Egp Journal

  • October 2019
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EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

A word from your learning director MOREH VIRABOSAI To my dear Bochorem of EGP Wow, what a summer. the davening, the learning, the mishnayos bal peh, the trips, and of course our beautiful play (I didn’t watch it but they all told me it was great,) and last but not least the all star game which was really a game to see, and a game that will be in my memory forever. I look back at all my previous years in camp and I don’t remember a year where I had such a great group of staff all working together to enhance our summer, starting off with the counselors who were really caring and understanding, every time I would sit together with them we would discuss which trips should we go on next, or arranging the late nights and the list goes on. our great learning teachers, starting with Rabbi Oster, whenever I would walk into zal to mark I couldn’t help but to sit down and learn what was being taught, Reuven Brody who gave each bochur the attention he needed, and being a dug michaye for all of us. Hershel Goldstein who taught a lot of interesting topics, and showed a lot of patience for you, and Shlomo Bogart who was always ready to give you guys an amazing time in class with his unique way of teaching and amazing stories. And lets not forget our one and only Meme Fridman who put lots of effort into many details of this summer. Now that you have finished your elementary years and our going on to mesifta, I wish you all that you should be successful and comfortable in yeshiva, you should really take advantage of this coming year to be on time to every seder and listen to what your mashpiem have to say, participate in every farbrengen and develop a taste for nigunem, and become bochrem ready to take on whatever shlichus is put in your way. Chazal tell us “who is the smart one? he who see the future” every bochur must know that next year you will be laying the foundation for your future life, whatever you will do in yeshiva it will play back to you every year of your life. I would like to thank Shlomy for really breaking himself and making our summer the best we’ve ever had, Ephi for working together and running a great program, my neighbor Bentzey Chesney for directing, all the counselors for taking such wonderful care of each of our boys. A special thanks to my chavrusa and mechutan, Reuven brody for showing us all the right way and a beautiful job in teaching and running your class, Hershel Goldstein for putting much effort into your class, Shlomo Bogart for an amazing job entertaining your class and teaching them the right ways. I would like to dedicate a paragraph for my good friend and chavrusa avrami levitan, for really being devoted and making this year’s sports a favorite for all of us. Thank you for coaching and running a beautiful all-star game and for putting smiles on to our Bochrems faces. I want to give your father a bracha that he should recover from all he is going through and Hashem should take us all out of golus and bring us to Yerusholayem “With our shul fields and lake, we’ll meet again dear camp chayolei” Your Learning Director, Yisroel Silverstein


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

From the desk of the Head Counselor To my dear Bochrim '‫שי‬ This summer was by far, the best summer I’ve had. I had a pleasure being head counselor and watching as you all had a great time through our day to day camp schedule, especially on our trips. But more importantly taking in all the improvements made in these two short months. Growth not just in chasidishkeit, but in general maturity. Remembering back to when I was a Bocher in EGP, my Head Counselor was very strict. At that time I couldn’t really understand it at all. I would always complain “Why can’t he just let me do this” or “what’s the big deal if I simply have a play fight with my friend”. Then, throughout the years I began to understand. Not everything do you understand right away but at the end of the day I think that each one of you will be walking away saying this was a summer of a life time. Why do I think so? Because to this day, that is what we, the Bochurim from eight or nine years ago are still talking about. I hope that not only did you have a summer of learning and growth, but that you take all this with you in the years to come. All of you should have a successful year in yeshiva, wherever you may be. Moshiach now! Ephi


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

A Bochurs Letter Home By Michy Kind 

Dear mommy and daddy, I want to come home. Camp sucks. Our head counselor is so mean he gets upset every time someone talks during davening!! All they raffle off here are twelve megapixel cameras with five digital zoom. And they haven’t given us meat or chicken for nine whole days!! They make us sit on busses (which you know I hate busses) every time we go on trips, which is a lot. They force us to go to Six Flags and Hershey Park and other boring stuff. Talking of stuff, they made us stuff our faces at some restaurant where they don’t even cook their fish!! We went to the biggest kosher supermarket in the world. What good is that?? I couldn’t figure out which candy to buy, there was too much to choose from. Plus, at the chocolate factory, the chocolate isn’t even real. (Don’t ask how we figured that out). Then I got exited for a moment… a canoeing trip!! I love canoeing…. NOT ANY MORE I DON’T. We went twenty six miles down the Delaware and stopped off at the side for an over-night. No, there were no showers or outlets or beds. We had to sleep in bags. Then this one time, they took us to this place where we all got given guns and a whole lot of bullets filled with paint. You call that fun? Being shot at by those you thought were your friends? Going back covered in paint?? Don’t even ask about our boating trips, the bowling and pizza, the ice skating, biking another 26 miles), ATVing, the plays, mass amounts of good BBQ’s, more pizza, the craziest All-Star game ever… our EGP- ONLY game room… the nicest bunk houses in any Jewish camp… the best counselors… HEY! Maybe I’ll stick around a little longer. Hopefully camp will start getting better. Love your spoiled son.


