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International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review ISSN 0976 – 4852 August, 2018|Volume 09|Issue 08|
Section: Management and Economics
Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali) Anom Suwibawa, Anak Agung Putu Agung, I Ketut Setia Sapta Department of Magister Management, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar
Corresponding Author: Emmanuel Ifeanyi Orji Received: 2018-07-22; Accepted 2018-08-17,
Abstract: Organizational culture as the values, principles, traditions and ways of working shared by members of the organization and affect the way they act. Organizational commitment has an important role of employee performance. The commitment can be realized if the individual in the organization, running their rights and obligations according to their duties and functions and functions within the organization, because the achievement of organizational goals is the work of all members of the organization that are collective Vipraprastha, Sudja, & Yuesti (2018). Respondents in this study are Civil Servants (PNS) at least have been working for 2 years. The number of respondents in this study were 86 respondents using Nonprobability technique that is saturated samples or often called total sampling. This research uses SMARTPLS 3 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB); 2) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has positive and significant impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB); 3) Organizational Citizenship Behavior employee, 4) organizational culture has a positive effect on the performance of employees, either partially or through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), 5) Organizational commitment has no effect on employee performance. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and Employee Performance.
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 20997
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
1. Introduction: Background of the study: Organizational culture as values, principles, traditions and practices shared by the members of the organization and affect them act. Organizational commitment has an important role of employee performance. The commitment can be realized if the individual in the organization, running their rights and obligations according to their duties and functions and functions within the organization, because the achievement of organizational goals is the work of all members of the organization that are collective. According to Armstrong and Baron (Wibowo, 2007: 7) explains that performance is a worker who has a relationship with organizational strategic goals, consumer satisfaction, and economic contribution. employee performance is the one measuring point in the usage of a company to achieve its objectives. Currently there are some weaknesses of OCB employee application at the Agency for Regional Development Planning, Research and Development (BAPPEDA LITBANG) of Bali Province. Among other levels of discipline and morale that show the level of conscientiousness and sportmanship are low and the ability of employees who are still lacking in operating the existing equipment. The relationship between OCB and performance in journals put forward by Waltz and Niehoff (2004) suggests an effective level of organization in the presence of employees with OCB. This supports the development of employee performance as expressed by Nufus (2011) in his study of OCB on performance. The fact that is seen so far in BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province is not all employees who have high work ability with organizational culture and organizational commitment that already exist, characterized by the level of honesty, diligence, creativity, discipline, menguasi Science and Information Technology (Science and Technology),
has experienced technical and technical capabilities, always featuring high OCB displays and even some low ones. Conversely, not all employees who have low ability to work, always look low OCB and even some are high. There are even some employees who have the ability to work that is not too high or ordinary, but displays a fairly high OCB. The result of research of Venty (2015) get result that organizational culture and organizational commitment have an effect on signifikan to employees performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). This research is supported by Alizadeh (2012), Linda (2013), Sofiah. P (2014), and Hasni (2015). This is reflected in the behavior of employees where not all employees who have a high ability to help colleagues or superiors in resolving work problems that have no relationship with the task and field. In addition, not all employees have high loyalty, honesty, ketekukan, creativity and discipline, which is part of the work culture. Besides, not all employees have a sense of concern for fellow coworkers, organizational development, early entry, volunteer to take responsibility if colleagues do not enter the office and provide peer-to-peer motivation in performance improvement. When viewed from two sides of interest, ie employees as individuals and organizations or agencies in the process are mutually filling, where employees need rewards from organizations or agencies and vice versa organizations or agencies require employees to excel, resulting in a balance on the interests of both parties. Here is very important to realize that employee behavior should be run well and controlled in accordance with the work and field respectively, so that individual behavior of employees can be directed in accordance with the expectations of the organization to achieve the goals set. At BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province is still low. It can be seen from the percentage of answers to each question item that is still below 50%. The low level of OCB in BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 20998
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Province must be considered by the organization because OCB can affect the performance of employees. OCB is an invisible and very important behavior for BAPPEDA LITBANG. Bali Province in order to support the delegation and completion of organizational tasks. Problem Formulation: Based on the background of problems that become the subject matter in this study are as follows: a) Does the organizational culture affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)? b) Does the organization's commitment affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)? c) Does Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) affect the performance of BAPPEDA LITBANG employee of Bali Province? d) Does the organizational culture affect the performance of BAPPEDA LITBANG employee of Bali Province? e) Does the organization's commitment affect the performance of BAPPEDA LITBANG employee of Bali Province? 2. Theoretical Overview: Organizational Culture: Organizational culture is defined as a cognitive framework that contains shared attitudes, values, norms and expectations shared by members of the organization (Greenberg and Baron, 2000). Organizational culture is concerned with the context of organizational development, meaning that culture is rooted in organizational history, believed to be together and not easily manipulated directly (Schenieder, 1996, in Cahyono 2005). The cultural functions of the organization according to Robbins (2009: 248) are as follows: a) Culture creates a clear distinction between one organization and another; b) Budaya member asuatura said entitybagimembers of the organization;
c) Budayam facilitates the emergence of a commitment to a greater extent than the selfimportance of individuals; d) Culture is a social glue that helps to unify the organization by providing the right standards to be done by its competitor; e) Culture as the macerating mechanism that guides and capacities of employees.
