Ebd Lecturer 1

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E-BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: Return on Investment Question What are the 6 ROI models? Give two URLs of Content Publishing web sites that you visit frequently. Discuss the main ROI model for these web sites. Answer: The Web can be a highly economical arm of a company's overall marketing program, but it can also be a colossal money pit if the company doesn't outline specific goals for using it. The precise objectives for each company depend on individual factors, of course, but most successful online ventures find that the Internet offers marketers a return (doanh thu) on investment (ROI) in one or more of the following six models: (mở một trang Web thì cần mục đích gì) • Brand-Building (xây dựng thương hiệu) • Direct Marketing (tiếp thị trực tiếp) • Online Sales • Customer Support (hỗ trợ khách hàng) • Market Research (thăm dò thị trường) • Content Publishing/Services (phát hành trực tuyến, công ty cung cấp thông tin về khách hàng) 1. Brand building The web can play an important and cost-effective role, alongside TV, print and other ad media, in building consumer awareness of an offline brand. Def: Brand is simbol of a product/service which could be distinguished from its competitor. Funtion: Brand serves 2 functions: + Physical need of customer( functional attribute of product) (phục vụ nhu cầu sinh lý của con người) + Psychological needs (Symbolic values) ( nhu cầu về tâm lý) Global brand offers consumers across the world a consistent proposition and same product formulation. Web help build brand through deliver brand message to customer In this model, companies and organizations build their brand or trademark in order for customers to know about them, their products, their website … The more loyal better their brand name, the more profit they may get back. 2. Direct marketing (làm Web để tiếp xúc trực tiếp với khách hàng) Direct marketing is interactive marketing system that use one or more ad media to effect a measurable response and for transaction at any location. Communication activity designed to build continuty relationship with targeted customer. Ex: occasionally send birthday card to selected members in customer based. In order to have a successfully direct marketing, some requirements are: - Understand customer profile. Your company should have a database of customers. - Useful tools such as telephone, web site, email, human … chỉ trả lời lien quan đến Web direct marketing - Customize advertising. Mass marketing Through TV, radio, web, newspaper Average customer Standard product Mass production One-way message To all customers Customer attraction

Direct marketing Through telephone, email, web … Individual customer Customized market offering Customized production Two-way message To profitable customers Customer retention (duy trì) Page 1

Benefit of direct marketing: - Build continuous relationship with each customer. - Receive higher readership because marketing material is sent to more intersted customers. - Direct marketer can measure response to their campaign to decide which have been most profitable. 3. Online sales What do you want to buy ? Whatever it is, you can get it online – cars, computers, houses, books, CDs … You name it, and it’s for sale on the Net. Some features of items on online sales are: - Items with high brand recognition - Goods could be easily transformed to digital - Items with security guarantee given by highly reliable or known vendors - Relatively cheap items - Commodity with standard specification There are 3 sale online: retail (bán lẻ) fixed price; dynamic price ; bidding/ autum(đâú gia) Requirement for online sale: price (fixed or dynamic), shopping card, product display………….. 4. Customer support Customer support is truly one of the web’s killer apps. To date, few companies have realized the full potential of this opportunity. Already online customer support is becoming more and more common. There are tools for aiding customer: - FAQs (Frequent Ask Question) - Staff reply to email (Khách hàng contact bằng email). - Automated email response. - Web based bulletin board. - News group - Complex searchable database FAQs - Live support chat. Three principle opportunities in online customer support (benefit of online customer support) - Revenue enhancement: by building loyalty(trung thành) and repeat customer.Added value of effective customer support - Cost avoidance by eliminating staff. Eliminate staffing and large telecom expense - Software benefit: increase customer loyalty. From loyalty customer Customer service functions: - Answer customer inquires - Provide search and comparison facilities - Let customers track accounts or orders 5. Market research Purpose of market research is finding relationship between customers, products, marketing methods and market in order to discover marketing opportunities. Process: - Identify problems - Collect data - Data analyzing - Data interpretation Web help collecting information, survey customer Methods: - Cookies - JavaScript - ActiveX control Page 2

- Plug-ins 6. Content publishing / Services Content publishing is about putting up info to the web for customers and visitors to read their interested info. When I want to read some news, I often go to the following two websites: http://www.tintucvietnam.com http://www.vnexpress.net Many other websites, such as Yahoo, Cnet, ESPN, and Quote.com … produce content or provide content services such as search engines, or stock trackers… The vast majority of these sites underwrite (tài trợ) at least part of their costs by selling online advertising to sponsors. Although few sites pursuing this ROI are profitable yet, many show the promise of success. But it is clearly not the model for everyone. A few ad and content networks, including DoubleClick, ValueClick, aim to help small and medium-sized semiprofessional sites become ad revenue earners by paying them for ad banners displayed on a perclickthrough basis. Although the income may be a shot in the arm for many small but devoted (tận tụy, dành cho) publishers, few of them are likely to thrive (phát đạt) on ads alone. For most marketers of real-world products, this ROI model may be a fringe (phúc lợi phụ) benefit at best and is unlikely to be a strong justification for online spending. Question: The benefits of Interactive web site over Static brochure site: Interactive Website - easy to change content - 2 way communicate..

Static brochure - not easy to change content, if change, it cost money - one way communicate

+ For the marketer, the Web’s most important value is direct interaction with customers. Static brochure site-product photos, lists of retail locations, recipe collections, and so on--miss a critical point. + The Web offers more opportunities than most other media, in which you can only talk at your customers. + Online it’s about engaging with them, listening to them, and learning from them. + This may challenge traditional marketers who are accustomed to packaging flashy sound bites for mass delivery via television, publications, and billboards Question: Choosing a Ewb Host: (Question 7: Describe the guidline for choosing the right web hosting service?) Các chỉ tiêu chọn Web host (trong sách, vở ghi or search trên mạng) - Bandwidth - reliable ………..