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Counselor Shmuli Rappaport. Hey guys!!! As I sit down here by the Delaware writing this letter and watching the white water flow by, I think of the awesome summer that is sadly coming to a close. You guys all come from different places. From the frigid north we know as Canada to sunny Florida and California, with Baltimore and Chicago landing somewhere in between. Yet it was amazing to see the way you guys just fit perfectly together like a puzzle, every one of you so colorful and unique but when put together form a beautiful piece of art, our bunk. The summer is a time when you can really see the character of a person, when you are independent, of your parents, teachers and principals (even though we had Ephi). But you guys really shone in your actions and deeds and showed every one around you that you are indeed ready to start your lives as yeshiva bochurim. We shared so much together this summer, and not just red bulls. Remember the night before the fast when at 3:00 in the morning in middle of your deep slumber you were woken to find ready made BBQ food in the hallway of the bunk house! Oh the look on your sleepy surprised faces. Then Dovid Z’s inspiring birthday farbrengen that went way too late! The time we sat at one of our learning director’s/master griller’s BBQs swapping chasidishe stories with Naftali T. Oh and how can I forget those bed time stories/recaps after lights out! The time when Dovid Moshe was biting down on his blanket because he was so scared. The time you guys would attack me Shabbos afternoon, to be first to get tested on MBP, and secretly get tested before the official time. Oh and sorry Tzemach for being so tuff on your testing making you do the whole thing ‘bvas achas’. I must say we all really missed Levi Liberow during the second month, your vast knowledge and sense of humor. But most of all we missed you at the paintball shooting!! We had no idea what to do with those things! Oh and what if Mendy B. hadn’t known waiter/GM/sports director Aaron C.’s real age.


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

The whole of EGP is indebted to one of our dear campers: Schneur Feldman, it is because of him that we were able to have boating any day we wanted!! I must say, I will miss those philosophical conversations (after lights out of course), between Avremi, Dovid, Levi and Eli, but I will tell you Eli, that Avremi definitely had a point there. Oh and thanks Eli G. for the driving exam in that golf cart, navigating the obstacle course on the way to our beloved EMT. Then our amazing EGP play! Starring our very own ‘Mame Rochel’ and son Jakob as lead actors. Oh and be honest, when Mame Rochel asked of Hashem that he protect her family I saw a tear in your eye! So after all those great trips, beginning just the day after we came to camp! Running off to Hershey Park, lots of canoeing and biking!! Eli S. literally dragging me onto that ride with him, which turned out to be amazing! And the grand trip!!!!!!!! What can I say, but that it has been an awesome summer and now it’s time to move on, on to yeshiva to start your lives as yeshiva bochurim. I’m sure you guys have heard this before but it’s really true, these are the years that shape your lives. Make the best of them and give the Rebbe nachas. But wherever you may be: Monsey, Toronto, Israel, Montreal, L.A., Miami or Naperville always remember the amazing EGP summer we had together. Like I always say and I’m sure you all agree “I wish the summer would last for 10 months of the year and yeshiva only two!” Sincerely yours, Shmuli Rappaport


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Counselor Moshe Gotfryd. Dear campers, As camp comes to an end, and I reflect back on all my other years as a staff member, I cannot remember a summer as exciting as this one. From the dedicated staff, especially our sports director Avremi who gave us the real team spirit and made our summer happen. Right down to the campers of our bunk. It was each and every one of you that made our bunk, the bunk that it was. We may have been the smallest bunk in size, but only in size. Remember those shiploads of sushi, the intense final moments of the all star game, our extreme sports leagues, and the remarkable EGP play, great paintball shooting, ice skating, water skiing, and amusement parks. I doubt I will ever experience another summer like this again. As we part, each one of us in our own separate way, I would like to share with you some food for thought. Unlike my ice coffee that is digested in a day, there is something else that is more permanent. Mrs. Green used to say Sefer Tehilim the whole day. Every few months she would need to buy a new Tehilim, for her old one was warn apart. One day she asked the manager of the store if he can import a Tehilim with Meforshim on the margin of the page. The manager looked at the woman in surprise and asked why, after all a Tehilim with Meforshim is more expensive? Mrs. Green eyes sparkled as she replied, this way, when all the extra Meforshim on the margin of the page fades away, I will still be left with the holy words of the Tehilim. For most of us this summer is our last summer as a camper. As we move on to yeshiva, and start our years of “Bochurhood”, we must understand that although we may not see ourselves standing up to the challenge of being the ultimate Chabad Jew, we must understand that no one is perfect, and G-d doesn’t expect us to be perfect. Hashem expects us to give it our best. If we start off trying everything, we may end up with something. I would like to take this opportunity to wish each one of you, (names) a successful beginning of your Yeshiva life. Thank you so much for making my summer in Chayolei a truly enjoyable one. I hope you will all keep in touch. All the best and ‫!הצלחה רבה‬

