Effective Strategies In Searching For Information

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  • Words: 1,504
  • Pages: 38
Effecti ve Str ategi es in Searchi ng for Inf or mat ion Presented by

Dr. Angelina P. Resurreccion Director of Libraries, Rizal Technological University Lecturer : BU, PUP and UE July 16, 2008 Jose Rizal University, Shaw Blvd, Mandaluyong City Sponsored by OCLC

Cur r ent Tr ends and  In an institution whether be it educational or Inno vati ons corporate or government, it is difficult to imagine them without a library and librarians.

 In this fast changing trends and innovations, the librarians should also be aware and constantly updated of these new trends. Everyday the library is challenged by new technologies,  thus, libraries and librarians should develop strategies to be able to meet the demands of this fast changing world.

Vit al Ro le o f Libraria ns •Librarians must make connections with their communities and demonstrate their role as critical for the excellent performance of the organization. •They must be prepared to prove and communicate their value to the organization

The Means of Providing In for mation

 Identify, acquire, create, or otherwise capture knowledge  Document, refine, and edit knowledge so that local knowledge takes on relevance and significance beyond its genesis  Organize this knowledge for awareness, access, retrieval and use by others  Package, publish and distribute knowledge via the organization’s portal, pre-identified information flow models, conferences and other mechanisms  Manage the information and knowledge to track its usage and user populations; sunset information and knowledge that has served its purpose. (Magulies, 2006)

Ad viso ry o r Re ference Se rvic e  Has evolved with time New information formats and networks More information Increase in digital information Increase in online information Changing emphasis in research, teaching, recreation, community service  New patrons  New needs     

Informa tio n L ite ra cy Pr ogram  The recent innovation now is to prepare information literacy program in the academe or in the community. Libraries and librarians are responsible to inform, to update and to provide teachinglearning situation either in the classroom or in the community.  Thus, it is important that we know some terms or concepts about information literacy.

"To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information“ (ALA, 1989) Information Literacy is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information. (Lau, 2006)

Steps in the Information Literacy Strategy 1. Clarify and understand the requirements of the problem or task which information is sought. Basic questions asked at this stage. • What is known about the topic? • What information is needed? • Where can the information be found?

2. Locating 3. Selecting/analyzing 4. Organizing/synthesizing • Discriminating between fact and opinion • Basing comparisons on similar characteristics • Noticing various interpretations of data

• Finding more information if needed. • Organizing ideas and information logically 5. Creating/presenting 6. Evaluating

• Recognizes that accurate and complete information which is the basis for intelligent decision making. • Recognizes the need for information • Knows how to locate needed information • Formulates questions based on information needs. • Identifies potential sources of information

• Develops successful search strategies • Accesses sources of information including computer-based and other technologies • Evaluates information no matter what the source • Organizes information for practical application

• Integrates new information into an existing body of knowledge • Uses information in critical thinking and problem solving • Uses information ethically and legally

Tools of Library Information Resources The Card Catalog or Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) Bibliography Theses abstracts- online or in databases Indexed periodical articles (in-house or published indexes) Internet - search engines (google, yahoo, msn, etc) Web harvesting; webliogaphy Free online sources Pathfinder

Ca rd Ca talo g/OP AC


 Book Sutton,R. (2000) Chemistry for the Life Sciences. Taylor & Francis.  Journal Article Tura, D. (2004) Antioxidant activity of propolis of various geographic origins. Food Chemistry, 84(3), p. 329339.

Diff erent so urces of in form atio n  Books

 print on paper  microform  audio tape  CD-ROM  web-based interface


Ab strac t o f a Th es is Document Identification Number Document Identification Number Author

Author Affiliation


 Melendres, Nieves V. (BS-PE)."Instructional Skills of Physical Education Teachers as Perceived by the Students in Andres Bonifacio High School, Arellano University, School Year 1986-1987." RTUB. Sept. 1986. 49p Date