CHAPTER 2: Web Value Propositions Question :Discuss the desirable features of a website. (Question2) The Web is • Interactive • Personal /Customization (>< standarization) (cá nhân hoá) • Infocentric (public infor) • Instantaneous (ngay lập tức) • Measurable (đo mức độ hiệu quả) Page 3

Flexible (linh động) Interlinked (tính liên kết) Economical These are the features we'll explore in this chapter • Interactive This value of Web shows the two-way communication with Internet suffer between the website and its customers. For the marketer, the web’s most important value is direct interaction with customers. Static brochure sites – product photos, lists of retail locations, and so on – miss a critical point. The web offers more opportunities than most other media, in which you can only talk at your customers. Online, it’s about engaging with them, listening to them, and learning from them. This may challenge traditional marketers who are accustomed to packaging flashy sound bites for mass delivery via TV, publications, and billboards. Applications of this value to bussiness. - Direct interaction with customers through talk, listening, learning from customer - Participatory marketing (khách hàng tham gia vào qúa trình tiếp thị của doanh nghiệp) - Ploying (lôi kéo)customers come back to your site. For ex: Kotex site is an excellent example of a brand community. The site’s creators focused on a specific target audience: women. In their GirlSpace section, they focus on junior high and high school girls. Teens and preteens are encouraged to ask intimate (riêng tư) questions and let off steam (nói ra) about whatever’s on their minds.(sử dụng các tool: Forum, chat). • Personal A web site is personal. This means: _ Website trust you _ Website could customize to your need or your preferences. Some sites tailor the experience based on simple, observable info about each visitor (browser type, operating system, time of day, and so on). Others watch how a user interacts with the site and customize it accordingly. Still others let the visitors customize the site themselves. Process of tailoring product, services information to suit the specific needs of each individual. For ex: - Targeted advertising(quảng cáo đúng khách hàng trọng điểm): each customer receives different at message. - Choice assistance (hỗ trợ khách hàng lựa chọn) : help user to filter through large number of alternative and find the one best suit to them. - Product customization transform a satandard product/ service into a specialized solution for an individual ( sản xuất theo đúng yêu cầu khách) Some Web: www.dell.com ; www.mycardmarker.com ; Tools used in Personal: Fuzzy logic, Neural network, AI. • Privacy Take personal infor from users. Personla infor to be taken : age, email, hobby. habit, interest, place • Infocentric(trung tâm cung cấp thông tin) (product inf; company history, text, video, image, flash) This means the web should be a centre of useful info. The hottest design and animation won’t hold a user’s attention for long without some substance to back it up. The web is at heart of text-based medium, which is implicit (ẩn) in the names of its protocols: hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and hypertext markup language (HTML). It’s hyperized and otherwise jazzed up (làm hoạt động), but it’s still good old text. The info on the web pages should be updated frequently. People don’t waste their time walking around to find their needed info. For ex, if you want to know the latest hardware/software price in Singapore, you can • • •

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open the IE, type http://www.hardwarezone.com and find the price of the product you need. Or if you want to know the real-time/certain info happening in the world, you can go to http://www.cnn.com. • Instantaneous The speed at which modern computers process and relay (sắp đặt) info makes the web the most immediate mass communication medium. It’s more timely than even live TV news because it’s non-linear. You don’t have to wait for a news anchor to finish his current boring story before getting to the topic you want. You just load the homepage and go straight to the headlines you are looking for.  Sumary - Timely. - Real time marketing ( online custome service real time audio concert broadcast). - Quick response to customer (phản ứng nhanh với khách hàng) • Measurable Measurable means quantifiable. The wonderful thing about computers is that they compute. This makes web marketing a tremendously accountable medium. For customer: size of life avaiable for download; vistor number; number of reply to email. For marketor: see numbers of people response to aid compersign; numbers visist web; measuser behavior of Web suffer (time send on web suffing habit) Many sites such as Yahoo!, CNN, Google, Gmail … have a lot of people visit each day. These web sites use counter to count the number of visitor, so they can show the statistics to the marketers and the consumers. • Flexible TV shows, books, magazines, letters, songs, radio and most other forms of communication have in common a beginning, a middle, and an end. Web sites, however, break that mold (khuôn). Online data is much more flexible and can be arranged and rearranged in a variety of ways, both by site designers and by surfers themselves. Using database functionality, a site can break entirely free from the linear beginning-middle-end format by letting visitors search out exactly the info they are seeking. Based on the flexibility of the database, the info is not static. Sure, a homepage can be seen as the beginning of a site, but from there a surfer can normally continue deeper into the material from a number of different directions. Sumary: Flexible can be arranger and rearrange in a variety of ways by both designer suffer. Access the content via variety ways. Base data on database: - Take advantages of true flexibility of e-data by incorporation a database into its programing infrastructure. - Let visitor search out exactly the infor they are secking - Dynamic infor, suffer can create personlized versopm pf avaiable infr - Customer convenience : let users bookmark customized service • Interlinked Obviously inherent in the web experience are hypertext links, those words and images that the user clicks to go to a new page. These links give the web its nonlinear structure, producing the effect of browsing pages in a seemingly (có vẻ) random order. Every web site is expected to play some role as a hub. Sites increase their value to users to linking to recommended content elsewhere on the web. Not only can links serve as free, quality content, but for sites that generate substantial (qtrọng) traffic, outbound (ra ngoài) links can earn money or other capital through partnerships with other web ventures. Usually, sites will welcome a pointer to them from another site. Sumary: Get way contents; link partnership( tìm các trang chuyên dùng 1 sản phẩm để tới các trang Web); linking Netiquette (các trang cùng sản phẩm lịnk với nhau) • Economical Another tremendous benefit of the web is that it’s still a comparatively inexpensive marketing medium. Page 5