Moshe Gotfryd


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Counselor Yisroel Rosenzweig. Dear Oholei Torahniks As I sit to write this letter I can’t believe that the summer is over. A counselor would normally tell his campers “I hope you learned much from me…etc. etc.” In this case, however, I can honestly say that I learned so much more from all of you. No, I’m not talking about that time when you guys showed me what a good water fight means. Seriously, I really enjoyed the farbrengens on Friday nights, the singing niggunim by the bonfires or those occasional spontaneous late night get-togethers. The only time I can really say I got annoyed by you was on the shabbosim when you guys would fight about who is next in line to get tested for Tanya Bal Peh. Halevai these should be the only fights. It’s funny that Levi Gurelik would actually have to fight with simcha brody about who’s going to say a story for our bunk. I personally couldn’t ask for a better bunk, we had such a great summer full of chassidishkite, but not forgetting to have fun on the way. Whilst some of you showed a tremendous improvement in your shmiras hasedorim others improved in their sports so well we even had our Oholei Torah representative at the all star game (which we won, of course). I wouldn’t be lying if I said you’re a bunch of extremists, a simple water fight ends up with a flood in the bunk. On visiting day, our bunkhouse turned from brown to yellow. And that night when you tried to frame SGP on an inside job raid (nice try☺). Thank G-d we had a very talented bunk, we had our very own golf car mechanic, a itchy kadoozel, a basketball star, a future mashpia, a chess master, two captains, a costume designer, a cheese sandwich professional, a farbrengen organizer, a baseball pitcher, a singer impersonator, and even our very own professional biker. The Rebbe says in a sicha that what one learns in his time in summer camp in the company of good friends and a chasidishe atmosphere can have a stronger effect than an entire school year. What does it mean when we say ‘Chassidim never say goodbye”? Even though we’ve had our banquet and finished the grand trip, we are still always connected through our father, the Rebbe. And our mutual goal to bring Moshiach now. May you all have Hatzlacha raba in yeshivah, continuing to grow in chassidishkeit. Your counselor, Yisroel Rosenzweig.


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Counselor Michy Kind For such a random group of guys, each of you so unique, with so many different personalities, I can’t possibly generalize all of you guys into one letter.

Dear Itamar, I don’t think I can point to anyone your age, who cares so much for his friends. You really helped me have an easier summer, knowing you were there to be responsible and mature when the time came. That doesn’t mean we never had our goofy times or a good laugh late at night. I had a great time this summer and know you did too. I really hope you learn well in Haifa, not forgetting to have a good time too. Remember your beloved counselor and give me a call once in a while. Michy. -----------------------------Dear Amiel, The first day of camp you ran in the bunk, dropped your stuff down and left on some mission (to get better mattresses from SGP, or something). From then on, throughout the summer you never stopped working to make your surroundings better, not just for you but all your friends around you. You know how to take all that hits you, and hit it back harder. Right out of the park. This is a trait the Rebbe wants everyone to have, and I know you make him proud. Do well in Hamesivta, I know you will. And don’t fail to call me or ill drive down there and pull you out of zal. P.S. thanks for those stress relieving shabbos massages. Michy. -----------------------Dear Minka, Two months ago the name ‘Minka Borodkin’ was just another name in the book. After this summer though, I feel like I’ve known you for years. You’re a real lach. EGP would have gone cold at the campfires without your unbelievable bonfire maintenance skills. G-d has created everything with an exact opposite, and I hope you use out all Israel has to offer you in


your learning next year. As long as you stay focused you’ll be okay. Keep up your good work. Zai A Chosid. Michy. Dear Menachem Chayempour, You were definitely a strong spice in our cholent of a bunk. It’s hard to be strict around you, always with a smile, always there to brighten a rare cloudy day in EGP. I really had a great time with you this summer and hope we keep in contact. Try to be nice to Rabbi Minsky and tell him I say ‘how’s it’. Next time we meet I hope you’ll have perfected the ‘Chayempour Amazing Ability to Salt Unsaltable Popcorn’. Michy. -----------------------Dear Daniel, You’re a riot on the trips, wild at sports yet calm and collected by davening and learning class. I’ve met old men still searching for that line between fun and seriousness; Finding a balance between yidishkite and having good times. You’re lucky to be so well balanced, and I, the whole bunk actually, are lucky to have had you add your ‘dannyness’ to the two months we were together. Continue giving your parents, and all those who care for you, nachas. I am looking forward to your phone calls and e-mails (If you’re allowed internet on the island). Michy. -----------------------My dear Meir Dovid, Wow, where to begin? The addition to the bunk was by far the best decision made in a long time. You really added to the already awsomest bunk. I also would like to note that my socks are all on the floor, since there’s no room on my shelves due to your world record breaking huge collections of knives. When Moshiach comes, your stash alone

!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   would be able to plow the entire Chayolei Hamelech grounds (“turn swords into plowshares”). No one could believe the amount you have grown in these two short months. I’m sure as I can be that your parents are very proud of you. And hope you continue to please them with good reports from yeshivah. Find time in your busy schedule to give me a call. And take good care of your wayward brothers. Peace. Michy. ----------------------Dear Mendy Gindi, Exactly like your parents told me when you first arrived, you’re extremely responsible and focused. You can handle a stressful situation like no one else. We weren’t together long but I feel we became very good friends in the short time. With your two hour long maariv’s you made a great chassidishe environment around you. Most nights I could still hear you whispering krias shema when (and if), I go to sleep. Have a good time in O.T. and show ‘em what Lubavitcher-Yeshivah Bochurim are made of. Michy. -----------------------Dear Mendy Halevi There was always something missing the first month of camp. When you showed up, it was the icing on the cake. You’re so open-minded and straight forward. You say it like it is and I think that’s really cool. I can tell you had a great time this summer and I’m hoping to talk to you often throughout the year. Michy. -------------------------

