Ecscc Annual Report 2008

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East Christchurch Shirley Cricket Club

1905 -2008

2007 – 08 Annual Report and Financial Statements

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 2 ________________________________________________________________________

East Christchurch - Shirley Cricket Club Inc. Office Holders 2007/2008 Season Patrons President Vice Presidents

Mr Neil Ockwell Mr Martin Flint John Grocott Howard Morel, Bill Duncan (deceased 10 August 2008)


Jeff Cope


Harry Burson

Hon. Auditor Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Club Captain

Beck & Associates vacant Steve Daly

Deputy Club Captain

Ryan Burson

Women’s Club Captain

Anna Wilkins

Women’s Deputy Club Captain

Nicole Sullivan


Life Members

ESCC nominated directors of Shirley Sports Club Ltd.

Peter Dow (Chairperson), Donn Leckie, Nev Lyons, Vaughan McEwen, Jason Pawson, Henk Stoffers (from August 2008) Mrs. E.Flint, M.E.W.Flint, J.W.Grocott, B.A.Haworth, T.G.Hayes, D.V.Hearn, N.G.Ockwell, R.B.Parlane, Bill Duncan (deceased 10 August 2008) Peter Dow, Steve Barry, John Grocott

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ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 103rd Annual General Meeting of the East ChristchurchShirley Cricket Club Incorporated will be held at the Pavilion, Burwood Park, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 24 September 2008. The Annual report of the Management Committee will be submitted to the members for consideration, and the following ordinary business will be transacted: 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the 102nd Annual General Meeting held on the 10th day of September 2007. 2. Adoption of the Annual report, Statement of Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet as at 31st May 2008. 3. Election of Officers, Management Committee and Honorary Auditor for the coming season. 4. To consider the following Notices of Motion: "That subscriptions be set at this Annual General Meeting". To be proposed by Harry Burson and seconded by Jeff Cope. Note: Harry Burson has advised that he will be proposing that the senior club subscriptions for 2008/09 remain unchanged from 2007/08. He will propose one change to the Junior subscriptions, viz. the introduction of a $25 subscription for Year 8 juniors to cover the period from October to Christmas prior to their move to playing in high school teams. 5. General business. By Order of the Management Committee J.Cope SECRETARY

Please Note: Resignations must be in the hands of the secretary no later than the date of the Annual General Meeting.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 4 ________________________________________________________________________

Farewell to a Cricket Legend The news of Bill’s sudden and unexpected passing on August 10 came as a shock to everyone. For many of us who had been responding to his many calls and emails as he busily went about planning and managing another new season of cricket, it was as though he had been taken in mid-sentence. We had suddenly lost a man of action; a man of vision; a man whose tireless dedication and commitment to developing cricket knew few peers. As he had done for so many seasons before, Bill was already deeply involved in the Club’s pre-season planning. In his own inimitable style, he was again personally undertaking the myriad tasks that needed to be done to ensure a successful start to the new William McKay Duncan (Bill) season: contacting all last year’s juniors; sending 1933 - 2008 fliers to all the schools; organising advertising; cajoling and enlisting parents to coach; organising gear; reviewing senior player profiles for team selections; ….. and so on. And this was in July - August, some months before cricket started! This same level of dedication, commitment and effort would have continued throughout the rest of the season, as it had done for so many year’s before. Bill’s contribution to the club, year-in-year-out, was immeasurable. However, Bill’s involvement, impact and respect in cricket circles went much wider than the club, witness the hundreds who attended his Memorial Service held at AMI Stadium. As Alec Astle said at the service, speaking both personally and on behalf of New Zealand Cricket: “Bill Duncan was, and always will be, a legend in cricket in Canterbury and the South Island in particular, especially in the CJCA junior ranks, at the South Island Primary Tournament and within the East Christchurch Shirley CC. Twenty-four years ago when he volunteered to become involved as a junior coach he would never have realised the impact of the pebble that he was tossing into the game’s pond – the ripples have and will long continue to be felt at all levels of the game in New Zealand”1

But where did it all start? And how did Bill’s path lead (fortuitously) to our door? By all accounts, Bill was a very competent sportsman in his younger days. He attended Christchurch Boys High School where he made the 1st Eleven as a fourth former and went on to captain it for the next three years. He also made the 1st XV and was the school boxing champion. 1

This and the other quotes are taken from the tributes made to Bill at his Memorial Service. My thanks to the people concerned for allowing me to borrow their words.

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After high school, Bill took up teaching as a career and it was while at his first teaching post in Hokianga in 1957 that he made the Northland team (now Northern Districts), helping the side to win the right to play in the Plunket Shield Competition. With Northland, he played five matches, taking six wickets at 31. Returning to a teaching post in Christchurch, Bill joined the HSOB team and played under the captaincy of Walter Hadlee whom Bill acknowledged as having a major impact on his approach to and thinking about the game. He had just under twenty seasons with HSOB, playing until 1975, and during this time was selected for Canterbury B. John Grocott remembers him as a reasonably successful and competitive player. John says he was a typical left arm in-ducker – mean, and always at you – who loved getting wickets and hated giving runs away. He was also a useful, hard-hitting lower order batsman. Bill linked up with Easts in the early 1980’s through his young son who was showing an interest in cricket. As they lived close to Burwood Park, young Willie was enrolled in one of our Junior teams. As it turned out, this proved to be one of the club’s more inspired signings, as it started Bill’s association with the club and with the development of junior cricket. By 1984 Bill had taken over as convenor of the Junior Section and, as they say, the rest is history! While Bill’s involvement in cricket wasn’t restricted to the junior ranks, it was probably there that he made his biggest contribution and will be remembered most. For twenty-four years the name Bill Duncan has been synonymous with Junior Cricket, at club, city, provincial and national level. Bill was more than just a tireless junior coach and administrator: he was an innovator, keen to test new ideas on how the junior game could be improved and made more enjoyable. Two of his main goals stand out: (i) raising the skill levels of his junior charges at an early age; and (ii) ensuring that the club had a cadre of competent coaches to guide the junior players. To achieve these he designed skills-development training programmes - he was forever obtaining and testing out a new resource or piece of equipment that might prove useful and spent many hours “coaching – the - coaches’, writing his own coaching manual for their use. When the skills-based MILO Have-A-Go Cricket programme was being introduced, he immediately wanted to trial it at Easts. He wanted the club to lead this new initiative and in 2000 we were one of only eight clubs in New Zealand, the only one in the South Island, to implement the programme. The related MILO coach-education course soon followed, again successfully trialed at the club. To again quote Alec Astle: “As people age, they frequently become more conservative and shy away from change, happy to accept the status quo….But not for inquisitive Bill who always wanted to be at the frontier of change, to find out what was going on, to try new things and accept new challenges so he, and East Christchurch Shirley CC and its fraternity of coaches could have some comparative advantage.” As a hands-on coach, Bill was very successful and under his direct and indirect guidance our top junior sides have for many seasons been a powerful force in Christchurch junior cricket. Many junior players gained representative selection and have gone on to higher

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 6 ________________________________________________________________________ honours. Our present senior side has a number of players who can trace their starts in cricket to those junior sides where they were either coached by Bill or benefited from the systems he set up. Indeed, much of the success the club has enjoyed from the early 1990’s has its foundation in the junior programmes Bill established. Bill had a special aptitude for coaching that not all could match. As John Grocott noted: “He has been coach and mentor to countless young cricketers since 1984. Bill had a keen eye for talent and loved to nurture youngsters and see them develop. Craig McMillan was one of those but there are many others. He had a special way with kids - perhaps it was his teaching background - and it was magical to watch him at work. I have been part of his coaching team for about 20 years but I could never get my group to do the things that he could. He became a fully qualified coach - level 3 - the highest qualification.” And Craig, as one of his junior charges who went on to higher honours, had this to say: “I turned up at Burwood Park at the age of five to hear my name being called out by him and he became my first cricket coach. In fact, over the years he became a lot more than a cricket coach: he became a mentor, a friend and in the end, part of the family…. He was a loveable rogue who seemed to have the knack of saying certain things and getting away with them, when others couldn’t. He could be refreshingly blunt and honest at the same time. He coached me in various East Shirley and Canterbury Junior Rep. sides and he was always the most positive of people. His love of cricket and coaching kids always shone through. It would be hard to imagine how many kids Bill coached throughout the years.” And it’s surprising how many of those “kids” he continued to support and to take an interest in as he followed their careers through the grades - and, in turn, how many of them still sought out Bill for a chat when the opportunity arose. His passion and enthusiasm for the game had left its mark. Alec Astle commented that Bill had coached his son Todd in one of the Christchurch Metro Junior sides a number of years ago, and when he rang Todd in Aberdeen to tell him of Bill’s death, Todd already knew: “The text network between the boys had spread the very sad news”. It’s impossible to list and do justice to all of Bill’s outstanding contributions to junior cricket. His twenty-four years with our club are touched on above. There was also the sixteen years he spent on the CJCA - which honoured him with a long-service award – and the many years spent selecting, coaching and managing countless representative teams. It was particularly gratifying when, in 2000, New Zealand Cricket presented him with the prestigious Jack Newman Award. The Award has the notation: “To an outstanding contributor to the world of Junior Cricket in New Zealand.” Bill was a worthy recipient. In accepting it, Bill gave a big thanks to his wife, without whose support he wouldn’t have been able to do it. He said he used to start at 9.30am and finish about midnight on Saturday nights, a routine he sincerely hoped that he would be able to continue – and, we all know, he did, right to the end.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 7 ________________________________________________________________________ The $2000 prize that came with the award was, not surprisingly, donated to the club by Bill for the advancement of junior cricket, and the W. Duncan Development Trust was established for that purpose. Bill carried his energy and enthusiasm across into our senior club and extended his coaching and selection role to both the senior men’s and women’s teams. It was Bill that spent the countless hours on the phone chasing down players to fill the teams each week, and, in the latter years, he took a personal interest in the progress and development of the third grade and women’s teams, where he perceived the development needs were greatest. He was on the club management committee from 1986-87, Vice-President from 1991-92 and served as a selector for many of these years. More recently, he somehow found the time to assist the Treasurer and took over the role of subs. collector, where his doggedness and forceful powers of persuasion were used to good effect. All of this could hardly go unrecognised and, in 2004, Bill was made a Life Member of the club. This was a richly deserved and popular honour. As if this commitment to the club and cricket in general wasn’t enough, Bill somehow found the time to make a similar contribution in another sport he loved, gymnastics. Bill was clearly not one for half-measures, and it will come as no surprise to learn that his dedication and involvement in gymnastics was equally impressive. He was a Life Member of both the New Zealand Gymnastics Association and the Canterbury Gymnastics Association, having been the President of the latter for a number of years. How do we remember Bill Duncan, the man?

His son-in-law, Richard Goldstone (Goldie), had this to say: “When thinking of Bill these words or phrases come to mind…..stubborn, dogmatic, argumentative, not given easily to praise. However, balancing these are loyal, protective, honest, informed, discerning, gregarious, pragmatic, organised, and giving.” And John Grocott again: “On occasion Bill could be very blunt …. To obtain junior coaches, he was not averse to using “press gang” tactics when he saw a likely target - it was hard to say no - and he wasn’t happy if he didn’t succeed. But it needed to be done and Bill took no prisoners. He might have upset one or two in his time but I like to think it was more of a challenge. A challenge to do better, to do more, to contribute, to be involved. That was Bill’s way and I believe we have benefited from it. “ I think everyone who met Bill can relate to these comments. In some ways, Bill was a rough diamond. His ways of going about things may have rankled a few – and I can recall many a testy moment around the committee table - but you always

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 8 ________________________________________________________________________ knew that, at heart, his intentions were honourable and he always had the best interests of the players and the club in mind. It will seem strange not seeing Bill at Burwood Park this season – the bowed legs, the swaggering gait, the faded red hat. As the Centennial Report said: “If not spotted instantly, Bill will soon be heard, his booming voice…and hearty laugh resonating around the ground”. Alas, no more. Bill was a tower of strength in our club for over twenty-five years and a larger than life character. He has left us with a great legacy and our challenge now is to build on what he left. As John so eloquently put it: “We will miss Bill. We will miss him in the nets every night of the week during summer from mid afternoon to early evening; we will miss him on Saturday mornings with the juniors and Saturday afternoons and evenings with the other teams; we will miss his ability to encourage people to participate and achieve better performances; we will miss his judgement of character, his sense of humour and his grumpiness when we were late paying our subs or did something else that raised his ire. His memory will stay with us. Our home at Burwood Park … will not be the same but he has set us along a path that we will continue to follow. His enthusiasm and passion for the game will live on in many of those he touched.” Thanks Bill. Jeff Cope _________________________________________________________________________ East Christchurch Shirley on the web! If you haven’t already done so, visit our website at Find there the club history, player and team performances, player profiles and an update on club and cricket news and forthcoming events. The Club wants to use this site as its main form of communication with all members, senior and junior, so bookmark the site now. Both Senior and Junior enrolments can be completed online. The club thanks Nev Lyons and Donn Leckie who took over the role of maintaining the site.

