Ee News - Dec 2009

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Evangelism Explosion Malaysia


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m a k e disci d n a ple o so G

December 2009

For Private Circulation Only

2009 - A YEAR OF FIRSTS! From the Chairman’s Desk


s I reflect on this year, I think this must be a year of “Firsts” for EE in Malaysia. By implication this is a year of faith, a year of venture into the unknown and a year of sowing. Let me tell you why.



The FIRST meeting of the Celebration Committee formed to organise EE Malaysia’s 21st Anniversary Celebrations on 26 March 2010 and to assist in the ground site preparations for EE International’s FIRST ever Congress of Nations to be held from March 22-26, 2010. The Celebration Committee is the FIRST ever Working Committee formed under the auspices of EE Malaysia.

EE International conducted a recruitment programme in Kuala Lumpur for Asian Implementation Field Workers as part of its Global Development Programme. EE Malaysia assisted in the ground organization for this event which was held in Malaysia for the FIRST time.


EE Malaysia conducted an Xee Crossover training for Adult EE teachers for the FIRST time. This training is specially designed by EE Malaysia to help Adult EE teachers learn and teach Xee. Subsequent to the launch of Xee in April 2008, many still felt that they needed more training before they were confident enough to implement Xee in their churches.


EE Malaysia, as a member of NECF’s Evangelism Commission, assisted in the organisation of the FIRST Evangelism Symposium in Malaysia. The Symposium was attended by national Christian leaders and a national strategy to work together was formalised.

The FIRST Xee trainees from a local semester in Malaysia were certified. They were from Emmanuel EFC, Wangsa Maju in Kuala Lumpur.

MAY 12

MAY 30

Irene Chan returned from Fiji, the FIRST EE Malaysia staff to undergo this 6-weeks Implementation Field Worker training.

JUNE 3-5

FIRST Xee clinic in Penang, held in Gateway City Church with trainers from the United States.

JULY 5-8

FIRST two Xee clinics in the Klang Valley, one held in Klang Wesley Methodist Church, and the other, in partnership with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Malaysia Headquarters

His Last Command... Our First Concern



A class session at the Xee Clinic in Wesley Methodist Church, Klang

(FGBMF). Both clinics were assisted by trainers from the United States. The FGBMF clinic was held to train their members, the FIRST ever clinic in Malaysia to be held with an organisation other than a local church.


The EE International team for the Congress met with the EE Malaysia Celebration Committee for the FIRST time in Kuala Lumpur. Representing EE International were Rev. John Sorensen (President of EE International), Archbishop (retired) Rev. Dr. Harry Goodhew (EE International Board AUGUST 24 Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church, Wangsa Member), Rev. Reynaldo Atienza (EE International Maju held an Xee training in the Methodist Boys’ Board Member), and Shirley Beattie (Special Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur with 14 of the Assistant to the President of EE International). students. It was the FIRST time an Xee semester was held with student leaders from a school. NOVEMBER 23 EE Malaysia for the FIRST time did a presentation on Xee to over 150 pastors and leaders at the 2009 SEPTEMBER 10-11 EE Malaysia shifted office to No. 2A-A, 1st Floor, Methodist Trinity Annual Conference. It was the Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Perindustrian UEP, 47600 FIRST time we had such an opportunity with a Subang Jaya. This is the FIRST time the national denomination. office in Subang Jaya shifted and the FIRST time EE Malaysia took an entire floor. It is also the FIRST DECEMBER 2 time EE Malaysia has its own training room. The EE Malaysia Board of Directors will for the FIRST time, in recent years, meet twice in the same year. The Dedication Service for the new SEPTEMBER 13 The graduation of the first semester of Trinity premises will be held at the same time with invited Community Centre, Petaling Jaya where 13 folks EE leaders from the Klang Valley. were trained. A total of 53 persons prayed to receive eternal life out of 105 who heard the gospel, the With so many FIRSTs, we can only thank the FIRST time we had results of more than 50% for Lord that we are blazing new trails. In 2009, we experienced many FIRSTs, but I see that in 2010, our English language ministry. we will have many SECONDs as we build on what the Lord has allowed us to achieve for this year. The OCTOBER 1-4 EE Malaysia helped launch Xee for the FIRST time 2010 training time-table is a long list and it will get in Manila with the EE Philippines leadership. The longer as more opportunities present themselves. Xee Crossover training, which was developed for I am excited over what has been done and yet I the February 2009 training in Kuala Lumpur, was suspect that in 2010 too, we will have many more FIRSTs. used outside our nation for the FIRST time.


Discussion time at the Manila Xee Crossover Training The Lord is doing an exciting thing through EE. I invite you to join us in this great task of making disciples. Jesus says, “Night is coming, when no one can work.”

