Eagles Cry, December 2002

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December 2002 In This Issue Commodore’s Comments……………Page 1 2002 Highlights………Page 2 In The Spotlight……...Page 3 First Mates Corner..…Page 4 Activities & Lessons….Page 5 Race & Regatta……....Page 6 Boats and Motors…….Page 9

Officers and Directors of the Ephraim Yacht Club 2002-2003 John Peterson (Commodore)………..…2005 George Carey (Vice Commodore)…......2004 Suzanne Lisle (Rear Commodore)……..2003 Diane Taillon (Secretary)……….……...2003 Paul Pillat (Treasurer)………….……....2004 Bill Calkins…………………….…….…2003 Barbara Hambleton…………….…….…2003 Debby Heidler………………….………2004 David Sauter……………………………2004 Brud Sturgis…………………….……....2005 Maxwell Robinette…………….……….2005 Ryan Malmgren……………….………..2005 The Eagle’s Cry is published periodically by the Ephraim Yacht Club, P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211. For all questions regarding this correspondence, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.eyc.org Copy write 2002 by Ephraim Yacht Club. Photocopying, reproduction or quotation is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the publisher.

Commodore’s Comments It has been a long standing tradition at the EYC that the Commodore edits and publishes the Eagle’s Cry. It is a big task to clearly and yet concisely communicate the things that need to be communicated, thank the many who do so much, and recognize those who have achieved so much. Fortunately, I inherited a big black binder containing previous examples for me to pattern from. What I discovered is that over the years, the content has stayed much the same with variations in author style and presentation. Given that, I decided to make my own mark on the publication by introducing a new style of my own. My hope is to deliver the same great content that is part of our longstanding tradition in a format that is easy to read. Hopefully, I’ve succeeded at that but as always, I appreciate your feedback on improvements as we go on. Read on for the highlights of our 97th season and best wishes to all for peace in the coming year. John Peterson Commodore

2002 Highlights By: John Peterson

(Editors note: the following is a summary of the oral report that was given at the 2002 EYC Annual Meeting) The Ephraim Yacht Club had a very good year in 2002. The year started with the completion of an extensive clubhouse remodeling project lead by the team of Bill Calkins, Arv Munson and Bud Weaver. This project was made possible in large part by the generosity of Jack and Ruth McCoy and family. Our Code of Conduct was created and implemented giving our juniors written guidelines by which to conduct themselves and the staff some authority for initiating disciplinary action. As a result, we had the best behaved group of young sailors that we’ve ever had according to Larry Lewis. The junior lesson program had a record numbers of participation with over 50 kids in session C. Thanks in large part to the efforts of Larry Lewis, we had many active adults learning to sail. Larry encouraged eighteen ladies to participate in a total of seven boats in what Larry Lewis coined as the first annual NEWFOR regatta (N.E. Wisconsin. Female. Only. Regatta) For the first time ever, we had “junior” staff members. These younger staff members were instrumental in both day to day operations as well as instruction for beginner and intermediate students. Jason Brown and JP Pillat both did outstanding jobs in these new roles. Ryan Malmgren, winner of the last two Ephraim Regattas, gave a racing seminar

that was well attended by a wide variety of people interested in improving their sailing. George Carey revamped the “Power Squadron” by fitting a new tube for the large inflatable “Uffda” as well as replacing the outboards on both boats. The EYC is more than just sailing. In fact, we have more members who participate in tennis, bridge and social events than we have active in all of the sailing programs combined. Continuing to meet the needs of these groups is vital to our success. We continue to be sound financially. In 2002, we had record revenues as significantly impacted by the increase in group lessons. We have a strong positive cash flow from operations and are following significantly better accounting procedures thanks to Paul Pillat our Treasurer, who is also a CPA. All of the above has lead to the addition of 20 new family members! We have a great atmosphere. People see us and want to join in on the fun. The Ephraim Yacht Club is also facing some challenges. We need to continue to build individual ownership of our fleet boats. This will be a challenge as we have limited space in which to do so. We also need space so that we can provide for our ever increasing lesson programs particularly during bad weather. We must continue towards receiving and implementing 501C(3) status so that we can encourage gifting to the club. This status has been delayed due to a need to

completely overhaul accounting methods that were previously used.

three gentlemen and thanks to Bud for his years of service!

Finally, we must work toward being an even better service to the community so that we can be involved in such things as the Village of Ephraim Sesquicentennial celebration in 2003 and increasing our local membership to create a “year round” continuity.

EYC Dedicates New Flagstaff

EYC Attracts New Members By: John Peterson

In my opening comments of the Spring 2002 issue, I wrote about our diversity and our many programs and challenged the membership to introduce newcomers to the club. Respond you did! Since that time, we have added 20 new family members. Our social events were very well attended with the Commodore’s Party up significantly from the previous year. Our junior sailing program had a record 50 juniors receiving sailing instruction during the weeks of July 15th26th. We welcome all our new members and look forward to your continued involvement!