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COMMITTEE OPERATIONS After a number of years on the committee, Dave Teale and Duncan O’Keefe stood down. Thanks to those two for their excellent contributions. At the 2007 AGM, three “new” faces were elected to the committee: Anna Wilkins, who was elected Women’s Club Captain; Steve Daly who returned as Men’s Club Captain after a one year rest from committee duties; and club stalwart, Donn Leckie, who rejoined the committee after an absence of a number of years. Other existing committee members were re-elected to office, and so we were again fortunate to have a stable and experienced committee to guide the club through the season. Henk Stoffers was invited to attend a number of the committee meetings during the year and in August 2008 was formally appointed to the committee. At the first meeting of the season Peter Dow was elected Chairperson of the committee. Four subcommittees operated throughout the season. Their responsibilities are given below, with convenors as noted: •

Activities Subcommittee (social and cricket events, publicity and promotion; communications: convenor – Ryan Burson)

Business Subcommittee (finance, sponsorship & fund raising, subscriptions, planning & club management, membership, club records, liaison with SSCL board: convenor - Peter Dow)

Cricket Subcommittee (training & coaching, player recruitment, team entries, grounds & practice facilities, gear, school liaison, awards, disciplinary; convenor – Bill Duncan)

Junior Subcommittee (managing the operations of the Junior cricket section; convenors – Bill Duncan & Henk Stoffers)

In last year’s report, I commented that there were two outstanding administrative tasks facing the incoming committee: (i) a review and confirmation of the boundaries of responsibilities between the club and Shirley Sports Club Ltd. (SSCL), in order to ensure the cricket club obtains maximum benefit from the new relationships that have been forged with the Shirley Rugby Football Club; and (ii) the need to rewrite the club’s constitution. Little progress was made on either of these issues during the year. While it is pleasing to report that with regards (i) the relationship is working very well and continues to strengthen and, with regards (ii), no issues arose that “tested” a number of the outdated sections in the existing constitution, it would be good to make progress on these tasks this coming season.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 10 ________________________________________________________________________ Committee Attendances During the year, until the printing deadline for this report, seven meetings were held and attendance is recorded below (with apologies tendered recorded in parentheses). CJCA meetings, representative and club practices and work commitments affected the attendance record of a number of committee members. H. Burson R. Burson J. Cope S.Daly P. Dow W. Duncan J. Grocott

7 3 (3) 7 7 4 (3) 5 (1) 6 (1)

N. Lyons D. Leckie V. McEwan H. Morel J. Pawson H. Stoffers N. Sullivan A. Wilkins

5 (2) 6 (1) 2 (2) 5 (2) 3 (3) 1 5 6 (1)


proud to support the East Christchurch-Shirley Cricket Club Level Two, Harvey Norman Centre & Northwood Supa Centa Telephone : 366 2221

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 11 ________________________________________________________________________

PRESIDENTS REPORT At the time of writing this report, I have been devastated by the news of Bill Duncan’s sudden passing. What a huge contribution he has made to the life of the Club over the last 25 years. He had a great passion and commitment to the game of cricket and our Club. His passing is a great loss to the countless youngsters who are or have been under his wing for coaching and development, to others who have been coached and guided in his inimitable style, for our Club as a whole and to cricket in general. A full tribute is included in this report. Our deepest sympathy to Sally and family in their very sad and unexpected loss. Although now overshadowed by the above, warm congratulations to all club members on another wonderful and successful season in 2007/2008. We have again won a number of trophies in the CCA competitions and these are listed elsewhere in the report. Winning the men’s two-day competition is an important highlight but this was not the only one. Women’s Super 8, Third Grade women and President’s Gold (for the 6th year in a row) were other great results. 2A Grade men won their two day competition and 2C Grade men were successful in their one-day competition. We also won both the Walter Hadlee Trophy for Premier Grade sportsmanship (ninth time in eleven years) and the Petersen Shield for overall Club excellence. A great all-round performance and, in hindsight, a strong reflection of the path we have followed with Bill Duncan. Outstanding individual performances include: Brandon Hiini, Canterbury Wizards bowler of the year; Scott Pawson, Canterbury Cricket Umpire’s Association batting award; and Anna Wilkins, most runs in women’s Premier and Women’s club player of the year. Our Canterbury representatives also performed with credit. Their names are listed elsewhere in the report. Particular mention should be made of Sarah McGlashan for her selection in the White Ferns and Krista Neilson in her debut season with the Magicians. Many other players will have achieved personal milestones during the season and the significant ones are recorded elsewhere in this report. My congratulations to you all for your performances and contribution to our Club. proud of your efforts.

We are

Our Junior programme remains an important part of our activities and it is great to see so many youngsters playing cricket on Saturday mornings. The participation and skills they learn will stand them in good stead whatever they do in the future but of course we hope they will continue to play this great game and remain involved with our club. The programme has been led for many years by Bill Duncan ably supported by many others including Henk Stoffers and all the team coaches and managers. Our thanks to all those who assisted during the season. Congratulations also to all who were selected for Canterbury Junior representative teams during the season. These include Jacinta Savage, a player of considerable promise. Our Junior award function at the end of the season was again a success and a great celebration of our junior talent. Our Senior awards function was also well attended and a wonderful opportunity to

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 12 ________________________________________________________________________ acknowledge club performances for the season. What a great spirit we have in the club. Warm congratulations to all who received club awards and trophies. It was a particular pleasure to award the President’s trophy to Scott Pawson for the outstanding contribution he has made as our current Senior men’s captain and team member since his debut in 1991. A popular and richly deserved award. Another highlight of the season was the function in April to celebrate Craig McMillan’s career with the club and the Blackcaps. We are very proud of his record and achievements for both the club and at national level - second only to Nathan Astle in our club history. Thank you Craig for the pleasure and enjoyment. We hope we will see some more of you. Our best wishes to you in the future. Finally, thanks to all those who helped in the success of the club during the season: our management committee led by Peter Dow; Junior Committee, coaches & team managers; Dave Searle , our groundsman, who continues to produce the best pitches in Christchurch; and Neville Lyons whose coaching efforts have been outstanding. You have all played an important part in the life of the Club. Long may it continue. The forthcoming AGM heralds the coming of a new season with all its hopes and aspirations. Life after Bill Duncan will be different but I am sure you will all step up to ensure the Club continues to grow and develop in the future - as he would want. Let us look forward to the coming season with renewed enthusiasm. It will be another opportunity to achieve targets, establish new records and contribute to the long history of our club. I look forward to seeing you all and wish you well. John Grocott PRESIDENT ________________________________________________________________________

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2 - day trophy competition 1 - day cup competition

1st 2nd

8 9

2A Grade

2 - day trophy competition 1 - day cup competition

1st 2nd

8 8

2C Grade Budgies

2 - day trophy competition 1 - day cup competition (section 1)

4th 1st

10 5

2C Grade Colts

2 - day trophy competition 1 - day cup competition (section 2)

9th 5th

10 5

5th =


Presidents Gold



Presidents Blue



2nd 1st 2nd =

4 4 4

First Grade



Third Grade



3A Grade

Women’s section Premier

Cup competition Super 8 competition Twenty20 competition


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 14 ________________________________________________________________________ TROPHIES – 2007/2008 SEASON Player of the Season Player of the Season - Runner Up Pro-Fitness Team of the Year Dr A.J. Orchard Memorial Trophy [outstanding administrative service] Presidents Award [greatest all round contribution]

Tim Papps Jason Pawson Premier Men Jeff Cope Scott Pawson

Dick Pannell Trophy [most improved player below seniors]

Jared Roberts

Richard Hayes Memorial Trophy [most improved player under 21 years]

Tim Burrowes

Hartley Trophy [most promising Junior player]

Kenneth McGlure

Paul Sullivan Memorial Trophy (outstanding Junior player)

Leo Carter

Howzat Trophy (most promising Junior, year 5/6)

Jacob Keilar

Ray Anderson Memorial Trophy (Junior coach of the year)

Brent Spicer

Women’s Most Improved Under 21

Jacinta Savage

Women’s Most Promising Junior

Hannah Malloch

Women’s Most Improved Below Seniors

Sandy Clark

Batting Trophy – Men

Tim Papps [ 695 runs]

Bowling Trophy – Men

William Dennet [49 wickets]

Fielding Trophy – Men [outstanding fielding]

Darren Broom

Batting Trophy – Women

Anna Wilkins [ 634 runs]

Bowling Trophy – Women

Megan Harkerss [ 25 wickets]

Fielding Trophy – Women [outstanding fielding]

Kim Minogue

Afternoon Batting Trophy - Men

Rob Leys [ 478 runs]

Afternoon Bowling Trophy - Men

Stephen Daly [ 33 wickets]

Afternoon All Round Performance Trophy - Men

Gareth Sanders [ 19 wickets, 377 runs]

Eddie Parsons Shield [ most notable performance at Burwood Park]

Chris Clayton [120*,113* in same match]

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 15 ________________________________________________________________________


Representative Awards: Christchurch Casino State Canterbury Wizard Bowler of the Season : Brandon Hiini

Grade Awards: Petersen Shield – awarded for overall club excellence : East Christchurch-Shirley Walter Hadlee Trophy – awarded to the Premier Grade Men’s team which shows the most consistency in sportsmanship, punctuality and dress : East Christchurch-Shirley Eureka Trust Trophy for Premier Men - Two Day Competition: East Christchurch-Shirley Eureka Trust Trophy for Premier Women’s Super 8: East Christchurch-Shirley Junior Challenge Trophy for 2A Men - Two Day Competition: East Christchurch-Shirley 2C One Day Trophy : East Christchurch-Shirley Budgies Lion Breweries Cup for Presidents Grade : Presidents Gold Phyl Blackler Memorial Trophy for 3rd Grade Women : East Christchurch- Shirley

Individual Awards: Eureka Trust Women’s Club Cricket Player of the Year : Anna Wilkins, with 581 runs including two centuries at an average of 48.4, 3 wickets and 8 catches. Stead Rose Bowl - awarded to the player scoring the most runs in Women’s Premier Grade oneday and 20/20 competitions : Anna Wilkins Canterbury Cricket Umpires Association Sportsmanship Trophy for Batting – awarded annually for sportsman like conduct in Men’s Premier Grade as voted by the umpires: Scott Pawson Canterbury Cricket Association Award to the Club Coach of the Year – Nev Lyons

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COACHING AND SELECTION Selectors: Seniors / Second Grade (S. Pawson, N. Grice and N. Lyons.) Budgies / Colts (N. Lyons and W. Duncan) From the selectors’ perspective, team selection during the 2007/08 season was able to be more consistent, largely due to the continuing success of the squad structure we have adopted. This had been set up last year, with the intention of taking a larger group of selected players and developing them to senior squad level in the shortest period of time. With the success of the Budgies team last season, several young talented players were promoted and integrated into the 2007/2008 2A grade team and, with the added experience of past senior members, we ended up with a very competitive 2A grade unit. These players, together with last season’s premier players, most of whom returned, made up a 2007/2008 senior squad of around thirty players. This gave the club more player depth across the board for selection and again augurs well for the future. Looking forward, we will need to work harder this year to maintain and develop our skill base to the next level. Over the last four or five years, the senior squad and team dynamics have changed and developed, with different structures set in place to make sure that a winning culture is fostered and maintained. Early on, in the pre-season, the team protocols were drawn up and signed up to by all players. They were then framed and hung in the senior changing room - a useful reminder to all of us at times, especially when we were required to train in the rain with a fitness run or a Scotty/Garfield gut-buster. Player buy-in to the protocols proved to be a success as trainings were well attended by all. The loyalty and support shown by the players and captains over the last few years has been a key factor in the tremendous success of this group, who are 99% home grown. I would say this is the fittest senior squad that I have been involved with, as shown by the way both teams dominated at the end of the season. The Budgies and Colt’s teams were the hardest to select. These sides were inevitably affected when we needed to fill vacancies in the senior squad when players weren’t available due to selection in CCA representative teams or family commitments. For example, while the Premier team used only 17 players during the season, 2A grade called on 27, the Budgies 30 and the Colts 38. This is not an ideal situation and many thanks to Bill Duncan for finding the extra players we needed. Premiers This side had a magnificent season as the results show. They won the two-day competition by 39 points, the highlights being the five outright wins. They were also in the one-day final, unluckily beaten by LPW with the rain having a major impact on the result. Their winning of several Canterbury Cricket Association team and individual trophies can only be achieved by an extraordinary group of athletes.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 17 ________________________________________________________________________ We produced some fine performances during the season, thanks to strong leadership and to individuals who put their hands up to produce the winning efforts when needed. This year we nailed the close games that mattered, with some of the younger players stepping up to the mark, which showed how far we have moved towards reaching the team’s potential. I believe that we still need to see a further 20% improvement to get there and this will be a driving goal for the team next season. It was great to see the senior leadership group of Scotty, Tim, Jason and Bursie producing top performances for the team while Pappsy and Hiino were on Canterbury duties. The group of Daza, DJ, Peaks, Stevo, Moo, Youngy and Gillie has developed over the last four years and now provide a very good base of players. With more consistency, this group will be the club’s future, successful foundation. Nick Johnston, Shane McConnell , Mathew Teale were the new players on the block and have shown Scott and myself they are more than worthy to be selected each week. It goes without saying, that the team was extremely well lead on and off the field by Scott Pawson. Congratulations to all the players who gained NZ and CCA representative selection. Special mention of the following members for a great season: Michael Papps, Blackcap contract; Brandon Hiini, First Class contract , NZ Emerging Players and Canterbury Bowler of the Year; Ryan Burson, for a well deserved first-class come back; and Darren Broom’s firstclass cricket selection. At the club level, congratulations to: Tim Papps, ECSCC Player of the Year; Jason Pawson, runner-up; and to Scott Pawson, who reached 8068 senior runs (a club record) and won the CCA Umpire’s Sportsmanship Trophy for Batting. The team culture was again brilliant, with all players and support crew contributing to what was - and is - a wonderful East Christchurch Shirley package. Many thanks to the members of our fantastic management team: Steve Barry, for his terrific contribution over the season, in lifting fitness levels, promoting self belief and developing personal values; Scott Pawson, the senior captain, who is the respected club leader and driving force of our senior squad; Garfield Charles, who has a tremendous cricket knowledge and is the Club bowling expert, for coaching our women’s premier squad as well as assisting Nev with the weekly Club practices; Scott Holden and Steve Cooke for managing the 2007/08 senior team; scorer Terry Papps; grounds-man Dave Searle; all the team supporters (dads, mums, wives, partners, friends) who are always there for the team; and, last but not least, the club management committee for their on going support. It was again a privilege to work with Scott and the senior squad in 2007/08 and I congratulate all players for the awesome effort they put in during the year. The squad’s preseason goal was to win the double / double, and we came so close! 2A Grade: The 2A grade boys had an incredible season, mirroring the senior team in many ways. All these players are part of our senior squad, adopting the same values and work ethic, and maintaining our winning culture. Our plan over the last two or three years has been to develop our younger players within a larger senior squad as they will make up the core of the future senior teams. This is now becoming a reality and the success of the plan is very satisfying.