Next year, we hope to introduce EE to more towns and cities where EE is absent. Meanwhile, have a Blessed Christmas and a Joyful New Year. Voon Yuen Woh Chairman, EE Malaysia 20th November 2009

John 9:4 NIV


Our new address and contact nos. are: No. 2A-A, 1st Floor, Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Perindustrian UEP, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: 03-80233230 Fax: 03-80233252

His Last Command... Our First Concern

Last but not least, I would like to thank all our friends and donors for their prayers and financial support for the work of EE. In early September, we sent out a call for an amount of up to RM61,000 to fund the re-location of our EE office and the cost of our 21st Anniversary Celebrations. I thought I should mention to our friends and supporters that to date we have received less than RM5,000 for this effort. If the Lord impresses on you to partner with us and share in this ministry, then it will enable us to continue sowing and investing in eternity.


raise the Lord that on 17 September 2010, the EE Malaysia office finally shifted to a bigger premise to accommodate for the expansion of the ministry. Located in Taman Perindustrian UEP, our new rented premise is double the previous space and has a small discussion room and a modest training cum meeting room. With this bigger premise and new facilities, we do hope to be able to serve the EE churches better and to have even more trainings in future to further equip the body of Christ to share their faith.


His Last Command... Our First Concern



Where Do You Stand?



raise the Lord, that on 6th October 2009, Miri Gospel Chapel was given the honour of receiving the D. James Kennedy Ministry of Excellence Award from EE International. Rev. Tom Mangham, the EE Vice-President of Asia, came to present the award to our EE leaders, Elder Norman Choo and Rev. Caleb Chian. Miri Gospel Chapel started its EE ministry back in 1988 with Adult EE. It was later on followed by Youth EE, and subsequently, Kids EE. This has enabled us to equip every age group in Miri Gospel Chapel with an evangelism tool.

感谢主,我们教会美里福音堂(Miri Gospel Chapel)这次有机会荣获国际三福 布道事工于十月六日颁发事工优越奖。负 责人及颁奖者Tom Mangham牧师当晚特别 远到而来为我们颁此奖项于我们教会之三 福事工的负责人,朱汉宜长老和蒋祥平牧 师。美里福音堂教会于1988年就开始三福 事工,后来还发展成少年三福训练,甚至 是儿童的三福事工。这可说是在各阶层年 龄上的全面布道事工人材训练。

这廿多年来风雨不改的招募新兵,没有出 For the last twenty over years, new “soldiers” for 现 任 何 的 断 层 问 题 , 虽 不 敢 说 是 超 越 成 the gospel have been recruited yearly. We dare not 功,但我们绝对深信,这是因那恩典够用 say that we have succeeded greatly, but one thing 的神与我们同在、保守,才有今天的这个 we do believe, that our success comes from the 成绩。谈到传福音的事工,它正如讲员所 grace of God which is sufficient for us. Indeed, it 说 , 是 看 似 不 可 能 , 却 非 不 可 能 的 事 。 is His presence and protection that has led us to 有参加过三福训练的弟兄姐妹,都不难听 this stage of accomplishment. As Rev. Tom shared 到,一些队伍在出队时,是如何经历到神 in his message with regards to winning the lost, it 让受训者经历到祂的无所不能。 may seem impossible, but it is NOT impossible. Those who have attended the EE training would 在 信 息 中 讲 员 也 提 到 一 个 非 常 重 要 的 一 have heard testimonies from various teams of their 环,不是传福音的技巧,而是团体精神。 personal experience on how nothing is impossible 三福事工绝对是团体的事工,因此,更不 能忽略团体精神的这一环节。尤其是在代 with God. 祷的团体守望精神,布道事工不能没有团 Rev. Tom also included a very important point - it 体 的 祷 告 , 这 种 的 团 体 精 神 不 单 是 在 受 is not the skill in sharing the gospel, but the team 训者当中的守望,更是在其他没有受训的 spirit. EE ministry is no doubt a group ministry. 肢体们在祷告上的支持。虽然说,祷告跟 As such, we should never neglect the area of team 人数没有直接关系,但这种团体守望的精 spirit. It should not only be present amongst those 神,是不可少的。 involved in the training, but should also encompass


those who are offering prayer support. Group intercessory prayer is of utmost importance. We can never do without watchful prayer. Rev. Tom followed on to say that our mindset will determine what we will do for God. It can be a hindrance to our faith in God. It can cause us to look at things from the wrong perspective. When Satan tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden, wasn’t he using the same tactic? Satan played with their minds. Once they were confused, they had no clear direction. Satan is often playing with our minds when we are out witnessing. If we were to place our mindset on wrong perspectives, wrong judgments will sure to be made. However, we can be certain that God is faithful and that He is with us. He knows our weaknesses and the times when we are lacking in faith, and He will certainly see us through when we look to Him.

另外,讲员也提到说心思意念的对我们事 工也产生很大的影响。它可以拦阻我们对 神的信心,它可以使我们用错误的角度来 看任何事情,魔鬼在诱惑始祖的时候,不 正是用这招吗?扰乱他们的心思意念,心 一乱,做什么都乱了。在三福出队的经历 里头,我们的心思意念常常也容易,被想 象误导,当我们将心思意念放在错误的对 象上时了,我们就会对事情做了错误的判 断。但我们要感恩,神怜悯我们这方面的 软弱,总是让我们在信心不足时,看见祂 是如何活生生的参与在我们当中。

His Last Command... Our First Concern

Elder Norman Choo and Senior Pastor Rev. Caleb Chian holding up the D. James Kennedy Ministry of Excellence Award after receiving it from Rev. Tom Mangham

各位弟兄姐妹,传福音是神托付我们那为 完成的使命,让我们常常能透过一首诗歌 来提醒我:

在这福音的事工上,我站在哪里? Dear brothers and sisters, sharing the gospel i the 多少人已经站在最前线, mission which God has entrusted to us. Let us 我为何落空? 但愿我们都能异口同声的对呼召 always remind ourselves this song – 我们的主说: “主,我在这里,请差遣我!” Where do I stand in the area of evangelism? So many people are already in the front line, why am I still behind? By Elder Norman Choo Wish that all of us can say together when our Elder Norman serves full-time at Miri Gospel Chapel and is one of the board members of EE Malaysia. Lord calls each one of us, “Lord, here am I, please send me.”


