Eight Rules For A Blissful Life

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,338
  • Pages: 6
Eight Rules for a Blissful life I have condensed 8 basic rules for ensuring that your life is blissful and your do not waste your time and energy into any negative activity: 1.

All decisions are taken for either love or fear....


God's dice is always loaded against you...


A rational action may not always result in a rational response


Always give more than what other expect...


The Bar will be raised after each success…..


it’s after all a Game...


Never lower your standards…


An Opportunity is like an unexplored oil well.

Let me now explain in details as follows: Rule 1 All decisions are taken for either love or fear.... I think that whatever decisions we take, whether at home, work, social circle, where ever...are always taken on the basis of only two factors...love and fear... If you love good food...you will always eat at good places...If you fear getting obese...you will stop before it worries you.. You fear not getting a promotion...and hence work hard in office... You love dressing well...and hence buy clothes...You fear getting bankrupt... and hence stop before buying that lovely but expensive Versace dress... You love your family and take them out for dinner....you fear your cholesterol...and do not order Butter Chicken... Check this rule in all your decisions and you will see that it works....

Rule 2 God's dice is always loaded against you... Yes...there is fair chance of winning in life...I think the God's dice is loaded against you at 30%-70%... God wants you to excel in the game...and feels happy if you win against the odds...So he thrives in making the situation difficult and challenging..but achievable... So...please do not fear from situations which look hopeless and difficult..make a well thought of plan and get working...You will see you will succeed..against odds..

Rule 3 Rational action may not always result in a rational response Root cause of most of our troubles...is when others do not work the way we want them to work... Yes...we feel that our plan is so well thought of and benefits all...and yet other oppose the same and make our life miserable. Please understand...that other also think within the resources available with them...and their goals, aims, aspirations need not be the same as yours... They would do what is right for them...as per their thought process... It may seem very irrational to you...but for them it is the right path. Once we accept the fact...that people may not behave rationally...at all times...we accept the beauty of life...1 + 2 need not be 3...It can be 12 or 1.2 or 1/2 or anything else... Do not waste your time in creating utopia...it will never happen...

Rule 4 Always give more than what other expect... Yes...for most of us...the life is a matter of give and take...we negotiate for every thing...and yet do not know what is best for us. We get so enticed in the process of negotiation...that we at times forget...what was the purpose of negotiation...and finally may reach an outcome so late...that we cannot even enjoy the fruits of end result... My suggestion is to be a Santa Claus while negotiating...You try to be a benevolent negotiator and give more than what others expect... This will result in speedier results....greater motivation levels for the others..quicker implementations...and happier outcomes..

Rule 5 The Bar will be raised after each success Yes...each time we accomplish a task....our ability to complete that task at the same level of efficiency is taken for granted. Next time...we are always expected to exceed our previous performance levels. Yes..never be complacent that you have learnt everything what you needed to know...Each day...each hour....each moment....you will be required to learn new skills...grasp new concepts...and improve your performance levels. We need to welcome changes...and be reconfigure...rejig...and replan at a short notice..




Nothing is permanent...but change is permanent... The sooner we understand this...the better we will welcome changes in our life...

Enjoy the change...and have fun in exploring the unknown which we will experience every day... Rule 6 It's after all a Game... Yes...the entire universe has been created by the Almighty...and we are all his creations...He has created various scenarios, props etc to make the game interesting. All living creations...humans...animals..birds..insects..etc..are created by Him to amuse him self...and each living creation has a specific role to play.. We may feel disconnected from him...as we have never tried to connect. But, everyone is a creature of cosmic divination...and is connected with the Almighty. Never feel alone...you are always connected...yes always... The Almighty...is always in control...and is often amusing Himself by undertaking role play analysis. He often puts us in trying situations, difficult circumstances and dilemmas to test and try us on our reactions, behaviour and problem solving skills etc.. If we are disconnected...at times...we find it highly burdensome to face the trying situations..But...never fear them...You should try to take control of the situation by breaking the problem in smaller portions...and create a solution bit by bit.... If you are worried and do not know what to do...just do what your intuition tells you...Intuition is the voice of the soul...and is the help support mechanism of the Almighty...Listen to it for guidance...and you will never go wrong.. And mind you...at the end of it...It is all a Game..So what if you fail...try again...what stakes you have any way ? You came empty handed...You will go back empty handed...Show me a person...who went back with his hands full...

If you are worried...pray to Him earnestly...and He will change the scenario for you...yes...it is that easy.. Once you realise...that you are only a part of a Virtual Reality...created by the Almighty...some where...you become relaxed... Who knows...He and his colleagues may be pitting all of us against each other ...just to check our reactions..and also have a vote system like a BIG BROTHER ...just to amuse themselves.. What will happen...when your role is over ?..Nothing..you will simply go back stage and rest....and then play the next role...as and when give to you... Some of us...who fail to perform as expected...may be asked to repeat the character...in a similar scenario... Some of us...may be given a more challenging role...some may be given a much easier role.. Some of us...who play brilliantly...in the game...may be asked to rest for ever... And some times....He Himself...decides to come down and play a role...The reincarnations...are the special episodes in the Game...when He comes down himself..to demonstrate and guide... So..relax...It’s just a game...play the game..to the best of your ability...and that’s it...there are no losers....all of us win in the end...

Rule 7 Never lower your standards Some times in the game of life, we get a raw deal and the person with whom we are dealing plays a real dirty game of the lowest standard. To compete with him, do not lower your standards. Once you lower your standards, it may take years to come back to your earlier standards. People who are used to your previously higher standards will be taken aback by your new standard and you may lose so many friends by this.

Instead...pull the other guy up and raise his standards. Sooner or later, the other guy will realise his folly and thank you for all what you did for him.

Rule 8 An Opportunity is like an unexplored oil well We are oil well prospectors. Several oil wells are offered to us in our lifetime and we dig them not knowing what will be the end result. Some oil wells (opportunities) are good and yield excellent results for several years. Some oil wells dry up after some time and some oil wells are dry from the beginning. Every morning, you wake up and see if any news prospects available. You like to review your portfolio and make changes if needed. Treat each oil well most enthusiastically. Who knows this may be the last oil well you dig in this life time with a never ending bounty...

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