Effective Communication At Work Place

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  • Pages: 49
Effective Communications At Work By Subroto Ghosh





25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


“Communication is not a mysterious process. It takes place when the ideas from your mind are transferred to another’s and arrive intact, complete, and coherent” “Make Presentations with Confidence,” Barron’s

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


FACTOID The average employee receives about 190 communications a day by paper, voicemail, email, phone, etc. from a Pitney-Bowes survey




25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


FACE-TO-FACE Most people prefer to get information faceto-face, especially from their immediate supervisor

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Benefits (face-to-face) Opens

two-way communication Allows for immediate response to questions, misinterpretations, feedback, etc. Takes advantage of voice and body language

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (face-to-face) Use

in-person communication when you have to share information that will affect the audience Use for performance evaluations and feedback Use when the information being communicated needs immediate attention Be prepared to answer questions directly and immediately

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Do’s and Don’ts (face-to-face) DO

-- give people your undivided attention -- listen, really listen, give full attention DO -- give people honest, direct and comprehensive information DO -- treat people’s ideas and concerns as critical and serious - EMPOWER THEM

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Face-to-Face cont….. DON’T

-- tell people “what”, tell them “why, how, and the larger picture” DON’T -- make the conversation oneway. Invite responses -- discuss and debate DON’T -- answer the phone or take a call when someone is in your office

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh





-- wait too long to ask for (or to give) feedback, gather information immediately


-- hold back bad news. Treat people as intelligent adults, they want to hear the truth

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Communication is not over when you finish delivering your message

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Types of Meetings  Executive

Briefing  Informational  Meeting with a Sponsor (e.g. Site Visit)  Staff Meeting  Team-building  Informal  Others...

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh

Let’s Meet


Why Meet?

The primary reason for meetings are to share or brainstorm information or to develop action steps toward accomplishing a goal

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Making Meetings Work 1. Make an agenda and stick to it. Send it out before the meeting, if possible 2. Be clear about the reasons for and goals of the meeting 3. Have a facilitator -- either a professional or ask someone at the meeting to step into this role

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Making Meetings Work cont.… 4. Watch the time -- do not overrun -- keep the agenda flowing 5. Add humor, allow for laughter, have fun -- it makes for a much more productive meeting 6. Allow for conflict but deal with it immediately

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Making Meetings Work cont…. 7. Maintain control of the meeting at all times. Don’t get off track 8. Eliminate attendees’ behaviors that are disruptive 9. Allow for questions, be prepared to answer them 10. Wrap the meeting up with what was accomplished and action items

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Meeting “Killers” -- why they fail        

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh

Poor Preparation Ignored agenda Poor time management Lack of participation Strong personalities Lack of leadership Lack of humor and fun No/poor closing


The only thing worse than a bad meeting is a great presentation that could have been sent as a memo

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh




25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Benefits (written) Creates a permanent record Allows

you to store information for future reference Easily distributed All recipients receive the same information Necessary for legal and binding documentation

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (written) May

seem extremely formal -- use handwritten notes when it is to be personalized Must be well written, straightforward and concise Written communications are usually not read right away

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


DO’s and DON’Ts (written) DO

-- realize it is not read as soon as it is received DO -- make sure that there is enough time to prepare and send, and for the recipient to receive and digest DO -- assess writing skills, if poor -- get help

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts… (written)



-- outline key points before producing a draft DO -- always draft a written piece and then reduce all unnecessary language -- be brief DO -- proof-read very carefully before any document is distributed

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts (written)



-- use this form of communication if writing is full of errors -- this reflects poorly on the writer


-- use if communication is time sensitive. If immediate feedback is necessary -- use email

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Is it clear? Have you hit your target? In written communication most confusion & frustration are caused by failing to be specific ….. Make it clear, brief and concise…..

