Egg Drop

  • December 2019
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SAMPLE :(how the forners request for the egg drop to the students ) Mrs. Cooke's SGHS Science Classes Egg Drop Competition

The Problem: Your mission is to design and construct a package that will protect its payload (a raw egg). The structure and packaging must protect the egg from breaking when dropped from the top of the school (approximately 25 feet).

Objective: The objective of the Egg-Drop Competition is to design and build a device or package that will safely deliver a raw medium egg from a free height of approximately 25 feet. This objective will be reached by applying the laws of motion.



The device must be of original design

2. It can be constructed of any material that you feel is appropriate, except NO STYROFOAM or other foams may be used. 3. Upon the initial release of the device, it must be able to fit within a 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm cube. Once the device is released, it may take any shape or size. 4. There will be no physical contact between the device and the designer once the device has been released 5. The egg must be put into the design on the day of competition. The design must allow for easy opening and inspection of the egg 6. Repairs requiring additional materials will not be allowed once the competition has begun 7. “Free Fall” indicates the use of gravitational acceleration forces only, therefore no propulsion devices or air drag devices (no parachutes, propellers or wings). 8.

No glass containers


You will clean up you own mess if necessary.

Scoring: This project is worth 120 points The scoring will be assigned as follows: 1. 20 points for creativity(I will judge). A soda bottle filled with paper isn’t creative and won’t protect an egg.

2. 20 points for being on time. 25% off for all late work with 0 points for the competition since the egg container will not be dropped. 3. 20 points for meeting size requirements. 2 points deducted for every 1 cm over in any direction. 4.

Up to 20 points for the competition.

5. 40 points for a scientific write-up on this project (guidelines below).

Rules for competition: Scoring: The competition will be scored using a simple mathematical equation: SCORE = Mass of device without egg x (time of fall)2 The less massive the device and the faster it falls, the better your score will be. Low score wins.

First – fourth place = 20 points Fifth – eighth place = 19 points Ninth – 14 = 18 points 15 – 19 = 17 points 20 – 24 place = 16 points

24 – last place = 15 points broken during fall = 14 points

Any egg that is broken after being removed from the device by a designer is automatically out of the competition. (0 points).

Competition day is tentatively scheduled for ______________. Devices must be brought in on __________ before the competition for measuring, massing, and judging.

Egg Drop Scoring Rubric


20 points possible __________

On Time

20 points possible __________

Size (25cm3)

20 points possible __________

Competition points __________

20 points possible

subtotal points

(80 for this portion) __________

Write up Total Egg-Drop Points: _____________

40 points possible __________ 120 points possible

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Time


Smaller than 25 cm in all dimensions _________ ________ cm

over size

Mass of device =___________ Time of fall = ___________ time2 =____________

Competition Score = Mass x time2 _____________ x ____________ = ____________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Place in competition 1-4 = 20 points 5-8 = 19 points

9-14 = 18 points 15-19 = 17 points 20-24 = 16 points 25-30 = 15 points broken = 14 points broken after being removed from the device = 0 points

Egg-Drop Write-Up On the day before the competition is to take place, you need to write a summary (40 points) on the following: 1.

What materials did you use in building your device?


Why did you choose the materials you did?


How did you design your device?

4. Draw a picture of your device explaining how the forces will be acting on it and protecting the egg. 5. Look at all of the other devices and predict if each will protect the egg or not. 6. Explain why you believe the other devices will or will not protect the egg. 7. Draw a table so you can record the results for everyone’s device:

The Egg Drop Sample Table Name Result



Notta Lotta Brains Egg will break duct tape Egg broke

Used a brick and

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ima Viking

Egg will survive

Break-away hull to absorb impact


Egg not damaged

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May B. Bestegg cushion to absorb

Egg will survive

Lots of impact forces

Egg broke On competition day you need to add these to your write-up: 1. Record the results of everyone’s egg drop device in your data table. 2. Calculate the average velocity and the momentum of your object. Show work. velocity = distance/time

momentum = mass x

velocity 3. Explain why the acceleration of your object was not 9.8 m/s2 (acceleration due to gravity).


