Edited Ahbe-newell Chat

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 5,058
  • Pages: 26
valens says: hahahaa valens says: now i got the feeling of god is so burden for his people ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: yah! ゜ ||newelly// says: ytd i got tt feeling too luh ゜ ||newelly// says: thats y i think think think ゜ ||newelly// says: like emo like that ゜ ||newelly// says: from the mac to the bustop ゜ ||newelly// says: then i repent at nite ゜ ||newelly// says: and did my qt ゜ ||newelly// says: hahaha valens says: hahaa (newell's note: we talked abt life's stuffs..) valens says: thanks newel valens says: ur rewards will be great in heaven valens says: hahaa!

valens says: because u really want to see a transformed life in her fren's life ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: hahaha ゜ ||newelly// says: yea that would be great(rewards in heaven).. but i dont dare to proclaim that im going heaven although i believed jesus ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: unless sowing valens says: why?! ゜ ||newelly// says: i think im not doing anything great for god sometimes ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: =( valens says: yeah. though we are doing any great! but is our heart that matters valens says: if u are truly for god.. valens says: den god will see ur heart ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: ya ゜ ||newelly// says: actually i abit unclear by how god judge and what he sees ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: they keep say its the heart? ゜ ||newelly// says:

=/ ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: then i have heart for all ppl ゜ ||newelly// says: but i havent do anything to them ゜ ||newelly// says: i think its crap of me even i have the heart ゜ ||newelly// says: oh shit ゜ ||newelly// says: im making myself feel guilty ゜ ||newelly// says: i got think of how i can do for the ppl ゜ ||newelly// says: like be a great influencer ゜ ||newelly// says: maybe god can use me and my videos to impact the world? ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: but... ゜ ||newelly// says: i feel so guilty towards god ゜ ||newelly// says:

i feel like i havent done great enough ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: and when i think abt god's heart for ppl valens says: how great is great? ゜ ||newelly// says: i realised how much it means to god, and how ive hurt him by poor or non-attempt outreach to his ppl ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: that he worries abt so much more than i do valens says: share with u something. u know in every little act we do. we are planting small small seeds into people's heart? ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i feel god has taken so much more sufferings than me so im not worthy ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: ah sheet valens says: but saying "hi" to one person, by helping them take something... valens says: and that little little seeds that god has planted into their heart by our act is steps for their salvation ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: ooo valens says: sometimes u dun even know u influence some one ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: *sheet! the song now playing is to the ends of the earth!! my fav song! oh god!* ゜ ||newelly// says: i think god comforting me?

god says:

newell, come on. (:

゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: haha valens says: hahhaaa ゜ ||newelly// says: haha so divine ゜ ||newelly// says: i think right ゜ ||newelly// says: im still trying to earn acceptance from god ゜ ||newelly// says: cos im not confidient that god loves me like all the universe that big ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: =/ that's why again, god testing me on faith ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: haha valens says: god uses the weak. ゜ ||newelly// says: =) ゜ ||newelly// says: ya ゜ ||newelly// says: sometimes when i see

゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: how god used me to help his ppl ゜ ||newelly// says: when im still sinning greatly ゜ ||newelly// says: made be feel so loved ゜ ||newelly// says: i always very scared i cant survive this world... then i used to always pray to god that deliver me to heaven soon ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i also wanna see my rewards ゜ ||newelly// says: i think in my heart im searching for a safe home. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: home of assurance ゜ ||newelly// says: =x valens says: let the wog assure you ゜ ||newelly// says: haha ya ゜ ||newelly// says: so i'll be seeking god ゜ ||newelly//

says: eh you wanna know my life story right ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: haha valens says: why not write down ur conviction? ゜ ||newelly// says: i share short one ゜ ||newelly// says: hmm valens says: ok ゜ ||newelly// says: ok ゜ ||newelly// says: basically my mum and dad was divorced when i was primary 2, going pri 3. i was the only child. before the divorce i lived with my 2 other step sisters(my dad's daughters) one 10years older, the other 9 years. i never really felt sheltered in my home because my dad is very abusive and a drunkard, and a womaniser. i didnt really feel love from my mum because she is always overwhelmed by saddness ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: and havent considered what she shd do the really make me feel loved. my r/s with my step sisters are gone alr. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: and after the divorce i lived with my mum till now. and i dont really feel the happiness as a family because my mum used to inflict trememdous fear into me because she resorts to canning and forced punishments. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i was a huge liar to her ebcause mostly the things i do, im scared of her reaction ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i have been a deep thinker since i could slowly think during my childhood ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i have believed in myself greatly, and had pushed myself to the extreme limits and over it and in my life i had many breakthroughs ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: in thinking wise, in talent wise like drawing, or singing etc. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: in martial arts wise i was above my pace ゜ ||newelly// says: even though i was above my pace, im still quite low to the rest cos naturally i'd developed a weak physical body ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: i was able to think to the extend almost everything i had was self-thought. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: and im able to switch point of views. switch perspective ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: that's why im gifted with mercy. i can easily relate to otheers and feel their pain ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: personally i myself have gone through much time of loneliness as well. ゜ ||newelly// says:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

