Module Billboard - version 1.1 This module offers professors the feature of defining and presenting to their lessons’ students an area comprising of text, images, videos and generally anything that can be found on a regular HTML-page. Hence, this provides to a professor the possibility of directly communicating any piece of information for a lesson outside its regular means (like lesson units, tests, glossaries etc), much like as a billboard does at a classroom. The billboard module refers to professors and students: Professor Professors can edit and re-edit the billboard after activating this module for each of their lessons (from the lesson administration page). The billboard uses the tinyMCE interface to automatically create the HTML code for the desired result. Some of each features include table creating and editing, images and emoticons, java applets or videos. Keep in mind that in order for tinyMCE to recognize and use an external file it should be first uploaded in the corresponding lesson folder – the “Upload files and images” link can be used for this purpose.
The billboard editing form By clicking on the submit button (or the “Save” button of the tinyMCE toolbar) the last appearing billboard will be saved. Student Students may view the billboard by selecting a lesson that has the billboard module enabled. Whatever has been defined by the professor for this lesson’s billboard will appear on the main lesson page.