Electronic Research Journal

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 6
Electronic Research Journal Instructions Grading • You must turn in a journal with your final research presentation. • Your teacher and Librarian will periodically check your journals to see your progress, and areas where you need help. You will get a daily grade for participating in journaling. • Writing skills aren’t graded. This is a rough draft document. The grade will be based on participation and use. See the grade rubric below to determine your own grade. Using Your Journal • Use it as a scratch pad for ideas. • Use or create additional “work session” sections as needed. Add the date and time spent working. Include notes, and the journal entry. End with a line so that your beginning place for the next work session is clear. • Write a single journal entry after every work session. It can be a few sentences, a paragraph, or more. Date each entry. • Remember to cut and paste website URLS or results from search tools. • Remember that this is your tool for collecting the information you will use in your presentation. Technical Instructions • Ms Bryant or your school librarian will hold a lesson on organizing and saving your electronic work. • Your teacher will give you instructions on which format your work will be saved to. The choices are: o CD ROM o Thumb Drive o Classroom Blog o Classroom eSnips • Use the following naming format for all of your saved documents: o The name of the document will already be provided. You need to fill in the rest. Don’t forget the _ underlines. It will look like this – ElectronicJournal.doc. o Add the following items: _YourLastName_TeachersLastName_Date It will look like this – Electronic Journal_Jones_Pickel_August2007.doc • SAVE your work to the appropriate storage tool with the project’s name and your name. • SAVE any additional pages you create to this folder using the same naming format. That includes renaming any document tools and helpers you used for each step in the process. For example, you might have made a KWL chart. It should be re-named and saved into your work folder on your storage tool. • SAVE during your work. That way if there is a computer problem, your work is safe.

Electronic Journal Grading Rubric




Needs Improvement

Daily Journal Entry

Every work session ends in a narrative first person journal entry.

Ideas Shown

The journal clearly shows the brainstorming activities. All ideas are included.

3 of every 5 work sessions end in a narrative first person journal entry. Not as clear about how much brainstorming took place. Some ideas are included.

1 of 5 or less work sessions end in narrative first person journal entries. No brainstorming is evident.

Other Documents Indicated

Student mentions and saves other document tools for each step in the process. Student can easily tell the story of each step with this information.

2 of every 5 work sessions end in a narrative first person journal entry. Unclear about how much brainstorming took place. Only the student’s choice ideas are present with no evidence of discarded ideas. Student saves a few other tools. 3 out of 5 steps include other documents. Student will have to add a lot of information to tell their story.

This information won’t help the student tell their story.

5-6 lack a location hints.

No reference location hints are included.


Citation Materials

URLs, Search Results, and location hints are included for all resources used.

Student mentions and saves some other tools. 4 out of 5 steps include other documents. Student may have to try to remember some of the important parts of the search. 3-4 research information sources lack a location hints.

2 or fewer tools and documents saved and mentioned.

Begin the Journal Now by going to the next page and filling in your information and SAVING to the correct storage folder.

Your Name: Teacher’s Name: I-Search Project Name: Date You Began Work: Step 1. Let a Topic Choose You! Work Session 1 – Date: Time: Notes

Narrative Entry Work Session 2 – Date: Time: Notes

Narrative Entry Work Session 3 – Date: Time: Notes

Narrative Entry

Step 2. The Search for Information Work Session 1 - Date Time Notes


Step 3. Testing My Information Work Session 1 - Date Time Notes Narrative

Step 4. My First Person Paper Work Session 1 - Date: Time: Notes Narrative

Step 5. Editing my Work. Work Session 1 - Date: Time: Notes Narrative

Created by J. Bryant


August 2007

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