4. Write a paragraph describing what you would have done differently (if your egg broke) or why your device worked (if your egg survived).

Abstract Its not a new generation fun, competition is there, By using product development figure .project is made with in the limits of restrictions. Project science is compulsory to make the best design. 2nd eq of newtons law that is F=ma is the secret of this egg drop.

Contents History of egg drop………………………………………………. Egg drop competition…………………………………………… Introduction of project……………………………………………. Project science…………………………………………………… 4. Development of egg drop project………………………………. 4.1. Concept…………………….……………………………………... 4.2. Design…………………….………………………………………. 4.3. Fundamentals…………………….………………………………. 4.4. Properties…………………….…………………………………… 4.5. Synthesis…………………….…………………………………… 4.6. Product…………………….…………………….…….…….….. 5. Conclusion…………………….…………………….…….…….. 1. 2. 3. 4.

History of egg drop competition Exact history is difficult to find .but from these wordings we can say that it is not a new generation game . in February 29, 1996 the UW-Oshkosh chapter of the Society of Physics Students held First Annual Egg Drop Contest. It was a rousing success...50% of the eggs survived their trip down the northwest stairwell of Halsey. Of course, there were only two eggs

entered in the contest and both of them by the same team (a slight breach of the rules), but that should not detract from the thrill of the contest. [1] 27th Annual Physics Egg Drop Contest What do you get when you combine boisterous Upper School boys singing re-worded Christmas carols and smashing eggs all in the name of science? The 27th annual Physics Egg Drop contest, which was held on Tuesday, December 16. Each year Physics Teacher, Dr. Robert Morse, challenges students to design an apparatus to protect a single egg, so that when it is dropped from three-stories, it can survive the impact. [2] This is the 27th Annual function ,fro here we can conclude that on school/college /university level it may properly started almost 27 years back.

Title: EGG-DROP: An Amazing Project School: Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Salaya, Nakornpathom, Thailand Hundred years ago, who would think we could ever fly in the sky, go to the other parts of the world that we will never see, just in twentyfour hours? Who would ever think news can spread so quickly that it happens and just in a few seconds. Everybody has been talking about it even one in Asia or in Europe. It is exactly the same as what we are doing now. Who would think that we could drop an egg from the seventh-floor of a building, pick it up from the ground, and then use the egg to cook an omelet? Perhaps, it mustn’t be broken! Some of us actually did it by creating a model. How? This question comes to be the most important project of M.5 students of Mahidol Wittayanusorn, the first science school in Thailand. This Egg-Drop

project will give the important experience for the students. They will show their abilities of thinking the way to save an egg, applying physical knowledge for designing the package, and creating a model. Especially, it depends on a unity of the group to succeed. We’re telling you what we think, what we create and the result of our model and the egg. Many high schools around the world have been finding the way to save an egg from falling. As many competitions were held, many students got inspired by many forms of possible models. Nobody knows whether they do it for money or fame. But why does this little problem become well-known worldwide. For us, as science high school students, we want to prove our intelligence and scientist’s spirit. We strongly believe that we can go through any problems if we intend to solve them and that every problem has its own solution; although sometimes there was only one solution. The second cause is that many colleges needs smart students to study in their faculties such as engineering, medical, and science. Furthermore, we may be needed very soon for developing our country in a better way, then make it become a developed country. This competition must be one of the best starting points for us to show our abilities. The last cause is very simple. Our school needs to prove that the students have been taught very well and that the students are ready as qualified human resources. From now on, our school will probably be watched by many important people for example, a prime minister, a scion of the royal house, or even a president of MIT University! As a consequence, Thailand will be famous by our act at this time! In this project, we built a container which can protect an egg as it falls from the seventh-floor of the first building of Mahidol Wittayanusorn School. We had to think about how the energy is converted from potential energy to kinetic energy, and how to decrease the bumping force from the ground to the egg. Of course, we cannot change the egg in any ways (no chemicals on the egg, no tapes on the egg.) From the other models in the other countries, which we did researches on the internet, mostly, there are some complex models which are too hard to complete. In our design, we have decided that a model should be simple, but still has an ability to protect an egg from breaking. Then, the materials we used to decrease the bumping force and slow down the acceleration of the gravity, which allows the egg to