At one end of the spectrum is the individual with a good idea. At the other end of the spectrum is a large commercial site needing personalization, e-commerce, banner ad rotation, search facilities, dynamic page generation … The web site should contain costs. Many marketers complain that advertising rates for web banners are exorbitant (quá cao), but as anyone who’s been round the block can tell you, prices on most rate cards are very flexible. (Question 5): Privacy Discuss the importance of “privacy” statement in a web site Answer: Privacy help collect information related to customer which help marketing activities Information collect from customer: .. (xem trong sách ) chương 3 

Online privacy is a bomb waiting to explode(lam no), so handle it with extreme care. Several studies show that the online public, fueled in part by alarmist press reports, feels strongly about privacy & security. The survey’s (nhin chung) most encouraging findings indicated that users’ willingness (san sang) to reveal (bieu lo) sensitive information about themselves went up dramatically(dot ngot) when sites clearly explained how they treat user’s personal data. The organization TRUSTe, which their approach is a compelling (thuyet phuc) solution to a problem that concerns almost every commercial Web site. We recommend that you investigate TRUSTe’s model, or at least prominently (noi bat) publish your own privacy declaration on your site.

CHAPTER 3: Design Optimization * Design for the lowest phase of your web site: The Web tremendously complicates the traditional art of graphic design. In many ways it introduces new opportunities and design possibilities, but in at least as many more ways it limits artistic freedom. Incompatible color standards among different OSs and browser types mean that designers must learn new techniques to strip color palettes down to the lowest common denominator and otherwise come new technical hurdles. Because HTML is a markup language, it describe for a browser how certain elements should be displayed but leaves the specific implementation up to the end user’s software. On the plus side, designers can experiment with new media types such as animation, sound, and hyperlinks. On the minus side, there is great variance in how elements align themselves on the page, how big a user’s monitor is, how fast his connection is, and so on 1. The 28.8Kbps factor: (De y den bang thong) Most sites should optimize performance for users of 28.8Kbps dial-up modems for the foreseeable future. Competing protocol standards for the 56Kbps speed have kept that upgrade market from developing. Even when that debate is eventually settled, a mass migration of surfers to the faster speed will likely take a year or more. 75KB image is going to take the better part of a minute to download at 28.8Kbps. That’s the same time is takes for two high-production-value television commercials to make their impact on viewer. 2. Consistent, intuitive navigation: Design in the online age, with the new Web dimension of hyperlink navigation, is fundamentally at the service of improving the user’s interaction with the site’s content. Whether we use frames, a table of contents in the left-hand column, JavaScript- enriched pop-up buttons, or some other popular navigation convention, every page should contain elements to orient the user as to where he is within the site’s architecture. Another popular navigation aid is the site map. Consisting of a complete index or outline of all the site’s subsections, these maps are particularly useful for complex sites with lots of pages. Above all, navigation cues should be consistent and intuitive. Every Web site inevitably embodies a Page 6

hierarchy, where users progress by layers deeper into a logical tree of content 3. 640 x 480 vs. 800 x 600 resolution: A 14” monitor generally uses 640 x 480 pixels to make up its screen. A 15” monitor can comfortably fit 800 x 600 pixels or more (*)The consistent of navigation:(Ques3: Discuss how consistent and intuitive navigation will improve te interactivity of your website) không dùng “you” •

The next time you plan to do some revamp1 work on your site, pay attention to its navigation. Because when it comes to pleasing your visitors, navigation is just as important as the visual design of your site. In fact, studies have shown that well-planned navigation can h elp boost online sales by more than 50 percent. Your navigation should be structured with only one thought in mind: making it easy for visitors to find information and buy your products or services. You have to make sure your customers are guided toward the action you want them to take, whether it’s singing up for an opt-in2 offer, filling out a survey or making an actual purchase. With well-planned navigation, you can increase the number of page views and the amount of reapeat traffic you receive. Following are 4 simple strategies you can use to improve the effectiveness of your navigation:  Your navigation has to be consistent. Navigation features exist to help your visitors figure out how to get around your site. You don’t want to make this difficult for them-you’ll lose far too many potential customers that way.  One crucial (chu yeu) design step to make sure your menu is located in the same place on every page of your site. Your menu should be instantly recognizable to your visitors, with the same buttons, size, and color every page. It should be placed across the top or along the left side of page because those are the first places people look when seeking information..  Keep your navigation menu as simple as possible. Don’t include dozens of links on the menu, or it will be too visually confusing for your visitors. If you have a large site, you should probably organize the pages into categories and include only the main category links on the navigation menu.  You should also make sure your navigation links have obvious names. Avoid clever or “cutesy” heading- these will only confuse people. Don’t use words like “More”, “Extra Infor”, or “Select” – such vague3 terms aren’t very useful in letting people know what they’ll find when they click on the link.

