Election Law - 1

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 175
  • Pages: 6
Tn ue;sjrK kS;sh .ek ie,ls,su;ao @ ue;sjrKhl§ Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍug Pkao fmd,g hk úg Tfí Pkaoh fjk;a flfkla fydrg mdúÉÑ lr ;snqfkd;a fudlo l< hq;af;a' @ 1

Tng oaú;aj Pkao m;%sldjg ysñlu we;' tkï idudkH m;%sldjg jvd fjkia j¾Khlska hq;= Pkao m;%sldjla Tng ysñfõ'


tu ckao m;%sld Pkao fmdf

tu Pkao m;%sldj msgqmi Tfí ku yd kdu f,aLkfha i|yka wxlh i|yka lr th Pkao fmdf

Tfí Pkaoh tys ,l=Kqlr th Pkao fmÜáhg ±óug Tng whs;shla we;'

igyk 1981 wxl 15 orK ckdêm;sjrhd f;drd .ekSfï mkf;a fuu kS;h s b;d meyeÈ,sj i|yka lr we;' tfukau 1981 wxl 01 orK md¾,sfuka;= ue;sjrK mkf;ao th i|ykajk w;r m,d;a iNd yd m,d;a md,k ue;sjrk i|ydo fuu kS;sh fmdÿh' kuq;a miq.sh m,d;a iNd ue;sjrKfha§ ue;sjrk flduidßiajrhd úiska ksl=;a lrk ,o Pkao iaÓkdêm;sjrekag u`. fmkaùfï Wmfoia m;%sldfõ i|yka jkafka fjk;a ldrKhls' tkï tfia Pkaoh Ndú;d lrk Èú;aj Pkao m;%sld fjku ,shï q ljrhl nyd f;aÍïNdr kskh lsÍuls' ^ my; ±lafjk m;%sld lshjkak &

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