Egyptian Progect

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  • Pages: 24
The EGyPTian ABC book of


By Julyan Grant



Abu Simbel The Abu Simbel was carved out of the mountain during the time Pharaoh Ramesses the II who reigned around 1300 BC. This construction took about 24 years to build. The Temple was dedicated to the Gods Amun Ra, Ra Horakhty, Ptah, and Ramesses. The statue to the left of the entrance was destroyed in an earthquake. The main hall into the temple has eight, 4 each side, statues which are ten feet tall to hold up the ceiling. As you walk  inside of the temple, the halls get thinner till you reach the tomb.



Bent Pyramid The Bent Pyramid is a pyramid that bends upward at a 55 degree angle and then bends inward 43 degrees until it makes a point. The reason builders built the pyramid like that is because when they built it straight up it was not stable. They also built the pyramid like that so it would not take to long because the Pharaoh was close to death when it was complete. Bent Pyramids were they earlier form of pyramids before they went up at a This here is the straight angle upward. entrance to a bent pyramid.





Cairo, also known as al-Qahirah is the capital city of the country of egypt. The ancient word of Cairo is called Memphis. But the city of Memphis was one of the largest, and most important city at that time. At Memphis’s best time they had a population of 1000. Pharaohs of the city at that time were fist buried in low brick buildings.



Dynasty Egypt had over 25 Dynasties ( ruling families) over 2500 years. The first Egyptian dynasty came from upper Egypt named Menes. Menes conquered Memphis by attacking the Nubians that were living there. Menes (also known as Narmer) died at an age of 50. Scientist found Information about dynasties carved on monuments and other objects to find the names of the Kings of the Egypt. At the end of the 1st dynasty Hotepsekhemwy was the first king of the 2nd dynasty and helped to strengthen the Egyptian nation.



EGyPT Ancient Egypt was a civilization that was located in Africa surrounding the Nile. This great civilization started at about 3150 BC. The people of Ancient Egypt farmed crops near the nile using yearly flood waters. Upper (southern) Egypt had a mountainous region from which the Nile flowed down the mountains to the Mediterranean Sea that was Known as Lower Egypt. Today Modern Egypt has a lot of tourist attraction because of the ancient monuments that came from the many civilizations.



Food The ancient Egyptians had many different

types of food. The egyptians were able to eat fried fish, roast goose, and fresh vegetables. They also ate fruits like figs, dates, melons, pomegranates, and grapes. Servants cooked for the rich, and people mainly cooked outside. The rich drank wine and the lower classes drank beer. People ate bread, but their bread was very sweet because they put honey, fruit and Herbs. They stewed food in huge pots called braziers with legs.




The Egyptians believed in more than 2000 gods and believed each one had a purpose in their life. They said that the first god was Atum and he coughed and spat out Shu, god of air. Also Tefnut, god of moisture. Shu and Tefnut had two kids named Geb, god of Earth, and nut, god of sky. Nut and Geb had four children named Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nemphthys. Osiris and Isis were king and Queen of earth until Seth killed Osiris. Seth became king until his son Horace battled Seth and became king of the Earth, and Osiris became king of the underworld. Amun was the main god and became known as Amun Ra after becoming the Sun God.




Hieroglyphics was the ancient Egyptian form of writing. The anciennt egyptians used Hieroglyphics to record information about the Pharoh, government and for their religion. Scribes in Egypt had about 750 symbols and letters to remember. Some of the symbols stood for numbers and letters for the alphabet. Also there were symbols that stood for a whole word or meaning. Hieroglyphics can be written up and down, left to right, or right to left. Some Hieroglyphics are in the form of cartouche which were used to form an oval plaque representing the birth name of pharaohs, queens and other persons of high standing.



Imsety Imesty is the god who Guards the Liver of the dead. Imestys’ parents were Isis and Horus and his siblings were Hapy, Qebehsenuef, and Duameuef. When a Pharaoh died it was other Guards to protect the organs of the mummy. But Imesty’s job was to protect the liver of the dead. Isises job was to protect Imesty.                                                                                      



Jewelr y

Everybody in ancient Egypt wore jewelry which meant that it did not matter what class you were in. The ancient Egyptians thought jewelry was not only for glamour but for magical, spiritual powers and also for protection. The rich wore gold and precious stones such as lapis lazuli, amethyst, cornelian, jasper, onyx, and quarts crystals. In Egypt silver was valued more than gold because silver was not always available. The ancient Egyptians were the first to invent fake Jewelry because they would use glass to make a replicas of the original.



Kings of Egypt The Kings of ancient Egypt (known as Pharaohs) were called kings or gods by the Egyptians. They got the name Pharaoh from the Greeks. Today people do not know how many kings ruled Egypt and it is not clear of how many kings ruled at the same time. This confusion was probably due to the many wars fought over the centuries. Some scientist Say that there were Kings who ruled Egypt before recorded history and it even before it became a civilization.



