Elbow-prone to stiffness and hard to assess in children. Case 1:
OA elbow after Fx 30 years ago. Now locking. See the CT. Suggest remove osteophytes via posterior approach. Case 2:
Unusual case of tennis elbow, where there is actually something to see. A large bursa over the epi-condyle causing pain in a 14 yo,male worker. Ultra-sound confirmed.Excised. Case 3:
OA elbow from injury 30 yrs ago. 61 yo,M. Now swells and locks.Lost a lot of extension. Case 4:
LB in jnt after Fx radial head. 11 yo,M.
Explored. Lateral arthrotomy. NO LB found but profuse synovitis and irregular radial head as pert CT. Case 5:
\SC ? lat cond. Fx elbow in a 6 yo,F. Decided to ORIF. At 2wks. Case 6:
Fx olecranon at 6 wks. 80yo,F. ORIF.
Case 7:
Lipoma lateral elbow, thought to be tennis elbow. 50 yo,M.