controlling establishes
Organizational culture is one of the most complex. For that reason, in the measurement of cultural or organizational status, it is necessary to indicate the characteristics of the cultural culture of the organization as a manifestation of its existence. The following is the cultural indicator of the organization put forward by Robbins & Coulter in Anadana (2009: 167). a) Innovation and risk-taking, ie the degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks; b) Attention to a detailed or detailed knowledge, to the extent that the employee is expected to show certain precision, detailed analysis; c) The orientation of the result, ie the leader's leadership dadapan focuses on the outcome or output and note partonetheacountthis d) The orientation of the person, to the extent that management's decisions affect the people in the organization; e) Team orientation, ie the degree to which the job is organized based on the goals and not the individual; f) Aggressiveness, ie the degree to which the employee is aggressive and competing, not from cooperation g) Stability / stability, to which some decisions and organizational actions emphasize efforts to maintain the statusquo.
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 20999
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Organizational Commitment: In organization, commitment is often calendars with work satisfaction. Sutrisno (2010: 295) assumes that the higher the employee job satisfaction will be the higher the work commitment. Many organizations in their development experience various macammasis resulted by the emergence of groups that create the organization that jadikacau. Differences, expectations, interests, perceptions and other conflict sectors can threaten the group's life and cause problems of problems as well as strikes of employees, high absences and unrestricted levels of recovery. According to Robbins and Judge (2008: 100-102), the Commitment of the organization is the circumstance in which the employee sided with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to retain the members of the organization. Thus, highinvolvement of workers means the existence of certain individuals, while high organizational commitment among the organizations that recruit them. Three dimensions of organizational commitment are: a) Effective Commitment: Affective commitment is defined to the degree to which an individual is psychologically bound to an organization that employs it through feelings such as loyalty, affection, as it agrees with organizational goals. Based on that definition, the affective commitment of an individual relates to the emotional bond or identification with the organization, assumes that the problem faced by the employee is an employee's own problem, and the employee feels part of the organization. Thus, employees with strong affective commitment will continue to work within the organization because they want to do so. b) Continuous Commitment: Commitment based on losses when leaving the organization, which is often interpreted as a calculative commitment. In other words, an employee has a strong continuous commitment
because they feel they need it and there is considerable loss of costs when leaving the organization (such as retirement, status, seniority), or difficulty finding alternative employment else where. c) Normative commitment: Normative commitment is the belief of the employee that he or she feels to be living or staying in the organization because of a personal loyalty, so that employees with high normative commitment will persist in the organization because they feel they have to do, by obeying the rules set by the organization and not make an effort to leave the organization. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): Organ (1988) defines Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a free individual behavior, not directly or explicitly related to the reward system and can improve the function of organizational effectiveness. Less than a decade later the organ realizes there is a weakness in its definition. So as to revise the definition of OCB to "behavior that shows maintenance and improvement in the implementation of tasks both in social and psychological context". Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) dimensions: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is wellknown in organizational behavior when it first introduces 20 years of age with the basic theory of disposition / personality and work attitude. Organ (1988) suggests five primary dimensions of OCB, ie a) Altruism: Their conduct in dealing with their difficulty in the situation that is being faced with the task in the organization of the other person's problems. The dimension leads to the exclusion of those who are not entitled to obligations. b) Civic Virtue: Behavior that indicates the responsibility, and is involved in the life of the organization. Participation
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21000
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
and participation support in maintaining the organization for good in good condition. c) Conscientiousness: Behavior that is done directly to falling behind the rules involved in the organization.Shows them to improve the way in which they perform their work in the way of organizational performance performance. By acting actions that benefit the organization beyond what is required. d) Courtesy: Courtesy Behavior that shows socialization by way of discussion before deciding something. Maintain good relationships with colleagues to avoid interpersonal problems. This dimension appreciates and cares for others e) Sportsmanship: Behavior that indicates that someone wants to tolerate his / her absence does not create damaging issues and does not complain. Employee Performance: An organization, whether private or private, will always be a group of people who play an active role to find out what the organization wants to be. The purpose of the organization would not be achieved if the performance of members or employees is not maximal. According to Mangkunegara (2002: 67) in Pasolong (2010: 176) performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by a person in performing its functions in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Employee Performance Indicators: According to Keban (2004: 109) in Pasolong (2010: 184) measurement of important employee performance performed by public service agencies. By knowing the weaknesses and the strengths, the obstacles and the success factors for the performance of employees and institutions, then the path to professionalization is made, that is to correct the mistakes done so far.
