Father Mullers

  • Uploaded by: Sooraj Naik
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 165
  • Pages: 1
Mor eRe s our c e s ,Hi ghe rPr oduc t i v i t y ,Fas t e rRe s ul t s

I nt hey e ar1 980Fat he rMul l e rChar i t abl ei ns t i t ut i onswe r epr i v i l e ge dt o c e l e br at et heCENTENARYunde rt hes l ogan" 1 00YEARSOFSERVI CETO SUFFERI NGHUMANI TY" .They e ar2005wast hepos tc e nt e nar ySi l v e r Jubi l e ey e arofs e r v i c eTOHEALANDCOMFORTTHESI CKANDSUFFERI NGHUMANI TY.

Si nc et he n,Fat he rMul l e rChar i t abl ei ns t i t ut i onshav egr owni nl e apsand bounds .

We bs i t e-ht t p: / / www. f at he r mul l e r . c om

Copy r i ght :2008|Pr i v ac ypol i c y

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