His Last Command... Our First Concern



Developing Character , Impacting Nations P

eople are seeking for men and women of character. We look for them in the political, social, economic, and religious arena. We look for them to lead, to make an impact. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of such men and women.

The Bible speaks of the importance of character, and that it is God’s intention that believers be transformed into Christ’s character. Rom 8:29 (TLB) says, “For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him-… should become like His Son,” The more familiar NIV states, “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son ...”

He never owned a home. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never put His foot inside a big city. He never travelled more than two hundred miles from the place He was born. He never did any of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials, but Himself...

While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against Him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed unto a cross between two thieves. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth – His coat. When He was dead, He The transformation of our character to that of the was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a Lord Jesus Christ’s is the goal of our Christian friend. experiences. “God has decided (predestined) …” (Rom 8:29). The reason for this becomes clear Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and when we see how the life of Christ has impacted today, He is a centrepiece of the human race and leader billions through the passage of time. of the column of progress. Jesus impacted people by loving them. It has been said that “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I would like to reproduce an adaptation from a sermon by Dr. James Allan Francis from another generation entitled, “One Solitary Life.”

I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that were ever built; all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of Man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life.

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village. He worked in a carpenter’s shop until He was thirty. Then, for three years, He was an itinerant preacher.

Jesus impacted this world because of His love, His care, and His concern for people. Although He spoke to large crowds and performed miracles (eg. feeding the 5000), He also made time to speak to the Samaritan woman, to Zacchaeus, to blind

EE NEWS impurity, and from greed. There should also not be unholy speech like obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse joking. These types of unholy behaviour and speech only harm others and are improper for God’s holy people.

When we live holy lives, we will be rewarded by How do we develop this character? The Apostle God and we will possess an inheritance in Christ’s Paul urges us to “be imitators of God” (Ephesians coming kingdom. The Apostle Paul reminds us not 5:1). Jesus is God and we develop His character by to be deceived and not to partner with unbelievers imitating Him. This is God’s purpose for us and He who are “children of disobedience.” When we will give us the grace to be transformed into His partner with them, we will land up behaving like likeness. them. From Ephesians 5:1-21, the Apostle Paul gives us three ways we can be imitators of God. They are all connected with the word, “walk.” The Greek sense is linked to the idea of the way we live, our lifestyle. The call is indeed to walk the talk.

Secondly, we are to walk - live - as children of light. The fruit - result of light is goodness, righteousness and truth. These please the Lord. By contrast, we should have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. These deeds should be exposed. The world loves darkness, rather than light, lest their Firstly, we are to walk in love - live a life of love. This is deeds are exposed. But, we are children of light, clear from the fact that God is love. Our inspiration and therefore, we should live like such. is that Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us. This is the love that costs, that requires, that in fact Thirdly, we should walk as wise people. Wise people demands, a sacrifice. We become imitators of God are conscious not to waste time and opportunities. when we are able to love the way He loves. We are They understand God’s purposes and stay sober able to love other people the way Jesus loves us. We and focused on what He wants. Foolish people dull do not love people because we like them or because their senses by living to indulge their sinful desires. we can get something out of them. We love because Wise people make the most of every opportunity, He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Love is not based understanding that life is a gift from God. They on emotional feelings, but is centered in the will. become sharp to eternal things with eternal values.

His Last Command... Our First Concern

Bartimaeus, to Jairus, to the woman with the issue of blood, and many more. Since then, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, He continues to impact men, women, young people, and children of many generations. And of course, He also impacted you and me.

When we love people with God’s kind of love, we Paul further reminds his readers to be filled with will live holy lives. We will love godly behavior the Holy Spirit and to speak to one another in and we will abstain from sexual immorality, from psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making music


His Last Command... Our First Concern

EE NEWS in their character, they have little impact on others. Not only that, they have failed to earn the right to speak of God’s love, God’s light, and God’s wisdom. Wise people are also grateful and thankful to the Consequently, they are not fit to share their faith. Lord for everything. This gives them a cheerful To be like Jesus disposition, a pleasant attitude, and a faith that overflows with hope in a living and good God. To be like Jesus All I ask - to be like Him Wise people make it a point to account to others. All through life’s journey From earth to glory In the process of accountability, they will submit All I ask - to be like Him. to those over them in the Lord. This makes them humble and avails themselves to others who may guide, counsel, and direct them to succeed. May we walk the talk. Then we can talk the walk. This ensures their inheritance in Christ’s coming ------------------------------------------Kingdom. in their hearts to the Lord. Wise people look to God in every circumstance of life.