CHAPTER 4: Design Brand a/ Discuss the domain name. A site’s domain is a cross between a name and an address. It serves as both an identifiable brand name and a pointer to the site’s location. It’s the uniform resource locator, better known as the URL. Technically, domain name is the same as IP (Internet Protocol) numbers assigned to every host computer on the web. IP numbers come in four sets of digits divided by periods, such as Because such 1

Revamp: sửa sang Opt-in: tham gia 3 Vague: mơ hồ 2

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number strings aren’t particularly memorable to most humans, the architects of the Internet created a system of domain name servers (DNS) that cross-reference the IP numbers with alphanumeric domain names. b/ List some domain name selection guidelines that you consider most important while choosing a domain name.(Question 5) xem trong sách - Get the domain right - Make it catchy (dễ nhớ) - Picking unique domain names. - Cover your assets (tài sản) - No desserts till you’ve registered your variables. - Register product name. Try to register as many domains as possible linked to your organization name. Ex: http://www.cocacola.com http://www.coca-cola.com Both belong to Coca-Cola Company. c/ Discuss why it is considered desirable to have one’s own domain name. - Populating reputation of your company, so people easy to recognize. - Easy to transfer from one server to another server. - Domain name serve following functions (xem phần tác dụng của tên miền – có thể xem them trong trang VNNIC (có thể giống câu 3 ngay dưới) d/ Discuss the top level domain (TLD) There are 6 main TLDs. They are: .com benefit organization .edu education, university .ac academic .net networking company .org non-profit organizations e) Importance of having own domain name: ( Question 3) There are a number of reasons why having your own domain name is important: 1/It's yours. As long as you pay any applicable registration fees! You may already have missed the chance to get the domain name you want but the longer you leave it the less likely it is you could even get close. 2/Mobility. It gives you the freedom to move ISP wherever and whenever you like - but your e-mail and web addresses stay the same. 3/Image. Some businesses spend thousands to get the right office address to put on their letterhead because its important for their image, but they have e-mail addresses for joe@sloppy_joe.tw. As customers become more 'net savvy' this can let an expensive corporate image down very badly indeed. Your own domain name gives customer and suppliers the impression that you are truly 'on the net'. 4/Brand. As the world increasingly turns to the 'net' first to check out capabilities, prices, specifications and even buy (e-commerce applications) your domain name will become an increasingly valuable corporate asset. A brand name to help you fight for space in an already overcrowded electronic world. 5/Gotta Have One. We have reached the point where many people (maybe not yet the majority) are surprised when you don't have a web site. Its like a fax machine - who doesn't have a fax machine today. +When you have your own domain name, the address of your web site will be of the form http://www.yoursite.com. It sounds too professional and easy to remember. +The only way to make money online is to build up credibility among your customers. Having your own domain name is the first step in doing that. Your customers will feel more comfortable buying whatever it is that you are selling if you have your own domain name. It makes your customers feel that they are dealing with a large, established company, rather than with some fly by night operator. +When you have your domain name, you can have multiple email aliases of the form [email protected]. This allows you to assign different email aliases to different functions, all of them pointing to your actual email Page 8

address f ) How to choose a correct domain name (source form 1&1Webhosting) • Make it Memorable: Domain names are a brilliant way to form a unique identifier for your business and can be key to placing you in the correct market. A domain name can have a great impact on the perceived prestige, size and type of company you are. • Make it Short :Although you have 67 characters to play with, no one likes typing in long domain names and this will more often than not lead to misspellings. The longer the domain name, the more chance that people will have trouble finding your website. Reading long domains over the phone can also lead to mistakes and longer telephone calls! • Retain a Strong Relevance to Your Company: If your domain name is not your company name, make sure that it has a very definite relevance to your industry sector or the services/products that you sell. Avoid abbreviations and initials unless these form your company trademark. • Don’t Risk Trademark Issues: You must ensure that your preferred domain name does not infringe the trademark of another company or organisation. Two high profile cases are Nintendo and Madonna… Nintendo was awarded $560,000 and a complete recovery of 48 Internet domain names that they won is a famous and well-publicised infringement suit. Madonna also won a fight to get madonna.com, which was being used, as a pornography site by a "cybersquatter". • Use Words That Are Easy To Spell: If there is one thing guaranteed to make people lives hard when trying to find your website – it’s long or complicated words. Keep the words short, snappy and easy to spell. • Avoid Hyphens: Although hyphens arguably have good search engine benefits, hyphens are easily forgotten and often mistaken for underscores, slashes and various other characters. • Get Help: If you’re getting stuck with choosing a good domain, don’t forget that there are a number of websites out there to help you come up with new ideas. Try nameboy.com and domainsbot.com – these sites may flag up some great possibilities that you haven’t thought of before. • Choose the Extension Correctly: The extension of a domain name is known as a TLD (Top Level Domains). If you are selling products only to the UK, a co.uk domain name is the most appropriate for your needs. If you have a large European market then you might consider purchasing the newly available .eu domain name or if your company trades internationally, then you may be better off with a .com • Buy Variations: With domain names being so inexpensive, it is well worth buying your chosen domain in all major TLDs. For example, if you buy mybusiness.com, then consider buying mybusiness.co.uk and mybusiness.net too. • Think About the Future: Buying a ‘future-proof’ is particularly important for small businesses, because your business activity may expand into areas that you haven’t yet thought of. For this reason, don’t buy a domain name that is too specific. g) How to register your variable name: - Register likely types (Ex: www.pesi.com). - Register plurals and singulars (www.pepsis.com ) - Register with all relevant TLDs (www.pepsis.com.vn , www.pepsis.net , www.pepsis.org ) - Register with specific country domain (www.pepsi.com.vn). - Register with hypher. - Register with specific country. - Register the name which is considered to be careless. Lecturer: 1. The Domain Name Game 2. Get the domain right and securing a domains: Having 3 compnents of domain: TLD (top level domain); sub- domain; extrabit for example about URL Page 9