P.S. take good care of Nachman for me. Michy. Dear Mendy Kraus, You were a pleasure to have around. I can’t think of a time where you caused the smallest amount of trouble. Throughout the summer you gave a chassidishe atmosphere in the bunkhouse, and I thank you for that. You’re really lucky to have such musical talent. Besides for the fact that you can give others around you a serious uplift when you start playing, whenever you’re feeling a little blue just plug in that cable, crank up the volume and jam right on. (Plus, you can even make a little canteen money on the side). Mendy, call me okay? Michy. -------------------------Dear Yaisef, I was so sure you’d be sitting right there where I left you when I came back from six flags. Imagine my disappointment when your mother ripped you away from us. No more Yaisef jokes? No more Yaisef analysis’s on efy’s ability to be head counselor. I looked forward everyday to the ‘Newword-of-the-day’. We really missed you for the second month and I hope you enjoyed yourself. You weren’t there, but at the banquet you won the Most Burned from One Canoe Trip Award. I think the trophy is in the mail. Give me a buzz and give my second most favorite New Havenian (Avrami) a hug from me. Michy. -------------------------Dear Shazar,

From week to week, one could see openly a massive improvement in your Tanya-Bal-Peh. Remember that bowling and pizza trip, especially for those who finished their quota of MVP. Where your family magically showed up? I’m sure you do. Your mother was so proud of you.

I think I still owe you a late night arm wrestle. Good! I got lucky the first time and don’t want to ruin my reputation as the man who beat the champ. Either way, I hope you had as much fun this summer as I did. And I hope you continue to go from strength to strength, in more ways than one. Someone strong physically is strong spiritually. You prove this true.

I hope you continue to grow in your learning, making your parents proud of you. K.I.T.

Call me and have your brother call me. Good times, good times.

Dear Mendel Holtzman


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Michy

Dear Levi, It’s hard to imagine our bunk without you in it. You came up with such random ideas of things to do. Like a Friday afternoon hike or a midnight tradition soup party. I’m so happy to have spent these two months together. Take good care of my boys at Chovevei, stay in touch with all your friends but most of all… me. Thanks for making such a great summer that much more exiting. Michy. -----------------------Dear Michael Moshe, You eat toast in your bed!! Your idea of good food is almost as random as my “occasional” cravings. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a good foot-skater. I don’t think I’ll forget that little blue teddy bear of yours, what was it called again?

Your memorization of the weekly portion of ‘The Ethics of Our Fathers’, was quite outstanding indeed. I’m sure we’ll be talking often. Take care. Michy. -----------------------Dear Shaya, If I had to sum you up in one word, it would have to be KIND. You’re always sharing your stuff, complementing guys, telling a good joke or a funny fact. You can put a smile on my face any, any day. It’s awesome you’re such a good sport. No worries, relaxed, just chilled. You were an amazing co-captain on our super-long extreme canoe trip, which I had so much fun on. It’s been real. Michy

You really should win awards for your Daavening. Between one and ten, yours is friggin great. Keep it up. A wise man once told me that because of the amazing progress one makes in camp, we should have school for two months and camp for the rest of the year. If that was the case, kids all over would be waiting anxiously for school to begin again, and what kind of world is that to live in? You surely all know the story of a holy rabbi who made it to mikvah every morning, up and down a really slippery, icy hill without ever falling. When asked how he kept up he answered that when one was attached from above one can’t fall downward. This is as true now as ever, all you need to do is connect above. Do all you can to be attached to the Rebbe, by learning his torah and following his teachings. That’s the true Chasid. You’ll sit by many farbrengens and hear numerous explanations as to what a Chasid is. The truth is as long as you continue to do a little extra, make a hachlata (and keep it), LEARN your ChiTaS and Rambam, you’re a true chasid. As long as you continue to try not to fall down, the Rebbe pulls you higher and higher. I hope to have the ultimate reunion, not just an EGP reunion, but a reunion with all the Jews from way back, with the hisgalus of the Rebbe MH”M .‫ ממש ממש ממש‬.‫תיכוף ומי"ד ממ"ש‬. !‫יחי המלך‬ All my best, Michy.

P.S. Thank you to all of those who used their flashlights after lights out, I never once this summer had to use my own (because I didn’t have one but anyhoo).


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Learning Teacher Shlomo Bogart Dear Campers: It’s fair to say that as an EGP learning teacher I am the right person to give a true assessment of the Chayolei EGP Program. we will start off with the most important…learning classes. There are four basics learning classes here in Chayolei, each varying In level, sorts of discipline and personality of the teacher. in Chayolei Hamelech the bochurim / campers went through a few blat of Gemara different Prakeim in Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, and numerous Mamarim of the Rebbe, thus building their foundation of Chasidish Kite and Yiras Shamayim throughout the day. This year EGP was blessed with an incredible staff, working day and night to give the bochurim an amazing camp / Yeshiva Experience. The trips were phenomenal, averaging at least 2 exciting, out of camp trips a week. They were all really good, but my favorite was for sure Six Flags Great Adventures, six hours packed with the world’s best rollercoaster’s and finished off with a perfectly timed BBQ before the trip back to camp. We really shouldn’t forget about the superb play performed by EGP, out shining SGP and GAN’s play by miles. Bochurim in EGP remain top in sports though SGP really presented a nice challenge by the All Star Baseball game. Not to hold back praise when it is overly due, our sports director Avremi Levitan really took his job seriously, no doubt his signs and coaching contributed majorly to EGP’s 17-15 win and of course fun and exciting games by leagues. One thing I learned not to do is to be a ref for 14 year olds. Both teams are 100% convinced that you are cheating for the other team. To sum it all up Chayolei EGP has got the best counselors, really dedicated, caring, and just great guys, the best trips, the best learning teachers, beautiful grounds and of course the top head staff. All said there should be no reason at all to choose another camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your learning teacher, Shlomo Bogart