In conclusion, far too many people have rejected the gospel of Christ due to the bad behavior of Christians. When Christians do not imitate God

(This is an adaptation of the address given at the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, Malaysia, Central Region, Annual Members’ Conference held in Kuala Lumpur on 10th October 2009, by Rev. Voon Yuen Woh, Chairman of EE Malaysia.)



he idea of taking over from Maureen Chai as EE Malaysia’s National Coordinator for the Kids EE ministry for a term of two years, starting from 1st January this year, did not stick well with me at first. There were many “what if ’s” and “fears” in me. However, God spoke to me in several occasions, and I finally agreed. It has been 11 months since I started and I can only thank God for blessing me with so many opportunities to be able to serve with so many wonderful partners in the ministry. This has indeed been a busy year for Kids EE both within and beyond our nation, but in each occasion, we have experienced God’s faithfulness and how His caring hand carried us through each time we faced challenges. We have had three Kids EE clinics in our nation so far this year:-

Bintulu: Special Kids EE Junior Leadership Clinic (14-17 March, 2009) This was indeed a special clinic as we would normally only accept those who are 17 years old and above into a clinic, but in this clinic, we trained 11 of our Kids EE semester-trained teenagers (15 & 16 year-olds) to be trainers. Six of them were from Ming Ong Methodist Church, Bintulu, and five from Miri Gospel Chapel. These young people have been with Kids EE since year 2004 and have been helping in several clinics as Junior Team Leaders at the age of only 13 years old. During the clinic,



Kuching: Trinity Methodist Church Kids EE Leadership Clinic (6-10 June, 2009) We also witnessed how God used this clinic to re-launch the Kids EE ministry in India. Benjamin Thomas (India’s newly-appointed Kids EE Director) was the last person to enroll, just two weeks prior to the clinic. In this clinic, we saw families serving together in Kids EE, and it was a beautiful sight to behold. Robert Ting, from Bintulu, brought his wife and three sons - two teenagers and a 5-year-old - to the clinic. He was one of the clinic teachers while his wife and two teenage sons served as team leaders. While everyone was busy in the clinic, 5-year-old Roland would also be busy memorizing the Gospel in the Nutshell complete with hand motion. Debbie Heng, from Sibu, and her daughter, Victoria, were there to serve as team leader and helper respectively in the clinic. What can be more beautiful than a family coming together to serve the Lord in the same ministry! Though the number of registrations was low in this clinic (there were eight clinicians), but the decision to carry on with the clinic despite the low number had much significance in helping to re-launch Kids EE in India, and to launch China’s Kids EE ministry two months later. We have learnt that by trusting and obeying God, we will experience His faithfulness, and it has been such a blessing to be part of His wonderful plan.

His Last Command... Our First Concern

we saw how God raised these high-caliber teenagers to serve Him. They were very passionate about sharing the gospel and the team work that they displayed was beyond our expectation. They were capable of teaching like adults, and even delivered a higher standard than that of some adults. We were really amazed by what God was doing in these young lives. We pray that more Kids EE-trained children will continue to grow spiritually like this group of teenagers who have caught the vision of their part in the Great Commission. Their testimonies will surely encourage more parents and children alike to be involved in a ministry like this.

Kota Kinabalu: Basel Christian Church of Malaysia 3rd Kids EE Leadership Clinic (24-28 August, 2009) This was the 3rd Kids EE clinic in Malaysia this year. It was more an East Malaysian affair for we had 17 clinicians coming from 10 different churches from Sabah and Sarawak. We also saw a closer inter-denominational rapport being established through the involvement of churches from different denominations working together in clinic preparation, teaching, and On-the-Job Training (OJT) arrangements in this ministry. We pray that there will be more opportunities to work


His Last Command... Our First Concern

EE NEWS together so that more children will be reached. Once again, we are being reminded that many of our Sunday School children may not be sure of their salvation and need to assured. Through Kids EE, we can help them to express their faith and deepen their understanding of being followers of Jesus Christ. They can then become effective witnesses to their peers, and even be able to be sent out into the mission field with the adults. Below is the summary OJT report for the above mentioned clinics: Gospel Shared Professions Assurance Rejections Already Christian % of Professions



Kota Kinabalu

20 19 0 1 0 95%

21 13 2 2 4 62%

44 40 1 1 2 91%

Many times our clinics were sustained by a group of faithful prayer partners. Without them, our clinics would probably face more challenges. Therefore we really want to thank God for providing us a group of faithful prayer warriors to intercede on our behalf, and I do thank all the prayer partners for always praying for us. Let us continue to uphold the Kids EE ministry in our prayers with the following items: 1) The last clinic, and Teachers’ Training, for the year will be held in Johor Baru, hosted by Johor Jaya Presbyterian Church. Nov 23 & 24, 2009 – Kids EE Clinic Teachers Training; Nov 25 – 28, 2009 – West Malaysia 4th Mandarin Kids EE Leadership Clinic 2) All the Kids EE-trained adults and children continue to stay active in the ministry. May their testimonies speak loudly so that more will be encouraged to participate in the Kids EE ministry as well. 3) God will continue to raise more partners to meet the growing demand for more clinic teachers to serve in both within and beyond our nation. God will also continue to protect those works that have been planted in many other countries. 4) The Kids EE vision to be caught by many more churches throughout Malaysia. 5) God’s hand upon the plans and clinics in year 2010. 6) The translation work of Bahasa Malaysia (BM) Kids EE materials to be completed soon, and for BM-speaking leaders to be raised to take charge of the ministry and to introduce Kids EE to many BM-speaking churches throughout the nation.