and i'd say times of loneliness are the hardest phases to pass. ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: but by passing those, alot other things and problems are easier for me compared to otehrs ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: so i often have compassion for the weak ゜ ||newelly// says: like (xx) ゜ ||newelly// says: and basically anyone, everyone ゜ ||newelly// says: and knowing so much things ゜ ||newelly// says: i feel very burdened ゜ ||newelly// says: and i only can feel i belong to my mind, not family ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: my loneliness piles up to today ゜ ||newelly// says: hey sheet. sorry i shared too long ゜ ||newelly// says: i said it'be a short one... didnt expect it to turn this long valens says: hahhaa. it;s ok

valens says: am wah by ur relationship with ur mum. valens says: still rmb the day we went to do deco at jacob;s place? valens says: u talk to ur mum. and i thought u n ur mum are close ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: she is too prideful, selfish, and stupid for her age. i say this by fair judgement, not by my hatred.. valens says: hahaha ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: haah ゜ ||newelly// says: what happen uh, ゜ ||newelly// says: at jacobs place ゜ ||newelly// says: eh i tell u one thing ゜ ||newelly// says: lucky im not sharing face to face ゜ ||newelly// says: or i'd have cried ゜ ||newelly// says: haha ゜ ||newelly// says: now im not crying thou

゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: lol! valens says: the following message could not be delivered: hmm. but i'm really thankful for u sharing ur life. the following message could not be delivered: because it takes courage to share the following message could not be delivered: hahaa the following message could not be delivered: i think one day i should share my life to ex engit 4 ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: haha yea valens says: have u shared this to chua? ゜ ||newelly// says: actually i feel abit more better after this pour out ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: things anyway =) ゜ ||newelly// says: eh no.. ゜ ||newelly// says: i couldnt open my mouth ゜ ||newelly// says: even if i did, when im infront of ppl normally my this side of the heart shuts off and i found myself couldnt pour out anything ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: so all these while i havent said anything ゜ ||newelly// says: nth much

゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: well i dont know why how come tonight i can share with you ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: ahha valens says: hahaha valens says: is true that we find it difficult to share when we are face to face valens says: but we gotta learn valens says: this trick is for me to tell someone la valens says: i usually start by saying.. ehh. i got something to tell u valens says: den when i say thing. i know i cannot run away le ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: hahaha ok valens says: because that person sure will ask until i say it ゜ ||newelly//

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

god says:

newell, come on. (:

says: hahaha ゜ ||newelly// says: betraying yourself for good! ゜ ||newelly// says: hahaha valens says: yarh ゜ ||newelly// says: lol! valens says: but seriously i believe god will mend the holes of ur heart bit by bit when u know him more....

゜ ||newelly//

betraying youself for good!

newell open up. says: haha yea ゜ ||newelly//

betraying youself for good!

newell open up. says: im just scared i'd fall from his grace ゜ ||newelly//

betraying youself for good!

newell open up. says: aka backsliding ゜ ||newelly//

betraying youself for good!

newell open up. says: from circumstances valens says: ehh.. rmb today's teaching? valens says: we should shift our focus valens says: focus on what we should grow and not focus on not to fall ゜ ||newelly// newell open up.

betraying youself for good! god: . says:

haha yea! ゜ ||newelly// newell open up.

betraying youself for good! god: . says:

ok ゜ ||newelly// newell open up.

betraying youself for good! god: . says:

i shd focus on accountability valens says: hahaha valens says: u wan to see god smile right? ゜ ||newelly//

betraying youself for good!

newell, open up.

god: . says:

yah! valens says: pleasing god to see him smile. valens says: and to see him saying. "good job, my child, newell" valens says:

oh shit. cant be delivered again valens says: valens says: (3:36:27 am) and i know u can grow in whatever u wan to grow. because u are all doing it for god. and i really see ur heart desire of pleasing god valens says: (3:36:47 am) pleasing god to see him smile. valens says: (3:37:03 am) and to see him saying. "good job, my child, newell" ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ok ok ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

=d ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

this chat is encouraging ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

=d ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

see my shepherd so sexy ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha valens says: cant recieve valens says: hahaa! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

betraying yourself for

good! newell, open up.

god: . says:

eh i tell u want thing ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

just now i went to toilet valens says: den u da bian valens says: den ur hp drop valens says: hahaa! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

then i walked back, i turned back to the window and watch the stars(a norm i do) ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

.. ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

and then i was thinking and aweing abt god's love for me valens says: den my playing song was shine like star ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

he sacrificed all he has for me ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

but then i was disturbed by thoughts of insecurities again... and 2 voices in my mind that kind of state ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

betraying yourself for

good! newell, open up.

god: . says:

but then i know i must be secured in god's love cos its really true ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

he loves me alot ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

and so i prayed asked god help me to hold me firm with him ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

actually when i looked up the sky it would be great to see a nice moon and nice stars ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

but when i looked up i only saw 2 tiny stars and a plain sky ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

so as i prayed finish to ask god to help me ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

i awed at the stars he created ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

and then i heard this in my heart ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

"newell, this is the star i put it up there in space, just to let you see it now" ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

"and over there too, that star i placed it there at that location in space, to let you see it from down here" valens says: is the tow stars very near to each other? valens says: *two

゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

the light that can travel for such a far distance to reach just for my eyes ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

im awed at god's creations ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

no ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

quite far but not as far valens says: wah. i imagine that the stars are very near valens says: is like only u and god in the whole spaces valens says: omg ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha valens says: so cool la ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

i dunno god got any hidden meaning or not.. but im so touched lol valens says: just now u told me u got 2 voices in ur mind right ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ya valens says: is like satan n god den u are in the middle ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up.

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

yah valens says: but u choose to pray to god and not dwell in ur sins valens says: den is like satan being kicked away valens says: the pic is only u and god valens says: ahhaaa ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

wow ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

yea ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

maybe ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

lol! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

im so anxious to know what my rewards in heaven would be!! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

lol ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

like i told u, in the skies etc ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up. hahaha

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

like in maple world ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

everything so nice valens says: hahahaa ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

o sheet u know what song let me hear now ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

voice of truth ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

and before that was in ur freedom valens says: wah! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

and before that was does anybody hear her ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

lol ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

all i like ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up. and so timely!

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

the second and the current song valens says: i think that god like speak thru i tunes ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahahah ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ya ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

a prove that our god is not sua ku valens says: yarh! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

he more tech pro than we can think valens says: god create itunes lo ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

yalo ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

if i tell u the next song is when god ran ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

i immediately faint for u man ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up.

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

for u to see ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

cos my spiritual life was like kns until ytd nite when i repented ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

den i really feel god running to me ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

now valens says: hahha valens says: wad if the next song is come home running? ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

i faint oso valens says: hahaha! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

next song coming ler!! ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up. *drums roll....* valens says: shit!

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

eh, imagine i baptise myself as name jesus luh ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

cos i love jesus ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahah! valens says: hahaa valens says: wad the song? ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

havent change ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

soon! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

lol valens says: after it change tell me ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ok! now! valens says: i tell u something cool ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

came to the rescue! valens says: hahaha! valens says: faint! ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up.

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

half faint! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

*piak valens says: i tell u something ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha yea what?? valens says: cause u said the next song valens says: so i go press next. i wasnt listening to songs now valens says: watching movie valens says: den i press le valens says: the song is follow valens says: and den i dunno how the song is like valens says: so i anyhow press the center valens says: and it goes.. where can i run to. where i cannot feel ur love ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

waa ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

eh ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up. after we chat finish im gonna blog this conv valens says:

betraying yourself for god: . says:

oh no valens says: hhaha valens says: got my nice name valens says: hahaha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

eh eh, u go continue ur movie! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha im gonna copy and paste the whole conv valens says: i'm watching the bucket list! valens says: siao! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

so ppl can read for themselves valens says: is so long sia ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

wa i want watch!!!!!! valens says: den ur life story? ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

also blog valens says: wah ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha valens says: hahaha! ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up. eh give me link!

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

bucket list ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

i helping my fren draw ninja valens says: oh no. got my crappyness inside valens says: (newell's note: lalalal) ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

actually is trace a ninja from deviantart lol!he need for his biz presentation this thurs ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha valens says: hhaha valens says: hu? ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

his name andy ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

in business sch valens says: oh ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ya valens says: andy lau ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

eh! now worldly songs ler. haha think god spoke to me enough thats y ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

betraying yourself for

good! newell, open up.

god: . says:

haha liu de hua. im liu jianwei. valens says: hahhaa valens says: liu ru niang ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

not bads ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

liu ppl! valens says: i think i know why u can share with me so much! valens says: yeah valens says: so we are liu's people ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

haha y ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

hahaha! ゜ ||newelly//

the tactic.

good! newell, open up.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

ya! ゜ ||newelly// good! newell, open up. lol!

the tactic.

betraying yourself for god: . says:

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