Eai Cnc Energy Factoids

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 266
  • Pages: 5
College of New Caledonia Energy Awareness

Energy Facts


College of New Caledonia Energy Use and Cost  Prince George Campus annual energy use:  14.7 million ekWh (equivalent kilowatt-hours)  3,675 ekWh per student.

 Annual energy Cost:  $670,000  $168 per student

Energy Related Carbon Footprint: 1,426 tons CO2 equivalent per year. The equivalent offset would be to plant 36,500 tree seedlings and grow them for 10 years

College of New Caledonia What is Energy Used For?  Natural Gas is used for:  Heating in winter (79%)  Hot Water (7%)  Kitchen (5%)

 Electricity is used for:  Lighting (46%)  Heating, cooling, ventilation system (35%)  Computers and Office Equipment (6%)

What CNC is doing to better manage our Energy use?  Energy and Sustainability Committee formed.  Tracking Energy Use on a monthly basis.  Conducting site audits to identify energy-saving opportunities.  Developing an Energy Awareness campaign.

What can we all do?  A single computer workstation uses about 120W of power on average.  Prince George campus has close to 1,000 workstations, representing a load of 120 kW.  Collectively eliminating an hour of computers being on when not needed would be the equivalent of turning off the power at 60 homes for one hour.

 Prince George lighting load is 500 kW.  A 10% ongoing savings based upon turning off unnecessary lighting, would be a savings equivalent to the ongoing electricity use of 26 homes.  500 kW is enough to run 7,500 ceiling fans, or 85 electric clothes dryers, or roughly 4,000 workstations.

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