Ello Scibd.comdeforestationdocument

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Deforestation David talks about deforestation and the problems it creates. 1

Shirley: Hi, David. How are you? David: I'm fine, thank you, Shirley. Shirley: So, environmental issues ... we were talking about them earlier throughout the world, and you're from Kenya. David: Yes, I'm from Kenya. Shirley: So, what's happening over there? David: One of the environmental issues we are having is deforestation, which is really a!ecting both the wild animals and people living around the forest and, you know, the environment in general.


Shirley: So, what's actually happening to the people that ... for example the people who actually live around the forest area? David: Cause you know, when you tend to interfere and come in between the wild animal's habitat and things like that, you somehow create like an imbalance in between the people and the animals and sometimes it's not a really nice thing cause animals tend to come close to where people live instead of

living in their own habitat, which is a really bad thing.

3 Shirley: So, are they like attacking people .... or? David: They really don't attack but it’s not a really nice picture or scene to know that you're vulnerable at anytime. Shirley: What about livestock of the people that are close to forest areas? David: You know, that's one of the things that are in danger cause, you know, if wild animals come to where people live, and they have livestock, probably they'll want to be eaten.

4 Shirley: So, what's actually

support their families, so they turn to deforestation and the cutting down of trees, and this has been one of major causes of deforestation cause when you're trying to get charcoal and sell, you have to cut a tree and that results to deforestation and other causes that come along with deforestation and like soil erosion: things like that.

5 Shirley: So what's being done to try and remedy this, or to try and counterbalance the e!ect? David: The activist groups that are coming together like ... you all know the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai.

causing the deforestation?

Shirley: Yes.

David: People are trying to burn charcoal, so that they can get, they're trying to burn the trees so that they can get charcoal and sell cause as you know everyone is not living to the living standard that they're supposed to be living, and they're trying in every way to earn an extra dime to

David: She has her own green belt movement in Kenya. She's been for so long trying to discourage people and educate people in what deforestation does to the country and how it e!ects people and the environment in general.

Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #921


Summarize Take notes as you listen or read the interview on the left side of the paper. Then write complete sentences to summarize the story in your own words. The first one is done. Part 1: Environmental issues, deforestation affects animals, people, environement Part 2: interfere with habitat cause imbalance live close to humans, bad Part 3:

David explains that in his country, Kenya, deforestation is a problem that is affecting the wild animals, the people who live in the forest, and the environment in general.___________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Part 4:

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Part 5:

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #921


Bits and Pieces Circle the mistakes and write them correctly. 1. When human beings move in, the animals don’t have nowhere to live. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. It’s hard to think of the environment when you don’t have no money. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Human beings cause much problems with the environment. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Some my friends volunteer for an environmental organization. _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Not only the trees, but also many animals have been died because of humans. _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. He was borned in Kenya in 1981, but now he lives in Japan. _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Protecting the forests will good for the environment and wildlife. _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. If the people weren’t so poor, they could be easily improve the environment. _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Change takes a long times. _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. I was exchange student in Kenya when I was in high school. _____________________________________________________________________________

Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #921


Bits and Pieces Put the PHRASES in the spaces (Some will be used more than once) coming together trying to living in affecting both happening over talking about having is living around causing the cutting down

Shirley: Hi, David. How are you? David: I'm fine, thank you, Shirley. Shirley: So, environmental issues ... we were ________________ them earlier throughout the world, and you're from Kenya. David: Yes, I'm from Kenya. Shirley: So, what's ________________ there? David: One of the environmental issues we are ________________ deforestation, which is really ________________ the wild animals and people ________________ the forest and, you know, the environment in general.

________________ their own habitat, which is a really bad thing. Shirley: So, are they like attacking people .... or? David: They really don't attack but it’s not a really nice picture or scene to know that you're vulnerable at anytime. Shirley: What about livestock of the people that are close to forest areas? David: You know, that's one of the things that are in danger cause, you know, if wild animals come to where people live, and they have livestock, probably they'll want to be eaten. Shirley: So, what's actually ________________ deforestation? David: People are ________________ burn charcoal, so that they can get, they're trying to burn the trees so that they can get charcoal and sell cause as you know everyone is not living to the living standard that they're supposed to be living, and they're trying in every way to earn an extra dime to support their families, so they turn to deforestation and the ________________ of trees, and this has been one of major causes of deforestation cause when you're trying to get charcoal and sell, you have to cut a tree and that results to deforestation and other causes that come along with deforestation and like soil erosion: things like that. Shirley: So what's being done to try and remedy this, or to try and counterbalance the e!ect?

Shirley: So, what's actually happening to the people that ... for example the people who actually live around the forest area?

David: The activist groups that are ________________ like ... you all know the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai.

David: Cause you know, when you tend to interfere and come in between the wild animal's habitat and things like that, you somehow create like an imbalance in between the people and the animals and sometimes it's not a really nice thing cause animals tend to come close to where people live instead of

Shirley: Yes. David: She has her own green belt movement in Kenya. She's been for so long trying to discourage people and educate people in what deforestation does to the country and how it e!ects people and the environment in general.

Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #921


Bits and Pieces Put the PHRASES in the spaces (Some will be used more than once) coming together trying to living in affecting both happening over talking about having is living around causing the cutting down

Shirley: Hi, David. How are you? David: I'm fine, thank you, Shirley. Shirley: So, environmental issues ... we were talking about them earlier throughout the world, and you're from Kenya. David: Yes, I'm from Kenya. Shirley: So, what's happening over there? David: One of the environmental issues we are having is deforestation, which is really a!ecting both the wild animals and people living around the forest and, you know, the environment in general. Shirley: So, what's actually happening to the people that ... for example the people who actually live around the forest area? David: Cause you know, when you tend to interfere and come in between the wild animal's habitat and things like that, you somehow create like an imbalance in between the people and the animals and sometimes it's not a really nice thing cause animals tend to come close to where people live instead of

living in their own habitat, which is a really bad thing. Shirley: So, are they like attacking people .... or? David: They really don't attack but it’s not a really nice picture or scene to know that you're vulnerable at anytime. Shirley: What about livestock of the people that are close to forest areas? David: You know, that's one of the things that are in danger cause, you know, if wild animals come to where people live, and they have livestock, probably they'll want to be eaten. Shirley: So, what's actually causing the deforestation? David: People are trying to burn charcoal, so that they can get, they're trying to burn the trees so that they can get charcoal and sell cause as you know everyone is not living to the living standard that they're supposed to be living, and they're trying in every way to earn an extra dime to support their families, so they turn to deforestation and the cutting down of trees, and this has been one of major causes of deforestation cause when you're trying to get charcoal and sell, you have to cut a tree and that results to deforestation and other causes that come along with deforestation and like soil erosion: things like that. Shirley: So what's being done to try and remedy this, or to try and counterbalance the e!ect? David: The activist groups that are coming together like ... you all know the Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai. Shirley: Yes. David: She has her own green belt movement in Kenya. She's been for so long trying to

discourage people and educate people in what deforestation does to the country and how it

Go online for the slide show, interactive quiz, and free downloadable MP3 of this interview:www.elllo.org : Interview #921

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