There are various theories about employee performance indicators. One of the indicators of Fadel employee performance (2009: 195) suggests several indicators used to measure employee performance are: a) Understanding of basic tasks and functions: In running tupoksi, subordinates must first understand about the main tasks and functions of each and do the task in accordance with what is the responsibility. b) Innovation: Have a positive innovation and convey to the employer as well as discuss about the work on the job. c) Speed of Work: In implementing the workthe speed of work must be observed by using following any work. d) Accuracy of Work: Not only fast, but in menyelesaik antuglu aryawan jugaharus discipline in doing the tasks carefully in the work and do re-checking. e) Cooperation: The ability to work with other jobs is like accepting and respecting the opinions of others. 3. Conceptual Framework Hypotheses:
Hypothesis Formulation: 1. The influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organizational culture within a given frame work can shape OCB behavior among employees. This indicates that the higher the organizational culture will shape the OCB behavior swmakin better. The results of the study showed that organizational culture had a positive effect on OCB, Annisa and Eko (2014) found that organizational culture had a significant effect on OCB, in line with the research of Muhdar , et al., (2015) which suggests that organizational culture is the most dominant variable having significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21001
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Hypothesis 1: Organizational culture has a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. 2. Influence Organizational Commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) can arise from a variety of factors within the organization, among them due to job satisfaction and employee commitment (Robbin& Judge, 2008). When employees are satisfied with what is in the organization, then employees will provide maximum results and best performance. Likewise with employees who are highly committed to the organization, will do anything to advance the company because they believe and trust the organization in which the employee works (Luthans, 2005). At the time employees have a high commitment to the company, the employee wholeheartedly have satisfaction in working, and willing to take action aimed at advancing the company. Previous research which states that organizational commitment has an effect on OCB, among others, maulida, et al., (2015) stating that organizational commitment has a positive effect on OCB. Kurniawan (2015) stated that organizational commitment has a significant effect on OCB. Putrana (2016) found that organizational commitment has a positive and significant influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Hypothesis 2: Organizational Commitment positively affects Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. 3. Effect of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Employee Performance. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a role in the perspective of effectiveness of employee performance appraisal, especially in company development, the more detail an employee performance appraisal in a company hence more related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) issue as one alternative employee performance appraisal at company. Yoga,
(2016) states that Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive and significant influence on employee performance, Yumna, (2017) suggests that Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a significant effect on employee performance. Anna (2017) states that organizations that have employees who have good Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), will have better performance than other organizations. Hypothesis 3: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive effect on Employee Performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. 4. The influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: Organizations are usually formed to achieve certain goals through the performance of all human resources in the organization. However, organizational performance is largely determined by the external and internal environmental conditions of the organization, including organizational culture. Yasin (2013) argues that one way to improve corporate performance is to influence organizational culture through management activities directly aimed at influencing the determinants of factors from organizational culture. The development of an adaptive and transformative organizational culture is a strategic and tactical management step for building an organization sustainably, enabling individuals to interact and integrate and improve performance. With the existence of organizational culture then employees will feel connected, related, and no obstacles to achieve optimal performance for the organization. Merina, et al., (2015) found that there is a positive influence between organizational culture on employee performance. Jesica, et al., (2014) states that organizational culture is positively associated with employee performance. Hypothesis 4: Organizational Culture has a positive effect on Employee Performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province 5. Effect of Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: The concept of organizational commitment evolves in the study of individual loyalty that is expected in the employee. A very close working attachment is a