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Led by Nick Grice, this team played some outstanding cricket over the season. The team had set goals of being one day finalist and winners of the two-day competition, and they nearly achieved the ultimate result. With a number of individuals excelling with bat and ball, this offered the team options in their game plan, and their successes reflected a good team culture, attitude and the desire to win. To play premier cricket, players will need to show greater consistency, but many are well on the way. As club players, the mental approach will be the key to maintaining the high standard already set, and for the next step up to the senior team. 2C Grade: Budgies & Colts A fantastic result by the Budgies team. They were led by a dedicated captain, Nick Bates, who set the standards for his team, building a great team culture and work ethic. The team won the one day title, a fitting reward for the commitment and hard work shown by all players. The coaching sessions for the Budgies and Colts on Monday and Wednesday nights were enjoyable, with some players wanting to develop and move their own game forward. The practices were attended by several members of the senior squad which put an extra edge to the sessions and allowed this group to measure themselves against the next level. Due to the number of players used in these two teams, it was a hard road to build a consistent team and develop the culture required to perform each week. Congratulations to both teams who have some very talented younger players, capable of moving towards selection in future senior squads. Many thanks to Goldie for managing the Colts and even throwing on the whites when required, and to Matt Friedwald for captaining this young Colts side. Women’s Grades: Premier Coached by Garfield Charles, the senior women’s team had another up and down season. The real positives were the Super 8 title and making the finals of the one-day competition, and, at a personal level, Anna Wilkins wining the CCA club batter and player-of-the year trophies. Congratulations to Anna who had an awesome year. As I said last year, this squad needs to establish new team protocols, develop a squad selection programme and mirror the successful formula adopted by the men’s senior squad in terms of attitude, commitment, training, fitness and self belief. The side has talent to burn, more than you would often see at a first class game. The base is there, so let’s get the commitment sorted. You have a great coach who can take you to those titles. First Grade & Third Grade: The First Grade side was well led by Megan Harkerss this season and was a very competitive unit. Unfortunately, they suffered from losing players to the senior team when it was short, making it difficult at times to perform as a unit. There were some outstanding

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 19 ________________________________________________________________________ individual performances, with Leigh Martin averaging 102 with bat and Megan capturing 25 wickets. Well done girls! The First Grade team was coached as part of the premier squad during the week by Garfield and managed by Steve Graham. We will need more players to help this team next year. My thanks to Tracy O’Neil for coaching the Third Grade team, with assistance from Bryce Nicholson - your efforts, plus the leadership of Grace Grocott, were rewarded by winning the Third Grade CCA title. Outstanding progress was achieved by this group of young cricketers and I look forward to following their future development. One or two players are not too far from being selected for the senior women’s squad, which would be a remarkable result, one that can be put down to the efforts of a very dedicated and organised coach. Coaches Congratulations to club coaches Tracy O’Neil and Dave Grocott, who received their NZC Level 2 coaching certificates at the CCA 2008 awards. This is a fantastic achievement and well done to you both. Last Word The 2007/2008 season saw some fantastic results for the ‘home of cricket’, with many teams and individuals collecting trophies at the CCA 2007/08 awards presentation. The awards evening was topped off with the club winning the Petersen Shield, which acknowledges overall club excellence. We had last won the trophy in 1971, and it was a privilege to accept it on behalf of the club. For me, the Shield highlighted the combined efforts of all involved at the club, from the players, adults and children, coaching staff and club management to our loyal group of family supporters. We are all part of this awesome family at Easts, so hold your heads high and enjoy the moment. Neville Lyons CLUB COACH

Editors comment: Nev overlooks mentioning one major trophy - his own! At the end-of-season CCA Annual Prize Giving, Nev was awarded the Club Coach of the Year Award. This was just reward for the tremendous contribution Nev has made over the last few seasons, not just with the senior squad but across all teams. The club’s successes this season, and the strength and winning culture of the senior sides, reflect Nev’s commitment and dedication to developing a champion club. Congratulations Nev – an award well deserved! _________________________________________________________________________

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 20 ________________________________________________________________________

Men’s Representative Honours 2007-08 New Zealand Emerging Players

Brandon Hiini

Canterbury A

Darren Broom Tim Papps Michael Peacock

Canterbury Under 19

Nick Johnstone Matthew Teale

Canterbury Wizards

Michael Papps Brandon Hiini Ryan Burson Darren Broom Michael Peacock

Canterbury Under 17

Jared Roberts

CLUB HONOURS BOARD 2007-08 SEASON BATTING N. Johnston L. Martin T. Papps K. Smith C. Clayton D. Goldstone B. Barnett C. Grey C. Clayton D. Broom A. Wells A. Wilkins C. Stevens T. Hickson C. Grey R. Leys A. Wilkins S. Clark C. Grey K. Neilson C. Stevens

BOWLING 134 123* 121* 121 120* 120 118 116* 113* 110 109* 109 108 107 106 106 103 101* 101* 100 100

J. Roberts K. Minogue O. Flattery S. Daly M. Gilray M. Harkerss J. Pawson D. Neill R. Burson S. McConnell R. Burson S. Daly M. Vermeulen R. Burson C. McDonald S. McKey J. Roberts W. Dennett A. Howison

7 / 20 7 / 35 7 / 38 6/8 6 / 20 6 / 20 6 / 41 5 / 17 5 / 18 5 / 25 5 / 25 5 / 30 5 / 31 5 / 31 5 / 35 5 / 36 5 / 42 5 / 45 5 / 59

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 21 ________________________________________________________________________

Nev accepts the Petersen Shield from CCA Chairman Cran Bull

Its been a long time between drinks!

The Petersen Shield The Petersen Shield is awarded for “overall club excellence” and is rightly regarded as the top club award. The trophy is open to club’s with a Premier team, and as it is based on the results of all teams entered in all grades, winning it is a good reflection of the overall strength of a club. This season the Shield was won by the Club, so well done all players in all sides. You all contributed! The Club has won this trophy only four times: in 1919 -20 and, quite remarkably, for three consecutive seasons 1968-69, 1969-70 and 1970-71. So, despite having enjoyed a number of very successful seasons since 1971, especially in the last ten years or so, its been 37 long years since that last win! Looking back at that 1970-71 season (when senior subs. were $12!), its interesting to note that the size of the club – at least for men – was not dissimilar to today. Back then, we entered eight teams and today we have seven. While its difficult to compare performances between the two periods, especially as the top grades played only a twoday competition

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 22 ________________________________________________________________________

Ctd. then (although there was a separate Sunday knock-out competition for first grade), on the surface the results aren’t too dissimilar either. In 1970-71 we won two grades and were second in one other, while this season, if we exclude the one-day competitions, we won three men’s grades with no seconds. But there the similarities probably end. The team mix is quite different, with more “social” sides back then, and whereas this season’s successes have been based on top performances from the senior squad sides, in 1971 it was more the middle and lower grade sides that pulled the club through. The other major difference is, of course, that back then there were no women’s teams - indeed, the club did not have a women’s team until the 1977-78 season. Although its been 37 years since we last won the shield, it’s interesting to note that helping to win the trophy is not a novel experience for all of today’s players. One or two familiar names span the years, and a small number of current President’s players have lasted the distance: back in 1970, John Grocott was featuring in a senior team alongside notables such as Vic Pollard and Peter Coman; Dave Hearn was in the second grade 2A side, while TG Hayes was playing in the 2B side under the captaincy of Roger Parlane; and Jeff Cope had the doubly good fortune to be a member of a champion side in both periods. Let’s hope that today’s winning players don’t have to wait as long as those 1970/71 players before they set eyes on the Shield again.

Sponsors The club would like to acknowledge and thank the following club sponsors      

O’Sheas Public House Canterbury Draught The Perry Foundation NZ Community Trust Lion Foundation Eureka Trust

 Profitness  Cricket Express  Canterbury Sports Foundation  Mainland Foundation  Southern Trust

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 23 ________________________________________________________________________

PREMIER GRADE The 2007/2008 season will be regarded as one of success after winning the two day title and making the final in the one day competition. Our pre-season planning started in mid-May with Nev and I having a few natters and coming up with a plan for success. We decided to start our fitness program earlier, which turned out to be a great decision because we were so much fitter than the rest of the teams. Big thanks to Steve Barry for making this happen and also the motivation seminar that you put in place. The boys get a lot out of the session and we implemented a lot of it into our game. Also, a big thank you to Fitz” Up for 10” Boxing: the boys really enjoyed the sessions even though we ended up exhausted most of the time. This season, we welcomed back Brandon Hiini from LPW and also gained Shane “chick” McConnell from the same club, so the squad was strengthened from last year. A loss in the first one-day game of the season to Burnside wasn’t the best of starts but it did make us aware that we had to work harder and just being fit didn’t mean that we were going to win games. A good win the following week against Old Boys gave us a much needed confidence booster, as we had struggled with them in previous seasons. In the next oneday game we lost to Marist, so we were not looking too good to make the finals. However, we then had big wins over Syds, Country, Riccarton, and LPW and, as a result, we finished top of the table, equal on points with LPW, but, because we beat them in round-robin play, we went straight through to a home final. This was a special day for the Club with the three top teams all in finals. Unfortunately, the covers were slashed by vandals the day before the final, which really put a dampener on the day, in more ways than one. We lost the toss and found it pretty difficult to bat on the rain-affected pitch. In the final we had our chances but we really were up against it, especially when it started to rain in the 20th over when we were bowling. I think that on an even day, the outcome would have been different - but well done to LPW for their win. That night Panda’s flat really did take a pounding, so we do apologize to his flat mates for the mess. I blame Rage against the Machine and Nick Johnston. In the two-day competition, we had the whip out early and led from start to finish. With one round to go we had the title in the bag and could play that round with no pressure on us. We had five outright wins during the season, against Burnside, Sydenham, Marist, LPW and Riccarton, on the last day of the season. This was an incredible achievement. In the other games we took first innings points against Riccs, LPW and St Albans in the first round. When you win titles, you have to play well basically every day, and try to keep the bad days to a minimum - we did have a couple of those days, one against HSOB when we were 80/5 chasing 220 and the other against St Albans when we were bowled out for 82, but then showed good character by bowling them out for 120. In both these games, the second day was washed out due to rain, so maybe luck was on our side. But, overall, we did dominate the competition and totally deserved the title.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 24 ________________________________________________________________________ To single out individuals would not be fair to the squad because everyone, in their own way, contributed to the success of the team. But well done to the number of guys who stood up and got runs and wickets when we really needed them. Congratulations to Tim Papps who won our players’ Player of the Year and the overall club Player of the Year awards. On a personal note, I would like say how proud I was to lead the troops again this season. I really have enjoyed seeing the development of the younger players and the continued consistent performance of the more experience ones. We truly have a great bunch of lads who really want to do well, not only for themselves, but also for the team and the club. Thank you to our scorer, Terry “Podge” Papps, for coming out of retirement again and giving us one more year. To our two managers, Scotty “Fatty Popo Fatty Fatty Popo” Holden who did a great job for us before heading to Melbourne, and Steve “Cookie Monster” Cooke for taking over the reins when Scotty left. Also, thank you to all our supporters who turn up, week in and week out, we really do appreciate the support we get from you guys. Thank you also to Garfield Charles, for the coaching you do behind the scenes that nobody sees your input has been greatly appreciated. Lastly, big thanks to Nev “Chook” Lyons for the continued work you do, not only for the senior squad but also the club in general - only you and I know how much time we put in so things can run smoothly and we can get the best out of the players. Cheers Mate! To our partners and families, cricket is a game that takes up so much time, so a big thanks to you guys for the patience you show so we can play the game we love, and for the late passes that we have asked for in the last couple of weeks. With the season over, it’s been great to sit back and reflect on all that has happened and what we’ve achieved. It’s been a great year for the whole club and long may it continue. If we keep raising the bar there is no reason why we cannot keep the silverware flowing in. The season ended with a weekend trip to Dunedin which was a great way to cap the year off. The boys had an excellent time, without having to worry about playing cricket. Standouts on this trip were: Moos Mousse, who kept the boys hairdos in check; “EYES” for having them and introducing us to Gollum; Bill the trumpet for his rendition of “The Lion sleeps tonight”; and Chook Lyons for his Rugby stories at 2.00 in the morning - “The C--buried me”, he was heard to say. I hope everyone winters well and we do it all again next season. KIA KAHA Scott “ Boz” Pawson CAPTAIN