Life in Egypt Life in ancient Egypt was short and difficult. It was difficult for a new born baby to survive past the age of 1. Boys were separated from girls, and would do farming if they were poor, but the rich went to school. The boys schooling would be from 5 to 16 years old. Girls lives were centered more at home and at the age of four they started to learn how to keep a house in order; also to cook. Boys would get married at 17-20, but girls could get married at 8 or 9 years old. Men could have more than one wife. When women became old at 30 years suns would take care of there mother.



Mummification Mummification is a special burial tradition that the ancient Egyptians treated the royalty, noblemen and the rich to enter the After Life. What they would do is take the body to an embalming shop called a wabet, and take out some of the bodies insides to put into special jars called Canopies. After they would put herbs and dust back into the body, and wrap it up tight in bandages. Wrapping up the body causes the it to stay preserved for thousands of years. A Priest would ware a mast of Anubis (god of the Dead) to say prayers. Egyptians made special coffins to put the mummy into a tomb.



Nile The nile is the longest river on earth that stretches more than 4000 miles. This river made an important impact on the ancient Egyptians by creating special flood seasons for the Egyptians. The Giver of Life the egyptians called it because the Nile would help everything grow. People cold sail up the river using the winds to trade, but also use the current to go down the river. But the Nile was not only good, sometimes it would cause destruction of homes, kill people and animals, and destroy crops.



Osiris Osiris was the god of the dead and he Is usually seen with green skin because he was also the god of vegetation. Like the information on letter G, Seth killed Osiris by locking him in a magic coffin that descended him to the under world. The coffin ran down the nile to a town called Byblos were the coffin got trapped in a tree and Isis found it and brought it back home for safe keeping. Then Seth, angry at Isis, chopped up Osiris into small pieces and threw the pieces into the Nile.



Pyramid The Ancient Egyptians built burial tombs places called pyramids. Unlike the earlier bent pyramids this version of a pyramid goes up in a straight angle. The biggest pyramid was built by king Khufu at around 2560 BC. The most amazing thing about the pyramids Is that they were created with perfect angle, and some theories say that they were created by aliens. This could mean that the Egyptian religion came from aliens and that their gods use humans as slaves. Pyramids also had a Queens, kings and other chambers in it.



Ramses II King Ramses ruled Egypt for more than 67 years and during those years he was known as a warrior/peace-maker. He became ruler around 20 years old and at around the age 90 he died. He was the first king to sign a peace treaty with his enemies the Hittites during the battle of Kadesh which Ramses won. As ruler he created luxury, more slavery, mercenaries, many famous monuments, and had many wives with over 200 children. His temple that he was mummified at was in Thebes, and he is known for all the temples /monuments that were created in Egypt.



Sphinx The Sphinx is a body of a lion that was carved out of a plateau in Giza that represents a head of a god or king, and they say it symbolizes strength and wisdom. The Sphinx is a mystery in Egypt and scientist know that it once was painted, but over the years the sand has totally covered the monument. Also the shape of the sphinx has changed over the years from a cannon ball that hit the construction, and the change of terrain in Giza. They say that king Khufu’s son Khafre was probably the one to construct this monument.



Tutankhamun Tutankhamun (King Tut) is the most famous ancient Egyptian Pharaoh in the world. When He was alive he became pharaoh at the age of 9 and died at 17or 18 from a mysterious death. His father changed the Egyptian faith to one god but King Tut switch the religion back to the more than one gods. What he is mainly known for is that his tomb was the only tomb not robbed in Egypt. Also nobody had found his tomb until 1922. When they discovered his tomb they only wanted to find it for knowledge, not for riches and money like the other tombs that were discovered. That means he has been hidden for more than 3000 years.  


Uraeus Uraeus is an egyptian stylized upright cobra that was a symbol of royalty, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. Uraeus is actually a Greek word meaning “She who rears up.” The Uraeus is said to protect the Pharaohs by spitting fire on their enemies, also the eyes of Re are the eyes of Uraeus. An interesting fact is that Tutankhamen was they only tomb that had him wearing an Uraeus golden crown.



Valley of the kings The Valley of the kings was a burial valley for the Pharaohs which where the kings of the new kingdom in ancient Egypt. The exact location of the Valley is between Cairo and Thebes, but most of the royal tombs is west, closer to Thebes. This Valley so far has about 62 discovered tombs. One tomb had over 120 chambers from one of Rammesses II sons, but was discovered in 1825.



This is a map of all the discovered Pharaohs



Wadjet Wadjet was a goddess of Lower Egypt, and was like the Uraeus snake. That meant that she was the goddess who protected the Pharaoh. When Upper and lower Egypt came together She met a another Important Goddess named Nekhbet. That made both Goddesses Protectors of Egypt. Wadjet may look like a woman with two snake heads, But she can be also seen as a snake with a woman's head.



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