Elisabeth Stew Obs2

  • December 2019
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Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19

Teacher Candidate: Ruth Stewart

Observer: Y. Gilbert

Date: Nov. 15, 2018

School: Langston Hughes HS

Subject/Lesson Topic: Biology

Grade Level: 10-11

Directions: This rubric is aligned to INTASC and TAPS Standards. The first page provides opportunity for an overall summary of Observed Strengths/Improvement/Comments. In the feedback section, please write specific evidence and/or comments observed for each indicator throughout the lesson. The Rubric is included for reference. Mentor Teachers may use this rubric to observe and provide regular feedback. University Supervisors use this rubric to observe, provide feedback, and enter final practicum and student teaching observation scores on the electronic rubric via LiveText. The Teacher Candidate should scan the handwritten documents, or upload word-processed copies of each observation to LiveText. Overall Observed Strengths: Your have a good rapport with your students and seem confident in your role as the teacher in the classroom. You addressed student volunteers by name and further probed them for understanding. You used real world examples that the students understood; how diseases are a departure from homeostasis, such as when they get a fever, etc. You asked really good questions; which showed your depth of knowledge of the subject matter; also deepening student understanding of the content. You required the students to identify the organelle impacted by the disease based on their evidence/research. Students will be given an opportunity to analyze their research and present their evidence to support their claim Again, good use of technology as students were able to scan various codes around the room to research information relevant to their assigned disease. Overall Suggestions for Improvement: Make sure that you have the attention of all learners while teaching and/or providing directions. Most of your questions were addressed to the class as a group. Be sure to call on volunteers and non volunteers in an effort to keep the students engaged in the lesson. Work on group dynamics; maybe having students create their own group rules. That way they have ownership and are more likely to follow them. How can you make all students in the group accountable for the work? Group evaluation is one way to hold each student responsible for the work. General Comments: Overall, the lesson went well. You went beyond the textbook to find activities that enabled your students to experience science through inquiry. You consistently circulated the room, assisting the students and asking good questions to probe their understanding. On challenge is classroom management. Although you aren’t in your own classroom at the current time; you will be soon. Establishing a protocol for student behavior on the first day of school is extremely important. It is equally important to consistently enforce school policies as they relate to cell phones, improper language, students wearing hats in the building, etc.

___________YGILBERT________________________ Observer’s Signature Teacher Candidate Signature



Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19 Observation Notes

Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19

PROFESSIONAL KNOWEDGE 1-PK: Knowledge of the Learner 2-PK: Content Knowledge 3-PK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Proficient Proficient Proficient

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY 1-ID: Learner Engagement 2-ID: Use of Technology 3-ID: Adaptation / Modification / Differentiation

Proficient Proficient Proficient

ASSESSMENT OF AND FOR LEARNING 1-AL: Assessment for Learning 2-AL: Provides / Models Feedback

Proficient Proficient

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Proficient 2-LE: Proficient Classroom Facilitation Proficient 3-LE: Classroom Safety 1-LE: Positive Learning Environment


Providing instructional practices that support inquiry Classroom management Consistent reinforcement of school rules and policies

Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19

Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19 INDICATOR





Uses learner’s prior knowledge by integrating lesson objectives with learners’ academic, personal, developmental, AND linguistic, OR cultural/community strengths, needs, AND/OR experiences.

Uses learner’s prior knowledge by integrating lesson objectives with learners’ academic, personal, AND developmental, AND linguistic OR cultural/community strengths, needs, OR experiences.

Does not use learner’s prior knowledge by integrating lesson objectives with learners’ academic, personal, developmental, linguistic, OR cultural/community strengths, needs, OR experiences.


Content Knowledge: Demonstrates accurate and current content knowledge in authentic contexts; facilitates learners’ use of academic language to access content.

Demonstrates accurate AND current content knowledge in authentic contexts; facilitates whole class, group, and individual use of academic language to access content.

Demonstrates accurate AND current content knowledge in authentic contexts; facilitates whole class/group use of academic language to access content.

Demonstrates accurate content knowledge AND presents academic language.

Demonstrates inaccurate OR outdated content knowledge; does not present academic language.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Develops learner conceptual understanding; anticipates and resolves learner misconceptions.

Develops learner conceptual understanding; AND anticipates AND resolves learner misconceptions.

Develops learner conceptual understanding; AND anticipates OR resolves learner misconceptions.

Develops learner acquisition of knowledge/skills.

Does not develop learner acquisition of knowledge/skills.


Maximizes learner’s prior knowledge by integrating lesson objectives with learners’ academic, personal, developmental, linguistic, AND cultural/community strengths, needs, AND experiences.


PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of the Learner: builds upon learners’ existing academic, developmental, linguistic, personal, cultural/community strengths, needs, and experiences. * *Including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation/expression, national origin, or exceptionality.




INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY Learner Engagement: Engages learners in active learning by developing higher order, critical/creative thinking through inquirybased learning promoting diverse perspectives/experiences.

Engages learners in active learning by developing higher order, critical/creative thinking through inquiry-based learning AND promotes diverse perspectives/experiences.

Engages learners in active learning by developing higher order, critical/creative thinking through inquiry-based OR teacher-facilitated, student-centered learning AND promotes diverse perspectives/experiences.

Directs learners to acquire knowledge OR skills through teacher-directed learning AND/OR promotes diverse perspectives/experiences.