fall softly, are some balloons. After that, we chose a box, a piece of clothes and some threads. We put the piece of clothes we had chosen in the box, tied it with some air-filled-balloons above. Furthermore, we stuck the other balloons below the box; they are also used to prevent the egg from bumping. The reason we put some clothes in the box is for protecting an easy-to-be-broken egg. Our model is now completely constructed and ready for dropping. Actually, we should try a few smaller heights from the building as trials before the competition. Unfortunately, we had never tested our model. On the competition day, held on the seventh-floor of Mahidol Wittayanusorn first building, we dropped it for the first and last time. Moreover, the weather was terrible too. There was a strong cold wind blowing. We were really afraid that the wind would make our model turned over. Consequently, the egg was broken. For the criterion in this competition, equally, every group is scored by the formula [30(W/31) + 30(N/18) + 40(DZ/2)]*EIF where: W=model weight (grams), N= number of parts, DZ=Drop Zone and EIF=Egg Integrity Factor (1 if not cracked or 0 if cracked). The winner is the one who gets the least score; however, the score mustn’t be zero. Our model was 230 grams and there were 22 parts on it. Whatsoever, the egg was broken so, our EIF turned out to be 0. That means we’ve got 0 in the competition and didn’t have any chances to be the winner. As we have thought about it, the cause of the breaking of the egg is probably the weather. We’ve seen that our model fell down and turned over as we thought. So, our balloons used to reduce the force were useless. The wind blew our model far away from the Drop Zone. Apart from that, the box wasn’t strong enough to protect the egg so it crashed against the ground and cracked. Because of the bad weather, the container couldn’t prevent the egg from bumping the ground. Another cause of this must be that we haven’t tested the model yet. We had too much confidence that it wouldn’t be broken. Moreover, the balloons weren’t good enough for the model because, actually, we wanted them floating (filled with Helium), but we filled the balloons by normally blew the air in, so they couldn’t slow down the acceleration of the gravity. Finally, zero score is belonged to us. In conclusion, the cause of doing this project is that we were going to prove our intelligence as young junior scientists; also this is the best initiating point for us to apply in the good colleges. We are praising

our school on a world classified school while many important people are watching us. By creating this model, using balloons to reduce the acceleration of the force of gravity then got a zero in the competition because of a broken egg; the model still isn’t strong enough for the strong wind. Some of the models of the other groups were working. They saved their eggs from breaking. We think if we had used the Helium balloons instead of those simple balloons, we would have saved it on the day of the competition. Who knows? Ten years from now, dropping an egg or even other small things from the seventhfloor of a building maybe very common for us, just like flying on an airplane from Thailand to America which was impossible years ago, but is so common nowadays. We’ll see.

2. Egg drop competition The egg drop contest is an experiment usually performed by college or high school students enrolled in technical courses such as physics and engineering. Competitors typically attempt to create a device that can keep a raw chicken egg intact when dropped from a height.

2.1 Common restrictions In order to keep the competition safe and fair for all competitors, restrictions are usually placed on the nature of the containers used. Common restrictions are: Weight limits (commonly 100 grams) Size limits Materials limits (usually in the form of a list of prohibited materials, or in a specified list of allowable materials) Design limitations (limitation on drag devices, mechanical complexity etc.) Cost limits

2.2 Approaches to device design

The use of materials to aid in the absorption of shock is a common approach. It is possible to prevent the eggs from breaking by absorbing the egg's kinetic energy when the device hits the ground. Another approach is a helicopter type device that attempts to slow the device by converting gravitational potential energy into rotational energy, thus dissipating the energy as air drag before the device hits. Sometimes, air resistance is used to cause the device to collide with the ground in a desired orientation (to "stabilize the device"). For example, a project might have a 'kite tail', fins, or a parachute. If the device can be oriented relative to the ground when it strikes it is only necessary to provide shock absorption in one direction. This can be advantageous if weight or other restrictions apply.

