 3. Merchandise must be on the sales floor at least one full day before it can  be purchased.  Everything must be processed onto the sales floor in its proper  spot on a daily basis.  Do not "hide" merchandise in the back room or on the  sales floor. 4. No item is to be hidden or held back in the processing room so it can be  purchased after your shift. 5. No item is to be priced "special" for an employee or special customer.  Only specified employees are allowed to price items. 6. No items may be taken out of the garbage or rag barrels. 7.   Employees must purchase items after their shift.  (Cashiers may  purchase before shift.) 8.  All Employee purchases must be initialed by the management before  going to the register

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

Non-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policy This company is an equal opportunity employer. We follow a policy of hiring, employing and promoting employees based on the their qualifications and performance. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, religious creed, physical handicap, medical condition, national origin, ancestry, marital status, pregnancy, or Vietnam Era Veteran status. We will not tolerate discrimination by any of our employees. Any acts of discrimination or sexual harassment should be reported immediately to the manager. A proper investigation will be made of all such reports and appropriate, prompt, corrective action will be taken. All actions taken to resolve complaints of discrimination or sexual harassment will be conducted confidentially. After an appropriate investigation, any manager, supervisor or other employee who is found to have engaged in sexual harassment of another employee will be subject to discipline, depending on the circumstances, up to and including termination. The Employer will not take reprisals or retaliate against employees for bringing to its attention acts of sexual harassment or other types of unlawful discrimination.

                                                                                          Last revised: January 2, 2007

This informational booklet is not intended to create any express or implied contractual rights between you and the Employer. Of course, the Employer reserves all the rights of an Employer, including the right to change its policies. Neither you nor the Employer is committed to continuing the employment relationship for any specific term. Rather, the employment relationship will continue at will. Either side may terminate the relationship for any reason. In deciding to work for the Employer, or continuing to work for the Employer, you must understand and accept terms of employment. It is the responsibility of each employee to read and understand this booklet. If anything is not clear to you, please ask for an explanation.

I have read and fully understand the rules governing my employment with   Second Image.  I agree that I will conform to these rules and regulations  and that the Employer may change, add to, or omit any of these policies,   rules and regulations at any time.  I further understand and agree that my   employment is for no definite period and may, regardless of the time and  manner of payment of my wages and salary, be terminated at any time by  the Second Image or me, without any previous notice, and for any reason   whatsoever.

Signature of Employee


Date: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

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