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


THE PROBLEM WITH COMMUNICATION IS “the illusion that it has been accomplished” George Bernard Shaw

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


EMAIL Email is now the dominant method of communicating in business. It is quick, inexpensive, flexible and convenient

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


But it could be a time-bomb

USE WITH CARE…. 25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Benefits (email) Can

be sent and received any time Very time effective, can be sent and received within seconds Cost effective -- no paper, no stamps, no costs -- yet(?) Allows for direct access to others Messages can be saved and stored

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Benefits

(email) cont...


for communicating with people in different places and different time zones Easier to communicate with people who understand written English but don’t speak it well Excellent mechanism for follow-up or action items after a meeting

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (email) Not

everyone has an email account or access to email at all times Email etiquette -- no standards -people make up own styles, can be very confusing Email is not confidential -- emails can be obtained from central network even if deleted from personal computers

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (email) cont... Email

is too often used to distribute inappropriate material, such as racial and gender jokes


is too often used to avoid confrontation and can be easily misinterpreted

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (email)



is often sent out without re-reading, proof-reading and other standards applied to written communications. We press the send button too soon…


can be forwarded and sent to others without the author’s approval or knowledge

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The Challenges (email) cont... Emails

are often casual and informal -- this can create a potential hazard


often assume that email is read immediately which can create problems

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts (email) DO

-- always begin your email with a salutation and the person’s name -- a date is a good idea as well DO -- always close the email with a closing sentence and your name DO -- in the subject line write a brief and clear reference to your topic

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts (email) cont... DO

-- consider the order of the recipients -be sensitive to organizational hierarchy  DO -- limit the number of attachments DO -- consider the purpose of the email -why is it being written in the first place? DO -- consider alternatives -- phone, voice mail, note, etc. can be more appropriate

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts (email) cont... DON’T

-- Send the entire email when replying. Only send the part that is essential DON’T -- Be too blunt -- email is the coldest form of communications. Watch the tone. Be friendly but polite DON’T -- Write an email longer than two screens -- it probably won’t be read

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Do’s and Don’ts (email) cont... DON’T

-- use “CAPS” for emphasis in the body of the email. It looks and “sounds” angry DON’T -- use an automatic signature with every email. Use only in your initial email, not when replying to a message

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


The biggest difference in the quality of your email messages is made by you 25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Telephone and Voicemail Most

employees have access to a phone (and voicemail) Using a telephone can be spontaneous and often friendly

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Benefits (telephone/voicemail) Immediate

access to audience Communication is direct and timely Takes advantage of tone of voice and language Allows for immediate response to questions, feedback, etc.

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Challenges (telephone/voicemail) Too

spontaneous, might not be ready to have a conversation Not prepared when a call is received but take it anyway Can’t reach party in time to relay information Not everyone has voicemail

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Tips for telephone & voicemail Let

your voicemail speak for you (don’t have someone else record your message) Record a daily greeting - let callers know when you are available When leaving a voicemail message tell the person what you want and how they should reply to you

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Tips (telephone/voicemail) cont... Leave

your name and phone number at the beginning of the voicemail message not at the end Before placing a call write down key points you want to cover Give undivided attention when speaking on the phone

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Tips (telephone/voicemail) cont... Try

to return calls immediately, if someone is calling -- it must be important to them Avoid calling when angry, be friendly and helpful

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


FACTOID 55% of what people perceive of others comes from body language and facial expressions 38% comes from tone of voice 7% is based on the actual words people use

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Final Thoughts A person’s competence and a person’s effectiveness are based on their ability to communicate effectively Competence isn’t the problem -How you Communicate is

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


Resources 

Seymoure & Shervington, “Essential Managers, Maximizing Performance”, DK Publishing, Inc. Boylan, “What’s Your Point?”, Adams Media Corporation Ivy Sea Online, “Interpersonal Communication Quick Tips” http://www.Ivysea.com

“Writing Professional E-Mail Messages”, compositioncafe. http://www.compositioncafe.com

Vivian Buchan, “Make Presentations with Confidence,” Barron’s

Maureen Bauer, “Learning Tips for Effective Communication at Work”, Click10.com

25 august 2009

Subroto Ghosh


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