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  • Words: 702
  • Pages: 11

THERMOGRAPHY: • Process of recording true thermal images of surfaces of objects under study. • In medicine, thermography displays images representing thermal radiations of skin areas. • Accounts for the possible changes in skin emissivity, the images are considered as maps of temperature. • Types: Infrared thermography  Liquid crystal thermography  Microwave thermography

INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY: • Human skin emits IR rays as an exponential function of its absolute temperature & emissive properties of the skin temperature. • Radiant energy is emitted in broad band of wavelengths. • Carried out usually at 20°c after cooling period of 15 mins. • Photovoltaic or photo-conductive IR detectors are commonly used. • Photo-voltaic types: can be obtained only when in liquid nitrogen In Sb : sensitivity=> 3 to 6μm; peak Sensitivity: 5 μm.  Pbx Sn1-x Te : sensitivity=> 8 to 13μm; peak sensitivity: 12μm. 

• Pb Ti O3: Pyroelectric detector=> high sensitivity, high stability & operative at room temperature.(without N2)

OPERATION: Chopper is inserted in front of IR radiation detector. IR radys from body & black body enters detector surface thro optical focusing system. The cassegrain optical system collects extremely low energy IR radiations emanating from skin surface. Black body is connected with another thermal sensor for compensating. O/p from detector is amplified ->phase sensitive detector. Then to analog or digital meter & absolute temperature of an object is calibrated & displayed. Scanning time=> 1 or 2 sec for 600 scanning lines with horizontal resolution of more than 600 elements/line. Temperature resolution < 0.07°c at 1 milliradian of visual angle.


• High resolution (>100,000 picture elements) • Small size light weight optical head. • Wide spectrum band detector near the wavelength of 10 microns. • Easy to handle. • Data for analyzing can be taken simultaneously in object thermograms. • Contain interfaces for image processing. • Absolute temperature measurable.

There are 2 types of IR cameras for medical purpose: • High-speed: shortens picture taking time, incapable of measuring absolute temperature. • High-resolution: superior to high-speed in terms of temperature resolution & image resolution EXAMPLES: Infra-eye, Thermoscope, Thermoviewer, Thermocamera & infra vision. Operation: • Special IR camera => scans the object & a display unit for displaying the thermal picture on screen • Camera contains optical system in the form of an oscillating flat plane mirror-> scans the field of view at very high speed horizontally &vertically & focuses IR radiations onto the chopper.

• a.c signals are modulated & demodulated further. • These are given to CRT in synch with scanning mechanism.

LIQUID CRYSTAL THERMOGRAPHY: • Liquid crystals -> compounds that exhibit color-temp sensitivity in cholesteric phase. • Scattering effect with material gives rise to iridescent colors; wavelength is influenced by small temperature changes. • Temperature sensitivity makes cholesteric liquid crystals useful for thermal mapping. • RED=>low temp. regions to VIOLET=>high temp. regions. • For IR: VIOLET=>low temp. regions to VIOLET=>high temp. regions.

MICROWAVE THERMOGRAPHY: • Modern microwave radiometers detect temp. change of 0.1K. • Skin is transparent &so can radiations extend to few cms depth in the skin. • Using microwave receiver with freq response from 1.7GHz to 2.5 GHz->penetration depth =1cm in tissues, 8cm in fat& bone. • Problem: emissivity of body=> part of radiation is reflected back-> error -> corrected by adding artificial microwave noise providing balance btw receiver &body surface.

MEDICAL APPLICATIONS:  INFLAMMATION: • Inflammated skin shows high temperature coz of active metabolism & increase in local blood flow. • Tumors although easily cooled take time to recover the temp. while inflammation recovers soon. • Due to intake of antibiotics local temp drops.  DISEASESOF PHERIPERAL VESSALS: • When arteries gets blocked blood flow of peripheral vessels either decreases or disappears-> low temp.

 BURNS: 1st we have to decide the degree of sensitivity .1st degree burns register higher temp.3rd degree burns-> temp 2-3°c lower than normal value due to absence of blood flow.  SKIN GRAFTS & ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION: Detected by blood flow, in kidney transplantation rejection causes a high temp. while malfunction of transplanted organs leads to low temp.  ORTHOPEDIC DISEASES: Fractures, arthritis, bruises & sprains can be diagnosed by local temp. increase.

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