Effective Teaching

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 944
  • Pages: 2
4.2 Effective Teaching Rounded Average: 4/6

4 Targeted capacity building of teachers who are having some difficulties. PLC's that focus on student learning and student data. Staff annual review that allows staff to focus on an area of their teaching they wish to improve. 5 Whatever initiatives/programs come in, they should be based on student data/information. Clear leadership, productive meetings, understanding purpose and seeking improved 4 outcomes are so important. Communication and engagement in day to day teacher roles and learning area meetings by 4 leadership. 4 Greater LSO support in classes. Again identify where we are trying to improve. Explicitly say why we are trying to do something and to get feedback on whether that has been successful or not... and then revise 5 the plan accordingly. Development of communication systems and strategies that are efficient and directed. Year 4 level forums to discuss classroom strategies and the curriculum taught across the year. I think we have good quality teacher. They way we share this with our peers seems to be a 5 problem- lack of time? 3 More meetings regarding curriculum. 4 Provide more opportunities for staff to work together in the classroom to deliver topics. More opportunities for staff to receive feedback without it becoming another thing added 3 to staff to do list. Protocols for communication- it would be useful for departments to regularly discuss 5 assessment tasks and where possible moderate assessment at a middle school level In our faculty, we are working hard in this area. Alysoun has organised weekly meetings that enable us to plan together, talk about experience, become acquainted with each other teaching styles etc. It would be great to apply team teaching to specific course so that we 4 can benefit from each other support and increase professional growth in teaching practice. It seems we need to agian communicate with each other better; we help each other but we 5 dont meet to discuss particulr areas where we need assistance 4 None at this time. 4 Go back to differentiation and review what it can mean for our students. Most staff know their students and how they learn. A heavy focus on the Diverse learning 4 team should see further growth in the future. 5 Teachers to maintain professional practice and professional reading. 4 More time to share teaching ideas. We need to be seeing what strategies teachers are using in other KLA s so that we are 3 consistent In English we have begun to use Microsoft Teams in order to store and share info. This process has proven positive so far, and will no doubt breed collegiality. However, curriculum needs to be a focus in going forward, as a new-ish teacher it has been hard to find coursework in order to forward plan. I believe this is an achievable goal, and 4 teachers are willing. It is a cultural shift. We need more time to actually meet in the correct groups - in a formal setting. 3 There are very specific groups amongst staff who use effective teamwork - there are still a

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lot who don't like sharing resources/changing curriculum/experimenting and trying new things. There is so much experienced and quality teachers at this school, but also staff who feel they might need some support. Growth Strategy: BREAKFAST CLUB When someone who might present to other staff a strategy or teaching practice and share it with others. Something they learnt from a PD or what they have found successful that works for them. Each week we have a different presentation from a different colleague Continuing with items such as in the loop morning briefings and staff voice. Time to grow collaboration and teamwork. Building year-long, whole school focus areas that all teachers can work on, that are purposeful, have accountability, and recognition. Listen to staff who suggest that there is too much going on to focus on one clear goal, and see where pressure can be alleviated instead of more responsibility pushed to those at the chalk-face. . Not sure at this point because I believe there has already been put in place some great structures (see above) that has allowed for Teamwork etc... Development of opportunities for teachers to share teaching methods and strategies as well as opportunities for students to discuss there learning concepts with each other will enhance learning here. Timetabling and blocking of classes could provide further opportunity for this to occur so team teaching opportunities and cross class interaction can increase. I don't believe we are a united teaching staff and unless we can achieve this we will never reach our potential regardless of much work or how well we do in all the other areas of the survey. At Damascus I feel very well supported on an emotional and individual level however at a collegial level I find we are slipping. Evidence of this is when staff consistently don't turn up to their designated yard duty, when they allow phones to be used in class, when teachers don't care if students aren't following uniform standards, when they allow student to behave poorly and disrespectfully , when teachers think its O.K to swear in the class. If we want to raise the academic and behavioural standards of the students it first has to begin with us as teachers and in here lies the challenge because whilst overwhelmingly we as staff say we want this to happen there are some that are not prepared to put in the hard work to achieve it which makes it hard on those who are trying . Eventually those people will just give up.

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