Edward Was A Glassblower

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Edward was a glassblower... judahandmicahadded this on 24 Sep 2009

Archiver > CLEVENGER > 2000-03 > 0953502152

http://listsearches.rootsweb.com/th/read/CLEVENGER/2000-03/0953502152 From: Sarah Clevenger < [email protected]> Subject: Re: O.B. Clevenger Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 16:42:32 -0500 References: <[email protected]> The Greene Co, PA Clevengers go back to Edward Clevenger who was a glass blower. I think that he was born ca 1797 VA. AS I remember this line is well treated in George's book. Sarah Clevenger [email protected] wrote: > > In a message dated 03/19/2000 10:25:09 AM US Eastern Standard Time, > [email protected] writes: > > > my grandfather was o.b. clevenger, son of nelson thomas clevenger. i > > would very much like any information available on the clevengers. > > I have not verified the source of the following information; however, I have > in my data base submitted info that reflects O.B. Clevenger as being > Ora Bryon b.07-June-1867 Marion, MO the son of Nelson Thomas b.26Jul-1841 > Greene, PA and Sarah Lucinda Long. They were married 25-Dec-1865 in Greene, > PA (do not know if that is a town or county, but surely Sarah Clevenger will > shed some light for us.) > > This is seemingly the Burlington NJ line that settled in Missouri? > > Cheryl Trowbridge-Miller

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Edward Clevenger (1798 - 1875)

from Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America judahandmicahadded this on 23 Sep 2009

Scotch Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America Book by Charles Knowles Bolton, Ethel A southern stronghold of Presbyterianism was in the neighborhood of Newcastle, Delaware. The narrow tongue of land between the upper shore of Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River is shared by Maryland and Delaware. Maryland's portion includes the Elk River and is known as Cecil County. Delaware's portion is called Newcastle County, with Wilmington, its chief city, at the mouth of Christiana Creek. North of these two counties and across the Pennsylvania line are Lancaster and Chester counties (all known as Chester County from 1682 to 1729), extending from the Delaware River to the Susquehanna River. This territory, south a few miles from Philadelphia, became the mecca for Scotch emigrants from Ireland. These emigrants pushed up through Newcastle County to cross the Pennsylvania line, hoping to escape from Maryland and its tithes. 1 Unfortunately at this very time the exact line of the boundary was in dispute between Lord Baltimore and the heirs of William Penn, and ____________________ 1 Pennsylvania Magazine of History, January, 1901, p. 497. -267- many of the settlers flocked in and preëmpted land in dispute, without obtaining right or title. To add to the confusion the Penn family were in a state of domestic discord, so that their agent James Logan allowed very few grants in any place after the year 1720. An exception was made however in the case of the Scotch Irish, people who, said Logan, "if kindly used, will I believe be orderly, as they have hitherto been, and easily dealt with; they will also, I expect, be a leading example to others." These grants were made for a settlement which was called Donegal. 1 At this early period when the business of sending "runners" into the rural communities in Ireland to stimulate emigration 2 had not begun, we must not expect to find any noticeable increase in the number of ships entering the Atlantic ports. At Boston trading vessels from Dublin were not infrequent visitors, but aside from servants their passengers were few. At Charleston the number of ships entering the port scarcely varied between the years 1714 and 1724, except for a falling off when the pirates injured commerce in 1717-18, and a temporary increase in 1719. Few Scotch Irish came to New York in the early part of the eighteenth century because the Governor of New York and New Jersey, Lord Cornbury, dealt ____________________ 1 Pennsylvania Magazine of History, Vol. 21, p. 495. 2 Ibid, p. 485. -268- harshly with dissenters. The Rev. Francis Makemie and the Rev. John Hampton visited the city Stanwood Bolton; Bacon and Brown, 1910.

on a missionary tour to New England in January, 1706-7. Makemie was refused permission to preach in the Dutch Church, but conducted a service openly at the home of William Jackson in. Pearl Street on Sunday, the 19th. He was arrested and thrown into prison for preaching without a license. Makemie petitioned for a speedy trial, but the legal proceedings were permitted to drag on until the seventh of June when a verdict of not guilty was brought in. The financial burden of imprisonment and trial, amounting to more than eighty three pounds, fell entirely upon Makemie, although he is known to have had firm friends in New York. His sureties John Johnstone, gentleman, and William Jackson, cordwainer, both recorded in 1703 as residents of the South ward, no doubt had listened to this famous sermon; and we know of four others who were present: Captain John Theobalds, John Vanhorne, Anthony Young and one Harris, Lord Cornbury's coachman. 1 The Governor, soon after the trial, was removed from office and imprisoned for debt. Late in 1718 the News-Letter furnishes evidence of the arrival of passengers from Ireland at the port of New York. 2 Whether Celts or Scots ____________________ 1 For a list of Presbyterians in New York in 1755, see Journal Presbyterian Historical Society, Vol. 1, p. 244. 2 A pink from Ireland, John Read, master, arrived with passengers November 10, 1718. -269- we have as yet no information. But in forty years we find the Scotch Irish in New York to be wealthy and of great political influence.Philadelphia seems to have had a considerable immigration from Dublin, Belfast and Glasgow from the time of the arrival of the first Quakers in 1682. What are we to think of over seventy passengers from Waterford, Ireland, who arrived in the ship Cezer, Matthew, Cowman, commander, in July, 1716, 1 or of fifty passengers from Cork in March 1718? Again, of what character were the one hundred and fifty passengers which the Elizabeth and Margaret, after a voyage of twelve weeks from Dublin, left at Philadelphia in August, 1718? Were these people Presbyterian Scotch Irish? A few may no doubt have claimed their faith and their blood, but I cannot but believe that up to the year 1719 most of the passengers were English and Celtic servants and mechanics, with a number of prosperous Scotch and English Quakers. Very few Ulster weavers and farmers came to the South until word reached Ireland late in 1718 that Boyd, the Bann Valley envoy, had found serious difficulty in obtaining land in New England for settlement. In 1719 hundreds of Scotch Irish immigrants turned to lands in Chester County and to the fields south of the

Pennsylvania line for their homes. 1 The Scotch Irish migration of Presbyterians to Chester County 2 began in 1719 and thus came long after the English-Irish migration of Quakers which had begun in 1682. These Presbyterians became of sufficient influence in Chester County in 1722 to obtain the name Donegal for their township. Chief among them at this time were: James Galbraith, Senior, and his sons Andrew, James and John Robert Wilkins and his sons Thomas, William, Peter and John Gordon Howard and his sons Thomas and Joseph George Stuart and his son John Peter Allen James Roddy James and Alexander Hutchinson John and Robert Spear Hugh, Henry, and Moses White Robert McFarland and his sons Robert and James James Paterson Richard Allison ____________________ 1 The curious reader may be interested in Charles Clinton Journal of his voyage from Dublin via Glenarm and Derry Lough in 1729 when over one hundred passengers died on board. See the Pennsylvania Magazine of History, 1902, p. 112. 2 Futhey and Cope's Chester County, p. 248. -271-

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