2.3 Bare egg drop Another approach to the competition is to make a container that will keep a bare egg from breaking when the egg is dropped into the container. This competition is normally done indoors to avoid winds that can deflect the fall of the egg. For this competition, commonly used energy-absorbing materials are peanut butter, sand, chocolate, styrofoam,cotton, and bubble-wrap

2.4 Egg hurl A common variation on the Egg Drop competition is the Egg Hurl competition, where the containers are hurled by a device such as a trebuchet or air cannon. This variation is often used by schools that lack tall structures from which to drop the containers.[1] The Egg Hurl variation adds additional difficulties to the design of the container, since it is initially hurled at high speed and has to cope with horizontal as well as vertical velocities upon landing.[3]

3. Introduction of project The project is to make a structure or some thing like that which can Save the egg when dropped from the height almost 30 feet. This includes a structure and a parachute that is hand maded. Structure is not heavy from 300 g. threads are used to connect the structure and the parachute. Total weight of the structure and the parachute is almost less than 300g.

4 .Project science Here is some useful physics: Just before the egg's package hits the ground, the egg has some speed (depending on the height from which it is dropped.) You want the egg to change its speed to zero as slowly as possible. That is, you don't want it to go from 20 miles per hour to zero miles per hour in 1/100 second. You want it to slow down gradually. (This is because it takes more force to suddenly change the speed of something than to gradually change its speed, and we want the least amount of force possible exerted on the egg.) Maybe you know the equation F = ma where "F" is force, "m" is mass, and "a" is acceleration. F=MA Lower the force.lower the pressure is exerted on the structure. More the chance of safe landing.

There are two basic ways to save the egg. You either need to provide for energy absorption upon impact so the shell isn't broken or you need to slow the descent of the egg so the the impact is below that needed to break the shell. And the second is that egg has to pass maximum time in the air. Either having slow speed or moving in between vertical and horizontal. Because that creates an angle .that lessened the pressure and energy.

4. Development of egg drop project development of any thing starts from the first and that are 1. Concept 2. Design 3. Fundamentals 4. Properties 5. Synthesis 6. Product

This figure is the development pyramid. Covers basic steps to develop any thing.

4.1. Concept This experiment is designed to demonstrate the concepts of Newton’s second law, acceleration, collision, and resilience. That is F=ma The concept is to make some thing that can help to drop the egg form some height. For this purpose many ideas and structures are discussed based on there properties. First of all we have to make a structure that carries the egg and a parachute that carries the both.




This is a nice structure but the problem is that it is a very low weight structure it is not stable to high pressure and wind bellowing opposite to its motion .it is rejected ………………………………………………………………………………………………

This is quite stable than other but the problem is that if this structure inverted it keeps coming down in that state. it cannot change its position atomically that’s why it is failed in safe landing. ………………………………………………………………………………………….

this is simple and stable..but because of weight limits it is also rejected. And the other problem is that when it hits the ground .the egg jumped and hits the ground . This is the main problem. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

this is good. but the problem is that it hits the ground with some speed then the egg will hit the ground in between the legs of structure. ……………………………………………………………………………………..

this is innovative. But has a big disadvantage that it keeps on going with consatnat velocity …and wgen it comes in the mid way it gains some speed and hits the ground hard. Air, wind pressure are the big variables of this structure. ,…………………………………………………………………………………………


This is the best design we find. fulfill our all the requirements it is tested 10 times it save the object 9 times it has almost 90 %