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Learning Teacher Reuven Brody

Dear ‫בחורים‬, It was a really great opportunity we had learning on our beautiful camp grounds next to the river and mountain and all the other great thing Hashem created. It really made it easier to learn and recognized Hashem’s greatness. We did not cover much material but we learned everything well, I know you gained a lot because of all the Questions you answered in learning class. The Rebbe wrote in a letter to those going to camp, just like a body cannot take a vacating from food so to the Neshama cannot take a vacation from Torah and Mitzvos. B”H we were successful. The Rebbe told us that satisfaction brings to laziness, therefore we must always set new goals right away. New After such a great summer be satisfied, but set your new goals to prepare for Rosh Hashana and upcoming year in Yeshiva. Rabbi Oster told us by the Farbrengens, the years from 13 to 20 are very precious years. This year is a very big move for you, going into Mesivta. So now you have a big opportunity to make changes to be a better Bochur and Chosid of the Rebbe. The trick is to make firm Decisions on what you’re going to work on before the year starts. If you put in effort Hashem will help you!! Much Hatzlacha in all of your effort in the upcoming year, hopefully the next place we will meet is in Yerushalayim. P.S. Remember 3 things 1) have faith in Hashem 2) connect with the Rebbe 3) Await and do whatever you can to bring Moshiach. Moshiach Now Reuven Brody  

Learning Teacher Simcha Brody Dear Bochurim, This summer was just great. All the Davening, Learning and

Mishnayos Bal Peh, together with sports and trips made it so much fun. Keep up the good work, and may you all grow up to be Chassidim,

Yirei Shomayim, and Lamdonim.

From your Simchadikker Shpy. 


  !‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Learning Teacher Hirshel Goldstein Dear terrorists ‘08 After teaching (debating) the theologies and philosophies of teaching, I would like to finally speak openly with you all, about my feelings about you guys. We have already parted our own separate ways, so I offer you the last thing any one can give, the truth. (I don’t need to impress you,) (As a preface, I am sorry for the pain and aggravation I may have caused you; I acted however in your best interest.) In Yeshiva when I was anticipating the summer, I thought about how I could accurately display Chasidus and the life of a Chasid, to a grade school kid (no joke). I thought of the place to start from, so everyone would understand the main points and not get lost. And then…… I came to camp and Yisrael took me to the side and told me, that I need you to take care of these 8 Bucherim …. I realized that a different approach was needed for this class. So I taught (tried teaching) writing, discipline, exercise, and common cense. I hope that all of you teenagers will realize what you want from life, which you will only find if you commit yourselves to working to find a life worth living. I hope that you will all understand that I don’t hold anything against you, (and I understand what some of you do with your spare time.) I understand where you are coming from (more then some of you think), and I have high hopes for your future. I was a teenager too (non of you know this story, and I won’t tell you it ether, but I wasn’t religious, and I will let you imagine the rest). On a lighter note, I know that if I was where I was, and I got somewhere (with a lot of work), you guys will probably get somewhere too. I know that G-d will help you along in the way you want, and the way you will enjoy life… you will find out how. Even though I know you guys probably hate (dislike majorly) me by now, but let me tell you a story: Once there was a boy that broke his leg, and couldn’t play ball. This was very bad for the teem being that he was the best player in his league. So all the kids complained to the doctor “way can’t you let him play?”. The simple moral of the story is, why should other people loss out, because some one else wasn’t carful with himself. The deeper meaning of the story is, why should you loss out your whole life because you messed yourself over, even though you weren’t thinking? If you really didn’t believe in Judaism, I would tell you to quit practicing. So if you are doing things that you don’t believe in, it is time to explore them, so you could find out that you would actually appreciate them. It is very healthy for a Bucher your age to do things because he understands that it is good for him. You can trust a doctor, but only because you know that he knows way he is talking about. You don’t trust your parents because you don’t know any other way to thing, rather because you know that they care about you, and they know what is best for you. (If you guys ever need another Yeshiva to get in to…. I can probably help you out (in the merit that you read this far), and if you ever need some friendly advise (your parents cut off life support), you can always email me, and I will get back to you.) To end off with a blessing, May it be G-d’s will that you should get into a good Yeshiva this next year and all years. You should continue on to a happy and successful life. You should get over “I came here to have fun and move on” to, “how can I enjoy all life has to offer”. We should all hear from each other in good health, for good things, with all of out friend and family happy and healthy. Your teacher Hirshel Goldstein from Monsey NY ,845 709 0733 ,[email protected]

Moshiach Now!!! 13   

!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Learning Teacher Rabbi Oster

Dear '‫תלמידים שי‬, Standing here at the end of such a beautiful summer, I look back at the great summer we had. The ‫ חיות‬in Davening and learning was so inspiring. Now we must take all this ‫ חיות‬and inspiration with us to ‫מתיבתה‬. This is a unique time in your growth as a ‫ איד‬that will be a foundation for the rest of your life. I’m sure you will all be ‫ מצליח‬with the inspiration that you got from camp. It was great being together and I wish everyone the best ‫בגשמיות וברוחניות‬, with the ‫!גאולה האמיתית והשלימה תיכף ומיד ממש‬ Rabbi Oster

