Educate Before You Vaccinate

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  • June 2020
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Educate Before You Vaccinate By Dr. Thomas L. Taliaferro In 1982 the National Vaccine Injury Center was created by two mothers’ whose children were injured following government mandated DPT childhood immunizations. In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which in essence prevents pharmaceutical company’s or doctors from being sued for injuries related to the childhood immunization program. The following data is from the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) web site: and breaks the law into two parts: 1)

Injuries or deaths prior to October 1, 1988 (no matter how long ago the injury occurred): • • •


A citizen may choose to pursue a lawsuit unrestricted. A citizen could have filed a claim in the compensation system by January 31, 1991 If the claim was not filed by 1/31/91, the statute of limitations has run out.

Injuries or deaths occurring after October 1, 1988: • • •

• • • •

A citizen is required to apply for federal compensation prior to pursuing a lawsuit. The system will offer to pay up to $250,000 for a vaccine associated death. The system will offer to pay for all past and future unreimbursed medical expenses, custodial and nursing home care; up to $250,000 pain and suffering; and loss of earned income. If a citizen rejects the award or is turned down, a lawsuit may be filed. Claims must be filed within 24 months of a death and 36 months of an injury. Restrictions may apply to lawsuits. The system is funded by a sur-charge on each dose of vaccine sold.

Since the enactment of this legislation, $1.5 billion has been paid out of the system to families whose children suffered injury or death as a result of a vaccine. But we all know that vaccines are not responsible for injuries or death don’t we? Isn’t it interesting then that in the Merck Manual under Encephalopathy it states the secondary cause is childhood immunization? Several years ago I wrote an article for my local paper that resulted in the county medical officer responding with a full page rebuttal stating a chiropractor was yelling “fire” in a

crowed theater. Following this, I took all of my research down to the paper, including Congressional Testimony and asked for the same amount of space to refute the medical officer. I haven’t had a doctor question me since. Partly because I’m not a real doctor (so they tell me) and two, because I have done my due diligence and they haven’t and won’t. Here is a list of some of the published medical research available for your doctor to read, if they will. MMR; “Optic Neuritis Complicating Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination,” American Journal of Ophthalmology 1978:86, “Mumps Meningitis Following Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunizations,” Lancet July 1989, “Pacreatitis Caused by Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine,” Pancreas Vol. 6 No.4 1991, “Bilateral Hearing Loss after Measles and Rubella Vaccination in an Adult,”, New England Journal of Medicine, July 11 1991, “Arthritis after Mumps and Measles Vaccination,” Archives of Disabled Children 1995 Measles; “Neurological disorders Following Live Measles Virus Vaccinations,” JAMA March 1973, “Guillain-Barre Syndrome Following Administration of Live Measles Vaccine’, American Journal of Medicine 1976, “Thrombocytopenic Purpura Following Vaccination with Attenuated Measles Vaccine’, American Journal of Disabled Children, Jan. 1968, “Investigation of a measles outbreak in a fully vaccinated school population including serum studies before and after revaccination”, Journal Pediatric Infectious Disease, 1993, “A Measles Outbreak at a College with Rematriculation Immunization Requirements”, American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 81 No 3, “Pathogenesis of Encephalopathy Occurring with Vaccination, Variola, and Measles”, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 1938 Vol. 39 Mumps; “Aseptic Meningitis as a Complication of Mumps Vaccination”, Journal of Pediatric Infectious Disease 1991 Vol. 10 No. 3, “A Large Outbreak of Mumps in the Postvaccine Era’, Journal of Infectious Disease Vol. 158 No. 6, “Guillain-Barre Syndrome occurrence following combined mumps-rubella vaccine”, American Journal of Disabled Children Vol 125 1973, “Mumps Vaccine and Nerve Deafness’, American Journal of Disabled Children Vol. 123 1972, “Flu Vaccine: Neuropathy after Influenza Vaccination”, Lancet Jan. 29, 1977, “Meningoencephalitis Following Influenza Vaccination’, Medical Intelligence (now that’s an oxymoron) Vol. 283 No. 22 DPT; “Encephalopathy Following Diphtheria Pertussis Inoculation’, Archives of Disabled Children Vol. 28 1953, “Fatal Anaphylactic Shock occurrence in identical twins following second injection of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis antigen’, JAMA June 1946, “Encephalopathy Following Pertussis Vaccine Prophylaxis”, JAMA Vol. 141, “Neurological Complications of Pertussis Inoculation”, Archives of Disabled Children 1974, “Pertussis Vaccine Encephalopathy” JAMA 1990, “Recurrent Seizures after Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccine Immunization’, AJDC Oct. 1984, “Anaphylaxis Due to Vaccination in the Office”, Journal Canadian Medical Association

Vol. 134, “”Seizures Following Childhood Immunizations’, Journal of Pediatrics Vol. 102. I could go on with a list of several hundred citations but I think you get the idea. I would like to comment though regarding the Polio vaccine and Chicken Pox Vaccine. To my knowledge, all cases of Polio in this country since 1989, that is not attributable to cases brought into this country by foreign visitors, have been due to the vaccine itself. The Chicken Pox Vaccine was introduced as a response to working mothers who complained they could not afford to take time off from work to take care of sick children who contracted the virus. Five thousand families are now involved with a Class Action lawsuit for injuries their children have suffered. Should this case go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, it has been stated by those in the know, that the compensation act will not only go broke, but has the likelihood of being reversed. This will place the drug company’s and providers back in the hot seat where they belong. Ever wonder why we have had such an epidemic increase of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, and other health conditions since the early 1980’s? An observation in my practice has shown an alarming trend. Every child that has been diagnosed with any of the three above conditions, have ALL had their shots. Home schooled children who have never had childhood immunizations have not been diagnosed. Interesting, wouldn’t you say? “But shots are required to get my children into school.” Wrong. Every state has at least a medical exemption and several, California included, has philosophical as well as personal exemptions. In California shot records are kept by schools. Yet on the back of shot record is an affidavit you can sign saying the vaccine or vaccination policy is contrary to your belief! Schools receive as much as $100 per child, per school year, for a child that has received all recommended vaccinations, and this funneled down by the CDC. So you see, schools have a financial interest to ensure your child receives all their shots. Question for you. If the Hepatitis B vaccine is meant for high risk groups such as homosexuals, hospital and prison workers, prostitutes, and IV drug users, then why are our youngsters being shot up with this? Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, used to be in all childhood immunizations. My information indicates vaccine manufacturers are beginning to ramp up production with a “new and improved” thimerosal. Ever wonder what happens to a neuron when it is exposed to mercury? Go to: /movies/ While doctors will adamantly disagree with my research, the fact is that approximately 14,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported annually to the Vaccine Adverse Event

Reporting System. These represent only about 10% of what is actually occurring. Physicians typically do not report adverse reactions and are not compelled to. The reporting system is voluntary same as are drug reactions for prescriptions. That being said, how many other assaults on our children are not being reported? It’s not the parents fault. The fault belongs to the CDC, AMA, pharmaceutical company’s and school officials who may well be guilty of practicing medicine without a license. Ever see the ingredients on a vaccine? You probably never will from your doctor. But we can all see what is in a box of Ding Dongs. Vaccination is a medical procedure and requires informed consent. If you’re not getting it, get one. You can also make up your own medical release for your doctor to sign stating they will be personally and financially liable for any and all injuries or reactions to any vaccine that is given. They will never sign it because they know what they are doing. Educate before you vaccinate.

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