Premier Grade Player of Season : TIM PAPPS

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 25 ________________________________________________________________________

AVERAGES – PREMIER TWO-DAY COMPETITION BATTING: INN 13 10 3 14 5 10 4 9 11 8 7 8 8 4

NO 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 3

HS 118* 84 59 86 33 55* 27 38 68 38 28 17 14 4*

AGG 527 391 95 344 105 210 62 119 190 93 89 58 51 7

AVE 50s 47.9 3 39.1 3 31.7 1 28.7 2 26.3 23.3 1 20.7 19.8 19.0 1 15.5 14.8 11.6 8.5 7.0 -

100s 1 -

CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 18/4 6 10 1 4 2 3 7 5 1 3 3 1

T. J. T. Papps D. J. Broom R. D. Burson S. J. Pawson M. D. Teale C. B. Stevens B. C. Hiini S. D. McConnell D. J. Lyons M. D. Peacock N. M. Johnston M. R. Gilray J. D. Pawson M. J. Vermuelen ALSO BATTED: K. P. Shevde 1 0 23 23 23.0 M. H. W. Papps 1 0 15 15 15.0 A. K. Young 2 1 3* 4 4.0 S. R. McKey DNB Sub (T. M. Grocott) Century partnerships 142: T. J. T. Papps (118*) and S. J. Pawson (58) v. Burnside West University 27.10.07 140: T. J. T. Papps (66) and D. J. Broom (71) v. Lancaster Park Woolston 8. 3. 08. 103: T. J. T. Papps (77) and S. J. Pawson (36*) v. Burnside West University 3.11.07 102: R. D. Burson (51) and M. D. Peacock (38) v. Riccarton 1-2/12/07

1 1 1 1

BOWLING: OVERS MDNS 12 4 84 30 165 51 51 18 63 10 167.5 48 153.2 34 51.1 10 50.4 10 55 5 11.0 3

RUNS 23 202 410 152 177 477 473 176 149 154 31

WKTS 2 18 30 10 11 29 28 9 7 7 0

D. J. Broom R. D. Burson J. D. Pawson B. C. Hiini M. J. Vermuelen M. R. Gilray M. D. Peacock S. D. McConnell A. K. Young M. D. Teale S. N. McKey ALSO BOWLED: M. H. W. Papps 5 2 12 C. B. Stevens 6 2 17 Note: The team recorded 7 run outs in two-day matches.

0 0

AVE R/OVER 11.5 1.92 11.2 2.40 13.7 2.48 15.2 2.98 16.1 2.81 16.4 2.85 16.9 3.09 19.6 3.44 21.3 2.96 22.0 2.80 … 2.82 … …

2.40 2.83

BEST 1/11 5/31 6/41 3/21 4/21 6/20 4/34 3/18 4/18 3/31 0/13 0/12 0/8

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 26 ________________________________________________________________________





AVE 50s


D. J. Broom M. H. W. Papps D. J. Lyons T. J. T. Papps J. D. Pawson R. D. Burson S. J. Pawson M. D. Peacock B. C. Hiini

8 4 7 7 3 6 8 4 6

1 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 0

110 62 64 52* 19* 49* 43 20* 30

271 154 170 168 27 100 181 39 81

38.7 38.5 28.3 28.0 27.0 25.0 22.6 19.5 13.5

1 2 2 2 -

1 -

ALSO BATTED: A. K. Young C. B. Stevens N. M. Johnston M. J. Vermuelen M. R. Gilray S. D. McConnell

2 1 2 1 2 2

1 0 1 0 1 2

8* 6 3* 1 1 53*

13 6 3 1 1 56

13.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 …



CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 2 1 3/1 1/1 3 2 3 3 3

3 2 1 1

Century partnerships 138: D. J. Broom (110) and D. J. Lyons (64) v. Old Boys - Collegians 6.10.07 117*: T.J. T. Papps (52*) and D. J. Lyons (62*) v. Lancaster Park - Woolston 2.2.08 116: D. J. Broom (96*) and M. H. W. Papps (62) v. Marist 24.11.07 BOWLING: S. D. McConnell M. Vermuelen J. D. Pawson R. D. Burson M. R. Gilray B. C. Hiini A. K. Young M. D. Peacock M. D. Teale

OVERS 19.4 34.2 71.4 47.5 62.0 48.0 16.0 41.2 10.0

MDNS 2 3 16 6 5 7 1 3 1

RUNS 54 125 192 163 251 183 84 146 46

Note: The team recorded 5 run outs in one-day matches.

WKTS 7 10 13 8 10 7 2 3 0

AVE R/OVER BEST 7.7 2.78 4/29 12.5 3.65 4/30 14.8 2.69 3/11 20.4 3.43 5/18 25.1 4.05 3/36 26.1 3.81 3/46 42.0 5.25 1/31 48.7 3.54 1/15 … 4.60 0/19

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 27 ________________________________________________________________________ AVERAGES – PREMIER COMBINED COMPETITIONS BATTING:

T. J. T. Papps D. J. Broom M. H. W. Papps S. D. McConnell R. D. Burson M. D. Teale S. J. Pawson D. J. Lyons M. D. Peacock C. B. Stevens B. C. Hiini N. M. Johnston J. D. Pawson M. R. Gilray A. K. Young M. J. Vermuelen ALSO BATTED: K. P. Shevde S. R. McKey Sub (T. M. Grocott)

INN 20 18 5 11 9 5 22 18 8 11 10 9 11 10 4 5

NO 3 1 0 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 4 2 3

HS 118* 110 62 53* 59 33 86 68 38 55* 30 28 19* 17 8* 4*

AGG 695 662 169 175 195 105 525 360 132 216 143 92 78 59 17 8

AVE 40.9 38.9 33.8 29.2 27.9 26.3 26.3 22.5 22.0 21.6 15.9 13.1 11.1 9.8 8.5 4.0






50s 5 4 2 1 1 2 3 1 -


CATCHES / 100s STUMPINGS 1 19/5 1 8 2 4 2 1 13 10/1 8 4 5 4 6 4 1 3


1 1

BOWLING: D. J. Broom J. D. Pawson R. D. Burson M. J. Vermuelen S. D. McConnell M. R. Gilray B. C. Hiini M. D. Peacock A. K. Young M. D. Teale S. N. McKey ALSO BOWLED: M. H. W. Papps C. B. Stevens

OVERS 12.0 236.4 131.5 97.2 70.5 229.5 99.0 194.4 66.4 65.0 11.0

MDNS 4 67 36 13 12 53 25 37 11 6 3

5.0 6.0

2 2

RUNS WKTS 23 2 602 43 365 26 302 21 230 16 728 39 335 17 619 31 233 9 200 7 31 0

12 17

Note: The team recorded 12 run outs in all matches.

0 0

AVE 11.5 14.0 14.0 14.4 14.4 18.7 19.7 20.0 25.9 28.6 …

R/OVER 1.92 2.55 2.78 3.11 3.26 3.17 3.38 3.18 3.51 3.08 2.82

BEST 1/11 6/41 5/18 4/21 4/29 6/20 3/21 4/34 4/18 3/31 0/13

… …

2.40 2.83

0/12 0/8

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 28 ________________________________________________________________________

2A GRADE This was one of those years when we were truly the best team in the competition. We all worked really hard and deserved our successes. To win the two-day competition is fantastic and the boys should be proud of themselves! I know I am. It all started with a dominant win over the Marist Eagles. Mitch and Smitty had an eighth wicket partnership of 121*, both getting 50’s, to set a good total for us. We won comfortably bowling them out, 150 shy of our total. Our first game at the home of cricket was next. Craig Stevens dispatched the Burnside bowlers round the park, as he does week-in-week-out. He got nervous in the 90’s and was stumped for 93. Then, thanks to an outstanding effort in the field with four run outs, we managed to bowl out last year’s one-day winners for 135, 107 behind our total. Our next game was played on a nice wee artificial, which was fun. Lancaster ParkWoolston Cricket Club tried to put on a good fight but only made 151, with Smitty making taking wickets look easy, grabbing a “fourfa”. Craig “I love scoring runs” Stevens got another 50 and won us the game. The first two-day game of the season was against Sydenham, when Shane McConnell took our first five-wicket bag - good work Shane. He later won us the game playing with a broken thumb, showing us how tough he is. Next we played Burnside on what I think must have been the coldest day of the summer. But that didn’t stop Moo’s Mousse and Willy Denno taking the Burnside batting line-up apart, with five wickets each. Our highest opening stand was scored on this day as well Karl and Richard played exceptionally well, making 85 and 75 respectively. It was no surprise to win this game as well. Our unbeaten run continued against Riccarton in a rain-affected game. While we didn’t bowl to our best, our batting was much better with the top order doing their job. Willy Dennett scored the winning runs, much to his delight. The next two games were going to be the toughest in the one-day competition, against Old Boys and St Albans. In the Old Boys game, our batting let us down, apart from a 50 from Chook McConnell. It was our fielding that won us the game, with a couple of run outs and sensational dot bowling. St Albans were next and we had our biggest win of the season. Crazy Cecil Stevens made 100 and with a bit of help from Tealo (73) we made 308. St Albans made 118, falling 190 shy. A poor effort. We rounded off the first half of the season with healthy wins over Riccarton, Park and Sydenham. There were two centurions in the Ricc’s two-day game, with Nick Johnston getting the highest individual club score of 134. Craig treated himself to another ton, the second in two weeks, scoring 108. Against Park, Steve Mckey really made a pig of himself

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 29 ________________________________________________________________________ with figures of 4 for 7. Wilbur grabbed 4 in the second dig against them. Sydenham were no match for us in the one-dayer. Tealo had a field day taking 4 for 16. Stevo won the match, scoring two-thirds of their runs. For me, the win over Marist in the two-dayer was the best win of season. We came into the second day needing 16 wickets and to set a total for them to chase. We did all that. Adam Young took six wickets for the match, bowling really well and Nicko (75*) batted with haste to allow us to make a game of it. It was a great win. Next we played away to St Albans. Mitch and I tried to resurrect our first innings and in the end we limped to 214. To sum it up, we played poorly and lost. We played Old Boys in the last round before the top four split. We were looking to put Old Boys under pressure with some quick runs scored from Gricey before stumps - I was feeling quietly proud of myself after that – but unfortunately the second day was rained off. The first game of the top four split was against Saints, which was looking to be a draw after the first day. The second day was rained off after about three hours of playing indoor bowls. I don’t really want to go into the next game too much, as it was the low of the season. The weather was awful and we played at about 50 percent, well under the standard set by the senior squad. It was St Albans’ day. I was much happier with the next game against L.P.W. We got first innings, thanks to Jase “I love to score 49” Riach. We bowled them out cheaply in the second dig thanks to a good all-round bowling effort. We needed 118 and made it three down. The last game of the season was a terrific win. We made 311 for 7 dec. with B.J. Barnett making 118 - well down son. Adam Young (70) had his first 50 and then Sharky knocked five of them over to help us make them follow on. We ended the season on a high winning by an innings and 4 runs! It was a really enjoyable season topped off by a cracker trip to Dunna’s. It was a fantastic weekend with good mates. Well done boys, and see ya next time. Gricey CAPTAIN

2A Grade Player of Season : WILLIAM DENNETT _________________________________________________________________________ Notable Milestone Scott Pawson This season, Scott passed 8,000 senior runs, (8068 runs at he end of this season, from the CCA website), a new ESCC club record. This passes the previous highest of 7,938 held by Peter Coman.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 30 ________________________________________________________________________

AVERAGES – 2 A GRADE BATTING: INN C. Stevens S. McConnell M. Teale N. Johnston B. Barnett M. Smit A. Young K. Shevde K. Smith M. Petheram R. Papps J. Riach N. Grice S. McKey A. Wells W. Dennett C. Grey ALSO BATTED: C. McDonald M. Ford O. Flattery J. Roberts J. Reeves L. McEwen J. Ogier


9 11 5 12 6 7 11 8 20 16 18 13 19 10 7 10 6

0 3 2 2 0 3 3 1 2 4 2 2 4 4 1 6 1

HS 108 72* 73* 134 118 53* 70 66 85 53* 75 49 60 30 24 12* 22

2 2 2 2 1 2 2

0 0 1 1 0 0 1

31 26 10* 9 5 3 1*

AGG 451 340 127 408 234 147 257 176 434 279 340 215 281 91 86 52 36

AVE 50.1 42.5 42.3 40.8 39.0 36.8 32.1 25.1 24.1 23.3 21.3 19.6 18.7 15.2 14.3 13.0 7.2

50s 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 -

32 30 14 9 5 3 1

16.0 15.0 14.0 9.0 5.0 1.5 1.0


CATCHES/ 100s STUMPINGS 2 7 3 1 1 11/8 1 3 4 3 4 9 10/1 6 3 6 4 3 5 3


2 3 2 1

BOWLING: S. McConnell K. Smith S. McKey M. Teale M. Vermuelen C. Stevens J. Riach W. Dennett M. Smit BOWLING ctd.