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21002
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
perceived condition of employees, resulting in a strong positive attitude toward the organization of work they have. To achieve effectiveness in carrying out the task, employees need to have a high commitment to the task and organization. A high commitment to the organization will increase the responsibility and sincerity of employees in carrying out the task. Highly committed employees to the organization will work wholeheartedly and will strive for the advancement of the organization, as they know they have become part of the organization. Ida, et al., (2015) states that there is a positive and significant influence between organizational commitment to employee performance. Jesica, et al., (2014) states that organizational commitment is positively related to employee performance. Kristanty (2017) states that organizational commitment has a positive effect with a significant level of influence on employee performance. Hypothesis 5: Organizational Commitment has a positive effect on Employee Performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province Based on the translation of the framework that has been exposed, the concept of linkage between variables to be studied can be explained through the framework scheme in Figure 1 as follows :
4. Research Methodology: Research methods: Place of study is a place or area where research will be implemented. This research was conducted at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province which is located at Jl. Cok Agung Tresna Renon Denpasar. The large population in this study were 178 employees at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province with the following conditions : 1. Employee with status of Civil Servant who recorded active work 2. Have been working for at least 2 years at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province Based on these conditions, the total population in BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province 86 respondents. This research is a kind of causal research because this research is aimed to know the causal relationship between organizational culture variable, organizational commitment, and Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) and employee performance. Techniques of collecting data in the form of interviews, documentation and distribution of questionnaires followed by validity and reliability test. Data analysis method used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis based on component or variance that is PLS (Partial Least Square). 5. Results: Analysis Hypothesis testing is done by t-statistics by sorting for testing the direct and indirect effects or testing the mediation variables. In the following sections are described successively the test results of direct influence and testing of mediation variables. Direct Effect Testing
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
The significance of estimated parameters provides useful information on the relationship between research variables. The basis used in testing the hypothesis is the value contained in the outputresult for inner weight. Table 1 provides estimation output for structural model testing
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21003
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Tabel 1. Hypothesis Testing Results Path coefficient (Bootsrapping)
H1 Be accepted
H2 Be accepted
H3 Be accepted
Organizational Culture Employee Performance
H4 Be accepted
Organizational Commitment Employee Performance
H5 Rejected
Organizational Culture OCB
Organizational Commitment OCB
OCB Employee Performance
The test results on the research hypothesis are as follows: Hypothesis 1 Testing: This result can be seen on coefficient value of 0,591 with t-statistics value equal to, 215. The value of t-statistics is above the value of 1.96. Based on this hypothesis 1 is accepted Hypothesis 2 Testing: This result can be seen on the coefficient of 0.270 with the value of t-statistics of 2.418. The value of t-statistics is above the value of 1.96. Based on this hypothesis 2 is accepted Hypothesis 3 Testing: This result can be seen on the coefficient value of 0.519 with the value of t-statistics of 4.193. The value of t-statistics is below the critical value of 1.96. Based on thishypothesis 3 is accepted Hypothesis 4 Testing: This result can be seen on the coefficient of 0.352 with the value of t-statistics of 2.921. The value of t-statistics is below the critical value of 1.96. Based on this hypothesis 4 is accepted Hypothesis 5 Testing: This result can be seen on the coefficient of -0.071 with the value of t-statistics of 0.873. The value of t-statistics is below the value of 1.96. Based on this hypothesis 5 declared rejected Based on the results of tests conducted using SmartPLS3.0 application can be presented images of the following research models:
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21004
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Full Model Structural (PLS Bootstraping:
Indirect Influence Testing Through Mediation Variables: Table 2 Recapitulation of OCB Mediation Mediation Testing Results: Mediation Variable OCB (Y1) on :
Organizational Culture(X1) Employee Performance (Y2)
0,517 (Sig)
Organizational Commitment(X2) Employee Performance (Y2)
-0,071 (No Sig)
(No Sig)
Information obtained from the above table is the result of the test of mediation variables that can be
0,517 (Sig)
Partial Mediation
No Mediation
submitted are as follows: Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) (Y1) able to mediate
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21005
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