Dear Amiel, Even though I wasn’t there and there was no ceremony made by the banquet for you. Though I know you would say it’s not necessary never the less you still deserve one. The reason in my opinion that it is necessary is that everyone should recognize the leadership & sportsmanship you showed so well leading your team, and learn from you. And for this reason along with some others I deemed it fit that the one that should earn the Most Valuable Player (MVP) should be none but you. My closing words to you, are that even though now you realize the importance of Together Everyone Achieves More. (T.E.A.M.) Never the less I wish you to remember this important lesson in your life ahead of you. I am again sincerely yours

Avrami A. levitan


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

EGP Sports you can’t argue this call Dear EGP, “As camp comes to an end”, I wish to do my best to put memories into words and feelings into print. For some odd reason it is human nature that when we are busy and involved with things that we enjoy time seems to fly. When we are forced into things which we don’t enjoy time seems to stand still. Even though I’m sure there were times when we (I included) detested camp and we couldn’t wait for it to end nevertheless, overall thank G-D I believe most of us had an enjoyable vacation from real life. It just happens to be that the way we work is the more relaxed and the more we take things in stride the more objective we become. I truly hope that the sports you played and team camaraderie which hopefully grew throughout the summer was truly enjoyed by you the bochurim as it was by me. I truly hope that the importance and caring that I gave to the organized sports which I tried to coordinate to the best of my abilities was recognized and felt throughout the summer. For those of you who played in the All Star game, my message of perseverance and optimism no matter what may come your way, in the life ahead of you will be easier for you to understand. The game in my humble opinion was one for the ages and one to be remembered. The fact that this game exemplified the idea of “it’s not over till it’s over”. A saying from the great New York Yankee catcher Yogi Berra of worthy sports fame. And this message I want to impart in this way to long letter to all of you. When the storms (which G-D willing none of you will experience) threaten to ship wreck you on the ocean voyage of life, I wish you to remember it’s not over till it’s over and that even though you think that your chances are slim to overcome the storm and keep your ship from sinking, remember that till it’s over you have to give it your best and rely on your survival instincts, of optimism and hope. What I want you to learn from your teammates is that many times you will be put into a situation that you will have to work with people that you might not like or even hate. But to be the biggest and the strongest is to rise above the personal conflict and to try your best at the task at hand.


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

As we part ways I pray that it is only with good memories with each other. And may we meet only in the good times with good news for one another. And none of us should have tragedies befall us all the days of our life. And please remember that in life some things are only the worth of a game and should be treated as such. With a prayer for the coming of Moshiach. I am sincerely yours now and forever.

Avrami A. Levitan p.s. Thank you for reading my thoughts and I hope it was worth your time.


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

Through the eyes of Learning Teacher of EGP                  One heck of a vacation! I don’t think I ever relaxed so much in one summer, (Israel thank you so much for sniping the wire of effy’s alarm clock, and then not waking me up until one hour into class!) To think I would have such a easy class that won’t even contradict me, even when I didn’t know what I was talking about, (you guys knew something was up, but you just didn’t know where to start,) have free canteen (they think they are getting my pay check, but they don’t know I’m on youth core, and I already have my cash), get to go on all these cool trips (AND have the option to sleep in), hanging out with all these bomb staff (I still don’t know what they think about that), drinking Bensy Chesny dry of all his(?) coke (I think camp didn’t buy it for him, did they?), and they I got to kill him every day for his fresh mess up, (I will dedicate a special journal for them all shortly, I may have a sneak copy of it in one of your bags). I think that just thinking about all this stuff is fun, for a good part of the winter, (so if you ever see me spacing out, you know what I am thinking of, and if I ever catch you spacing out, I will know that you are with me.) One think that comes to mind, is that awesome play that we made together. Even most staff of Gan (except those that made the play,) said with one voice “how did that one half hour of those kids beat our 2 and a half hours so badly” (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The answer is that you guys rock!! You put yourselves into it and you put your soul into it, with all you had. I am proud to have been a part of this play, not only because of the success that it was, but mainly because of the friendship which was made by the commitment to a single goal together. At 6:00 am when we went to sleep, it wasn’t because we where tiered, but rather because we finished the work, we wanted to, and we knew that we would need strength for the rest of the day. You guys were awesome. Special thanks to: oh no I can’t sit here and write this all now! And then miss someone, and insult him! The truth is, I don’t even know who did what, I did my part, and I didn’t know who did any thing else, I trusted you all to pick up as much as you could, and every one did what he was good at. And everything was done. I call that team work. (OH, Meme Friedman was the play director, but you all know that you all picked up all the directions, to make the play perfect, and that credit can only be given to you). (What was that about cutting out part of the play????? The crusaders ride on!!!) Now MBP Kicked, another victory for the EGP campers! The sweat and toile that went on there was from another world. I sat in wonderment remembering my days as a camper, I never learned one word by heart. By color war the MBP staff were looking for Goldstein. Are you Goldstein? Yes I said, who are you and what do you want from me? MB what? I don’t understand, why should you want me to do that? After many hours of frustration and arm twisting, they understood that I was a waste of time. And now I sit here and am called the MBP DIRECTOR?!?!?! With such success? Is that enough irony for you? I feel like I am in a dream, maybe moshiach is here, like the Rebbe said. (And you think that the MBP trips weren’t worth anything Bensy!!?! Go lick Shlomy’s boots and tell him that you saved him another dollar, as you rip off millions of dollars worth of……from the kitchen. No wonder you were always in bed. Hey I couldn’t eat that much, and get out of the bed in the morning. You have to wait for some of it to digest!) And the MBP trip for shabuas masia (the 3 weeks) was late night, laser tag, bonfire, and pnimes. I hope you don’t sue me for down grading you to bbq, water skiing and bowling. What can I say; I can’t put it all in a nutshell in one night. My mind and heart are bursting, and it isn’t justice to just mention all those things that happened. So when you have a chance, sit down, with a pen and paper, or a computer, and count all the experiences that you had, with all the details. It will be well worth your time, I ashore you. Have a good year now, and bring the camp spirit into all that you do. Remember if it is crazy, it is probably the only thing worth doing. If you do it right, Good year now!!!!

