Get involved in Dorm activities A great way to meet new people and make friends is by getting involved with the people in your dorm! Each floor has a CA which organizes events in hopes of bringing the people in the dorm together. An example is a pizza and board game night in the kitchen on your floor. The CA will email or personally tell you the date & time of the gathering! It may be intimidating walking into a room of people you do not know but it is worth is for the long lasting friendships these events can create! Another example is participating in mandatory floor meetings! If the CA asks a question and no one is raising their hand or answering, take a risk and give your opinion! Who knows, maybe someone in the room was thinking that same thing.
References [Friends image] retrieved on 3/11/2019 from . [Rainbow image] retrieved on 3/11/2019 from sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi RwMatmfvgAhXZGDQIHYkPDCEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https 52431405204270 [Cactus image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from q=cartoon+cactus&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&tbm=isc h&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=30wEWHUNiPwn5M%253A% 252CTBHQBjxQfYnczM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_kTNKgFUrxUqlbTtO2Fnd1nI45Su8g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja vZnAmYDhAhX6BjQIHbGLD_8Q9QEwAXoECAEQBg#imgdi i=UJ2fmqBrQFAuPM:&imgrc=30wEWHUNiPwn5M:&vet=1 [Defend our Future image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from q=defend+our+future&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&sour ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_0pynmYDhAhV1 OX0KHWk5CzMQ_AUIECgD&biw=1920&bih=920#imgrc=vU UzgATYjzQEKM: [Women's skate club] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from https:// [Sparky image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from q=sparky+asu&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&source=lnm s&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ6_2KnIDhAhVSCTQIHa BtAGMQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=920#imgrc=zzhb0jBu90J SxM: [engage image] retrieved on 3/13/2019 from rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS838US840&biw=1920&bih=920&tbm=is ch&sa=1&ei=R4uJXNCtA4PmgSx4LvQDw&q=get+involved+asu&oq=get+involved+asu&gs _l=img.3...176931.182583..183422...3.0..0.90.1375.19......1... .1..gws-wizimg.......0i131j0j0i67j0i24j0i10i24j0i8i30.xgdDyYavHtQ#imgrc =hFR_fhW4yuYldM:
How to meet people and make friends freshman year! Arizona State University
Join a club !
Women’s skate club The women’s skate club is a group of skaters that encourage women and all other genders to feel comfortable skating. A great environment to meet new people and get involved with the ASU community. This clubs goal is to create a safe environment where all level skaters feel comfortable trying new tricks. Located on the Tempe campus.
Photography club This club encourages people who have a passion for photography to convene, talk and share ideas about their photos. They have photographyrelated outing in which they walk around an area and take pictures while talking and connecting. This club is located on the polytechnic campus.
Defend our future
ASU Events
This organization is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that is dedicated to empowering young people of all political persuasions who are interested in advancing climate change and clean energy solutions. This will help our economy prosper and protect the world for the following generations. Some of their goals consist of climate solutions, clean energy, air and water for the country.
A great event for social gathering in which ASU students can get free tickets. Each dorm organizes a group lead by the CA’s that you can go with when you are a freshman looking for friends. Tailgating is found around the event. Football season is during fall and basketball season is during the spring. Home games for both sports are at the sun devil stadium and basketball arena both located off of Veterans way!
Nature at ASU This organization is on building, uniting and empowering environmental friendly ASU students! Their goals are to connect these students with one another to help find more resources and opportunities to further their environmental actions.
Football Games/ Basketball Games
Devilpalooza Each semester ASU hosts a free concert with a popular artist. This year ASU had Foster The People in the fall and Galantis in the spring. This event consists of music, food and fun!