No. of pages

 The perceptions of 200 students on the instructional skills of PE teachers were studied using a researcher-made questionnaire which consists of 10item-5-point Likert scale. Findings showed that the students' perceptions have "oftentimes" interpretation. This means that the instructional skills like "analyzes and identifies specific learning tasks; identifies needs, interests and capacities of individual students, and provides adequately for them; motivates the lesson [sic]; asks questions effectively to develop critical thinking and creativity, etc. are done repeatedly or frequently implications of the findings. (5 tabs.; 19 refs.) CBG. Signature abstract proper

keywords : Education, physical education, Teachers, Instructional skills, High School

So urc es of in form atio n contin ue…  Journals    

print subscription online subscription print + online subscription document delivery instead

 e-books – “chapter-bychapter” basis purchase  e-journals – “article-byarticle” purchase

So urc es of in form atio n – cont.  e-books  e-journals  available in formats like:      

Adobe PDF Microsoft reader E-reader Mobipocket reader Open eBook OpenReader

mobipocket reader e- reader


Se le ctin g o nli ne database 1. assessment software incorporated in online databases being subscribed, like in      

EBSCO Business Source Complete Emerald Insights JSTOR Philosopher’s Index Proquest Online PsycArticles

Pathfi nd er  It is a guide to the literature and resources in a particular subject area. It is a subject oriented research guide designed to encourage researchers a self-directed use of the library  The Information-Reference Section provides pathfinders basically to support students and faculty in their search for recorded literature and resources available at the University of the East Library and accessible on the Net.




Under the Supervision of:

JUAN C. BUENROSTRO,JR.,Ed.D Chief Librarian Reference Section

3rd floor, University Library Tel. no. (403) 735-5471


 Nutrition is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food to support life). Many Common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with good nutrition. An organism’s diet is what it eats.  There are seven major classes of nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, and , Water.

RELATED TOPICS             

Healing and Harmful Foods Nutrition Almanac Homocysteine for Treating Cancer Food-biochemistry and Nutrition Value Complete Guides to Live Longer. The Science of Improving Stamina, Endurance and Strength and Vigor The Use of Protein-rich Carbohydrates for Energy Source A Guides to Vitamins and Minerals Dietary Macronutrients and Cardiovascular Risks Smart Guide to Healing Supplements 500 Facts of Nutrition Correct selection of Nutritious Foods

Informa tio n So urc es  Nutrition Websites  Tidewater Community College  Learning Resources Center  http://www.tcc.edu/lrc/index.html The Food and Nutrition Information Center  http://www.nalusda.gov/fnic/  The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) of the National Agricultural  Library (USDA) maintains a variety of electronic access points for the full texts of its bibliographies, resource lists, and fact sheets.

Journal Article  Gilbert, Sara and Garrow, J. S. A prospective Controlled Trial of Outpatient Treatment for Obesity. Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition (1983) 37c, p.21-29 (Periodical Section, 4th flr)  IYENGAR, Ashlok K. and Naraisaga Rao B.S. Long-term Nitrogen Balance in Preschool Children Fed the Safe Level of Protein from a Cereal-legume-milk Diet and Adequate Energy. Human Nutrition (1983) 37c, p.43-51 (Periodical Section, 4th floor) Vertical File Clipping •Langit, Richel B. Kids Who Skip Breakfast Malnourished. MT 6.26 1998, (Filipiniana Section, 4th floor) •Key Words in Nutrition: Go, Grow and Glow TI JY 7’79 6.14 (Filipiniana Section, 4th floor) •Reversing Dim Nutrition Trends. DDL JY 23’1988 p.6 (Filipiniana Section, 4th floor) •Milk Provides Needed Ratio of Nutrients Malaya No. 28. 89 p.1 (Filipiniana Section, 4th floor)

On lin e Pu bli c Ac cess Ca talo g  Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is a computerized and user friendly database system which allows easy retrieval of entries from the library’s database (card catalog)

Typ es of l ib rary so ftwa re u se d in unive rsity b elt 

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The library software used by libraries in university belt in Metro Manila and nearby places: Follett 6. Others Athena Maelisa G-Soft Iconium

Athena's Advanced Search screen lets patrons easily expand or narrow searches using boolean logic.

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