Wesley Methodist Church, Klang W

esley Methodist Church, Klang has been experiencing an “EE revival” in the church since last year August. After a break of several years, the leadership felt the importance and need to revive EE in the church again, and hence on 17th August, 2008, the church resumed EE with their 15th semester. Eight trainees were recruited. Trainers were refreshed, and the excitement of going out to share the gospel was in the air once again. Since then, there have been another two Adult EE semesters - three in total since resuming EE - and one Xee Facilitators Training conducted in the church. Plans are now on the board to conduct another two semesters next year - our 18th Adult EE semester and our 1st Xee semester. We thank the Lord for our new pastor, Rev. Ashok Amarasingham, who began his term in our church January this year. He and his wife, Jane, have been very encouraging in our plans for EE. Jane joined the church’s 16th Adult EE semester earlier this year and became very excited and passionate about EE. Subsequently, Rev. Ashok and Jane attended the Adult EE Leadership Clinic in Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya, on 16th – 21st June this year, and were inspired even more in EE and gave their support to host an Xee Facilitator Training in Wesley Methodist Church, Klang. The Xee Facilitator Training was held from 5th-8th July, with 28 boys and girls from the United States who came to serve as Xee trainers. It was truly a blessed time despite all the hard work. Everyone who was involved in the Training, even those who were serving in one form or other, was excited,

especially the youth. We had 76 people hear the gospel and 13 persons give their lives to the Lord!

We truly praise and thank God for the many successful clinics and semesters held in Wesley Methodist Church, Klang, and for the revival in evangelism He has brought to our hearts! By Mrs. Rubina Ho Rubina is full-time with EE Malaysia as Implementation Advisor and is a member of Wesley Methodist Church, Klang.

His Last Command... Our First Concern

An “EE Revival” in

I came to Wesley Methodist Church, Klang at the beginning of 2009 and was introduced to EE for the first time when I joined a semester that was held in church in February. I have learnt other methods of sharing the Gospel before but none of them has been as comprehensive and non-threatening as the EE method. In the past, sharing the Gospel was something I did simply because it was a mandate from Christ Himself. Moreover, it was difficult to share with anyone unless the person showed an interest in wanting to become a Christian. But since having been trained in EE, I find it so simple and exciting to engage in conversation continue on page 17


His Last Command... Our First Concern


Trinity Community Centre PETALING JAYA Trinity Community Centre, Petaling Jaya, is an Assemblies of God church and it is pastored by Rev. Dr. Collin Gordon. Located in Section 51, Petaling Jaya, its vision is to be a lighthouse in the community.”


Adult EE Semester


rinity Community Centre, Petaling Jaya, held their first Adult EE semester this year from 29th April-12th August. Thirteen leaders and full time workers were trained. It was a truly blessed and wonderful experience to train this group of committed people. Everyone who participated in the semester, including pastors and trainers, were very focused and faithful in attending classes, going out on OJTs, and doing all their assignments weekly. They had worked very hard indeed, but the most important thing, was that they all had an enjoyable time witnessing to 105 people, out of which 53 people gave their lives to the Lord! This first semester of Trinity Community Centre was indeed a great success, and they have already launched their second semester on 2nd November with 14 trainees. Praise the Lord for His goodness and hand upon the church, and may they continue to give of their best to the Lord and see Him do even greater things in this second semester! By Mrs. Rubina Ho EE Implementation Advisor and main Teacher-Trainer for this semester.

Before I was trained in EE, my walk with the Lord was mainly based on His promises in the Bible. At times when I’m faced with trials and problems, instead of looking to the Lord, I would quickly try to find ways to solve the situations, and normally it would be carnal or worldly ways. After having gone through EE, I began to realize the error of my ways and learnt to fully transfer my trust from myself to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and for everything that happens in my life. EE has given me the tools to share my faith and has taught me how to start conversations with friends and strangers. It has helped me to overcome fear and has given me confidence and boldness to know that wherever I go and whomever I meet, I am equipped to effectively share Jesus and His plan of salvation. Before being trained in EE, I would share the gospel in bits and pieces with no clear continuation, but now I am able to clearly share all the relevant gospel points with illustrations that enable the prospect to understand the gospel better. In one of my on-the-job trainings, my trainer asked me to share my testimony and part of the gospel presentation. However, when the opportunity came, I managed to share not only my testimony, but the whole gospel presentation with illustrations. The Holy Spirit not only enabled me to do more than I thought I could, but also moved the prospect’s heart to be attentive as I shared. He was impressed by how God can do the impossible for us and finally, convicted by the Holy Spirit, he accepted Jesus as His Saviour and Lord. The Holy Spirit is looking for open and willing hearts who will believe in Him to do the impossible, and I would encourage us all to trust and allow Him to do impossible things through us. Steven Chong was running his own business prior to coming out full-time recently as a result of the EE semester. He is married to Christina Chong and has been in Trinity Community Centre, Petaling Jaya for nine years now. He is currently full-time serving in audio/visual, evangelism and discipling.



