Election Law.docx

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1. O F T H E 1 9 8 7 C O N S T I T U T I O N O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 2. 6. THE SCOPES OF SUFFRAGE 3. 7. Election – means by which people choose their officials for definite and fixed periods and to whom they entrust, for the time being as their representatives, the exercise of powers of government.SCOPE OF SUFFRAGE ARTICLE V OF PC Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one year, and in the place wherein they propose to vote, for at least six months immediately preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage. Section 2. The Congress shall provide a system for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad. The Congress shall also design a procedure for the disabled and the illiterates to vote without the assistance of other persons. Until then, they shall be allowed to vote under existing laws and such rules as the Commission on Elections may promulgate to protect the secrecy of the ballot. OMNIBUS ELECTION CODE SECTION 3. Election and campaign periods. – Unless otherwise fixed in special cases by the Commission on Elections, which hereinafter shall be referred to as the Commission, the election period shall commence ninety days before the day of the election and shall end thirty days thereafter. (Sec. 6, Art. XII-C, Const.) The period of campaign shall be as follows: 1.Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election – 90 days; 2.Election of Members of the Batasang Pambansa and Local Election – 45 days; and 3.Barangay Election – 15 days. The campaign periods shall not include the day before and the day of the election. However, in case of special elections under Article VIII, Section 5, Subsection (2) of the Constitution, the campaign period shall be forty-five days. SECTION 4. Obligation to register and vote. – It shall be the obligation of every citizen qualified to vote to register and cast his vote. (Sec. 5, 1978 EC) SECTION 60. Political party. – “Political party” or “party”, when used in this Act, means an organized group of persons pursuing the same ideology, political ideas or platforms of government and includes its branches and divisions. To acquire juridical personality, qualify it for subsequent accreditation, and to entitle it to the rights and privileges herein granted to political parties, a political party shall first be duly registered with the Commission. Any registered political party that, singly or in coalition with others, fails to obtain at least ten percent of the votes cast in the constituency in which it nominated and supported a candidate or candidates in the election next following its registration shall, after notice and hearing, be deemed to have forfeited such status as a registered political party in such constituency. (Sec. 22, 1971 EC, with amendments) SECTION 117. Qualifications of a voter. – Every citizen of the Philippines, not otherwise disqualified by law, eighteen years of age or over, who shall have resided in the Philippines for one year and in the city or municipality wherein he proposes to vote for at least six months immediately preceding the election, may be registered as a voter. Any person who transfers residence to another city, municipality or country solely by reason of his occupation; profession; employment in private or public service; educational activities; work in military or naval reservations; service in the army, navy or air force; the constabulary or national police force; or

confinement or detention in government institutions in accordance with law, shall be deemed not to have lost his original residence. (Sec. 5, PD 1896, as amended) SECTION 118. Disqualifications. – The following shall be disqualified from voting: (a) Any person who has been sentenced by final judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less than one year, such disability not having been removed by plenary pardon or granted amnesty: Provided, however, That any person disqualified to vote under this paragraph shall automatically reacquire the right to vote upon expiration of five years after service of sentence. (b) Any person who has been adjudged by final judgment by competent court or tribunal of having committed any crime involving disloyalty to the duly constituted government such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti-subversion and firearms laws, or any crime against national security, unless restored to his full civil and political rights in accordance with law: Provided, That he shall regain his right to vote automatically upon expiration of five years after service of sentence. (c) Insane or incompetent persons as declared by competent authority. (Sec. 102, 1971 BC; Sec. 75 1978 EC, as amended) SECTION 249. Jurisdiction of the Commission. – The Commission shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of all Members of the Batasang Pambansa, elective regional, provincial and city officials. (Art. XII-C, Sec. 2(b), Const.; Art. XIV, Sec. 58, BP 697) SECTION 254. Procedure in election contests. – The Commission shall prescribe the rules to govern the procedure and other matters relating to election contests pertaining to all national, regional, provincial, and city offices not later than thirty days before such elections. Such rules shall provide a simple and inexpensive procedure for the expeditious disposition of election contests and shall be published in at least two newspapers of general circulation. (Art. XVIII, Sec. 192, 1978 EC; Art. XIV, Sec. 62, BP 697) However, with respect to election contests involving municipal and barangay offices the following rules of procedure shall govern: (a) Notice of the protest contesting the election of a candidate for a municipal or barangay office shall be served upon the candidate by means of a summons at the postal address stated in his certificate of candidacy except when the protestee, without waiting for the summons, has made the court understand that he has been notified of the protest or has filed his answer hereto; (b) The protestee shall answer the protest within five days after receipt of the summons, or, in case there has been no summons from the date of his appearance and in all cases before the commencement of the hearing of the protest or contest. The answer shall deal only with the election in the polling places which are covered by the allegations of the contest; (c) Should the protestee desire to impugn the votes received by the protestant in other polling places, he shall file a counter-protest within the same period fixed for the answer serving a copy thereof upon the protestant by registered mail or by personal delivery or through the sheriff; (d) The protestant shall answer the counter-protest within five days after notice; (e) Within the period of five days counted from the filing of the protest any other candidate for the same office may intervene in the case as other contestants and ask for affirmative relief in his favor by a petition in intervention, which shall be considered as another contest, except that it shall be substantiated within the same proceedings. The protestant or protestee shall answer the protest in intervention within five days after notice; (f) If no answer shall be filed to the contest, counter-protest, or to the protest in intervention, within the time limits respectively fixed, a general denial shall be deemed to have been entered; (g) In election contest proceedings, the permanent registry list of voters shall be conclusive in regard to the question as to who had the right to vote in said election.

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