Effective Resume Writing

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 887
  • Pages: 19
Writing an effective Resume


 Understand the importance of a Resume as a selling tool  Understand the essentials of a good Resume  Learn how to write a good Resume

Resume Format

Resume Format

• • • • • • • • •

Name Address & contact number / email Objective Education – awards & honours Work Experience (if any) Extra curricular activities Other accomplishments Skills and aptitudes Interests

Do’s of Resume writing

Do’s of Resume writing • Keep to one or two pages depending on experience. Not more than that. • Include any special recognition, accomplishments or projects you are involved with. • Write about yourself in a positive light. • Strive to be concise and target your information to the employer.

Don’ts of Resume writing

Don’ts of Resume Writing 1) Do not try to fit too much on the page (leave some space on the page). 2) Do not list personal information such as marital status, religion, caste, caste, height, weight, etc. 3) Do not include salary requirements (leave them until an interview or later). 4) Do not make negative comments about previous employers. 5) Do not include any health information. 6) Do not include references (can be provided on request). 7) Do not include reasons for leaving a previous job (save your reasons for the interview).

Tips for writing an effective Resume

Tips for writing an effective Resume 1) Determine your job search objective before writing the


2) Think of your Resume as a selling tool. 3) Use your Resume to get an interview not a job. 4) Begin with your strengths as a Resume is reviewed in 30 seconds. 4) Use bulleted sentences instead of lengthy paragraphs

Tips for writing an effective Resume (Contd…) 5) Use action words like prepared, developed, monitored, developed. 6) Use key words used in appointment ads to match them in your Resume. 7) Highlight your positives and leave out your negatives and irrelevant information. 8) Your Resume to be read easily – white space, font size not smaller than 10 point, highlights, alignment and the total length not more than 2 pages. 9) Have someone else Review your Resume.

Tips from HR Consultants

Tips from HR Consultants 1) Avoid a lengthy resume - Have a crisp Resume that captures the employers' attention without being lengthy. Having a long Resume does not guarantee you a job! 2) Do not fake - unnecessary inputs that add no value to your resume needs to be avoided at any cost. 3) Do not be too loud and ornate - avoid color paper and uncommon fonts. Make your resume easy to read with white color paper and black color font that is easy on the eye.

Tips from HR Consultants (Contd…) 4) Avoid slang, jargons, abbreviations - avoid all. Keep the language simple and spell where necessary 5) Be consistent - ensure that each section has one particular style. For example, the bullets symbol should not vary from page to page. Freeze on a style and stick to it. 6) Check for bad grammar - avoid spelling and grammatical errors. If you are writing your resume, proof read it at least thrice and also give it to someone to check. Run a spell check.

Tips from HR Consultants (Contd…) 7) Repetition of words - don't repeat the same words again and again. 8) Do not get personal - Basic information about you is sufficient. Don't get into details about marital status, age, weight, religion, caste, etc. 9) Avoid criticizing past employers - Never blame others, especially past employers. Stick to being positive and focus on your accomplishments. 10) Do not misrepresent skills - Do not exaggerate your skills. You want a potential employer to consider you for a job you can do.

Dummy Resume……






402, Gorai Niwara, Plot No. 24, Gorai 1, Near Gorai BusDepot, Borivali (W est), M umbai - 400091, M aharashtra, India E-m ail: vkad@ hotm ail.com , dy21@ indiatim es.com Phone: +912228608235, +919323278940 _________________________________________________________

To work in an organization which would provide m e the opportunity to enhance my expertise and to contributeandgrowalongwiththeorganization.

W orkSum m ary • • •

W orking as Customer Service Professional for Technical Support in September 2004 W orkedasDataAnalyst inClinical ResearchinBiometricsDepartment for th February2004to17 Septem ber 2004. Scottish Chem icals &Fluxes W orked as Factory Assistant in 2003.

Sitel India Ltd Pfizer Lim ited from15


since 20 from16

th th

M ay 2003 to 30th June

Educational Qualification Q ualification BCom H.S.C S.S.C

Nam eof college


Bhavans College Bhavans College M adhavra oBhagwat High School

Year of Passing

M um bai M um bai M um bai

2000 1997 1995

Professional Qualification •

AdvancedDiplomainSoftwareEngineering(ADSE) fromAptechComputer Education

Technical SkillsSum m ary OperatingSystem s


W indows2K, W indows9x, Dos.



VB.Net, ASP.Net.

W ebTechnologies


HTM L, JavaScript, XM L, ASP2.0, VBScript,

W ebServer





JDBC, Servelets, JavaSwing, CoreJava

Front End


Visual Basic6.0.



M SSQL7.0, 2000, Oracle8i, MSAccess2000.



Crystal Report 7, 8.5, 9.0

Dateof Birth





English, Hindi andM arathi.



Reading, ListeningtoM usic, Badminton

Personal Profile




%Secured 43% 50.32% 68.57%

Students to write their Resume referring to the format displayed on the screen – ½ hour

Thank You

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