Pas. Marie Gordon is the wife of Rev. Dr. Collin Gordon, Senior Pastor of TrinityMethodist Church, Petaling Jaya. She is also pastoring in the church and is the EE leader for this semester.





Praise & Worship

His Last Command... Our First Concern

Overall, this first EE semester has been overwhelmingly inspiring. Trainees and trainers have experienced new revelations and awesome moments of God’s hand. EE, which stands for Evangelism Explosion, should also stand for Excellent Evangelism. It is a course which has extraordinarily given our trainers a sure method and a definite direction to save the lost. The record of almost 60 souls won for the Kingdom of God in such a short period of time speaks volumes of the value of this course. Our church growth has progressed so expediently that it has excited and built the confidence of the congregation. EE is a must for every church in order to be aligned with our Lord’s command to go out to make disciples. Surely, heaven rejoices over our church growth which has amazed all of us. Our gratitude and appreciation to Mrs. Rubina Ho and her husband, Mr. Ho Ah Chye, who brought EE to our doorstep and who have been a true blessing in our semester. May God bless them indeed. We will surely continue using EE until the day that our Lord comes back for His church. Amen!

Rev. Voon presenting the certificate to Christina Chong

Group photo Front row (from left to right): Mr. Ho Ah Chye, Mrs. Rubina Ho, Rev. Voon Yuen Woh,Pas. Marie Gordon, Rev. Dr. Collin Gordon, Mr. Francis Hew (Church Administrator)


His Last Command... Our First Concern


Two Xee Clinics at a Go!! 5th – 8th July 2009


here was much excitement in the air for EE on July 5-8, 2009 as there were two Xee clinics running simultaneously with a team of 28 leaders and students, mostly in their teens, who flew in from the States just two days before. They were from the Rio Vista Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States and had come to serve as trainers in the two Xee clinics as part of their missions. The two clinics were held in Wesley Methodist Church, Klang and in the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, Malaysia Headquarters in Petaling Jaya.

Pastor Rob Pacienza facilitating at the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship clinic

Out of the two 3½ days training, there were 49 people trained altogether and 19 who gave their lives to the Lord. The excitement of those few days culminated on July 8 night with a combined Graduation Service at the Restaurant Jaya 33 in Petaling Jaya. The night was filled with joy and excitement as testimonies were shared, certificates were handed out, various ones gave performances, and cameras clicked away to remember the night. Plans are now on the drawing board for another team from the States to come again in 2010!!

Part of the group at the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship

Demonstration during the clinic at Wesley Methodist Church, Klang

During the Graduation Service

The group at the Wesley Methodist Church, Klang



Malaysia participated in the launch of Xee in the Philippines on October 1-2, 2009 at the Capitol City Baptist Church in Quezon City, Manila. Rev. Voon Yuen Woh, Chairman of EE Malaysia, and Steve Hanlon, Xee Coordinator from EE Asia, taught Xee to senior clinic teachers from EE Philippines. This was a repeat of the popular Xee Crossover from Adult EE workshop that was held in Malaysia in February 2009. The syllabus centred on the differences between Xee and Adult EE and the many benefits of Xee. Xee is “easier to teach and easier to learn,” in the words of Rev. Voon. All the participants enjoyed the learning experience and many of them saw the potential of reaching even more people using Xee. It was mentioned throughout the two days of training that with Xee, there was no longer the need to confine teaching EE within the church walls. Trained and certified church members could now teach Xee to their colleagues in the workplace and On-the-Job training would be so much easier with ready access to prospects.

to an even greater harvest of souls in that nation. We thank the Lord for the opportunity that EE Malaysia has in sowing the seeds. Some of the early pioneers of EE in Malaysia were trained in the Philippines, in fact, at the Capitol City Baptist Church. It seems EE has gone a full circle. “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.” Ecclesiates 11:1 NIV

His Last Command... Our First Concern



Xee Crossover with Trainers

The Crossover training for the senior clinic teachers was followed by another two-day Crossover training for some 20 Adult EE-trained trainers from three local churches. They were given plenty of practice on the Xee outline in preparation for them to act as trainers for the Xee semester when it starts. We pray that Xee will be well received by the EE community in the Philippines and we look forward

Xee Crossover with Senior Clinic Teachers, small group discussion


His Last Command... Our First Concern



fter having a successful first Xee semester in our church last July, Michael Diong, Yong Wai Ping and Poh Kim Kee were recruited as trainers. I remember discussing the possibility of our team running an Xee semester in the Methodist Boys’ Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur with Wai Ping last year, and she was very keen on the idea. Wai Ping is a teacher at the school, and was given the task to oversee the Chapel Service and its committee just prior to our Xee semester training in 2008. God’s timing is always perfect! The Xee semester for the boys was held on August 24 to 28 this year. It was daily Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Seven trainers comprising of Elder David Low, James Tang, Michael Diong, Mrs. Chew Poy Hoe, Poh Kim Kee, Yong Wai Ping and myself took on 14 students aged between 13 and 19 for the training. These students were the incoming members for the school’s Chapel Service Committee. When they turned up on the morning of the first day of training, which was held at the KL Wesley Methodist Church’s Multipurpose Hall, most of them looked like they had been ‘dragged’ there. Not surprising, since it was the school holidays, and they’d surely rather be somewhere else, but as the days went by, it was a different story. Throughout the training, these students were like sponges. They practically “soaked up” the gospel outline in no time, and started asking for real prospects instead of the role-playing with one another. The Connect Activities were the most exciting part of the training for them. I felt like laughing and crying at the same time when I