OVERS 79.0 10.5 183.3 54.1 50.0 33.0 13.0 242.0 94.1

MDNS 13 3 35 10 9 3 4 37 17

RUNS WKTS 199 21 32 3 483 42 163 14 138 10 98 7 29 2 708 45 299 19

AVE 9.5 10.7 11.5 11.6 13.8 14.0 14.5 15.7 15.7

R/OVER BEST 2.52 5/28 3.05 1/0 2.64 5/36 3.01 4/16 2.76 5/31 2.97 3/19 2.23 2/8 2.93 5/45 3.18 4/25

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 31 ________________________________________________________________________

J. Ogier A. Young M. Ford C. Grey N. Grice J. Roberts O. Flattery B. Barnett K. Shevde C. McDonald ALSO BOWLED: R. Papps A. Littlejohn L. McEwen

OVERS 28.0 126.0 19.0 50.0 24.0 49.0 27.0 13.0 11.0 16.0

MDNS 3 30 2 11 1 12 1 1 0 2

8.0 4.0 2.0

1 0 0

RUNS WKTS 99 6 383 22 74 4 144 7 116 4 147 5 98 3 42 1 62 1 71 1

38 33 17

4 0 0

AVE 16.5 17.4 18.5 20.6 29.0 29.4 32.7 42.0 62.0 71.0

R/OVER BEST 3.54 2/26 3.04 4/46 3.89 3/41 2.88 4/43 4.83 2/34 3.00 2/29 3.63 2/21 3.23 1/31 5.64 1/34 4.44 1/26

9.5 …. ….

4.75 8.25 8.50

4/28 -


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 32 ________________________________________________________________________ 2C GRADE BUDGIES This season the Budgies played in the newly named 2C Grade, which was in effect the old CCA 3rd Grade but included a couple of suburban teams, who were their clubs’ senior teams. The team did not quite climb to the heights of the Budgies team from the previous season but were still very successful, winning the oneday competition and finishing fourth in the two-day competition. In the two-day competition, we struggled to get going, losing our second game outright by an innings to Hornby, who then went through unbeaten and won the competition. A major factor for us was the weather which washed out one day in at least three of our games, meaning we weren’t able to push for outright wins. But, in our four completed games, we still managed outright wins over St Albans and Sydenham (in three hours), and a draw against Lancaster Park Woolston. The one-day competition was again largely affected by the weather but this time in our favour. The competition was split into two pools. We went through our pool unbeaten, with the highlight being the close win over Hornby who, earlier the season, had humiliated us in the two-day competition. We were due to play Addington in our semi-final but again it rained so, as top qualifiers, we went straight through to the final. We played St Albans in the final in a game that was lucky to be played due to the weather and managed a clinical five-wicket victory and a big night followed. There were some good performances throughout the season with Charlie Gray scoring two hundreds and Adam Wells and Karl Smith scoring one each. Owen Flattery, Craig McDonald and Jared Roberts all took five-wicket bags, with Jared turning his into ten for the match. Also of mention were the McEwen brothers, Leighton with bat and ball and Cameron with the bat and gloves. And Craig McDonald who was often my go-to-guy and was rewarded with the players’ player award. Again, thanks to Nev for all his time spent down at the nets with the boys and Bill for organising teams week after week. Nick Bates CAPTAIN

2C Grade Budgies Player of Season : CRAIG MCDONALD _________________________________________________________________________

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 33 ________________________________________________________________________


C. Grey A. Howison M. Friedwald J. Riach G. Beatson A. Wells C. Clayton L. McEwen C. McEwen C. McDonald D. Mabey A. Littlejohn N. Bates O. Flattery J. Ogier K. Shevde J. Roberts ALSO BATTED: K. Smith M. Ford D. Goldstone K. Josephs R. Yalamanchali C. Batchelor G. Campbell M. Chakari P. Broom M. Mckinnell M. Petheram







5 3 3 6 5 5 4 12 8 9 5 9 10 7 4 7 6

2 2 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 2 0 0

116* 37 81* 57* 87* 109* 50* 93 51 57 19* 51 39 23 12 25 10

233 66 129 181 237 186 102 392 210 236 45 155 114 85 20 50 28

77.7 66.0 64.5 60.3 59.3 46.5 34.0 32.7 30.0 26.2 22.5 19.4 12.7 12.1 10.0 7.1 4.7

1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 -

2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

121 35 19 16 8* 8 6 9 2 2 9*

121 35 19 16 10 8 6 9 2 4 9

60.5 35.0 19.0 16.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.5 2.0 2.0 ….


100s CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 8/2 1 2 1 2

1 -

1 -

BOWLING: P. Broom C. McDonald O. Flattery J. Roberts

OVERS 19 73 83.3 78.1

MDNS 7 17 12 8

RUNS 54 236 294 325

WKTS 5 20 24 25

AVE R/OVER 10.8 2.84 11.8 3.23 12.3 3.53 13.0 4.16

BEST 4/42 5/35 7/38 7/20

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 34 ________________________________________________________________________ BOWLING ctd. L. McEwen A. Littlejohn C. Grey J. Ogier A. Howison D. Mabey M. Chakari ALSO BOWLED: R. Yalamanchali T. HamptonMatahe K. Shevde J. Riach M. Ford D. Goldstone C. Batchelor G. Campbell C. Clayton C. Dunnell

OVERS 70 47 29 32.2 38.4 20 12

MDNS 10 8 3 6 7 1 3

RUNS 249 189 124 171 156 83 51

WKTS 18 11 6 8 7 3 1

AVE R/OVER 13.8 3.56 17.2 4.02 20.7 4.28 21.4 5.31 22.3 4.06 27.7 4.15 51.0 4.25

BEST 4/32 4/31 3/26 3/75 3/48 1/13 1/24








7 6.2 3 8 6 7 3 2 6

2 2 1 2

41 23 27 29 47 44 26 21 18

3 1 1 1 1 -

13.7 23.0 27.0 29.0 47.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5.86 3.71 9.00 3.63 7.83 6.29 8.67 10.50 3.00

3/41 1/8 1/27 1/29 1/47 0/44 0/26 0/21 0/18


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 35 ________________________________________________________________________

2C GRADE COLTS What could have been, wasn’t - for a variety of reasons. The main one was a lack of committed players which was made worse by the need to promote players as ‘fill-ins’ for other sides when their players were selected for representative teams. We used 38 players during the season, ranging from schoolboy cricketers to non-playing ‘friends’, to ensure that the team ‘fronted’ each week. On long weekends we really struggled and on one occasion had to ‘default’ a two-day game. Nevertheless, on the plus side, we were fortunate to have a loyal group who made themselves available each week. The expected arrival of ‘school leavers’ did not eventuate, and the few that arrived prexmas did not play once university got underway. Practices were not well attended and, in fact, were quite disappointing, especially considering the club offered quality group coaching plus ‘one-on-one’ coaching for those with specific technique problems. Overall, the team performance was only fair, managing just a couple of first innings wins. Nevertheless, there were some rather outstanding individual performances, namely Chris Clayton scoring a century in both innings against St Albans and Dylan Goldstone scoring a century in the same game and featuring in an opening partnership of over 200. Batting, in most of the games, was a disappointment in as much as the team used the 50 overs available on one occasion only. In the other games, batting for even 40 overs was a challenge. Consequently, the opposition easily achieved the first innings targets and then usually proceeded to build a considerable first-innings lead. Our second-innings, in most cases, totaled less than the first, leaving the opposition chasing a small target to get the outright win. Our batsmen had reasonable technique but, in general, did not have the patience to survive or bat “time”. Perhaps a little more time in the practice nets would have helped. The bowlers showed heart and determination but lacked the consistency to bowl in the channel and keep the ball up. Perhaps some tried too hard and, as a result, lost rhythm, while others tried to bowl too many “wicket” balls and lost consistency. All lacked the experience to know how to cope with being hit, either by altered field placings or changing the pace and/or flight of the ball. Notwithstanding my comments above, I believe there are some good players in the group who, with regular coaching, could improve their performance level in both batting and bowling. Bill Duncan COACH & SELECTOR

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 36 ________________________________________________________________________








M. Friedwald C. Clayton H. Teale D. Goldstone K. Josephs T. Burrowes B. Harrison K. Branson R. Yalamanchali T. Carmichael C. McEwen J. Roberts C. Ellison A. Howison M. Vanner A. Khan N. Yalamanchali R. Goldstone N. Nunan J. Webb B. Falconer

8 10 5 16 6 5 3 4 12 7 3 3 6 5 3 8 14 3 5 5 3

1 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 3

76 120* 45 120 42 48 23 22 27 41 20* 22* 27 16 11 27 20 12* 14 6 1*

299 296 144 460 113 100 40 56 150 109 27 26 77 41 20 61 72 12 29 6 2

42.7 37.0 36.0 28.8 22.6 20.0 20.0 18.7 16.7 15.6 13.5 13.0 12.8 10.3 10.0 8.7 6.6 6.0 5.8 1.2 ….

4 3 -

2 1 -

CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 1 0/1 1 1 1 -

ALSO BATTED: J. Sullivan J. Johnston J. Grice G. Beatson A. Wells J. Duncan L. McEwen N. Chilton A. Maloney C. Davis K. Jones A. Gilbride T. Gilchrist C. Grey T. Waru

1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

63 38 33 25 17 10 10 15 11 2 1 1 0 0 0

63 38 38 36 17 10 10 15 11 2 1 1 0 0 0

63.0 38.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 5.5 2.0 1.0 0.5 …. …. ….

1 -


1 -

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 37 ________________________________________________________________________ BOWLING: J. Roberts K. Branson A. Khan T. Carmichael J. Grice T. Waru C. Clayton N. Yalamanchali A. Howison B. Harrison C. Ellison K. Jones R. Yalamanchali H. Teale D. Goldstone ALSO BOWLED: N. Chilton J. Johnston N. Nunan J. Duncan B. Falconer M. Friedwald C. Grey K. Josephs D. Mabey J. Webb A. Wells

OVERS 32.0 30.0 44.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 32.0 80.0 26.1 18.0 36.4 10.0 57.0 13.1 40.0

MDNS 11 5 3 1 3 2 3 9 2 0 4 0 2 1 1

RUNS 87 135 216 79 54 56 143 395 148 118 186 69 346 79 276

WKTS 9 7 9 3 2 2 4 10 3 2 3 1 5 1 1

7 8.4 4 2 7 2 2 2 6 6 2

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

30 43 47 16 33 13 7 16 32 23 13

2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AVE R/OVER 9.7 2.72 19.3 4.50 24.0 4.91 26.3 6.08 27.0 4.15 28.0 4.67 35.8 4.47 39.5 4.94 49.3 5.67 59.0 6.56 62.0 5.11 69.0 6.90 69.2 6.07 79.0 6.03 276.0 6.90

BEST 5/43 5/16 4/34 3/56 2/19 2/56 2/42 2/27 1/14 2/73 1/10 1/69 2/25 1/47 1/29

15.0 4.29 43.0 5.12 47.0 11.75 …. 8.00 …. 4.71 …. 6.50 …. 3.50 …. 8.00 …. 5.33 …. 3.83 …. 6.50

2/30 1/43 1/47 0/16 0/33 0/13 0/7 0/6 0/32 0/23 0/13

2C Grade Colts Player of Season : DYLAN GOLDSTONE

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 38 ________________________________________________________________________ 3A GRADE (HOOTERS) The 2007/08 season marks the Hooters’ tenth season with the club and with it came the departure of our foundation captain, Mike Freeman. Mike ventured first to Auckland and then finally to Melbourne in search of wealth and happiness and, despite not being able to get a decent beer or have a grass lawn, he seems to be enjoying life on the other side of the ditch. Mike’s departure and the semi-retirement of another Original Hooter, Shane Forster, left me as the only full time Original in the team and, therefore, captain by default. My first game got off to a good start by correctly calling the toss and fielding against Merivale Pap. Set 152 to win, we cantered home to win by 7 wickets. A good start to the season and I had high hopes of more successes to come. Unfortunately, this was not to be the case. The following week, our game against eventual wooden-spooners Riccarton was rained out and in the following weeks, despite my continued good tossing form, we had losses to Halswell Yabbage and to Heathcote, in a last-over thriller. About the only highlight to come from these games was Rob “Dipper” Leys scoring his maiden ton in the game against Heathcote, batting almost the entire innings for 106 before running himself out in the last over. We got our season back on track the following weekend with an unconvincing 60 run win against cellar-dwellers Sydenham, thanks to 99 from Gareth “Chicken” Sanders and some tight bowling from the boys. Another weekend off for rain signalled the start of a run of three successive losses, not helped by our inability to field a full team on any of those occasions, including only having seven players for the game against Sumner. Despite this, Charles “Chucky” Grey scored his maiden Hooters ton against Sumner and Dipper set a new Hooters’ record by batting the entire 40 over innings against OBC Tan for 68 not out. This narrowly beat the mark set by Jim “Herps” Harrop for the slowest run scoring ever seen on the cricket field. But at least he scored them. Again, we managed to pull our season out of the mire with one of our best winning sequences in recent years. We won four on the trot, including getting revenge against Yabbage, before we were undone by a minefield of a pitch (and I only call it a pitch because it had stumps at either end – it bore no other resemblance) against Heathcote, the only team to do the double on us this season. Of note were Murray Seaton’s maiden Hooters 50 to guide the team home against Yabbage and Tim Williams’ back-to-back, hard-hitting 40’s. Our win against Sydenham in the next round signalled the last game when we would field a full team. Despite this, we still managed to record two wins, two losses (including giving eventual champions St Albans a good run) and had two games rained off. The top order of Chicken, Dipper and Muz continued to score steadily with another four half centuries between them in four games, while the bowlers toiled away and did their job admirably. We finally ended the season fifth out of the twelve teams in the competition, and were only a couple of wins shy of outright second. Again it was a season where, looking back, we will