http:///www.man.com/guide.html or http:///www.man.com.vn/guide.html protocol: http extra: www sub- domain: man TLD: com or com.vn ( TLD has 2 types: national and international) 1. Make it catchy: - Keep domain short and sweet. - Easy to remember, type on browser - Memorable - Clear when spoken - Avoid homonyms (tu dong am) or cute (thong minh, sac sao) spelling. 2. Picking Unique Domain Names: - Advantages: protect against domain disputes (cuoc ban cai) and competitors immitation - To pick unique name: i. Should: a. contact of 2 words ex: netsol.com (network solution) b. add suffix (typical for business) to domain ex: writepr.com (pr: public relation) c. add cyber oriented prefix or suffix to domain ; ex: netorange.com. ii. Advoid: 1. Becareful with “alphabet soup domain” ex: www.dv2u.com; card4you.com 2. Extenssion of copetitor’s domain 3. Host for free (long domain) 4. Use contraction that is not obvious. 3. Corver your asset: - Activate domain (IP) - Domain name (Domain broken) - No Dessert till you’ve registered your variables: purpose of this activity is to avoid other company personal or individuals compete to immitate name to use similar name for per no sites - Register your product name (trade mark)

CHAPTER 5: Era of Innovations Question 1: a/ Discuss the search engines. - crawl the web - search for meta data - build the tree - rank the info - present results d/ Distinguish between Search Engine and Directories Search engines: - Well – known: Google - Search mechanism: + Automated finding +The firms use special software agents (such as spiders, robots, and crawlers) that explore and catalogue of the web. - The spiders extract relevant text from the pages they discover and create digits of them in the search engines’ database. - Search results base on database that is existed information rather than live information -> information provided is more comprehensive Page 10

- Web may be on the listing without any register - Control ability + Site promoters have more powerful to control over how a listing maybe display -> by using techniques ++ Meta tags ++ careful construction of all pages Directories - Well – known: Yahoo - Search mechanism: + Automated finding +The firms use special software agents (such as spiders, robots, and crawlers) that explore and catalogue of the web. - Search mechanism: + Manual finding based on the work of human beings + The firm employs college graduates to discover related web based on their own experience. - The spiders extract relevant text from the pages they discover and create digits of them in the search engines’ database. - Webs were listed depend on Webmasters who register their ownsites with the directories - Search results base on database that is existed information rather than live information -> information provided is more comprehensive - The directory’s staff then visit the sites, qualifies them for inclusion and edits the appropriate description and key words before putting up links to the sites -> information provided is more coherent - Web may be on the listing without any register - Must register the web on directory - Control ability + Site promoters have more powerful to control over how a listing maybe display -> by using techniques ++ Meta tags ++ careful construction of all pages + Site promoters are more difficult to control the listing because listing is based on human evaluation Distinguish between Search Engine and Directories: Define

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Search Engines Search Engines refer to an automated system such as Digital Equipment Corp’s Alta Vista. Such services rely on special software agents, called variously spiders, robots, bots, or crawlers, that explore and catalogue every nook4, cranny5, and groups of the Web

Directories Directories, the largest of which by fa is Yahoo! Do not depend principally on automated spiders. Rather, they index the Web as the old-fashioned way,

Nook: ngóc ngách Cranny: xó xỉnh

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Different features

Common features

Search Engine’s result is a different kinds for both surfers and sites promoters. - For surfers: A web-suffer has - For surfers: a human-edited better odds of wining the lottery directory is likely to organize pages than of finding the ideal reference. in a more coherent manner than an - For sites: Search Engines generally automated program can. rank among the top-trafficked, - For sites: To a limited extent, the biggest sites and revenue earns on surfer discover uncharted territory the Web. The Web site’s owner on their own and use spiders to tip does not have to registe their sites them off to new sites, but to a much into Search Engine. greater degree they depend on Webmasters who register their own sites with the directory. The directory’s staff then visits the sites, qualifies them for inclusion, and edits the appropriate descriptions and keywords before putting up links to the sites. - -Support customers to search their referred information. - Automated finding - The firms use special software agents (such as spiders, robots, and crawlers) that explore and catalogue of the web. - Site promoters have more powerful to control over how a listing maybe display by using techniques - Meta tags - Careful construction of all pages

Question 2) *) The general submission guidelines for a search engine (e.g. Yahoo!): If you have several sections to your Web site that treat significantly different topics, submit each section URL to the same search engines and directories with unique descriptions and keywords so that surfers can enter your site from various vantage points. Whatever you do, however, don’t resubmit the same page repeatedly to a search servive in the space of a few weeks. Most of these sevices are receiving thousands of submissions a day. All of the preceding advice about optimizing keywords in your title, meta tags, and so on, for the sake of search-engine spiders has no bearing at all on Yahoo! Yahoo!’s surf team doesn’t look at meta tags and the like. They look at each site just as any other human visitor would. They take into account the suggestions for descriptions and keywords that you enter into their registration forms. The most important thing is to get listed at all. Yahoo! Claims to have a liberal admissions policy, but it does reject many sites. In addition to making it easier for surfers to find good content, Yahoo! sees part of its job as keeping surfers from being distracted by bad content. The problem is one of scale. As the Web continues to grow at a phenomental rate, Yahoo! Ia having trouble keeping up with the huge volume of submissions it receives. Search engines can generally throw more computers with faster processing speeds at the problem. *) Search engines help our site grow because: Registering ourself with a few search engines was 90% of the work of online promotion. Soon your site Page 12