observed my 13-year-old trainee share the entire gospel with a primary school boy and led him to Christ! There were times when we trainers felt more like we were the ones being trained when we had prospects who could speak only Chinese and our trainees who knew the language shared the entire gospel while we trainers listened and observed. I had to consciously try not to drop my jaw in awe, especially when they managed to handle objections themselves. So, when four Chinese students made their professions in one of our Connect Activities, we all went home amazed. Not only the trainees, but the trainers too, were transformed by what transpired that day. I’m sure all of us went home that day feeling “Wah, like that also can!” (our Malaysian expression for speechlessness). The Methodist Boys’ Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur is such a wonderful harvest field. The Confucious School and the Methodist Boys’ Primary School near its vicinity also provided us opportunities we never had in the past. And then, there was the Boys’ Brigade as well. We had a total of 72 prospects, 22 professions and 10 assurances. Praise the Lord! By Grace Tang Grace Tang is from Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church, Wangsa Maju. She is a full-time home-maker, and is actively involved in evangelism. She is also part of the working committee for EE Malaysia’s 21st Anniversary Celebration.

EE NEWS Initially, I was worried whether the students would be able to cope, but they surprised us, as they learned so fast. In the beginning they were so passive, but the moment they owned the gospel outline, they just could not sit still. They wanted to go out and share the Good News. The students went out into the school compound and the Petaling Street area and shared their hearts out in English, Malay and Mandarin. 22 people accepted the Lord. Hallelujah! This is God’s glory! What can I say but praise Him!

Lee Zi Sheng, Form One Student

I always thought that sharing the gospel would be a scary thing. I didn’t know how to start, and I was scared that it would end up in a debate. After being trained in Xee, I learnt how to share the Gospel in a systematic way. It is clear and easy to understand. When I went for the Connect Activities, I would feel the joy of serving God. It didn’t matter how many people were led to Christ, it was the joy of sowing the seed in peoples’ hearts and successfully sharing the Gospel to the prospects that mattered. During the training, I also re-affirmed my faith and was re-assured myself that Jesus is the only Way.

Evelyn Lum, Upper Six Form Student

I find the Roman Handshake illustration, which illustrates the faithfulness of God, very applicable. It really serves as a reminder and also comforts me that God will never let me go. The greatest part of this training is that I now know where and how to start sharing the gospel with my friends. I actually look forward to going for tuition and to school now, because I’m so excited that I want to share the Good News with my friends.

His Last Command... Our First Concern

Ms. Yong Wai Ping, Teacher

Kieran Ng Kien Quan, Form One

Before the training, I had never shared with anyone that I knew, friends or family alike. Through the training, I not only learned connecting skills and how to share the gospel, but I also gained confidence in doing so. After this training, I feel new. I feel like I can do something for God. I have also found one of my life’s purpose, and that is spreading God’s Word and expanding His kingdom bit by bit everyday.

continued from page 11

with anyone, leading to the Gospel presentation - and it doesn’t matter how the person responds. What is important is that the person gets to hear the Gospel and the seed has been planted. The most exciting part about the semester was indeed the On-the-Job Training. Not only was this something Jesus did with His disciples, it also helps to translate all our head knowledge into application.

Now I no longer share the Gospel with prebelievers simply because of Christ’s mandate. I am beginning to experience God’s heart for the lost. I desire to live a lifestyle of evangelism and EE is the tool I can use to achieve it. By Mrs. Jane Aramasingham Jane is the wife of Rev. Ashok who is pastoring Wesley Methodist Church, Klang, and is the Administrator and main Teacher-Trainer in their current EE semester.


His Last Command... Our First Concern



Adult EE Clinic 16-21 June, 2009

The clinic ended on Father’s Day, 21st June 2009, with sad goodbyes. The 29 clinicians had come from four different countries, 19 different churches. They came from the Brethren, Baptist, Charismatic, Methodist, Assemblies of God, and Adventists persuasion. All together united to equip their congregations for the end-time harvest. During the clinic, 47 people heard the gospel, out of which 26 people prayed to accept the Lord Jesus Christ!

FGT 19th Adult EE Leadership Clinic was the best, world-class EE clinic that I have ever attended! Once again, thanks for allowing us to go. In the future, I am sure I can help EE Vietnam from what I have learnt in this EE Clinic. Please pray for me.

Greetings from Japan! I took the 13-weeks training 19 years ago in PA. Though I was not a very committed student, I was born again through it. So, this Leadership Clinic was like a time machine for me! As I was memorizing the outline of the presentation and reading the textbook, I was returning to the FIRST LOVE and FIRST EXCITEMENT I found in Jesus for the first time! From the time I was born again till now, I have been exposed to many Christian programmes, teachings, camps, seminars, books and many dynamic worship services, and so many times, I would feel unfulfilled. No matter how excited I would get with the dynamic worship services and how much I learned about God in classes, there was always one question in me - “By this, do lost people get saved?” During this week of the EE clinic, the Holy Spirit kept reminding me, saying, “Here is the place everything started, and here is the place you need to come back and STAY.” It has been so long since I last felt I could devote myself to something without asking that question. I flew to Malaysia with high expectations of learning and equipping. I believe the Lord has responded to me overwhelmingly.