New Board Members Elected By: John Peterson

During the 2002 Annual Meeting held in August, the membership elected Max Robinette and Ryan Malmgren to the EYC Board of Directors. Max and Ryan were both elected to three year terms by filling the positions of retiring board member Bud Weaver and the vacancy created by the resignation of Holly Hanselman in September of 2001. Brud Sturgis was re-elected to a second three year term. Congratulations to these

By: John Peterson

During the 97th Ephraim Regatta held this year, a new flagstaff decked out in its full glory of flags was dedicated to the memory of Ruth McCoy, a long time Treasurer and a mainstay for many years at the EYC. Her husband Jack was at the event and spoke on behalf of the McCoy family who together had the vision for the improvements and made them possible through the memorials given in Ruth’s name. In addition to the flagstaff, the improvements included the replacement of the rot damaged structural members, siding and fascia, as well as new windows, carpeting and lighting. Great Northern Construction performed the renovations under the watchful eye of the Building Restoration Committee.

Furniture Campaign Kickoff By: Suzanne Lisle

A challenge grant has been offered by a member to be used to replace our very old, tired and broken furniture in the “living room” area of the clubhouse. The estimated cost of this project is $6000.00. The member will match all contributions up to $1000.00, so we are hereby inviting you share in the project by sending donations to the club address (P.O. Box 331, Ephraim, WI 54211) earmarked “FURNITURE”. It is the next important step in finishing our clubhouse restoration, and would be a real tribute to our membership if we could secure the funds via donation and

have the furniture in place for the beginning of the season.

First Mates Submitted By: Deanna Peterson (Committee Chair)

Thanks to everyone for helping make all of our summer social events a huge success. Not only do the First Mates provide the leadership needed, but we sure have fun! We were excited to see such a large turnout for all the events. The First Mates meet twice for coffee and planning during the summer. The gatherings are open to all, and it is not a formal “structure”. Special note to newcomers – please come!! It is a great way to get to know your fellow Club members. All of the events are staffed and planned by volunteers and we are very thankful for the people who donated their time this year. Champagne Opening Social Thanks to the Beadell’s and Di Taillon for planning the Champagne Opening Social again. They have been on this committee for several years and should be commended for their hard work. Ice Cream Social Our hats off to Cheryl Chase, who again chaired this event. The Ice Cream Social is always a great time to get together with family and friends to enjoy the delicious ice cream. This year we had so many people attend that there wasn’t very much leftover for the sailing students to enjoy on a hot day.

Regatta Lunch Our committee for the Regatta Lunch was Catherine Sturgis and Di Taillon. They organized all the food and drinks supplied for the whole weekend. You can ask us; it certainly is appreciated to have complimentary early morning coffee and orange juice when racing or working the regatta. Suzanne Lisle organized the EYC t-shirts this year, and with the help of all the volunteers to work at the tables, everything ran smoothly. Ladies Potluck The Ladies Potluck dinner was chaired this year by Gretchen Meillinger, Sallie Heidler, Margaret Graham and Leslie Harsch. Thank you for planning this beautiful evening! It started outside with cocktails and appetizers, followed by a delicious spread of food in our newlyremodeled building. One of the highlights of the evening was the entertainment provided by magicians Stafford Taillon and Hans Emanualson. We all had a great time and can’t thank the committee and entertainment enough for all their hard work. Commodore’s Cocktail Party The Commodore’s Cocktail Party is always a sure sign that the season will be soon coming to a close. Thanks to Susan Reynolds-Smith, Joan Balistreri, Judy Harmon and Deanna Peterson for organizing this beautiful event. We always have a large number of members come to this party. Thank you to all our volunteers as we couldn’t have done it without you.


scheduled and recruited this hard working team.

By: Suzanne Lisle

The EYC Bridge Group enjoyed a full season beginning on the opening day of the Club and ending well into the fall long after the other events of the club had wrapped up. Judy Walch organized the intermediate lesson group and a new “true beginners” group was also formed. These popular programs will continue next summer. Regular bridge sessions were held on Mondays at 12:00 p.m., chaired by Priscilla Apfelbach and Jay Hellyer. Bridge was also offered on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m., chaired by Eloise Hanselman and Romayne Neumann.


Junior Activities

Session A had twenty students this year compared to only twelve last year. Session B was down slightly year over year with thirty five students this year compared to forty one last year. Session C had a record fifty two students enrolled as compared to thirty seven last year and session D had thirty six as compared to thirty eight to 2001.

