Ee 1351 - Bmi

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 8




UNIT – I PHYSIOLOGY AND TRANSDUCERS PART – A 1. State the function of Neuron.(2) 2. What is the function of Cell? (2) 3. Define action potential. (2) 4. What is the function of CNS? (2) 5. What is a transducer? (2) 6. What is Resting Potential? (2) 7. How does the blood circulate through out the body? (2) 8. What are the different types of Muscles? (2) 9. What are bio-electric potentials? (2) 10. Give the names of the different systems in our body. (2) 11. What are the different ways of transport of ions through the cell membrane? (2) 12. What are active and passive transducers? (2) 13. Discuss the loading effect and sensitivity of a bridge. (2)



PART – B 1. Discuss in detail about action potential and resting potential.(16) 2. Explain with neat sketch anatomy and conducting system of heart. Also discuss cardio vascular circulating system with block diagram. (16) 3. Explain with neat sketch anatomy and physiology of central nervous and peripheral nervous system. (16) 4. Explain the process of propagation of electrical pulses along the axon with relevant diagrams. (16) 5. Draw diagrams illustrating the process of respiration and circulation. States the purpose served by these two systems and explain the processes involved in the operation of these two system. (16) 6. What are the requirements of a good physiological transducer and explain the operation of any two types of physiological transducers with relevant sketches? (16) 7. Draw the structure of a living cell of a body and explain its constituents. (16)

UNIT – II ELECTRO – PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS PART – A 1. Define half cell potential. (2) 2. Define the salient features of needle electrodes. (2) 3. Briefly mention the uses of ECG. (2) 4. Give the origin of brain waves. (2) 5. Write a note on ERG. (2) 6. Write a note on EOG. (2) 7. What is the importance of preamplifier? (2)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION 8. Explain the basic principle of differential amplifier. (2) 9. Explain the special features of isolation amplifier. (2) 10. Name the different types of electrodes used for a Bio-medical instrumentation system. (2)

PART - B 1. Explain the various types of amplifiers listed below, with a neat circuit diagram. i) differential amplifier ii) chopper amplifier iii) isolation amplifier (16) 2. Draw equivalent circuit of a biopotential electrode interface. Discuss in detail about various types of biopotential electrodes. (16) 3. Describe in detail about unipolar and bipolar limb lead system used for measuring ECG signal. (16) 4. Explain about a typical single channel ECG recorder with proper justification for the inclusion of each block of the system and give the normal ECG wave pattern. (16) 5. Explain the working principle of a ECG machine with a neat block diagram. (16) 6. State the basic elements of electro cardiograph and explain the working of each of these. What are the different ways in which ECG helps in providing medical care to patients? (16) 7. Design a simple medical preamplifier circuit and explain its action. Also derive its voltage gain. (16) 8. Write a short notes on i) Micro electrodes ii) Needle electrodes iii) Surface electrodes


9. With a neat block diagram, explain the working principle of EEG machine. (16) 10. With a neat diagram, explain the working principle of EMG. (16)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION 11. With a neat diagram, explain the working principle of ERG. (16) 12. Name three basic types of biopotential electrodes and explain their applications. (16)

UNIT – III NON-ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS PART – A 1. Give the origin of brain waves. (2) 2. Define GSR Measurement. (2) 3. Define ESR Measurement. (2) 4. Define Total Lung Capacity. (2) 5. Briefly mention the uses of gas analysers. (2) 6. What are Oximeters? (2) 7. What is a Ventilator? (2) 8. Name the different methods used for BP measurement. (2) 9. What is called Respiratory rate? (2) 10. What is called Cardiac rate? (2)

PART – B 1. i) Explain the working principle of a electromagnetic type blood flow meter. ii) Define cardiac output. Discuss a technique to determine cardiac output. (16) 2. Explain, a complete blood gas analyzer designed to measure pH, pCO2, pO2 from a sample of whole blood. (16) 3. Explain how the various Physiological parameters listed below could be measured. i) To measure the B.P ( any technique) ii) To measure the blood flow by electromagnetic blood flow meter. iii) To measure the respiratory measurement. (16) 4. i) Explain the principle of operation of an ultrasonic blood flow meter. (8)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION ii) How will you measure blood pressure using sphygmomanometer? (8) 5. Draw schematic diagram showing the essential components of U-V recorder. Explain the operation of this recorder and state the applications of this device. (16) 6. Explain with neat sketch a typical blood flow meter. Discuss working of digital pH meter. (16) 7. i) Explain the origin of different heart sounds. (8) ii) Explain the working principle of Plethysmography. (8) 8. i) What is GSR and ESR? (4) ii) Describe the method to determine the concentration of Oxygen in expired gas. (12)