Thank you very much for recommending that we be sent for the Adult EE Leadership Clinic in Malaysia. I have learnt a lot from the clinic about spiritual life and how to run an EE clinic from a model EE church... they did it perfectly. Also, the prayer partners were a big impact to the clinicians because we would always receive notes of encouragement and prayer mails in our pigeon-holes. It made us more excited and more confident. The trainers were also all very good presenters. Everything from accommodation, transportation, to meals were so good that I can’t find any words to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of them. Gratefully, Djhan



ext year, 2010, will mark an important year in the history of EE Malaysia as it celebrates its 21st Anniversary. The theme for the year will be “Forcefully Advancing”, taken from Matthew 11:12 – “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” (NIV). Even as we reflect on all the good and wonderful things the Lord has done in the 21 years, we believe that much more is yet to come and we are to lay hold of it! To commemorate this special occasion of EE Malaysia’s 21st Anniversary, a Celebration Service will be held on the evening of March 26, 2010 at Wisma Eagles, USJ 12, Subang Jaya at 7.30 pm. This will be in conjunction with the 1st EE International Congress of Nations held in Kuala Lumpur on March 22-26. As such, key EE leaders from different parts of the world will also be present with us at the Celebration. It will indeed be a joyous and exciting night as we reflect and celebrate together God’s hand and goodness to the ministry of EE in our nation these 21 years. Presentations by local churches and artistes, messages by VIPs from EE International, and an award presentation will be lined up for the night. We do welcome all to join us! As part of the celebration, EE Malaysia has also planned for four exciting workshops on the next day, Saturday March 27, i.e. Cross-Cultural Outreach, Youth Outreach, Understanding Buddhism (in Mandarin), and Kids EE. These workshops will be conducted simultaneously by experienced EE International teachers, and will greatly benefit not only all EE trainers, but also those involved in these ministries. Do register early as seats are limited. The registration fee is RM30.00 with lunch included. Flyers and posters will be sent to your church once they are available. So, remember, don’t miss out on these two events! See you there!

Celebration Service Commencing at 7.30 pm

Presentations by a local EE church Opening Prayer & Welcome Speech Praise & Worship Word of greetings and prayer for EE Malaysia and EE Malaysia’s Board Members by Chairman of EE International Rev. Dr. Sterling W. Huston Presentations by local Christian Artistes Tenors For Christ Joanne Yeoh Address by Chairman of EE Malaysia Rev. Voon Yuen Woh

His Last Command... Our First Concern


Awards Presentation Challenge by President of EE International Rev. John B. Sorensen Closing Song & Benediction Food & Fellowship

EE Malaysia Celebration Workshops Cross-Cultural Outreach Youth Outreach Understanding Buddhism (in Mandarin) Kids EE Saturday, March 27, 2010 8.30 am – 12.30 pm (followed by lunch) Registration fee: RM30/- (inclusive lunch) Do register early as seats are limited. The registration form can be downloaded from our website soon.



Clinics & Events


Xee Crossover Training from Adult EE English JAN 07-08, 2010 Venue: Wisma Eagles, USJ, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Xee Facilitators’ Training/Clinic English JAN 29- FEB 01, 2010 Host: Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur.

Xee Facilitators’ Training/Clinic English

Special Events

EE International Congress of Nations MARCH 22-26, 2010 Host: EE Malaysia

EE Malaysia 21st Anniversary Celebration Service MARCH 26, 2010 (Friday) Time: 7.30 pm - 10.30 pm Venue: Wisma Eagles, USJ, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

EE Workshops MARCH 27, 2010 (Saturday) Time: 8.30 am - 12.30 pm (followed by lunch) Venue: Wisma Eagles, USJ, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

APRIL 2010 Host: Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Adult EE

Xee Facilitators’ Training/Clinic English

End MAY 2010 Host Church: Xin Fu Yuan Methodist Church, Sibu, Sarawak.

JULY 8-11, 2010 Host: First Baptist Church, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Kids EE

Kids EE Clinic - English SEPT 6-10, 2010 Host Church: Wesley Methodist Church, Sibu, Sarawak.

Kids EE Clinic - Mandarin JUNE 2010 Host Church: Ming Ong Methodist Church, Bintulu, Sarawak.


Adult EE Clinic - Mandarin

Adult EE Clinic - Mandarin JUNE 14-18, 2010 Host Church: Miri Gospel Chapel, Miri, Sarawak.

Adult EE Clinic - English JULY 20 - 25, 2010 Host Church: Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Quick Start/Zoom

Youth Quick Start/Zoom - Mandarin SEPTEMBER 2010 Host Church: Miri Gospel Chapel, Miri, Sarawak.

No. 2A-A, 1st Floor, Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Perindustrian UEP, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: 03-80233230 Fax: 03-80233252 Email: [email protected]

Please do check out our website for updates on 2010 Clinics and other events and testimonies.

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