By: Suzanne Lisle

Wednesday evenings were again busy at the Clubhouse and surrounding locations as our Juniors met to enjoy social time. The season kicked off with a barbecue at the club followed by mini golf at the Red putter. JoEllen Stollenwerk chaired the opener. Chairs Max and Lindy Robinette brought the charm of good weather for the sailing picnic. Kay Eatough had our scavenger hunters traversing the village for obscure items with the payoff of ice cream at the end of the evening. Ruth Sauter led the group to a performance at American Folklore and Debby Heidler planned the group beach picnic. Betsy Aardsvold coordinated the progressive dinner at three locations to wrap up the juniors’ season. Based on the large number of participants, it’s obvious our young people have a good time together on terra firma as well as the water. Many thanks go to the individual event chairmen and to Bud Weaver who

By: David Sauter/John Peterson

The EYC sailing training programs were again a great success in 2002. Many thanks to all the instructors and students who helped keep the program educational and FUN! Faced with the challenge of record numbers of students in lessons, our staff really rose to the challenge this past summer. Sarah Lisle again led the staff this year with the assistance of Andrew Sauter Sargent, Jason Brown, J.P. Pillat, Larry Lewis, Steve Sauter and Betsy Hoag.

As a result of the program, we have six new recipients of junior skipper awards. Congratulations! Junior Skippers • Sam Dominik • Ashley Edwards • Carolyn Edwards • Kelly Ferguson • Karl Nosbisch • Matt Smith We are busily working on continuing to fine tune certain aspects of the program. The checklists were a big help in tracking the students progress and making sure they succeeded at their “on

the water” skills as well as their written ones. The written tests are going through another overhaul this winter to keep them even more in line with the knowledge needed in the waters of Eagle Harbor. The adult program was a success as we look forward to helping members of all ages learn how to sail! Don't forget to pre-register in the spring for the 2003 season as it helps us staff accordingly.

Fleet Race Results By: John Peterson

The weekly Flying Scot, Sunfish and JY15 races were well attended this year and were competitive for all of the sailors involved. The results of each series were as follows: Monday/ Thursday JY 15 Series A 1. Allison Chase 10 pts 2. Woody Heidler 13 pts 3. Matt Smith/ Nick Weborg 22 pts Monday/ Thursday Flying Scot Series A 1. Christian Pillat 4 pts 2. Susan Reynolds-Smith 7 pts 3. JP Pillat 9 pts Tuesday/ Friday Sunfish Series A 1. Allison Chase 24 pts 2. Woody Heidler 50 pts 3. Catherine Hambleton 53 pts Monday/ Thursday JY 15 Series B 1. Stafford Taillon 5 pts 2. Tom Sublewski 11 pts 3. Lindsay Scattergood 16 pts Monday/ Thursday Flying Scot Series B 1. Stafford Taillon 55 pts

2. JP Pillat 55 pts 3. Jason Brown 58 pts Tuesday/ Friday Sunfish Series B 1. Woody Heidler 40 pts 2. Allison Chase 43 pts 3. Stafford Taillon 43 pts Saturday Flying Scot Series 1. Mike Faugust 63 pts 2. John Peterson 88 pts 3. Paul Newton 95 pts Sunday Sunfish Series 1. Skip Heidler 7 pts 2. Woody Heidler 19 pts 3. Allison Chase 21 pts Fyr Bal Regatta 1. Dave Sauter (Stephanie Smith) 4 _ pts 2. Sarah Lisle (Jason Brown) 7 _ pts 3. Andrew Sauter-Sargent (Alexis Sauter) 11pts Sunfish Regatta 1. Christian Pillat 7 pts 2. JP Pillat 13 pts 3. Woody Heidler 19 pts

EYC’s “NEWFOR” Regatta a Hugh Success By: Larry Lewis

Perfect conditions greeted nineteen women who competed in the first annual NEWFOR on July 29. The winds were light to moderate from due north making the double windward leeward courses an opportunity for lots of tactical sailing. In the end it was the veteran team of Nancy and Carol Claypool who dominated the field, winning all three

races. The Claypools did not win all the starts, but they headed to the right side of the course on all the beats, picking up a little shift and a little more wind to lead at each weather mark. Donna Scattergood dogged the Claypools in every race, finishing second overall. EYC Director, Sarah Lisle, sailed well off the wind and with one jibe to the shore in the last race caught Susan Reynolds Smith and finished third overall. Smith, disqualified in race 2 for a tacking too close infraction, finished fourth, narrowly ahead of Christine Bridenhagen. Diane Taillon in her first ever race, finished sixth, in fact leading the third race for a while after a perfect pin end start. Veteran Nan Zimdars Hoseley improved in each race and finished seventh. She had been a dominant winner in Ephraim when she was growing up and vows to return to her earlier form. The quality of sailing was excellent and the large spectator fleet composed of husbands and followers of the competitors was impressed. (editors note: This regatta started as a “grass roots” idea conceptualized and organized mid-season by several of Larry’s students. This event is clearly demonstrative of the rapid growth and interest in sailing by many of our women members. I’m excited by this event and look forward to the challenge of continuing to meet the needs of this growing group at the club)