positively and significantly on the indirect influence of organizational culture (X1) on employee performance (Y2). this is indicated from the mediation test conducted, it appears the effects of A, C and D have significant value. Other information that can be conveyed, the effect of mediating organizational citizenshipbehavior (OCB) variable (Y1) on the indirect effect of organizational culture (X1) on employee performance (Y2) is partial mediation. These findings provide clues that, organizational citizenshipbehavior (OCB) mediation (Y1) mediation variable is not a key determinant of influence on organizational culture (X1) on employee performance (Y2). Other information obtained from the above table is the result of the test of mediation variables that can be submitted as follows: organizational
citizenshipbehavior (OCB) (Y1) not as mediation because the value of C and D is not significant and the value of A is significant on indirect influence of organizational commitment (X2 ) on employee performance (Y2). Other information that can be delivered, organizational citizenshipbehavior variable mediation effect (OCB) (Y1) on indirect influence of organizational commitment (X2) on employee performance (Y2) is no mediation. These findings provide clues that, the OCB variable (Y1) is not a mediating variable in the effect of organizational commitment (X2) on employee performance (Y2). In order to know the overall effect for each relationship between the variables studied, it can be presented recapitulation of direct effects, indirect effects and total effects in the following table:
Table 3 Calculation of Direct, Indirect and Total Effects
Relationship Variable
Direct Effects
Organizational Culture(X1) OCB (Y1)
Organizational Commitment(X2) OCB (Y1)
Organizational Culture(X1) Employee Performance (Y2)
Organizational Culture (X1) OCB (Y1) Employee Performance (Y2)
Organizational Commitment (X2) Employee Performance(Y2)
Organizational Commitment(X2) OCB (Y1) Employee Performance (Y2)
OCB (Y1) Employee Performance(Y2)
These findings provide clues that an increasingly qualified organizational culture makes employees increasing Organizational Citizenship Behavior
0,591*0,519 0,677 (0,306) -
0,273*0,517 0,065 (0,141) -
(OCB) in the organization so that later can improve employee performance that impact on the progress of a sustainable company.
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21006
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
6. Discussion:
indicates that the commitment of quality organization leads to high Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) employees. The results are supported by research conducted by Maulida, et al., (2015) which states that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB). The influence of Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) on employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province
The influence of organizational culture on Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province The result of statistical analysis shows that organizational culture has positive and significant effect on Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province (path coefficient of 0,591 with t-statistics value 6,215) so that analysis of this research model indicates that a qualified organizational culture will leads to high Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). The results are supported by research conducted by Annisa and Eko (2014) which states that organizational culture has a direct, positive and significant impact on OCB. Influence of organizational commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province The result of statistical analysis shows that organizational commitment has positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province (path coefficient 0,270 with t-statistics 2,418) so that analysis of this research model
The result of statistical analysis shows that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province (coefficient of line of 0,519 and t-statistics of 4,193) so that the analysis of this research model shows that the satisfaction of quality work will lead to organizational commitment high. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Yumna, et al., (2017) states that Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) has a significant positive effect on employee performance. The influence of organizational culture on employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province The result of statistical data analysis shows that organizational culture has a positive effect on employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province (path coefficient 0,397 with tstatistics value 2,921). The results are supported by research conducted by Merina, et al., (2015) which states that organizational culture has a significant positive effect on employee performance. The influence of organizational culture on employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province Result of indirect test of organizational culture variable to employee of Bappeda Litbang Bali Province showed result (coefficient of path equal to 0,352 with t-statistics value 2,921) that organizational culture have significant influence to
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21007
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali. These results are in accordance with the results of research Lexy Gery, et al., (2015) which states organizational culture has a positive and significant impact on Employee Performance Influence of organizational commitment to employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province The result of statistical data analysis shows that organizational commitment has a negative effect on employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province (coefficient of line equal to -0,031 with value of t-statistics equal to 0,873). This indicates that the organization's commitment is not strong in influencing the performance of employees in an organization. The results of this study are not in line with research conducted by Jesica, et al., (2014) which states that organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. Influence of organizational commitment to employee performance at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province Result of indirect test of organizational commitment variable on employee performance of BappedaLitbang Bali Province show result (coefficient of line equal to -0,045 with t-statistics value 0,873) that organizational culture have significant influence to performance through Organizational CitizenshipBehavior (OCB) at BappedaLitbangProvinsi Bali. This result is in accordance with the results of research Tri Bodroastuti (2016) stating organizational commitment not a positive influence on Employee Performance. 7. Conclusions and Suggestions: Conclusions Based on the discussion of research results, it can be concluded that, the influence of organizational culture and organizational commitment to employee