EGG DROP FUNDAMENTALS The objective, of course, in this exercise is to keep the egg from breaking. To accomplish this objective, we desire to minimize the force that the egg experiences upon impact. We can begin to quantify this force by examining some fundamental laws of gravity and momentum as laid out by Issac Newton. Newton’s Second Law of Motion relates force, acceleration, and the rate of change of momentum as follows: F = ma = d(mv) dt where F represents force, m represents mass, a represents acceleration, v represents velocity, and t represents time. The product of mass and velocity is momentum. Thus, Newton’s Second Law states that force is directly related to an object’s rate of change of momentum. We have all experienced this force when we decelerate (or accelerate) while driving. Further, the more quickly we decelerate, the larger the force we experience. Assuming that the mass of the object does not change, we can divide through by the mass to show that the acceleration is equal to the time rate of change of the velocity. Typically, this acceleration is expressed in g’s where 1g is the acceleration (or gravity, 9.8 m/s2 ) on Earth. As a specific example, consider a car uniformly decelerating from 60 mph to rest. The change of momentum would simply be the mass of the car multiplied by the change in velocity -- 60 mph. Note that the change in momentum is constant independent of the time required to bring the car to rest. However, the above equation shows that the force increases as the time required

decreases. Since the mass of the car remains unchanged, we can evaluate the acceleration. Converting from miles per hour to meters per second, the change in velocity is 26.8 m/s. If the car is brought to rest in 2.7s, then the acceleration is 9.8 m/s2, or 1g. During this time, the car would travel 36m or about 120 feet. If the car is brought to rest in 0.54s, the acceleration is 5gs and the distance traveled is only 7.2m or about 24 feet. This acceleration is about what astronauts experience upon liftoff but below the limit for human survival (around 10 gs). Astronauts wear gravity suits which enable them to survive these high accelerations. Thus, we see that for the egg to survive, we must try to minimize the egg’s velocity upon impact, and/or maximize the time (distance) over which the egg is brought to rest (meaning provide some sort of cushion around the egg to absorb the force when the egg hits the ground). When dropped, the egg is accelerated by gravity. When the air resistance (the force experienced when placing one’s hand out in a strong wind), which increases with increasing velocity, equals gravity, the egg’s velocity will remain constant. This velocity is known as terminal velocity. Parachutists depend on this phenomenon to survive when jumping out of airplanes.

Synthesis In making of the project (8) things are used 1. cloth 2. fibers(finest yarn) 3. plastic pipes 4. glue 5. egg handler 6. steel wires 7. plastic elbows(T) 8. egg. First of all 2 m square cloth is taken. That is converted into circular shape with the help of seizer. Small loops are attached to it . yarns are fixed with it .yarns are of same length. it seems like the small parachute.

By using plastic. A rectangular structure is made. First of all plastic pipe is converted into small joints and vertical rods. All are fixed together.

Steps Required steps to make the whole scene is as fallow

This is for the upper part that is a parachute

Properties In the properties we are discussing the basic properties and how they relate with physics. Strength is the big property ,because of plastic pipes are used .and they are fixed vertically. Big parachute of almost 2 by 2 meter . Of size is used. And some properties are dicussed below.


it is ready to fly.

Conclusion The conclusion is that we are able to protect or safe the egg which is dropped from the height of 20m.this is basically a project based on the product development figure which covers all the aspects of production of a new thing. Egg drop secret is that save the egg there must be one thing of the three First is that egg should take maxium time in the air ..that means it comes down slowly and hit the ground the with slow speed. Second is that if it comes fast, then there must be a structure that can equallt transmit the energy that is kinetic energy in all the directions so that there is little bounce. And the last is that it comes down in between horizontal and vertical .so that there is small kinetic energy and momentum.

References…………………….…………………….…….……. [1] First egg drop 21/01/2009 [2] st.albans school

21/01/2009 [3] Egg drop competition 21/01/2009

[4] SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION MECHANICAL ENGINEERING -- GRADES 9-12: MODULE 3 EGG DROP 21/01/2009 GENEAL REFRENCES - 13k - 24k – O&q=egg+drop+competition&start=10&sa=N A+GAME&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

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