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 39 ________________________________________________________________________ rue the missed chances, brain explosions, dummy spits, dropped catches and last-over results that didn’t go our way. But there were a lot of positives to take out of the season too: the performance of the top order with Dipper, Chicken and Muz all making a solid contribution; the bowling attack performed well and, though no one individual stood out, Darren Green, Chicken, Dipper, Phil Roberts and Simon “Frank” Ashdowne all chipped in with wickets and tight spells when required. Congratulations to our player of the season, Rob “Dipper” Leys, who topped the run scoring tables with a batting style more akin to Mark “Rigor” Richardson than Brendon McCullum, topped the wicket taking table and took two stunning catches at gully, where he achieved more hang time than Jordan and had a greater impact on the earth than global warming. A true all-rounder. Finally, I’d like to thank the team for turning up (mostly on time, usually fit and healthy and sometimes wearing women’s underwear), giving their all and making this a thoroughly enjoyable season. I look forward to more of the same next year. Jeremy Jennings CAPTAIN

3A Grade Player of Season : ROBERT ‘DIPPER’ LEYS _________________________________________________________________________ AVERAGES – 3A GRADE BATTING:

C. Grey R. Leys M. Seaton G. Sanders P. Roberts J. Jennings T. Williams S. Ashdowne D. Green S. Forster D. Nicol ALSO BATTED: B. Harkerss R. Papps A. Seaton BATTING ctd.








6 16 16 14 7 12 13 7 11 8 15

1 2 3 0 5 2 2 4 4 3 1

112 106 61 99 16* 41 47 12* 20 5 19

267 478 407 377 42 189 169 36 61 28 78

53.4 34.1 31.3 26.9 21.0 18.9 15.4 12.0 8.7 5.6 5.6

3 2 2 -

1 1 -

CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 4 4 6 2 3 10 6 5 1 4

2 1 2

0 0 0

34 24 21

50 24 27

25.0 24.0 13.5



1 -

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 40 ________________________________________________________________________

Tom C. MacDonald C. Donnell H. Morrow Jay Brandon Mike Tim and Tim B. Shatford Nigel M. Freeman









1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 12 10 8 5 4 3 3 2 1 0

10 17 14 12 5 4 3 3 3 2 0

10.0 8.5 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 0.0



1 6 1 1 1 -

BOWLING: C. MacDonald D. Green J. Jennings G. Sanders B. Harkerss P. Roberts S. Ashdowne R. Leys S. Forster C. Grey C. Donnell ALSO BOWLED: R. Papps H. Morrow M. Seaton T. Williams

OVERS 21.4 42.5 60.8 86.8 14.0 92.0 50.2 124.5 12.0 10.0 16.0

MDNS 6 9 9 13 1 14 3 28 2 1 2

RUNS 37 173 249 355 77 349 212 459 36 50 65

WKTS 7 13 15 19 4 17 10 21 1 1 0

5.0 9.0 4.0 1.3

1 0 0 0

17 44 36 21

1 2 0 0

AVE R/OVER 5.3 1.73 13.3 4.07 16.6 4.09 18.7 4.09 19.3 5.50 20.5 3.79 21.2 4.23 21.9 3.69 36.0 3.00 50.0 5.00 …. 4.06

17.0 22.0 …. ….

3.40 4.89 9.00 15.75

BEST 4/18 3/33 3/26 3/42 3/45 3/27 3/28 3/18 0/21 1/6 0/21

1/17 2/36 0/18 0/21

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 41 ________________________________________________________________________

PRESIDENTS BLUE Unbowed and battling on, best describes how we went about our season. With the loss of several players from last season, and others not playing so regularly, our season was a modest one in terms of on-the-field results. A more successful role was probably played through the team being able to give a variety of people within the club (and those connected with the team) games of cricket where needed. The 2007/2008 season did see several new team records of a varying nature being set. These included: fielding the most players (37, up one from last season); recording the fewest number of wins (just one, but it could have been worse!); and the most father-son pairings (four), although only in the one game did more than one pairing play together. Despite the season’s lean pickings, there were some performances of note. Skipper David Hearn took the only five-wicket bag (and the only four-wicket bag for that matter), and was easily the leading wicket-taker (so he knew when to bowl himself!). Mark Young managed three 50’s with the bat when he was available, and was also the most economical of the regular bowlers. Although also not playing as many games as in recent seasons, Dave Fleming contributed to the team well with bat and ball. Mark and Dave were comfortably the leading run scorers for the team. Others to feature were Tony Gray (with a 50), who, along with newcomer Colin Viegas, saved his best score for the last game, and Tony Blackler, who made the most of his batting opportunities. Paul Cottam managed to carry his bat on one occasion, and Nicky Cottam played positively in his several appearances. With the ball, John Kerrison turned in some tidy spells. Returning from last season, semiregular appearances were also made by Dave Roberts, Allan Rowland, Carl Fleming, and Bryce Young. Club evergreens, John Grocott and Roger Parlane, turned out for a few games, while our other veteran, Trevor Hayes, achieved a fine milestone in clocking up 10,000 runs for the club. Meanwhile, it was a club youngster in the form of thirteen year old Jeremy Duncan who caught the eye with a well-made 50 during his game for us at Burwood. Our solitary win was, however, a memorable game played in fierce nor’west heat. Batting first, Burnside were 76/2 at the virtually mandatory twenty over drinks break. The pitch had started to come into play with some, at times, significant bounce just short of a length at both ends. After the break, Easts employed John Kerrison and Dave Hearn to great effect, Dave having already started with a wicket from his first ball. With both bowlers exploiting the bounce, several at-the-wicket dismissals ensued in very quick time to have Burnside collapsing to 82/7. John finished with 2/14 off his eight overs, the first two being wicket maidens, with the batsmen unable to catch up with his deliveries. Dave had the figures of the match, taking a five wicket bag to finish with 5/25 off eight overs. The good work was almost undone, as the last four overs conceded 39 runs as the remaining Burnside batsmen hit out, with the bowling and fielding wilting in the heat. Colin Viegas was nevertheless able to finish with a tidy 1/18 off seven overs. The final target (155) was kept to under four runs per over, which looked to be in reach.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 42 ________________________________________________________________________

Easts’ openers, Mark Young and Dave Fleming, put on 44 relatively untroubled runs in the first fourteen overs before Mark holed-out to deepish mid-off. Dave Roberts looked to score quickly before falling just before the drinks break to have Easts 71/2. Two quick wickets fell soon after the resumption, including Dave Fleming who was beginning to look set. At 78/4, the game was heading to the crossroads again. A vital, steadying 37 run partnership between Dave Hearn and a supportive Allan Rowland meant Easts had wickets remaining for the last stanza. 48 were needed off the last ten overs with six wickets in hand. Subsequent batsmen were able to come in and play freely, with another key stand of 24 runs between Dave Hearn and Nicky Cottam taking Easts to 140/7 with three overs remaining. Tony Gray looked to end things quickly before being caught out in the deep, with four then needed off the last over and two wickets left. With the batsmen crossing, new batsman Trevor Hayes then took strike with the aid of a runner, having aggravated his achilles while fielding. After a dot ball, then a two off the second and another dot ball from the third, Trevor pulled the fourth one away to end the match. Dave Hearn completed a fine double to finish 48 not out. During 2007/2008 we did our best to put players and teams on the field so that everyone could participate in a game of cricket. In particular, we were of some value in giving young players from higher grades a game if, for some reason, they were not playing. And of course, thanks to them (and Bill Duncan) for helping us to put a team on the park. With many from previous seasons not playing regularly, it was realistic to expect the side to be something of a “melting pot” and this was accepted in good spirit. Thanks to all those who turned out for us this season, and see you all again soon. Paul Cottam TEAM ORGANISER

Presidents Blue Player of Season: DAVID HEARN ________________________________________________________________________

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 43 ________________________________________________________________________

AVERAGES – PRESIDENTS BLUE BATTING: M. Young T. Gray D. Fleming T. Blackler P. Cottam N. Cottam C. Fleming T. Hayes D. Roberts D. Hearn C. Viegas S. White A. Rowland J. Kerrison B. Young R. Parlane ALSO BATTED: J. Duncan K. Shevde A Laurent M Petheram G Murphy N Grice C Rowland W Muncaster T Brittenden T Burrowes C Stenton A Hearn J Sullivan N Harris S Simatos T Carmichael J Grocott





AVE 50s

11 8 10 3 13 5 4 9 7 15 11 4 8 7 4 4

0 2 0 1 4 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 5 4 0 0

56 50* 47 16 45* 41 20 18* 41 45* 30 25 14 12* 15 7

271 143 227 39 168 90 34 60 99 152 97 34 24 18 21 10

24.6 23.8 22.7 19.5 18.7 18.0 17.0 15.0 14.1 11.7 8.8 8.5 8.0 6.0 5.3 2.5

3 1 -

2 5 11/1 2 1 3 3 2 1 -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

50 29 28 25 21 19 10 9 8 6 5 4 1 0 0 0 5*

50 29 28 25 21 19 10 9 8 6 5 4 1 0 0 0 7

50.0 29.0 28.0 25.0 21.0 19.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ….


1 1 1 1 -


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 44 ________________________________________________________________________

BOWLING: D Hearn J Kerrison C Viegas D Fleming T Gray M Young N Cottam T Blackler R Parlane ALSO BOWLED: J Sullivan B Young T Carmichael A Laurent A Shevde A Hearn N Grice C Fleming N Harris A Russell L McIlrath S White N Webb D Roberts G Murphy A Rowland

OVERS 59.0 39.1 49.0 51.1 66.0 51.0 14.0 48.0 24.3

MDNS 4 3 6 3 9 3 1 6 3

RUNS 283 173 219 247 334 214 94 220 129

WKTS 16 7 8 8 9 4 1 2 0

6.0 4.0 2.0 8.0 5.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 0.3 2.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 0.1

0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

33 25 3 21 23 22 49 51 14 29 6 19 21 78 15 4

3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AVE R/OVER 17.7 4.80 24.7 4.40 27.4 4.47 30.9 4.80 37.1 5.06 53.5 4.20 94.0 6.71 110.0 4.58 …. 5.30

11.0 12.5 …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. …. ….

5.50 6.25 1.50 2.63 4.60 5.50 6.13 6.38 7.00 7.25 9.00 9.50 10.50 13.00 15.00 24.00

Notable Milestone Trevor (TG) Hayes Trevor first played for the club back in the 1957-58 season, so this year marked his 50th season. In this time, he has chalked up 650 innings and it was only fitting that this year he also brought his career aggregate with the club to over 10,000. A fantastic record. There are rumours that Trevor may have played his last innings – but who knows? Congratulations TG!