Hirshel G                    


!‫יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד‬

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Rappaport, Shmuli  905‐731‐0738  61 Bevshire Circle  Thornhill ON. Canada L4J‐5C5  [email protected] Beis Iyar 5748  Tzfas, Israel 

Name  Phone   Address  E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Gotfryd, Eli  905‐882‐9303  396 York Hill Blvd.  Toronto, Canada, L4J 3B7  [email protected] Beis Sivan 5754  Toronto Mesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Abitan, Dovid Moshe  310‐358‐9143  1469 South Bedford St. Apt.#1  L.A., Ca., 90035  [email protected] Yud‐Daled Elul 5754  Y.O.E.C 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Notik, Tzemach Dovid  514‐341‐2027  6650 Westbury Ave.  Montreal, Canada H3W 2X6     Yud‐Zayen Elul 5754    

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Bonnardel, Mendy                    FB  C: 305‐753‐1316 H:305‐953‐0403  20130 North East 26th Ave.  North Miami Beach, Fl., 33180  [email protected]  Ches Adar 5755  Miami 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Saull, Eli  410‐764‐2107  3914 Bancroft Rd.  Baltimore, Marryland 21215  [email protected] Beis Teves 5755  Monsey Mesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Feldman, Schneur  773‐381‐0691  2932 W. Jarvis  Chicago, Ill., 60645  [email protected] Yud‐Zayen Teves   Ohr Menachem, Canada 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Turen, Naftali  773‐338‐0080  6237 North Whipple St.  Chigago, Ill., 60659  [email protected] Yud‐Tes Tishrei 5755  Ohr Yehuda, Israel 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Freeman, Avremi  905‐709‐8811  114 Esther Cressent  Thornhill, Ont., Canada, L4J 304  [email protected] Chof Tishrei 5755  Toronto Mesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Zaltzman, Dovid  905‐886‐3367  78 Theodore Pl.  Toronto, Canada  [email protected] Chof‐Hey Tammuz 5754  Toronto Mesivta 













EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Gotfried, Moshe  905‐882‐9303  396 York Hill Blvd.,  Thornhill Ont., Canada, L4J 3B7  [email protected] Gimmel Nissan 5746  Smicha Program   

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Komarovsky, Aron  718‐953‐0823  645 Lefferts Ave.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Chof‐Gimmel Tamuz 5754   Monsey 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Rosenzweig, Yisroel  905‐886‐2052  27 Michael Ct.  Thornhill, ON., Canada L4J‐8E9  [email protected] Chof‐Daled Cheshvan 5749  Tzfat,Israel 



Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Chanin, Folleh  718‐774‐3689  587 Montgomery St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11225  [email protected] Chof‐Daled Kislev 5754  Krayot, Israel 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Fuchs, Shlomy  718‐773‐3417  48 Balfour Pl.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11225     Zayin Tamuz 5754  Darchei Menachem 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Chazan, Levi   718 735 6735  1365 Carrol St. Apt#2B  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Goodman, Pinny                       FB  718‐513‐6565  73 Tehama St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11218  [email protected] Yud‐Zayen Tamuz 5753   Hamisifta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Cohen, Levi  718‐934‐9331  1315 Ave. Y  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11235  [email protected] Aleph Tishrei 5755  O.T. 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Junik, Yanky  718‐771‐8627  1476 Carrol St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213     Chof‐Hey Tishrei 5754  Darchei Menachem 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Fried, Avremel  212 865 0863  323 West 96th St Apt #TH9  Brooklyn, N.Y., 10025 






Yud‐Gimmel Iyar 5754  O.T. 


Yud‐Beis Nissan 5754  Cincinatti 

EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Greenberg,Yanki  718 778 0118  465 Brooklyn Ave   Brooklyn, N.Y., 11225  [email protected] Yud‐Tes Tishrei 5755  O.T. 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Spielman, Mordy  718 467 6916  421 Sterling ST  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11225 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Landa, Eli  718 953 0015  715 Empire Blvd  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Tes‐Vov Kislev 5755  O.T. 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Yarmak,Yisroel  718 604 2581  1584 Carrol ST  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Vov Tishrei 5754  O.T. 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Liberow,Meir  718 493 6149  665 Crown ST   Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Yosewitz,Avraham  347 967 6329  1615 Carrol St  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Kind, Michy  845‐321‐9111  9 Beckett Ct.  Chestnut Ridge, NY 10952  [email protected] Yud‐Beis Cheshvan 5749  Budapest, Hungery 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Antian, Itamar  718‐513‐6111  319 Crown st.  Brooklyn, NY, 11213  [email protected] Chof‐Vov Adar 5753  Haifa, Israel 



Tes‐Zayen Iyar 5754  O.T. 

