Eex Motor Iec Eng

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 1

Explosive atmospheres Explosive atmospheres Explosive atmospheres presentcoottnu0usly,a r el i k e l tyo o c c u r areunlikely to occuror l o n gp e r i o dosr onlyinfrequently Present


Explosive atmospheres canexistaliof the timeorsomeoflhetimeundernormal operating conditions usA

NEC500 C l a s |s{ g a s ) C l a s lsl ( d u s t ) C l a s lsl l ( f i b e r s )

NEC505 Class| {gas)

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Explosive atmospheres aren0tlikelytoexjst und€rn0rmaloperating conditions

Division 1

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EXPtoSt0l{ cR0uPs ACC0RDlltlG NEC500 a a


Glass l,Zone1,AEx lllti.; Ex il|j["'; @ i l 2 G EExqdlL]L]G

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ingaccording to ATEX

Sufficient Safety

Sufiicient Safety C a n b e u s e di n

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EOUIPMINT.GROUP I {l\4ining) CalegoryMl CategoryM2 veryhighlevel hjghlevel of protection ol protection bymeansof Theequipment is 2 protective intended to bede, measures/ energized intheevent 2 faults of anexplosive atmosphere

Typical Gas/ DusVFiber Acetylene Hydrogen Ethylene Propane Methane l\4etal dust C o adl u s t Graid nust Fibers


Group ClassI GroupA ClassI GroupB ClassI GroupC C l a s Is G r o u D p l\4ining Classll GroupE C l a s lsl G r o u F p C i a s lsl G r o u G p C t a slsl l

o o o o o o o


Maximum surface lemperature 450'C 300.c 280"C 260'C 230.C 215'C 200'c 180.C 165"C 160"C 135'C 120"c 100'c 85'C

USA (NEC500) T1 12 't2A T2B TzC r2D T3 T3A T3B T3C T4 T4A T5 T6


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ttta"irrr surface temperature 450"C 300"c 200'c r3q:c 100'c 85'C

a a a

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EOUIPMENT.GROUP II ( o t h eer x p l o s i vaet m o s p h e r e s ) Calegoryt* Calegory2i Calegory3' veryhighlevel highlevel normallevel ol protection of protection of protection bVmeansof frequently occuring d u r i n n gormal 2 protective equipmentfaults/ operation measures/2faultsl fault Zone\ Zone2\ Zonel Zonell Z o n e 2Z o n e 2 L

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l\4etha ne Acetone

TVpeof protection


Increased satety

Flameproof enclosure

ur Pressurized apparatus t--:

Intrinsic safety

Benzene Acetylaldehyde r-Amyl acetate D i e s el ul e l Ethylether n-Butane Aircraftfuel i B e n z o (l p u r e ) n-8utylslcoholH e a t i nogi l A c e t i ca c i d n'Hexane I tthanol


[ 4 a i na p p l i c a t i o n


Ierminalandconnection boxes, Et! )u u tv controlboxesforinstalling tEc60079-7 Ex-components {whichhavea FM3600 protection), difterenttypeof u12279 squirrelcage motors, lightlinings Switchgear andcontrolgear E N5 00 1 8 andindicatinq equipment, lEc60079.1 controlsystems, motors, FM3600 kansformers, heating equipment, uL2219 liohtfiftinas Switchgear andcontrolcabinets, E N5 00 1 6 analysers, largem0t0rs lEc60079-2 Ftvl3620 NFPA 496 Instr!mentation technology, EN50020 communication technology. lEc60079-1 r sens0rs, actuat0rs Ftvl 36r0


Methane { n a t u r agl e : N/lethanol Propane




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C o a lg a s




I C a r b odni s u l p h i d e

uL2279 Ullrmmersr0n

rtanslotmers, startingresistors




tEc600i9-6 FM3600 uL2279

lransformers, capacitors, terminal boxeslor heating conductors


Iype of proteclion n

E r !t u u t t

lone 2

T Nb U U I T lEc60079-5 Ft\43600 ut2219 Switchgear forlowpowetcontrol EN50028 a n ds i g n a l l i nu gn i t s , l E c6 0 0 7 9 - 1 8 displayunits,sensors Ftvt3600 uL2219 All electrical apparatus torZone2 EN50021 lighting equipment, lesssuitable I E C6 0 0 7 9 - 1 5 forswitchgear andcontrolgear


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