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 45 ________________________________________________________________________

2002/0 3

2003/0 4


2007/0 8

2004/0 5

2005/0 6

PRESIDENTS GOLD At the start of the season, if you’d suggested we would win the competition again and only lose one game in doing so, I would not have taken the bet - especially when, after one hour into the new season, we found ourselves 56/7! But this game showed us we had match winners right through the squad, with Daly (94no) and Morel (47) getting the runs batting at 8 and 9. It was a year in which everyone helped out in one form of the game or the other. As usual, The Donn recruited well in the off-season, with BA Murray a stand-out signing. I told the team he can “bat and bowl very well” and was an “excellent fielder” - the fact he dropped the first four catches to come his way was just a bit of bad luck! ( But even this served a purpose, as it introduced BA to The Donn's fine book.) We had some very tough games but the only loss was to LPW by 8 runs. For me, this game was the highlight of the season, as we just about got out of an impossible situation. We took the loss on the chin and enjoyed a great after match with them. Thanks to Donn for getting a full team every week and to the whole squad for making the after match with the refreshments very enjoyable. Arfur Daly CAPTAIN ______________________________________________________________ Further observations from Manager Donn Leckie. Another highly successful season for Presidents Gold, culminating in our sixth successive Grade win. This was achieved when the third last game of the season, against Riccarton, was rained off, leaving us in an unassailable position.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 46 ________________________________________________________________________ In my view, winning the Grade was a fair indication of the team’s dominance. Arfur’s toss-winning-ratio improved markedly this year, and at one stage he won six in a row. We fielded first in twelve of the seventeen games played, for sixteen wins and one loss, which was to second-placed LPW in the closest match of the season. More often than not we were chasing modest totals and had the batting strength to get there with relative ease. In the key LPW game, they put out a very strong team that day, standing down several of their regulars, and relieved us of the Frampton Shield by eight runs, only to lose it a couple of weeks later to BWU, one of the weaker teams in the grade. It was good to see the shield moving around. Skipper Arfur Daly had a dominant season with the ball, taking 33 wickets at 10.3, including two 5-wicket bags with a best of 6 for 8 off 7. He also produced the batting average of the year (187!), courtesy of batting down the order and having five not out scores to go with one duck. He came the closest to getting a century with 94no in that opening match. Another notable performer was BA Murray who, in his debut season with us, top scored with 406 runs at 58. BA hit four half centuries and featured in the top partnership of the year of 167* with Bryce Nicholson against OBC Gold at Elmwood. Strong performances were recorded by Niven "Midget" Boyle, having his best season for a year or two, with 380 runs at 47.5. Bryce Nicholson batted well until he retired to have his finger amputated and then to coach the girls’ third grade team, and Duncan O'Keefe, who played the most games, had the batting yips to start, accumulating four ducks, but came right eventually. He had a useful all-rounder’s performance. Davey "Teapot" Neill toiled hard opening the bowling and ended with 19 wickets, finally getting his first "five/for" (5/17) against Sumner at Barnett Park. He also opened the batting once, accruing 45no. His opening bowling partner, Tim Grocott, was less successful, but they proved a valuable combination. Arfur and H bore the brunt of the rest of the bowling, along with Duncan and Justin. Losing wicketkeeper Steve "Claw" Sharman after three games with a broken finger injury similar to Bryce’s, meant that until his return late in the season we had to use a number of "volunteers" to keep wickets. Robbo was the regular substitute, but Niven and BA both had times behind the stumps, all with varying degrees of success. Claw also became substitute manager while Lecko was on holiday for all of January and it was quite clear that he does not relish the role, judging by the tone of the results messages he sent out. From a selection standpoint, we used more non-regular fill in players this year than any other season, with ten being called into the team at different times. This included senior women’s player Anna Wilkins who got the call up against ES Blue at Burwood 2, and batted well for 24no. Another memorable performance came from visitor Johnny Salkeld who, in the last over of our innings against OBC Blue at Elmwood, shattered a young bowler’s figures by plundering 28 off the over to give us a match-winning margin. All but five games had someone from outside the regular squad playing.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 47 ________________________________________________________________________ The season finished with a ‘mix'n'match’ game with the ES Blues after they had defaulted. Teams were selected from all available players plus a few invited former players including Bob Schumacher and Kevin Aldersley, whose daughter Gina also ended up playing. The game was a 30 over match with all players bowling three overs each. We had a catered lunch between innings and a few beers after. The scorebook shows that A Gray's XI beat D Leckie's XI by a few runs in a lighthearted game. All in all, another very consistent season from a happy bunch of guys who are a pleasure to be involved with - other than having to extract subs and fines from them, when the normal on-field sledging gets directed my way. Most unjustifiably, I reckon! This season also saw the probable retirement of another team stalwart, Jeff Cope, with a crook knee. Jeff has played for a variety of teams since beginning with the club in the late '60's. Thanks Jeff for your long and diligent service to the team and the club over the years. Donn Leckie MANAGER PRESIDENTS GOLD

Presidents Gold Player of Season: STEPHEN DALY _________________________________________________________________________

Proud sponsors of a champion club.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 48 ________________________________________________________________________

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 49 ________________________________________________________________________ AVERAGES - PRESIDENTS GOLD BATTING:

S. Daly B. Nicholson B. Murray J. Salkeld N. Boyle D. Neill S. Barry A. Albertson J. Robson B. Neilson D. O'Keefe H. Morel G. Robson ALSO BATTED: J.M. Cope S. Anngow J. Cope T. Grocott A. Laurent T. Music A. Wilkins S. Sharman C. Morel C. Morel J. Reid

INN 6 7 10 3 13 4 11 5 10 9 13 5 4

NO 5 4 3 2 5 2 3 0 3 1 0 0 0

HS 94* 76* 82* 30* 67* 45* 49 42 40 23 66 47 8

AGG 187 194 406 51 380 62 241 132 159 133 212 70 17

2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 -

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 -

16 14 10 8 1 1 24* 0* -

16 14 10 8 1 1 24 0 -

AVE 50s 187.0 1 64.7 1 58.0 4 51.0 47.5 3 31.0 30.1 26.4 22.7 16.6 16.3 2 14.0 4.3 -

16.0 14.0 10.0 8.0 1.0 0.5 …. …. -


CATCHES/ STUMPINGS 5 4 7 1 3 4 8/2 3 2 4 1

1 1 1 2 1 1

BOWLING S. Daly H. Morel D. Neill B. Murray J. Cope A. Laurent D. O'Keefe T. Grocott J. Salkeld N. Boyle J.M. Cope

OVERS 91.0 74.0 89.0 42.3 15.3 12.0 66.0 69.0 27.0 19.0 59.0

MDNS RUNS 14 341 18 189 20 266 6 152 1 79 1 41 6 273 12 260 7 96 1 76 7 233

WKTS 33 14 19 10 4 2 13 11 4 3 6

AVE R/OVER 10.3 3.70 13.5 2.60 14.0 3.00 15.2 3.60 19.8 5.20 20.5 3.40 21.0 4.10 23.6 3.80 24.0 3.60 25.3 4.00 38.8 3.90

BEST 6/8 3/7 5/17 2/1 3/22 1/17 4/23 4/25 2/50 3/18 2/38

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 50 ________________________________________________________________________ BOWLING ctd. OVERS ALSO BOWLED: T. Doake J. Reid C. Morel A. Albertson T. Music J. O'Keefe J. Robson


4.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

2 0 3 0 0 1 0


6 21 12 21 18 44 55

1 3 1 0 0 0 0



6.0 7.0 12.0 …. …. …. ….

1.50 5.30 2.40 10.50 4.50 7.30 6.90


1/6 3/21 1/12 0/21 0/18 0/44 0/9

_________________________________________________________________________ CCA ADVISORY GROUPS The club is well represented on the four CCA advisory groups that have been set up to provide advice and guidance on matters affecting Christchurch club cricket. If any club member has questions or concerns about club cricket, the relevant advisory group member will be keen to hear from you. Congratulations to the following on their appointments. Club Cricket Advisory Group


Howard Morel

Women’s Cricket Advisory Group


Tracy O’Neill

Youth Cricket Advisory Group


Dave Teale

Grounds Advisory Group


Dave Searle


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 51 ________________________________________________________________________


Women’s Representative Honours 2007-08 White Ferns

Sara McGlashan

Central Hinds

Sara McGlashan

Canterbury Magicians

Krista Neilson

Northern Spirit

Kate Pulford Anna Wilkins

Canterbury Leigh Martin Development Team

Canterbury U17

Kiriana Brown

Christchurch Metro U17

Canterbury U15

Jacinta Savage

Christchurch Metro U15

Lucy Nicholson Jacinta Savage Heather Webb

Canty Country U17

Gina Aldersley Grace Grocott Sophie Laurent Olivia Taylor Kiriana Brown Sandy Clark Lucy Gunn Sarah Johnson Hannah Malloch

Canty Country U15 Hannah Malloch Lucy Gunn

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 52 ________________________________________________________________________

PREMIER GRADE The 2007/08 season would have to go down as one of the better ones, at least as far as results go. We welcomed White Fern Sara McGlashan back to the club after a few seasons away and, once again, have to thank the Committee for the fact she was allowed to rejoin the club, as we again struck a hurdle with the re-worded CCA out-of-town player rule. We managed to get through the first three rounds with one win, which was very much a bonus given that we had almost half our team unavailable due to injuries, indoor cricket or other things and the opposition sides were close to full strength. Things began to click as we hit Round 4. The batters scored runs and the bowlers backed it up and we posted some good wins against some strong opposition. We did enough to qualify in second place for the one-day final which was played at Hagley Oval on January 12th. With an extended domestic program and two home international series for the White Ferns, the club competition was the most condensed it has been in some time. The final was played in pristine conditions and after winning the toss and batting we were on track to post 300+, which would have been par. Sadly, we lost our way a little in the latter stages of the innings and our score of 261, including a century from the captain, was not quite enough and Lancaster Park Woolston knocked it off comfortably. It was disappointing not to claim the club’s first silverware of the season, but the competition had a lot of highlights including Kim’s 7 for 35 and centuries to Krista and Tessa in roundrobin play. A double round of Super 8s was played (8 aside, 20 overs) while the State League was on and while we ended up winning this competition, the value was questionable. Still – Jess proved to be somewhat of a Super 8 super star, and saw us home many times. The season closed out with two rounds and a final of Twenty20. We struggled for availability again and this cost us any chance of making the final. On the final day of the season, however, we found form and beat Saints in our first match, chasing down 114. In the 3rd/4th place play-off, we finished on a real high, chasing 190 with the captain belting nine sixes on her way to 103 in just over 12 overs. Kate P found this type of cricket to her liking, picking up a 74 and being our main strike weapon with the ball. All up, a good season results-wise but one in which we again struggled to put a team on the park each week - and let’s not mention training! On the positive side, it was great to see Kiriana and Leigh join the premier women’s ranks full time and both have plenty to offer in the future. Unfortunately, their involvement, like Amy Rendel’s, was limited by injury and/or surgery and we hope all three make full recoveries for next season.

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 53 ________________________________________________________________________

Kim, Tracey, and Kate P were often brilliant with the ball and Krista had another solid season with the bat. Kate L and Maree gave us a strong spin bowling combination and although Sara’s involvement was limited due to domestic and international commitments, she was at her destructive best in the one-day competition. I also want to mention Kayla whose fielding, attitude and dedication was always brilliant. I would like to say a sincere and grateful thank you to Megan Harkerss and the first reserve team who always stepped up to fill places in our side, despite “filling in” sometimes meaning “we have 5 and can you please provide 6”. Thank you Megan, for magically finding people out of nowhere - and thanks also to Grace and Tracey who coped with the spill-over effects down in third grade. And on the subject of third grade – there are some very good players in that side who will be good enough for premier cricket in the very near future, if not already. Finally, a mention to those who achieved representative selection: Krista played her debut season for the Canterbury Magicians and Leigh was selected in the Canterbury Women’s Development team. The usual suspects again turned out for those other provinces, Sara for the State Central Hinds and Anna and Kate P for the State Northern Spirit. Cheers to Garfield, Nev and Bill for their input and support and thank you to the management of the club – the likes of Harry, Jeff, Howard and Peter. While they are names which many of the girls don’t know, they put a lot of time, effort, and funding (plus worry and stress) into the women’s section and we appreciate what they do. Anna Wilkins CAPTAIN

Senior Women Player of Season : SARA MCGLASHAN _____________________________________________________________ AVERAGES - PREMIER WOMEN BATTING: K. Brown J. Little A. Wilkins S. McGlashan T. Hickson K. Legg K. Pulford K. Neilson

INN 7 10 16 9 5 5 14 13

NO 4 4 1 1 0 3 1 0


109 107


AGG 147 270 634 324 201 60 375 368

AVE 50'S 49.0 1 45.0 42.3 3 40.5 3 40.2 30.0 28.8 2 28.3 1

100'S 2 1 1

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 54 ________________________________________________________________________ L. Martin BATTING ctd. M. Hannay K. Minogue A. Rendel S. Clark K. Murray T. O'Neill W. Fuller ALSO BATTED: R. Kelly T. Fritchley O. Taylor H. Malloch L. Nicholson J. Ullyett C. Wilson G. Aldersley M. Harkerss F. Shanhun J. Savage



INN 12 12 6 3 5 9 5

NO 4 3 1 0 1 3 1

2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2

136 HS

AGG 170 113 58 16 20 30 13

17 4 3 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 3



AVE 50'S 21.3 12.6 11.6 5.3 5.0 5.0 3.3 -

8.5 4.0 3.0 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ….


100'S -


BOWLING: T. Hickson K. Pulford M. Hannay A. Wilkins K. Brown K. Minogue J. Little K. Legg T. O'Neill O. Taylor W. Fuller ALSO BOWLED: H. Malloch S. Clark K. Murray S. Johnson C. Wilson J. Savage

OVERS MDNS 23.0 77.0 82.0 26.0 21.0 81.1 61.0 45.4 94.0 12.0 26.2

5.0 7.0 9.0 2.0 3.0 5.0

RUNS WKTS 75 4 376 19 395 19 132 6 134 6 381 17 388 12 235 6 533 13 101 2 173 1

16 44 103 18 27 49

2 2 1 0 0 0

AVE R/OVER 18.8 3.30 19.8 4.90 20.8 4.80 22.0 5.10 22.3 6.40 22.4 4.70 32.3 6.30 39.2 5.10 41.0 5.70 50.5 8.40 173.0 6.60

8.0 22.0 103.0 …. …. ….