Chof‐Gimmel Kislev 5754     

Ches Tishrei 5755  O.T. 


Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Pape, Leibel  718 493 7360  361 New York Ave  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Simpson, Zalmen  718 953 3620  763 Montgomery St  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213 



Yud Elul 5754  O.T. 

Yud Adar 5754  O.T. 




EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Benjamin, Amiel                      FB  718‐421‐4827  25 Dekoven Ct.  Brooklyn, NY, 11230  [email protected]/gmail Chof‐Aleph Shevat 5754  Hamesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Gindi, Mendy  718‐778‐1365  377 Crown St.  Brooklyn, NY, 11225     Yud‐Zayen Tamuz 5754  O.T. 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Borodkin, M.M. (Minka)       FB  347‐365‐2328  1558 Union St.  Brooklyn, NY, 11213  minka.boro@gmail Yud Tamuz 5754  natanya, Israel 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Halevi, Mendy                          FB  718‐253‐1056  3389 Bedford Ave.  Flatbush, NY, 11210  [email protected] Chof‐Zayen Tamuz 5754  Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Chayempour, M.M.  516‐482‐2596  21 Allenwood Rd.  Greatneck, NY, 11023  Tes Kislev  Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Holtzman, M.M.  718‐778‐8661  699 lefferts Ave.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Chof‐Kislev 5754  Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Chamami, Daniel  516‐299‐8711  299 Buckingham Rd.  FiveTowns, NY, 11516  [email protected] Chof‐Tes Iyar 5755  Staten Island Mesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Kraus, Mendy  718‐756‐4553  808 Eastern Pkwy Apt#4  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213     Yud‐Gimmel Nissan 5754  Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Gajer, Meir Dovid                    FB  718‐953‐4014  1227 President St. Apt#4B  Brooklyn, NY, 11213  [email protected] Chof‐Ches Iyar 5754   Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Meltzer,Yaisef  203 777 3836  606 ellsworth ave   New Haven CT 06511        Pittsburg 









EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Rapp, Shneur (ShaZar)  718‐467‐1055  7 Balfour Pl.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11225     Chof‐Daled Kislev 5755  Chovevei Torah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Raymond, Levi                          FB  718‐953‐3341  1560 Union St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Zayen Nissan 5754  Chovevei 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Saul, Michael Moshe              FB  718‐756‐3753  835 Montgomery St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Yud‐Aleph Cheshvan 5754    

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 





Shuchat, Shaya  718‐778‐3682  666 Crown St.  Brooklyn, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Yud‐Tes Kislev 5755  Hamesivta   

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Learning Director  Silverstein, Yisroel  718‐419‐5799  1559 Carroll St.  Brookly, N.Y., 11213  [email protected] Chof‐Beis Elul 5747  Monsey 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Head Counselor  Carlbach, Ephi   732 – 922 – 0042   4 Violet Dr.   Wayside N.J. 07712   [email protected]   Chof Alef Iyar   Pitoria, South Africa 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Learning Techers  Bogart, Shlomo  646‐763‐1424  3 Abbott Ave.  Sharon, MA., 02067  [email protected] Yud‐Zayen Iyar 5747  Morristown Smicha 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Brody, Simcha  H: 305‐531‐7236 C:786‐820‐0238  1761 Lenox Ave   Miami Beach, Fl. 33139     Chof‐Ches Shevat 5750  Miami Yeshivah 



EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768   Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Brody, Reuven  786‐213‐9311  1761 Lenox Ave  Miami Beach, Fl. 33139     Hey Menachem‐Av 5747  Monsey Mesivta 

Name  Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Goldstein, Tzvi Hersh  8 Algonquin c.  Monsey, N.Y., 10952  [email protected] Chai Elul 5747  Monsey Mesivta 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Fridman, Meme            [email protected]     Morristown 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Mashpia  Rabbi Oster   718 – 493 – 9358   716 Montgomery St.   Brooklyn N.Y. 11213        O.T. 


Program Director  Name 

Chesney, Bensy 



Address  E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 



Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Sports Director  Levitan, Avremi  203‐415‐7588  135 Bellevue Rd.  New Haven, CT., 06511  [email protected] Chof‐Zayen Shevat 5747  770 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

waiters  Carrol, Aaron  305‐921‐9257  1030 N.E. 179th St.  N. Miami Beach Fl. 33162        Miami Yeshivah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Benamou, Shmuly  C: 786‐547‐5188 H: 305‐770‐2740  1311 N.E. 174th St.  North Miami  Beach, Fl. 33162  [email protected] Yud‐Tes Iyar 5750  Morristown Yeshivah 

Name  Phone   Address     E‐Mail  B‐day  Next Year 

Bal Ha'agole  Vidrin, Dovid  617‐838‐8140  30 Falcon St.  Needham, MA., 02492  [email protected] Yud‐Daled Tishrei 5748  Flatbush Smicha 




EGP Souvenir Journal Summer 5768  

This journal is dedicated to

äøù 'éç ïá éç ãåã May Hashem grant him the health and strength to continue receiving úçð from his children for years to come. May we be äëåæ to the day where all sickness will be swept away, with the coming of çéùî now!

.‫מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות‬ ‫ע"י‬ ‫הרוצה בעילום שמו‬



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