Perf ectpracti ci ng by
a7stepgui de to practi cesmarter
I ntroducti on Hel l o andwel cometo thi sshortl i ttl ebook, cal l edperf ectpracti ci ngi n7steps. Thesepri nci pl esareuni versal ,bothi fyou areabegi nneroramoreadvancedpl ayer. I fyoul i keto pl aypoporj azzmusi c,anduse al lthesemethods,you’ l lqui ckl ygetbetter resul ts! al lthesestepsarecommonsense.However, asihaveexperi encedoverandoverdeal i ngwi th students:I ti snotcommonpracti ce. ihopeyoul i kethi sl i ttl ebook. i fyouhavequesti ons, cont actme: s uppor t @popj az z onl i ne. c om
step1 tuneyourpi ano, tuneyoursel f Tunei n! Weal lknow thatweshoul dtuneourpi anos f rom ti meto ti me.Whati sevenmorei mport ant i sto tuneoursel ves! Whatdo Imean? Whenyousi tdownbyyourpi ano nextti me: seei fyoucanbef ul l ypresentwi thwhatyou’ re aboutto do ( to practi ce) . Bef ore,Inormal l ywoul dsi tdownto practi ce, whi l ei nmymi ndIwasal loverthepl ace. I fyoumanageto st ayconcentratedandf ocused, thenyouaretunedi n. al so:Makesureyourpi ano i si ntune!
step2 connectanddi sconnect di sconnect -f rom f acebook -phones -f rom everythi ngandeveryonethatcan di stractyouwhi l eyouarepracti ci ng connect -wi thyoursel f .Makeyourpracti ci ngyourti me whereyouareal onewi thyoursel fandyour musi c. -wi thyourmentor.I fyou’ rehavi ngaweekl y l essonwi thateacheroneononeorthrough i nternet,now i t’ sti meto connectwi thhi m/ her. -wi thyournecessaryprograms/ tool svi ayour ngeverythi ngel seof f computer,l eavi
step3 opti mi zeyourspace yourspacef orpracti ci ngi saspacewhereyou shoul df eelasgoodaspossi bl e. weal laredi f f erent.Noteveryonecanaf f ord havi ngadedi catedroom i nthei rhomewi th astei nwaygrandpi ano. But:Everyonecanaskthemsel ves: -how canimakemyspacebetter? -whatcanido to uncl utter? -whatcanido to makemyroom ( wheremypi ano i s)moreattracti vef ormeso iwantto practi cel onger? ti ps: getagoodspeakersystem,apl aceto putyour computerort abl et,opti mi zeyouraccousti c envi romentso yourpi ano soundsasgood aspossi bl e
step4 makeapl anandsti ckto i t i tdoesnotmatterwhereyouare,who youare orwhatyouwantto achi eve. to getgoodatpl ayi ngpi ano youneed: -Apl an -di sci pl i neto sti ckto thepl anoverti me! di sci pl i nei sj ustatoolyoucanusei fyouf eel uni nspi red,orthatyoudon’ twantto practi ce now.andal so:to grow,youneedto chal l enge yoursel f .don’ tj ustpl aywhatyoual readyknow! to createyourpl an,youshoul dworktogether wi thamusi ccoach. Warni ng:agoodmusi ci ani snotneccesarya goodteacher.Agoodteacheri snotneccesary agoodcoa o ch. Makesureyouf i ndateacherwho canworkf or youasacoachandi nspi reyouasamusi ci an
step5 getcl ari ty ihavewastedmanyhoursdoi ngso cal l ed“ practi ci ng” wi thoutcl ari tyi ti shardto getanywhere,eveni f youspendmanyhoursi nf rontofyourpi ano. cl ari tyi sal laboutref l ecti ngon -why,what,how,when,andwhereishoul dpracti ce St artwi thwhy! antto practi ce? Whyi si ti mport To me:I ti stheonl ywayto getasgoodasineed to saywhatiwantto saythroughmusi c.I fyoul ove musi c,i tshoul dbeeasyto answerwhyyou shoul dpracti ce. al so f orwhatto practi ce:st artwi thwhatyou do notwantto practi ce. l y,myabi l i tyto si tereadcompl exmusi ci s personal notthatwel ldevel oped.Idon’ tneedto become agoodsi tereaderei ther.I t’ ssi mpl ynotwhati wantto f ocusmyl i mi tedti meoni mprovi ng. whatdo youwant?
step6 the3partpracti ci ngprogram af terist artedusi ngthe3steppracti ci ngprogram, myoveral lski l l sweredramati cal l yi mproved! 25% warmup Si mpl e:I fyoupracti cef oronehour,spendthef i rst1 5mi nuteson warmupexerci ses. 50% onyourmai npart( mai npracti ce) l ypracti cestepbystepwhateverl ongThi si swhereyouactual term proj ectyouareworki ngon.f orexampl e:youare l earni ngto pl ayasong. 25% onwhateveryouwant Payyoursel ff orst ayi ngwi thyourpracti ci ngpl anf orthe f i rst7 5% ofthathour. Now:Cel ebrateandexperi ment,pl ayandj usthavef un! bonusti p:Useacountdownti mer. Iuseani phoneappcal l ed3 0/ 30. and:i fyouwantto di stractyoursel fbypl ayi ngsomethi ng el sewhenyouarepracti ci ngi nthef i rst7 5% ofyoursessi on, j ustdon’ tmoveonunti lyourti merhasreachedzero!
step7 copml ete to pl aypi ano,youneedto workonyoursel f . Youdon’ tneedto compl eteeverythi ngyoust artpracti ci ng! i tshoul dal waysrel ateto your“ why” ! f orexampl e:Ihavest artedpracti ci ngsomepi ecesofcl assi cal musi cbef ore,whereIdeci dedthattheef f ortthi spi eceofmusi c requi resf rom me,doesnotmatchupwi thmygoal sormy“ why’ s” i fyouexperi encethesame:qui tpl ayi ngthatpi eceofmusi c. I nstead:studystep5,getcl ari tyandgo f orthemusi c youreal l ywantto pl ay! however:whenyouconnectwi thyourwhy,thenyou shoul dal wayscompl etewhatyouareworki ngon. i fyoucompl etewhatyoupl ay,youwi l lf eel sati sf i edandyouwi l lactual l ypl aybetterasyour sel f -esteem goesup! compl eteasmuchaspossi bl e,butdon’ twasteyourti me practi ci ngsometi ngthatyouknow f orsureyouwon’ t needto pl aytheki ndofmusi cyouwantto pl ay
endi ng thanksf orreadi ngthi ssmal ll i ttl ebook perf ectpracti ci ngi n7steps. thesepri nci pl esarei nmanywaymy phi l osophywheni tcomesto practi ci ng i fal lthesepri nci pl esareappl i edto your praci ti ngrouti ne,youwi l lexperi ence m ti drama cal l yi mprovmentoverti me! to getgoodpl ayi ngpi ano t akesti me,buti strongl ybel i evethatyoucanshorten yourpathenormousl yi fyouaddthesepri nci pl es. Atl east,Iwi shiaddedthem earl i eri nmyj ourney t akecareofyourmusi c! bestregards:Gj ermundSi vertsen