would appear in a category next to three or four other similar sites, and we’d sit back while the traffic flowed in. With the vast expansion of the Web since then, our site is now likely to show up alongside dozens or even hundreds of listing in a directory, among thousands or even millions of results on a search engine query. As a result, search engines generally rank among the top-trafficked sites and biggest ad revenue earners on the Web. More people find sites via search engines than any other method with more than 90% of surfers using search engines as the primary means to traverse the web. Search engines produce highly targeted traffic with higher conversion ratios thereby directly impacting on increasing site revenues. Search engines promote our site 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Search engines CAN always be manipulated to best suit our interests, depending on the talent and experience of your Search Engine Optimisation service. Question 4: Below are the most commonly used site navigation techniques: i) Image Map ii) Frames Discuss how each technique affects the search engine spiders. Answer: Technique affects the search engine spiders. Image Map +If all the links on a given page are contained in image maps, a spider will not be able to follow them to the next level of your site. +On pages with little or no text, be sure to use descriptive meta tags so search engines that support them can still index the content of your site. +More importantly, however, include text links in addition to graphic links so that spiders and visitors surfing with graphics turned off can continue to navigate your site. Frames +Many search engine spiders, like older versions of browsers, aren’t frames-compliant and may not be able to get past your site’s first page if you haven’t allowed for a non-frames navigation route. +Again, meta tags are useful on frames pages to allow spiders to index content topics, but you should also provide an alternative navigation structure using the <noframes>tag. +Whether you use frames, a table of contents in the left-hand column or some other popular navigation convention, every page should contain elements to orient the user as to where he is within the site’s architecture Question 6: Some ways to maximize the ranking in the search result: How to maximize your ranking : Should: - Pay attention the reader (Guide to surfers, not webmasters) () - Select keyword. - Locater keyword as : page title, meta tags, paragraph. - Increase the frequency of keywords. - Poplarity of the Web page (the link form other website to your site) - Pointer Pages Avoid: - spamdexing; - keyword located in Image Maps, Frames - Follow the leader - Password Protection - Dynamic Pages. - Robot Exclusion Page 13

1. Guide: Loyal to surfers, not Webmasters • Each search engine has constructed the methods by which they rank the relevance of search engine as to provide a level playing field for all sites. They base popularity on the number of inbound links from other sites. Excite even attempts to take into account how many stars the site has received from certain reviewers • Site’s designer can move his site towards the top of search results through a better understanding of how search engine ranks pages. Another trick to maximize your ranking is open your site by many new windows (of your browser), and then use F5 or push on refresh button continously.Your ranking will be increase up to surprisingly score :D 2. More on Keywords. • When you’re submitting keywords into a search engine’s registration and you’ll limited to a certain number of them. The system is more likely to match a search for the shorter version when the longer one is listed than vice versa. • When it comes to deciding which keywords are most appropriate for your site, invite friends and colleagues to look at the site and give their suggestions. • Plug a few keywords you’sure about into a search engine and see which sites come up, and then look at the source code of those homepages to see which other keywords your competitors are using in their meta tags. There may be some words in there you had not considered. 3. Page Title: • Along with the site’s name itself, A Webpage’s title is possibly the single most significant factor that search engines uses to determine a page’s contextual relevance • Titles should ideally focus on one them. The “density” of the theme in the title is generally important to ranking. 4. Meta Tags: • HTML meta tags are an important tool for prescribing how search engines shoud use descriptions and keywords for your pages. • There are several types of meta tags, but the two most common ones for the purposes of search engines are description and keyword tags. Most engines that do recognize meta tags will use the description verbatim in their search results and take the suggested keywords into consideration. 5. Follow the Leader: • If you’re really sumped about why your site isn’t appearing higher in search results, take a look at the source code of the sites that top the lists of your preferred keywords. 6. Pointer Page: • If achieving top-ranking in search results is indeed a buring priority for your site, consider contracting this task out to a service such as USWEb. Like a handful of other consultants in the industry, we’ve mastered rank-boosting techniques., inlcuding the complicated use of pointer pages. • Because the way engines weigh their rankings varies from one search service to the next, the best way to remain at the top of all of them is to customize different homepage for each search engine.  All of the preceding advice about optimizing keywords in your title, meta tags, and so on, for the sake of search-engine spiders has no bearing at all on Yahoo! And other search engine. Yahoo! ‘s surf team does not look at meta tags and the likes. They look at each site sust as any other human visitor would. They take into account the suggestions for descriptions and keywords that you enter into their registration forms, but they may rewrite any or call of it in their database and stick you into whatever category they see fit.

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CHAPTER 6: Web and Media Advertising (reference of Chapter 9) Question 2: What is ‘audience development’ ? Discuss several ways to reach the audiences. The term ‘audience development’ refers to a range of online marketing strategies for building and maintaining web site traffic. Audience development includes paid media (advertisements), as well as what we call ‘audience creation’, which encompasses techniques such as search engine, contests, public relations … Relatively little audience development can be automated. At least 50% of it is research. Pursuing these strategies requires hundreds of hours. It means writing to thousands of webmasters to secure inbound links to your site, applying for awards, making deals with cyber-cafes, organizing online events, and more. Many sites already employ some of these techniques. Many more recognize their strategic importance but don’t have the available staff or expertise to implement them effectively. For a small site, a single individual may have no choice but to handle most of these activities alone. Larger sites sometimes hire teams of surfers who are responsible in part for audience development, and more and more companies are turning to outside specialists to manage the process. Ways to develop audience: Web advertising, email advertising, newsgroup ads, search engines, …. There are several ways to reach to audiences. - Don’t spam - Find the right audience - Lurk before you leap - Contribute, don’t advertise - Seeding discussions - Mailing lists - Listen and learn Question 3 Discuss the advantages of advertising online compared to the traditional media advertising. Answer Online ads All time (24/7/365) Borderless…