3.20 6.30 11.40 9.00 9.00 9.80

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 55 ________________________________________________________________________

FIRST GRADE We started the season with a hiss and a roar. A close loss to Old Colls Gold was followed by two wins, against Saints and Old Colls Blue. However, the wheels then fell off a bit, with our top players having regular Premier’s duty, while other clubs' teams seemed to be at full strength all the time - including the elusive luxury of having eleven players! This affected our team's self-belief and it reflected in the application on the field. There was only one more win, and that was against Saints. Overall, we played twelve games, winning just the three, and we finished last in the seven team competition. All games were 40 over one-day matches. The highlight of the season would have to be the seven run win against Old Colls Blue. Against them, we ran up 220/4, which was our highest score of the year, and included a 123 not out from Leigh Martin. This score should have been ample, but Old Colls got away to a flyer. Their first partnership was broken only by a batsman retiring hurt. Although runs kept coming, wickets started to fall as well, and Christine Wilson (6-0-36-3) cleaned up the tail in a close see-sawing finish. There were some very good individual highlights: Sarah (Moppy) Johnson who scored 71 against LPW; Gina Aldersley, better known for her in-swingers (with best bowling of 6-022-3) showed some aptitude with the bat, with an 11 not out against Old Colls Gold and a 9 opening against Saints; Sophie Laurent who left her best out-swinging to the last game against Old Colls Blue with the good figures of 4-2-13-2; and Lucy Gunn from the third grade, who had a good game against Saints with both the bat (8 not out) and, especially, the ball (8-0-32-4). Sandy Clark joined the team after Christmas, having played the first half of the season in the third grade. She immediately scored 60, against Old Colls, and later bowled 8-1-31-3 against Saints (including two caught and bowled). Sandy also showed the value of wearing a helmet when you get a sharp top edge - the cut and resulting trip to hospital left us wondering what the injury might have been without a helmet! Take note, everyone! Deserving of special mention is Player of the Year and captain Megan Harkerss. Megan led by example, especially with her spin-bowling. Her bowling was the most consistent, taking the most wickets (25), with the best average and the best economy rate. She also batted well, her best a 20 opening against Saints. Megan held the team together and took on the difficult task of ensuring we had a minimum of players every week, sometimes bullying (respectfully, of course) her sisters and friends to take the field. We thank Garfield for his patient and skillful coaching of the team. We also thank Tracy O'Neill and the third grade players who played for us. Stephen Graham MANAGER

First Grade Women Player of Season : MEGAN HARKERRS

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 56 ________________________________________________________________________

AVERAGES – FIRST GRADE BATTING: L. Martin S. Clark B. Moore S. Johnson W. Fuller N. Sullivan C. Wilson O. Taylor P. Tulisi M. Harkerss G. Aldersley L. Gunn S. Laurent

INN 6 6 6 9 9 8 3 5 9 10 7 3 8

NO 3 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 2 2 1 1

HS 123* 60 35 71 37 28* 14 20 17 20 11* 8* 5*

AGG 306 135 142 179 124 87 19 47 57 60 32 8 12

AVE 102.0 27.0 23.7 19.9 15.5 14.5 9.5 9.4 8.1 7.5 6.4 4.0 1.7

2 1 2 1 2 2

1 0 1 0 0 0

19* 12 6 3 2 1

20 12 6 3 2 1

20.0 12.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 0.5

ALSO BATTED: N. Abaza K. Murray Leigh Harkerss H. Malloch Lauren Harkerss R. Webb BOWLING: M. Harkerss C. Wilson L. Gunn W. Fuller O. Taylor S. Laurent G. Aldersley S. Johnson ALSO BOWLED: S. Clark V. Stoffers N. Sullivan P. Tulisi N. Abaza H. Malloch

OVERS 86 20 18 66 31 53 64 43

MDNS 2 0 0 4 3 2 0 2

RUNS 319 119 81 228 142 263 309 349

WKTS 25 8 5 13 4 7 8 3

9 8 2 1 4 4

0 0 0 0 0 1

39 36 17 9 20 23

3 1 0 0 0 0

AVE R/OVER 12.8 3.71 14.9 5.95 16.2 4.50 17.5 3.45 35.5 4.58 37.6 4.96 38.6 4.83 116.3 8.12 13.0 36.0 …. …. …. ….

4.33 4.50 8.50 9.00 5.00 5.75

BEST 6/20 3/36 4/32 3/27 2/13 3/22 1/37 3/31 1/10 -


ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 57 ________________________________________________________________________

THIRD GRADE Eleven wins and three losses from fourteen games sums up a great season for the Third Grade Women this year. We took number one spot from the three other teams in our grade. We started the season with a squad of twelve players. However, with Sandy Clark making her maiden century and gaining early promotion to first grade, and then with Sam Holmes moving to Australia at Christmas, we again found it a struggle to field eleven players every week. Nevertheless, we performed well together as a team and proved to be the best third grade side. Luckily, we had the competition won with four weeks to go as we then had to default when many in the side made their premier debuts. This was a great experience for all of us and showed what a fantastic club environment we have at East Shirley when our third graders were welcomed into our premier team. Outstanding performances during the season were Sandy with her 101* and Grace’s 4 wickets for 9 runs off 7 overs. A number of our girls made representative teams this year: Hannah Malloch and Lucy Gunn were selected for Canterbury Country Under15 and Under17; Jacinta Savage, Heather Webb and Lucy Nicholson for Christchurch Metro Under15, with Jacinta also making the Canterbury under15 side; and Grace Grocott for the Christchurch Metro Under17 team. Finally, a huge thank you from me and the team to Tracy and Bryce for their fantastic coaching and commitment this season. Thanks also to the parents and the club for their encouraging support. The year was a brilliant one for the team in all aspects of the game, with everyone improving, and I look forward to seeing you all back at the club next year. Grace Grocott CAPTAIN

Third Grade Women Player of Season: HANNAH MALLOCH _______________________________________________________________________

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 58 ________________________________________________________________________

AVERAGES – THIRD GRADE WOMEN BATTING: S. Clark H. Malloch L. Gunn J. Savage L. Nicholson V. Stoffers R. Webb S. Music G. Grocott R. Tulisi H. Webb ALSO BATTED: S. Holmes J. Haymes

INN 7 9 5 7 9 6 11 4 8 7 5

NO 3 4 2 5 4 5 1 2 1 2 2

HS 101* 82* 28 30* 23* 12 28 24 33 16 5

AGG 412 265 102 62 76 13 113 21 72 30 10

AVE 103.0 53.0 34.0 31.0 15.2 13.0 11.3 10.5 10.3 6.0 3.3

1 1

0 0

3 0

3 0

…. ….

OVERS 24.3 69.3 53.0 47.1 35.3 23.5 11.0 25.0 73.1 13.0 21.0

MDNS 4 11 12 5 5 1 1 2 9 1 1

RUNS 47 186 156 133 116 91 42 74 237 57 81

WKTS 9 18 13 11 9 7 3 5 16 2 2

3.0 2.0

1 1

6 1

0 0

50s 3 3 -

100s 1




BOWLING: S. Clark H. Malloch J. Savage L. Gunn H. Webb S. Holmes R. Tulisi L. Nicholson G. Grocott R. Webb V. Stoffers ALSO BOWLED: S. Music G. Aldersley

AVE R/OVER BEST 5.2 1.93 3/12 10.3 2.68 3/23 12.0 2.94 2/3 12.1 2.82 3/13 12.9 3.29 3/8 13.0 3.87 3/12 14.0 3.82 1/3 14.8 2.96 2/10 14.8 3.24 4/9 28.5 4.38 1/7 40.5 3.86 3/2

…. ….

2.00 0.50



ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 59 ________________________________________________________________________

JUNIOR REPORT Membership This season, in an attempt to increase playing numbers from Juniors through to Seniors, we decided to enlist the help of the Star in distributing a club enrolment flyer to residences in our club catchment area. It is difficult to gauge the success of this venture due to a number of distribution faults that occurred - however, we did gain a few new members and I’m confident that residents in the district were made more aware of our cricket club. We also continued with our usual ‘mail out’ to our current junior members and further supported this with emails to all current members plus notices to all schools in our rather extensive catchment area. We then had three major ‘sign on’ days and continued enrolments during the season. In the end, we had an overall gain in membership of fourteen which, although not great, is a positive improvement on the falling numbers we’ve had over the last few seasons (10% down last year). Coaches Once again, we are dependent on parent/volunteers to act as coach/managers of our teams, a rather daunting task for those who have no cricket or coaching background. We managed to cater for all our teams, even though in at least two cases the club had to find coaches to look after the ‘team’ practice session. It was really satisfying to see the ‘new’ coaches working with their teams on a regular basis and rewarding to see a number of parents giving a helping hand. The club hosted coaching sessions to help these new coaches. Two of our junior coaches enrolled for the NZC level 1 course and would have gained from the experience. Our more experienced club coaches offered help with the junior teams’ practice sessions. Parents, the club is indebted to you for volunteering to help with a team. Without you, we would not be able to field our teams and give children the opportunity of learning the skills and techniques they need if they are to follow in the footsteps of our club idols, Nathan Astle, Craig McMillan and Michael Papps. Teams We entered teams in all the boys’ grades and catered for our few girls in mixed teams in competitions offered by the Junior Cricket Association. The teams were competitive although there were some that experienced very little success. Teams had at least one practice session a week and, in most cases, use was made of our new artificial facility. It was encouraging to see greater use being made of the ‘throw down’ net where the focus was on either batting or bowling technique. Some teams had extra coaching on basic skills and techniques carried out by Vaughan, Dave and Bill. The senior grades, catering for Year 8 children, caused confusion and frustration in the post-xmas period because club players had the opportunity to either continue with the club

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 60 ________________________________________________________________________ or play for their high school. The outcome, as far as we were concerned, was the loss of two teams and having to ‘make up‘ teams from the remaining players. The team composition was further compounded by having to increase the playing numbers in each team to eleven. My observation would be that all the above problems could have been avoided if Junior Cricket organised Year 8’s to play by the calendar year rather than the season. Representative Players The Junior Association hosts a Regional Tournament catering for players from Year 6 to Year 8 who are selected following trials at the CCA Centre of Excellence. The players are placed in four equal teams in their specific age group and take part in a ‘round robin’ tournament as part of the Metro selection process. As a club, we had a number take part in the tournament in the various year groups including a very good representation in the girls’ teams. Boys At the completion of the tournament the South Island Tournament Teams were named and we had five of our members included: Kenneth McClure, Leo Carter, Nick Erwood, Ben Mann, and Dexter Marsh. The boys all had opportunity to show their class and all made positive contributions to their respective teams. After the tournament three invitation teams were selected to play a round robin in late January, and our club was represented by: Kenneth McClure, Leo Carter, Nick Erwood, and Ben Mann. Girls The girls went through a similar selection process and the following junior club members were selected for a Christchurch Under15 team: Lucy Nicholson, Jacinta Savage and Heather Webb. Venetia Stoffers was selected for the Christchurch Under 14 team. Gear Gear purchases, except for balls, were kept to the minimum this season, with emphasis on up grading and extending our coaching equipment. Development We continue to support the NZCC development programmes of “Have A Go “ and Kiwi. These are ably lead by John Grocott and Henk Stoffers with assistance from volunteer parents and adults. It is to be noted that the club hosts a session for these young children on Wednesday evenings to further enhance their development. Prize Giving Prize giving was a most successful and enjoyable event. We had an excellent attendance. Premier awards went to: • Howzat Trophy [most promising year 5 / 6 } - Jacob Keilar • Hartley Trophy [most promising junior] - Kenneth McClure

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 61 ________________________________________________________________________ • •

Paul Sullivan Memorial [outstanding junior] - Leo Carter Ray Anderson Memorial[junior coach of the year] - Brent Spicer

Fund Raising Once again, Henk Stoffers and his team organized and ran a successful Xmas Raffle, creating sufficient funds to cover all our social expenses. Well done Henk! My thanks to Henk, Carol and Venetia Stoffers, Faye Sharman and Fiona Chesney for their assistance with the social side of the Junior Club during the year. Next Season Key goals are: • Increase the coaching assistance to all our team coaches. • Greater use of the ‘throw down ‘ net for basic techniques in batting and bowling. • Continue to up-grade our coaching resources. • Continue our four “coaching of coaches” sessions for volunteer coaches. Bill Duncan JUNIOR CONVENOR

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 62 ________________________________________________________________________

JUNIOR ENROLMENT FOR THE 2008-09 SEASON All Junior Players! You can now enrol by one of three ways: •


Visit and complete the enrolment form


Post your completed enrolment form to East Christchurch Shirley Cricket Club, PO Box 990, Christchurch

Sign on

Sign on at the Clubrooms, Burwood Park at the following times: Saturday September 20, 9.30 pm - noon Saturday October 4, 9.30 am – noon

Junior Pre – Season Get Up and Go Activity Days •

Saturdays September 13 and October 4, 10.00am - noon

Get up and Go Activities. Come and try batting, bowling and target throwing.

Make this a social occasion – all players, parents and guardians welcome.

Team selection

All Junior Teams announced Saturday October 11


Club training and practices open to all Juniors begin Monday October 14 at 4.30 pm.


Ring: Henk Stoffers 3831888 or email him at [email protected]

ECSCC Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 63 ________________________________________________________________________

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