performance through organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as intervening variable is as follows : 1. Organizational culture has a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province, this indicates that the higher the organizational culture will be the higher the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Similarly, the lower the organizational culture the lower the organizational citizenship ehavior (OCB). 2. Organizational commitment has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province, this indicates that the higher the organizational commitment the higher the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Similarly, the lower the organization's commitment the lower the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). 3. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive effect on employee performance in BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province, this indicates that the higher organizational citizenshipbehavior (OCB), the higher the performance of the employee. Similarly, the lower the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) the lower the performance of the employee. 4. Cultural oraganisasi positively affect the performance of employees, either partially or through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province, it indicates that the higher the organizational culture will be the higher the performance of the employee. Similarly, the lower the organizational culture the lower the performance of the employee. 5. Organizational commitment does not affect the performance of employees at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province, this indicates that the higher
International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Vol. 9, Issue. 08, Page no: ME 20997-21013 DOI: Page | 21008
Anom Suwibawa et al. Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Employee Performance through Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as Intervening Variables (Study on Bappeda Litbang Provinsi Bali)
Suggestions Based on these conclusions, it can be suggested as follows: 1. Optimizing the performance of employees and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province should pay more attention and improve organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and better employee performance. Therefore, efforts should be put forward and develop better organizational culture and commitment. 2. Organizational culture variables, there are items with the lowest average value of innovative ideas. These results can provide input to improve innovative ideas of employees at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. By increasing the innovative ideas of employees will be faster to carry out the tasks, so will grow Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and higher employee performance. 3. Organizational commitment variable, there are items with the lowest average value of job loss. These results indicate that the commitment of employees is still relatively small, so it needs to be evaluated in increasing the commitment of employee organizations. 4. Organizational Citizenship Behavior Variables (OCB), there are items with the lowest average value of the position. These results can provide input to improve the main duties and functions of employees at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. With the involvement of employees in agency functions to carry out tasks, so will grow Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and employee performance against instance. 5. Variable performance of employees, there is an item with the lowest average value is the speed of completion of work. These results can provide input to improve the speed of work completion of employees at BAPPEDA LITBANG Bali Province. With the increased speed of completion of work provided,
employees will feel more eager to carry out tasks, so will grow Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and employee performance against instnasi References: 1. Ajzen, I. 1991. The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), pp: 179211. 2. Albert Kurniawan2015. Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Pt … Bandung. Jurnal Manajemen, Vol.15, No.1. 3. Ali Ibrahim. 2013. “The Impact of Organizational Culture On Employees Performance Of Mogadishu Universities” Department of Accounting, SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia. Vol. 4 No. 6 . 4. Alizadeh, Z., Darvishi, S., Nazari, K., Nazari, K., & Emami, M. (2012). Antecedents and Consequences of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business 3(9), 494-505. 5. Allen, Natalie J. and John P. Meyer. (1990). “The Measurement and Antecedent of Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization”. Journal of Occupational Psychology. No. 63. p. 1-8. 6. Amilin, Rosita Dewi. (2008). “Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasiterhadap Kepuasan Kerja Akuntan Publikdengan Role Stress sebagai Variabel Moderating”. Yogya karta : JAAI. 7. Anna Suzana.2017. Pengaruh Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Di : Pt. Taspen (Persero) Kantor Cabang Cirebon) Jurnal Logika, Vol Xix No 1 P-Issn : 1978-2560 Http://Jurnal.Unswagati.Ac.Id
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