Traditional adds

Xem them trong vở ghi * Advertising online: Online advertising is similar to other forms of communication except for one critical difference. - Internet advertising is the only place tobacco companies can advertise, swearing and cursing can be advertised or any other behavior that would not be suitable for television. - Another benefit of Internet advertising is that advertisers are not bound to fit into 30 or 60 seconds time slots as they are for television commercials. - Online ads also have the added component of interactivity by using games and competitions. - Generates awareness for the brand. - Stimulates interest/preference for a product or service. - Provides the means to contact the advertiser for information or to make a purchase. - Online advertising has undoubtedly opened new avenues for focused communication with the target audience. * Traditional media advertising

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- Placing the address of your Web site in your conventional advertising ( including letterhead, brochures, business card..) can increase their effectiveness. It gives interested parties a place to go for additional and more comprehensive information than can be affordably placed in conventional forms of advertising. Question 4: What are the objectives of online advertisements ? There are 2 principle objectives of online advertising: branding and direct response. Both can give you much greater control than other media over market segmentation, performance review, speed of execution, and other advantages. Most online marketers can benefit from a combination of the branding and direct response characteristics of web advertising, but it pays to appreciate the distinctions between the two. i. Branding By and large, marketers have been slow to embrace (nắm lấy, đi theo, gồm) the brand-building potential of web ads. It’s not hard to see where some of that reluctance (miến cưỡng) comes from. For one thing, page banners, the most common form of online advertising, are small. Not to take anything away from the power of direct response online, but there’s also real potential to achieve strong branding on the web. ii. Direct response One way to view the online advertising objectives of branding versus direct response is in terms of longterm versus short-term rewards. Although branding may translate into sales eventually, it’s generally not an immediate cause and effect. When you want to take advantage of the web’s capacity for instant results, clicks are what count. Online advertising offers direct marketers substantial advantages over traditional telemarketing (chào hàng qua điện thoại) and mailing campaigns (chiến dịch), chiefly in terms of keen (xuất sắc) targeting and cost savings. Question 5: Discuss the ways to measure the success of advertising on the web( Explain the CPM (Cost Per Million) and CTR (Click Through Rate) in details.) For whatever reason, online advertisers have accepted the CPM (cost per million) measure as the standard for banner pricing. CPM comes primarily out of the broadcast and print worlds, where branding is the prevailing (phổ biến) advertising objective. Yet at the same time, these advertisers have deemed clickthroughs to be the most common measure of advertising success, which is a clear extension of direct marketing principles. Clickthroughs are a poor measure of branding success, and this measurement shouldn’t be forced to fit this objective. If driving traffic is indeed the goal, on the other hand, it is useful to translate the CPM (cost per million) rate into a cost-per-click measure to make sure you’re getting a fair price. For ex, say an advertiser pays a typical $20 CPM and receives an approximate industry average 2% CTR. It makes for easy math: $1 per clickthrough. Adding: The CPM and CTR * The CPM - Cost Per Million (Roman Numeral) impressions. The price paid by an advertiser for a content site displaying their banner 1000 times. - The CPM model refers to advertising bought on the basis of impression. This is in contrast to the various types of pay-for-performance advertising, whereby payment is only triggered by a mutually agreed upon activity. - The total price paid in a CPM deal is calculated by multiplying the CPM rate by the number of CPM units. For example, one million impressions at $10 CPM equal a $10000 total price (1000000/1000 = 1000 units; 1000 units* $10 CPM = $10000 total price) - The amount paid per impression is calculated by dividing the CPM by 1000. For example: a $10 CPM equals $01 per impression; $ 10 CPM/ 1000 impressions = $01 per impression. * The CTR - It is the average number of click-through per hundred ad impression, expressed as a percentage. It is important to distinguish what a click-through rate does and does not measure. Page 16

- The CTR measures what percentage of people clicked on the ad to arrive at the destination site, it does not include the people who failed to click, yet arrived at the site later as a result of seeing the ad. - As such, the CTR may be seen as measure of the immediate response to an ad, but not the overall response to an ad. - The trend towards profitability, along with better tracking tools, has resulted in less interest in click-through rates and more interest in conversion rates. - A high click-through rate doesn’t assure a good conversion rate, and the two rates may even share and inverse relationship. An advertisement geared towards curiosity click will result in fewer sales, percentage-wise, than an advertisement geared toward qualified clicks Question Because the Internet is an incorporation of several media experiences such as text, images, sound, video, 3D, chat and so on, online ads also come in many varieties. Discuss the types of online ads in details. Here are some types of online ads in details Banners - A rectangular ad usually appearing at the top or the bottom of a Web page, commonly 468*60 pixels in size. There are 3 primary category of Banners-Static, Animated and Interactive. Interstitial - An advertisement that interrupts the user. They are sometimes called pop-ups, e-mercials or intermercials. They come in different sizes (taking up all of the screen or only pieces) & with different levels in interactivity, from static to fully animated productions. Rich Media - This entails incorporation of advanced technology into the banner itself. Rich media ads allow the advertiser to take traditional media assets like video, audio, animation and photos to combine them into a multimedia branding experience that streams from an ad server to a publisher site. Sponsorships - Sponsoring a web site can take many forms, most of which lead to placements that go beyond banner buys. Sponsorships allow an advertiser to have a successful ad campaign without necessarily having to drive traffic to its site. Opt-in’s - Opt-in e-mail is e-mail containing information or advertising that users explicitly request (opt) to receive. Typically, a Website invites its visitors to fill out forms identifying subject or product categories that interest them and about which they are willing to receive e-mail from anyone who might send it. Usage of new technology facilitates sending opt-in’s thru email through PDAs, mobile phones and pagers etc. PointCast: Interstitial Expertise – A pioneer of interstitial-style animated ads is the push-technology leader PointCast. PointCast gets around the delay of downloading large animation files. As a result, the animations are preloaded for instant play while the user is on the phone, writing memos, or otherwise occupied. Branded Content – In the branded content model, the advertiser has no hand in creating or shaping the content. Editional control is left entirely to the publisher, while the brand benefits form the association with the quality content. Event Promotions – Event promotions involve a closer integration of publisher and advertiser content. These promotions last only a short period, normally from one to several weeks. They’re frequently given great prominence by the publisher, such as at the top of homepage. Microsites – Microsites expand the idea of the advertorial to multiple ad/content pages, along the lines of special ad supplements to magazines and newspapers. Advertorials – Further blurring the line between ad and editional content online are advertorials. They’re familiar tradition in print journalism, where publishers normally make it abundantly clear that they’re paid advertisements. c/ Types of online advertisement ? i. Within the banner Banner is a graphic (static image, dynamic image, animation or flash) fixed at the top of the page. Banners have become dramatically more flashy and functional, compressed audio and video formats, and other hot technologies. One drawback to using the rich-media formats in ad banners is that some users and even more sites don’t support them. Page 17