UNIT – IV MEDICAL IMAGING AND PMS PART – A 1. Define Microshock. (2) 2. Define Macroshock. (2) 3. What is ground fault interrupter? (2) 4. What is the principle of X-ray machine? (2) 5. What is the principle of Endoscopy? (2) 6. Name the different types of bio-telemetry system. (2) 7. Write a note on Computer Tomography. (2) 8. What are the significance of Electrical Safety? (2) 9. Write a note on MRI. (2) 10. Distinguish between Fluroscopy and Radiography. (2)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION PART – B 1. i) Discuss in detail about the basic components of a multichannel biotelemetry system.(8) ii) Explain various modulation techniques used in a telemetry system. (8) 2. i) Explain the working principle of single channel telemetry system with a neat block diagram. (8) ii) Write short notes on endoscopes. (8) 3. i) Draw an X-ray tube and explain generation of X-rays. (8) ii) List out the properties of X-rays. (8) 4. Discuss the working principle of an infrared thermographic equipment. Mention applications of thermography. (16) 5. Explain the working of a thermographic unit with a neat block diagram. (16) 6. i) Write down the application of ‘Bio Telemetry’. (6) ii) What are the ‘Physiological parameters adaptable to Bio Telemetry’. (6) iii) Draw a block diagram of a typical ‘Bio Telemetry Transmitter’(4) 7. With reference to ‘Electrical Safety’. Write about i) Grounding ii) Double Insulation iii) Protection by low voltage iv) Ground – Fault circuit Interrupter v) Shock hazards from electrical equipment. (16) 8. How is magnetic resonance imaging system, useful in the medical field? Explain the operation of this system with relevant sketches. (16) 9. What is the role of computed tomography in diagonising a disease? Give examples. Describe the technique of obtaining tomography with relevant diagrams. (16) 10. Describe with neat sketch construction and working of various components in X-ray machine. (16) 11. i) Explain the working of Radiography and Fluoroscopy in detail. (8) ii) Distinguish between TDM and FDM. (8) 12. i) Draw a telemetry circuit to transmit ECG signals in a reliable manner. (8) ii) Explain with block diagram the patient monitoring system using telemetry. (8)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION UNIT – V ASSISTING AND THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENTS PART – A 1. What are the drawbacks of a.c defibrillators? (2) 2. What is a Synchronised d.c defibrillator? (2) 3. Why do use heart – lung machine? (2) 4. Give a note on double square defibrillators. (2) 5. What are the different modes of operation of Cardiac pacemakers? (2) 6. What are the differences between Hemodialysis and Peritonial dialysis? (2) 7. What are the requirements for a blood pump? (2) 8. Draw the block diagram of Cardiovascular system. (2)

PART – B 1. Explain the basic principle of operation of an ultrasonic diathermy unit. List out its applications. (16) 2. Explain the working of a DC defibrillator with a neat block diagram. (16) 3. What is dialysis? Explain the principle of operation of a dialyser machine with a neat block diagram. (16) 4. Explain the working of Heart – Lung machine. (16) 5. Write short notes on: i) Short wave diathermy ii) Microwave diathermy. (16) 6. Explain the working principle of surgical diathermy unit with a neat block diagram. (16) 7. Discuss different types of defibrillators with a neat sketch. (16)


EE 1351 – BIO- MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION 8. Describe with diagram of peritoneal dialysis. Also discuss with block diagram of electrosurgical diathermy unit. (16) 9. Explain the process of dialysis with diagrams. How does this technique play a useful role in medical field? Give a few examples and state the limitations of this technique. (16) 10. i) Explain in detail about the instrumentation aspects of defibrillators. (8) ii) Draw the typical waveforms of DC defibrillator discharge waveform dual – peak monophasic defibrillator discharge waveform truncated defibrillator discharge waveform. (8) 11. i) What are ‘Internal Pace Maker’, ‘External Pace Maker’, ‘Competitive and ‘Non Competitive‘ Pacing modes, Demand mode, Standby mode. (8) ii) Draw the block diagram of a typical Internal pacemaker. (8) 12. What is a Synchronised defibrillator? Draw a block diagram of it and explain its working. (16) 13. Draw a circuit diagram of a Peripheral nerve stimulator and explain it and also discuss the different types of stimulator waveforms. (16) 14. i) Explain the principle of working of Ventilators. (8) ii) Explain about audiometers in bio-medical instrumentation. (8)


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