Directs learners to acquire knowledge OR skills through teacherdirected learning OR promotes diverse perspectives/experien ces.

Use of Technology: Integrates technology to facilitate learning; involves learners in use of technology; provides rationale if technology is not used.

Integrates innovative technology to facilitate learning; AND involves learners in the use of technology OR provides rationale if technology is not used.

Integrates appropriate technology to facilitate learning; AND involves learners in the use of technology OR provides rationale if technology is not used.

Employs the use of appropriate technology to support instruction; OR provides rationale if technology is not used.

Does not employ technology to support instruction; OR does not provide rationale if technology is not used.

Adaptation / Modification / Differentiation: Provides appropriate adaptations and/or modifications for individual learners with language needs, IEP, EIP, 504; employs principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)/whole group differentiation and those who require remediation or challenge.

Provides appropriate adaptations and/or modifications for individual learners in the class with language needs, IEP, EIP, 504; AND employs principles of UDL including students who require remediation/challenge.

Provides appropriate adaptations and/or modifications for individual learners in the class with language needs, IEP, EIP, 504; AND employs principles of UDL.

Provides appropriate adaptations and/or modifications for individual learners in the class with language needs, IEP, EIP, 504; does not employ principles of UDL.

Does not provide appropriate adaptations and/or modifications for individual learners in the class with language needs, IEP, EIP, 504; does not employ principles of UDL.

Observation of Field Performance Feedback 2018-19 INDICATOR







ASSESSMENT OF AND FOR LEARNING Assessment for Learning: Uses assessment tools for both formative and summative purposes to guide and to adjust instruction.

Uses appropriate formative AND summative assessment tools to document learners’ prior knowledge AND new learning to facilitate learning AND guide instruction for the whole class, groups of learners, AND individuals.

Uses appropriate Uses appropriate formative AND/OR formative AND/OR summative assessment summative assessment tools to document learners’ tools to document prior knowledge AND/OR learners’ prior knowledge new learning to guide OR new learning to guide learning AND/OR adjust learning OR adjust instruction for the whole instruction for the whole class, groups of learners class, groups of learners AND/OR individuals. OR individuals.

Uses inappropriate formative AND/OR summative assessment tools OR does not document learners’ prior knowledge OR new learning to guide learning OR adjust instruction for the whole class, groups of learners OR individuals.

Provides/Models Feedback: Provides feedback to learners; models use of feedback to address strengths, needs, and strategies for improvement/extension of learning.

Provides feedback to learners AND models use of feedback to address strengths, needs, AND strategies for improvement / extension of learning.

Provides feedback to Provides feedback to learners AND models use learners OR models use of of feedback to address feedback to address strengths, needs, OR strengths, needs, OR strategies for improvement strategies for / extension of learning. improvement / extension of learning.

Provides superficial / insufficient feedback to learners AND does not model use of feedback to address strengths, needs, OR strategies for improvement / extension of learning.


Promotes a respectful Promotes a respectful learning community by learning community by facilitating all learners in facilitating all learners in self-regulation AND conflict self-regulation, positive resolution, positive teacher- teacher-learner AND/OR learner AND/OR learnerlearner-learner learner interactions; by interactions; by establishing rapport with all establishing rapport with learners AND holding high all learners, AND/OR expectations. holding high expectations.

Promotes a learning community by facilitating learners in self-regulation OR positive-teacher AND/OR learner-learner interactions; OR by establishing rapports with learners, OR holding high expectations.

Promotes a learning environment that does not facilitate learners in self-regulation OR positive-teacher OR learner-learner interactions; OR does not establish rapport with learners, OR hold high expectations.

Classroom Facilitation: Maximizes learning by organizing, classroom community expectations, time, space, and materials; and by responding to disruptions in an equitable, timely manner using appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication.

Maximizes learning by organizing classroom community expectations, time, space, AND materials; AND by responding to disruptions in an equitable, timely manner AND using appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication.

Maximizes learning by organizing classroom community expectations, time, space, AND/OR materials; AND by responding to disruptions in an equitable, timely manner AND/OR using appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication.

Directs learning by organizing classroom community expectations, time, space, AND/OR materials; AND/OR by responding to disruptions in an equitable, timely manner AND/OR using appropriate verbal/nonverbal communication.

Does not organize classroom community expectations, time, space, OR materials; AND/OR does not respond to disruptions in an equitable, timely manner AND/OR uses inappropriate verbal/non-verbal communication.

Classroom Safety: Establishes and maintains a safe classroom environment.

Enforces classroom, school AND community safety rules AND policies relevant to the content with written, visual, AND oral procedures. Specific to science classrooms: enforces required OSHA safety standards.

Enforces classroom, school AND/OR community safety rules AND/OR policies relevant to the content with written, visual, AND/OR oral procedures. Specific to science classrooms: enforces required OSHA safety standards.

Enforces classroom, school OR community safety rules OR policies relevant to the content with written, visual, OR oral procedures. Specific to science classrooms: enforces required OSHA safety standards.

Does not enforce, OR ineffectively enforces, classroom, school OR community safety rules OR policies relevant to the content with written, visual, OR oral procedures. Specific to science classrooms: enforces required OSHA safety standards.


Positive Learning Environment: Promotes positive learning environment by encouraging learner selfregulation and maintaining high expectations for all learners in a trusting, caring, and respectful learning community.



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