The most common type of banner animation uses the GIF89 technique. Realizing that about 98% of the time web surfers don’t want to click ad banners because they’re happy with the site they’re on, some marketers have begun creating ads in which web surfers can perform functions within the banner without needing to click through to another destination. ii. Interstitials These are the full-screen ads that occasionally pop up between pages on cutting-edge sites. Unfortunately, interstitial is indeed a genuine (thật), if somewhat (có phần) obscure (khó hiểu) dictionary word meaning “situated in the space that intervenes (xen vào) between things.” Interstitials are what TV advertisers have been waiting for on the web. They get in your face, take up the full browser screen, and don’t go away until you click on them or they’re done with their animation. Until now, online advertising has lacked the kind of impact possible with TV commercials. Interstitials promise to bring that power to the web. Question a/ Why advertise online ? (trả lời theo hướng nêu ưu điểm của online ads so với quảng cáo truyền thống) - Online advertising can be very important for many sites. Many companies earn money from advertising. - Populating the reputation of companies, organizations … - Populating the company’s product widely to everyone in the world. - Marketers can sell their products; visitors can buy their needed products. - Save time for customers CHAPTER7: Web Promotion Distinguish between Spam mail and Mail Marketing (source from www.spam.com and SubscribeMail.com ) Spam mail Mail Marketing Define Spamming refers to the act of sending Mail Marketing is the leading provider of unsolicited () commercial email (UCE), or email marketing tools and services. Mail "spam" to refer to the UCE itself. Marketing's patented Web-based solution enables organizations to easily create and send permission-based email campaigns that cultivate customer relationships and drive commerce. Features:

Spam mail system automated sends “spam” to customer’s address without knowing them, just for their intention of marketing. - Another links on spam can indirect show the customers to spam’s referred link. If our mail system does not have anti-spam automatically, all of spams will be presented in your box and they will fill in continously day by day. This is very disadvantages because the customers have to take time to delete unwanted spam-mail and if they are curious to click on those -

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Mail Marketing provides sophisticated tools for creating and managing content, developing and scheduling messages, managing and segmenting email lists, and comprehensive reporting capabilities. - Mail Marketing focuses on providing exceptional customer service and flexible solutions - Mail Marketing is a powerful emarketing tool designed for permission-based communications. -

links in spam-mail, their cookies will be saved into spam system in order to provide for another targets CHAPTER 8: Web Development Tool Question 2 The web development tools that I am familiar with are: Macromedia came to USWeb’s Audience Development Group with a classic marketing chanllengchallenge, to build fast awareness of a new product Although Macromedia’s award- winning development producsproducts, such as Director and Flash, were already well- known to Web designers at the end of 1997, the company was then preparing to enter into an unfamiliar product category with Dreamweaver, an HTML authoring tool The product effectively pioneered a whole new type of product, combining the convenience of a graphical Web design program with the control of a text – based HTML code editor Nonetheless, it had to contend with competitive “ mindshare” from a dozen existing HTML editors, including the well – established likes of Microsoft FrontPage, Nescape Navigator Gold, and Adobe PageMill. Rather than waiting for the product release and trying to gain brand recognition through user testimonials and press reviews, Macromedia sought to creatcreate a substantial buzz about Dreamweaver among developers prior to its availability List the advantages and disadvantages of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor and handcoding of HTML  Advantages and disadvantages of WYSIWYG editor are:  Advantages: - WYSIWYG editors let you develop a web page without knowing HTML. - It allows you to make good looking web pages for larger sites -Data entry can be very boring and tedious with raw HTML and a good editor will make it a lot easier and faster to enter. -If You can use Windows, then the editors uses Windows type tools etc. so you can start using it straight away. -No worries about shuffling page properties and image properties to mix with each other or wordwrap around box's etc. -Allows users to view the Web page within the application and uses a graphical interface to simplify the formatting process. -These editors usually also include additional tools for site maintenance and group work. -Cross-browser implementation is less of a worry. Disadvantages: -With WYSIWYG editors, the quality of the HTML that is output can vary from program to program. -To use most of these tools on your home or work computer, you must purchase a licensed copy of the software. -WYSIWYG editors are expensive. Some of these editors can cost hundreds of dollars. -Tools may write unnaturally complex code. Tools may make some processes more complex than they need to be. -Limited to the functions supplied with the program. -The good ones can be very pricey and large. -Some objects and jobs are more difficult to perform than with a conventional type editor.  Advantages and disadvantages of hand-coding of HTML are: Advantages: Page 19

-Control -Flexibility -Efficiency -Best suited for small business, personal sites. -Low barrier to entry. -Software is cheap and setup is simple. Disadvantages: -It's a steeper learning curve -It's tougher (at the beginning) for newbies -It's slower and you end up doing everything twice.

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