Eclipse Shortcuts

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 855
  • Pages: 4

Eclipse IDE – Keyboard Shortcuts 1. Keyboard Shortcuts Using keyboard shortcuts in my option is a huge productivity booster while developing the application. The shortcuts specified are for Eclipse 3.0 version and higher. (Eclipse 3.0 default keyboard shortcuts are available under Window -> Preferences -> Workbench -> Keys)

Below are some of the useful keyboard shortcuts, which can be used while developing the application using Eclipse IDE. •

Open type (ctrl + shift + T) This will open up a class in the workspace (or in dependencies such as jar-files), the dialog accepts wildcards (for instance *Action), another nifty feature are the CamelCase notation to quickly open a file, for instance if you want to open the class LinkViewAction entering LVA would give you the correct result right away, and save you some typing.

Open Resource (ctrl + shift + R) Same tip as above, but it works on every resource (.jsp, .properties, .xml etc) in your workspace, same tips for wildcards as above applies.

Navigate to member (ctrl + O) How do you navigate to a member (method, variable) one option (and most often used) is to search for it using Ctrl + F, it’s really not that efficient, instead use this short cut to list all the methods, to narrow the list start typing the method name navigate to the one you want with the arrow keys and press enter. Even more, press the key another time and it will show you the inherited members.

Go to Line (ctrl + L) Often you find a line number when digging through stack traces and such, to simply go to a line in the open file press Ctrl + L and enter the line number.

Go to last edit (ctrl +Q) Do you know the scenario when you edit your large class file, and you change something in one method, and want to go to the last thing you edited in before this? Instead of browsing to the previous method, finding the right spot use this command to jump right back to the last edit, use it multiple times to track back in history.

Show type hierarchy (ctrl + T) This is for showing the hierarchy.

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Eclipse •

Go to open editor (ctrl + E) This is used for switching between the editors

Next error/warning (ctrl + +.) This command will cycle through the errors/warnings in the current file, instead of using the Problems view.

Move block of code (alt + arrow up/down) This shortcut will move a line (or block) of code up/down one line much easier and faster than cut’n’paste.

Block comment/uncomment (Shift + Ctrl + /) Instead of commenting out blocks of code with /* */ use this, it will make every selected line commented out with a // , to remove the comment invoke this again to remove.

Search workspace for references (ctrl + shift + G) This shortcut is used to find the which all code are using the specified method or variable.

Reformat code (ctrl + shift + F) Apply the current code formatting to the open file,

Organize imports (ctrl + Shift + O) To organize the import orders.

Build All (ctrl + B) To start the build project process.

Below table have more keyboard shortcuts: Short Description

Keyboard Shortcut

Run/Debug Option Open Search Dialog Debug Last Launched

Sort Members Read Access in

Ctrl + H F11


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Eclipse Short Description

Keyboard Shortcut Surround With

Try/Catch Block Display Working Set

Ctrl + Shift + D Read Access in Toggle Comment Ctrl + / or Ctrl + 7

Execute Workspace Inspect

Ctrl + U

Read Access in Uncomment

Ctrl + Shift + I

References in

Hierarchy Resume

F8 References in

Working Set Run Last Launched Navigate Project Option

Ctrl + F11

Select All

Ctrl + A Back

Build All Ctrl + B Select Enclosing Element

Alt + Shift + Up

Backward History Alt + Left Build Clean Select Next Element

Alt + Shift + Right Forward

Build Project Select Previous Element

Alt + Shift + Left

Forward History Alt + Right Close Projec Go to Line Ctrl + L Open Project Show Tooltip Description



Go to Matching Ctrl + Shift + P Properties

Text Editing Copy Lines Delete Line Delete Next Word

Ctrl + Alt + Down Ctrl + D Ctrl + Delete

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Eclipse Short Description

Keyboard Shortcut

Delete Previous Word Duplicate Lines Move Lines Down Move Lines Up To Lower Case To Upper Case Source

Ctrl + Backspace Ctrl + Alt + Up Alt + Down Alt + Up Ctrl + Shift + Y Ctrl + Shift + X

Add Import Add Javadoc Comment Format Mark Occurrences Indent Line Toggle Comment Source Quick Menu Remove Occurrence Annotation

Ctrl + Shift + M Alt + Shift + J Ctrl + Shift + F Alt + Shift + O Ctrl + I Ctrl + / or Ctrl + 7 Alt + Shift + S Alt + Shift + U

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