1. Nancy Claypool 3 pts 2 Donna Scattergood 6 pts 3 Sarah Lisle 11 pts

97th Ephraim Regatta By: John Peterson

For the second consecutive year, EYC’s own Ryan Malmgren skippering with wife and crew Kimber took top honors at the 96th Ephraim Regatta. The week before the event, Malmgren gave an onshore racing clinic to EYC members and continued to “school” his opponents the following week winning two of the five races including the Vail Cup. Seventeen Flying Scots competed during the two day event that featured light and extremely shifty winds. The Malmgrens also took home the Wisconsin Cup as the highest place finishers of the first three races and, of course, repeated as the winners of the Pedar E. Knudson for being the highest placing wife/husband team. Jason Brown, an EYC Instructor with his Dad Kirk Brown clinched the Sturgis Trophy for the highest place finish for skippers eighteen and under. In addition, Jason won the Sauter Trophy as the winner of the first race on Sunday. It is interesting to note that the top three places in the regatta this year were husband and wife teams who at last report anyway were still speaking to each other! More than a dozen loyal EYC members come forward each year to make the regatta run smoothly. In addition to Chairpersons, Frank and Sally Heidler, Suzanne Lisle, Don Polzin, George and Jean Reynolds, Mary Johnson, Lal

Burridge and Guy Bush also worked hard to make the regatta a success. Overall Standings:

communications and kept on top of everything. Klein and Claypool families hosted the evening, while the Commodore, John Peterson kept in touch. We thank everyone who attended and encouraged us, and appreciate the positive response from our membership.


Ryan Malmgren (EYC) Kimber Malmgren


Michael Fagust (EYC) Jennifer Faugust


John Peterson (EYC) Deanna Peterson


Tim Devries (Madison) Chuck Hoasting

Rich Hall Junior Regatta

Tim Sugar (Madison) Hugh Sugar Sarah Lott

Sailing in windy conditions which could have brought a cancellation, six boats with twenty four juniors raced for the Hall trophy on August 11. It was a day which proved the quality of the EYC junior fleet. A huge southwesterly made even getting rigged and to the course very difficult. The committee moved the course over into the lee of the Peninsula Park bluff which helped bring the breeze down from 25 to 15-18. Christian Pillat did not even bother using a chute in the first race of five races as he won the start and held on to hold off his rapidly closing brother, JP, and that was the story of the whole regatta. Christian won all five races, but every one was competitive.


In The News: EYC’s Ryan and Kimber Malmgren finished 2nd in 2002 Midwest District Regatta held in September at Carlyle Sailing Association near St. Louis. The regatta was held as part of CSA’s annual “Whale of a Sail”.

Bratfest Reprinted from Bill Klein’s report to the membership at the 2002 Annual Meeting

We celebrated the 27th Bratfest with 331 members and friends in attendance. Eleven volunteer First Mates arrived on Friday to cook brats, work on food prep, napkins and other tasks vital for Sat. night. The sailing staff joined to move grills, tables, furniture and anything else. We are very proud of the staff that helps us! You must be too! Sally and Joe Schoendorf and the Sturgeon Bay Yacht Club provided four half-barrels-one large key to the financial success. Rosie Klein managed orders, details and

After paying all of the known bills, $650 in profit was given to the club treasurer. In all, 43 doz. ears of corn and 512 brats were consumed!

By: Larry Lewis

JP held on to finish second while Stafford Taillon finished third. Rich Hall was present and handed out the awards to the winners. Junior Regatta 1. Christian Pillat 5 pts 2. Matt Smith 13 pts 3. JP Pillat 16 pts


Boats and Motors By: George Carey

Our powerboat fleet was up and running for the whole 2002 season. What a relief! Our thanks go out to the staff for doing a great job taking care of our new motors. Jason Brown kept track of the service requirements and we all appreciate his good work. For the 2003 season, it was our belief that two of our Scots, Malcolm and Peppermint, were not up to EYC standards for safe use. These two boats have been retired from EYC and have found a nice home with Andy Sargent and will be used for a youth boat reconstruction-training program. EYC has therefore, replaced these boats with two nice used Scots that came to our attention from the excellent work of Lal Burridge. You may recall that it was Lal who brought “ Fern” to EYC a few years ago. The two Scots will be #2611 and #3506. They are in very good condition and should service our needs quite well. Lal and I will bring these boats up to Ephraim in May so Mrs. Burridge can get them off her patio in St. Louis.

WANTED: Energetic sailing minded staff for the 2003 season. If interested, please contact: John Peterson 9000 N. Pelham Pkwy. Milwaukee, WI 53217 414-352-3678 [email protected]

John Peterson 9000 N. Pelham Pkwy. Milwaukee, WI 53217

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